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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

E27155-01 ESAPI
Class PolicySearchQuery

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by

public class PolicySearchQuery
extends BaseSearchQuery

A Class to build search criterias to query Policys.

Users can query out policies by given policy name, policy display name, policy description, principal entry, principal, permission set, obligation, attribute, and function.
Note: the method getSearchByValueObject is available, but the method getSearchByValue is not available. Examples:
1. Query by policy name

  // query out all policies whose names begin with "IT_"
  PolicySearchQuery query = new PolicySearchQuery(PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.NAME,
       false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "IT_", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.BEGINS_WITH);
  List<PolicyEntry> policies = policyManager.getPolicies(query);

2. Query by display name

  // query out all policies whose display names contains "HR Policy"
  PolicySearchQuery query = new PolicySearchQuery(PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DISPLAY_NAME,
      false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "HR Policy", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN);
  List<PolicyEntry> policies = policyManager.getPolicies(query);

3. Query by description

  // query out all policies whose descriptions contains "Financial Department"
  PolicySearchQuery query = new PolicySearchQuery(PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DESCRIPTION,
      false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "Financial Department", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN);
  List<PolicyEntry> policies = policyManager.getPolicies(query);

4. Query by principal entry

  // query out all policies defined against the principal entry WLSUserImpl(james)
  PrincipalEntry wcai james = new BasicPrincipalEntry("", "james");
  PolicySearchQuery query = new PolicySearchQuery(PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.PRINCIPAL_ENTRY,
      false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, james, BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT);
  List<PolicyEntry> policies = policyManager.getPolicies(query);

5. Query by permission set

  // query out all policies defined against the Permission Set, AccountOperations
  PermissionSetEntry permSet = permSetManager.getPermissionSet("AccountOperations");
  PolicySearchQuery query = new PolicySearchQuery(PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.PERMISSION_SET,
      false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, permSet, BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT);
  List<PolicyEntry> policies = policyManager.getPolicies(query);

6. Query by obligation

  // query out all policies defined with the obligation, SendEmailObligation
  ObligationEntry sendEmailObligation = new BasicObligation("SendEmailObligation", "", "", null);
  PolicySearchQuery query = new PolicySearchQuery(PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.OBLIGATION,
      false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, sendEmailObligation, BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT);
  List<PolicyEntry> policies = policyManager.getPolicies(query);

7. Query by attribute

  // query out all policies defined with the attribute, location
  AttributeEntry location = extensionManager.getAttribute("location");
  PolicySearchQuery query = new PolicySearchQuery(PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.ATTRIBUTE,
      false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, location, BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT);
  List<PolicyEntry> policies = policyManager.getPolicies(query);

8. Query by function

  // query out all policies defined with the function, matchDate
  FunctionEntry matchDate = extensionManager.getFunction("matchDate");
  PolicySearchQuery query = new PolicySearchQuery(PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.FUNCTION,
      false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, matchDate, BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT);
  List<PolicyEntry> policies = policyManager.getPolicies(query);

9. Query by resource

 // query out all policies defined with the resource,
 PolicySearchQuery query = new PolicySearchQuery(PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.RESOURCE,
         false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT);
 List<PolicyEntry> policies = policyManager.getPolicies(query);

10. Query by resource name expression
users can have a query based on either a ResourceEntry or a string. If the query is based on a ResourceEntry, matcher should be set to MATCHER.EXACT. If the query is based on a string, matcher can be set to any qualified values (EXACT, BEGINS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, and CONTAINED_IN). The behavior is defined as the following.
a. If MATCHER.EXACT is set and search value matches the expression, the expression based policy is returned.
For example, given two policies:
Policy1 is defined with resource "", Policy2 is defined with resource name expression "http://.*"
PolicySearchQuery(SEARCH_PROPERTY.RESOURCE_NAME_EXPRESSION, false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "", MATCHER.EXACT) returns both Policy1 and Policy2
b. If MATCHER.BEGINS_WITH is set and the expression begins with search value (literally), the expression based policy is returned.
For example, given two policies:
Policy1 is defined with resource "", Policy2 is defined with resource name expression "http://.*"
PolicySearchQuery(SEARCH_PROPERTY.RESOURCE_NAME_EXPRESSION, false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "http://", MATCHER.BEGINS_WITH) returns both Policy1 and Policy2
c. If MATCHER.ENDS_WITH is set and the expression ends with search value (literally), the expression based policy is returned.
For example, given two policies:
Policy1 is defined with resource "", Policy2 is defined with resource name expression "http://.*"
PolicySearchQuery(SEARCH_PROPERTY.RESOURCE_NAME_EXPRESSION, false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, ".com", MATCHER.ENDS_WITH) returns Policy1
d. If MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN is set and the expression contains search value (literally), the expression based policy is returned.
For example, given two policies:
Policy1 is defined with resource "", Policy2 is defined with resource name expression "http://.*"
PolicySearchQuery(SEARCH_PROPERTY.RESOURCE_NAME_EXPRESSION, false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "ttp", MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN) returns both Policy1 and Policy2

