10 WebCenter Portal Custom WLST Commands

This chapter describes WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands for Oracle WebCenter. These commands enable you to configure WebCenter Portal applications and components from the command-line. For additional details about WebCenter Portal configuration, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


To use these commands, you must invoke WLST from the Oracle home in which the component has been installed. See "Using Custom WLST Commands" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

Most configuration changes made using WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after you restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. The only exceptions are WLST commands for External Applications, Portlet Producers, and WebCenter Portal Import and Export.

WebCenter Portal WLST commands are described in the following sections:

WebCenter Portal WLST Command Categories

WebCenter Portal WLST commands are grouped into the following categories (Table 10-1).

Most configuration changes made using WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after you restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. The only exceptions are the External Applications, Portlet Producers, and WebCenter Portal Import and Export WLST commands.

Table 10-1 WLST Command Categories

Command Category Description


Manage WebCenter Portal connections.


Manage Analytics Collector connections and configure the Analytics Collector (on WC_Utilities).

Activity Graph

Manage Activity Graph metadata and provider configuration (on WC_Utilities).

Activity Stream

Archive and restore activity stream data generated for a WebCenter Portal application.

Content Repository

Manage content repository connections and configure the Documents service.

Discussions and Announcements

Manage discussions server connections and configure the Discussion and Announcement services.

External Applications

Manage external application connections.

Instant Messaging and Presence

Manage instant messaging and presence server connections and configure the Instant Messaging and Presence service.


Manage mail server connections and configure the Mail service.


Manage settings for the Notifications service.

Personal Events

Manage personal event server connections.


Manage personalization server connections.

Portlet Producers

Manage portlet producers.

RSS News Feeds

Manage proxy settings for the RSS service.

Search - Oracle SES Search

Manage Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) connections and other search-related properties.

Search - Oracle SES Search Crawlers

Manage Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) crawlers.

Search - WebCenter Portal Search

Manage search crawlers for the Spaces application.


Manage BPEL server connections.

Spaces Application

Manage Spaces workflow settings and space metadata.

WebCenter Portal Identity Store

Configure options for searching a WebCenter Portal application's identity store.

WebCenter Portal Import and Export

Export and import Spaces applications, individual spaces and space templates, as well as producer metadata.


Use the General commands, listed in Table 10-2, to manage WebCenter Portal connections.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after restarting the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-2 General WLST Commands

Use This Command... To... Use with WLST...


Delete any WebCenter Portal connection.



Set WebCenter Portal Service Framework configuration properties.



Return WebCenter Portal Framework configuration properties.



Return status information for the last WebCenter Portal command executed.



List all the WebCenter Portal connection types.



Clone a WebCenter Portal Managed Server.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes a named WebCenter Portal connection.

If you use deleteConnection to delete a WSRP or PDK-Java producer connection (instead of using deregisterWSRPProducer or deregisterPDKJavaProducer), unused secondary connections will remain, which you might want to remove. For example, when you delete a WSRP producer connection, its associated Web Service connection remains; when you delete a PDK-Java producer connection, its associated URL connection remains.

deleteConnection cannot be used to delete WebCenter Portal connections for the Personalization service. Instead, use deleteWCPSCMISConnection, deleteWCPSActivityGraphConnection, deleteWCPSPeopleConnection, or deleteWCPSCustomConnection.


deleteConnection(appName, name, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deletes a WebCenter Portal connection.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteConnection(appName='webcenter', name='MyConnection')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Sets WebCenter Portal Service Framework configuration properties, such as the Resource Action Handler class and display as popup properties.


setWebCenterServiceFrameworkConfig(appName, [resourceActionHandlerClassName],
[resourceActionHandlerDisplayInPopup], [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Optional. Class used by the Service Framework Resource Action Handler.


Optional. Indicates whether the Resource Action Handler displays resources in a popup or inline. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false).


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example sets the WebCenter Portal Service Framework Resource Action Handler class to my.company.ResourceActionHandler:

wls:/wc_domain/domainRuntime> setWebCenterServiceFrameworkConfig(appName='webcenter',
Successfully set the WebCenter Portal service framework configuration.
Resource Action Handler class: my.company.ResourceActionHandler
To effect connection changes, you must restart the managed server on which the 
WebCenter Portal application is deployed.

The following example sets only the WebCenter Portal Service Framework Resource Action Handler display as popup value to 1 (true):

setWebCenterServiceFrameworkConfig(appName='webcenter', resourceActionHandlerDisplayInPopup=1)
Successfully set the WebCenter Portal service framework configuration.
Resource Action Handler Display In Popup: true
To effect connection changes, you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Returns WebCenter Portal Service Framework configuration property settings, such as:

  • resourceActionHandlerClassName: Class currently used by the WebCenter Portal Service Framework Resource Action Handler

  • resourceActionHandlerDisplayInPopup: Indicates whether the Resource Action Handler displays resources in a popup or inline. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false).


getWebCenterServiceFrameworkConfig(appName, [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example returns the service framework resource action handler class and display as popup properties, for the named application.

Resource Action Handler Class: my.company.ResourceActionHandler
Resource Action Handler Display In Popup: true


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Returns the status of last WebCenter Portal command executed.

Use the webcenterErrorOccurred command to determine the status of the last WebCenter Portal command executed. The command returns 1 if an error occurred or 0 otherwise.


webcenterErrorOccurred ()


The following example returns 1 if an error occurred:

wls:/mydomain/serverConfig> webcenterErrorOccurred()


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all the WebCenter Portal connection types.


getWebCenterConnectionTypes (appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example returns WebCenter Portal connection types for an application named webcenter:

wls:/mydomain/serverConfig> getWebCenterConnectionTypes(appName='webcenter')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a new managed server with the same resources as a specified, base managed server.


cloneWebCenterManagedServer(baseManagedServer, newManagedServer, newManagedServerPort, [verbose])
Argument Definition

Name of the base managed server.


Name for the new, clone managed server.


Port number for the new managed server.


Optional. Creates the managed server in verbose mode. Valid values are 1 and 0.

When set to 1, additional progress information displays during the creation process which is useful for diagnostic purposes.

The default is 0.


The following example creates a clone of the WC_CustomPortal managed server. The new managed server is named WC_CustomPortal2:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> cloneWebCenterManagedServer(baseManagedServer='WC_CustomPortal', newManagedServer='WC_CustomPortal2', newManagedServerPort=1234)


Analytics Collector Connections

Use the commands listed in Table 10-3 to manage Analytics Collector connections for a WebCenter Portal application. Events raised in WebCenter Portal applications using OpenUsage APIs can be sent to an Analytics Collector for use by Analytics and Activity Graph services.

Connection configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-3 Analytics Collector Connection WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create a connection to an Analytics Collector for a WebCenter Portal application.



Edit an existing Analytics Collector connection.



List all of the Analytics Collector connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application.



Specify the default (or active) Analytics Collector connection for a WebCenter Portal application.



Return connection details for the Analytics Collector being used by a WebCenter Portal application.


Analytics Collector and Cluster Configuration

Use the commands listed in Table 10-4 to configure event collection properties for the Analytics Collector that is deployed on the WC_Utilities managed server.

If you reconfigure the Analytics Collector or set up clustering, you must restart the managed server on which the Analytic Collector is deployed (WC_Utilities).

Table 10-4 Analytics Collector Configuration WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Set Analytics Collector options, and cluster options if operating a clustered environment.



Return Analytics Collector settings.



List events currently registered with the Analytics Collector.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a connection to an Analytics Collector for a named WebCenter Portal application.

Events raised in WebCenter Portal applications using OpenUsage APIs can be sent to an Analytics Collector for use by the Analytics and Activity Graph services.

While you can register multiple Analytics Collector connections for a WebCenter Portal application, only one Analytics Collector connection is used - the default (or active) connection where default=1.


createAnalyticsCollectorConnection(appName, name, [isUnicast, collectorhost, 
clusterName, collectorPort, isEnabled, timeout, default, server,
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Connection name. The name must be unique across all connection types within the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Specifies whether events are sent to a clustered Analytics Collector in multicast mode or whether a single Analytics Collector using unicast communication is required. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default value is 1 (unicast).


Optional. Host name where the Analytics Collector is running. The default value is localhost.

Only required for unicast communication, that is, where isUnicast='1'.


Optional. Name of the cluster where a clustered Analytics Collector is running.

Only required for multicast communication, that is, where isUnicast=0.


Optional. Port on which the Analytics Collector listens for events. The default value is 31314.


Optional. Specifies whether to send analytics events raised using OpenUsage APIs to the Analytics Collector. Valid values 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default value is 0.

Analytics events are sent to the Analytics Collector when isEnabled=1 and default=1.


Optional. Length of time (in seconds) to wait for a response from the Analytics Collector. Default value is 30.

Only required for multicast communication, that is, where isUnicast=0.


Optional. Indicates whether this connection is the default (or active) Analytics Collector connection for the WebCenter Portal application. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, the WebCenter Portal application sends events on this connection. When set to 0, the connection is not used. The default for this argument is 0.

While you can register multiple Analytics Collector connections for a WebCenter Portal application, only one connection is used by Analytics and Activity Graph services—the default (or active) connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a connection named MyAnalyticsCollector for a WebCenter Portal application named webcenter. Events are sent to a single Analytics Collector using unicast communication:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>createAnalyticsCollectorConnection(appName='webcenter', connectionName='MyAnalyticsCollector', isUnicast=1, 
collectorHost='myhost.com', collectorPort=31314, isEnabled=1, timeout=30, default=1)

The following example creates a connection named MyAnalyticsCollector for a WebCenter Portal application named webcenter. Events are sent to a clustered Analytics Collector in multicast mode

connectionName='MyAnalyticsCollector', isUnicast=0, clusterName='collector-cluster', 
ccollectorPort=31314, isEnabled=1, timeout=30, default=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits an existing Analytics Collector connection for a named WebCenter Portal application.

Events raised in WebCenter Portal applications using OpenUsage APIs can be sent to an Analytics Collector for use by the Analytics and Activity Graph services.

While you can register multiple Analytics Collector connections for a WebCenter Portal application, only one Analytics Collector connection is used - the default (or active) connection.


setAnalyticsCollectorConnection(appName, name, [isUnicast, collectorHost, clusterName, collectorPort, isEnabled, timeout, default, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types within the WebCenter Portal application).


Optional. Specifies whether events are sent to a clustered Analytics Collector in multicast mode or whether a single Analytics Collector using unicast communication is required.


Optional. Host name where the Analytics Collector is running. The default value is localhost.

Only required for unicast communication, that is, where isUnicast=1.


Optional. Name of the cluster where a clustered Analytics Collector is running.

Only required for multicast communication, that is, where isUnicast=0.


Optional. Port on which the Analytics Collector listens for events. The default value is 31314.


Optional. Specifies whether to send analytics events raised using OpenUsage APIs to the Analytics Collector. Valid values 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default value is false.

Analytics events are sent to the Analytics Collector when isEnabled=1 and default=1.


Optional. Length of time (in seconds) to wait for a response from the Analytics Collector. Default value is 30.

Only required for multicast communication, that is, where isUnicast=0.


Optional. Indicates whether this connection is the default (or active) Analytics Collector connection for the WebCenter Portal application. Valid values 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, the WebCenter Portal application sends events on this connection. When set to 0, the connection is not used. The default for this argument is 0.

While you can register multiple Analytics Collector connections for a WebCenter Portal application, only one connection is used by the Analytics and Activity Graph services— the default (or active) connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example updates host and port details for an existing Analytics Collector connection named MyAnalyticsCollector. On this connection, events are sent to a single Analytics Collector in unicast mode:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setAnalyticsCollectorConnection(appName='webcenter', connectionName='MyAnalyticsCollector', collectorHost='myhost.com', collectorPort=31314)

The following example updates cluster, port, and timeout details for an existing Analytics Collector connection named MyAnalyticsCollector. On this connection, events are sent to a clustered Analytics Collector in multicast mode:

connectionName='MyAnalyticsCollector', clusterName='collector-cluster', collectorPort=31314, timeout=60)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists connection names and details for all Analytics Collector connections that are configured for a named WebCenter Portal application.


listAnalyticsCollectorConnections(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists connection names and details for all the Analytics Collector connections that are currently configured for an application named webcenter.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies the default Analytics Collector connection for a named WebCenter Portal application.

The default Analytics Collector connection is used to send events raised in WebCenter Portal applications using OpenUsage APIs to an Analytics Collector for use by Analytics and Activity Graph services.

While you can register multiple Analytics Collector connections for a WebCenter Portal application, only one Analytics Collector connection is used - the default (or active) connection.


setDefaultAnalyticsCollectorConnection(appName, name, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing Analytics Collector connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example configures the connection MyAnalyticsCollector for events raised in an application named webcenter:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setDefaultAnalyticsCollectorConnection
(appName='webcenter', name='myAnalyticsCollector')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Return details about the Analytics Collector connection that is currently configured for a WebCenter Portal application.

While you can register multiple Analytics Collector connections for a WebCenter Portal application, only one Analytics Collector connection is used—the default (or active) connection.


listDefaultAnalyticsCollectorConnection(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example returns details about the Analytics Collector connection that is currently configured for a WebCenter Portal application named webcenter:



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Configure the Analytics Collector deployed on the WC_Utilities managed server. Additionally, in a clustered environment, use this commands to set cluster settings.


setAnalyticsCollectorConfig(appName, [collectorHost, defaultPort, maxPort, broadcastType, clusterEnabled, clusterName, clusterBroadcastFrequency, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Analytics Collector application.


Optional. Name of the host on which the Analytics Collector is running. The default value is localhost.


Optional. Default port number on which the Analytics Collector listens. The default value is 31314.


Optional. Highest port number that the Analytics Collector can use when allocating a listener.

This property is mostly used in a clustered environment where more than one collector is running in the same box. Each collector listens for incoming UDP messages on a free port within a given port range. The range is from the default port number to the maxPort number.


Optional. Indicates the network channel on which the Analytics Collector broadcasts a 'heartbeat' to advertise its location to event producers. Valid values are Broadcast and Multicast.

  • Broadcast - use the standard network broadcast channel.

  • Multicast - use a special fixed multicast address.


Optional. Indicates whether the Analytics Collector is deployed in a cluster. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false).

If set to 1, clusterName must also be defined.


Optional. Name of the Analytics Collector cluster.

Only required when clusterEnabled=1


Optional. Broadcast Analytics Collector listening information every 'n' seconds. The default frequency is 10 seconds.

The Analytics Collector periodically broadcasts a 'heartbeat' to advertise its location (hostName). In a clustered environment, WebCenter Portal applications use the heartbeat to determine which Analytics Collectors are available.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Analytics Collector is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the application is deployed.


The following example changes the default port to 31315:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setAnalyticsCollectorConnection(appName='analytics-collector', defaultPort=31315)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Returns Analytics Collector settings.


listAnalyticsCollectorConfig(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Analytics Collector application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Analytics Collector is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the application is deployed.


The following command lists current settings for the Analytics Collector that is configured for an application named webcenter:


This is sample output for an Analytics Collector in a clustered environment:

CollectorHost = localhost
CollectorDefaultPort = 31314
CollectorMaximumPort = 31318
BroadcastType = Multicast
ClusterEnabled = 1
ClusterName = myCluster
ClusterBroadcastFrequency = 55

This is sample output for a standalone Analytics Collector:

CollectorHost = localhost
CollectorDefaultPort = 31314
CollectorMaximumPort = 31314
BroadcastType = Multicast
ClusterEnabled = 
ClusterName = 
ClusterBroadcastFrequency = 55


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all the events currently registered with the Analytics Collector.


listAnalyticsEventTypes(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Analytics Collector application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Analytics Collector is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the application is deployed.


The following command lists all the events currently registered with the Analytics Collector for use by a WebCenter Portal application named webcenter:


Sample output:


Activity Graph

Use the commands listed in Table 10-5 to manage Activity Graph system properties and metadata.

Configuration changes made using the setAGProperty WLST command are only effective after your restart the managed server on which the Activity Graph application is deployed (WC_Utilities). For all other commands, configuration changes are effective immediately.

See also, "Managing the Activity Graph Service" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-5 Activity Graph WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Export Activity Graph metadata definitions to an XML file.



Import Activity Graph metadata definitions from an XML file.



Export provider configuration, for a given provider, to an Activity Graph metadata definition file.



Delete all the Activity Graph metadata that is defined for a WebCenter application.



Delete the metadata for an action registered with Activity Graph.



Delete the metadata for a node class registered with Activity Graph.



Delete the metadata for a similarity calculation registered with Activity Graph.



Delete the metadata for a rank calculation registered with Activity Graph.



Delete the metadata for a provider assignment registered with Activity Graph.



Delete the metadata for a QRPP registered with Activity Graph.



Delete the metadata for a provider configuration registered with Activity Graph.



Change the URN of an action registered with Activity Graph.



Change the URN of a node class registered with Activity Graph.



Set a system property for Activity Graph.



Return the current setting for a given Activity Graph property.



Set credentials (user name and password) for an Activity Graph property.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Exports Activity Graph metadata definitions to an XML file.


exportAGMetadata(appName, directoryPath, definitionFileName, 
includeProviderConfigurations,[server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


Destination directory for the XML file that will be generated. If you specify a directory that does not exist then it will be created.


Name for the XML file that will be generated. If a file with the same name exists in the destination directory then it will be overwritten.


Determines whether the export includes provider configuration metadata. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false).

Provider configurations are a subset of Activity Graph metadata that you may want to manage separately from the other metadata.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example exports Activity Graph metadata definitions to an XML file named ag-metadata.xml, at the specified location:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> exportAGMetadata(appName='activitygraph-engines', 
directoryPath='/scratch/myAGmetadata', definitionFileName='ag-metadata.xml', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Imports Activity Graph metadata definitions from an XML file.

On import, new Activity Graph metadata definitions are created on the target and existing definitions are overwritten.


importAGMetadata(appName, definitionFilePath, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


Relative path to the XML file containing metadata definitions. For example, metadata/import-metadata.xml.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example imports Activity Graph metadata definitions from a file name import-metadata.xml:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> importAGMetadata(appName='activitygraph-engines', definitionFilePath='metadata/import-metadata.xml')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Exports provider configuration, for a given provider, to an Activity Graph metadata definition file.


exportAGProviderConfiguration(appName, directoryPath, definitionFileName, urn, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


Destination directory for the XML file that will be generated. If you specify a directory that does not exist, then it will be created.


Name for the XML file that will be generated. If a file with the same name exists in the destination directory then it will be overwritten. Example


URN for the Activity Graph provider to export.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example exports configuration information for the Activity Graph provider oracle.webcenter.activitygraph.analytics to an XML file named 'ag-provider-config.xml, at the specified location:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> exportAGProviderConfiguration(appName='activitygraph-engines', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes all the Activity Graph metadata that is defined for a WebCenter Portal application. The delete operation is immediate and non-reversible.

You can use this command in conjunction with the WLST command importAGMetadata to completely re-install Activity Graph metadata.

Note: Any data in the relation store, similarity store, and rank store will be deleted the next time the Activity Graph engines run.


deleteAllAGMetadata(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example deletes all existing Activity Graph metadata:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteAllAGMetadata(appName='activitygraph-engines')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes the metadata for an action that is currently registered with Activity Graph. The delete operation is immediate and non-reversible.


Any data in the relation store that is associated with the action will be deleted the next time the Activity Graph engines run.


deleteAGAction(appName, urn, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


URN for the Activity Graph action to delete.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example deletes Activity Graph metadata for the connect action:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteAGAction(appName='activitygraph-engines', urn='connect')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes the metadata for a node class that is currently registered with Activity Graph. The delete operation is immediate and non-reversible.


Any data in the relation store that is associated with the node class will be deleted the next time the Activity Graph engines run.


deleteAGNodeClass(appName, urn, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


URN for the Activity Graph node class to delete.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example deletes Activity Graph metadata for the node class WC.wiki-page action:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteAGNodeClass(appName='activitygraph-engines', urn='WC.wiki-page')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes the metadata for a similarity calculation that is currently registered with Activity Graph. The delete operation is immediate and non-reversible.


deleteAGSimilarityCalculation(appName, urn, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


URN for the Activity Graph similarity calculation to delete.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example deletes Activity Graph metadata for the similarity calculation item-edit:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteAGSimilarityCalculation(appName='activitygraph-engines', urn='item-edit')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes the metadata for a rank calculation that is currently registered with Activity Graph. The delete operation is immediate and non-reversible.


deleteAGRankCalculation(appName, urn, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


URN for the Activity Graph rank calculation to delete.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example deletes Activity Graph metadata for the activity-rank calculation:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteAGRankCalculation(appName='activitygraph-engines', urn='activity-rank')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes the metadata for a provider assignment that is currently registered with Activity Graph, that is, a provider assignment defined by the unique triple combination (action, sourceClass, trgClass). The delete operation is immediate and non-reversible.


deleteAGProviderAssignment(appName, actionURN, srcClasURN, trgClassURN [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


URN for the action.


URN for the source node class.


URN for the target node class.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example deletes Activity Graph metadata for the provider assignment specified:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteAGRProviderAssignment(appName='activitygraph-engines', actionURN='connect', 
srcClassURN='WC.user', trgClassURN='WC.user')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes the metadata for a QRPP (Query Result Post Processor) that is currently registered with Activity Graph. The delete operation is immediate and non-reversible.


deleteAGQRPPRegistration(appName, urn [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


URN for the QRPP to delete.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example deletes Activity Graph metadata for a QRPP named Event store metadata QRPP:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteAGQRPPRegistration(appName='activitygraph-engines', urn='Event store metadata QRPP')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes the metadata for a provider configuration. The delete operation is immediate and non-reversible.


deleteAGProviderConfiguration(appName, urn [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


URN for the Activity Graph provider to delete.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example deletes configuration information for the Activity Graph provider oracle.webcenter.activitygraph.analytics:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteAGProviderConfiguration(appName='activitygraph-engines', urn='oracle.webcenter.activitygraph.analytics')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Changes the URN of an action that is currently registered with Activity Graph. Any data in the relation store that is associated with the action is preserved.


This command does not delete the action and create an action with a different name as this causes data associated with the original action to be deleted.


renameAGAction(appName, currentURN, newURN,[server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


Current action URN.


New action URN.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example changes the connect action URN to people-connect:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> renameAGAction(appName='activitygraph-engines',  currentURN='connect', newURN='connect')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Changes the URN of a node class that is currently registered with Activity Graph. Any data in the relation store that is associated with the node class is preserved.


This command does not delete the node class and create a node class with a different name as this would cause data associated with the original node class to be deleted.


renameAGNodeClass(appName, currentURN, newURN,[server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


Current node class URN.


New node class URN.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example changes the WC.user node class URN to WC.people:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> renameAGNodeClass(appName='activitygraph-engines',  currentURN='WC.user', newURN='WC.people')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Sets a system property for Activity Graph. This command sets a value based on the property's datatype (String, Integer, Float, Boolean).

Activity Graph system properties include settings for:

  • Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) Admin API Web service connection (oracle.webcenter.activitygraph.providers.datasources.ses.soap.admin.url and oracle.webcenter.activitygraph.providers.datasources.ses.soap.query.url)

  • Engine configuration (oracle.webcenter.activitygraph.rankengine.enabled)

See also, "Managing the Activity Graph Service" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter for a list of system properties and their datatypes.

Configuration changes made using the setAGProperty WLST command are only effective after your restart the managed server on which the Activity Graph application is deployed (WC_Utilities).


setAGProperty(appName, propertyName, propertyValue, propertyType,[server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


Name of the Activity Graph property.


Value for the Activity Graph property.


Datatype of the property. Valid values are: String, Int, Float or Boolean.

Values are case sensitive.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example enables the Rank Engine:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setAGProperty(appName='activitygraph-engines', 
propertyValue='true', propertyType='boolean')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Returns the current setting for a given Activity Graph property.

See also, "Managing the Activity Graph Service" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter for a list of valid system properties.


getAGProperty(appName, propertyName, propertyType [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


Name of the Activity Graph property.


Datatype of the property. Valid values are: String, Int, Float or Boolean.

Values are case sensitive.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example returns the current value of the system property oracle.webcenter.activitygraph.providers.datasources.ses.soap.admin.url:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> getAGProperty(appName='activitygraph-engines', 
propertyName='oracle.webcenter.activitygraph.providers.datasources.ses.soap.admin.url', propertyType='String')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Sets credentials (user name and password) for an Activity Graph credential property.

See also, "Managing the Activity Graph Service" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter for a list of properties with the PasswordCredential datatype, for example, oracle.webcenter.activitygraph.providers.datasources.ses.soap.admin.credential.


setAGPasswordCredentialProperty(appName, propertyName, userName, password,[server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Activity Graph application in which to perform this operation—always activitygraph-engines.


Name of the Activity Graph property that specifies credentials (and has PasswordCredential datatype).


User name associated with the credential property.


Password associated with the user name specified.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Utilities.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Activity Graph application is deployed.


The following example sets user name and password credentials for the Oracle SES Admin tool:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setAGProperty(appName='activitygraph-engines', 
userName='myname', password='GuessWhat')

Activity Stream

Use the commands listed in Table 10-6 to archive and restore activity stream data generated for a WebCenter Portal application.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-6 Activity Stream WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Archive activity stream data that is older than a specified date.



Archive activity stream data associated with deleted objects.



Archive activity stream data associated with Spaces that are currently closed.



Archive activity stream data associated with Spaces that have been inactive since a specified date.



Restore archived activity stream data from a specified date into production tables.



Truncates activity stream archive data.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Archives activity stream data that is older than a specified date.

This command moves data from production tables to archive tables. Exceptions include WC_ACTOR_DETAIL and WC_OBJECT_DETAIL—data in these tables is copied to archive tables rather than moved.

Rows in WC_OBJECT_DETAIL that are not used by any activity element are deleted.


archiveASByDate(appName, year, month, day, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Year before which to archive activity stream data. For example, 2009.


Month before which to archive activity stream data. For example, enter 1 for January, 2 for February, and so on.


Day of the month before which to archive activity stream data.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example archives activity stream data that is older than October 1, 2009:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> archiveASByDate(appName='webcenter', year=2009, month=10, day=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Archives activity stream data associated with deleted objects.This command moves data from production tables to archive tables, except for WC_ACTOR_DETAIL—data in this table is copied to the archive table rather than moved.

Rows in WC_OBJECT_DETAIL that satisfy the criteria (in this case, deleted objects) are deleted.


archiveASByDeletedObjects(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example archives activity stream data associated with deleted objects:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> archiveASByDeletedObjects(appName='webcenter')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Archives activity stream data associated with Spaces that are currently closed.

