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Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index Data Manager User's Guide
Release 2.0.2

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4 Object Profile Views on the MIDM

In Chapter 3, "Object Profile Searches on the MIDM," you learnt how to search for object profiles. This chapter shows you how to understand and look at the profile views.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Learning About Object Profile Views on the MIDM

Once you retrieve a search results list, you can view an object's detailed information, view and print summary information, compare object profiles, view merge transaction history for a profile, delete a source record, and view a history of all transactions for a profile.

You can view object information in any of the following formats:

Object Profile Details on the MIDM

When you select a profile to view from the search results list, detailed information about the selected object appears on the Record Details page in view mode. This page displays the SBR of the profile you selected on the left side of the page and summary information on the right side of the page. You can further expand the view to include all source records contained in the profile. Parent object information appears first followed by the data for each child object. From the Record Details page, you can perform several actions, such as viewing a transaction history for the object, viewing potential duplicate profiles, viewing merged transactions for the profile, deactivating the profile, updating object information, deleting the profile, and so on.

Source Record Details on the MIDM

You can view source record details from both the Record Details page and the Source Record page. On the Record Details page, you can view all source records for an object profile. On the Source Record page, you can search for and view a specific source record. From the Source Record page, you can perform several actions against a source record, including adding a new source record, editing an existing source record, deleting a source record, deactivating or reactivating a source record, and merging two, three, or four source records. From the Record Details page, you can also edit the source records belonging to a profile.

Object Profile and Source Record Comparisons

You can compare multiple object profiles by performing an EUID comparison lookup for the profiles to compare from the Dashboard or by selecting multiple profiles in a search results list. The profiles are displayed in a side-by-side view or tabular format on the Record Details page. Once the profiles are displayed on the Record Details page, you can compare the source records of each object profile.

The Record Details comparison view allows you to view the selected profiles in a side-by-side comparison with the differences between the profiles highlighted. This view also allows you to compare a profile's SBR with its own source records, and to compare source records in one profile or between multiple profiles. This gives you a complete comparison between object profiles and between source records.

On the Source Record page, you can compare up to four source records from multiple profiles as long as they are all from the same source system.

Object Profile Transaction Histories

You can view a history of all transactions performed against object profiles either by performing a search for specific records, as described in Searching for Object Profiles on the MIDM, or by performing a Transaction History search on the Transactions page, as described in Viewing Transaction Histories on the MIDM. You can trace the events that modified an object profile from the time the profile was added to the master person index application to the most previous transaction, including merged and deactivated profiles.

The Transaction History page allows you to view a side-by-side comparison of one object profile before and after a transaction occurred against that profile. You can also compare an SBR against an SBR, an SBR against a source record, and a source record against a source record. From associated Transaction History pages, you can unmerge the most recent merged profiles.

Object Profile Merge Histories on the MIDM

You can display a history of the merges that have affected a specific object profile. The merge history for an EUID or Local ID is available to view in a transactions page for the specified SBR. The top level displays the EUID of the current active profile. The EUIDs at the second level indicate the profiles that were merged into the top-level EUID to form the top-level profile of the SBR. If there are Local IDs listed, they indicate the profiles that were merged to form the profile above them. There might be several levels of merges displayed in an object's merge history.

The right side of the page displays information about the merge transactions that involved the EUID that is selected in the EUID tree on the left. You can select a specific transaction to view a transaction history comparison for that merge transaction.

The Master Person Index Audit Log

The audit log allows you to track and view all instances in which information about the objects in the master person index application was accessed through the MIDM. If audit logging is enabled, an audit log entry is created each time the MIDM accesses database tables that contain object information. The audit log keeps a record of each time the tables are accessed, along with the database function used to access the tables, the login ID of the user accessing the tables, the date and time the tables were accessed, and the EUIDs of the object profiles that were accessed. The audit log is enabled and disabled in the midm.xml file in the master person index project.

Viewing Object Information on the MIDM

The MIDM displays object profiles in a series of pages from which you can search for, select, and view object profiles. You can view information associated with any of the SBR or source record components in an object profile. The SBR contains the information that is determined to be the most current and accurate information about that object from all external systems.

The source records associated with a profile contain information that is stored in the external systems that share information with the master person index application. The information in a source record might not match the information in the SBR. You can view information about an object in several different ways, including the following:

Viewing Object Profiles on the MIDM

The Record Details page displays object profiles in a series of pages from which you can select and view profiles. You can view information associated with any of the SBR or source record components in an object profile. The SBR contains the information that is determined to be the most current and accurate information about that object from all local systems.

