This chapter describes how a cloud user can manage different resources in an account by using the APIs and CLI. It also includes a basic example for each action that a cloud user can perform to manage these resources by using the cloud infrastructure API and cloud infrastructure CLI.
For a complete reference and other examples that use the cloud infrastructure API and CLI, see also:
For more information about the cloud infrastructure Java client API, see the Javadoc files included in the package of the API.This section describes the following different resources that a cloud user can manage by using the APIs and CLI:
Access keys – Used to manage cloud user access to an account. See "Managing Account Access" for more information.
Virtual networks (vNets) – Used for network connectivity of vServers. See "Managing Virtual Networks" and "Managing vIP Addresses" for more information.
Server templates – Used to designate the operating system and how it is installed when creating the vServer. See "Managing Server Templates" for more information.
Virtual storage – Includes volumes that can be attached to vServers, and snapshots that capture the current state of a volume for different purposes. See "Managing Storage".
Virtual servers (vServers) – Provides the outward interface of a standalone operating system. A vServer has its own identity, local storage, interfaces, and configuration that exist for the full lifetime of the vServer. See "Managing vServers".
These resources have both attributes and tags:
Attributes – When a resource is created, it has a set of attributes to describe it. These attributes include defined entities such as name, description, and size. Some of these attributes can be modified. See "Managing Attributes of an Account Resource".
Tags – Used to bind cloud user-specific information to account resources. See "Managing Tags".
Availability and management of some of these resources might vary depending on the configuration of the vDC. Contact your cloud administrator for more information.The status attribute is displayed when viewing information or attributes of any of the following account resources:
Server templates
Distribution groups
This section explains the meaning and usage of the status attribute. The status attribute of an account resource is useful to know because:
When a cloud user creates a new account resource, the status indicates if the creation job has completed or the account resource creation is still in progress.
The status field indicates whether an account resource is in a usable state or in an unusable state.
An account resource can have one of the following different states:
Pending status – Resource creation is in progress.
SCHEDULED – Indicates that the creation job is in progress. Wait for the resource to transition from this state before using it.
FAILED – Indicates that the creation of the resource failed. A failed job is reflected in the user interface (UI).
Healthly status – The resource exists. The following values indicate that a resource is usable.
OK – Indicates that the resource is healthy and usable as normal.
INFO – Indicates that the resource is healthy but an informational event is awaiting attention in the UI.
For vServer resources, the healthy status values of "OK", "INFO", and "UNKNOWN" is swapped with the runtime state of the vServer. Instead of OK or INFO, a vServer can present one of the following status: RUNNING, BLOCKED, PAUSED, SHUTDOWN, DYING, CRASHED, NOSTATE, SUSPENDED, INSTALLING, SHUTDOWNDETACHED, MIGRATING_SRC, and MIGRATING_DST. Of these running vServer states, BLOCKED, DYING, CRASHED, NOSTATE, and FAILED can be regarded as unhealthy.Unhealthy status – A resource exists. The following values indicate that a resource might not be usable. This does not apply to the WARNING state.
Which status applies depends on the resource; for example, NEEDS_POWERON does not apply to a volume.CRITICAL
Operations that delete resources might observe a state transition until the point is reached whereby the resource is no longer visible. For example, the process of terminating a vServer can exhibit a transition to the vServer run state SHUTDOWNDETACHED before the resource is removed.
A delete operation could also fail, in which case the resource must transition to one of the unhealthy states in the preceding list.
User management is provided by a central service of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. The Web service is the entry point for cloud user requests. The Web service uses access keys to authenticate and authorize cloud user requests. A cloud user must create an access key for an account to perform any action for the resources allocated in that account.
An access key consists of an ID, a private key, a public key, and an authentication target account. The private key is used on the client side to sign HTTP requests. The Web service uses the public key to verify incoming HTTP requests and to authenticate the calling user. After creation, the private key is given to the user. The cloud user is responsible for limiting the access to the private key.
The access key management functionality of the Web service is provided by an extra servlet that allows user name and password authentication.
The APIs and CLI provide operations for:
When using the APIs and CLI, an option is available to manage access keys on behalf of another cloud user. This option is available only to cloud administrators.A cloud user needs an access key to get access to an account and to authenticate all other HTTP requests for an account. Once an access key is created, the public key is stored in the server-side database to verify the incoming HTTP requests and to authenticate the calling user.
When creating an access key by using the CLI, the private key is provided to the user after the access key creation.
