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Interface Catalogable

public interface Catalogable

Any entity that need to make themselves as catalog-able in OIM have to implement the interface Catalogable. This interface will be available in Platform. At present only three entities will be Catalog-able, they are Role, Entitlement and TargetResource.

Method Summary
 java.util.List filterSearchResultOnSecurity(java.util.List catalogSerachRoleKeys)
 java.util.List getAutoTag(java.lang.String entityKey)
          Populate tags on the basis of Auto tagging rule.
 java.util.List getRequestableEntities(java.util.List entityIds, java.lang.String loggedInUserId)
          Filter entities on the basis of Security so that only those entities are visible to the user which he is entitled for.
 Result harvestCatalogItems(Mode mode, OIMType oimType, java.util.Date date)
          Any Entity that wants to make them self as catalog-able has to provide an implementation for Interface catalogable, this API will fetch all the catalogable entity instance if the underlying entity and will populate the Catalog VO.
 Result recalculateAndUpdateTags(OIMType oimType)
 Result synchronizeCatalog(CatalogLightVO catalogLightVO, java.lang.String operation)
          This will be called by Entities when they want to synch catalog.


Method Detail


Result harvestCatalogItems(Mode mode,
                           OIMType oimType,
                           java.util.Date date)
Any Entity that wants to make them self as catalog-able has to provide an implementation for Interface catalogable, this API will fetch all the catalogable entity instance if the underlying entity and will populate the Catalog VO.
mode - Mode in which catalog data to be harvested.
date - Date after which data needs to be synced in catalog
oimType - OIM Entity Type
List of catalog items that has to be harvested.


java.util.List getRequestableEntities(java.util.List entityIds,
                                      java.lang.String loggedInUserId)
Filter entities on the basis of Security so that only those entities are visible to the user which he is entitled for.
entityIds - List of all the entity id's returned after performing tag search on catalog items
loggedInUserId - User id who is trying to view and request catalog items
List of catalog-able Entities that a user can view and request


java.util.List getAutoTag(java.lang.String entityKey)
                          throws CatalogException
Populate tags on the basis of Auto tagging rule. Evry entity need to have its own implementation because Auto tags can be different for different entities
entityKey - Entity for which tag will be provided
Tags as a list of string


Result synchronizeCatalog(CatalogLightVO catalogLightVO,
                          java.lang.String operation)
                          throws CatalogException
This will be called by Entities when they want to synch catalog.
catalogLightVO -
operation - if its a create or update
Resturn the result of operation Result
CatalogException - @CatalogException


java.util.List filterSearchResultOnSecurity(java.util.List catalogSerachRoleKeys)


Result recalculateAndUpdateTags(OIMType oimType)

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