Registering a Web Service



This topic explains how to register a simple Apache Axis Web Service using Oracle Service Manager. It uses the example SimpleAxisServer, which is installed with the Enterprise Gateway. This example server is provided for illustration only, and is not intended for production use. For more details, see the samples/stock directory in an Apache Axis 1.4 installation.

Important Note:
This topic assumes that you have already performed all of the steps described in Starting the Enterprise Gateway Tools.

Accessing the Axis Web Services

The SimpleAxisServer installed with the Enterprise Gateway provides access to the example Axis Web Services. To access these Web services, perform the following steps:

  1. In your INSTALL_DIR\ext\lib directory, create a wsdl4j directory.
  2. Download the following file:
  3. Unzip and place the wsdl4j.jar and qname.jar files into the ext\lib\wsdl4j directory.
  4. In your Enterprise Gateway bin directory, enter the axissimpleserver command. By default, this server runs on port 7070. You can specify a different port number by changing the value of the -p option in INSTALL_DIR/system/conf/axissimpleserver.xml.
  5. Enter the following URL in your browser to view the example Web Services:
  6. http://localhost:7070/

  7. Click a wsdl link on this web page to access the WSDL for an example Web Service. This tutorial uses the WSDL for the ComInfoService, which is available from the first link on this page.

Testing the ComInfoService
You can test the ComInfoService using a simple test client provided with the Enterprise Gateway. In your Enterprise Gateway bin directory, enter the axisstockclient command. This simple client uses the ComInfoService to retrieve the address details of Cisco Systems Inc. When you run the axistestclient, you should see the following output:
CSCO: San Jose, CA

Registering the Example Web Service

To register the ComInfoService example Web Service using Service Manager, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Web Services window on the left, right-click the Web Services group, and select Register Web Service.
  2. In the Register Web Service dialog, specify the following URL for the ComInfoService Web Service in the WSDL URL field:


  3. Click the Register button.
  4. Click the Deploy icon at the top right of the screen to deploy the Web Service to the Enterprise Gateway.
  5. In the Deploy dialog, click Yes.

The newly registered Web Service is displayed in the Web Services tree. For more information, see Managing Web Services.

Registered Web Service

Registered Web Service

Web Services registered using Service Manager and deployed to the Enterprise Gateway can also be viewed in the Policy Studio tree under the Business Services node. Similarly, Web Services imported using the Policy Studio and deployed to the Enterprise Gateway can be viewed in Service Manager in the Web Services window. For details on using Policy Studio to import Web Services, see Web Service Repository.

Accessing the Protected Web Service

When you register a Web Service with the default settings, and deploy it to the Enterprise Gateway, the Enterprise Gateway protects the Web Service. This means that instead of connecting to the Web service directly, clients connect through the Enterprise Gateway. The Enterprise Gateway can then apply policies to messages sent to the destination Web Service (for example, to enable security, monitoring, or acceleration).

To view the WSDL for the protected Web Service, click the link in the WSDL column on the right of the Web Services window. The published WSDL now uses the host and port of the Enterprise Gateway in its URL. For example, in the case of the example ComInfoService, the new URL on which the Web service is available to clients is as follows:


where HOST is the machine on which the Enterprise Gateway is running.

Testing the Protected Web Service

If you have Service Explorer installed, you can test the protected Web Service by sending a message through the Enterprise Gateway (this step is optional). To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. In your Service Explorer installation directory, run the serviceexplorer command.
  2. Click the Import WSDL button in the Service Explorer toolbar.
  3. In the Load WSDL screen, select WSDL URL, and paste in the URL for the protected WSDL (in this case, http://HOST:8080/axis/services/urn:cominfo?WSDL).
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the WSDL Operations screen, select the getInfo operation.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. In the Request tab on the left, paste in the following message:
  8. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
         <ns1:getInfo xmlns:ns1="http://stock.samples">
            <symbol xsi:type="xsd:string">CSCO</symbol>
            <info xsi:type="xsd:string">address</info>

  9. Click the triangular green send button in the toolbar to send the message to the protected Web Service through the Enterprise Gateway. The following message should be displayed in the Response tab on the right:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
            <getInfoReturn xsi:type="xsd:string">San Jose, CA </getInfoReturn>

  10. To format the message, right-click the Request pane, and select Format.

The following example shows the Request displayed in Service Explorer:

Request Message

Request Message

Monitoring the Web Service

When you have registered the example Web Service, the next step is to monitor the Web Service using the real-time monitoring tools provided with the Enterprise Gateway. For details, see Monitoring a Web Service.