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Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index Data Manager User's Guide
Release 2.0.2

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2 The Master Index Data Manager

This chapter provides information and procedures that get you up and running on the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM), including logging in and out of the MIDM, using the Dashboard, and learning about object queries.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Working With the Master Index Data Manager

The MIDM is your primary tool to view and maintain the data stored in the master person index database and cross-referenced by a master person index application. As it is a web-based application, you access it through an internet browser. The MIDM uses standard web-based features, such as hyperlinks, data fields, icons, and action buttons, to help you enter information and navigate through the different pages.

The following sections provide basic information about the design of the MIDM and logging in to and out of the application:


The MIDM is supported on Mozilla Firefox (all versions; v. 3.5x and newer are recommended), Internet Explorer (full support in version 7 and compatibility mode in version 8), and Google Chrome. You can use Safari, but you may experience minor display issues. It is recommended to use Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox to access the MIDM application in the WebLogic Clustering environment.

For the browser you use, make sure that popup windows are allowed for the MIDM URL and that JavaScript is enabled. Additionally, if you are working with sensitive data, you might also want to disable the feature that automatically fills in field values as you type. These options are configured on the Options (Firefox) or Internet Options (Internet Explorer) window accessed from the Tools menu.

Logging in to the Master Index Data Manager

Before you can use the MIDM, you must first log in to the application by entering the correct URL in your web browser and then specifying your login ID and password. Make sure you have a user ID and password for the master person index application before logging in. The application server running the master person index application must be started before you can log in to the MIDM.

The URL for the MIDM is:



  • host is the name of the server machine.

  • http_port is the HTTP port number of the application server.

  • object_name is the name of the master person index object.


You created the object name when you created the project. The "MIDM" at the end of the URL is case-sensitive and must be entered in capital letters.

The HTTP port number for the GlassFish System Application Server is listed in the domain.xml file in the http-listener element (8080 by default). The domain.xml file is located in app_server_home\domains\domain_name\config.

The HTTP port number for the Oracle WebLogic Application Server is listed in the config.xml file in the listen-port element under the sever element (7001 by default). The config.xml file is located in user_projects\domains\domain_name\config.

To Log in to the MIDM

  1. Launch a web browser.

  2. In the Address field, enter the appropriate URL.

    The login page appears.

  3. In the upper right portion of the page, select the language for the MIDM display from the drop-down list.


    This performs only a partial translation. You will still need to configure your system. For additional information, see Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Guide and Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Reference.
  4. Enter your user ID and password in the appropriate fields.

  5. Click Login.

    The initial page appears. By default, the initial page is the Record Details page, but this is configurable.


    After a certain period of inactivity, the session for the user terminates. The MIDM automatically logs off and returns you to the Login page when you try to perform an activity on the MIDM. Simply reenter your user name and password to access the MIDM again. The system administrator can set the inactivity period at the server level in the session-timeout element of default-web.xml (in appserver_home\domains\domain_name\config) or at the application level in web.xml in the master person index application .war file (located in the deployment .ear file) or in the deployment folder itself. The application level overrides any values set at the server level. The default inactivity period is 30 minutes.

Master Index Data Manager Security Permissions

Security for the MIDM is defined at the function level. You might not be able to perform all the functions described in this guide depending on the security permissions you are assigned. For more information about functions you can perform, see your system administrator. Security for the MIDM is defined in the application server. For information about defining security for the MIDM, see Defining Master Index Data Manager Security.

Master Index Data Manager Navigation Tips

The MIDM provides hyperlinks, icons, and command buttons to help you access and move through the MIDM pages. When you place the cursor over links, icons, and images on the MIDM pages, tooltips appear to provide additional information. Information is also provided to facilitate the use of screen readers and other assistive technology.

Navigating the MIDM Functions

The actions you can perform on the MIDM are grouped into these primary functions: Dashboard, Duplicate Records, Record Details, Assumed Matched, Transactions (history), Source Record, Reports, and Audit Log. The main menu on all MIDM pages provides hyperlinks to each of these functions, as shown in the following figure. The first page to appear for each function except the Source Record function is a search page. The names of these headings can be modified for your application.