To View an Object Profile

  1. Using one of the search methods described inSearching for Object Profiles on the MIDM, display the object profile you want to view on the Record Details page.

  2. To view different types of information in the SBR for the displayed object, simply scroll through the visible data fields.

  3. To view source records belonging to the profile, click Description of sources.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sources.gif

    All source records for the profile appear in a side-by-side comparison view.

  4. From the Record Details page, perform any of the following functions.

  5. When you are done viewing a profile, do any of the following. The buttons you click are located at the top of the page.

    • To return to the search results list, click Back.

    • To look up another profile by EUID, enter the EUID in the field in the upper left -hand side and click Search.

    • To perform an advanced search for another profile, click Advanced Search.

Viewing a Source Record on the MIDM

The Source Record page displays source records in a series of search and view pages. You can view information associated with any of the SBR or source record components in an object profile. The source records associated with a profile contain the information that is stored in the external systems that share information with the master person index application. The information in an object's source records might not match the information stored in the object's SBR.

To View a Source Record

  1. In the tabbed headings, click Source Record.

  2. Click the View/Edit sub-tab, if it is not already selected.

  3. In the System drop-down list, select the system from which the source record originated.

  4. In the Local ID field, enter the local ID number for the source record you want to view.


    If the Local ID field allows alphabetic characters, the search is case-sensitive.
  5. Click Search.

    If the local ID is found, the source record fields appear in view mode.

  6. From the Source Record View/Edit page, perform any of the following functions.

    • To modify field values in the source record, click Edit and follow the appropriate procedure under Modifying Profile Information on the MIDM.

    • To view the object profile that contains the displayed source record, click View EUID (for more information, see Viewing Object Profiles on the MIDM).

    • To deactivate the source record, click Deactivate.

    • To delete a source record, click Delete.

Comparing Object Information on the MIDM

The MIDM allows you to compare two or more object profiles side-by-side to check for similarities and differences. You can also compare different components of the same object profile and you can compare two or more source records from the same or different profiles.

Comparing Two or More Object Profiles

To compare two or more object profiles, you can either perform an EUID comparison lookup from the Dashboard, or you can select multiple records from a Record Details search. From the resulting comparison page, you can compare the resulting profiles and you can view the source records for the displayed profiles.

To Compare Two or More Object Profiles

  1. Perform a search for the object profiles you want to compare, using one of the following methods:

    • If you know the EUIDs of the profiles you want to compare, lookup the EUIDs from the Dashboard as described in Performing an EUID Comparison Lookup.

    • If you do not know the EUIDs of the profiles to compare, perform a search on the Record Details page as described in Searching for Object Profiles on the MIDM, select the check boxes next to the EUIDs to compare, and then click Compare.

      The records appear on the Record Details page in a side-by-side comparison view.

  2. To view the source records for a displayed profile, click Description of sources.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sources.gif


    When you are done viewing the source records for a profile, click Description of sources.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sources.gif again to return to the comparison view.

  3. To view a transaction history for one of the displayed profiles, click Description of history.gif follows
    Description of the illustration history.gif


    When you are done viewing the transaction history for a profile, click Description of history.gif follows
    Description of the illustration history.gif again to return to the comparison view.

  4. To merge object information, click the EUIDs of the profiles you want to merge, and then click Preview. Follow the instructions under Merging Object Profiles on the MIDM.

Comparing Source Records From Object Profile Views

You can view the source records from one or more object profiles displayed on the Record Details page in either view or comparison mode. This page does not provide merge functionality for source records. To merge source records, compare the records on the Source Record page as described in Viewing a Source Record on the MIDM.

To Compare Source Records From Object Profile Views

  1. Perform a search for the object profile containing the source records you want to view, as described in Searching for Object Profiles on the MIDM.

  2. In the search results list, select the EUIDs of the profiles you want to view and then click Compare.

    The Record Details page appears with SBR information displayed.

  3. For each SBR whose source records you want to compare, click Description of sources.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sources.gif

    The source records belonging to the displayed profile appear.

  4. To edit any of the displayed source records, click Edit EUID and follow any of the procedures under Modifying Profile Information on the MIDM.

  5. To merge source records in the displayed object profile, make a note of their local ID numbers, and then follow the instructions under Merging Source Records on the MIDM.

Comparing Source Records From One Source System

To compare source records directly without accessing them from an object profile, you need to know the system and local ID numbers for the records. On the Source Record page, you can only compare records that originated from the same system.