This command moves data from production tables to archive tables, except for WC_ACTOR_DETAIL—data in this table is copied to the archive table rather than moved. Rows in WC_OBJECT_DETAIL that satisfy the criteria (in this case, objects involved in activities of Spaces that are closed) are deleted.


archiveASByClosedSpaces(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example archives activity stream data associated with Spaces that are currently closed:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> archiveASByClosedSpaces(appName='webcenter')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Archives activity stream data associated with spaces that have been inactive since a specified date. An inactive space is an open or closed space in which there has been no activity since the specified date.

This command moves data from production tables to archive tables, except for WC_ACTOR_DETAIL—data in this table is copied to the archive table rather than moved.Rows in WC_OBJECT_DETAIL that satisfy the criteria (in this case, objects involved in activities of spaces that have been inactive since the specified date) are deleted.


archiveASByInactiveSpaces(appName, year, month, day, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Year the space became inactive. For example, 2009.


Month the space became inactive. For example, enter 1 for January, 2 for February, and so on.


Day of the month the space became inactive.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Spaces application is deployed.


The following example archives activity stream data associated with spaces that have been inactive (no activities have occurred, regardless of open or closed status) since October 1, 2009:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> archiveASByInactiveSpaces(appName='webcenter', year=2009, month=10, day=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Restores archived activity stream data from a specified date into production tables.

This command moves data from archive tables to production tables, except for WC_ACTOR_DETAIL—data in this table is not restored because data is not deleted from this table during the archive process.

Rows that already exist in the production tables are not changed during the restore process.


restoreASByDate(appName, year, month, day, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Year from which to restore activity stream data. For example, 2009.


Month from which to restore activity stream data. For example, enter 1 for January, 2 for February, and so on.


Day of the month from which to restore activity stream data.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example restores activity stream data archived since October 1, 2009:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>restoreASByDate(appName='webcenter', year=2009, month=10, day=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Truncates activity stream archive data.


truncateASArchive(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example truncates activity stream archive data:


Content Repository

Use the commands listed in Table 10-7 to manage content repository connections and configure the Documents service for a WebCenter Portal application.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-7 Content Repository WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create a connection to an Oracle WebCenter Content repository.



Edit an existing Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection.



List individual or all Oracle WebCenter Content repository connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application.



Create an Oracle Portal repository connection.



Edit an existing Oracle Portal repository connection.



List all Oracle Portal connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application.



Create a connection to a file system.



Edit an existing file system repository connection.



List individual or all file system connections configured for a WebCenter Portal application.



Create a Microsoft SharePoint 2007 repository connection.



Edit a Microsoft SharePoint 2007 repository connection.



List all Microsoft SharePoint 2007 connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application.



List properties for the back-end Content Server that is being used by the Spaces application.



Modify properties for the back-end Content Server used by the Spaces application.



Delete properties for the back-end Content Server used by the Spaces application.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a connection to an Oracle WebCenter Content repository for a named WebCenter Portal application.


createJCRContentServerConnection(appName, name, socketType, [url, serverHost, 
serverPort, keystoreLocation, keystorePassword, privateKeyAlias, 
privateKeyPassword, webContextRoot, clientSecurityPolicy, cacheInvalidationInterval, binaryCacheMaxEntrySize, 
adminUsername, adminPassword, extAppId, timeout, isPrimary, server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


Specifies whether Oracle WebCenter Content's Content Server connects on the content server listener port or the Web server filter, and whether the listener port is SSL enabled. Valid values are socket, web, and socketssl. This option has no default.

Choose from:

  • socket—Use an intradoc socket connection to connect to the Content Server. The client IP address must be added to the list of authorized addresses in the Content Server. In this case, the client is the machine on which Oracle WebCenter is running.

  • socketssl—Use an intradoc socket connection to connect to the Content Server. that is secured using the SSL protocol. The client's certificates must be imported in the server's trust store for the connection to be allowed. Because this is the most secure option, this is the recommended option whenever identity propagation is required (for example, in the Spaces application).

  • web—Use an HTTP(S) connection to connect to the Content Server. Note that for the Spaces application, this option is not suitable for the active connection, that is, the back-end Content Server. repository that is being used to store space-specific documents and Home space documents, because it does not allow identity propagation.

  • jaxws—Use a Java API for XML Web Services connection to connect to the Content Server.


Optional. Content Server URL. Required only if socketType is set to web or jaxws. URL should be in the format: http://<hostname>:<port>/<web root>/<plugin root>

For example, http://mycontentserver/cms/idcplg.


Optional. Host name of the machine where the Content Server is running. Required if socketType is set to socket or socketssl.


Optional. Port on which the Content Server listens. Required if socketType is set to socket or socketssl:

  • Socket—Port specified for the incoming provider in the server.

  • Socket SSL—Port specified for the sslincoming provider in the server.

This property corresponds to the IntradocServerPort setting in the Content Server configuration file, which defaults to port 4444.


Optional. Location of key store that contains the private key used to sign the security assertions. Required only if socketType is set to socketssl.

The key store location must be an absolute path.


Optional. Password required to access the key store. Required only if socketType is set to socketssl.


Optional. Client private key alias in the key store. The key is used to sign messages to the server. The public key corresponding to this private key must be imported in the server keystore.

Required only if socketType is set to socketssl. The value for this argument must be a string that contains neither special characters nor white space.


Optional. Password to be used with the private key alias in the key store. Required only if socketType is set to socketssl.


Optional. Web server context root for the Content Server. Use the format /<context_root>. For example, /cs.

When specified, several Oracle WebCenter Content features based on iFrame are available in the WebCenter Portal application. This includes:

  • Associating a content profile with files when uploading new or updated files to Content Server.

    For more information, see "Uploading New Files" and "Uploading a New Version of an Existing File" in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

  • Using the document review functionality available in Oracle AutoVue.

    For more information, see "Reviewing and Collaborating on Documents Using AutoVue" in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

  • Editing advanced document properties.

    For more information, see "Working with File Properties" in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

  • Viewing folder and file workflow details.

    For more information, see "Viewing Workflow Information" in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

  • Previewing files in a slide viewer.

    For more information, see "Opening a File" in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

  • Site Studio integration

    For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

webContextRoot is only applicable when IDENTITY_PROPAGATION is used for authentication, that is, when extAppId is set to an empty string.

Note: To fully enable these Oracle WebCenter Content features you must access the WebCenter Portal application through Oracle HTTPS Server (OHS) to expose Content Server and the WebCenter Portal application under the same host and port. Both the WebCenter Portal application and Content Server must also use single sign on. For information about setting up OHS to front-end WebCenter Portal applications, see "Content Server - Configuration" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

If your WebCenter Portal application is connected to multiple Content Servers, Oracle recommends that each Content Server has a unique Web Server Context Root so that OHS re-direction works correctly.


Optional. Client security policy to be used when the socketType is jaxws. For example: oracle/wss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_service_policy


Optional. Frequency between checks for external Content Server content changes (in minutes). WebCenter Portal automatically clears items that have changed from the cache. Defaults to 0 which means that cache invalidation is disabled. The minimum interval is 2 minutes.


Optional. Maximum cacheable size (in bytes) for Content Server binary documents. Documents larger than this size are not cached by WebCenter Portal. Defaults is 102400 bytes (100K).

Tune this value based on your machine's memory configuration and the types of binary documents that you expect to cache.


Optional. User name with administrative rights for this Content Server instance. This user will be used to fetch content type information based on profiles and track document changes for cache invalidation purpose. Defaults to sysadmin.


Optional. Password for the Content Server administrator specified in adminUsername. Required when socketType is set to web.


Optional. External application used to authenticate users against the Content Server. This value should match the name of an existing external application connection. See also listExtAppConnections. If extAppId is not set, no change is made to the authentication method or external application ID.

If extAppId is set to an empty string, the authentication method used is IDENTITY_PROPAGATION. With this method, the WebCenter Portal application and Content Server use the same identity store to authenticate users. Note that extAppID is mandatory when socketType is set to web.


Optional. Length of time allowed to log in to Content Server (in ms) before issuing a connection timeout message. If no timeout is set, there is no time limit for the login operation.


Optional. Valid string values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). 1 specifies that this connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service. This argument defaults to 0.

In the Spaces application, the primary connection is used to store space-specific content and Home space content.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a socket-based connection to an Oracle WebCenter Content repository running on myhost.com at port 4444. For authentication purposes, an existing external application named myExtApp is used. See also, createExtAppConnection.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createJCRContentServerConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='myContentServerConnection', socketType='socket', 
serverHost='myhost.com', serverPort='4444', extAppId='myExtApp', 

The following example creates an SSL socket-based connection to an Oracle WebCenter Content repository.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createJCRContentServerConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='myContentServerConnection', socketType='socketssl', 
serverHost='myhost.com', serverPort='4444', keystoreLocation='d:/keys/here', keystorePassword='AlphaSquad7', 
privateKeyAlias='enigma', privateKeyPassword='S0larPl3x1s', 

The following example creates a JAX-WS (Java API for XML Web Services) connection to an Oracle WebCenter Content repository:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createJCRContentServerConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='myContentServerConnection', socketType='jaxws', url='http://myhost.com:9044/idcnativews', clientSecurityPolicy='oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits an existing Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection. This command requires that you specify values for appName and name, plus one additional argument.


setJCRContentServerConnection(appName, name, [socketType, url, serverHost, 
serverPort, keystoreLocation, keystorePassword, privateKeyAlias, 
privateKeyPassword, webContextRoot, clientSecurityPolicy, 
cacheInvalidationInterval, binaryCacheMaxEntrySize, adminUsername, adminPassword, 
extAppId, timeout, isPrimary, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection.


Optional. Specifies whether the Oracle WebCenter Content's Content Server connects on the content server listener port or the Web server filter, and whether the listener port is SSL enabled. Valid values are socket, web, and socketssl. This option has no default.

Choose from:

  • socket—Use an intradoc socket connection to connect to the Content Server. The client IP address must be added to the list of authorized addresses in the Content Server. In this case, the client is the machine on which Oracle WebCenter is running.

  • socketssl—Use an intradoc socket connection to connect to the Content Server that is secured using the SSL protocol. The client's certificates must be imported in the server's trust store for the connection to be allowed. Because this is the most secure option, this is the recommended option whenever identity propagation is required (for example, in the Spaces application).

  • web—Use an HTTP(S) connection to connect to the Content Server. Note that for the Spaces application, this option is not suitable for the back-end Content Server repository that is being used to store space-specific documents and Home space documents, because it does not allow identity propagation.

  • jaxws—Use a Java API for XML Web Services connection to connect to the Content Server.


Optional. Content Server URL. Required only if socketType is set to web or jaxws. URL should be in the format: http://<hostname>:<port>/<web root>/<plugin root>

For example, http://mycontentserver/cms/idcplg.


Optional. Host name of the machine where the Content Server is running. Required if socketType is set to socket or socketssl.


Optional. Port on which the Content Server listens. Required if socketType is set to socket or socketssl:

  • Socket—Port specified for the incoming provider in the server.

  • Socket SSL—Port specified for the sslincoming provider in the server.

For example, 4444


Optional. Location of key store that contains the private key used to sign the security assertions. Required only if socketType is set to socketssl.

The key store location must be an absolute path.


Optional. Password required to access the key store. Required only if socketType is set to socketssl.


Optional. Client private key alias in the key store. Required only if socketType is set to socketssl. The value for this argument must be a string that contains neither special characters nor white space.


Optional. Password to be used with the private key alias in the key store. Required only if socketType is set to socketssl.


Optional. Web server context root for the Content Server. Use the format /<context_root>. For example, /cs.

When specified, several Oracle WebCenter Content features based on iFrame, such as previewing files in a slide viewer, are available in the WebCenter Portal application.

Note: To fully enable these features you must access the WebCenter Portal application through Oracle HTTPS Server (OHS) to expose Content Server and the WebCenter Portal application under the same host and port. In addition, both the WebCenter Portal application and the Content Server must use single sign on. For information about setting up OHS to front-end WebCenter Portal applications, see "Content Server - Configuration" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

webContextRoot is only applicable when IDENTITY_PROPAGATION is used for authentication, that is, when extAppId is set to an empty string.


Optional. Client security policy to be used when the socketType is jaxws. For example: oracle/wss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_service_policy


Optional. Frequency between checks for external Content Server content changes (in minutes). WebCenter Portal automatically clears items that have changed from the cache. Defaults to 0 which means that cache invalidation is disabled. The minimum interval is 2 minutes.


Optional. Maximum cacheable size (in bytes) for Content Server binary documents. Documents larger than this size are not cached by WebCenter Portal. Defaults is 102400 bytes (100K).

Tune this value based on your machine's memory configuration and the types of binary documents that you expect to cache.


Optional. User name with administrative rights for this Content Server instance. This user will be used to fetch content type information based on profiles and track document changes for cache invalidation purpose. Defaults to sysadmin.


Optional. Password for the Content Server administrator specified in adminUsername. Required when socketType is set to web.


Optional. External application used to authenticate users against the Content Server. This value should match the name of an existing external application connection. See also listExtAppConnections. If extAppId is not set, no change is made to the authentication method or external application ID.

If extAppId is set to an empty string, the authentication method used is IDENTITY_PROPAGATION. With this method, the WebCenter Portal application and Content Server use the same identity store to authenticate users.


Optional. Length of time allowed to log in to Content Server (in ms) before issuing a connection timeout message. If no timeout is set, there is no time limit for the login operation.


Optional. Valid string values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). 1 specifies that this connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service. This argument defaults to 0.

In the Spaces application, the primary connection is used to store space-specific content and Home space content.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example edits a socket-based connection to an Oracle WebCenter Content repository.

name='myContentServerConnection', socketType='socket', 
serverHost='myhost.com',  serverPort='4444', 
extAppId='myExtApp', isPrimary=1)

The following example edits an SSL socket-based connection to an Oracle WebCenter Content repository.

name='myContentServerConnection', socketType='socketssl', 
serverHost='myhost.com', serverPort='8443', 
keystoreLocation='d:/keys/here', keystorePassword='T0PS3CR3T', 
privateKeyAlias='TekJansen', privateKeyPassword='LadyNocturne', 
extAppId='myExtApp', isPrimary=1)

The following example edits a JAX-WS (Java API for XML Web Services) connection to an Oracle WebCenter Content repository:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setJCRContentServerConnection(appName='webcenter', 
socketType='jaxws', url='http://myhost.com:9044/idcnativews', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Without any arguments, this command lists all of the Oracle WebCenter Content repository connections that are configured for a named WebCenter Portal application.


listJCRContentServerConnections(appName, [verbose], 
[name, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Displays content repository connection details in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0(false). When set to 1, listJCRContentServerConnections lists all Oracle WebCenter Content repository connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application, along with their details. When set to 0, only connection names are listed. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of an existing Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection. When specified you can view connection details for a specific Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection. If you supply a value for name, you must supply a value for verbose.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists Oracle WebCenter Content repository connections configured for an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listJCRContentServerConnections(appName='webcenter')

The following example lists all properties of the Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection named myContentServerConnection1. The connection named myContentServerConnection1 must exist and be an Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection. If, for example, you specify an Oracle Portal connection, the properties are not listed and an error is displayed.

verbose=1, name='myContentServerConnection1')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates an Oracle Portal repository connection.


createJCRPortalConnection(appName, name, dataSource, [extAppId, isPrimary, timeout, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


JNDI DataSource location used to connect to the portal. For example: jdbc/MyPortalDS

The datasource must be on the server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


Optional. External application used to authenticate users against Oracle Portal. This value should match the name of an existing external application connection. See also listExtAppConnections. If extAppId is not set, no change is made to the authentication method or external application ID.

If extAppId is set to an empty string, the authentication method used is IDENTITY_PROPAGATION. With this method, the WebCenter Portal application and Oracle Portal use the same identity store to authenticate users.


Optional. Length of time allowed to log in to Oracle Portal (in ms) before issuing a connection timeout message. If no timeout is set, there is no time limit for the login operation.


Optional. Valid string values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). 1 specifies that this connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service. This argument defaults to 0.

In the Spaces application, the primary connection must be an Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a Oracle Portal connection named myPortalConnection using the data source jdbc/portalDS and specifies that an external application, named myExtApp, is used for authentication.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createJCRPortalConnection(appName='myApp', 
name='myPortalConnection', dataSource='jdbc/portalDS', extAppId='myExtApp', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits an existing Oracle Portal connection. This command requires that you specify values for either the dataSource or isPrimary argument.


setJCRPortalConnection(appName, name, [dataSource, extAppId, timeout, isPrimary, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing Oracle Portal connection.


Optional. JNDI DataSource location used to connect to the portal. For example: jdbc/MyPortalDS

The datasource must be on the server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


Optional. External application used to authenticate users against Oracle Portal. This value should match the name of an existing external application connection. See also listExtAppConnections. If extAppId is not set, no change is made to the authentication method or external application ID.

If extAppId is set to an empty string, the authentication method used is IDENTITY_PROPAGATION. With this method, the WebCenter Portal application and Oracle Portal use the same identity store to authenticate users.


Optional. Length of time allowed to log in to Oracle Portal (in ms) before issuing a connection timeout message. If no timeout is set, there is no time limit for the login operation.


Optional. Valid string values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). 1 specifies that this connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service. When set to 0, and the specified connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service, the primary connection is reset. If this parameter is not set, the primary connection used by the Documents service does not change. This argument has no default.

In the Spaces application, the primary connection must be an Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example edits Oracle Portal repository connection details.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setJCRPortalConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='myPortalConnection', dataSource='/newPortalDS', extAppId='myExtApp', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Without any arguments, this command lists all of the Oracle Portal connections that are configured for a named WebCenter Portal application.


listJCRPortalConnections(appName, [verbose, name, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Displays content repository connection details in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listJCRPortalConnections lists all Oracle Portal connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application, along with their details. When set to 0, only connection names are listed. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of an existing Oracle Portal connection. When specified you can view connection details for a specific Oracle Portal connection. If you supply a value for name, you must supply a value for verbose.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists all of the Oracle Portal connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listJCRPortalConnections(appName='webcenter', 
verbose=1, name='myPortalConnection')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a connection to a file system repository.


File system connections must not be used in production or enterprise application deployments. This feature is provided for development purposes only.


createJCRFileSystemConnection(appName, name, path, [isPrimary, server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


Full path to a folder whose contents you want to expose through this file system connection. For example, if you have a folder called C:\ProjectDocuments and you want to use that folder with the Documents service, you need to specify this folder as the path argument to this command.


Optional. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). 1 specifies that this connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service. When set to 0, and when the specified connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service, the primary connection is reset. If this parameter is not set, the primary connection used by the Documents service does not change. This argument has no default.

In the Spaces application, the primary connection must be an Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a connection to a file system repository.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createJCRFileSystemConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='FSAConnection', path='C:/ProjectDocuments')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits an existing file system repository connection. This command requires that you specify values for either the path or isPrimary arguments.


File system connections must not be used in production or enterprise application deployments. This feature is provided for development purposes only.


setJCRFileSystemConnection(appName, name, [path, isPrimary, server, 
Argument Definition

Application name in which to set Document service properties.


Name for the connection to be used by the Documents service.


Optional. Full path to a folder whose contents you want to expose through this file system connection. For example, if you have a folder called C:\ProjectDocuments and you want to use that folder with the Documents service, you need to specify this folder as the path argument to this command.


Optional. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, specifies that this connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service. When set to 0, and when the specified connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service, the primary connection is reset. If this parameter is not set, the primary connection used by the Documents service does not change. This argument has no default.

Note that in the Spaces application, the primary connection must be an Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example edits connection details for a file system repository.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setJCRFileSystemConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='FSAConnection', path='C:/ProjectDocuments')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Without any arguments, this command lists all of the file system connections that are configured for a named WebCenter Portal application.


File system connections must not be used in production or enterprise application deployments. This feature is provided for development purposes only.


listJCRFileSystemConnections(appName, [verbose, name, server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Displays content repository connection details in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listJCRFileSystemConnections lists all file system connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application, along with their details. When set to 0, only connection names are listed. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of an existing file system connection. When specified you can view connection details for a specific file system connection. If you supply a value for name, you must supply a value for verbose.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists all of the file system connections that are configured for an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listJCRFileSystemConnections(appName='webcenter')

The following example lists all of the file system connections that are configured, in verbose mode.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listJCRFileSystemConnections(appName='webcenter', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a connection to a Microsoft SharePoint 2007 repository.


createJCRSharePointConnection(appName, name, url, [likeLimit, extAppId, timeout, isPrimary, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


Web address of the SharePoint site to which you want to connect.

For example, if the SharePoint site address is http://mysharepoint.mycompany.com, enter this value for the url argument.


Optional. Number of characters the LIKE operator matches. The default is 64.

The SharePoint query language can use a LIKE keyword to constrain URL queries (document paths) that match a search pattern. By default, the LIKE operator supports a pattern match on strings up to 64 characters. Use this argument to specify a different character limit (any positive integer between 1 and 64) or enter likeLimit=0 to disable the LIKE limit, that is, always send the full query string to the Microsoft SharePoint server.

As Oracle recommends the default value (64), there is no need to specify this argument when you create a connection using the WLST command createJCRSharePointConnection.

Note: Only specify a value above 64 if your SharePoint instance supports LIKE queries on URLs greater than 64 characters.


Optional. External application used to authenticate users against the SharePoint repository. This value should match the name of an existing external application connection. See also listExtAppConnections.

If extAppId is not set, the SharePoint repository connection will not work.

extAppId can be set or changed at any time using the setJCRSharePointConnection command.


Optional. Length of time allowed to log in to the SharePoint repository (in ms) before issuing a connection timeout message. If no timeout is set, there is no time limit for the login operation.


Optional. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). 1 specifies that this connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service. The argument defaults to 0. If this parameter is omitted, the primary connection used by the Documents service does not change.

In the Spaces application, the primary connection must be an Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a connection to a Microsoft SharePoint site.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createJCRSharePointConnection(appName='webcenter', name='MySPConnection', url='http://mysharepoint.mycompany.com', extAppId='myExtApp')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits an existing Microsoft SharePoint 2007 repository connection. This command requires that you specify values for appName and name, plus at least one additional argument.


setJCRSharePointConnection(appName, name, [url, likeLimit, extAppId, timeout, isPrimary, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing SharePoint connection.


Optional. Web address of the SharePoint site to which you want to connect.

For example, if the SharePoint site address is http://mysharepoint.mycompany.com, enter this value for the url argument.


Optional. Number of characters the LIKE operator matches. The default is 64.

The SharePoint query language can use a LIKE keyword to constrain URL queries (document paths) that match a search pattern. By default, the LIKE operator supports a pattern match on strings up to 64 characters. Use this argument to specify a different character limit (any positive integer between 1 and 64) or enter likeLimit=0 to disable the LIKE limit, that is, always send the full query string to the Microsoft SharePoint server.

Oracle recommends the default value (64). The default is suitable in most instances so, typically, there is no need to set a new value. To reset the default, specify likeLimit='' or likeLimit=64.

Note: Only specify a value above 64 if your SharePoint instance supports LIKE queries on URLs greater than 64 characters.


Optional. External application used to authenticate users against the SharePoint repository. This value should match the name of an existing external application connection. See also listExtAppConnections. If extAppId is not set, no change is made to the current external application ID.

If no external application is set, the SharePoint connection will not work.


Optional. Length of time allowed to log in to the SharePoint repository (in ms) before issuing a connection timeout message. If no timeout is set, there is no time limit for the login operation.


Optional. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). 1 specifies that this connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service. When set to 0, and the specified connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service, the primary connection is reset. If this parameter is not set, the primary connection used by the Documents service does not change. This argument has no default.

In the Spaces application, the primary connection must be an Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example edits SharePoint repository connection details.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setJCRSharePointConnection(appName='webcenter', name='MySPConnection', url='http://mysharepoint.mycompany.com', extAppId='myExtApp')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Without any arguments, this command lists all of the SharePoint connections that are configured for a named WebCenter Portal application.


listJCRSharePointConnections(appName, [verbose, name, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Displays SharePoint connection details in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listJCRSharePointConnections lists all SharePoint connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application, along with their details. When set to 0, only connection names are listed. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of an existing SharePoint connection. When specified you can view connection details for a specific SharePoint connection. If you supply a value for name, you must supply a value for verbose.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists the names of all the SharePoint connections that are configured for an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listJCRSharePointConnections(appName='webcenter')

The following example lists connection details for all of the SharePoint connections that are configured.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listJCRSharePointConnections(appName='webcenter', verbose=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists properties for the back-end Oracle WebCenter Content repository that is being used by the Spaces application to store space-specific documents and Home space documents. This command is only valid for the Spaces application.


listDocumentsSpacesProperties(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application in which to perform this operation—always webcenter.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Spaces application is deployed.


The following example lists properties for the back-end Oracle WebCenter Content repository that is being used by a Spaces application (named webcenter) to store space-specific documents and Home space documents.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listDocumentsSpacesProperties(appName='webcenter')

The Documents Spaces container is "/WebCenter1109"
The Documents repository administrator is "sysadmin"
The Documents Spaces container is "/WebCenter1109"The Documents primary connection is "myOCSConnection"


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Modifies properties for the back-end Oracle WebCenter Content repository that is being used by the Spaces application to store Space-related data. This command is only valid for the Spaces application.


setDocumentsSpacesProperties(appName, [spacesRoot, adminUserName, 
applicationName, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition


Name of the Spaces application in which to perform this operation—always webcenter.


Optional. Root folder under which the Spaces application content is stored. The value for this argument must use the format: /<foldername>. For example, /WebCenter or /WebCenterSpaces. The spacesRoot cannot be /, the root itself, and it must be unique across applications. If the folder specified does not exist it will be created for you.

Note that if you provide a value for this argument, you must also provide values for the adminUserName and applicationName arguments.


Optional. User name of the content repository administrator. For example: sysadmin. This user will be used to create and maintain folders for Spaces application content and manage content access rights.

Administrative privileges are required for this connection so that operations can be performed on behalf of Spaces users.

Note that if you provide a value for this argument, you must also provide values for the spacesRoot and applicationName arguments.


Optional. Unique Spaces application identifier. This name is used to separate data when multiple Spaces applications share the same content repository, and must be unique across applications.

The value for this argument must begin with an alphabetical character, followed by any combination of alphanumeric characters or the underscore character. The string must be less than or equal to 30 characters. Note that if you provide a value for this argument, you must also provide values for the spacesRoot and adminUserName arguments.