If using the RegisterAccessKey by using the API directly, then the cloud user supplies the public key portion of a key pair and manages the private key himself.
Whichever access key creation method is used, a unique access key identifier, such as AK_5, is supplied to the cloud user for direct use of the API. The cloud user is responsible for limiting the access to the private key.
The cloud infrastructure API actions and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to create an access key are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
RegisterAccessKeyRequest | akm-create-access-key |
Example 3-1 Creating an access key using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can view information about the access keys that the user owns. This information includes a list of the access keys found with the following attributes:
Access key ID
Account ID associated with the access key
Cloud user name associated with the access key
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view the access key information are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeAccessKeysRequest | akm-describe-access-keys |
A cloud user can remove an access key from the system when the access key is not required. The access key deletion deletes and invalidates the registered public key. The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to delete an access key are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DeleteAccessKeyRequest | akm-delete-access-key |
A cloud user can view details about the capabilities of the vDC for an account. The vDC capabilities listed include:
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view vDC capabilities are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeVdcCapabilitiesRequest | iaas-describe-vdc-capabilities |
Example 3-7 Viewing vDC capabilities using the Cloud Infrastructure API
Virtual Network management involves the network connectivity of the vServers in an account. Virtual Network management also includes the connectivity of vServers to an external network.
A vServer is a member of one or more vNets of two different types:
Private vNet – A private vNet is created based on the private network from the network domain of the virtual datacenter (vDC). Private vNets are only accessible within an account. All vServers that have membership of a private vNet in common can communicate freely through that subnet.
Public network – This type of networks can be shared among a number of accounts in a vDC. vServers members of public networks also have external communication beyond vDCs and can be used to host public services.
The membership of a vServer in one or more vNets can be specified only at vServer creation time.
The APIs and CLI provide operations for:
A cloud user can create private vNets according to the user requirements and within the limits of the account quota.
A public network available in an account is visible to cloud users. However, a cloud user cannot create a public network. The number of public network IP addresses allocated to the cloud user is controlled by the cloud administrator.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to create a private vNet are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
CreateVnetRequest | iaas-create-vnet |
Example 3-9 Creating a vNet using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can delete only private vNets. The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to delete a private vNet are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DeleteVnetRequest | iaas-delete-vnet |
Example 3-11 Deleting a vNet using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can get information about vNets. The cloud user can restrict the vNets included in the result by specifying filters. If there is no match to the given filters, no special message is returned and the response is empty.
When viewing vNets, a list of available vNets for the account is returned with the following attributes:
IP address
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view vNet information are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeVnetsRequest | iaas-describe-vnets |
Example 3-13 Viewing vNet information using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A virtual IP (vIP) address is a statically configured IP address that is owned by a user.
A vIP address can be allocated from a public network or private vNet. The allocated vIP address is bound to an account and can be associated with a vServer. The vIP address association is performed at vServer creation time. vIP addresses remain bound to vServers even when the vServer is stopped. vIP addresses are not disassociated until the vServer is deleted.
The APIs and CLI provide operations for:
A cloud user can allocate a vIP address from a public network or a private vNet. When creating a vServer, cloud users can statically assigned the allocated vIP address to the vServer.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to allocate a vIP address are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
AllocateIpAddressesRequest | iaas-allocate-ip-addresses |
Example 3-15 Allocating a vIP address using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can release an allocated vIP address. The vIP address must not be associated with a vServer.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to release a vIP address are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
ReleaseIpAddressesRequest | iaas-release-ip-addresses |
Example 3-17 Deallocating a vIP address using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can get information about the vIP addresses that are allocated and which allocated IP addresses are associated with a vServer in an account. To view unallocated IP addresses associated with vServers, use the actions described in "Viewing vServer Information".
The cloud user can restrict the vIP addresses included in the result by specifying filters.
The result includes the following details for each vIP address: IP address, vNet ID, and vServer ID.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view allocated vIP address information are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeIpAddressesRequest | iaas-describe-ip-addresses |
Example 3-19 Viewing vIP addresses using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A server template is used to designate the operating system and how it is installed when creating the vServer. Server templates are specific to the processor architecture of the server pool and the virtualization type and might be prebuilt images or identify the operating system distribution.
Server templates are bound to a specific account. Server templates are immutable entities and cannot be changed later, other than changing the name or description.
