8.3. Importing an ISO file

This example shows you how to import the Oracle Linux ISO file you downloaded from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. Replace the name and URL of the ISO file with that of your file.

To import an ISO file:

  1. Click the Repositories tab. Select the repository in which to import the ISO file. Select ISOs in the navigation tree.

  2. Click Import ISO... Import ISO... icon in the management pane toolbar.

    This figure shows the Import ISO icon in the Repositories tab.
  3. The Import ISO dialog box is displayed.

    Select an Oracle VM Server from the Server list to perform the import, and enter the URL to the ISO file you want to import. Click OK to import the ISO file.

    This figure shows the Import ISO dialog box.

    The import job can take some time to complete. When the import job is complete, the ISO file appears in the table.

    This figure shows the Repositories tab with the ISOs folder selected, and the imported ISO file displayed in the management pane.

See Virtual Machine Resources for information on importing, managing and using virtual machine resources.