The name specified here is also used to name document-related workflows, as follows:



When naming workflows, only the first 14 characters of the Application Name are used.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example modifies connection properties for the back-end Oracle WebCenter Content repository that is being used by the Spaces application to store space-specific documents and Home space documents.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setDocumentsSpacesProperties(appName='webcenter', 
spacesRoot='/AccountingSpaces', adminUserName='admin', 

The following example modifies the administrator's user name for the back-end Oracle WebCenter Content repository that is being used by the Spaces application to store space-specific documents and Home space documents.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setDocumentsSpacesProperties(appName='webcenter', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes properties for the back-end Oracle WebCenter Content repository used by the Spaces application, that is the adminUserName, applicationName, and spacesRoot. This command is only valid for the Spaces application.


deleteDocumentsSpacesProperties(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application in which to perform this operation—always webcenter.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deletes connection properties (adminUserName, applicationName, spacesRoot) of the back-end Oracle WebCenter Content repository that is being used by the Spaces application.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteDocumentsSpacesProperties(appName='webcenter')

Discussions and Announcements

Use the commands listed in Table 10-8 to manage discussions server connections for WebCenter Portal applications.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-8 Discussion and Announcement WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create a new discussions server connection for a WebCenter Portal application.



Edit an existing discussions server connection.



Specify the default connection for the Discussions and Announcements services.



List all of the discussions server connections that are configured for an application.



List the default discussions server connection for an application.



Set an additional discussions server connection property.



Delete a discussions server connection property.



Specify defaults for the Discussions service.



Remove defaults for the Discussions service.



List Discussions service properties.



Specify defaults for the Announcements service.



Remove defaults for the Announcements service.



List Announcements service properties.



Grant system administrator permissions on the discussions server to a user or a group.



Synchronizes discussion server permissions for subspaces that inherit security from their parent.



Set discussions server properties.



Return discussions server property values.



Remove current discussions server property values.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a new discussions server connection for a named WebCenter Portal application.

The Discussions service and the Announcements service both require a discussions server connection. Both services use the same discussions server connection.

While you can register multiple discussions server connections for a WebCenter Portal application, only one connection is used for discussion and announcement services - the default (or active) connection.


createDiscussionForumConnection(appName, name, url, adminUser, 
[timeout, default, policyURIForAuthAccess, policyURIForPublicAccess, recipientKeyAlias]) 

Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


URL of the discussions server hosting discussion forums and announcements. For example: http://myhost:8888/owc_discussions.


Name of the discussions server administrator. This account is used by the Discussions and Announcements services to perform administrative operations on behalf of WebCenter Portal users.

This account is mostly used for managing discussions and announcements in the Spaces application. It is not necessary for this user to be a super admin. However, the user must have administrative privileges on the current application root category for the Spaces application, that is, the category (on the discussions server) under which all Space-related discussions and announcements are stored.


Optional. URI to the SAML token based policy required for authenticated access to the discussions server Web service.

The client policy specified must be compatible with the service policy that is configured for the OWCDiscussionsServiceAuthenticated endpoint in the discussions server. Out-of-the-box, the default service policy is WSS 1.0 SAML Token Service Policy (oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy).

Valid client policy values include:

  • oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy (WSS 1.0 SAML Token Client Policy)

  • oracle/wss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_policy (WSS 1.1 SAML Token with Message Protection Client Policy)

  • GPA (Global Policy Attachment) - Use GPA if your environment supports Global Policy Attachments. In addition, ensure that the default policy is detached from the OWCDiscussionsServiceAuthenticated endpoint in the discussions server using the WLST command detachWebServicePolicy or Enterprise Manager.

See also "Managing the Announcements and Discussions Services" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. URI to the policy required to enforce message security and integrity for public access to the discussions server Web service.

Default value is oracle/no_authentication_client_policy.

The client policy specified must be compatible with the service policy that is configured for the OWCDiscussionsServicePublic endpoint in the discussions server. Out-of-the-box, a service policy is not configured for public access (oracle/no_authentication_client_policy).

Valid client policy values include:

  • oracle/no_authentication_client_policy (None)

  • oracle/wss11_with_message_protection_client_policy (WSS 1.1 Message Protection Client Policy)

  • GPA (Global Policy Attachment) - Use GPA if your environment supports Global Policy Attachments. In addition, you must ensure that the default policy attached to the OWCDiscussionsServicePublic endpoint in the discussions server is set to oracle/no_authentication_service_policy.


Optional. Recipient key alias to be used for message protected policies (applicable to the OWCDiscussionsServicePublic and OWCDiscussionsServiceAuthenticated endpoints). This is the alias to the certificate that contains the public key of the discussions server in the configured keystore. The default is null.

See also "Configuring WS-Security for WebCenter Portal Applications and Components" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. Length of time (in seconds) the Discussions service waits for a response from the discussions server before issuing a connection timeout message. This argument defaults to -1. When set to -1, the service default (10 seconds) applies.


Optional. Indicates that this connection is the default connection for the Discussions and Announcements services.

Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, the Discussions service and the Announcements service both use this connection. When set to 0, the connection is not used. The default is 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a discussions server connection for a WebCenter Portal application.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createDiscussionForumConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='MyDiscussionServer', url='http://myhost.com:8888/owc_discussions', 
adminUser='admin', policyURIForAuthAccess='oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy', default=0)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits an existing discussions server connection. Use this command to update connection attributes.

The connection is created using the createDiscussionForumConnection command.


setDiscussionForumConnection(appName, name, [url, adminUser, policyURIForAuthAccess, policyURIForPublicAccess, recipientKeyAlias, timeout, default, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing discussions server connection.


Optional. URL to the discussions server.


Optional. Name of the discussions server administrator. This account is used by the Discussions service to perform administrative operations on behalf of WebCenter Portal users.

This account is mostly used for managing discussions and announcements in the Spaces application. It is not necessary for this user to be a super admin. However, the user must have administrative privileges on the current root category for the Spaces application, that is, the category (on the discussions server) under which all Spaces discussion forums are stored.


Optional. URI to the SAML token based policy required for authenticated access to the discussions server Web service.

The client policy specified must be compatible with the service policy that is configured for the OWCDiscussionsServiceAuthenticated endpoint in the discussions server. Out-of-the-box, the default service policy is WSS 1.0 SAML Token Service Policy (oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy).

Valid client policy values include:

  • oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy (WSS 1.0 SAML Token Client Policy)

  • oracle/wss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_policy (WSS 1.1 SAML Token with Message Protection Client Policy)

  • GPA (Global Policy Attachment) - Use GPA if your environment supports Global Policy Attachments. In addition, ensure that the default policy is detached from the OWCDiscussionsServiceAuthenticated endpoint in the discussions server using the WLST command detachWebServicePolicy or Enterprise Manager.

See also "Managing the Announcements and Discussions Services" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. URI to the policy required to enforce message security and integrity for public access to the discussions server Web service.

Default value is oracle/no_authentication_client_policy.

The client policy specified must be compatible with the service policy that is configured for the OWCDiscussionsServicePublic endpoint in the discussions server. Out-of-the-box, a service policy is not configured for public access (oracle/no_authentication_client_policy).

Valid client values include:

  • oracle/no_authentication_client_policy (None)

  • oracle/wss11_with_message_protection_client_policy (WSS 1.1 Message Protection Client Policy)

  • GPA (Global Policy Attachment) - Use GPA if your environment supports Global Policy Attachments. In addition, you must ensure that the default policy attached to the OWCDiscussionsServicePublic endpoint in the discussions server is set to oracle/no_authentication_service_policy.


Optional. Recipient key alias to be used for message protected policy authentication. Only required when the discussion server connection is using a message protection-based security policy for authentication. The default is null.

See also "Configuring WS-Security for WebCenter Portal Applications and Components" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. Length of time (in seconds) the Discussion and Announcement services wait for a response from the discussions server before issuing a connection timeout message. This argument defaults to -1. When set to -1, the service default (10 seconds) applies.


Optional. Indicates that this connection is the default connection for the Discussions and Announcements services. Required only if more than one connection is defined.

Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, the Discussion and Announcement services use this connection. When set to 0, the connection is not used. The default is 0.

To specify that the Discussion and Announcements service use this connection, change the value from 0 to 1.

To disable this connection, use the removeDiscussionForumServiceProperty command:

removeDiscussionForumServiceProperty('appName='webcenter', property='selected.connection')

Note: While you can register multiple discussions server connections for a WebCenter Portal application, only one connection is used for discussion and announcement services— the default (or active) connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example updates attributes for a secure discussions server connection named MyDiscussionsServer.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setDiscussionForumConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='MyDiscussionServer', url='http://myhost.com:7786/owc_discussions', 
adminUser='admin', policyURIForAuthAccess='oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy', default=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Sets a discussions server connection property. Use this command when additional parameters are required to connect to your discussions server.

This commands provides an extensible way to add any connection property using a key and a value. (You are not limited to connection properties specified by createDiscussionForumConnection and setDiscussionForumConnection.)


Do not use the setDiscussionForumConnectionProperty to set connection properties available through createDiscussionForumConnection or setDiscussionForumConnection. Attempting to do so, has no effect.

All known, additional connection properties are listed in Table 10-9, "Additional Discussion Connection Properties".

Table 10-9 Additional Discussion Connection Properties

Connection Property


(Spaces application only) Application root category ID on the discussions server under which all discussion forums are stored. For example, if set to 3, then all forums are stored inside the category 3.


setDiscussionForumConnectionProperty(appName, name, key, value, [secure, server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing discussions server connection.


Name of the connection property.


Value for the property. Allows any property to be modified on the connection with a key and value.


Optional. Indicates whether the property value must be stored securely using encryption. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When 1, the value is encrypted. The default option is 0.

Set to 1 if you are storing passwords.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example configures the location of the keystore certificate for a discussions server connection named MyDiscussionServer.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setDiscussionForumConnectionProperty
(appName='webcenter', name='MyDiscussionServer', key='application.root.category.id', value='3')

The following example adds a custom discussions server connection property called myProperty1 with a value propertyValue1.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setDiscussionForumConnectionProperty
(appName='webcenter', name='MyDiscussionServer', key='myProperty1', 

The following example adds a secured discussions server connection property called securedProperty with the value secureValue.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setDiscussionForumConnectionProperty
(appName='webcenter', name='MyDiscussionServer', key='securedProperty', 
value='secureValue', secure=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes a discussions server connection property. Take care when deleting connection properties because the connection may not work as expected if the configuration becomes invalid as a result.

This command can only delete additional connection properties added using the setDiscussionForumConnectionProperty command.


deleteDiscussionForumConnectionProperty(appName, name, key, [server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing discussions server connection.


Name of the connection property you want to delete.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deletes a discussions server connection property named myProperty1.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteDiscussionForumConnectionProperty
(appName='webcenter', name='MyDiscussionServer', key='myProperty1')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all of the discussions server connections that are configured for a named WebCenter Portal application.


listDiscussionForumConnections(appName, [verbose, name, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listDiscussionForumConnections lists all of the discussions server connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application, along with their details. When set to 0, only connection names are listed. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of an existing discussions server connection. Use this argument to view connection details for a specific discussions server connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists the names of all of the discussions server connections that are currently configured for an application named webcenter.


The following example lists connection names and details for all of the discussions server connections currently configured for an application named webcenter.


The following example lists connection details for a discussions server connection named myDiscussionsServer.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listDiscussionForumConnections(appName='webcenter', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Names the discussions server connection that the Discussions service and the Announcements service are using, in a named WebCenter Portal application. While you can register multiple discussions server connections for a WebCenter Portal application, the Discussions/Announcements service only uses one connection—known as the default (or active) connection.


listDefaultDiscussionForumConnection(appName, [verbose, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, the name and details of the discussions server connections are listed. When set to 0, only the connection name displays. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example names the discussions server connection that the Discussions/Announcements service are using, in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listDefaultDiscussionForumConnection(appName='webcenter')

The following example lists the name and details of the discussions server connection that the Discussions/Announcements service are using.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listDefaultDiscussionForumConnection(appName='webcenter', verbose=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies the default discussions server connection for the Discussions service and the Announcements service, in a named WebCenter Portal application.

While you can register multiple discussions server connections with a WebCenter Portal application, the Discussions/Announcements services only uses one connection—this is known as the default (or active) connection.


setDefaultDiscussionForumConnection(appName, name, [server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing discussions server connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example makes a connection named myDiscussionServer the default (or active) connection for the Discussions and Announcement services.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setDefaultDiscussionForumConnection
(appName='webcenter', name='myDiscussionServer')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies default values for the Discussions service.

Configurable properties for the Discussions service are listed in Table 10-10, "Discussion Service Configuration Properties".

Table 10-10 Discussion Service Configuration Properties

Configuration Property Description


Maximum number of topics fetched by the Discussions service and displayed in the topics view.


Maximum number of forums fetched by the Discussions service and displayed in the forums view.


Maximum number of topics fetched by the Discussions service and displayed in the recent topics view.


Maximum number of topics fetched by the Discussions service and displayed in the watched topics view.


Maximum number of forums fetched by the Discussions service and displayed in the watched forums view.


Application root category ID on the discussions server under which all discussion forums are stored. For example, if set to 3, all forums are stored inside category 3.


Communication through mail distribution lists can be published as discussion forum posts. This parameter starts or stops the gateway for this communication.

For the Spaces application, the default value is 1, which means that as soon as you configure mail server settings through administration, the gateway starts. Set this to 0, and restart the managed server, to stop the gateway and disable this feature.

For WebCenter Portal applications, the default value is 0. Set this to 1, and restart the managed server, to start the gateway and enable this feature.


setDiscussionForumServiceProperty(appName, property, value, [server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the configuration property.


Value for the property.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example changes the default number of topics displayed in topics view.

(appName='webcenter', property='topics.fetch.size', value='30')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Removes the current value that is set for a Discussions service property. Use this command to remove any of the properties listed in Table 10-10, "Discussion Service Configuration Properties".

Take care when using this command as removing values for these properties might cause unexpected behavior.


Use this command syntax to disable the connection currently used for discussion and announcement services:

removeDiscussionForumServiceProperty('appName='webcenter', property='selected.connection')

This command forces the default connection argument to 0. See also, setDiscussionForumConnection.


removeDiscussionForumServiceProperty(appName, property, [server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the configuration property.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example clears the current topics.fetch.size property for the Discussions service, in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> removeDiscussionForumServiceProperty
(appName='webcenter', property='topics.fetch.size')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all configurable properties for the Discussions service.


listDiscussionForumServiceProperties(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists configuration properties for the Discussions service, in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listDiscussionForumServiceProperties(appName='webcenter')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies default values for the Announcements service.

Configurable properties for the Announcements service are listed in Table 10-11, "Announcements Service Configuration Properties".

Table 10-11 Announcements Service Configuration Properties

Configuration Property Description


Maximum number of announcements displayed in the Announcements mini view.


Maximum number of announcements displayed in the Announcements main view.


Maximum number of announcements displayed in the Announcements links view.


Number of days that announcements display and remain editable.


setAnnouncementServiceProperty(appName, property, value, [server, applicationVersion})
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the configuration property.


Property value.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example changes the default number of days that announcements display, in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setAnnouncementServiceProperty(appName='webcenter', 
property='announcements.expiration.days', value='21')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Removes the current value that is set for a Announcements service property. Use this command to remove any of the properties listed in Table 10-11, "Announcements Service Configuration Properties".

Take care when using this command as removing values for these properties might cause unexpected behavior.


removeAnnouncementServiceProperty(appName, property, [server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the configuration property.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example clears the announcements.expiration.days property for the Announcements service, in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> removeAnnouncementServiceProperty
(appName='webcenter', property='announcements.expiration.days')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all configurable properties for the Announcements service.


listAnnouncementServiceProperties(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists configuration properties for the Announcements service, in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listAnnouncementServiceProperties(appName='webcenter')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Grants system administrator permissions on the discussions server to a user or a group. This command is useful when you connect the discussions server to a new identity store that does not contain any of the current administrators.


addDiscussionsServerAdmin(appName, name, [type, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the discussions server application in which to perform this operation. For example, owc_discussions.


Name of the user or group to add as an administrator on the discussions server.


Optional. Identifies the type of identity. Valid values are USER and GROUP. The default value is USER.


Optional. Name of the managed server on which the application is deployed. For example, WC_Collaboration.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the application is deployed.


The following example grants system administrator permissions on the discussions server to the user weblogic:

addDiscussionsServerAdmin(appName='owc_discussions', name='weblogic', type='USER')

The following example grants system administrator permissions on the discussions server to all users in the Administrators user group:

addDiscussionsServerAdmin(appName='owc_discussions', name='Administrators', type='GROUP')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


(Spaces application only) Synchronizes discussion server permissions for subspaces that inherit security from their parent.

When you update Discussions or Announcement permissions for space hierarchies in the Spaces application, the subspaces do not automatically inherit the corresponding permission change on WebCenter Portal's discussions server. Therefore, whenever changes are made, you must run this command to synchronize Discussions and Announcement permissions within a space hierarchy, such that subspaces inherit the same discussions server permissions as their parent.


To execute discussion server WLST commands, such as syncDiscussionServerPermissions, the user used to connect to the Admin Server must also have administrative privileges on the discussion server.


syncDiscussionServerPermissions(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application in which to perform this operation—always webcenter.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example synchronizes Discussions and Announcement permissions in the Spaces application, that is, subspaces inherit the same discussions server permissions as their parent:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> syncDiscussionServerPermissions(appName='webcenter')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Sets a discussions server property.

Use this command to set a system property on the discussions server.


To execute discussion server WLST commands, such as setDiscussionsServerProperty, the user used to connect to the Admin Server must also have administrative privileges on the discussion server.


setDiscussionsServerProperty(appName, key, value, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the discussions server application in which to perform this operation. For example, owc_discussions.


Name of the discussions server property.


Value for the discussions server property.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Collaboration.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the application is deployed.


The following example sets properties that configures the discussions server for SSO, where example.com:8890/owc_discussions is the base URL of the webtier on which the discussions server is deployed:

setDiscussionsServerProperty(appName='owc_discussions', key='owc_discussions.sso.mode', value='true') 
setDiscussionsServerProperty(appName='owc_discussions', key='jiveURL', value='example.com:8890/owc_discussions')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Returns the current value of a discussions server property.


To execute discussion server WLST commands, such as getDiscussionsServerProperty, the user used to connect to the Admin Server must also have administrative privileges on the discussion server.


getDiscussionsServerProperty(appName, key, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the discussions server application in which to perform this operation. For example, owc_discussions.


Name of the discussions server property. For example, owc_discussions.sso.mode, AuthFactory.className, UserManager.className, GroupManager.className, owc_discussions.setup.complete_11., and so on.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Collaboration.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the application is deployed.


The following example returns current values for some key discussions server properties:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> getDiscussionsServerProperty
(appName='owc_discussions', key='AuthFactory.className')
(appName='owc_discussions', key='UserManager.className')
(appName='owc_discussions', key='GroupManager.className')
(appName='owc_discussions', key=', )


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Removes the current values that is set for a discussions server property.


To execute discussion server WLST commands, such as removeDiscussionsServerProperty, the user used to connect to the Admin Server must also have administrative privileges on the discussion server.


removeDiscussionsServerProperty(appName, key, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the discussions server application in which to perform this operation. For example, owc_discussions.


Name of the discussions server property. For example, owc_discussions.sso.mode, AuthFactory.className, UserManager.className, GroupManager.className, owc_discussions.setup.complete_11., and so on.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Collaboration.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the application is deployed.


The following example removes the current value for the 'SSO mode' property on the discussions server:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> removeDiscussionsServerProperty
(appName='owc_discussions', key='owc_discussions.sso.mode')

External Applications

Use the commands listed in Table 10-12 to manage external application connections for WebCenter Portal applications.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are immediately available in the WebCenter Portal application.

Table 10-12 External Application WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create an external application connection, for a named WebCenter Portal application.



Edit an existing external application connection.



List individual or all external applications that are configured for a specific WebCenter Portal application.



Add another login field for a specific external application connection.



Edit the value and display-to-user setting for a specific external application login field.



Remove an external application login field.



Specify shared or public credentials for an external application.



Edit shared or public credentials for an external application.



Remove shared or public credentials currently configured for an external application.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates an external application connection, for a named WebCenter Portal application.


createExtAppConnection(appName, name, [displayName, url, authMethod, 
userFieldName, pwdFieldName, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. External application display name. A user friendly name for the application that WebCenter Portal users will recognize. The display name must be unique across all external applications within the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. External application login URL.

To determine an application's URL, navigate to the application's login page and note down the URL for that page. For example: http://login.yahoo.com/config/login


Optional. Authentication mechanism used by the external application. Valid options are GET, POST, and BASIC. This argument defaults to POST.


Optional. Name that identifies the user name or user ID field on the external application's login form. To find this name, look at the HTML source for the login page. This argument does not specify user credentials.

Mandatory if authMethod is GET or POST and a login url is specified. Not required if BASIC authentication method is selected.


Optional. Name that identifies the password field on the external application's login form. To find this name, look at the HTML source for the login page. This argument does not specify user credentials.

Mandatory if authMethod is GET or POST and a login url is specified. Not required if BASIC authentication method is selected.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a connection for an external application named My Yahoo!, in a WebCenter Portal application.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createExtAppConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='yahoo', displayName='My Yahoo!', url='http://login.yahoo.com/config/login', 
authMethod='POST', userFieldName='login', pwdFieldName='passwd')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits an existing external application connection.


setExtAppConnection(appName, name, [displayName], [url], [authMethod], 
[userFieldName], [pwdFieldName], [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing external application connection.


Optional. External application display name. A user-friendly name for the application that WebCenter Portal users will recognize. The display name must be unique across all external applications within the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. External application login URL. To determine an application's URL, navigate to the application's login page and note down the URL for that page.


Optional. Authentication mechanism used by the external application. Valid options are GET, POST, and BASIC. This argument defaults to POST.


Optional. Name that identifies the user name or user ID field on the external application's login form. To find this name, look at the HTML source for the login page. This argument does not specify user credentials.

Mandatory if authMethod is GET or POST and a login URL is specified but can be left blank if BASIC authentication method is selected.


Optional. Name that identifies the password field on the external application's login form. To find this name, look at the HTML source for the login page. This argument does not specify user credentials.

Mandatory if authMethod is GET or POST, but can be left blank if BASIC authentication method is selected.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter application is deployed.


The following example updates the display name attribute for an external application named yahoo.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setExtAppConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='yahoo', displayName='My Favorite Yahoo!')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


When used with only the appName argument, this command lists the names of all the external applications currently configured for a specific WebCenter application.


listExtAppConnections(appName, [verbose, name, server, applicationVersion]) 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter application for which to perform this operation.


Optional. Displays external application details in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listExtAppConnections lists all of the external applications that are configured for a WebCenter application, along with their details. When set to 0, listExtAppConnections lists only the names of the external applications. This argument defaults to 0.

If you set this argument to 0, do not specify the name argument.


Optional. Name of an existing external application connection. You can use this argument to view details about a specific connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists the names of all the external applications currently used by a WebCenter Portal application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listExtAppConnections(appName='webcenter') 

The following example lists details for the external applications app1, app2, and app3.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listExtAppConnections(appName='webcenter', verbose=1)
Name: app1
Display Name: Application1
Login URL: http://app1
Authentication Method: POST
User Field Name: login
Password Field Name: passwd
Shared Credential: Disabled
Public Credential: Disabled
Name: app2
Display Name: Application2
Login URL: http://app2
Authentication Method: POST
User Field Name: login
Password Field Name: passwd
Additional Fields: {Account1:1, Accout2:DefVal:0}
Shared Credential: Disabled
Public Credential: Enabled
Name: app3
Display Name: Application3
Authentication Method: POST
Shared Credential: Enabled
Public Credential: Enabled

The following example lists details for external application app1 only.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listExtAppConnections(appName='webcenter', verbose=1, name='app1')
Name: app1
Display Name: Application1
Login URL: http://app1
Authentication Method: POST
User Field Name: login
Password Field Name: passwd
Shared Credential: Disabled
Public Credential: Disabled


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Adds another login field for a specific external application connection. For example, in addition to user name and password, an external application may require other login criteria such as Host and MailAddress.

Optionally, additional login fields can appear on the external application's login for a user to specify.

If you add another login field and the external application uses shared or public credentials, you can use the WLST commands addExtAppCredential and setExtAppCredential to update the shared/public credentials. See addExtAppCredential and setExtAppCredential.


addExtAppField(appName, name, fieldName, [fieldValue], [displayToUser], [server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing external application connection.


Login field name. The name that identifies the field on the HTML login form. This field is not applicable if the application uses BASIC authentication.


Optional. Login field value. Enter a default value for the login field or leave blank for a user to specify. This argument is blank by default.


Optional. Specifies whether the login field displays on the external application's login screen. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). This argument defaults to 0.

Note that if you set this argument to 0, you must specify the fieldValue.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


This example creates an additional field named Account with the default value username.default.example in an external application called ABC. This field will be displayed in ABC's login screen.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> addExtAppField(appName='webcenter', name='ABC', 
fieldName='Account', fieldValue='username.default.example', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Modifies the field value and display-to-user setting for one or more login fields currently configured for an external application. Either fieldValue or displayToUser must be specified along with the external application name and login field name. The fieldValue and displayToUser arguments are optional.

Using this command has implications on any shared or public credentials that you might have created for this external application. If you modify displayToUser to 1, you may also need to update existing shared user or public user credentials. See also setExtAppCredential.


setExtAppField(appName, name, fieldName, [fieldValue], [displayToUser], [server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing external application connection.


Name of an existing login field.


Optional. New or changed login field value.

Enter a default value for the login field or leave blank for a user to specify. This argument is blank by default.


Optional. Specifies whether the login field displays on the external application's login screen. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false).

If set to 0, fieldValue must be specified.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example specifies a default value for a login field named Account and displays the field on the external application's credential provisioning screen.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setExtAppField(appName='webcenter', name='ABC', 
fieldName='Account', fieldValue='admin', displayToUser=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Removes a login field from an external application connection.

This command has implications on any shared or public credentials that you may have created for this external application, that is, you may need to remove the login field from shared user or public user credentials.

You can use the setExtAppCredential command to remove a login field, if required. For example, external application myApp has an additional field called Account and public credentials were previously specified using:

addExtAppCredential(appName='webcenter', name='myApp', type='PUBLIC', 
username='admin', password='mypublic.password', field='Account:admin@myhost.com')

If you remove the Account field, you can modify the credentials by running:

setExtAppCredential(appName='webcenter', name='myApp', type='PUBLIC', 
username='admin', password='mypublic.password')

For details on using setExtAppCredential, see setExtAppCredential


removeExtAppField(appName, name, fieldName, [server, applicationVersion]) 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name.


Login field that you want to remove.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example removes the additional login field named Account from an external application named ABC.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> removeExtAppField(appName='webcenter, name='ABC', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Configures shared user or public user credentials for a specific external application.

When shared credentials are specified, every user accessing the WebCenter Portal application is authenticated using the user name and password defined here. WebCenter Portal users are not presented with a login form.

Public users accessing this application through WebCenter Portal are logged in using the public credentials defined here.

If credentials already exists, a warning indicates that the setExtAppCredential command should be used instead.


addExtAppCredential(appName, name, type, username, password, [field, server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing external application connection.