You require a server template for creating vServers. It has the following attributes:
Minimum and default vServer type
User and unique name
HA enabled
Life cycle aware
A new server template can be uploaded as follows:
Based on an existing vServer
From a single virtual machine template
From an assembly. When you upload an assembly, snapshots can be also created as result
The APIs and CLI provide operations for:
A cloud user can save a server template from a stopped vServer. When a user creates a vServer based on a server template, it is common to install additional software or to configure certain aspects that can be conserved and reused. To conserve the state, the user must save the vServer as a new server template.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to upload a server template from a vServer are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
RegisterServerTemplateFromVserverRequest | iaas-create-server-template-from-vserver |
Example 3-21 Uploading a server template from a vServer using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can register a server template based on a file for a single virtual machine template that is ready to be deployed into virtualized platforms. Templates can be of the format .tgz, .tar, or other file types. The file must be accessible through a URL.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to register a server template from a URL are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
RegisterServerTemplateFromUrlRequest | iaas-create-server-template-from-url |
Example 3-23 Uploading a server template from a URL using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can upload a server template based on an assembly.
An assembly is a collection of interrelated software appliances that can include a configuration of multiple virtual machines with their virtual disks and their interconnectivity. An assembly is contained in a single .ova (Open Virtualization Format Archive) file. The assembly file must be accessible through a URL.
When you upload an assembly, snapshots might be also created as result. When an assembly contains multiple virtual machines, each virtual machine is unpacked into its own server template. Names of the new server templates are taken from the assembly. Each server template created has a tag set to indicate which assembly it belongs to. This tag name is assemblyKey, and its value is the original assembly ID returned from this action.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to register a server template from an assembly are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
RegisterServerTemplatesFromAssemblyRequest | iaas-create-server-template-from-assembly |
Example 3-25 Uploading a server template from an assembly using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can delete a server template. All data associated with the server template is deleted. The deletion of a server template does not affect any vServers that were created based on the server template.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to deregister a server template are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DeregisterServerTemplateRequest | iaas-delete-server-template |
Example 3-27 Deleting a server template using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can get information about server templates. The cloud user can restrict the server templates included in the results by specifying filters.
The information includes details about the server templates of an account and all other server templates registered for public use. The server template attributes displayed are:
Image type
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view server template information are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeServerTemplatesRequest | iaas-describe-server-templates |
Example 3-29 Viewing server template information using the Cloud Infrastructure API
Volumes and snapshots are the two types of storage devices that are managed by a cloud user.
The virtual block storage devices are called volumes. Volumes are serially shareable and can be attached to or detached from a vServer.
A snapshot captures the current state of a volume. Snapshots are immutable.
The APIs and CLI provide operations for:
A cloud user can create a shared or non-shared empty volume with a given size. A cloud user can also create a shared or nonshared volume from a snapshot. The new volume can be attached to vServers. Shared volumes can be attached to more than one vServer.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to create a volume are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
CreateVolumeRequest | iaas-create-volume |
Example 3-31 Creating a volume using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can delete a volume. Only volumes that are not currently attached to a vServer can be deleted. The process of deleting a volume does not affect any snapshot that has been created previously based on that volume. The snapshot exists independently of the volume.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to delete a volume are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DeleteVolumeRequest | iaas-delete-volume |
Example 3-33 Deleting a volume using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can get information about the existing volumes in an account. The cloud user can restrict the volumes included in the result by specifying filters. The result includes volumes in all states and has additional information for each volume.
The attributes displayed for each volume are:
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view details of a volume are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeVolumesRequest | iaas-describe-volumes |
Example 3-35 Viewing volume information using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can attach volumes to an existing vServer. A cloud user might also attach volumes to a vServer during the vServer creation process. The volume attached is available as a device in the vServer. Depending on the virtualization type of the virtual datacenter, the cloud user might need to stop the vServer before attaching a volume.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to attach a volume to a vServer are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
AttachVolumesToVserverRequest | iaas-attach-volumes-to-vserver |
Example 3-37 Attaching a volume to a vServer using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can detach a volume from a vServer. After it is detached, the volume is no longer available as a device in the vServer. Depending on the virtualization type of the vDC, cloud user might need to stop the vServer before detaching a volume.
Before detaching a volume from a vServer, ensure that the disk being detached is not longer in use to avoid services instability or disk data corruption. Ensure that the vServer properly unmounts the device for the volume; otherwise, data loss or file system corruption might occurThe cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to detach a volume from a vServer are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DetachVolumesFromVserverRequest | iaas-detach-volumes-from-vserver |
Example 3-39 Detaching a volume to a vServer using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can import a volume from another location. Volumes must be contained in a file of the format .img. The volume must be accessible through a URL. The file is uploaded to the vDC, and the volume is created and stored physically. The imported volume is only accessible within the target account.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to import a volume are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
ImportVolumeRequest | iaas-import-volume |
Example 3-41 Importing a volume using the Cloud Infrastructure API
Snapshot creation and management is available if it is supported by the storage of the vDC.