  • Dashboard - The Dashboard provides a summary of recent transactions, quick links to commonly used functions, and quick lookup functions. The information, links, and lookup functions on this page can be configured by the system administrator.

  • Duplicate Records - The Potential Duplicate function allows you to perform a search for potential duplicate profiles. Potential duplicate profiles are profiles whose matching probability weight indicates they might match but is not high enough to automatically match the two profiles. From the associated pages, you can compare, merge, or resolve potential duplicate profiles.

  • Record Details - The Record Details function allows you to perform a search for an object profile or set of object profiles in the master person index application. From the associated pages, you can compare two object profiles, compare records in one object profile, view all information for one object profile, view and print summary information for a profile, update an object profile or source record, delete an object profile, view a transaction history of an object profile, view an object's potential duplicates, and merge object profiles.

  • Assumed Matches - The Assumed Matches function allows you to perform a search for any profiles that were updated by an assumed match transaction. It also shows the transaction history that generated the assumed match. An assumed match occurs when the matching probability weight is high enough to indicate that two records represent the same object. From the associated pages, you can view and reverse assumed match transactions.

  • Transactions - The Transactions function allows you to perform a search for transaction histories. From the Transaction History pages, you can compare information about an object before and after a transaction occurred, select object profiles to unmerge (the last merged transaction), and view a merge history for an object profile. From associated Transaction History pages, you can unmerge object profiles.

  • Reports - The Reports function allows you to display and print reports about certain transactions performed both from the MIDM and from messages sent in from external systems. You can run reports from either the MIDM or from a command line.

  • Source Record - The Create Source Record function allows you to create new object profiles by creating a source record. When you save the information in the source record, the master person index application automatically generates the SBR using the survivor calculator. You can also edit, delete, or merge source records from the Source Record page.

  • Audit Log - When enabled, the Audit Log function allows you to perform a search for audit log entries. From the Audit Log pages you can view information about transactions in which data about an object was accessed through the MIDM. This helps enforce HIPAA privacy rules for healthcare master indexes.

Navigating the MIDM Detail Pages

The detail pages display the SBR of the object profile on the left and summary information on the right side of the screen. You can further expand the pages to view source records on the right side. Child objects appear below the parent object, and you can expand and collapse the information for each type of object. If you are viewing a comparison of object profiles, you can expand the source records of one object profile at a time.

Navigating Through Icons

Table 2-1 displays the list of icons used in the MIDM application to provide enhanced usability to the end-users.

Table 2-1 Icons

Icon Tool Tip Description

Surrounding text describes sources.gif.

View Sources

Displays all the source objects associated with the Enterprise object

Surrounding text describes history.gif.

View History

Displays history of the Enterprise object

Surrounding text describes mrg_tree.gif.

View Merge Tree

Displays the hierarchy of the merged records

Surrounding text describes transctn.gif.

View Transaction

Directs to the transactions page where you can view the transaction details for the assumed match record

Surrounding text describes summary.gif.

View Summary

Displays the summary for the Enterprise object

Surrounding text describes prnt_sbr.gif.

Print SBR

Displays details for the Single Best Record in a report format

Surrounding text describes delete.gif.


Deletes the Source object

Surrounding text describes ptduplct.gif.

Potential Duplicate

Marks a record as potential duplicate

Surrounding text describes diffrcrd.gif.

Different Records

Marks a record as different

Surrounding text describes transfer.gif.

System Record Transfer

Transfers System object to an Enterprise object

Logging Out of the MIDM

Before you exit the MIDM, make sure you have saved any changes. To exit the MIDM, click Sign Out in the upper right corner of the page. The Login page reappears.

Using the MIDM Dashboard

The following sections provide step-by-step instructions to help you perform the various functions available from the MIDM Dashboard. The information in these topics is based on a default configuration.