Credential type. Valid values are SHARED and PUBLIC.


Name of the shared or public user.


Password for the shared or public user.


Optional. Additional login field value. Use the format FieldName:FieldValue, where FieldName names an additional login field configured with displayToUser=1.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example specifies public credentials for an external application named ABC. The public user name is mypublic.username, the password is mypublic.password, and there is one additional field named Account.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> addExtAppCredential(appName='webcenter', name='ABC', 
type='PUBLIC', username='mypublic.username', password='mypublic.password', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Modifies shared user or public user credentials currently configured for an external application. If the credential has already not been specified, then a warning indicates that addExtAppCredential needs to be used instead. See addExtAppCredential.

The arguments username and password are optional because setExtAppCredential only manipulates existing credentials. At least one of the parameters, username, password or field, must be specified.

You can use setExtAppCredential command to update passwords in systems that require changing passwords every few days.


setExtAppCredential(appName, name, type, [username], [password], [field], 
[server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing external application connection.


Credential type. Valid values are SHARED and PUBLIC.


Optional. User name of the shared or public user.


Optional. Password for the shared or public user.


Optional. Additional login field value. Use the format FieldName:FieldValue, where FieldName names an additional login field configured with displayToUser=1.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example changes the public user's login credentials for an external application named ABC.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setExtAppCredential(appName='webcenter',name='ABC', 
type='PUBLIC', username='username.example', password='password.example', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Removes shared user or public user credentials currently configured for an external application.

If credentials do not exist, an error displays.


removeExtAppCredential(appName, name, type, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing external application connection.


Credential type. Valid values are SHARED and PUBLIC.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example removes shared credentials specified for an external application named ABC.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> removeExtAppCredential(appName='webcenter', 
name='ABC', type='SHARED')

Instant Messaging and Presence

Use the commands listed in Table 10-13, to manage instant messaging and presence server connections.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-13 Instant Messaging and Presence WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create a new instant messaging and presence server connection for a WebCenter Portal application.



Edit an existing instant messaging and presence server connection.



Modify instant messaging and presence server connection properties.



Delete an instant messaging and presence server connection property.



List which presence servers the WebCenter Portal application supports.



List all of the instant messaging and presence server connections that are configured for an application.



List the default instant messaging and presence server connection that is configured for an application.



Set a specified connection as the default instant messaging and presence server connection.



Specify defaults for the Instant Messaging and Presence service.



Remove defaults for the Instant Messaging and Presence service.



List Instant Messaging and Presence service properties.



Create an external application suitable for instant messaging and presence server connection.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates an instant messaging and presence server connection for a named WebCenter Portal application.

Use the listIMPAdapters command to find out which types of instant messaging and presence servers are supported. Out-of-the-box, WebCenter Portal applications support Microsoft Live Communications Server 2005 (LCS), and Microsoft Communications Server 2007 (OCS), and Microsoft Lync 2010.

While you can register multiple presence server connections for a WebCenter Portal application, only one connection is used for instant messaging and presence services—the default (or active) connection.


createIMPConnection(appName, name, adapter, url, [appId, poolName, 
userDomain, timeout, default, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


Adapter name. Specify the adapter that matches your instant messaging and presence server. Valid values are LCS and OCS

Choose LCS for Microsoft Live Communications Server 2005.

Choose OCS2007 for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Lync.


URL of the sever hosting instant messaging and presence services.

For example: http://myocshost.com:8888



Use the setIMPServiceProperty command to resolve IM addresses.


Optional. External application associated with the presence server connection.

If specified, external application credential information is used to authenticate users against the LCS, OCS, or Lync server. This argument is mandatory for LCS, OCS and Lync server connections.

The external application you configure for instant messaging and presence services must use authMethod=POST, and specify an additional field with fieldName='Account' and displaytoUser=1. If an external application does not exist yet, use the WLST command createIMPExtAppConnection to create an external application that automatically has all the required additional fields.

See also addExtAppField and setExtAppField.


Optional. Pool name that is required to create an LCS, OCS, or Lync connection. Refer to Microsoft Live Communications Server, Microsoft Office Communications Server, or Microsoft Lync Server documentation for details on pool names.

This argument is mandatory for LCS, OCS, and Lync server connections.


Optional. (OCS and Lync connections only.) Active Directory domain on the OCS/Lync server.

This argument is mandatory for OCS/Lync server connections.


Optional. Length of time (in seconds) that the Instant Messaging and Presence service waits for a response from the presence server before issuing a connection timeout message. This argument defaults to -1. When set to -1, the service default (10 seconds) applies.


Optional. Indicates whether this connection is the default connection for the Instant Messaging and Presence service. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default for this argument is 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates an external application suitable for an instant messaging and presence server connection and then creates a connection named myLCSPresenceServer to a Microsoft Live Communications Server:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createIMPExtApp(appName='webcenter', name='LCSExtApp', displayName='IMP Ext App')
wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createIMPConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='myLCSPresenceServer', adapter='LCS', url='http://mylcshost.com/owc/lcs', 
appId='LCSExtApp', poolName='pool1.myhost.com', timeout=60, 

The following example creates an instant messaging and presence server connection to a Microsoft Office Communications Server named myOCSPresenceServer.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createIMPConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='myOCSPresenceServer', adapter='OCS2007', url='http://myocshost.com/owc/ocs', 
appId='OCSExtApp', userDomain='OCS', poolName='pool01.myocshost.com', timeout=60, default=1)

The following example creates an instant messaging and presence server connection to a Microsoft Lync Server named myLyncServer.

name='myLyncServer', adapter='OCS2007', 
url='http://mylynchost.com:8888' appId='LyncExtApp', userDomain='LYNC', poolName='pool05.mylynchost.com', timeout=60, default=1))


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits an existing instant messaging and presence server connection. Use this command to update connection attributes.

The connection is created using the createIMPConnection command.


setIMPConnection(appName, name, [adapter, url, appId, poolName, 
userDomain, timeout, default, server, applicationVersion]) 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing presence server connection.


Optional. Adapter name. Specify the adapter that matches your instant messaging and presence server. Valid values are LCS, and OCS2007.

Choose LCS for Microsoft Live Communications Server.

Choose OCS2007 for Microsoft Office Communications Server and Microsoft Lync Server.


Optional. URL of the server hosting instant messaging and presence services.



Use the setIMPServiceProperty command to resolve IM addresses.


Optional. External application associated with the presence server connection.

If specified, external application credential information is used to authenticate users against the LCS, OCS, or Lync server. This argument is mandatory for LCS, OCS and Lync server connections.

The external application you configure for instant messaging and presence services must use authMethod=POST, and specify an additional field with fieldName='Account' and displaytoUser=1. If an external application does not exist yet, use the WLST command createIMPExtAppConnection to create an external application that automatically has all the required additional fields.

See also addExtAppField and setExtAppField.


Optional. (LCS, OCS, and Lync) Pool name that is required to create an LCS, OCS, or Lync connection. Refer to Microsoft Live Communications Server, Microsoft Office Communications Server or Microsoft Lync Server documentation for details on pool names.

This argument is mandatory for LCS, OCS, and Lync server connections.


Optional. (OCS and Lync only.) Active Directory domain on the OCS server.

This argument is mandatory for OCS/Lync server connections.


Optional. Length of time (in seconds) that the Instant Messaging and Presence service waits for a response from the presence server before issuing a connection timeout message. This argument defaults to -1. When set to -1, the service default (10 seconds) applies.


Optional. Indicates whether this connection is the default connection for the Instant Messaging and Presence service. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default for this argument is 0.

To specify that the Instant Messaging and Presence service uses this connection, change the value from 0 to 1.

To disable this connection, use the removeIMPServiceProperty command:

removeIMPServiceProperty('appName='webcenter', property='selected.connection')

While you can register multiple presence server connections for a WebCenter Portal application, only one connection is used for instant messaging and presence services—the default (or active) connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example sets attributes on an existing instant messaging and presence server connection.

name='myOCSPresenceServer', adapter='OCS2007', url='http://myocshost.com/owc/ocs', 
timeout=120, default=0)

The following example sets attributes on an existing instant messaging and presence server connection.

name='myLCSPresenceServer', adapter='LCS', url='http://mylcshost.com/owc/lcs', 
appId='LCSExtApp', poolName='pool3.myhost.com')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Sets an instant messaging and presence server connection property. Use this command if additional parameters are required to connect to your presence server. This is an extensible way to add any connection property using a key and a value. (You are not limited to connection properties specified by createIMPConnection and setIMPConnection.)

Do not use the setIMPConnectionProperty to set connection properties available through createIMPConnection or setIMPConnection. Attempting to do so, has no effect.


setIMPConnectionProperty(appName, name, key, value, [secure, server, 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing presence server connection.


Name of the connection property.


Value for the property. Allows any property to be modified on the connection with a key and value.


Optional. Indicates whether the property value must be stored securely using encryption. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When 1, the value is encrypted. The default option is 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example adds a custom instant messaging and presence server connection property called admin.user with a default value admin.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setIMPConnectionProperty(appName='webcenter', 
name='MyLCSPresenceServer', key='admin.user', value='admin')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes an instant messaging and presence server connection property. Use caution when deleting connection properties because the connection might not work as expected if the configuration becomes invalid as a result.

This command can only delete additional connection properties added using the setIMPConnectionProperty command.


deleteIMPConnectionProperty(appName, name, key, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing presence server connection.


Name of the connection property you want to delete.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deletes an instant messaging and presence server connection property named admin.user.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteIMPConnectionProperty(appName='webcenter', 
name='MyLCSPresenceServer', key='admin.user')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists which types of instant messaging and presence servers WebCenter Portal supports. Out-of-the-box, WebCenter Portal applications support Microsoft Live Communications Server 2005 (LCS), Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 (OCS) and Microsoft Lync 2010.




The following example lists which presence servers are supported.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listIMPAdapters()


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all of the instant messaging and presence server connections that are configured for a named WebCenter Portal application.


listIMPConnections(appName,[verbose], [name], [server, applicationVersion)
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Displays presence server connection details in verbose mode. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listIMPConnections lists all of the presence server connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application, along with their details.When set to 0, only connection names are listed. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of an existing presence server connection. Use this argument to view connection details for a specific presence server connection. Note that if you use the name argument when verbose argument set to 1, the verbose argument is ignored.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists all of the instant messaging and presence server connections that are configured for an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listIMPConnections(appName='webcenter')

The following example lists all of the instant messaging and presence server connections that are configured for the application in verbose mode.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listIMPConnections(appName='webcenter', verbose=1)

The following example lists connection details for an instant messaging and presence server connections named impConnection1.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listIMPConnections(appName='webcenter', name='impConnection1')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists the connection that the Instant Messaging and Presence service is using, in a named WebCenter Portal application. While you can register multiple presence server connections for a WebCenter Portal application, the Instant Messaging and Presence service only uses one connection—the default (or active) connection.

If only one presence server connection is available, that connection is assumed to be the default connection.


listDefaultIMPConnection(appName, verbose, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Displays the default presence server connection in verbose mode, if available. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, the name and details of the presence server connection are listed. When set to 0, only the connection name displays. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists the name and details of the connection that the Instant Messaging and Presence service is using, in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>listDefaultIMPConnection(appName='webcenter', verbose=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies the default connection for the Instant Messaging and Presence service, in a named WebCenter Portal application. While you can register multiple presence server connections with a WebCenter Portal application, the Instant Messaging and Presence service only uses one connection—the default (or active) connection.

If only one presence server connection is available, that connection is assumed to be the default connection.


setDefaultIMPConnection(appName, name, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing instant messaging and presence connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example makes a connection named myPresenceServer the default (or active) connection for the Instant Messaging and Presence service.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setDefaultIMPConnection(appName='webcenter', name='myPresenceServer') 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies default values for the Instant Messaging and Presence service.

Configurable properties for the Instant Messaging and Presence service are listed in Table 10-14, "Instant Messaging and Presence Service Configuration Properties".

Table 10-14 Instant Messaging and Presence Service Configuration Properties

Configuration Property Description


Connection used by the Instant Messaging and Presence service.


Cache timeout for instant messaging and presence data. The default is 60 seconds.


Determines what to display if user display names are missing. When set to 0, and display name information is unavailable, only the user name displays in the application. When set to 1, and display name information is unavailable, display names are read from user profile data. Setting this option to 1 will impact performance. The default setting is 0.

Display names are not mandatory in presence data. If the WebCenter Portal application does not always provide display names by default and you consider this information important, set resolve.display.name.from.user.profile to 1 so that display names always display.


Resolver implementation used to map user names to IM addresses and IM addresses to user names.

The default setting is oracle.webcenter.collab.rtc.IMPAddressResolverImpl. This implementation looks for IM addresses in the following places and in the order specified:

  • User Preferences

  • User Credentials

  • User Profiles


User profile attribute used to determine a user's IM address. The default setting is BUSINESS_EMAIL.


setIMPServiceProperty(appName, property, value, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the configuration property.


Value for the property.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example changes the default cache timeout for instant messaging and presence data, in an application named webcenter.

property='rtc.cache.time', value='30')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Removes the current value that is set for an Instant Messaging and Presence service property. Use this command to remove any of the properties listed in Table 10-14, "Instant Messaging and Presence Service Configuration Properties".

Take care when using this command as removing values for these properties might cause unexpected behavior.


Use this command syntax to disable the connection currently used by the Instant Messaging and Presence service:

removeIMPServiceProperty('appName='webcenter', property='selected.connection')

This command forces the default connection argument to 0. See also, setIMPConnection.


removeIMPServiceProperty(appName, property, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the configuration property.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example clears the cache expiration value for the Instant Messaging and Presence service, in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> removeIMPServiceProperty(appName='webcenter', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all configurable properties for the Instant Messaging and Presence service.


listIMPServiceProperties(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists configuration properties for the Instant Messaging and Presence service, in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listIMPServiceProperties(appName='webcenter') 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates an external application suitable for instant messaging and presence server connections. The external application is configured with the required additional properties: authMethod=POST, and additional fields fieldName='Account' and displaytoUser=1.


createIMPExtAppConnection(appName, name, [displayName, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. External application display name. A user friendly name for the application that WebCenter Portal users will recognize. The display name must be unique across all external applications within the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates an external application named IMPxApp suitable for instant messaging and presence server connections.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createIMPExtAppConnection(appName='webcenter',
name='IMPxApp', displayName='IMP Ext App') 


Use the commands listed in Table 10-15 to manage mail server connections for a WebCenter Portal application.

You can register multiple mail server connections:

  • Spaces application supports multiple mail connections. The mail connection configured with default=1 is the default connection for mail services in the Spaces application. All additional connections are offered as alternatives; Spaces users can choose which one they want to use through user preferences.

  • Framework applications only use one mail connection—the connection configured with default=1. Any additional connections are ignored.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-15 Mail WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create a mail server connection for a WebCenter Portal application.



Edit an existing mail server connection.



Set mail server connection properties.



Delete a mail server connection property.



List all of the mail server connections that are configured for an application.



List the default mail server connection that is configured for an application.



Set a specified connection as the default mail server connection.



Specify defaults for the Mail service.



Remove defaults for the Mail service.



List Mail service properties.



Create an external application suitable for mail connections.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a mail server connection for a WebCenter Portal application.

WebCenter Portal applications support the Microsoft Exchange Server or any mail server that supports IMAP4 and SMTP. The most important mail server connection attributes are: imapHost, imapPort, imapSecured, smtpHost, smtpPort, and smtpSecured

You can register multiple mail server connections:

  • Spaces application supports multiple mail connections. The mail connection configured with default=1 is the default connection for mail services in Spaces. All additional connections are offered as alternatives; Spaces users can choose which one they want to use through user preferences.

  • Framework applications only use one mail connection—the connection configured with default=1. Any additional connections are ignored.


createMailConnection(appName, name, [imapHost, imapPort, smtpHost, smtpPort, 
imapSecured, smtpSecured, appId, timeout, default, server, applicationVersion]) 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Host name of the machine on which the IMAP service is running.


Optional. Port on which the IMAP service listens.


Optional. Host name of the machine where the SMTP service is running.


Optional. Port on which the SMTP service listens.


Optional. Specifies whether the mail server connection to the IMAP server is SSL-enabled. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default for this argument is 0.


Optional. Specifies whether the SMTP server is secured. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default for this argument is 0.


External application associated with the mail server connection.

External application credential information is used to authenticate users against the IMAP and SMTP servers. The same credentials are supplied to authenticate the user on both the IMAP and SMTP servers.

The external application you configure for the Mail service must use authMethod=POST, and specify several additional login fields:

fieldName='Email Address' and displaytoUser=1

fieldName='Your Name' and displaytoUser=1

fieldName='Reply-To Address' and displaytoUser=1

If an external application does not exist yet, use the WLST command createMailExtApp to create an external application that automatically has all the required additional fields.

See also createExtAppConnection.


Optional. Length of time (in seconds) that the service waits to acquire a connection before terminating. This argument defaults to -1. When set to -1, the service default (10 seconds) applies.


Optional. Indicates whether this connection is the default connection for the Mail service. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). This argument defaults to 0.

  • Spaces supports multiple mail connections. The mail connection configured with default=1 is the default connection for mail services in the Spaces application. Additional connections, configured with default=0, are offered as alternatives; Spaces users can choose which one they want to use through user preferences.

  • Framework applications only use one mail connection—the connection configured with default=1. Any additional connections are ignored.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates an external application suitable for a mail server connection, and then creates a mail server connection named myMailConnection:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createMailExtApp(appName='webcenter', name='extApp_Mail', displayName='Mail Ext App')
wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createMailConnection(appName='webcenter' , 
name='myMailConnection' , imapHost='myimaphost.com', imapPort=143 , 
smtpHost='mysmtphost.com' , smtpPort=25 , imapSecured=0, smtpSecured=0, 
appId='extApp_Mail', timeout=60, default=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits an existing mail connection. Use this command to update connection attributes.

The connection is created using the createMailConnection command.

(Spaces application only.) This command enables you to set additional, optional, LDAP server attributes that cannot be set using createMailConnection. When LDAP details are defined, the Mail service creates, edits, and deletes spacedistribution lists for the Spaces application. Distribution lists are named after their space (excluding non-java identifiers) and assigned a domain (derived from the domain attribute, for example, @mycompany.com). If LDAP details are not provided, spacedistribution lists are not created or maintained. The mail server must be a Microsoft Exchange Server.


setMailConnection(appName, name, [imapHost, imapPort, smtpHost, smtpPort, 
imapSecured, smtpSecured, appId, default, ldapHost, ldapPort, ldapBaseDN, 
ldapAdminUser, ldapAdminPassword, ldapSecured, domain, defaultUser, timeout, 
server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing mail server connection.


Optional. Host name of the machine on which the IMAP service is running.


Optional. Port on which the IMAP service listens.


Optional. Host name of the machine where the SMTP service is running.


Optional. Port on which the SMTP service listens.


Optional. Specifies whether the connection to the IMAP server is secured (SSL-enabled). Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default for this argument is 0.


Optional. Specifies whether the connection to the SMTP server is secured (SSL-enabled). Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default for this argument is 0.


Optional. External application associated with the mail server connection.

External application credential information is used to authenticate users against the IMAP and SMTP servers. The same credentials are supplied to authenticate the user on both the IMAP and SMTP servers.

The external application you configure for the Mail service must use authMethod=POST, and specify several additional login fields:

fieldName='Email Address' and displaytoUser=1

fieldName='Your Name' and displaytoUser=1

fieldName='Reply-To Address' and displaytoUser=1

If an external application does not exist yet, use the WLST command createMailExtApp to create an external application that automatically has all the required additional fields.

See also createExtAppConnection.


Optional. Host name of the machine where the LDAP directory server is running.


Optional. Port on which the LDAP directory server listens.


Optional. Base distinguished name for the LDAP schema. For example, CN=Users,DC=oracle,DC=com.


Optional. User name of the LDAP directory server administrator. A valid administrator with privileges to make entries into the LDAP schema.


Optional. Password for the LDAP directory server administrator. This password will be stored in a secured store.


Optional. Specifies whether the connection to the LDAP server is secured (SSL enabled). Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default for this argument is 0. Set this to 1 for all LDAP communications over SSL.


Optional. Domain name appended to spacedistribution lists. For example, if the domain attribute is set to mycompany.com, the Finance Project space will maintain a distribution list named FinanceProject@oracle.com.


Optional. Comma-delimited list of user names to whom you want to grant moderation capabilities. These users become members of every spacedistribution list that is created. The users specified must exist in the Base LDAP schema (specified in the ldapBaseDN argument).


Optional. Length of time (in seconds) that the service waits to acquire a connection before terminating. This argument defaults to -1. When set to -1, the service default (10 seconds) applies.


Optional. Indicates whether this connection is the default (or active) connection for the Mail service. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). This argument defaults to 0. 1 specifies that this connection is the default connection for the Mail service.

  • Spaces supports multiple mail connections. The mail connection configured with default=1 is the default connection for mail services in the Spaces application. Additional connections, configured with default=0, are offered as alternatives; Spaces users can choose which one they want to use through user preferences.

  • Framework applications only use one mail connection—the connection configured with default=1. Any additional connections are ignored.

A connection does not cease to be the default connection for the Mail service if you change the default value from 0 to 1.

To stop using a default connection, use the removeMailServiceProperty command as follows:

removeMailServiceProperty('appName='webcenter', property='selected.connection')


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example sets individual attributes of a mail server connection.

name='myMailConnection', imapHost='myimaphost.com', imapPort=143, 
smtpHost='mysmtphost.com' , smtpPort=25 , imapSecured=0, smtpSecured=0, 
appId='extApp_Mail', timeout=60, default=1)

The following example sets individual attributes of a mail server connection.

name='myMailConnection', imapPort=993, imapSecured=1, smtpPort=465 , 

The following example sets LDAP attributes for a mail server connection.

name='myMailConnection', domain='ORACLE.COM', defaultUser='admin', 
imapHost='myimaphost.com', imapPort=143, smtpHost='mysmtphost.com', 
imapSecured=0, smtpSecured=0, smtpPort=25, appId='extApp_Mail', 
default=1, ldapHost='myldaphost.com', ldapPort=389, 
ldapBaseDN='CN=Users,DC=exchange,DC=uk,DC=com', ldapAdminUser='administrator', 
ldapAdminPassword='adminpswd', ldapSecured=0, timeout=60)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Sets a mail server connection property. Use this command if additional parameters are required to connect to your mail server. This is an extensible way to add any connection property using a key and a value. (You are not limited to connection properties specified by createMailConnection and setMailConnection.)

All known, additional connection properties are listed in Table 10-16, "Additional Mail Connection Properties".

Table 10-16 Additional Mail Connection Properties

Connection Property


Characterset used on the connection.

The default charset is UTF-8. To use a different characterset, such as ISO-8859-1, set the charset connection property.

Various IMAP properties

Any valid IMAP connection property. For example, mail.imap.connectionpoolsize.

A list of valid IMAP properties are available at: http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/javadocs/com/sun/mail/imap/package-summary.html

Various SMTP properties

Any valid SMTP connection property. For example, mail.smtp.timeout.

A list of valid SMTP properties are available at: http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/javadocs/com/sun/mail/smtp/package-summary.html


Do not use the setMailConnectionProperty to set connection properties available through createMailConnection or setMailConnection. Attempting to do so, has no effect.


setMailConnectionProperty(appName, name, key, value, [secure], [server], 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing mail server connection.


Name of the connection property.


Value for the property. Allows any property to be modified on the connection with a key and value.


Optional. Indicates whether the property value must be stored securely using encryption. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When 1, the value is encrypted. The default option is 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter application is deployed.


The following example adds a custom mail server connection property called myProperty1 with a default value propertyValue1.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setMailConnectionProperty(appName='webcenter', 
name='myMailServer', key='myProperty1', value='propertyValue1')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes a mail server connection property. Take care when deleting connection properties because the connection may not work as expected if the configuration becomes invalid as a result.

This command can only delete additional connection properties added using the setMailConnectionProperty command.


deleteMailConnectionProperty(appName, name, key, [server], 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing mail server connection.


Name of the connection property you want to delete.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deletes a mail server connection property named mailProperty1.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deleteMailConnectionProperty(appName='webcenter', 
name='myMailServer', key='mailProperty1')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all of the mail server connections that are configured for a named WebCenter Portal application.


listMailConnection(appName, [verbose, name, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Displays mail server connection details in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listMailConnections lists all of the mail server connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application, along with their details. When set to 0, only connection names are listed. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of an existing mail server connection. Use this argument to view connection details for a specific mail server connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists the names of mail server connections that are currently configured for an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listMailConnections(appName='webcenter')

The following example lists connection names and details for all of the mail server connections that are currently configured for an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listMailConnections(appName='webcenter', verbose=1)

The following example lists connection details for a mail server connection named mailConnection1.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listMailConnections(appName='webcenter', name='mailConnection1')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists the default mail server connection that the Mail service is using, in a named WebCenter Portal application.

You can register multiple mail server connections but there can only be one default connection:

  • Spaces application supports multiple mail connections. The mail connection configured with default=1 is the default connection for mail services in the Spaces application. All additional connections are offered as alternatives; Spaces users can choose which one they want to use through user preferences.

  • Framework applications only use one mail connection—the connection configured with default=1. Any additional connections are ignored.


listDefaultMailConnection(appName,[verbose], [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Displays the default mail server connection in verbose mode, if available. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, the name and details of the mail server connection are listed. When set to 0, only the connection name displays. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists the name and details of the mail server connection that the Mail service is using, in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listDefaultMailConnection(appName='webcenter', verbose=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies the default mail server connection for the Mail service, in a named WebCenter Portal application.

You can register multiple mail server connections but there can only be one default connection:

  • Spaces application supports multiple mail connections. The mail connection configured with default=1 is the default connection for mail services in the Spaces application. All additional connections are offered as alternatives; Spaces users can choose which one they want to use through user preferences.

  • Framework applications only use one mail connection—the connection configured with default=1. Any additional connections are ignored.


setDefaultMailConnection(appName, name, [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Description

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing mail connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example configures the Mail service to use a connection named myMailServer.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setDefaultMailConnection(appName='webcenter', name='myMailServer')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies default values for the Mail service.

Configurable properties for the Mail service are listed in Table 10-17, "Mail Service Configuration Properties".

Table 10-17 Mail Service Configuration Properties

Configuration Property Description


Defines the delimiter that is used to separate multiple mail addresses. A comma is used by default.

Some mail servers require mail addresses in the form lastname, firstname and, in such cases, a semi-colon is required.


The frequency, in seconds, that spacedistribution lists are checked for new incoming emails. The default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).

Email communication through spacedistribution lists can be published as discussion forum posts on a discussions server. For details, see "Publishing Space Mail in a Discussion Forum" in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Maximum number of messages displayed in mail inboxes.


