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Oracle Identity Analytics System Integrator's Guide 11g Release 1
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1.  Integrating With Oracle Identity Manager, Preferred Method



Understanding Terminology in Oracle Identity Analytics and Oracle Identity Manager

To Configure Oracle Identity Analytics and Oracle Identity Manager to Work Together (Preferred Integration Method)

Step 1: Copy the Required Files From the OIM Server

Step 2: Edit the Oracle Identity Analytics Configuration Files

Step 3: Modify the Oracle Identity Manager Forms Using the Form Designer

Step 4: Configure the Oracle Identity Manager Data Collection Scheduler

Step 5: Configure Oracle Identity Analytics to Connect to Oracle Identity Manager

Step 6: Import the Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) Data Into Oracle Identity Analytics (OIA)

To Import Resource Metadata

To Import Resources

To Import Glossary Data

To Import Entitlements, Users, and Accounts

To Import Policies

To Import Roles

To Verify That Each Import Job Completed Successfully

To Validate That the Parent Attribute for Each Attribute Category is Set

Step 7: Configure the Oracle Identity Analytics (OIA) Workflows to Export Data to Oracle Identity Manager (OIM)

Step 8: Review Oracle Identity Manager Automatic Role Assignment and Role Management Settings

To Migrate From the Deprecated OIM-OIA Integration to the Preferred OIM-OIA Integration

Understanding Closed Loop Compliance

To Configure Resources in Oracle Identity Analytics for Remediation

To Configure Certifications in Oracle Identity Analytics for Remediation

Scheduling Incremental Updates of Users, Accounts, and Entitlements


2.  Integrating With Oracle Identity Manager, Deprecated Method

3.  Integrating With Oracle Waveset (Sun Identity Manager)

4.  Integrating With Other Provisioning Servers

5.  Authenticating With LDAP

6.  Integrating With Intellitactics Security Manager

7.  Configuring Oracle Identity Analytics For Web Access Control

8.  Customizing The Oracle Identity Analytics User Interface

A.  Oracle Waveset Sample Workflows


Problem: When OIA tries to connect to OIM, the following error is returned:

Illegal Argument Exception thrown ( No Configuration was registered that can handle the configuration named "xellerate" )

Solution: Manually set the security property auth.login.conf through JAVA OPTIONS before starting the application server.

JAVA_OPTIONS=" /..path../config/authwl.conf


When starting OIA, the following error is returned:

Caused By: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader (instance of weblogic/utils/classloaders/ChangeAwareClassLoader) previously initiated loading for a different type with name "javax/xml/namespace/QName"


If Oracle Identity Analytics and Oracle Identity Manager are deployed to the same WebLogic domain, remove the wlfullclient.jar file from the Oracle Identity Analytics $RBACX_HOME/WEB-INF/lib folder. This file is only required if Oracle Identity Analytics and Oracle Identity Manager are on different WebLogic domains. The wlfullclient.jar file allows client applications, such as Oracle Identity Analytics, to communicate with the WebLogic Server over the T3 protocol.


The following exception is received during integrated operations:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:oracle/iam/platform/OIMClient at Thor.API.tcUtilityFactory.<init>( at at


Copy the following 11g Oracle Identity Manager Java API JAR file to the $OIA-HOME/WEB-INF/lib

folder in Oracle Identity Analytics:

<OIMDesignConsole> /lib/oimclient.jar


The following error is received during integrated operations:

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/thortech/util/logging/Logger at Thor.API.tcUtilityFactory.<clinit>( at at at com.vaau.rbacx.iam.service.impl.RbacxIAMServiceImpl.importUsers(


Copy the OIM 11g logger JAR file xlLogger10g.jar to $OIA-HOME/WEB-INF/lib