Viewing Summary Information From the Dashboard

The Dashboard provides a short summary of important transactions that have occurred in the past 24 hours. You can view how many of these transactions occurred and link to the search pages to view more information.

To View Summary Information

  1. In the tabbed headings, click Dashboard.

    The Summary box displays the number of potential duplicate and assumed match transactions that have occurred in the past 24 hours.

  2. To view additional information about potential duplicates, click Potential Duplicates in the Summary box, and then perform a search as described in Working with Potential Duplicate Profiles on the MIDM.

  3. To view additional information about assumed match transactions, click Assumed Matches in the Summary box and then perform a search as described in Working with Assumed Matches on the MIDM.

Accessing Reports and Audit Logs From the Dashboard

The Dashboard provides quick links to the search pages for different types of production reports that give you information about the status of your data.

To Access Reports and Audit Logs From the Dashboard

  1. In the tabbed headings, click Dashboard.

  2. To view a Merged Record report, click Merged Records and then perform a search as described in Running MIDM Reports.

  3. To view a Deactivated Record report, click Deactivated EUIDs and then perform a search as described in Running MIDM Reports.

  4. To view an Unmerged Record report, click Unmerged Records and then perform a search as described in Running MIDM Reports.

  5. To view an audit log report, click Audit Log and then perform a search as described in Viewing the MIDM Audit Log.

Performing a Quick Search (EUID Lookup)

To search for an object profile using only an object's EUID, you can enter the EUID number in the Quick Search box of the Dashboard. This type of search should result in only one matching profile.

To Perform Quick Search

  1. In the tabbed headings, click Dashboard.

  2. In the Quick Search section, enter the object's EUID.

  3. Click Search to initiate the search.

    The Record Details page appears, displaying detailed information about the object whose EUID you entered.

  4. To perform a more advanced search with multiple criteria fields and options, click Advanced Search.

Performing an EUID Comparison Lookup

You can perform a lookup of multiple EUIDs from the Dashboard to compare object profiles in a side-by-side view on the Record Details page. To lookup multiple EUIDs, specify each EUID in the Compare EUIDs box on the Dashboard. You can enter from two to four EUIDs to compare in the search results list.

To Perform an EUID Comparison Lookup

  1. In the tabbed headings, click Dashboard.

  2. In the Compare EUIDs box, enter at least two, and up to four, EUIDs.

  3. Click Compare.

    The Record Details page appears with each matching profile displayed side-by-side.

Learning About Object Queries on the MIDM

Before you can view or update object information, you need to perform a search for the object. There are several different search capabilities within the MIDM. You can perform lookups for specific object profiles using unique identifiers, such as the EUID or local ID, and you can perform broader searches using data from the parent or child objects as criteria.

The following topics provide information about working with general searches that are designed to find specific records in the master person index database. Most of these searches are performed from the Record Details page, but some are performed from the Dashboard. Searches for specific functions, such as finding potential duplicates or assumed matches, are described in the topics for those functions.

About the MIDM Search Function

There are several different methods of searching for objects, depending on the search criteria you enter. By default, the Record Details page includes three different search types: Advanced ProjectName Lookup (Alpha), Advanced ProjectName Lookup (Phonetic), and Simple ProjectName Lookup. You can also perform an EUID lookup from the Dashboard to view record details. The design of the search functionality provides flexibility in designing database queries. You can narrow a search for a specific object or a range of objects using various fields on the search pages and then view your search results in the search results list. When you select a specific object from the Search Result page, detailed information for that object appears on the Record Details page in view mode.


The names of the search types are configurable. Searches are described in the following sections by their default names, and images show customized search criteria. See your system administrator if you have questions about how your search pages are configured.

Simple Lookup

The Simple Lookup on the Record Details page allows you to perform lookups using unique identifiers to find a specific object profile. By default, the unique identifiers you can use as search criteria include the EUID and the local ID and system. When you perform this type of search, the search results list is generally bypassed and the Record Details page appears in view mode displaying information about the matching profile.

