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Interface OIMSchema

public interface OIMSchema

The implementation layer for this interface should exactly represent the schema of the Oracle Identity Manager system account that needs to be reconciled or provisioned. The TargetSchema, once generated by the transport provider, would be an input for the Format provider to generate the OIMSchema. This interface should be implemented by Format Providers for Reconciliation. For provisioning, the generic technology connector framework adapter itself provides the implementation for the same.

See Also:
ProvisioningFormatProvider, ReconFormatProvider

Method Summary
 Attribute[] getChildMetadata(java.lang.String name)
          This method returns the single-valued attributes of a child dataset, corresponding to the identity account to be provisioned or reconciled.
 Attribute[] getParentMetadata()
          This method returns the parent attributes of the identity account to be provisioned or reconciled.
 java.lang.String[] getPossibleChildren()
          This method returns the multi-valued/child attributes of the identity account to be provisioned or reconciled.


Method Detail


Attribute[] getParentMetadata()
This method returns the parent attributes of the identity account to be provisioned or reconciled.
Array of parent attributes. Each element of this array is an instance of the Attribute value object
See Also:


java.lang.String[] getPossibleChildren()
This method returns the multi-valued/child attributes of the identity account to be provisioned or reconciled.
Array of names of multi-valued/child attributes(datasets).


Attribute[] getChildMetadata(java.lang.String name)
This method returns the single-valued attributes of a child dataset, corresponding to the identity account to be provisioned or reconciled.
name - Name of a child dataset/multi-valued attribute E.g. Group-Membership
Array of attributes for the input child dataset name. Each element of this array is an instance of the Attribute value object
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