Users are also able to build complex search criterias with above elements.

Consider the following example to search Policies which satisfy the criterias:

  List<PolicySearchQuery> list = new ArrayList<PolicySearchQuery>();
  list.add(new PolicySearchQuery( PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DISPLAY_NAME,
    false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "The Display Name", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT));
  list.add(new PolicySearchQuery( PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DESCRIPTION,
    false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "The Description", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT));
  PolicySearchQuery query = new PolicySearchQuery(list, false, false);

Similarly, we can define an OR-ed query like below.

  List<PolicySearchQuery> list = new ArrayList<PolicySearchQuery>();
  list.add(new PolicySearchQuery( PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DISPLAY_NAME,
    false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "The Display Name", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT));
  list.add(new PolicySearchQuery( PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DESCRIPTION,
    false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, "The Description", BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT));
  PolicySearchQuery query = new PolicySearchQuery(list, false, true);

11. Query by principal

  // query out all policies defined against the principal.
  Principal principal = new WLSUserImpl("james");
  PolicySearchQuery query = new PolicySearchQuery(PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.PRINCIPAL,
      false, ComparatorType.EQUALITY, principal, BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER.EXACT);
  List<PolicyEntry> policies = policyManager.getPolicies(query);

Below table shows all supported query cases

Search Property Value Object Comparator Matcher Comments
ACTION String: action ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN Returns the policies which is defined with the given action. Policies that defined with all action keyword of resource types that contain the given action are also returned.
ALL_ACTION String ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.ANY Must supply RESOURCE_TYPE property query at the same time, and RESOURCE_TYPE property query must use EXACT match. Returns policies which are defined with all action keyword or all actions of a resource type
ATTRIBUTE String: attribute name, AttributeEntry ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT Returns the policies in which policy condition uses the given attribute
DESCRIPTION String ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT, MATCHER.BEGINS_WITH, MATCHER.ENDS_WITH, MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN Returns the policies whose description equals (MATCHER.EXACT)/begins with (BEGINS_WITH)/ends with (ENDS_WITH)/contains (CONTAINED_IN) the given string
DISPLAY_NAME String ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT, MATCHER.BEGINS_WITH, MATCHER.ENDS_WITH, MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN Returns the policies whose display name equals (MATCHER.EXACT)/begins with (BEGINS_WITH)/ends with (ENDS_WITH)/contains (CONTAINED_IN) the given string
FUNCTION String: function name, FunctionEntry ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT Returns the policies in which policy condition uses the given function
NAME String ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT, MATCHER.BEGINS_WITH, MATCHER.ENDS_WITH, MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN Returns the policies whose name equals (MATCHER.EXACT)/begins with (BEGINS_WITH)/ends with (ENDS_WITH)/contains (CONTAINED_IN) the given string
OBLIGATION String: obligation name, ObligationEntry ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT Returns the policies in which there is an obligation matches the given name
OBLIGATION_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGNMENT_NAME String: attribute assignment name ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT, MATCHER.BEGINS_WITH, MATCHER.ENDS_WITH, MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN Returns the policies in which obligation attribute assignment name equals (MATCHER.EXACT)/begins with (BEGINS_WITH)/ends with (ENDS_WITH)/contains (CONTAINED_IN) the given string
OBLIGATION_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGNMENT_VALUE AttributeEntry, DataType, RuleExpressionEntry.builtInAttributes ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT Returns the policies in which the given attribute/built-in attribute/static value is used in obligation attribute assignment
PERMISSION_SET PermissionSetEntry ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT Returns the policies in which the given permission set is used
PRINCIPAL_ENTRY PrincipalEntry ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT Returns the policies in which the given principal entry is used
PRINCIPAL Principal ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT Returns the policies in which the given principal is used.
PRINCIPAL_NAME String: principal name ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT, MATCHER.BEGINS_WITH, MATCHER.ENDS_WITH, MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN Returns the policies in which the given string/principal name is used
RESOURCE String: resource name ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT, MATCHER.BEGINS_WITH, MATCHER.ENDS_WITH, MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN Returns the policies in which resource name equals (MATCHER.EXACT)/begins with (BEGINS_WITH)/ends with (ENDS_WITH)/contains (CONTAINED_IN) the given string/resource name
RESOURCE_NAME_EXPRESSION String: resource name expression ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT, MATCHER.BEGINS_WITH, MATCHER.ENDS_WITH, MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN Returns the policies in which resource name or resource name expression matches the given string
RESOURCE_TYPE String: resource type name ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT, MATCHER.BEGINS_WITH, MATCHER.ENDS_WITH, MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN Returns the policies in which resource type name equals (MATCHER.EXACT)/begins with (BEGINS_WITH)/ends with (ENDS_WITH)/contains (CONTAINED_IN) the given string
EFFECT String: effect name (grant/deny) or PolicyRuleEntry.EffectType.GRANT or PolicyRuleEntry.EffectType.DENY ComparatorType.EQUALITY MATCHER.EXACT, MATCHER.BEGINS_WITH, MATCHER.ENDS_WITH, MATCHER.CONTAINED_IN Returns the policies with rule in which effect equals (MATCHER.EXACT)/begins with (BEGINS_WITH)/ends with (ENDS_WITH)/contains (CONTAINED_IN) the given string

