5. Installing the Windows PV Drivers

5.1. Installing Windows PV Drivers on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
5.2. Installing Windows PV Drivers on Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, and Windows 7

There are two procedures for installing the Windows PV drivers, depending on the guest's operating system.

5.1. Installing Windows PV Drivers on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

To install the Windows PV drivers:

  1. Create a new guest with one of the following operating systems installed:

    • Windows Server 2003 (X86 or X64)

    • Windows XP (X86 or X64)

  2. Copy the Windows PV drivers (Setup.exe) to the guest.

  3. Double click the Setup.exe file to start the Windows PV drivers installer. The Start Install window is displayed.

    Figure 1. Start install window

    This figure shows the Start Install window. The buttons available are Back, Install and Cancel.

    The installer prompts you to start the install. Click Install to start the Windows PV drivers installation. The installer copies files to the guest and installs the Windows PV drivers.

  4. Due to a known issue, on some operating systems the Found New Hardware Wizard is displayed behind the Windows PV drivers Installer window.

    Figure 2. Found New Hardware Wizard

    This figure shows the Found New Hardware Wizard. Click Cancel to ignore the warning.

    Click Cancel to ignore the wizard.

  5. Due to a known issue, the Software Installation window is displayed warning the driver has not been signed by Microsoft.

    Figure 3. Driver Installation window

    This figure shows the Driver Installation window. Click Yes.

    Click Yes.

    Figure 4. Software Installation window

    This figure shows the Software Installation window. Click Continue Anyway.

    Click Continue Anyway.

  6. You are prompted to restart the guest.

    Figure 5. Installation complete window

    This figure shows the Installation complete window. Options on this window are: Yes, restart the system now and No, I will restart system later.

    Check Yes, restart the system now and click Finish. The guest is restarted.

5.2. Installing Windows PV Drivers on Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, and Windows 7

To install the Windows PV drivers:

  1. Create a new guest with one of the following operating systems installed:

    • Windows Server 2008 (X86 or X64)

    • Windows Server 2008 R2 (X64)

    • Windows Vista (X86 or X64)

    • Windows 7 (X86 or X64)

  2. Copy the Windows PV drivers (Setup.exe) to the guest.

  3. Double click the Setup.exe file to start the Windows PV drivers installer. The Start Install window is displayed.

    Figure 6. Start install window

    This figure shows the Start Install window. The buttons available are Back, Install and Cancel.

    The installer prompts you to start the install. Click Install to start the Windows PV drivers installation. The installer copies files to the guest and installs the Windows PV drivers.

  4. The Windows Security window is displayed and prompts you to confirm the installation of the paravirtual device drivers and trust the certificate from Oracle.

    Figure 7. Windows Security window

    This figure shows the Windows Security window. Check Always trust software from 'Oracle America, Inc.' and Select Install.

    Check Always trust software from "Oracle America, Inc." and select Install.

  5. The installer copies the Windows PV drivers files, and installs the drivers in the guest. The Installation Complete window is displayed.

    Figure 8. Installation Complete window

    This figure shows the Installation complete window. Options on this window are: Yes, restart the system now and No, I will restart system later.

    Check Yes, restart the system now and click Finish. The guest is restarted.