Creating a snapshot serves two main purposes:
A cloud user can create a snapshot of a volume or, a snapshot can exist as result of uploading an assembly.
There are four types of exposed disks in an assembly's template. When snapshots are created from an assembly, three of the disk type are presented to cloud users as snapshots. This allows cloud users to optionally create a shared volume from the snapshot. The three exposed disks are:
Public Populated – An extra disk with data already present.
Private Raw – Dynamically created as an empty disk with a size but no disk data.
Shared Raw – Dynamically created as an empty disk, with a size but no disk data.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to create a snapshot of an existing volume are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
CreateSnapshotRequest | iaas-create-snapshot |
Example 3-43 Creating a snapshot using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can delete a snapshot of a volume. The deletion of a snapshot does not affect any volumes or any other snapshots. Snapshots exist independently of the volume. The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to delete a snapshot are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DeleteSnapshotRequest | iaas-delete-snapshot |
Example 3-45 Deleting a snapshot using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can get information about the existing snapshots in an account. The cloud user can restrict the snapshots included in the result by specifying filters. The result includes a list of the snapshots found and additional information for each snapshot.
The attributes displayed for each snapshot are:
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view snapshot information are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeSnapshotsRequest | iaas-describe-snapshots |
Example 3-47 Viewing snapshot information using the Cloud Infrastructure API
Distribution groups are necessary for properties similar to anti-affinity scaling. Distribution groups are available for vDCs based on Oracle VM Server for SPARC virtualization technology and Oracle Exalogic systems.
A distribution group is bound to a specific account. You can assign a vServer to a distribution group only when you create the vServer.
You can create a distribution group and define its size. The size of the distribution group represents the minimum amount of anti-affinity desired for running vServers in the distribution group.
Distribution group rules are applied every time a vServer assigned to a distribution group is created or started. Distribution group rules enforce the following behavior for vServers assigned to a specific distribution group:
When the number of running vServers in the distribution group doesn't exceed the size of the distribution group, then all running vServers are distributed in a separate server of the vDC. If a spare server is not available in the vDC, then the create or start task fails.
When the number of running vServers in the distribution group exceeds the size of the distribution group, then running vServers are distributed in the servers of the vDC according to the normal account resources capacities.
If distribution group rules are broken, then an alert is generated and it is displayed on the account and vDC level incidents report. Events that can break the distribution group rules are stopping, deleting, or migrating a vServer.
The APIs and CLI provide operations for:
A cloud user can create distribution groups to associate them with vServers. The membership of a vServer to a distribution group can only be specified at vServer creation time.
When creating a distribution group, a cloud user can specify a maximum number of vServers to be added to the distribution group, the default size is 50000.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to create a distribution group are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
CreateDistributionGroupRequest | iaas-create-distribution-group |
Example 3-49 Creating a distribution group using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can delete distribution groups that are not associated with vServer. The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to delete a distribution group are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DeleteDistributionGroupRequest | iaas-delete-distribution-group |
Example 3-51 Deleting a distribution group using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can get information about the existing distribution groups in an account. The cloud user can restrict the distribution groups included in the result by specifying filters. The result includes a list of the distribution groups found and additional information for each distribution group.
The attributes displayed for each distribution group are:
The value for a distribution group size greater or equal to the default value is shown as unlimited when using the CLI and APIs.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view details of a distribution group are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeDistributionGroupsRequest | iaas-describe-distribution-groups |
Example 3-53 Viewing distribution groups information using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A vServer has its own identity, local storage, interfaces, and configuration that exist for the lifetime of the vServer. vServers are created based on a server template and vServer types. A vServer type defines hardware characteristics of the vServer, such as CPU, memory size, and the network bandwidth.
Each vServer is a member of one or more vNets that define the network connectivity. A vServer has temporary local storage. For hard disk storage, the associated volume is used. A vServer can have one or more volumes attached.
The APIs and CLI provide operations for:
A cloud user can get information about all available vServer types for an account. The cloud user can restrict the vServer types included in the result by specifying filters. The result includes a list of the vServer types found and additional information for each vServer type. If the response is an empty list, contact your cloud administrator to verify your cloud user's privileges.
