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Oracle Identity Analytics Installation and Upgrade Guide 11g Release 1
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Document Information


Part I Compatibility Matrix

1.  Oracle Identity Analytics 11gR1 Compatibility Matrix

Part II Installing Oracle Identity Analytics

2.  Preparing to Install Oracle Identity Analytics

3.  Installing Oracle Identity Analytics

4.  Deploying Oracle Identity Analytics

Deploying on Tomcat

To Deploy Oracle Identity Analytics on Tomcat

Deploying on WebSphere

To Configure WebSphere to Run Oracle Identity Analytics

To Deploy Oracle Identity Analytics on WebSphere

Deploying on WebLogic

To Deploy Oracle Identity Analytics on WebLogic

Deploying on GlassFish

To Deploy Oracle Identity Analytics on GlassFish

5.  Verifying the Oracle Identity Analytics Installation

Part III Upgrading Oracle Identity Analytics

6.  Overview of the Upgrade Process

7.  Preparing to Upgrade Oracle Identity Analytics

8.  Upgrading Oracle Identity Analytics in a Test Environment

9.  Upgrading Oracle Identity Analytics in a Production Environment

Deploying on WebSphere

Follow the procedure in this section to deploy Oracle Identity Analytics on WebSphere. Before you begin, you should have already completed the procedures in the Chapter 3, Installing Oracle Identity Analytics chapter.

To Configure WebSphere to Run Oracle Identity Analytics

  1. In a browser, open the WebSphere Administrative Console:


  2. Choose Application Servers > Server Name > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.

  3. Specify the following value under Generic JVM requirements, and save your changes.


    If using at least WebSphere, go to the next step. Otherwise restart the application server and skip to To Configure WebSphere to Run Oracle Identity Analytics.

  4. If using at least WebSphere, choose Application Servers > Server Name > Web Container > Custom Properties.

  5. Create a new custom property using the following parameters and save your changes.


    Value: true

  6. Restart the application server.

To Deploy Oracle Identity Analytics on WebSphere

  1. In a browser, log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console.


  2. Choose Application > Install New Application in the left panel.

    1. Specify the path to the rbacx.war file.

      • If the rbacx.war file is located on the local system, type its complete path under Local File System.

      • If the file is on a remote machine, specify the path for the remote file system.

    2. Enter rbacx as the context root.

    3. Select "Show me all installation options and parameters" and click Next.

  3. On the page "Choose to generate default bindings and mappings," select the default configuration and click Next.

  4. Click Continue on the Application Security Warning page.

    The "Select Installation Options" page opens.

  5. Complete the form:

    1. To install the application to a location other than the default location, type the path in the Directory to Install Application field. For example, on UNIX systems:

      /opt/IBM/Websphere/AppServer/installed Apps/Hostname

    2. Verify that the following options are selected:

      • Precompile JavaServer Pages files

      • Distribute application

      • User binary configuration

      • Enable class reloading

    3. Enter the name of the application in the Application Name field, and click Next.

      The default application name is set to rbacx.

  6. On page "Map modules to servers," verify that the Oracle Identity Analytics application mapping is to the appropriate cluster/server and click Next.

    The "Provide options to compile JSPs" page opens.

  7. Make the following changes and click Next:

    1. Select Web Module - Vaau RBACx.

    2. Change JDK Source Level to 15

  8. Click Next on the "Map shared libraries" page.

    The "Map virtual hosts for Web modules" page opens.

  9. Verify that the Oracle Identity Analytics application mapping is set to the appropriate virtual host and click Next.

  10. Verify that the context root is rbacx on the "Map context roots for Web modules" page, and click Next.

  11. Review the summary and click Finish.

  12. After WebSphere has completed installing Oracle Identity Analytics, click Save to Master Configuration to save the configuration, then click Save and wait for the page to clear.

  13. Choose Enterprise Applications > rbacx > Manage Modules, and do the following:

    1. Verify that the cluster/server mapping is correct.

    2. Select Vaau RBACx > Class loader order.

    3. Under Class loader order, select "Class loaded with application class loader first," and save your changes.

  14. Select rbacx from the Enterprise Applications window and start services by clicking Start.

Oracle Identity Analytics deployment on WebSphere is complete.