You can perform an EUID Lookup from either the Dashboard or the Record Details page. Other simple lookups include system and local ID lookups, which can be performed from the Record Details page or the Source Record page. To increase search accuracy, you can only select a system listed in the drop-down list and the Local ID field is case-sensitive.

Advanced Alphanumeric Lookup

The Advanced Alphanumeric Lookup on the Record Details page allows you to perform various types of searches against the database using a field or combination of fields as criteria. This type of search is an exact match search, meaning it only returns profiles that exactly match the criteria you specify. You can specify any combination of fields as long as any fields that are required for the search are entered. Most fields in this search allow wildcard characters if the exact value is unknown.

The fields displayed on the Search page are configured by the system administrator. You can enter as much information as needed to narrow down the search appropriately.

Advanced Phonetic Lookup

The Advanced Phonetic Lookup on the Record Details page allows you to perform various types of searches against the database using predefined combinations of fields as criteria. This type of search compares the phonetic values of certain fields entered as criteria. The object profiles returned by a phonetic search are assigned a matching probability weight to indicate how closely they match the search criteria. Phonetic searches are not exact match searches and allow for misspellings or data entry errors.

The fields displayed on the Search page are configured by the system administrator. You can enter as much information as needed to narrow down the search appropriately. For phonetic searches, certain combinations of criteria are required to perform a search. The search is only carried out for the combinations that have complete data.

For example, in a master company index, a blocking search might be configured to search on the following combinations:

  • Company Name and Sales Region

  • Company Name and Address Line1

  • Tax Payor ID

  • Stock Symbol and Address Line1

If Company Name, Address Line1, and Stock Symbol are entered as criteria, only the second and fourth combinations are carried out. The returned result set would include any records that match on Company Name and Address Line1 or that match on Stock Symbol and Address Line1. If only Company Name is entered as criterion, no records are returned since it does not fulfill any of the combination requirements.

EUID Comparison Lookup

The Comparison Lookup function on the Dashboard allows you to perform a search for one or more object profiles by entering their EUIDs. The matching records for this type of search appear on the Record Details page in a side-by-side comparison view. Use this type of search if you want to compare object profiles and you know the EUIDs of the object profiles to compare.

The Search Results List

The search results list appears under the search fields and displays a list of object profiles found in the database that closely match the search criteria you entered. The results list appears in a table, with the number of profiles returned for the search displayed above the table. This page displays information to help you identify the object profile, such as the EUID or address information. The search results list appears differently depending on which type of search is performed and how the lists are configured. For more information about search results, see Working with Search Results on the MIDM.

Searching by Ranges on the MIDM

Your system administrator can configure the search pages to allow you to enter a range by which to search for certain fields. For example, you might want to search for profiles with a specific name, but with a date that falls within a five-year range. If a field is defined for searching by a user-defined range, the MIDM displays a "from" field and a "to" field so you can specify the range (for example, "Date From" and "Date To"). If you only enter a value in the "from" field, the MIDM searches for profiles with a value greater than or equal to that value. If you only enter a value in the "to" field, the MIDM searches for profiles with a value less than or equal to that value.

Ranges can also be defined as an entered value plus or minus a specific value. For example, a date field can be configured to search for dates that fall within a range five years earlier than the date you enter and five years later than the date you enter. Finally, ranges can be defined as specific upper and lower limits. These limits are used when no value is entered. For example, if you perform a search without the date, the MIDM searches between the defined lower and upper limits. If you enter only the from date, the MIDM searches between the date you entered and the defined upper limit. For more information about how your system is configured for range searching, contact your system administrator.

Required Fields on the MIDM

Certain fields might be required for the searches on the MIDM. If a field is marked with an asterisk (*), it is required. If multiple fields are marked with daggers (†), at least one of those fields must be populated in order to perform the search. The required fields can vary depending on the type of search you are performing.