The attributes displayed for each vServer type are:
Memory Size
Storage Size
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to list the vServer types are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeVserverTypesRequest | iaas-describe-vserver-types |
Example 3-55 Listing vServer types using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can create a single vServer or multiple vServers at once based on a server template. When a vServer is created, it is automatically started.
When creating a single vServer, the cloud user must use an allocated vIP address. When creating multiple vServer an IP address is automatically assigned from each specified vNets.
When a cloud user creates a vServer, the following resources are required:
A vServer type
A server template
One or more vNets
Depending on the needs of the user and the virtualization type of the vDC, a cloud user can also specify the following resources:
A key pair
One or more volumes
A Distribution group
Additionally to the resources listed, a cloud user might specify the following values when creating a vServer:
A hostname to override vServer default internal host name, which is same as vServer name.
A root password
One or more messages for the vServer
Enable or disable high availabitility
When creating a vServer, a cloud user might choose to enable or disable the high availability feature for the vServer. By default, the value of this option is determined by the HighAvailabilityDefault capability of the vDC. If a cloud user chooses not to use the default value, then an option is available to specify a different value; in this case, the HighAvailabilityUserControl capability of the vDC must be enabled. Cloud users can also enable or disable high availability for an existing vServer, see "Modifying Attributes of an Account Resource".
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to create and start vServers are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
RunVserverRequest or RunVserversRequest | iaas-run-vserver or iaas-run-vservers |
Example 3-57 Creating a vServer using the Cloud Infrastructure API
Example 3-58 Creating a vServer using the Cloud Infrastructure CLI
iaas-run-vserver --base-url https://<EnterpriseControllerHostname>/ -a ~/ak.file --vnets VNET-84ada392-1c13-4f86-8365-1cf7f9c8aadf --key-name myKeyPair --name myVserver --server-template-id TMPL-9e4a9ed3-e675-45f1-9d7c-b21c25a55632 --ip-addresses --vserver-type 457
A cloud user can delete a vServer. Deleting a vServer results in shutting down the vServer followed by the deletion of the vServer. The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to terminate a vServer are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
TerminateVserversRequest | iaas-terminate-vservers |
Example 3-59 Deleting a vServer using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can get information about all available vServers for an account. The cloud user can restrict the vServers included in the result by specifying filters. The result includes a list of the vServers found and additional information for each vServer.
The attributes displayed for each vServer are:
ID – ID of the vServer
Name – Name of the vServer
Description – Description of the vServer
Status – Status of the vServer
vNets – IDs of the vNets to which the vServer belongs to
IP addresses – IP addresses associated with the vServer
Server template ID – ID of the server template that the vServer is based on
Key pair name – Name of the key pair installed in the vServer for secure shell access
vServer type – vServer type that the vServer is based on
HA – Flag to indicate whether the vServer is set to automatic recovery
Distribution group – ID of the distribution group the vServer belongs to
Volumes – ID of the volumes associated with the vServer
vCPU – Number of virtual CPUs allocated to a vServer
Memory – Total memory allocated to a vServer
Dedicated storage – Total storage dedicated to the vServer
Attached storage – Total storage of the volumes attached to the vServer
Tags – List of tags associated with the vServer
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view vServer information are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeVserversRequest | iaas-describe-vservers |
Example 3-61 Viewing vServer information using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can get information about the cpu usage of the vServers. The cloud user can restrict the vServers included in the result by specifying filters. The result includes a list of the vServers found and additional information for each vServer.
