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Oracle Fusion Middleware Access SDK Java API Reference for Oracle Access Management Access Manager
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


Uses of Class

Packages that use ObAccessException
com.oblix.access This is an OAM 10g version of the authentication and authorization API available for compatibility with programs written with an OAM 10g JNI ASDK. 


Uses of ObAccessException in com.oblix.access


Methods in com.oblix.access that throw ObAccessException
static java.util.Hashtable ObConfig.getAllItems()
          Deprecated. Returns all the configuration settings from the configuration file before connecting to the server, or the configuration fetched from the server
static java.util.Hashtable ObDiagnostic.getClientDiagnosticInfo()
          Deprecated. Returns the diagnostic information about the connectivity to OAM 10g servers including host, port, time since when the connection is established and the server state.
static java.util.Hashtable ObDiagnostic.getDirectoryDiagnosticInfo()
          Deprecated. Returns the diagnostic information from the OAM 10g server about the Directory Servers used to store User, Policy, Config information.
static java.lang.String ObConfig.getItem(java.lang.String itemName)
          Deprecated. Returns the value for the specified configuration item name
 int ObUserSession.getLastUseTime()
 int ObUserSessionInterface.getLastUseTime()
          Deprecated. Returns the time in seconds from Jan 1, 1970 till the most recent user request was authorized.
 int ObUserSession.getLevel()
 int ObUserSessionInterface.getLevel()
          Deprecated. Returns authentication scheme level at which user is authenticated.
 int ObPseudoUserSessionInterface.getLevel()
          Deprecated. Returns authentication scheme level at which user is authenticated
 int ObPseudoUserSession.getLevel()
 java.lang.String ObUserSession.getLocation()
 java.lang.String ObUserSessionInterface.getLocation()
          Deprecated. Returns the IP address of the user's client
 java.lang.String ObPseudoUserSessionInterface.getLocation()
          Deprecated. Returns the IP address of the user's client
 java.lang.String ObPseudoUserSession.getLocation()
static int ObConfig.getNumberOfItems()
          Deprecated. Returns the count of configuration variables in configuration file.
static java.util.Hashtable ObDiagnostic.getServerDiagnosticInfo()
          Deprecated. Returns the diagnostic information from the OAM 10g server containing server health, host, port, number of connections.
 int ObUserSession.getStartTime()
 int ObUserSessionInterface.getStartTime()
          Deprecated. Returns time in seconds from Jan 1, 1970 till authenticated user session was started.
 java.lang.String ObUserSession.getUserIdentity()
 java.lang.String ObUserSessionInterface.getUserIdentity()
          Deprecated. Returns the DN of the user's profile entry in the user directory.
 java.lang.String ObPseudoUserSessionInterface.getUserIdentity()
          Deprecated. Returns the DN of the user's profile entry in the user directory.
 java.lang.String ObPseudoUserSession.getUserIdentity()
static void ObConfig.initialize()
          Deprecated. Initializes the Access Server API.
static void ObConfig.initialize(java.lang.String configLocation)
          Deprecated. Initializes the Access Server API.
 boolean ObUserSession.isAuthorized(ObResourceRequest res)
 boolean ObUserSessionInterface.isAuthorized(ObResourceRequest res)
          Deprecated. Checks if the user is authorized to request an operation for a particular resource
 boolean ObPseudoUserSessionInterface.isAuthorized(ObResourceRequest res)
          Deprecated. Checks if the user is authorized to request an operation for a particular resource
 boolean ObPseudoUserSession.isAuthorized(ObResourceRequest res)
 boolean ObUserSession.isAuthorized(ObResourceRequest res, java.util.Hashtable parameters)
 boolean ObUserSessionInterface.isAuthorized(ObResourceRequest res, java.util.Hashtable parameters)
          Deprecated. Checks if the user is authorized to request an operation for a particular resource
 boolean ObPseudoUserSessionInterface.isAuthorized(ObResourceRequest res, java.util.Hashtable parameters)
          Deprecated. Checks if the user is authorized to request an operation for a particular resource
 boolean ObPseudoUserSession.isAuthorized(ObResourceRequest res, java.util.Hashtable parameters)
 boolean ObResourceRequestInterface.isProtected()
          Deprecated. Checks if the resource defined by the ObResourceRequest is protected
 boolean ObResourceRequest.isProtected()


Constructors in com.oblix.access that throw ObAccessException
ObAuthenticationScheme(ObResourceRequest res)
          Deprecated. Constructs ObAuthenticationScheme object for the specified ObResourceRequest.
ObPseudoUserSession(ObResourceRequest resReq, java.util.Hashtable credentials, boolean authorize)
          Deprecated. Constructs a ObPseudoUserSession object with specified parameters.
ObPseudoUserSession(ObResourceRequest resReq, java.util.Hashtable credentials, boolean authorize, java.lang.String location)
          Deprecated. Constructs a ObPseudoUserSession object with specified parameters.
ObResourceRequest(java.lang.String resType, java.lang.String resName, java.lang.String operation)
          Deprecated. Constructs ObResourceRequest object with specified resource type, name and operation.
ObResourceRequest(java.lang.String resType, java.lang.String resName, java.lang.String operation, java.util.Hashtable parameters)
          Deprecated. Constructs ObResourceRequest object with specified resource type, name, operation and parameters name/value pair hashtable.
          Deprecated. Default Constructor for ObUserSesion Object
ObUserSession(ObResourceRequest res, java.util.Hashtable credentials)
          Deprecated. Constructor for ObUserSession object for the specified resource and credentials
ObUserSession(ObResourceRequest res, java.util.Hashtable credentials, java.lang.String location)
          Deprecated. Constructor for ObUserSession object for the specified resource and credentials
ObUserSession(java.lang.String sessionToken)
          Deprecated. Constructor for ObUserSession object for the specified session token
ObUserSession(java.lang.String sessionToken, boolean lazyload)
          Deprecated. Constructor for ObUserSession object for the specified session token with lazy load flag


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Access SDK Java API Reference for Oracle Access Management Access Manager
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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