Nested Class Summary
static class PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY
          Criterias to search policies By


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class


Constructor Summary
PolicySearchQuery(java.util.List<PolicySearchQuery> queries, boolean negation, boolean isORMatch)
PolicySearchQuery(PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY property, boolean negation, ComparatorType operator, java.lang.Object valueObject, SearchQuery.MATCHER match)


Method Summary
 PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY getSearchByProperty()
          get the search by property in this search query
 PolicySearchQuery[] getSearchQueryInOrder()
          Get the child search query in this search query.


Methods inherited from class
getComparator, getQueries, toString


Methods inherited from class
addBaseQuery, getBaseSearchQueryInOrder, getSearchByPropertyString, getSearchByValue, getSearchByValueObject, getSearchComparator, getSearchQueries, getSearchValueMatch, isANDMatch, isComplexQuery, isNegativeMatch, isORMatch


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public PolicySearchQuery()


public PolicySearchQuery(PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY property,
                         boolean negation,
                         ComparatorType operator,
                         java.lang.Object valueObject,
                         SearchQuery.MATCHER match)
                  throws InvalidArgumentException
property - search property, see PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY for list of valid values. If property is not set to PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.NAME, PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DISPLAY_NAME, PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.DESCRIPTION, PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.OBLIGATION_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGNMENT_NAME, or PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.OBLIGATION_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGNMENT_VALUE, only ComparatorType.EQUALITY and BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER#EXACT is supported. Especially, if property is set to PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.OBLIGATION_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGNMENT_VALUE and valueObject is not an instance of OpssString, only ComparatorType.EQUALITY and BaseSearchQuery.MATCHER#EXACT is supported
negation - if it's set to false
operator - only ComparatorType.EQUALITY is supported at the point.
valueObject - the search object
match - matcher type, please refer to MATCHER for details.
InvalidArgumentException - if property is not name, display name or description, and operator is not equality, InvalidArgumentException will be thrown


public PolicySearchQuery(java.util.List<PolicySearchQuery> queries,
                         boolean negation,
                         boolean isORMatch)
queries -
negation -
isORMatch -

Method Detail


public PolicySearchQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY getSearchByProperty()
get the search by property in this search query
null if this is a complex search query


public PolicySearchQuery[] getSearchQueryInOrder()
Get the child search query in this search query. Return child queries for a complex query, return empty arry for a simple query

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

E27155-01 ESAPI

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