To Compare Source Records From One Source System

  1. In the tabbed headings, click Source Record.

  2. Click the Merge sub-tab.

  3. In the Source drop-down list, select the name of the source system from which the records you want to compare originated.

  4. In the Local ID fields, enter at least one and up to four local IDs.


    If any of the Local ID fields allows alphabetic characters, the search is case-sensitive.
  5. Click View Records.

    Any matching source records appear side-by-side in a comparison view.

  6. To view the object profile for one of the source records, click View EUID for that source record.


    Clicking View EUID takes you out of the Source Records page and into the Record Details page. To return to the Source Record comparison page, click Back on the Record Details page.
  7. To merge any of the displayed source records, see Merging Source Records on the MIDM.

Viewing Transaction Histories on the MIDM

Using the Transactions function, you can view historical information for a specific object and compare the object's profile before and after a specific transaction occurred to determine what information was modified as a result of the transaction. You can access the transaction history for a profile from the Record Details page, or you can access transaction histories for one or more profiles from the Transactions page.

When you display a transaction history from the Record Details page, all of the transactions for the displayed object profile appear in chronological order, with the earliest transaction on the left and the most recent transaction on the right. When you display a transaction history record from the Transactions page, the image of the profile as it was prior to the transaction appears on the left side of the comparison page. The image on the right reflects the object's information after the transaction occurred.

To View a Complete Transaction History For an Object Profile

  1. Perform a search for the object profile whose history you want to view using one of the search procedures described in Searching for Object Profiles on the MIDM.

  2. If necessary, select the profile to view from the search results list.

    The profile appears on the Record Details page.

  3. Click Description of history.gif follows
    Description of the illustration history.gif

    A history of all transactions performed against the object profile appears.

To View Transaction History Records from the Transactions Page

Obtain information about the object profile whose history you want to view, such as the EUID, a system in which the object was registered, or a specific transaction performed against the object's profile.

  1. In the tabbed headings, click Transactions.

  2. Enter values into any of the search fields as criteria. For more information about these fields, see Table 4-1.


    The EUID field takes precedence over all other search fields on this page. You can only enter a Local ID as search criteria after you have entered the corresponding system. You can also search for all transactions related to all objects in a particular system by providing the System Code.
  3. Click Search.

    The Transaction History search results list appears with a list of matching transactions. For more information, see Table 4-1.

  4. Click a transaction number of a result to view the transaction on the Transactions comparison page.


    If you are viewing an unmerge transaction, the active record prior to being unmerged is displayed on the left. The after-image of the two records that were unmerged during the transaction is displayed on the right.
  5. To view the source records for either the before or after profile, click Description of sources.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sources.gif

  6. If you are viewing a merge transaction that has not been unmerged, you can unmerge the records here. For more information, see Unmerging Object Information on the MIDM.

  7. If you desire a printout of the transactions, click Print Report.

About Transaction History Search Fields on the MIDM

The fields located on the Transaction History Search page allow you to specify search criteria for the transactions you want to view. Note that the label for the Local ID field is customizable and might have been changed for your implementation. The search page can also be configured to display additional transaction fields. The following table lists the fields that are defined by default for a transaction history search.

Table 4-1 Transaction History Search Fields

In this field … type or select ...


The object's enterprise-wide unique identifier assigned by the master person index application.


The system in which the local ID is known.

Local ID

The local ID corresponding to the record you want to find and the system selected in the previous field. This field name might be different for your implementation.

From Date

The beginning date for the search. The query is performed for transactions that fall between the From Date and To Date.

From Time

The beginning time for the search using 24-hour notation. The query is performed for transactions that fall between the From Time and To Time on the specified dates. If no time is entered, the default value is 00:01 (12:01 AM).

To Date

The ending date for the search.

To Time

The ending time for the search using 24-hour notation. If no time is entered, the default value is 24:00.

System User

The login ID of the user who performed the transaction for which you are searching.


The type of transaction that caused the object's profile to change. See Table 4-3 for more information about transaction types.

About Transaction History Results Fields on the MIDM

The fields located in the Transaction History search results list help you identify a specific object profile and transaction to view. Additional fields might be added to this page by the system administrator. The Local ID labels are configurable and might have been changed for your implementation.

Table 4-2 Transaction History Results Fields

This field … displays this information …

Transaction No.

The sequential identification code of the transaction that caused the transaction history record.


The enterprise-wide unique identification number of the first object profile involved in the transaction.


The enterprise-wide unique identification number of the second object profile involved in the transaction, if appropriate.