The attributes displayed for each vServer are:
ID – ID of the vServer
Name – Name of the vServer
Description – Description of the vServer
Status – Status of the vServer
CPU usage – CPU usage of the vServer
Tags – List of tags associated with the vServer
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view vServer metrics are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeVserverMetricsRequest | iaas-describe-vserver-metrics |
Example 3-63 Viewing vServer metrics using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can stop a vServer. When a vServer is stopped, the guest operating system is shut down. A stopped vServer can be restarted later. The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to stop a vServer are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
StopVserversRequest | iaas-stop-vservers |
Example 3-65 Stopping a vServer using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can start a vServer that has been stopped. The restarted vServer might not get the same IP address as the original vServer. The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to start a vServer are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
StartVserversRequest | iaas-start-vservers |
Example 3-67 Starting a vServer using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can reboot a vServer. Rebooting a vServer does not change the IP address and other resources of the vServer. The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to reboot a vServer are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
RebootVserversRequest | iaas-reboot-vservers |
Example 3-69 Rebooting a vServer using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can send messages to a vServer and these messages can be read from the guest operating system. The messages are sent to a common buffer in the virtualization layer that has a limited size. This action might return an error if the size limit is reached or if the vServer is not in appropriate state to send messages.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to send messages to a vServer are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
SendMessagesToVserverRequest | iaas-send-messages-to-vserver |
Example 3-71 Sending messages to a vServer using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can read a message sent by a vServer. The message is read from the common buffer in the virtualization layer by name. This action might return an error if the vServer is not in appropriate state to receive messages.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to receive a message from a vServer are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
ReceiveMessageFromVserverRequest | iaas-receive-message-from-vserver |
Example 3-73 Receiving message from a vServer using the Cloud Infrastructure API
The Web service provides the key pair management functionality. Key pair management defines a way to get the credentials for user authentication to access the guest operating system. Key pairs restrict access to vServers created by a cloud user based on common server templates. The credentials to supply are chosen by the cloud user before the vServer is created or run for the first time. Key pairs are managed per account and they are only visible as tags.
The APIs and CLI provide operations for:
A cloud user can create a key pair to be associated with a vServer as part of the create vServer operation. When a key pair is created, a public key is stored in the application and a private key is handed out to the user.
The key pair is typically an RSA 2048-bit key. If a different key pair strength is required, use the Import Key Pair action.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to create a key pair are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
RegisterKeyPairRequest | iaas-create-key-pair |
Example 3-75 Creating a key pair using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can import a public key pair that was created with a third-party tool using the RSA encryption algorithm. The length of the formatted key string is limited to 2048 characters.
When importing a key pair, the cloud user supplies the file that stores the public key and then the public key is registered. The cloud user manages the private key himself.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to import a key pair are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
ImportKeyPairRequest, | iaas-import-key-pair |
Example 3-77 Importing a key pair using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can delete a key pair from an account. When a key pair is deleted, the public key registered in the application is deleted and no longer valid.The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to delete a key pair are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DeleteKeyPairRequest | iaas-delete-key-pair |
Example 3-79 Deleting a key pair using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can get information about the existing key pairs in an account. The cloud user can restrict the key pairs included in the result by specifying filters. The result includes the name and fingerprint for each key pair found.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view information about a key pair are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeKeyPairsRequest | iaas-describe-key-pairs |
Example 3-81 Viewing key pair information using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A set of attributes exists for each type of account resource in an account. The management of attributes of an account resource includes viewing and modifying the value of specific attributes for an account resource. A cloud user can only manage the attributes of the following account resources: volumes, snapshots, vServers, server templates, and vNets.
The APIs and CLI provide operations for:
A cloud user can view the value of specific attributes of an account resource. To view the attribute value, the cloud user needs to specify:
ID of a valid account resource.
One or more attribute names for the account resource. Attribute names for a resource are listed when viewing an account resource information.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view the attributes of an account resource are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeAttributesRequest | iaas-describe-attributes |
Example 3-83 Viewing attributes of an account resource using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can modify the values of the attributes of the following account resources: volumes, snapshots, vServers, server templates, and vNets. The attributes that are editable for these account resources are name and description.
When the HighAvailabilityUserControl capability is enabled in the vDC, cloud users can also enable or disable high availability for an existing vServer by modifying the HA attribute of the vServer.
The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to modify the attributes of a resource are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
ModifyAttributesRequest | iaas-modify-attributes |
Example 3-85 Modifying vNet attributes using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A tag is a key and value pair that can be attached to a resource. The key and the value are strings. All entities in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center are managed resources that can be tagged. Tags are used to bind user-specific information to entities.
The APIs and CLI provide operations for:
A cloud user can create a tag. Creating a tag adds a new tag or overwrites an existing tag. The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to create a tag are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
CreateTagsRequest | iaas-create-tags |
Example 3-87 Creating a tag using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can remove tags from an account resource of an account. The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to remove a tag are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeTagsRequest | iaas-delete-tags |
Example 3-89 Deleting a tag using the Cloud Infrastructure API
A cloud user can get information about tags attached to an account resource. The cloud user can restrict the tags included in the result by specifying filters. The result includes the ID of the account resource, along with the name and value of the tags found. The cloud infrastructure API action and the cloud infrastructure CLI command required to view tags information are:
Cloud Infrastructure API Action | Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command |
DescribeTagsRequest | iaas-describe-tags |
Example 3-91 Viewing tag information using the Cloud Infrastructure API