Determines whether user email addresses are resolved to WebCenter Portal user names when LDAP is configured. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default value is 0.

When set to 1, WebCenter Portal user names display instead of email addresses in Mail task flows.

Set this property to 1 if the Instant Messaging and Presence service requires user names to obtain presence status because presence information cannot be obtained when the Mail service provides email addresses. Setting this value to 1 does impact application performance so you must take this into consideration when setting this property.


setMailServiceProperty(appName, property, value, [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the configuration property


Value for the property.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example increases the default number of messages displayed in mail inboxes to 100, in an application named webcenter.

property='mail.messages.fetch.size', value='100')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Removes the current value that is set for a Mail service property. Use this command to remove any of the properties listed in Table 10-17, "Mail Service Configuration Properties".

Take care when using this command as removing values for these properties might cause unexpected behavior.


Use this command syntax to stop the Mail service from using the current default connection:

removeMailServiceProperty('appName='webcenter', property='selected.connection')

This command forces the default connection argument to 0. See also, setMailConnection.


removeMailServiceProperty(appName, property, [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the configuration property.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example clears the current mail.messages.fetch.size setting for the Mail service, in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>removeMailServiceProperty(appName='webcenter', property='mail.messages.fetch.size')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all configurable properties for the Mail service.


listMailServiceProperties(appName, [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists configuration properties for the Mail service, in an application named webcenter.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates an external application suitable for mail server connections. The external application is configured with the required additional properties: authMethod=POST, and specify several additional login fields:

fieldName='Email Address' and displaytoUser=1

fieldName='Your Name' and displaytoUser=1

fieldName='Reply-To Address' and displaytoUser=1


createMailExtAppConnection(appName, name, [displayName, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. External application display name. A user friendly name for the application that WebCenter Portal users will recognize. The display name must be unique across all external applications within the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates an external application named MailxApp suitable for mail server connections.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createMailExtAppConnection(appName='webcenter', name='MailxApp', displayName='Mail Ext App')


Use the commands listed in Table 10-18 to manage settings for the Notifications service in a WebCenter Portal application.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-18 Notifications WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Specify the connection used for routing notifications raised in a WebCenter Portal application.



Return details about the connection that is used to send notifications raised in a WebCenter Portal application.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies the connection used for routing notifications raised in a WebCenter Portal application.

Use an existing mail server or BPEL server connection. If the WebCenter Portal application is connected to a BPEL server, the Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS) is available for routing notifications through multiple messaging channels, including mail, worklists, and SMS. If you configure the Notifications service to use a BPEL server connection, you may specify a sender 'From' address for each available messaging channel. That is, you can specify a sender mail address and an SMS address.

Alternatively, you can route notification messages through a mail server. If you configure the Notifications service to use a mail server connection, the external application associated with the mail server connection must contain shared credentials. Shared credentials are required for routing application-wide notifications.


setNotificationsConfig(appName, type, name, [senderMailAddress, senderSMSAddress, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Type of connection used to send notifications. Valid values are MAIL and BPEL.


Name of an existing connection.

Consider the following:

  • Mail server connection—The external application associated with the mail server connection must contain shared credentials.

  • BPEL server connection—Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS) must be available on the BPEL server.


Optional. Mail address from which all mail notifications are sent.

Use the format:

<email_alias><<email_address>> or <email address>.

For example, WebCenter Notification<notifications@webcenter.com> or notifications@webcenter.com.

This argument applies to notifications routed through BPEL servers. When a BPEL server is used and UMS is configured with multiple email drivers, this address is also used to identify the appropriate email driver.

When a mail server is used, the "From Address" is the same user that is specified for the associated external application's shared credentials.


Optional. SMS number from which all SMS notifications are sent.

Typically, the SMS address format is a 4-6 digit number (without -, spaces, or any other characters). For example, 28734.

This argument applies to notifications routed through BPEL servers. When a BPEL server is used and UMS is configured with multiple SMS drivers, this address is also used to identify the appropriate SMS driver.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example specifies that the Notifications service use a BPEL server connection named 'WebCenter-Worklist' and also defines the mail address and SMS address from which all notifications are sent:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setNotificationsConfig(appName='webcenter', type='BPEL', 
name='WebCenter-Worklist', senderMailAddress='WebCenter Notification<notifications@webcenter.com', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Returns details about the connection that is used to send notifications raised in a WebCenter Portal application.


getNotificationsConfig(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example returns details about the connection used by the Notifications service in the Spaces application:


ConnectionType:    BPEL
ConnectionName:    WebCenter-Worklist
SenderMailAddress: notifications@webcenter.com
SenderSMSAddress:  28776

Personal Events

Use the commands listed in Table 10-19 to manage personal events server connections for a WebCenter Portal application.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-19 Personal Events WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create a personal events server connection for a named WebCenter Portal application.



Edit an existing personal events server connection.



List all of the personal events server connections that are configured for a named WebCenter Portal application



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a personal events server connection for a named WebCenter Portal application.

The Personal Events service supports connections to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.While you can register multiple personal events connections for a WebCenter Portal application, only one connection is used for personal events services - the default (or active) connection.


createPersonalEventConnection(appName, name, webServiceUrl, adapterName, appId, [default, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types within the WebCenter Portal application.


URL of the Web service exposing the event application.

Use the format <protocol>://<host>:<port>/<appWebServiceInterface>/<WSName>


Specify the adapter that matches the personal events server. Valid values are MSEx2003 and MSEx2007. Choose MSEx2003 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and MSEx2007 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.

Each adapter has its own mechanism of authenticating and exchanging data


External application associated with the Microsoft Exchange Server providing personal events services. If specified, external application credential information is used to authenticate users against the Microsoft Exchange Server.


Optional. Indicates whether this connection is the default connection for the Personal Events service. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default for this argument is 0.

To specify that the Personal Events service uses this connection, set the value to 1.

While you can register multiple connections for a WebCenter application, only one connection is used for personal event services—the default (or active) connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter application is deployed.


The following example creates a connection named MyPEConnection for the Spaces application (appName='webcenter'). The connection points to a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and is designated as the default connection for the Personal Events service.

name='MyPEConnection', webServiceUrl='http://myexchange.com/EWS/Services.wsdl', 
adapterName='MSEx2007', appId='ExtPEApp', default=1)

The following example creates a connection named MyPEConnection for a Spaces application. The connection points to a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.

name='MyPEConnection',webServiceUrl='http://myexchange.com/ExchangeWS/PersonalEventsWebService.asmx', adapterName='MSEx2003',  appId='ExtPEApp')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits a personal events server connection for a named WebCenter Portal application.


setPersonalEventConnection(appName, name, [webServiceUrl, adapterName, appId, default, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Name of an existing personal events server connection.


Optional. URL of the Web service exposing the event application.

Use the format <protocol>://<host>:<port>/<appWebServiceInterface>/<WSName>


Optional. Specify the adapter that matches the personal events server. Valid values are MSEx2003 and MSEx2007. Choose MSEx2003 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and MSEx2007 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.

Each adapter has its own mechanism of authenticating and exchanging data


Optional. External application associated with the Microsoft Exchange Server providing personal events services. If specified, external application credential information is used to authenticate users against the Microsoft Exchange Server.


Optional. Indicates whether this connection is the default connection for the Personal Events service. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default for this argument is 0.

To specify that the Personal Events service uses this connection, set the value to 1.

While you can register multiple connections for a WebCenter Portal application, only one connection is used for personal event services— the default (or active) connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example updates the Web service URL for a connection named MyPEConnection.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setPersonalEventConnection(appName='webcenter', name='MyPEConnection', webServiceUrl='http://myexchange.com/EWS/Services.wsdl')

The following example makes a connection named MyPEConnection the default connection for personal events services in the Spaces application.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setPersonalEventConnection(appName='webcenter', name='MyPEConnection', default=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all of the personal events server connections that are configured for a named WebCenter Portal application.


listPersonalEventConnections(appName, [verbose, name, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Displays connection details for the Personal Events service in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listPersonalEventConnections lists all of the personal events server connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application, along with their details. When set to 0, only connection names are listed. This argument defaults to 0.

When set to 0, do not specify the name argument.


Optional. Name of an existing personal events connection. Use this argument to view connection details for a specific personal events server.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists connection names and details for all of the personal events server connections currently configured for the Spaces application.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>listPersonalEventConnections(appName='webcenter', verbose=1)

The following example displays connection details for a personal events server connection named MyPEConnection.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>listPersonalEventConnections(appName='webcenter', verbose=1, name='MyPEConnection')


Use the commands listed in Table 10-20 to manage personalization connections for a WebCenter Portal application.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which WebCenter Portal's Personalization service is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-20 Personalization WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create a CMIS connection for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



Create an Activity Graph connection for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



Create a People connection for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



Create a custom connection for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



Modify properties of an existing connection for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



List CMIS connections configured for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



List Activity Graph connections configured for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



List People connections configured for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



List custom connections configured for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



Create a CMIS connection for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



Create an Activity Graph connection for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



Create a People connection for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



Create a custom connection for the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Service) connection for the Personalization service.


createWCPSCMISConnection(name, repositoryId, host, port, [scheme, namespace, 
isDefault, path, pathPrepend, servletPathPart, rewriteUrls, pathTrim, 
timeoutInMillisecs, propagateTimeoutExceptions, server])
Argument Definition

Connection name. The name must be unique for this connection type within a namespace.


CMIS repository ID.

Typically, the name of the Oracle WebCenter Content repository connection.


Hostname of the server hosting the CMIS REST service.

Typically, the machine name of the WC_Spaces managed server.


Port of the server hosting the CMIS REST service.

Typically, the port number of the WC_Spaces managed server.


Optional. HTTP scheme for accessing the CMIS REST service. Valid options are http and https. Defaults to http.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection. If not specified or set to none, the connection is available to all namespaces.


Optional. Indicates whether this connection is the default CMIS connection. Valid values are 1 (true) or 0 (false). Defaults to 0.


Optional. CMIS service URL path. Defaults to /api/cmis/repository/<repositoryId>.


Optional. Base CMIS service URL path to prepend to the servletPathPart and path. Defaults to /rest.


Optional. Servlet section of the CMIS service URL path.


Optional. Specifies how to rewrite URLs returned from the CMIS REST service. Valid options are producer, consumer, and none. Defaults to none.

For more details, see 'Managing Personalization in WebCenter Portal' in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. Specifies the path parts to trim from URLs returned from the CMIS REST service. Defaults to None.

For more details, see 'Managing Personalization in WebCenter Portal' in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. Timeout in milliseconds (as a string) to wait for CMIS calls to return, or None for no timeout. Defaults to None.


Optional. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, CMIS call timeouts raise an exception. When set to 0, exceptions are not raised.


Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


The following example creates a CMIS connection:

repositoryId='ucm11g-server', host='myhost.com', port=8888, scheme='http', isDefault=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates an Activity Graph connection for the Personalization service.


createWCPSActivityGraphConnection(name, host, port, [scheme], [namespace],  [isDefault], [restResourceIndex], [rewriteUrls], [pathTrim], [server])
Argument Definition

Connection name. Must be unique for this connection type within a namespace.


Hostname of the server hosting the Activity Graph REST service.

Typically, the machine name of the WC_Spaces managed server.


Port of the server hosting the Activity Graph service.

Typically, the port number of the WC_Spaces managed server.


Optional. HTTP scheme for accessing the Activity Graph service. Valid options are http and https. Defaults to http.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection. If not specified or set to none, the connection is available to all namespaces.


Optional. Indicates whether this connection is the default Activity Graph connection. Valid values are 1 (true) or 0 (false). Defaults to 0.


Optional. URL path for the resourceIndex of the REST server. Defaults to /rest/api/resourceIndex.


Optional. Specifies how to rewrite URLs returned from the Activity Graph REST service. Valid options are producer, consumer, and none. Defaults to none.

For more details, see 'Managing Personalization in WebCenter Portal' in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. Specifies the path parts to trim from URLs returned from the Activity Graph REST service. Defaults to None.

For more details, see 'Managing Personalization in WebCenter Portal' in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting the WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


The following example creates an Activity Graph connection in a particular namespace:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createWCPSActivityGraphConnection(name='AGConnection', host='myhost.com', port=8888, namespace='myNamespace')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a People connection for the Personalization service.


createWCPSPeopleConnection(name, host, port, [scheme], [namespace],  [isDefault], [restResourceIndex], [rewriteUrls], [pathTrim], [server])
Argument Definition

Connection name. Must be unique for this connection type within a namespace.


Hostname of the server hosting the People Connection REST service.

Typically, the machine name of the WC_Spaces managed server.


Port of the server hosting the People Connection service.

Typically, the port number of the WC_Spaces managed server.


Optional. HTTP scheme for accessing the People Connection service. Valid options are http and https. Defaults to http.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection. If not specified or set to none, the connection is available to all namespaces.


Optional. Indicates whether this connection is the default People connection. Valid values are 1 (true) or 0 (false). Defaults to 0.


Optional. URL path for the resourceIndex of the REST server. Defaults to /rest/api/resourceIndex.


Optional. Specifies how to rewrite URLs returned from the People Connection REST service. Valid options are producer, consumer, and none. Defaults to none.

For more details, see 'Managing Personalization in WebCenter Portal' in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. Specifies the path parts to trim from URLs returned from the People Connection service. Defaults to None.

For more details, see 'Managing Personalization in WebCenter Portal' in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


The following example creates a People connection in the default namespace:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createWCPSPeopleConnection(name='PeopleConnection', host='myhost.com', port=8888)


Use with WLST: Online


Creates a connection of a specific type for the Personalization service.

Custom connection types are used with custom data providers and property locators.


createWCPSCustomConnection(name, type, [namespace], [properties], [server])
Argument Definition

Connection name. Must be unique for this connection type within a namespace.


Custom connection type specific to the custom data provider or property locator implementation.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection. If not specified or set to none, the connection is available to all namespaces.


Optional. Dictionary of connection properties and values.

The set of properties is specific to the connection type. All values in the dictionary must be strings.


Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


The following example creates an Activity Graph connection in a particular namespace:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createWCPSCustomConnection(name='CustomConnection', type='my.connection.type', properties={ 'prop1': 'value1', 'prop2', value2' })


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Service) connections configured for the Personalization service or lists a single connection.


listWCPSCMISConnections([server], [verbose], [name], [namespace])
Argument Definition

Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


Optional. Controls verbose or concise output. Valid options are 1 and 0. When set to 1, this command lists the CMIS connections and their properties. When set to 0, this command lists connection names only. Defaults to 1.


Optional. Name of an existing connection. If not specified or set to None, then all connections are listed.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection you want to list. If not specified or set to none, this command lists connections configured to be available in all namespaces.


The following example lists the names of all the CMIS connections:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWCPSCMISConnections(verbose=0)


The following example lists the details of one CMIS connection:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWCPSCMISConnections(name='Repos1CMISConnection')

Repos1CMISConnection (type=cmis.provider.connection, namespace=*)
host: myhost.com
isDefault: false 
path: /api/cmis/repository/repo1
pathPrepend: /rest
port: 8888
repositoryId: ucm11g-server
rewriteUrls: none
scheme: http


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all Activity Graph connections configured for the Personalization service or lists a single connection.


listWCPSActivityGraphConnections([server], [verbose], [name], [namespace])
Argument Definition

Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


Optional. Controls verbose or concise output. Valid options are 1 and 0. When set to 1, this command lists the Activity Graph connections and their properties. When set to 0, this command lists connection names only. Defaults to 1.


Optional. Name of an existing connection. If not specified or set to None, then all connections are listed.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection you want to list. If not specified or set to none, this command lists connections configured to be available in all namespaces.


The following example lists the names of all the Activity Graph connections:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWCPSActivityGraphConnections(verbose=0)


The following example lists the details of one Activity Graph connection:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWCPSActivityGraphConnections(name='AG1Connection')

AG1Connection (type=activity.provider.connection, namespace=*)
host: myhost.com
isDefault: false 
port: 8888
restResourceIndex: /rest/api/resourceIndex
rewriteUrls: producer
scheme: http


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all People connections configured for the Personalization service or lists a single connection.


listWCPSPeopleConnections([server], [verbose], [name], [namespace])
Argument Definition

Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


Optional. Controls verbose or concise output. Valid options are 1 and 0. When set to 1, this command lists the People connections and their properties. When set to 0, this command lists connection names only. Defaults to 1.


Optional. Name of an existing connection. If not specified or set to None, then all connections are listed.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection you want to list. If not specified or set to none, this command lists connections configured to be available in all namespaces.


The following example lists the names of all the People connections:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWCPSPeopleConnections(verbose=0)


The following example lists the details of one People connection:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWCPSPeopleConnections(name='PeopleConnection')

PeopleConnection (type=people.service.connection, namespace=*)
host: myhost.com
isDefault: false 
port: 8888
restResourceIndex: /rest/api/resourceIndex
rewriteUrls: producer
scheme: http


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists all connections of a particular type configured for the Personalization service or lists a single connection.

Custom connection types are used with custom data providers and property locators.


listWCPSCustomConnections(type, [server], [verbose], [name], [namespace])
Argument Definition

Custom connection type specific to the custom data provider or property locator implementation.


Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


Optional. Controls verbose or concise output. Valid options are 1 and 0. When set to 1, this command lists the connections and their properties. When set to 0, this command lists connection names only. Defaults to 1.


Optional. Name of an existing connection. If not specified or set to None, then all connections are listed.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection you want to list. If not specified or set to none, this command lists connections configured to be available in all namespaces.


The following example lists the names of all connections with the type my.connection.type:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWCPSCustomConnections(type='my.connection.type', verbose=0)


The following example lists the details of one custom connection:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWCPSPeopleConnections(type='my.connection.type', name='CustomConnection')

CustomConnection (type=my.connection.type, namespace=*)
host: myhost.com
isDefault: false 
port: 8888
customConnectionProperty: someValue
scheme: http


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes a CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Service) connection configured for the Personalization service.


deleteWCPSCMISConnection(name, [namespace, server])
Argument Definition

Connection name.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection you want to delete. If not specified or set to none, this command deletes connections configured to be available in all namespaces.


Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


The following example deletes a CMIS connection:



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes an Activity Graph connection configured for the Personalization service.


deleteWCPSActivityGraphConnection(name, [namespace, server])
Argument Definition

Connection name.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection you want to delete. If not specified or set to none, this command deletes connections configured to be available in all namespaces.


Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


The following example deletes an Activity Graph connection:



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes a People connection configured for the Personalization service.


deleteWCPSPeopleConnection(name, [namespace, server])
Argument Definition

Connection name.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection you want to delete. If not specified or set to none, this command deletes connections configured to be available in all namespaces.


Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


The following example deletes a People connection:



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes a custom connection configured for the Portal's Personalization service.


deleteWCPSCustomConnection(name, type, [namespace, server])
Argument Definition

Connection name.


Custom connection type.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection you want to delete. If not specified or set to none, this command deletes connections configured to be available in all namespaces.


Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


The following example deletes a custom connection:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>deleteWCPSCustomConnection(name='CustomConnection', type='my.connection.type')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Add, modify, or delete properties of an existing connection for the Personalization service. The properties supported by a connection are specific to the connection type:

  • CMIS connections support the following properties: repositoryId, host, port, scheme, path, pathPrepend, servletPathPart, rewriteUrls, pathTrim, isDefault, timeoutInMillisecs, propagateTimeoutException

    See also, createWCPSCMISConnection.

  • Activity Graph and People Connections support the following properties: host, port, scheme, restResourceIndex, rewriteUrls, pathTrim, isDefault

    See also, createWCPSActivityGraphConnection and createWCPSPeopleConnection.


setWCPSConnectionProperty(connectionName, connectionType, propertyName,
propertyValue, [namespace], [server])
Argument Definition

Connection name.


Connection type. Valid values are WCPS_CMIS_CONNECTION_TYPE, WCPS_AG_CONNECTION_TYPE, and WCPS_PC_CONNECTION_TYPE for CMIS, Activity Graph, and People Connections, respectively.

Alternatively, any valid, custom connection type can be specified


Property name.


Property value as a string. Use None to remove a property value from the connection.


Optional. WebCenter Portal's Personalization connection namespace for the connection you want to change. If not specified or set to none, this command modifies properties of connections configured to be available in all namespaces.


Optional. Name of the Managed Server hosting WebCenter Portal's Personalization service.

This parameter is only required in a nondefault deployment configuration. No value is required for a default deployment where the WC_Utilities server hosts Personalization services.


The following example changes or adds a property to a CMIS connection:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setWCPSConnectionProperty(connectionName='ReposCMISConnection', 
propertyName='propagateTimeoutExceptions', propertyValue=0)

The following example removes a property from a custom connection.:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setWCPSConnectionProperty(connectionName='CustomConnection', 
connectionType='my.connection.type', propertyName='prop2', propertyValue=None)

Portlet Producers

Use the commands listed in Table 10-21 to manage portlet producers used in WebCenter Portal applications.

All configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are immediately available in the WebCenter Portal application.

Table 10-21 Producer WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create and register a WSRP producer.



Edit WSRP producer registration details.



List WSRP producer registration details.



Deregister a WSRP producer, and delete the associated WSRP and Web Service connections.



List registration properties supported by a WSRP producer.



List any user categories that the WSRP producer might support.



Map a role that is defined in the specified application to a user category supported by a WSRP producer.



Create and register an Oracle PDK-Java producer.



Edit PDK-Java producer registration details.



List registered Oracle PDK-Java producers.



Deregister an Oracle PDK-Java producer, deleting the associated connection.



Create and register a pagelet producer.



Edit pagelet producer registration details.



List pagelet producer registration details.



Deregister a pagelet producer, deleting the associated connection.



Refresh the metadata stored for the named producer to reflect the portlets currently offered by that producer.



Register out-of-the-box producers provided with Oracle WebCenter.



Deregister out-of-the-box producers provided with Oracle WebCenter.



Register the sample producers provided with Oracle WebCenter.



Deregister sample producers.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a connection to a WSRP portlet producer and registers the WRSP producer with a named WebCenter Portal application. When you create a WSRP producer connection, a Web Service connection is also created named <name>-wsconn where <name> is the value specified for the name argument.


registerWSRPProducer(appName, name, url, [proxyHost], [proxyPort], 
[encKeyPswd],[recptAlias], [enforcePolicyURI], [server],[applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.

The name you specify here will appear in the Oracle Composer (under the Portlets folder).


Producer WSDL URL. The syntax will vary according to your WSRP implementation, for example:



http://host_name:port_number/context_root/portlets/?WSDL (WSRP 1.0 for backward compatibility)


  • host_name is the server where your producer is deployed

  • port_number is the HTTP listener port number

  • context_root is the Web application's context root

  • portlets[/wsrp(1|2)]?WSDL is static text. The text entered here depends on how the producer is deployed.

For example:



Optional. Host name or IP address of the proxy server.

A proxy is required when the WebCenter Portal application and the remote portlet producer are separated by a firewall and an HTTP proxy is needed to communicate with the producer.


Optional. Port number on which the proxy server listens.


Optional. Timeout setting for communications with the producer, in seconds. For example, the maximum time the producer may take to register, deregister, or display portlets on WebCenter Portal pages. This argument defaults to 30.

Individual portlets may define their own timeout period, which takes precedence over the value expressed here.


Optional. A list of registration properties and their values. The format of this argument must be a comma-separated list of valid registration properties, each followed by an equals symbol and the value. For example: name=Producer,key=123. The registration properties for a producer can be found using listWSRPProducerRegistrationProperties. See listWSRPProducerRegistrationProperties.


Optional. Type of token profile to use for authentication with this WSRP producer.

When the argument enforcePolicyURI=1, valid values are:

    (oracle/wss10_username_id_propagation_with_msg_protection_client_policy)—This policy provides message protection (integrity and confidentiality) and identity propagation for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security 1.0 standard. Credentials (user name only) are included in outbound SOAP request messages through a WS-Security UsernameToken header. No password is included.

    Message protection is provided using WS-Security 1.0's Basic128 suite of asymmetric key technologies. Specifically, RSA key mechanisms for message confidentiality, SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity, and AES-128 bit encryption.

    (oracle/wss10_username_token_with_message_protection_client_policy)—This policy provides message protection (integrity and confidentiality) and authentication for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security v1.0 standard. Both plain text and digest mechanisms are supported.

    This policy uses WS-Security's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies. Specifically, RSA key mechanism for message confidentiality, SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity, and AES-128 bit encryption.

    Use this token profile if the WSRP producer has a different identity store. You will need to define an external application pertaining to the producer and associate the external application with this producer.

    (wss10_saml_token_with_message_integrity_client_policy)—This policy provides message-level integrity protection and SAML-based authentication for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security 1.0 standard. A SAML token, included in the SOAP message, is used in SAML-based authentication with sender vouches confirmation.

    This policy uses WS-Security's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies and SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity.

    When this policy is selected, the recipient key alias (recptAlias) must be disabled.

    (oracle/wss10_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_policy)—This policy provides message-level protection (integrity and confidentiality) and SAML-based authentication for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security 1.0 standard. The Web service consumer includes a SAML token in the SOAP header and the confirmation type is sender-vouches.

    This policy uses WS-Security's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies. Specifically, RSA key mechanisms for message confidentiality, SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity, and AES-128 bit encryption. and SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity.

    (oracle/wss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_policy)—This policy provides message-level protection (integrity and confidentiality) and SAML token population for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security 1.1 standard. A SAML token, included in the SOAP message, is used in SAML-based authentication with sender vouches confirmation. This policy uses the symmetric key technology for signing and encryption, and WS-Security's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies for endorsing signatures.

  • WSS10_SAML_TOKEN_ONLY (oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy)—This policy provides SAML-based authentication for outbound SOAP request messages in accordance with the WS-Security 1.0 standard. The policy propagates user identity and is typically used in intra departmental deployments where message protection and integrity checks are not required.

    This policy does not require any keystore configuration.

If the argument enforcePolicyURI=0, you can specify any valid Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM) policy URI for the tokenType argument.


Optional. Name of the issuer of the token. The issuer name is the entity that vouches for the verification of the subject. For example: www.oracle.com.



Optional. User name to assert to the remote producer when the user is not authenticated with the WebCenter Portal application.

When unauthenticated, the identity anonymous is associated with the application user. The value anonymous may be inappropriate for the remote producer, so you may need to specify an alternative identity here. Keep in mind though, that in this case, the WebCenter Portal application has not authenticated the user so the default user you specify should be a low privileged user in the remote producer. If the user has authenticated to the application, the user's identity is asserted rather than the default user.



Optional. This argument applies when the tokenType is USERNAME_WITH_PASSWORD. If this producer uses an external application to store and supply user credentials for authentication, use this argument to name the associated external application.