The name of the system in which the transaction that created the history record occurred.

Local ID1

The local ID of the first source record involved in the transaction.

Local ID2

The local ID of the second source record involved in the transaction, if appropriate.


The type of transaction that changed the object profile and caused the history record to be written. See Table 4-3 for a description of each transaction type.

System User

The login ID of the user who performed the transaction.


The date and time the transaction occurred.

Transaction History Transaction Types on the MIDM

Each transaction performed by the master person index application is assigned a transaction type, indicating the type of action that was performed against the profile. The following table lists and describes each transaction type.

Table 4-3 Transaction Type Descriptions

Transaction Type Description


This transaction type is assigned when a new object profile is added to the database, whether it is through a direct add or through reversing an assumed match.

EUID Activate

This transaction type is assigned when a deactivated object profile is reactivated.

EUID Deactivate

This transaction type is assigned when an active object profile is deactivated.

EUID Merge

This transaction type is assigned when two object profiles are merged.

EUID Unmerge

This transaction type is assigned when two object profiles are unmerged.

SO Delete

This transaction type is assigned when a system object is deleted from the application.

System Record Merge

This transaction type is assigned when two source records are merged.

System Record Transfer

This transaction type is assigned when a source record is transferred from one object profile to another.

System Record Unmerge

This transaction type is assigned when two source records are unmerged.


This transaction type is assigned when an object profile is modified in any way other than those described above. This includes such transactions as modifying an object profile, reversing an assumed match, deactivating or reactivating a source record, and adding or removing a child object (such as an address or telephone number).

Viewing a Profile's Merge History on the MIDM

When an object profile that is currently merged is displayed on the Record Details page, you can display a history of all merges performed against the profile, allowing you to trace the origin of certain information contained in the profile. The master person index application tracks all merges performed against each object profile in the database. You can view a history of merges that affect a specific object profile and you can view each EUID that was merged to form the final merge result profile. The merge history appears in a tree structure on the left hand side of the Transaction page. The right hand side of the page displays each pair of profiles that were merged for the selected merged transaction.

To View an Object's Merge History

  1. Using one of the search procedures described in Searching for Object Profiles on the MIDM, perform a search for the object whose merge history you want to view.

  2. If necessary, select the object profile you want to view from the search results list.

    The Record Details page appears.

  3. Beneath the SBR, click Description of mrg_tree.gif follows
    Description of the illustration mrg_tree.gif

    A Transaction page with a merge tree on the left side of the screen and the merged transaction on the right-hand side appears.

  4. Expand the tree structure to view the EUIDs or LIDs that were combined to create the current record.

  5. To view transaction information for any of the merge transactions, click any of the EUIDs involved in the transaction.

Viewing Merged Profiles for an Object Profile

If the profile you are viewing on the Record Details page has been merged, you can view the merged profiles that were combined to create the currently displayed profile.

To View Merged Profiles for an Object Profile

  1. Using one of the search procedures described in Searching for Object Profiles on the MIDM, perform a search for the object whose merge history you want to view.

  2. If necessary, select the object profile you want to view from the search results list.

    The Record Details page appears.

  3. Click View Merged Records.

    The profiles that were merged to create the current profile are displayed.

Viewing the MIDM Audit Log

Using the Audit Log function, you can view a record of each instance an MIDM user accessed information about any object in the master person index database. The audit log includes instances in which an object profile appeared in a search results list; was viewed or compared; was added, updated, deleted, or deactivated; or was merged or unmerged. The audit log can be enabled or disabled by the system administrator.


You must enable the MIDM Audit Log for it to function.

To View the Audit Log

Obtain information about the instances you want to view, such as the EUID, a time frame for when they occurred, the type of function that caused the audit log entries, the user who performed the functions, and so on.

  1. In the tabbed headings, click Audit Log.

  2. Enter values into any of the search fields as criteria. For more information about these fields, see About Audit Log Results Fields on the MIDM.


    The EUID field takes precedence over all other search fields on this page. You can only enter a local ID as search criteria after you have entered the corresponding system.
  3. Click Search.

  4. On the Audit Log search results list, view the instances in which the data was accessed. For information about the fields displayed on this page, see About Audit Log Results Fields on the MIDM.

About Audit Log Search Fields on the MIDM

The fields located on the Audit Log Search page allow you to enter search criteria about the audit log entries you want to view. These fields are configurable. The following table describes the fields that are displayed by default.

Table 4-4 Audit Log Search Fields

In this field … type or select ...


The object's enterprise-wide unique identifier assigned by the master person index application.


