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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

E27155-01 ESAPI
Class FunctionSearchQuery

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by

public class FunctionSearchQuery
extends BaseSearchQuery

A Class to build search criterias to query Functions.

Following code snippet illustrates how to build a search criteria to search by the DisplayName

  FunctionSearchQuery query = new FunctionSearchQuery( FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DISPLAY_NAME,
    false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "DisplayName Value to searchBy", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT);
  getFunctions ( query );

To build more complex search criterias, use the Constructor for complex search query.

Consider the following example to search Functions by a specific description and display name. Obviously, the two criterias (below) have to be AND-ed.

  List<FunctionSearchQuery> list = new ArrayList<FunctionSearchQuery>();
  list.add(new FunctionSearchQuery( FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DISPLAY_NAME,
    false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "The Display Name", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT));
  list.add(new FunctionSearchQuery( FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DESCRIPTION,
    false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "The Description", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT));
  FunctionSearchQuery query = new FunctionSearchQuery(list, false, false);

Similarly, we can have two criterias OR-ed as below.

  List<FunctionSearchQuery> list = new ArrayList<FunctionSearchQuery>();
  list.add(new FunctionSearchQuery( FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DISPLAY_NAME,
    false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "The Display Name", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT));
  list.add(new FunctionSearchQuery( FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DESCRIPTION,
    false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "The Description", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT));
  FunctionSearchQuery query = new FunctionSearchQuery(list, false, true);

Nested Class Summary
static class FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY
          Criterias to search Functions By


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class


Constructor Summary
FunctionSearchQuery(FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY property, boolean negation, ComparatorType operator, java.lang.Object valueObject, SearchQuery.MATCHER match)
FunctionSearchQuery(FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY property, boolean negation, ComparatorType operator, java.lang.String value, SearchQuery.MATCHER match)
FunctionSearchQuery(java.util.List<FunctionSearchQuery> queries, boolean negation, boolean isORMatch)


Method Summary
 FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY getSearchByProperty()
          get the search by property in this search query
 FunctionSearchQuery[] getSearchQueryInOrder()
          Get the child search query in this search query.


Methods inherited from class
getComparator, getQueries, toString


Methods inherited from class
addBaseQuery, getBaseSearchQueryInOrder, getSearchByPropertyString, getSearchByValue, getSearchByValueObject, getSearchComparator, getSearchQueries, getSearchValueMatch, isANDMatch, isComplexQuery, isNegativeMatch, isORMatch


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public FunctionSearchQuery()


public FunctionSearchQuery(FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY property,
                           boolean negation,
                           ComparatorType operator,
                           java.lang.String value,
                           SearchQuery.MATCHER match)
property - the property to search by, See FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY for list of valid values
negation - if true, then the NOT operator is applied
operator - the operator to apply
value - the value to search for

If value is null, the match must be ANY

If value is non-null, this value is matched against the values to search for. The match algorithm is applied to values to sarch against.

match - how the value should match-ed with the values to search against. If match is null, an EXACT match is assumed. value should be non-null.


public FunctionSearchQuery(FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY property,
                           boolean negation,
                           ComparatorType operator,
                           java.lang.Object valueObject,
                           SearchQuery.MATCHER match)
property - the property to search by, See FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY for list of valid values
negation - if true, then the NOT operator is applied
operator - the operator to apply
valueObject - the value to search for

If value is null, the match must be ANY

If value is non-null, this value is matched against the values to search for. The match algorithm is applied to values to sarch against.

match - how the value should match-ed with the values to search against. If match is null, an EXACT match is assumed. value should be non-null.


public FunctionSearchQuery(java.util.List<FunctionSearchQuery> queries,
                           boolean negation,
                           boolean isORMatch)
queries - child queries of this query
negation - if true, then the NOT operator is applied.
isORMatch - if true the syntax among the child queries is 'OR', if false, the syntax among child queries is 'AND'

Method Detail


public FunctionSearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY getSearchByProperty()
get the search by property in this search query
null if this is a complex search query


public FunctionSearchQuery[] getSearchQueryInOrder()
Get the child search query in this search query. Return child queries for a complex query, return empty arry for a simple query

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

E27155-01 ESAPI

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