Optional. Full path to the key store that contains the certificate and the private key that is used for signing some parts of the SOAP message, such as the security token and SOAP message body. The selected file should be a key store created with the Java keytool.


Optional. Password to the key store that was set when the key store was created.


Optional. Identifier for the certificate associated with the private key that is used for signing.


Optional. Password for accessing the key identified by the alias that is specified using the sigKeyAlias argument.


Optional. Key alias to be used for encryption. A valid value is one of the key aliases that is located in the specified key store.


Optional. Password for accessing the encryption key.


Optional. Key store alias that is associated with the producer's certificate. This certificate is used to encrypt the message to the producer.

Do not specify a recipient key alias when the tokenType is SAML_TOKEN_WITH_MSG_INTEGRITY.


Optional. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false).When set to 1, users must specify one of the following token profiles for the tokenType argument: USERNAME_WITHOUT_PASSWORD, USERNAME_WITH_PASSWORD, SAML_TOKEN_WITH_MSG_PROTECTION, SAML_TOKEN_WITH_MSG_INTEGRITY, WSS11_SAML_TOKEN_WITH_MSG_PROTECTION,WSS10_SAML_TOKEN_ONLY

When set to 0, users can specify any Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM) policy URI. The user must ensure that the OWSM policy specified is valid.

The default value is 1.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example registers a WSRP producer named WSRPSamples and registers the WSRP producer with an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> registerWSRPProducer(appName='webcenter', 
name='WSRPSamples', url='http://myhost.com:9999/

The following example registers a secure WSRP producer.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> registerWSRPProducer(appName='webcenter', 
name='WSRPSamples2', url='http://myhost.com:8899/portletapp/portlets/wsrp2?WSDL', 
tokenType='WSS11_SAML_TOKEN_WITH_MSG_PROTECTION', issuer='www.oracle.com',  defUser='anonymous', keyStorePath='/keys/mykeystore.jks', keyStorePswd='Test1', 
sigKeyAlias='mysigalias',sigKeyPswd='mysigpswd', encKeyAlias='myencalias', 
encKeyPswd='myencpswd', recptAlias='myrcptalias')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits registration details for an existing WSRP producer.


setWSRPProducer(appName, name, [url], [proxyHost], [proxyPort], [timeout], 
[externalApp], [tokenType],[issuer], [defUser], [keyStorePath], [keyStorePswd] 
[sigKeyAlias], [sigKeyPswd], [encKeyAlias], [encKeyPswd], [recptAlias],
[enforcePolicyURI], [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing WSRP producer.


Optional. WSRP producer URL. The syntax will vary according to your WSRP implementation, for example:



http://host_name:port_number/context_root/portlets/?WSDL (WSRP 1.0 for backward compatibility)


  • host_name is the server where your producer is deployed

  • port_number is the HTTP listener port number

  • context_root is the Web application's context root

  • portlets[/wsrp(1|2)]?WSDL is static text. The text entered here depends on how the producer is deployed.

For example:



Optional. Host name or IP address of the proxy server.

A proxy is required when the WebCenter Portal application and the remote portlet producer are separated by a firewall and an HTTP proxy is needed to communicate with the producer.


Optional. Port number on which the proxy server listens.


Optional. Timeout setting for communications with the producer, in seconds. For example, the maximum time the producer may take to register, deregister, or display portlets on WebCenter Portal pages.

This argument defaults to 30.

Individual portlets may define their own timeout period, which takes precedence over the value expressed here.


Optional. This argument applies when the tokenType is USERNAME_WITH_PASSWORD. If this producer uses an external application to store and supply user credentials for authentication, use this argument to name the associated external application.


Optional. Type of token profile to use for authentication with this WSRP producer.

When the argument enforcePolicyURI=1, valid values are:


    (oracle/wss10_username_id_propagation_with_msg_protection_client_policy)—This policy provides message protection (integrity and confidentiality) and identity propagation for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security 1.0 standard. Credentials (user name only) are included in outbound SOAP request messages through a WS-Security UsernameToken header. No password is included.

    Message protection is provided using WS-Security 1.0's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies. Specifically, RSA key mechanisms for message confidentiality, SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity, and AES-128 bit encryption.


    (oracle/wss10_username_token_with_message_protection_client_policy)—This policy provides message protection (integrity and confidentiality) and authentication for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security v1.0 standard. Both plain text and digest mechanisms are supported.

    This policy uses WS-Security's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies. Specifically, RSA key mechanism for message confidentiality, SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity, and AES-128 bit encryption.

    Use this token profile if the WSRP producer has a different identity store. You will need to define an external application pertaining to the producer and associate the external application with this producer.


    (wss10_saml_token_with_message_integrity_client_policy)—This policy provides message-level integrity and SAML-based authentication for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security 1.0 standard. A SAML token, included in the SOAP message, is used in SAML-based authentication with sender vouches confirmation.

    This policy uses WS-Security's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies and SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity.

    When this policy is selected, the recipient key alias (recptAlias) must be disabled.


    (oracle/wss10_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_policy)—This policy provides message-level protection (integrity and confidentiality) and SAML-based authentication for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security 1.0 standard. The Web service consumer includes a SAML token in the SOAP header and the confirmation type is sender-vouches.

    This policy uses WS-Security's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies. Specifically, RSA key mechanisms for message confidentiality, SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity, and AES-128 bit encryption. and SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity.


    (oracle/wss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_policy)—This policy enables message-level protection (integrity and confidentiality) and SAML token population for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security 1.1 standard. A SAML token, included in the SOAP message, is used in SAML-based authentication with sender vouches confirmation. This policy uses the symmetric key technology for signing and encryption, and WS-Security's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies for endorsing signatures.


    (oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy)—This policy includes SAML-tokens in outbound SOAP request messages in accordance with the WS-Security 1.0 standard. The policy propagates user identity and is typically used in intra departmental deployments where message protection and integrity checks are not required.

    This policy does not require any keystore configuration.

If the argument enforcePolicyURI=0, you can specify any valid Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM) policy URI for the tokenType argument.


Optional. Name of the issuer of the token. The issuer name is the entity that vouches for the verification of the subject. For example: www.oracle.com.



Optional. User name to assert to the remote producer when the user is not authenticated with the WebCenter Portal application.

When unauthenticated, the identity anonymous is associated with the application user. The value anonymous may be inappropriate for the remote producer, so you may need to specify an alternative identity here. Keep in mind though, that in this case, the WebCenter Portal application has not authenticated the user so the default user you specify should be a low privileged user in the remote producer. If the user has authenticated to the application, the user's identity is asserted rather than the default user.



Optional. Full path to the key store that contains the certificate and the private key that is used for signing some parts of the SOAP message, such as the security token and SOAP message body. The selected file should be a key store created with the Java keytool.


Optional. Password to the key store that was set when the key store was created.


Optional. Identifier for the certificate associated with the private key that is used for signing.


Optional. Password for accessing the key identified by the alias that is specified using the sigKeyAlias argument.


Optional. Key alias used by the producer to encrypt the return message. A valid value is one of the key aliases that is located in the specified key store. If not specified, the producer uses the signing key for encrypting the return message.


Optional. Password for accessing the encryption key.


Optional. Key store alias that is associated with the producer's certificate. This certificate is used to encrypt the outbound message to the producer.

Do not specify a recipient key alias when the tokenType is SAML_TOKEN_WITH_MSG_INTEGRITY.


Optional. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false).When set to 1, users must specify one of the following token profiles for the tokenType argument: USERNAME_WITHOUT_PASSWORD, USERNAME_WITH_PASSWORD, SAML_TOKEN_WITH_MSG_PROTECTION, SAML_TOKEN_WITH_MSG_INTEGRITY, WSS11_SAML_TOKEN_WITH_MSG_PROTECTION, WSS10_SAML_TOKEN_ONLY

When set to 0, users can specify any Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM) policy URI. The user must ensure that the OWSM policy specified is valid.

The default value is 1.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


This example increases the timeout, for the WSRPSamples producer, to 60 seconds.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setWSRPProducer(appName='webcenter', name='WSRPSamples', timeout=60)

This example updates security properties on a secure WSRP producer.

name='WSRPSamples2', tokenType='WSS11_SAML_TOKEN_WITH_MSG_PROTECTION', issuer='www.oracle.com',  defUser='anonymous',
keyStorePath='/keys/mykeystore.jks', keyStorePswd='Test1', 
sigKeyAlias='mysigalias', sigKeyPswd='mysigpswd',encKeyAlias='myencalias', 
encKeyPswd='myencpswd', recptAlias='myrcptalias')

This example removes all the security properties set on a secure WSRP producer.

name='WSRPSamples2', tokenType='')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists WSRP producer registration details.


listWSRPProducers(appName,[name],[verbose], [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

The name of the application in which one or more WSRP producers is registered.


Optional. Name of an existing WSRP producer. If omitted, connection details for all WSRP producers configured for this WebCenter Portal application are listed.


Optional. Displays WSRP producer connection details in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listWSRPProducers lists all connection properties. When set to 0, listWSRPProducers lists connection names only. This argument defaults to 1.

If you set this argument to 0, do not specify the names argument.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists all the WSRP producers registered with an application named myApp:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWSRPProducers(appName='myApp', verbose=0)


The following example lists detailed connection information for a WSRP producer registered as WSRPSamples-connection with an application named myApp:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWSRPProducers(appName='myApp', name='WSRPSamples-connection', verbose=1)

Connection Name: WSRPSamples-connection
Web Service Connection Name: WSRPSamples-connection-wsconn
Proxy Host: None
Proxy Port: None
Timeout: 0
WSDL URL: http://pspencer-lnx.uk.oracle.com:7777/portletapp/portlets/wsrp2?WSDL


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deregisters a WSRP producer, and deletes the associated WSRP and Web Service connections.


deregisterWSRPProducer(appName, name, [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application where the producer is registered.


Name of an existing WSRP producer.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deregisters the WSRPSamples producer in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deregisterWSRPProducer(appName='webcenter', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists registration properties supported by a WSRP portlet producer.


listWSRPProducerRegistrationProperties(appName, url,[proxyHost, [proxyPort], 
[server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


WSRP producer URL. The syntax will vary according to your WSRP implementation, for example:



http://host_name:port_number/context_root/portlets/?WSDL (WSRP 1.0 for backward compatibility)


  • host_name is the server where your producer is deployed

  • port_number is the HTTP listener port number

  • context_root is the Web application's context root

  • portlets[/wsrp(1|2)]?WSDL is static text. The text entered here depends on how the producer is deployed.

For example:



Optional. Host name or IP address of the proxy server.

A proxy is required when the WebCenter Portal application and the remote portlet producer are separated by a firewall and an HTTP proxy is needed to communicate with the producer.


Optional. Port number on which the proxy server listens.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists valid registration properties for the WSRP producer with the WSDL URL provided.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWSRPProducerRegistrationProperties
(appName='webcenter', url='http://myhost:9999/portletapp/portlets/wsrp2?WSDL')
Registration Property hint : hint text
Registration Property label : label text
Registration Property language : en
Registration Property name : {urn:xyz:wlp:prop:reg:registration}consumerRole
Registration Property value : None


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists any user categories that a WSRP producer might support. WebCenter Portal users can use the WLST command mapWSRPProducerUserCategory to map application roles to a producer's user category.


listWSRPProducerUserCategories(appName, name, [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing WSRP producer.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example displays the categories associated with a WSRP producer named WSRPSamples.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWSRPProducerUserCategories(appName='webcenter', 
User Category Name : categoryTwo
User Category Description : Custom role two.
User Category Mapped Local Roles : None

User Category Name : categoryOne
User Category Description : Custom role one.
User Category Mapped Local Roles : None


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Maps a role that is defined in the specified WebCenter Portal application to a user category supported by a WSRP producer. The user categories may be found using listWSRPProducerUserCategories.


mapWSRPProducerUserCategory(appName, name, localRole, producerUserCategory, 
[server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing WSRP producer.


Name of the WebCenter Portal application role to be mapped.


WSRP producer user category to which the WebCenter Portal role will be mapped.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example maps the application role admin to the WSRP user category wrsp-admin.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> mapWSRPProducerUserCategory(appName='webcenter', 
name='WSRPProducer1', localRole='admin', producerUserCategory='wsrp-admin')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a connection to an Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer and registers the Oracle PDK-Java producer with a named WebCenter Portal application.


registerPDKJavaProducer(appName, name, url, [serviceId], [proxyHost, 
[proxyPort]], [subscriberId], [sharedKey], [timeout], 
[establishSession],[externalApp], [mapUser], [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application for which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


URL for the Oracle PDK-Java producer. Use the following syntax:



  • host_name is the server where the producer is deployed

  • port_number is the HTTP Listener port number

  • context_root is the Web application's context root.

  • providers is static text. The text entered here depends on how the producer is deployed.

For example:



Optional. Service ID of the producer.

PDK-Java enables you to deploy multiple producers under a single adapter servlet. Producers are identified by their unique service ID. A service ID is required only if the service ID is not appended to the URL end point.

For example, the following URL endpoint requires sample as the service ID:


However, the following URL endpoint, does not require a service ID:


The service ID is used to look up a file called <service_id>.properties, which defines the characteristics of the producer, such as whether to display its test page. Use any value to create the service ID.


Optional. Host name or IP address of the proxy server.

A proxy is required if the WebCenter Portal application and the remote portlet producer are separated by a firewall and an HTTP proxy is needed for communication with the producer.


Optional. Port number on which the proxy server listens. This argument defaults to 80.


Optional. Shared key used for message authentication with the remote producer. Message authentication ensures that the incoming messages are sent from a host with a shared key. This argument defaults to null.

The shared key can contain between 10 and 20 alphanumeric characters.


Optional. Consumer's identifier, if required.

When a producer is registered with an application, a call is made to the producer. During the call, the consumer (WebCenter Portal application in this instance) passes the value for subscriberId to the producer. The producer may be coded to use the subscriber ID.


Optional. Timeout setting for communications with the producer, in seconds. For example, the maximum time the producer may take to register, deregister, or display portlets on WebCenter Portal pages.

This argument defaults to 30.

Individual portlets may define their own timeout period, which takes precedence over the value expressed here.


Optional. Enable a user session when executing portlets from this producer. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). The default for this argument is 0.

When sessions are enabled (1), the server maintains session-specific information, such as the user name. Message authentication uses sessions, so if a shared key is specified, this option should also be enabled. For sessionless communication between the producer and the server, specify 0.


Optional. Name of the external application with which to associate the producer. Required if one of this producer's portlets requires authentication.


Optional. Flag indicating whether the mapped user name from the external application should be passed to the producer. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). This argument defaults to 1.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates and registers an Oracle PDK-Java producer named JPDKSamples, for an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> registerPDKJavaProducer(appName='webcenter', 
name='JPDKSamples', url='http://myhost:9999/jpdk/providers/sample')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits registration details for an existing PDK-Java producer.


setPDKJavaProducer(appName, name, url, [serviceId], [proxyHost, [proxyPort]], 
[subscriberId], [sharedKey], [timeout], [establishSession], [externalApp], 
[mapUser], [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing PDK-Java producer.


URL for the Oracle PDK-Java producer. Use the following syntax:



  • host_name is the server where the producer is deployed

  • port_number is the HTTP Listener port number

  • context_root is the Web application's context root.

  • providers is static text. The text entered here depends on how the producer is deployed.

For example:



Optional. Service ID of the producer.

PDK-Java enables you to deploy multiple producers under a single adapter servlet. Producers are identified by their unique service ID. A service ID is required only if the service ID is not appended to the URL end point.

For example the following URL endpoint requires sample as the service ID:


However, the following URL endpoint, does not require a service ID:


The service ID is used to look up a file called <service_id>.properties, which defines the characteristics of the producer, such as whether to display its test page. Use any value to create the service ID.


Optional. Host name or IP address of the proxy server.

A proxy is required if the WebCenter Portal application and the remote portlet producer are separated by a firewall and an HTTP proxy is needed for communication with the producer.


Optional. Port number on which the proxy server listens.


Optional. Consumer's identifier, if required.

When a producer is registered with an application, a call is made to the producer. During the call, the consumer (WebCenter Portal application in this instance) passes the value for Subscriber ID to the producer. If the producer does not see the expected value for Subscriber ID, it might reject the registration call.


Optional. The shared key is used for message authentication with the remote producer. Message authentication ensures that the incoming messages are sent from a host with a shared key. You should enable sessions using the sharedKey argument, as well as the establishSession argument.


Optional. Timeout setting for communications with the producer, in seconds. For example, the maximum time the producer may take to register, deregister, or display portlets on WebCenter Portal pages.

Individual portlets may define their own timeout period, which takes precedence over the value expressed here.


Optional. Enable a user session when executing portlets from this producer. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). You should enable sessions using the establishSession argument, as well as the sharedKey argument.

When sessions are enabled (1), the server maintains session-specific information, such as the user name. Message authentication uses sessions, so if a shared key is specified, this option should also be enabled. For sessionless communication between the producer and the server, set to 0.


Optional. Name of the external application associated with this producer.


Optional. Flag indicating whether the mapped user name from the external application should be passed to the producer. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false).


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example changes a PDK-Java producer registered with MyApp to use a proxy server.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setPDKJavaProducer(appName='MyApp', 
name='MyProducer', url='http://myhost.com/jpdk/providers/sample', 
proxyHost='myproxy.com', proxyPort=80)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deregisters an Oracle PDK-Java producer and deletes the associated connection, for a named WebCenter Portal application.


deregisterPDKJavaProducer(appName, name, [server, applicationVersion]) 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing PDK-Java producer.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deregisters the wc-WebClipping producer, and deletes the associated connection.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deregisterPDKJavaProducer(appName='webcenter', 
Already in Domain Runtime Tree
Producer wc-WebClipping has been deregistered.
Already in Domain Runtime Tree
"wc-WebClipping" successfully deleted
Already in Domain Runtime Tree
"wc-WebClipping-urlconn" successfully deleted


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists details for one or more Oracle PDK-Java producers registered with a named WebCenter Portal application.


listPDKJavaProducers(appName, [name],[verbose], [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of an existing PDK-Java portlet producer. If omitted, connection details for all PDK-Java producers configured for this WebCenter Portal application are listed.


Optional. Displays PDK-Java producer connection details in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listPDKJavaProducers lists all connection properties. When set to 0, listPDKJavaProducers lists connection names only. This argument defaults to 1.

If you set this argument to 0, do not specify the name argument.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists all the connection properties (verbose mode) for the JPDKSamples producer.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listPDKJavaProducers(appName='webcenter', 
name='JPDKSamples', verbose=1)
Service Id: None
Shared Key: None
External Application Id: None
Subscriber Id: None
URL: http://myhost.com:9999/portalTools/webClipping/providers/webClipping
Service Id: None
Shared Key: None
External Application Id: None
Subscriber Id: None
URL: http://myhost:9999/portalTools/omniPortlet/providers/omniPortlet


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Registers a pagelet producer with a named WebCenter Portal application.


registerPageletProducer(appName, name, url, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application for which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.

The name you specify here appears in Composer under the Mash-ups >Pagelet Producers folder (by default).


URL required to access WebCenter Portal's Pagelet Producer. Use the syntax:


The URL must include a fully-qualified domain name. For example:


If pagelets carry secure data, the URL registered must use the https protocol. For example:


Note: In the Spaces application, if the Pagelet Producer URL is protected by Oracle Access Management Access Manager, the URL to the pagelet catalog must be excluded (mapped directly without access control), or the catalog will appear to be empty when using REST. The pagelet catalog URL is: http://<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>/api/v2/ensemble/pagelets


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example registers a pagelet producer with an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> registerPageletProducer(appName='webcenter', 
name='MyPageletProducer', url='http://myhost.com:7001/pagelets')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits connection details for an existing pagelet producer.


setPageletProducer(appName, name, [url, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing pagelet producer connection.


Optional. URL required to access WebCenter Portal's Pagelet Producer. Use the syntax:


The URL must include a fully-qualified domain name. For example:


Note: In the Spaces application, if the Pagelet Producer URL is protected by Oracle Access Management Access Manager, the URL to the pagelet catalog must be excluded (mapped directly without access control), or the catalog will appear to be empty when using REST. The pagelet catalog URL is: http://<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>/api/v2/ensemble/pagelets


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example updates administrator user name and password details for an existing pagelet producer named MyPageletProducer:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setPageletProducer(appName='webcenter', 
name='MyPageletProducer', url='http://mypagelethost.com:7778/pagelets')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists connection details for one or all pagelet producers registered with a named WebCenter Portal application.


listPageletProducers(appName, [name],[verbose], [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of an existing pagelet producer connection. Use this argument to view connection details for a specific pagelet producer.

If omitted, connection details for all pagelet producers configured for this WebCenter Portal application are listed.


Optional. Displays pagelet producer connection details in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listPageletProducers lists all connection properties. When set to 0, listPageletProducers lists connection names only. This argument defaults to 1.

If you set this argument to 0, do not specify the name argument.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists connection names and details for all pagelet producers currently registered for a WebCenter Portal application name MyWebCenterApp:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listPageletProducers(appName='MyWebCenterApp', verbose=1)
URL: http://myhost.com:7001/pagelets
URL: http://testhost.com:7002/pagelets

The following example displays details for a single pagelet producer connection named MyPageletProducer:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listPageletProducers(appName='webcenter', 
name='MyPageletProducer', verbose=1)
URL: http://myhost.com:7001/pagelets


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deregisters a pagelet producer currently registered with a named WebCenter Portal application.


deregisterPageletProducer(appName, name, [server, applicationVersion]) 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing pagelet producer connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deregisters a pagelet producer connection named MyPageletProducer currently configured for a WebCenter Portal application name MyWebCenterApp:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deregisterPageletProducer(appName='MyWebCenterApp', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Refreshes the metadata stored for a named producer to reflect the portlets that are currently offered by that producer.


refreshProducer(appName, producerName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which the producer is registered.


Name of an existing producer.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example refreshes the WSRPSamples producer in an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> refreshProducer(appName='webcenter', 
Producer WSRPSamples has been refreshed.


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Registers several out-of-the-box producers provided with Oracle WebCenter: OmniPortlet, Web Clipping, and WSRP Tools.


registerOOTBProducers(producerHost, producerPort, appName, [server, 
Argument Definition

Host name or IP address of the server hosting out-of-the-box producers.

In a cluster fronted by a load balancer, enter the host name of the load balancer.


Port number for the server hosting out-of-the-box producers.

In a cluster, fronted by a load balancer, enter the port number of the load balancer.


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which the out-of-the-box producers are to be registered.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example registers out-of-the-box producers in a WebCenter Portal application named myApp.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> registerOOTBProducers(producerHost='myhost.com', 
producerPort=9999, appName='myApp')

Registering Out-of-the-Box Producers
Registering producers at http://myhost.com:9999

Registering Omniportlet
Created connection wc-OmniPortlet-urlconn
Created connection wc-OmniPortlet
Producer connection wc-OmniPortlet has been registered.

Registering WebClipping
Created connection wc-WebClipping-urlconn
Created connection wc-WebClipping
Producer connection wc-WebClipping has been registered.

Registering WSRP Tools
Created connection wc-WSRPTools-wsconn
Created connection wc-WSRPTools
Producer connection wc-WSRPTools has been registered.


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deregisters out-of-the-box producers provided with Oracle WebCenter: OmniPortlet, Web Clipping, and WSRP Tools.


deregisterOOTBProducers(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which the out-of-the-box producers are currently registered.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deregisters out-of-the-box WebCenter Portal producers, and deletes their associated connections, in an application named myApp.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deregisterOOTBProducers(appName='myApp')

Deregistering Out-of-the-Box Producers

Deregistering Omniportlet
Producer wc-OmniPortlet has been deregistered.
wc-OmniPortlet successfully deleted
wc-OmniPortlet-urlconn successfully deleted

Deregistering WebClipping
Producer wc-WebClipping has been deregistered.
wc-WebClipping successfully deleted
wc-WebClipping-urlconn successfully deleted

Deregistering WSRP Tools
Producer wc-WSRPTools has been deregistered.
wc-WSRPTools successfully deleted
wc-WSRPTools-wsconn successfully deleted


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Registers the sample producers provided with Oracle WebCenter with a named WebCenter Portal application. There are two sample producers — WSRP Samples and JPDK Samples.


registerSampleProducers(producerHost, producerPort, appName, [server, 
Argument Definition

Host name or IP address of the server hosting the sample producers.


Port number for the server hosting the sample producers.


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which the sample producers are to be registered.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example registers Oracle WebCenter sample producers in an application named myApp.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> registerSampleProducers(producerHost='myhost.com', 
producerPort=9999, appName='myApp')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deregisters the Oracle WebCenter sample producers (WSRP Samples and JPDK Samples) from a named WebCenter Portal application.


deregisterSampleProducers(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which the sample producers are currently registered. If a value is not specified, this argument defaults to webcenter.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deregisters sample producers from a WebCenter Portal application named myApp.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> deregisterSampleProducers(appName='myApp') 

RSS News Feeds

Use the commands listed in Table 10-22 to manage proxy settings for the RSS service.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-22 RSS WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Return the proxy host and proxy port used by the RSS service.



Specify the proxy host and proxy port used by the RSS service.



Delete proxy host and proxy port settings.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Returns the proxy host and proxy port used by the RSS service. Depending on your network configuration, proxy details may be required to display external RSS news feeds in your WebCenter Portal application.


getRssProxyConfig(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example returns the proxy host and proxy port used by the RSS service in a WebCenter Portal application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> getRssProxyConfig(appName='webcenter')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies the proxy host and port for the RSS service. Depending on your network configuration, proxy details may be required to display external RSS news feeds in your WebCenter Portal application.


setRssProxyConfig(appName, proxyHost, proxyPort, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Host name of the proxy server.


Port on which the proxy server is running.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example sets the proxy host and proxy port used by the RSS service in a WebCenter Portal application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setRssProxyConfig(appName='webcenter', 
proxyHost='www-proxy.example.com', proxyPort='80')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes the current proxy host and proxy port settings.


unsetRssProxyConfig(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deletes the proxy host and proxy port settings used by the RSS service in a WebCenter Portal application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> unsetRssProxyConfig(appName='webcenter')

Search - Oracle SES Search

Use the commands listed in Table 10-23 to manage Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) connections and other Oracle SES search related properties for WebCenter Portal applications.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-23 Search - Oracle SES WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create a connection to an Oracle SES instance for a WebCenter Portal application.



Edit an existing Oracle SES search connection.



List individual or all Oracle SES search connections that are configured for a specific WebCenter Portal application.



Configure search settings for an existing Oracle SES search connection.



List Oracle SES properties for a WebCenter Portal application.



Create a federation trusted entity on an Oracle (SES) instance.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a connection to an Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) instance for a WebCenter Portal application.


createSESConnection(appName, name, url, appUser, appPassword,[default], 
[server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


Web Services URL that Oracle Secure Enterprise Search exposes to enable Search requests.

Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/query/OracleSearch


User name that the WebCenter Portal application uses to authenticate itself as a trusted application to Oracle Secure Enterprise Search so that it may perform searches on behalf of WebCenter Portal users.

The specified user must be present in both the Oracle Identity Management server configured for the WebCenter Portal application and the Oracle Identity Management server configured for Oracle SES.


Password for the user name specified.


Optional. Configures WebCenter Portal's Search service to actively use the search connection. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false).

Setting to 1 replaces any other search connection that is being used. Setting to 0 does not change the current Search service configuration. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a new search connection that points to the SES instance http://myhost.com:7777/search/query/OracleSearch and makes this connection the active SES search connection for a WebCenter Portal application named app1.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createSESConnection(appName='app1', name='SESConn1', 
url='http://myhost.com:7777/search/query/OracleSearch', appUser='wpadmin', 
appPassword='password', default=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits an existing Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) search connection.


setSESConnection(appName, name, [url], [appUser],[appPassword],[default], 
[server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing search connection.


Optional. Web Services URL that Oracle Secure Enterprise Search exposes to enable Search requests.

Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/query/OracleSearch


Optional. User name that the WebCenter Portal application uses to log in to Oracle Secure Enterprise Search so that it may perform searches on behalf of WebCenter Portal users.


Optional. Password that the WebCenter Portal application uses to log in to Oracle Secure Enterprise Search so that it may perform searches on behalf of WebCenter Portal users.


Optional. Configures WebCenter Portal's Search service to actively use the search connection. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false).

Setting to 1 replaces any other search connection that is being used. Setting to 0 does not change the current Search service configuration. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example modifies the URL of a search connection named SESConn1 and makes the connection the active SES search connection for a WebCenter Portal application named app1.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setSESConnection(appName='app1', name='SESConn1', 
url='http://myhost.com:7777/search/query/OracleSearch', appUser='wpadmin', 
appPassword='password', default=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists the names of all Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) search connections configured for a WebCenter Portal application.


listSESConnections(appName, [verbose], [name], [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application for which to perform this operation.


Optional. Displays search connection details in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listSESConnections lists all of the SES search connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application, along with their details. When set to 0, listSESConnections lists connection names only. This argument defaults to 0.

If you set this argument to 0, do not specify the name argument.


Optional. Name of an existing search connection. You can use this argument to view details about a specific connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example displays connection details for all SES search connections configured for a WebCenter Portal application named WebCenterApp.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listSESConnections(appName='WebCenterApp', verbose=1)

The following example displays connection details for an SES search connection named SESConn1.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listSESConnections(appName='WebCenterApp', 
verbose=1, name='SESConn1')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Configures search settings for an existing Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) search connection. If a parameter is not specified it is not modified.


setSearchSESConfig(appName,[connectionName],[dataGroup],[topNRows], [server], 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Names the search connection that the Search service must use.


Optional. Names the Secure Enterprise Search data group in which to search. If a value is not provided, everything in the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search instance will be searched.


Optional. Number of top N rows of search results for gathering refinement data.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example specifies that the Search service must use the SES search connection named SESConn1, and to search the data group named group2.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setSearchSESConfig 
(appName='webcenter',connectionName='SESConn1', dataGroup='group2', 

The following example changes the maximum number of search results that the Search service returns. No connection name is specified, in this example, so this configuration change is applied to the current default (or active) search connection.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setSearchSESConfig(appName='webcenter', topNRows=500);
Already in Domain Runtime Tree
Restart is needed for the service connection changes to take effect.


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists SES search settings for a WebCenter Portal application.


listSearchSESConfig(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application for which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example displays SES search configuration information for a WebCenter Portal application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listSearchSESConfig(appName='webcenter')
Already in Domain Runtime Tree
Search SES Config
connectionName:  SESConn1
dataGroup:  group2
topNRows:  200


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a federation trusted entity on an Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) instance for a given entity name and password.


createFederationTrustedEntity(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, entityName, entityPassword, desc,  [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application for which to perform this operation.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API.

Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Entity name.


Entity password.


Short description of the entity.

Alternatively, specify an empty string ''.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a federation trusted entity named myentity on the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createFederationTrustedEntity(appName='webcenter', 
sesPassword='password', entityName='myentity', entityPassword='password', desc='This is a sample entity')

Search - Oracle SES Search Crawlers

Use the commands listed in Table 10-24 to manage Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) crawlers for WebCenter Portal applications.

There is no need to restart your WebCenter Portal application after running crawler WLST commands.

Table 10-24 Search - Oracle SES Crawler WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create a crawler for Spaces objects on an Oracle SES instance.



Create a documents crawler for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Create a discussions crawlers and an announcement crawler for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Return the Spaces crawler configured for a Spaces application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Return the documents crawler configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Return the discussion and announcement crawlers configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Start the Spaces crawler configured for a Spaces application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Start the documents crawler configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Start the discussion and announcement crawlers configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Stop the Spaces crawler configured for a Spaces application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Stop the documents crawler configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Stop discussion and announcement crawlers configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Delete the Spaces crawler configured for a Spaces application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Delete the documents crawler configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Delete discussion and announcement crawlers configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a crawler for Spaces objects on an Oracle SES instance. The command creates a WebCenter Portal datasource and specifies a schedule for crawling Spaces objects (such as spaces, lists, pages, and people).


createSpacesCrawler(appName,  host, port, sesUrl, sesPassword, crawlUser,
crawlPassword, scratchDir, authUserIdFormat, crawlingMode, recrawlPolicy,
freqType, startHour, hoursBetweenLaunches, startDayOfWeek, startDayOfMonth,
daysBetweenLaunches, weeksBetweenLaunches, monthsBetweenLaunches, [server,
Argument Definition


Name of the Spaces application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Host name of the machine where the Spaces application is running.


Port number used to access the Spaces application.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Crawl administration user in the Spaces application.

This user must exist in the Spaces application and in your back-end identity management server with appropriate permissions and roles. For example: mycrawladmin)


Password for the Spaces user that is specified in the crawlUser argument.


Local directory where Oracle SES can write temporary status logs. The directory must be on the system where Oracle SES is installed.


Format of the user ID in the active identity plug-in. For example, username, email, nickname, user_name.


Mode for crawling URLs in the source. The default mode is ACCEPT_ALL. Valid values are: ACCEPT_ALL, INDEX_ONLY, EXAMINE_URL:

ACCEPT_ALL—Automatically Accept All URLs for Indexing: Crawls and indexes all URLs in the source. It also extracts and indexes any links found in those URLs. Previously crawled URLs are only reindexed if they have changed.

EXAMINE_URL—Examine URLs Before Indexing: Crawls but does not index any URLs in the source. It also crawls any links found in those URLs.

INDEX_ONLY—Index Only: Crawls and indexes all URLs in the source. It does not extract any links found in those URLs. Select this option for a source previously crawled using EXAMINE_URL.


Specifies whether to crawl all documents or only documents that have changed. Valid values are PROCESS_ALL and PROCESS_CHANGED:

PROCESS_ALL—All documents are crawled. Use this option to force a full crawl.

PROCESS_CHANGED—Only crawl documents that have changed since the previous crawl. This setting can significantly speed up the crawling process.


Frequency of scheduled crawls. Valid values are: MANUAL, MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, HOURLY.

To schedule crawls MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, or HOURLY, specify additional arguments as follows:

MONTHLY: startHour, startDayOfTheMonth, monthsBetweenLaunches

WEEKLY: startHour, startDayOfTheWeek, weeksBetweenLaunches

DAILY: startHour, daysBetweenLaunches

HOURLY: hoursBetweenLaunches

If regular crawls are not required, choose MANUAL and then use the startSpacesCrawler command to initiate a crawl manually.


Time to start the crawl. Any number between 1 and 24.

For example, enter 2 for 2:00am, 14 for 2:00pm, and so on.


Number of hours between crawls.

Only valid when freqType='HOURLY'.


Day on which to start a weekly crawl. For example, MONDAY, TUESDAY, and so on.

Only valid when freqType='WEEKLY'.


Day of the month on which to start a monthly crawl. For example, enter 1 for 1st day of the month, 2 for 2nd day of the month, and so on.

Only valid when freqType='MONTHLY'.


Number of days between crawls.

Only valid when freqType='DAILY'.


Number of weeks between crawls.

Only valid when freqType='WEEKLY'.


Number of months between crawls.

Only valid when freqType='MONTHLY'.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a Spaces crawler on the SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application (webcenter) located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

createSpacesCrawler(appName='webcenter', host='myhost.com', port='8888',
sesPassword='sespassword', crawlUser='mycrawladmin', crawlPassword='password',
scratchDir'/tmp', authUserIdFormat='username', crawlingMode='ACCEPT_ALL',
recrawlPolicy= 'PROCESS_ALL', freqType='MANUAL', startHour=1,
hoursBetweenLaunches=1, startDayOfWeek='MONDAY', startDayOfMonth=1, daysBetweenLaunches =1, weeksBetweenLaunches=1, monthsBetweenLaunches=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a documents crawler for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.

The command creates an Oracle WebCenter Content repository datasource and specifies a schedule for crawling documents in the Oracle WebCenter Content repository.


createDocumentsCrawler(appName,  host, port, sesUrl, sesPassword, configUrl,
user, password, scratchDir, httpEndpoint, displayUrl, realm, authUserIdFormat,
pipelineName, crawlingMode, recrawlPolicy, freqType, startHour,
hoursBetweenLaunches, startDayOfWeek, startDayOfMonth,
daysBetweenLaunches, weeksBetweenLaunches, monthsBetweenLaunches,
[server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Host name of the machine where the WebCenter Portal application is running.


Port number used to access the WebCenter Portal application.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


URL of the XML configuration file providing details of the source, such as the data feed type, location, security attributes, and so on.Use the URL format: http://<host>:<port>/cs


Administrative user for Oracle WebCenter Content's Content Server. For example, sysadmin.

If the authentication type is Oracle SSO, then enter a user ID (and password) of a user in the identity management server fronted by Oracle SSO. This user must be granted the same permissions as sysadmin. If it is not possible to grant those permissions, then delete the "remote" user corresponding to this user in Content Server, and create a "local" version of the user (same name) in Content Server.


Password for the administrative user specified.


Local directory where Oracle SES can write temporary status logs. The directory must be on the system where Oracle SES is installed.


HTTP endpoint for Content Server authorization. For example: http://<host>:<port>/idc/idcplg


HTTP host information string to prefix the relative access URL to form the complete display URL. For example: http://<host>:<port>/idc


Realm of the application serving the control and data feed. This parameter is relevant when the feeds are accessed over HTTP and is mandatory when the authentication type is BASIC.

For example, jazn.com


Format of the user ID (in active identity plug-in) that is used by Content Server authorization API. For example, username, email, nickname, user_name.


Document service pipeline created for this source in Oracle SES.


Mode for crawling URLs in the source. The default mode is ACCEPT_ALL. Valid values are: ACCEPT_ALL, INDEX_ONLY, EXAMINE_URL:

ACCEPT_ALL—Automatically Accept All URLs for Indexing: Crawls and indexes all URLs in the source. It also extracts and indexes any links found in those URLs. Previously crawled URLs are only reindexed if they have changed.

EXAMINE_URL—Examine URLs Before Indexing: Crawls but does not index any URLs in the source. It also crawls any links found in those URLs.

INDEX_ONLY—Index Only: Crawls and indexes all URLs in the source. It does not extract any links found in those URLs. Select this option for a source previously crawled using EXAMINE_URL


Specifies whether to crawl all documents or only documents that have changed. Valid values are PROCESS_ALL and PROCESS_CHANGED:

PROCESS_ALL—All documents are crawled. Use this option to force a full crawl.

PROCESS_CHANGED—Only crawl documents that have changed since the previous crawl. This setting can significantly speed up the crawling process.


Frequency of scheduled crawls. Valid values are: MANUAL, MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, HOURLY.

To schedule crawls MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, or HOURLY, specify additional arguments as follows:

MONTHLY: startHour, startDayOfTheMonth, monthsBetweenLaunches

WEEKLY: startHour, startDayOfTheWeek, weeksBetweenLaunches

DAILY: startHour, daysBetweenLaunches

HOURLY: hoursBetweenLaunches

If regular crawls are not required, choose MANUAL and then use the startDocumentsCrawler command to initiate a crawl manually.


Time to start the crawl. Any number between 1 and 24.

For example, enter 2 for 2:00am, 14 for 2:00pm, and so on.


Number of hours between crawls.

Only valid when freqType='HOURLY'.


Day on which to start a weekly crawl. For example, MONDAY, TUESDAY, and so on.

Only valid when freqType='WEEKLY'.


Day of the month on which to start a monthly crawl. For example, enter 1 for 1st day of the month, 2 for 2nd day of the month, and so on.

Only valid when freqType='MONTHLY'.


Number of days between crawls.

Only valid when freqType='DAILY'.


Number of weeks between crawls.

Only valid when freqType='WEEKLY'.


Number of months between crawls.

Only valid when freqType='MONTHLY'.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a documents crawler on the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application (webcenter) located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

createDocumentsCrawler(appName='webcenter', host='myhost.com', port='8888',
configUrl='http://myucmhost.com:9044/cs/idcplg?IdcService=SES_CRAWLER_DOWNLOAD_ CONFIG&source=mysource',
user='adminuser', password='password', scratchDir='/scratch',
displayUrl='http://myucmhost:9044/cs', realm='jazn.com', authUserIdFormat='username',
pipelineName='My UCM Pipeline', crawlingMode='ACCEPT_ALL', 
recrawlPolicy='PROCESS_ALL', freqType='MANUAL', startHour=1,
hoursBetweenLaunches=1, startDayOfWeek='MONDAY', startDayOfMonth=1, 
daysBetweenLaunches=1, weeksBetweenLaunches=1, monthsBetweenLaunches=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a discussion forum crawler and an announcements crawler for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) instance.

The command creates two Oracle SES database sources (one for discussion forums and one for announcements) and specifies a crawl schedule. The discussion forums source is named <appname_host_port>_forums with a view of FORUMCRAWLER_VW, and the announcements source is named <appname_host_port>_announcements with a view of ANNOUNCEMENTS_VW.


createDiscussionsCrawler(appName,  host, port, sesUrl, sesPassword,
dbConnString, user, password, authUserIdFormat, crawlingMode,
recrawlPolicy, freqType, startHour, hoursBetweenLaunches, startDayOfWeek,
startDayOfMonth, daysBetweenLaunches, weeksBetweenLaunches,
monthsBetweenLaunches, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Host name of the machine where the WebCenter Portal application is running.


Port number used to access the WebCenter Portal application.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Connection URL for the database on which WebCenter Portal's discussions server is installed. Use the format:

Oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>/<oracle-sid>

IBM DB2: jdbc:db2://<host>:<port>/<database_name>

Microsoft SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://<host_or_IP_address>:<port>/<database_name>


Administrative user for the database on which WebCenter Portal's discussions server is installed.

Oracle: The user MyPrefix_DISCUSSIONS_CRAWLER is created during WebCenter Portal's discussions server installation.

IBM DB2: The user MyPrefix_DC is created during WebCenter Portal's discussions server installation (where MyPrefix is five characters)

Microsoft SQL Server: The user MyPrefix_DISCUSSIONS_CRAWLER is created during WebCenter Portal's discussions server installation.


Password for the administrative discussions server user specified.


Format of the user ID (in active identity plug-in), that is used by the discussions server authorization API. For example, username, email, nickname, user_name.


Mode for crawling URLs in the source. The default mode is ACCEPT_ALL. Valid values are: ACCEPT_ALL, INDEX_ONLY, EXAMINE_URL:

ACCEPT_ALL—Automatically Accept All URLs for Indexing: Crawls and indexes all URLs in the source. It also extracts and indexes any links found in those URLs. Previously crawled URLs are only reindexed if they have changed.

EXAMINE_URL—Examine URLs Before Indexing: Crawls but does not index any URLs in the source. It also crawls any links found in those URLs.

INDEX_ONLY—Index Only: Crawls and indexes all URLs in the source. It does not extract any links found in those URLs. Select this option for a source previously crawled using EXAMINE_URL.


Specifies whether to crawl all documents or only documents that have changed. Valid values are PROCESS_ALL and PROCESS_CHANGED:

PROCESS_ALL—All documents are crawled. Use this option to force a full crawl.

PROCESS_CHANGED—Only crawl documents that have changed since the previous crawl. This setting can significantly speed up the crawling process.


Frequency of scheduled crawls. Valid values are: MANUAL, MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, HOURLY.

To schedule crawls MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, or HOURLY, specify additional arguments as follows:

MONTHLY: startHour, startDayOfTheMonth, monthsBetweenLaunches

WEEKLY: startHour, startDayOfTheWeek, weeksBetweenLaunches

DAILY: startHour, daysBetweenLaunches

HOURLY: hoursBetweenLaunches

If regular crawls are not required, choose MANUAL and then use the startDiscussionsCrawler command to initiate a crawl manually.


Time to start the crawl. Any number between 1 and 24.

For example, enter 2 for 2:00am, 14 for 2:00pm, and so on.


Number of hours between crawls.

Only valid when freqType='HOURLY'.


Day on which to start a weekly crawl. For example, MONDAY, TUESDAY, and so on.

Only valid when freqType='WEEKLY'.


Day of the month on which to start a monthly crawl. For example, enter 1 for 1st day of the month, 2 for 2nd day of the month, and so on.

Only valid when freqType='MONTHLY'.


Number of days between crawls.

Only valid when freqType='DAILY'.


Number of weeks between crawls.

Only valid when freqType='WEEKLY'.


Number of months between crawls.

Only valid when freqType='MONTHLY'.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a discussion forum crawler and an announcements crawler on the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application (webcenter) located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

createDiscussionsCrawler(appName='webcenter', host='myhost.com', port='8888',
sesPaswword='password', dbConnString='jdbc:oracle:thin:@myjivedbhost.com:1521/mysid', 
user='app_discussions_crawler', password='password',
 authUserIdFormat='nickname', crawlingMode='ACCEPT_ALL', 
recrawlPolicy='PROCESS_ALL', freqType='MANUAL', startHour=1,
startDayOfMonth=1, daysBetweenLaunches=1,
weeksBetweenLaunches=1, monthsBetweenLaunches=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Returns the Spaces crawler configured for a Spaces application, on an Oracle SES instance.


listSpacesCrawler(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, host, port, [verbose],
[server], [applicationVersion]
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Host name of the machine where the Spaces application is running.


Port number used to access the Spaces application.


Optional. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listSpacesCrawlers returns the Spaces crawler configured for a Spaces application in Oracle SES, along with details. When set to 0, only source names are listed. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example returns the Spaces crawler configured in the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application named webcenter located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

sesUrl='http://myseshost.com:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService', sesPassword'password', host='myhost.com', port='8888')

Already in Domain Runtime Tree 
Spaces Crawlers 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Returns the document crawler configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.


listDocumentsCrawler(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, host, port, [verbose],
[server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Host name of the machine where the WebCenter Portal application is running.


Port number used to access the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listDocumentsCrawlers returns the documents crawler that is configured for a WebCenter Portal application in Oracle SES, along with details. When set to 0, only source names are listed. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example returns the documents crawler configured in the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application named webcenter located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

listDocumentsCrawler(appName='webcenter', sesUrl='http://myseshost.com:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService', sesPassword'password', host='myhost.com', port='8888')

Already in Domain Runtime Tree 
Documents Crawlers 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Returns the discussion and announcement crawlers configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.


listDiscussionsCrawler(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, host, port,
[verbose],  [server], [applicationVersion]
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Host name of the machine where the WebCenter Portal application is running.


Port number used to access the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listDocumentsCrawlers returns discussion and announcement crawlers that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application in Oracle SES, along with details. When set to 0, only source names are listed. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example returns discussion and announcement crawlers configured in the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application named webcenter located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

listDiscussionsCrawler(appName='webcenter', sesUrl='http://myseshost.com:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService', sesPassword='password', host='myhost.com', port='8888')

Already in Domain Runtime Tree
Discussions Crawler


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Starts the Spaces crawler configured for a Spaces application, on an Oracle SES instance.


startSpacesCrawler(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, host, port, [server],
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Host name of the machine where the Spaces application is running.


Port number used to access the Spaces application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Spaces application is deployed.


The following example starts the Spaces crawler configured on the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application named webcenter located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

sesUrl'http://myseshost.com:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService', sesPassword='password', host='myhost.com', port='8888') 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Starts the documents crawler configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.


startDocumentsCrawler(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, host, port, [server],
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Host name of the machine where the WebCenter Portal application is running.


Port number used to access the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example starts the document crawler configured on the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application named webcenter located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

sesUrl'http://myseshost.com:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService', sesPassword='password', host='myhost.com', port='8888') 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Starts the discussion and announcement crawlers configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.


startDiscussionsCrawler(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, host, port,  [server],
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Host name of the machine where the WebCenter Portal application is running.


Port number used to access the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example starts the discussion and announcement crawlers configured on the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application named webcenter located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

sesUrl'http://myseshost.com:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService', sesPassword='password', host='myhost.com', port='8888') 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Stops the Spaces crawler configured for a Spaces application, on an Oracle SES instance.


stopSpacesCrawler(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, host, port, [server],
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Host name of the machine where the Spaces application is running.


Port number used to access the Spaces application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Spaces application is deployed.


The following example stops the Spaces crawler configured on the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application named webcenter located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

stopSpacesCrawler(appName='webcenter',sesUrl'http://myseshost.com:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService', sesPassword='password', host='myhost.com', port='8888') 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Stops the documents crawler configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.


stopDocumentsCrawler(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, host, port, [server], 
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Host name of the machine where the WebCenter Portal application is running.


Port number used to access the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example stops the document crawler configured on the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application named webcenter located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

stopDocumentsCrawler(appName='webcenter',sesUrl'http://myseshost.com:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService', sesPassword='password', host='myhost.com', port='8888') 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Stops the discussion and announcement crawlers configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.


stopDiscussionsCrawler(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, host, port,
[server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Host name of the machine where the WebCenter Portal application is running.


Port number used to access the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example stops the discussion and announcement crawlers configured on the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application named webcenter located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

stopDiscussionsCrawler(appName='webcenter',sesUrl'http://myseshost.com:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService', sesPassword='password', host='myhost.com', port='8888') 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes the Spaces crawler configured for a Spaces application, on an Oracle SES instance.


deleteSpacesCrawler(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, host, port,[server],[applicationVersion])
Argument Definition


Name of the application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Host name of the machine where the Spaces application is running.


Port number used to access the Spaces application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the application is deployed.


The following example deletes the Spaces crawler configured on the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application named webcenter located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

deleteSpacesCrawler(appName='webcenter',sesUrl'http://myseshost.com:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService', sesPassword='password', host='myhost.com', port='8888') 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes the documents crawler configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.


deleteDocumentsCrawler(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, host, port, [server], 
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Host name of the machine where the WebCenter Portal application is running.


Port number used to access the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deletes the document crawler configured on the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application named webcenter located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

deleteDocumentsCrawler(appName='webcenter',sesUrl'http://myseshost.com:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService', sesPassword='password', host='myhost.com', port='8888') 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes the discussion and announcement crawlers configured for a WebCenter Portal application, on an Oracle SES instance.


deleteDiscussionsCrawler(appName, sesUrl, sesPassword, host, port,  [server],
Argument Definition


Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Web Service URL for the Oracle SES Administration API. Use the format: http://<host>:<port>/search/api/admin/AdminService


Password for the Oracle SES administrative user (eqsys).


Host name of the machine where the WebCenter Portal application is running.


Port number used to access the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example deletes the discussion and announcement crawlers configured on the Oracle SES instance http://myseshost.com:7777 for a Spaces application named webcenter located at http://myhost.com:8888/webcenter/spaces:

deleteDiscussionsCrawler(appName='webcenter',sesUrl'http://myseshost.com:7777/search/api/admin/AdminService', sesPassword='password', host='myhost.com', port='8888') 

Search - WebCenter Portal Search

Use the commands listed in Table 10-25 to manage search settings and crawl options for the Spaces application and other WebCenter Portal applications.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are effective immediately; no restart is required.

Table 10-25 WebCenter Portal Search WLST Commands

Use This Command... To... Use with WLST...


Modify search settings for a WebCenter Portal application.



List search properties for a WebCenter Portal application.



Specify crawl properties for a WebCenter Portal application.



Return the current crawl settings for a WebCenter Portal application.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Modifies search settings for a WebCenter Portal application. If a parameter is not specified it is not modified.


[server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. The number of saved searches to display in the Saved Searches drop down (on main search page).


Optional. The number of saved searches displayed in a Saved Search task flow.


Optional. The number of search results displayed, per service, for searches submitted from the main search page.


Optional. The maximum time that a service is allowed to execute a search (in ms). The value for this argument must be a valid number.


Optional. The maximum time that a service is allowed to initialize a search (in ms). The value for this argument must be a valid number.


Optional. The maximum time that a service is allowed to display search all results (in ms). The value for this argument must be a valid number.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example specifies that saved searches display five search results per service. Additionally, that a seven second search execution timeout is required.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setSearchConfig(appName='webcenter', 
numResultsRegion=5, executionTimeout=7000);

The following example increases the number of saved searches in the Saved Searches drop down list to eight.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setSearchConfig(appName='webcenter', numSavedSearches=8);

The following example sets the search execution timeout to five seconds and allows each service fifteen seconds to display search results before timing out.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setSearchConfig(appName='webcenter', 
executionTimeout=5000, showAllExecutionTimeout=15000);


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists search settings for a WebCenter Portal application.


listSearchConfig(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application for which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example displays search configuration information for a WebCenter Portal application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listSearchConfig(appName='webcenter')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies crawl properties for WebCenter Portal applications.

WebCenter Portal applications can be crawled by Oracle SES to provide a faster, more unified search experience across WebCenter Portal objects, specifically: spaces, lists, pages, people (profiles), wikis, blogs, documents, discussions, and announcements. Three distinct crawlers make this possible:

  • Spaces Crawler (for spaces, lists, pages, and people)

  • Documents Crawler (for documents, wikis, blogs)

  • Discussions Crawler (for discussions and announcements).

Use this command to enable or disable Oracle SES crawlers in WebCenter Portal applications:

  • Spaces application—To use Oracle SES crawlers in the Spaces application, you must enable all three crawlers.

  • Framework applications—To use Oracle SES crawlers in WebCenter Portal applications, you must enable both the documents and discussions crawlers. The Spaces crawler is not applicable.

(Spaces application only) You can also use this command to specify an interval between full crawls for the Spaces crawler. During a full crawl, all of the Spaces crawler content is re-read. Out-of-the-box, full crawls for the Spaces crawler occur every seven days but you can specify a different frequency to suit your installation.

