Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops Center

Creating a SPARC SuperCluster Report

12c Release 1 (


April 2012

This guide provides an end-to-end example for how to use Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.


In general, using reports, you can view the rack setup for each of the rack within the system including the asset details related to the rack. Reports provide information about your assets, such as job history, firmware, OS updates, and incidents. Reports are created in PDF and CSV formats. You can export reports or use reports to launch jobs on targeted assets.

In this guide, you will learn how to create a SPARC SuperCluster Report and view the report in the desired format. Using the report, you can check for any issues within the rack. For example, after the report has been created successfully, view the Validation Table in the report. The Validation Table displays the validation results of the rack. If a different component was placed in the slot, the expected component for that particular slot is displayed in the Expected Component column. If an asset is missing from the slot, the same is reported in the Expected Component column with the correct component that must be placed in that slot.

You can create the report using the available templates or create your own style of report.

What You Will Need

You will need the following to create a SPARC SuperCluster Report and view it:

  • A system running Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  • Access to Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center with a SPARC SuperCluster System Admin role.

  • A SPARC SuperCluster system deployed and discovered in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Creating a SPARC SuperCluster Report

To create a SPARC SuperCluster Report, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Reports.

    Description of navigation.gif follows
    Description of the illustration navigation.gif

  2. Select SuperCluster System Report.

    The Report Templates and Report Results are displayed in the center pane.

  3. In the Actions pane, click Create SuperCluster System Report. The Create SuperCluster System Report window opens.

    Description of define_rep_para.gif follows
    Description of the illustration define_rep_para.gif

  4. In the Define Report Parameters wizard, enter a name and description for the report.

    The Schedule and Output Format are checked by default.

    • Select Create Schedule if you want to run the report later or on a recurring schedule.

    • Select the output formats of the result that will be generated for the report.

  5. Click Next. The Schedule wizard opens.

    Description of schedule.gif follows
    Description of the illustration schedule.gif

  6. Select a schedule for the report. You can schedule the report to run on the following instances:

    • Now – Runs the report immediately.

    • At a later date/time – Select a date and time to generate the report.

    • On a Recurring Schedule – Select the month and day when you want to generate the report. Select the Start Time, End Time and Number of Hours between runs. This is to set the number of times the report is generated between the specified start and end time. For example, if you set the start time at 6.00 a.m, end time at 12.00 a.m, and the number of hours between runs as 2, then the report is run at 6.00 a.m, 8.00 a.m, 10.00 a.m, and 12.00 a.m.

  7. Click Next. The Summary wizard opens.

  8. Verify the report parameters and click one of the options as required:

    • Save Template and Close – Saves the report as a template and closes the wizard. You can use the report template to generate the report later.

    • Run and Close – Runs the report and closes the wizard window.

What's Next?

Once you have triggered the report creation process, the job starts to run. You can view the status of your report in the Report Results section. Upon successful completion, a green check mark is displayed in the status column and the report is ready to be viewed.

To view the report, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, select Reports.

  2. Select SuperCluster System Report. The SPARC SuperCluster reports are displayed in the Reports Results section on the center pane.

    Description of report_results.gif follows
    Description of the illustration report_results.gif

  3. Select a report and click one of the following options to view the report.

    • Click the PDF icon to view the report in PDF format.

    • Click the CSV icon to view the report in CSV format.

    • Click the INT icon to view the report interactively (detailed view).

Related Articles and Resources

The following chapters in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center documentation contain more information.

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Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Creating a SPARC SuperCluster Report Guide, 12c Release 1 (


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