Production Install

The production installation lets you choose whether to install Oracle Database XE on the local system, or connect to an existing local or remote Oracle database. You set the users and passwords to use for the Oracle Database, Oracle VM Manager database, Oracle WebLogic Server, and Oracle VM Manager during the production installation. This is the preferred installation method. Use this installation option and select an existing local or remote Oracle SE or EE database in production environments; do not use an Oracle XE database in a production environment. The following example describes how to connect to an existing local Oracle XE database.

Example 3.2. Production installation with local Oracle XE database

# ./runInstaller.sh

Oracle VM Manager Release 3.0.x Installer
Oracle VM Manager Installer log file:
Please select an installation type:
   1: Demo
   2: Production
   3: Uninstall
   4: Help
   Select Number (1-4): 2 

The installation process starts, and the following is displayed:

Starting production installation ...

Verifying installation prerequisites ...

Oracle Database Repository
Would you like to install Oracle Database 11g Express Edition (XE) or connect to an existing 
Oracle database?
   1: Install Oracle Database 11g XE
   2: Use an existing Oracle database

   Select Number (1-2): 2 

You have the option to install an Oracle XE database or use an existing database. Enter 2 to connect to an existing database. When prompted, enter the following information as outlined in section Section, “Installation Ports and Passwords”:

Enter the Oracle Database hostname [localhost]: 
Enter the Oracle Database System ID (SID) [XE]: 
Enter the Oracle Database SYSTEM password: 
Enter the Oracle Database listener port [1521]: 
Enter the Oracle VM Manager database schema [ovs]: 
Enter the Oracle VM Manager database schema password: 
Enter the Oracle VM Manager database schema password (confirm): 

Oracle Weblogic Server 11g
Enter the Oracle WebLogic Server 11g user [weblogic]: 
Enter the Oracle WebLogic Server 11g user password: 
Enter the Oracle WebLogic Server 11g user password (confirm): 

Oracle VM Manager application
Enter the username for the Oracle VM Manager administration user [admin]: 
Enter the admin user password: 
Enter the admin user password (confirm): 

Verifying configuration ...

Start installing the configured components:
   1: Continue
   2: Abort

   Select Number (1-2): 1

You have the option to continue or abort the installation. Enter 1 to continue. You may be prompted again to either abort or continue the installation in case certain components are already present on your system. Progress of the installation is output on your screen step by step, as shown below:

Start installing the configured components:
   1: Continue
   2: Abort

   Select Number (1-2): 1

Step 1 of 9 : Database ...
Installing Database ...
Database installation skipped ...

Step 2 of 9 : Java ...
Installing Java ...

Step 3 of 9 : Database Schema ...
Creating database schema 'ovs' ...
Database schema 'ovs' already exists in the database
Continue installation?
   1: Continue
   2: Abort

   Select Number (1-2): 1

Step 4 of 9 : WebLogic ...
Retrieving Oracle WebLogic Server 11g ...
Installing Oracle WebLogic Server 11g ...

Step 5 of 9 : ADF ...
Retrieving Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) ...
Unzipping Oracle ADF ...
Installing Oracle ADF ...

Step 6 of 9 : Oracle VM  ...
Retrieving Oracle VM Manager Application ...
Extracting Oracle VM Manager Application ...
Installing Oracle VM Manager Core ...

Step 7 of 9 : Domain creation ...
Creating Oracle WebLogic Server domain ...
Starting Oracle WebLogic Server 11g ...
Configuring data source 'OVMDS' ...
Creating Oracle VM Manager user 'admin' ...

Step 8 of 9 : Deploy ...
Deploying Oracle VM Manager Core container ...
Deploying Oracle VM Manager UI Console ...
Deploying Oracle VM Manager Help ...
Enabling HTTPS ...
Granting ovm-admin role to user 'admin' ...

Step 9 of 9 : Oracle VM Manager Shell ...
Retrieving Oracle VM Manager Shell & API ...
Extracting Oracle VM Manager Shell & API ...
Installing Oracle VM Manager Shell & API ...

Retrieving Oracle VM Manager Upgrade tool ...
Extracting Oracle VM Manager Upgrade tool ...
Installing Oracle VM Manager Upgrade tool ...
Copying Oracle VM Manager shell to '/usr/bin/ovm_shell.sh' ...
Installing ovm_admin.sh in '/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin' ...
Installing ovm_upgrade.sh in '/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin' ...
Enabling Oracle VM Manager service ...
Shutting down Oracle VM Manager instance ...
Restarting Oracle VM Manager instance ...
Waiting 15 seconds for the application to initialize ...
Oracle VM Manager is running ...
Oracle VM Manager installed.

When the installation is complete a summary similar to the following is displayed:

Oracle VM Manager installed.

Installation Summary
Database configuration:
  Database host name          : localhost
  Database instance name (SID): XE
  Database listener port      : 1521
  Application Express port    : 8080
  Oracle VM Manager schema    : ovs

Weblogic Server configuration:
  Administration username     : weblogic

Oracle VM Manager configuration:
  Username                    : admin
  Core management port        : 54321
  UUID                        : 0004fb0000010000cc1b57e39ff77ea9

There are no default passwords for any users. The passwords to use for Oracle VM
Manager, Oracle Database 11g XE, and Oracle WebLogic Server have been set by you
during this installation. In the case of a demo install, all passwords are the

Oracle VM Manager UI:
Log in with the user 'admin', and the password you set during the installation.

Please note that you need to install tightvnc-java on this computer to access a virtual 
machine's console.

For more information about Oracle Virtualization, please visit:

Oracle VM Manager installation complete.