The system of the system in which the local ID is known.

Local ID

The local ID corresponding to the record you want to find and the system selected in the previous field. This field name might be different for your implementation.

From Date

The beginning date for the search. The query is performed for audit log entries that fall between the From Date and To Date.

To Date

The ending date for the search.

From Time

The beginning time for the search using 24-hour notation. The query is performed for audit log entries that fall between the From Time and To Time on the specified dates. If no time is specified, the default value is 00:01 (12:01 AM).

To Time

The ending time for the search using 24-hour notation. If no time is specified, the default value is 24:00.

System User

The login ID of the user whose transactions you want to view


The type of transaction that created the audit log entries you want to view. For more information about transaction types, see Audit Log Functions on the MIDM.

About Audit Log Results Fields on the MIDM

The fields located on the Audit Log Result page display information about the instances in which object data was accessed, where those instances match the search criteria you entered. These fields are configurable. The following table describes the fields that are displayed by default.

Table 4-5 Audit Log Results Fields

This field … displays this information ...

Audit ID

The unique ID code in the audit log for the audit log entry.


The EUID of the first object profile whose information was accessed.


The EUID of the second object profile whose information was accessed in the same transaction (as would occur in the case of a profile comparison or merge).


The primary transaction type that was used to access information. For more information about transaction types, see Audit Log Functions on the MIDM.


Specific information about the actions taken against the profile, such as the MIDM page that was accessed or the type of function performed against a profile.

Create Date

The date and time that the information was accessed.

Create User

The login ID of the user who accessed the information.

Audit Log Functions on the MIDM

The audit log creates an audit entry whenever data is accessed through the MIDM. The following table lists and describes each audit log function. Some of these functions refer to the actual viewing of data on an MIDM page; others refer to an action taken against that data, such as clicking the merge or unmerge Confirm button or resolving a potential duplicate pair.

Table 4-6 Audit Log Function Descriptions

Audit Log Function Description


A user added a new object profile to the database from the Create Source Record page or by reversing an assumed match.

Associated Potential Duplicates

A user viewed profile summaries on the Associated Records page of a potential duplicate search.

Assumed Match Comparison

A user viewed two assumed match profiles on the Assumed Match page.

Assumed Match Search Result

A user viewed the results of a search for assumed matches.

Auto Resolve or Resolve Permanently

A user permanently resolved two potential duplicate records on the Potential Duplicate Comparison page.

EO Comparison

A user viewed two object profiles on the Comparison page.

EO Search Result

A user viewed profile summaries on the Search Results page after performing a search for object profiles.

EO View/Edit

A user viewed an object profile on the View/Edit page.

EUID Merge Confirm

A user initiated a merge of two object profiles. This function refers to when the user views the merge result prior to clicking Confirm.

EUID Unmerge

A user finalized an unmerge of two object profiles.

EUID Unmerge Confirm

A user initiated an unmerge of two object profiles. This function refers to when the user views the unmerge result prior to clicking Confirm.

History Comparison

A user compared the before and after image of an object profile on the Transaction History Comparison page.

History Search Result

A user viewed the results of a transaction history search on the Transaction History Search Results page.

LID Merge - Selection

A user initiated a merge of two source records. This function refers to when the user has selected LID Merge but has not finalized the merge.

LID Merge Confirm

A user finalized a merge of two source records.

LID Unmerge

A user finalized an unmerge of two source records.

LID Unmerge Confirm

A user initiated an unmerge of two source records. This function refers to when the user views the unmerge result record prior to clicking Confirm.

Matching Review Search Result

A user viewed the results of a search for potential duplicates.


A user finalized a merge of two object profiles or two source records.

Merge Tree Comparison

A user viewed merge transactions using the merge tree. This function appears for each object profile included in the merge tree.

Potential Duplicate Comparison

A user viewed two object profiles on the Potential Duplicate Comparison page.

Resolve or Resolve Temporary

A user resolved two potential duplicate records on the Potential Duplicate Comparison page.

SO Delete

A user performed the System Object Delete operation.

Undo Assumed Match

A user reversed an assumed match.

Unmerge Comparison

A user initiated an unmerge of two source records or two object profiles. This function refers to when the user views the unmerge result record prior to clicking Confirm.


A user changed the status of two object profiles on the Potential Duplicate Comparison page from Resolved to Unresolved.


A user modified a profile on the View/Edit window. Updates include any changes made to a profile, including activating and reactivating source records, adding or removing child objects, and so on.

View Merge Tree

A user viewed a merge tree.