Create ASM Cluster File System Page

ASM Cluster File System is used to store Oracle Database home, Oracle Database files, non-database files such as executables, Oracle trace files, alert logs, application configuration files and so on. ASM Cluster File System can be created as Cluster File System or as a Node Local File System.

The following table describes the fields in the Create ASM Cluster File System page.

Element Description
Type of ACFS Can be Cluster File System or Node Local File System.

Cluster File System can be used for Oracle Database home install or database files. A Cluster File System uses a single volume.

Node Local File System can be used for application files or Oracle trace and alert logs. A Node Local File System needs one volume for each node in the cluster.

Mount Point Mount point where the ACFS created will be mounted.
Auto Mount Select this option if the ACFS should be mounted when node reboots.
Mount Options Operating system-specific mount options used when ACFS is mounted.
User Name User who owns the ACFS mount point.
Group Name Group to which the user who owns the ACFS mount point belongs.
Description Description of the ACFS created.
Application Identifier This field is applicable only for node local file system. The application identifier helps in grouping the node local file system.
Volume Select the volume from the drop down list, on which you want to create the ASM Cluster File System. If there are no volumes, or if you want to create a new volume, use the Create Volume functionality in the Volumes tab.

Click Show Command to view the command to create the ASM Cluster file system.

Note: For all UNIX operating systems, ASMCA will create a script that should be run as a privileged user. The script registers the ACFS with Oracle Grid Infrastructure as a managed resource.

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Mount ASM Cluster File System Page

Resize ASM Cluster File System Page