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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

E27155-01 ESAPI
Interface PolicyDistributionManager

All Superinterfaces:

public interface PolicyDistributionManager
extends EntityManager

PolicyDistributionManager interface defines the methods to trigger policy distribution and get the status report.

Method Summary
 void deregisterPDP(java.lang.String pdpAddress)
          Removes a PDP instance registration.
 java.lang.String distributePolicy(boolean flush)
          Starts policy distribution asynchronously.
 java.util.List<DistributionStatusEntry> getDistributionStatus(java.util.Date startTime, java.util.Date endTime)
          Gets the distribution status in a specific time period.
 DistributionStatusEntry getDistributionStatus(java.lang.String distributionID)
          Gets the status of ongoing or recent distribution according to the distribution ID.
 PDPInfoEntry getRegisteredPDP(java.lang.String pdpAddress)
          Gets the registered PDP instance according to the address of PDP
 java.util.List<PDPInfoEntry> getRegisteredPDPs(boolean outOfSyncOnly)
          Gets the registered PDP instances, including remote PDPs and local PDPs (for example, in Micro SM environment).
 long purgeDistributionStatusBefore(java.util.Date time)
          Purges obsolete distribution status records.


Methods inherited from interface


Method Detail


java.lang.String distributePolicy(boolean flush)
                                  throws PolicyStoreException
Starts policy distribution asynchronously. All policies marked with ready for distribution will be distributed to corresponding SM. This is a non-blocking call and will return prior to the completion of the distribution. The distribution status can be checked using the getDistributionStatus method. This method will distribute all application policies to all SMs registered to this PD. Distribution will be SM centric, i.e. loop for the SM list, and distribute policies to all applications bound to each SM one by one. If one distribution is in progress, the method will return the ID of current running distribution, but not generate a new one, and will not throw exception either.
flush - indicates the policy distribution mode: true - flush mode; false - incremental mode.
distributionID, a unique ID that can be used to check the distribution status later on.
PolicyStoreException - if something error happens in the policy store.


DistributionStatusEntry getDistributionStatus(java.lang.String distributionID)
                                              throws PolicyStoreException
Gets the status of ongoing or recent distribution according to the distribution ID.
distributionID - a unique ID returned by calling distributePolicy method.
the distribution status that matches the specified distribution ID. Return null if the specified distributionID does not exist.
PolicyStoreException - if something error happens in the policy store.


java.util.List<DistributionStatusEntry> getDistributionStatus(java.util.Date startTime,
                                                              java.util.Date endTime)
                                                              throws PolicyStoreException
Gets the distribution status in a specific time period.
startTime - the time after which the distribution has started.
endTime - the time before which the distribution has started.
a list of DistributionStatusEntry objects that matches the specified criteria.
PolicyStoreException - if something error happens in the policy store.


long purgeDistributionStatusBefore(java.util.Date time)
                                   throws PolicyStoreException
Purges obsolete distribution status records.
time - the time before which the distribution has started.
the number of records that have been purged successfully
PolicyStoreException - if something error happens in the policy store.


java.util.List<PDPInfoEntry> getRegisteredPDPs(boolean outOfSyncOnly)
                                               throws PolicyStoreException
Gets the registered PDP instances, including remote PDPs and local PDPs (for example, in Micro SM environment).
outOfSyncOnly - indicates whether to get the out-of-sync PDPS only. Out of sync PDP means it does not receive the latest policy, which may be caused by PDP is shutdown. Use true to get the out of sync PDP instance only; use false to get all registered PDP instances.
list of PDPInfoEntry instances
PolicyStoreException - if something error happens in the policy store.


void deregisterPDP(java.lang.String pdpAddress)
                   throws PolicyObjectNotFoundException,
Removes a PDP instance registration. The PDP registration records may be obsolete and need to be removed. If remove a PDP registration, PD will not distribute policy to this PDP instance. After removing a PDP registration, the PDP instance must be restarted to register itself back. PD API does not support adding registration directly.
pdpAddress - the address of PDP
PolicyObjectNotFoundException - if the specified PDP does not exist.
PolicyStoreException - if something error happens in the policy store.


PDPInfoEntry getRegisteredPDP(java.lang.String pdpAddress)
                              throws PolicyStoreException
Gets the registered PDP instance according to the address of PDP
pdpAddress - the address of PDP
one PDPInfoEntry instance
PolicyStoreException - if something error happens in the policy store.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

E27155-01 ESAPI

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