Note that incremental crawls, for all three crawlers, are initiated by a scheduler running from Oracle SES. During these incremental crawls, only content added or updated since the previous crawl is processed.


setSpacesCrawlProperties(appName, [fullCrawlIntervalInHours, spacesCrawlEnabled, documentCrawlEnabled, discussionsCrawlEnabled, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. (Spaces application only) Number of hours between full crawls. The default is 168 hours or 7 days.


Optional. Specifies whether the Spaces Crawler is enabled in Oracle SES. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). This argument defaults to 0.

When set to 0, WebCenter Portal's internal search adapters return search results.


Optional. Specifies whether the Documents Crawler is enabled in Oracle SES. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). This argument defaults to 0.

When set to 0, WebCenter Portal's internal search adapters return search results.


Optional. Specifies whether the Discussions Crawler is enabled in Oracle SES. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). This argument defaults to 0.

When set to 0, WebCenter Portal's internal search adapters return search results.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example enables Oracle SES crawlers in the Spaces application and specifies that the Spaces application runs a full crawl through the Spaces Crawler every 8 days:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setSpacesCrawlProperties(appName='webcenter', fullCrawlIntervalInHours=192, spacesCrawlEnabled=1, documentCrawlEnabled=1, discussionsCrawlEnabled=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Returns the current crawl settings for a WebCenter Portal application, such as the number of hours between full crawls (Spaces crawler), and whether Oracle SES crawlers are enabled.


getSpacesCrawlProperties(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example returns the current crawl settings for the Spaces application.


Spaces Crawl Properties:-----------------fullCrawlIntervalInHours: 124spacesCrawlEnabled:       1documentCrawlEnabled:     1discussionsCrawlEnabled:  1


Use the commands listed in Table 10-26 to manage BPEL server connections for WebCenter Portal applications.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter Portal WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 10-26 Worklist Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create a connection to a BPEL server for a WebCenter Portal application.



Edit an existing BPEL server connection.



List all of the BPEL server connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application.



Enable an existing BPEL server connection for the Worklist service.



Disable a BPEL server connection currently used by the Worklist service.



List individual or all BPEL server connections configured for the Worklist service.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a connection to a BPEL server for a named WebCenter Portal application. BPEL server connections can be used by the application's Worklist service and Spaces workflows.

To configure the Worklist service to actively use a new BPEL server connection, use the addWorklistConnection command. See addWorklistConnection.

To specify the BPEL server connection that Spaces uses for its internal workflows, use the setSpacesWorkflowConnectionName command. See setSpacesWorkflowConnectionName.


createBPELConnection(appName, name, url, [policy, recipientKeyAlias, linkUrl, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter Portal application.


URL required to access the BPEL server.

Use the format: protocol://host:port

The BPEL server URL must be unique within the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. SAML token policy this connection uses for authentication. Enter any valid policy. Valid values include:

  • oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy—use to access the BPEL server with the default, non message protected policy.

  • oracle/wss10_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_policy—use to access the BPEL server with a message protected policy. If selected, you must configure keys stores both in your WebCenter Portal application and in the BPEL application.

  • GPA—use if your environment supports Global Policy Attachments (GPA).

If you omit this argument, the connection defaults to oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy.


Optional. Recipient key alias to be used for message protected SAML policy authentication. Only required when the BPEL server connection is using a SAML token policy for authentication and the application's Worklist service is using multiple BPEL server connections.

The default is null.

See also "Configuring WS-Security for WebCenter Portal Applications and Components" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. URL used to link to the BPEL server. Only required if it is different to the url argument. For example, when SSO or HTTPS is configured.

Use the format: protocol://host:port

The default is null.

For performance reasons, in an HTTPS or SSO environment, linkUrl specifies user access to BPEL worklist items, through HTTPS or SSO Web servers, whereas url specifies direct access to BPEL Web services, without redirection through HTTPS or SSO Web servers.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example creates a connection named WebCenter Worklist with the default security policy:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createBPELConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='WebCenter Worklist', url='http://myhost.com:8001', 

The following example creates a connection that uses a message protected security policy, and defines a specific link URL:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createBPELConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='WebCenter Worklist',url='http://myhost.com:8001', policy='oracle/wss10_
saml_token_with_message_protection_client_policy', recipientKeyAlias='myalias', linkUrl='http://mySSO.com:7777')

The following example creates a connection to be used in an environment that supports Global Policy Attachments (GPA):

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createBPELConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='WebCenter Worklist', url='http://myhost.com:8001' policy='GPA')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Edits an existing BPEL server connection.

To configure the Worklist service to actively use an existing BPEL server connection, use the addWorklistConnection command. See addWorklistConnection.

To specify the BPEL server connection used for Webcenter Spaces workflows, use the setSpacesWorkflowConnectionName command. See setSpacesWorkflowConnectionName.


setBPELConnection(appName, name, [url, policy, recipientKeyAlias, linkUrl, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Existing BPEL server connection name.


Optional. URL required to access the BPEL server.

Use the format: <protocol>://<host>:<port>

The BPEL server URL must be unique within the WebCenter Portal application.


Optional. SAML token policy this connection uses for authentication. Enter any valid policy. Valid values include:

  • oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy—use to access the BPEL server with the default, non message protected policy.

  • oracle/wss10_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_policy—use to access the BPEL server with a message protected policy. If selected, you must configure keys stores both in your WebCenter Portal application and in the BPEL application.

  • GPA—use if your environment supports Global Policy Attachments (GPA).

If you omit this argument, the connection defaults to oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy.


Optional. Recipient key alias to be used for message protected SAML policy authentication. Only required when the BPEL server connection is using a SAML token policy for authentication and the application's Worklist service is using multiple BPEL server connections.

The default is null.

See also "Configuring WS-Security for WebCenter Portal Applications and Components" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. URL used to link to the BPEL server. Only required if it is different to the url argument. For example, when SSO or https is configured. Use the format: protocol://host:port

For example, http://mySSO.host.com:7777

The default is null.

For performance reasons, in an HTTPS or SSO environment, the Link URL specifies user access to BPEL worklist items, through HTTPS or SSO Web servers, whereas the BPEL SOAP URL specifies direct access to BPEL Web services, without redirection through HTTPS or SSO Web servers.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example updates the BPEL server URL, security policy, recipient key alias, and link url for a connection named WebCenter Worklist.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setBPELConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='WebCenter Worklist',url='http://myhost.com:6666', policy='oracle/wss10_
saml_token_with_message_protection_client_policy', recipientKeyAlias='myalias', linkUrl='http://mySSO.com:7777')

The following example changes the security policy to use Global Policy Attachments (GPA):

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setBPELConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='WebCenter Worklist', policy='GPA')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Without any arguments, this command lists all the BPEL connections that are configured for a specific WebCenter Portal application. All BPEL connections are listed, even connections not currently used.


listBPELConnections(appName, [verbose], [name], [server], [applicationVersion]) 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application for which to list BPEL server connections.


Optional. Displays BPEL server connection details in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listBPELConnections lists all of the BPEL server connections that are configured, along with their details. When set to 0, listBPELConnections lists connection names only. This argument defaults to 0.

If you set this argument to 0, do not specify the name argument.


Optional. Name of an existing BPEL server connection. You can use this argument to view details about a specific connection.

To list all the connections, omit the name argument.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists the names of all the BPEL server connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listBPELConnections(appName='webcenter')
  WebCenter Worklist
  Human Resources Worklist

The following example lists the names and details of all of the BPEL server connections that are configured for a WebCenter Portal application.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listBPELConnections(appName='webcenter', verbose=1)  
  WebCenter Worklist
  Connection Name: WebCenter Worklist
  Human Resources Worklist
  Connection Name: Human Resources Worklist


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Enable an existing BPEL server connection for Worklist services. The Worklist service supports multiple connections so that WebCenter Portal users can monitor and manage assignments and notifications from a range of BPEL servers.

The name must specify an existing BPEL server connection.


addWorklistConnection(appName, name,[verbose, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing BPEL server connection.


Optional. Displays output indicating whether a matching BPEL server connection exists and provides connection details. 1 turns verbose mode on; 0 turns verbose mode off. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example enables the Human Resources Worklist connection for the Worklist service.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> addWorklistConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='Human Resources Worklist', verbose=1)
  Human Resources Worklist successfully added to WorkList
  Human Resources Worklist
  Connection Name: Human Resources Worklist

The following example also enables the Human Resources Worklist connection for the Worklist service.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> addWorklistConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='Human Resources Worklist', verbose=1)
  Human Resources Worklist successfully added to WorkList
  Human Resources Worklist
  Connection Name: Human Resources Worklist


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Disables a BPEL server connection that is currently used by the Worklist service. Connection details are retained but the Worklist service no longer uses the connection specified.


removeWorklistConnection(appName, name, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of an existing BPEL server connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example disables the BPEL server connection named WebCenter Worklist for the Worklist service.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> removeWorklistConnection(appName='webcenter', 
name='WebCenter Worklist')
  WebCenter Worklist successfully removed from WorkList


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Without any arguments, this command lists all of the BPEL server connections that are configured for the Worklist service, in a named WebCenter Portal application.


listWorklistConnections(appName, [verbose],[name], [server], 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application for which to perform this operation.


Optional. Displays BPEL server connection details in verbose mode. Valid options are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, listWorklistConnections lists all of the BPEL server connections that are configured for the Worklist service, along with their details. When set to 0, listWorklistConnections lists connection names only. This argument defaults to 0.

If you set this argument to 0, do not specify the name argument.


Optional. Name of an existing BPEL server connection. You can use this argument to view details about a specific connection.

To list all connections, omit the name argument.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example lists the names of all of the BPEL server connections that are configured for the Worklist service.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWorklistConnections(appName='webcenter')
  WebCenter Worklist

The following example lists both the names and connection details of all of the BPEL server connections that are configured for the Worklist service.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWorklistConnections(appName='webcenter', verbose=1)
  WebCenter Worklist
  Connection Name: WebCenter Worklist

The following example lists connection details of a named BPEL server connection—MyWorklist. As the Worklist service is not currently configured to use MyWorklist, an appropriate message displays.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listWorklistConnections(appName='webcenter', 
verbose=1, name='MyWorklist')
  The following connection is not in the ADF Worklist:MyWorklist

Spaces Application

Use the commands listed in Table 10-27 to manage workflow settings and metadata for the Spaces application.

Table 10-27 Spaces Application WLST Commands

Use This Command... To... Use with WLST...


Return the name of the BPEL server connection that the Spaces application is using for internal workflows.



Specify the BPEL server connection used for Spaces workflows.



Migrate metadata for individual spaces (in MDS) and space security data to the 'Spaces Cache'.



Migrate metadata for individual space templates (in MDS) and space template security data to the 'Space Templates Cache'.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Returns the name of the BPEL server connection that the Spaces application is currently using for internal workflows (spacemembership notifications, spacesubscription requests, and so on).


getSpacesWorkflowConnectionName(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application—always webcenter.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Spaces application is deployed.


The following example names the BPEL server connection that the Spaces application is currently using for internal workflow.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> getSpacesWorkflowConnectionName(appName='webcenter')
WorkflowConfigConnectionName: WebCenter-Worklist


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies the BPEL server connection that the Spaces application uses for internal workflows. The Spaces application uses a BPEL server included with the Oracle SOA Suite to host internal workflows, such as spacemembership notifications, spacesubscription requests, and so on. The connection name specified here must be a valid BPEL server connection.


Configuration changes made using this WLST command are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the Spaces application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


setSpacesWorkflowConnectionName(appName, name, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application—always webcenter.


Name of an existing BPEL connection.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Spaces application is deployed.


The following example specifies that the Spaces application uses the BPEL server connection named WebCenter-Worklist for its internal workflows.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Migrates metadata for individual spaces (in MDS) and space security data (in a policy store) to the 'Spaces Cache'.

WebCenter Spaces (and later) uses tables (referred to as the Spaces Cache) to store space metadata and security-related data. When you migrate from WebCenter Spaces to, you must run the refreshGroupSpaceCache command so that all your existing space data is migrated to the new 'Spaces Cache'.


refreshGroupSpaceCache(appName, [spaceNames, syncMode, updateType, cleanCache])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application—always webcenter.


Optional. Names of one or more spaces (group spaces) that you want to refresh.

To refresh all the spaces in MDS, enter spaceNames= ''

To refresh selective spaces, enter one or more space names separated with a comma, for example: spaceNames='MyGroupSpace1,MyGroupSpace'


Optional. Indicates the type of data to refresh. Valid values are: security, metadata, all. The default value is security.

  • security - Refreshes the cache with security data stored in the policy store. The security data that is stored includes member data for the space, whether or not a space is public, and whether or not a space is accessible to users assigned the Authenticated-User role (in earlier releases this role was named Spaces-User).

  • metadata - Refreshes the cache with space-related metadata stored in MDS. The data that is stored includes metadata information such as the display name, keywords, icon, logo, and so on.

  • all - Refreshes the cache with data stored in MDS and the policy store.


Optional. Indicates whether to refresh the Spaces application in synchronous or asynchronous mode.

Valid values are 1 and 0. The default value is 1.

When set to 1, the refresh process runs in synchronous mode.

When set to 0, the refresh is asynchronous, that is, a new thread is spawned for the refresh process.

Synchronous mode is recommended.


Optional. Indicates whether to clear the Spaces Cache. Valid values are 1 and 0. The default value is 0.

When set to 0, the content of the Spaces application is not cleared during the refresh operation.

Always set this value to 0 for migration.

Use the 1 value only when importing an entire application, in which case the entire data available in the Spaces Cache is overwritten.


The following examples update the cache to include all space-related metadata (in MDS) and security data (in the policy store) in synchronous mode:

spaceNames='', syncMode=1, updateType='all', cleanCache=0)

The following example updates the Spaces Cache to include space-related metadata (in MDS) and security data (in the policy store) for two spaces named MyGroupSpace1 and MyGroupSpace2. The cache refreshes in synchronous mode.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Migrates metadata for individual space templates (in MDS) and template security data (in a policy store) to the 'Space Templates Cache'.

WebCenter Spaces (and later) uses tables (referred to as the Space Templates Cache) to store space template metadata and security-related data. When you migrate from WebCenter Spaces to, you must run the refreshSpaceTemplateCache command so that all your existing template data is migrated to the new 'Space Templates Cache'.


refreshSpaceTemplateCache(appName, [spaceTemplateNames, syncMode, updateType, cleanCache])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application—always webcenter.


Optional. Names of one or more space templates that you want to refresh.

To refresh all the space templates in MDS, enter spaceTemplateNames= ''

To refresh selective space templates, enter one or more template names separated with a comma, for example: spaceNames='MySpaceTemplate1,MySpaceTemplate'


Optional. Indicates the type of data to refresh. Valid values are: security, metadata, all. The default value is security.

  • security - Refreshes the cache with security data stored in the policy store. The security data that is stored includes member data for the space template, whether or not a space template is public, and whether or not a space template is accessible to users assigned the Authenticated-User role (in earlier releases this role was named Spaces-User).

  • metadata - Refreshes the cache with space template-related metadata stored in MDS. The data that is stored includes metadata information such as the display name, keywords, icon, logo, and so on.

  • all - Refreshes the Space Template Cache with data stored in MDS and the policy store.


Optional. Indicates whether to refresh the Spaces application in synchronous or asynchronous mode.

Valid values are 1 and 0. The default value is 1.

When set to 1, the refresh process runs in synchronous mode.

When set to 0, the refresh is asynchronous, that is, a new thread is spawned for the refresh process.

Synchronous mode is recommended.


Optional. Indicates whether to clear the Space Templates Cache. Valid values are 1 and 0. The default value is 0.

When set to 0, the content of the Spaces application is not cleared during the refresh operation.

Always set this value to 0 for migration.

Use the 1 value only when importing an entire application, in which case the entire data available in the Space Templates Cache is overwritten.


The following examples update the cache to include all space template-related metadata (in MDS) and security data (in the policy store) in synchronous mode:

spaceTemplateNames='', syncMode=1, updateType='all', cleanCache=0)

The following example updates the Space Templates Cache to include space template related metadata (in MDS) and security data (in the policy store) for two space templates named MySpaceTemplate1 and MySpaceTemplate2. The cache refreshes in synchronous mode.


WebCenter Portal Identity Store

Use the commands listed in Table 10-28 to configure options for searching a WebCenter Portal application's identity store.

Table 10-28 WebCenter Portal Identity Store WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Modify configuration options for searching a WebCenter Portal applications's identity store.



List current configuration options for searching a WebCenter Portal application's identity store.



Synchronize profile information in the LDAP store, with the WebCenter Portal database schema.



Stop the profile synchronization process.



Check whether profile synchronization is in progress.



Synchronize profile information for a specific user.



Set the number of profile objects to cache.



Set the profile synchronization LDAP batch read size.



Set the time in minutes for profiles to live in profile cache.



Print profile cache configuration values.



Rename users for a WebCenter Portal application.



Synchronize users in a WebCenter Portal application.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Modifies configuration options for searching a WebCenter Portal application's identity store. Use these settings to optimize identity store searches (for users and roles) in a WebCenter Portal application.

Identity store search parameters are stored in adf-config.xml. If a search parameter is not specified, it is not modified.


setWebCenterIdStoreSearchConfig(appName,[narrowSearchTimeout, broadSearchTimeout, maxSearchFilters, maxFetchRecords, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Maximum time allowed (in ms) for small, simple searches, such as fetching a single user from the identity store. The out-of-the-box default is 30000ms.


Optional. Maximum time allowed (in ms) to return large result sets, such as returning users and roles that match a name pattern. The out-of-the-box default is 60000.


Optional. Number of search filters allowed for the WebCenter Portal application's identity store. The maximum allowed, out-of-the-box, is 100.

Some identity store searches are executed using search filters which are converted into LDAP search calls. If your associated LDAP server limits the search condition, you can set the maxSearchFilters property to match your LDAP server setting.


Optional. Maximum number of records to be returned from each search query. The out-of-the-box default is 100.

The value of this setting will impact the performance of your LDAP server so take this into consideration when increasing the search result limit.

Note that the LDAP server imposes its own search result limit, so the actual limit that is used will be the lesser of these two values.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example increases both identity store search timeouts.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setWebCenterIdStoreSearchConfig(appName='webcenter', narrowSearchTimeout=60000, broadSearchTimeout=100000);

The following example limits the maximum number of records returned to 100.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setWebCenterIdStoreSearchConfig(appName='webcenter', maxFetchRecords=100);


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists current configuration options for searching the WebCenter Portal application's identity store.

Identity store search parameters are stored in adf-config.xml.


listWebCenterIdStoreSearchConfig(appName,[server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example displays identity store search configuration information for a WebCenter Portal application named webcenter.

User role search configuration parameters
Narrow search timeout    : 30000
Broad search timeout     : 60000
Maximum search filters   : 100
Maximum records to fetch : 200


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Synchronizes profile information in the LDAP store, with the WebCenter Portal database schema.


Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


The following example synchronizes user profiles for an application named webcenter:



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Stops the profile synchronization process, if currently in progress.


Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


The following example stops the profile synchronization process for an application named webcenter:



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Checks whether profile synchronization is in progress.


Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


The following example checks whether profile synchronization is in progress for an application named webcenter:



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Synchronizes profile information for a specific user in the LDAP store, with the WebCenter Portal schema.


syncProfile(appName, userName) 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the user whose profile information you want to synchronize.


The following example synchronizes profile information for a user named monty:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>syncProfile(appName='webcenter', userName='monty')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Sets the maximum number of profile objects to cache (in the profile cache).


setProfileCacheNumberOfObjects(appName, noOfObjects) 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Number of profile objects to cache. The default value is 1000.


The following example increases the size of the cache to 2000 profiles:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setProfileCacheNumberOfObjects(appName='webcenter', noOfObjects=2000)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Sets the profile synchronization LDAP batch read size.


setProfileSyncLDAPReadBatchSize(appName, batchSize) 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


LDAP batch read size. The default value is 1000.


The following example increases the batch size to 2000 LDAP profiles:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setProfileSyncLDAPReadBatchSize(appName='webcenter', batchSize=2000)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Sets the time in minutes for a profile to live in the profile cache.


setProfileCacheTimeToLive(appName, timeToLive) 
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Time to live for profile objects (in minutes) in the profile cache. The default value is 60 minutes.


The following example decreases the length of time profile objects are cached:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig>setProfileCacheTimeToLive(appName='webcenter', timeToLive=30)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Prints profile cache configuration values.


Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


The following example displays the current profile cache configuration for an application named webcenter:



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online or Offline


Renames incorrect user names in a WebCenter Portal application's policy store and WebCenter Portal application tables.


renameUsersInWebCenterApplication(appName, names, component, [dbVendor, dbHostNPort, dbName, dbUserName, verbose])

Note: You can run this command in offline mode for all the components except PolicyStore.

Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


A comma separated list of users that need to be renamed. Use the format: oldName=newName


Specific the WebCenter Portal component in which users are to be renamed.

Valid values are: PolicyStore, Spaces, UCM, and JIVE.


Optional. Database vendor.

Valid values are: Oracle, MSSQL, and IBMDB2.

Not required when component=PolicyStore.


Optional. Database host and port. Use the format: host:port

Not required when component=PolicyStore.


Optional. Database name or sid.

Not required when component=PolicyStore.


Optional. WebCenter Portal database schema name.

Not required when component=PolicyStore.


Optional. Generates summary (0) or detailed output (1). Default value is 0.


This following example renames users in Spaces application tables:

myOldName1=myNewname1', component='Spaces', dbVendor='Oracle',
dbUserName='webcenterUser1', verbose=1)

This following example renames users in the policy store for the Spaces application:

myOldName1=myNewname1', component='PolicyStore', verbose=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Synchronizes user details in a WebCenter Portal application's policy store and WebCenter Portal application tables.


synchronizeUserInformation(appName, operationType, fileName, component, [dbVendor, dbHostNPort, dbName, dbUserName, verbose])

Note: You can run this command in offline mode for all the components except PolicyStore.

Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Type of operation. Valid values are RENAME_GUID, RENAME_USERNAME, DELETE_USER:

  • RENAME GUID - Changes the GUID associated with one or more users

  • RENAME_USERNAME - Renames one or more users

  • DELETE_USER - Deletes one or more users


Fully qualified path to the file (including the file name) which contains the list of users to be modified or deleted.


WebCenter Portal component in which to rename or delete users.

Valid values are: PolicyStore, Spaces, UCM, DISCUSSION, ALL.


Optional. Database vendor.

Valid values are: Oracle, MSSQL and IBMDB2.

Not required when component=PolicyStore.


Optional. Database host and port. Use the format: host:port

Not required when component=PolicyStore.


Optional. Database name or sid.

Not required when component=PolicyStore.


Optional. WebCenter Portal database schema name.


Optional. Generates summary (0) or detailed output (1).

Default value is 0.


This following example renames WebCenter Portal users listed in renamesusers.properties as follows.

  • monty=monty1

  • pat=pat1

synchronizeUserInformation(appName='webcenter', operationType='RENAME_USERNAME',fileName='/home/mydir/renameusers.properties', component='Spaces',
dbVendor='Oracle', dbHostNPort='myDbHost.example.com:1521',dbName='myDb1',
dbSchemaName='webcenterUser1', verbose=1)

This following example deletes WebCenter Portal user references for users listed in delete.properties.

  • monty=monty1

  • pat=pat1

synchronizeUserInformation(appName='webcenter',operationType='DELETE_USERNAME',fileName='/home/mydir/delete.properties', component='Spaces',
dbVendor='Oracle', dbHostNPort='myDbHost.example.com:1521',dbName='myDb1',
dbSchemaName='webcenterUser1', verbose=1)

WebCenter Portal Import and Export

Use the commands listed in Table 10-29 to export and import the Spaces application and producer metadata associated with Framework applications.

Table 10-29 Import and Export WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Export the Spaces application to an export archive.



Import the Spaces application from an export archive.



Export one or more spaces to an export archive.



Export one or more space templates to an export archive.



Import one or more spaces or space templates from an export archive.



Take a space offline or brings a space online.



Export a portal resource to an export archive (.EAR).



Import a portal resource from an export archive (.EAR).



(Framework applications only.) Export portlet client metadata and producer customizations and personalizations to an export archive.



(Framework applications only.) Import portlet client metadata and producer customizations and personalizations from an export archive.



Import translations for the Spaces application.



Display names of producers where metadata imports have failed and reasons for those failures



Attempt to import outstanding producer metadata



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


(Spaces application only) Exports a Spaces application to an export archive (.EAR) using the filename provided.


exportWebCenterApplication(appName, fileName, [exportCustomizations, exportData, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the export archive EAR file to which you want the export to be written.


Optional. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, all application customizations are exported. When set to 0, application customizations are not exported, that is, default task flows are exported without any customizations. This argument defaults to 1.


Optional. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, data stored in the Spaces database for activity streams, events, feedback, lists, links, message boards, people connections, profiles, and tags is exported. Notes data stored in the MDS repository is exported too. When set to 0, this data is not exported. This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Spaces application is deployed.


The following example exports a Spaces application and all possible data to a file named myExport.ear.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> exportWebCenterApplication(appName='webcenter', 
fileName='myExport.ear', exportCustomizations=1, exportData=1)

The following example exports a test application. In this case, data created during testing (such as lists, space events, links, tags, and so on) is not required.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> exportWebCenterApplication(appName='webcenter', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


(Spaces application only) Imports a Spaces application from an export archive file to a server.

After importing the Spaces application you will need to restart the managed server where the application is deployed.


importWebCenterApplication(appName, fileName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the export archive that you want to import.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Spaces application is deployed.


The following example imports a Spaces application from the export archive myExport.ear.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> importWebCenterApplication(appName='webcenter', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


(Spaces application only) Exports one or more named spaces to an export archive (.EAR), using the filename specified.

Space-related data*, application customizations, and security information is included in the export archive.

*Only internal space-related data stored in the Spaces database is exported. For example, data associated with WebCenter Portal services such as Activity Streams, Events, Feedback, Lists, Links, Message Boards, People Connections, Profiles, and Tags.

You must take the Spaces offline, even if only temporarily, to prevent data conflicts during the export process.


You cannot use this command to export the Home space.


exportGroupSpaces(appName, fileName, names, [forceOffline, exportContentDirectory,  server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application in which to perform this operation—always webcenter.


Name of the local file to which the export will be written.


Names of the spaces that you want to export. Separate multiple space names with a comma.

For example: names='sales, finance'

Note: Do not enter display names here. You must enter the space name that is specified in the space URL. The space name is available from the About Space dialog.


Optional. Specifies whether to take the spaces offline before starting export process. Valid values are 1 and 0.

  • 1 takes the spaces offline before starting the export process.

  • 0 attempts to export the spaces. If one or more spaces are currently online, an information message requests that you take the spaces offline.

The defaults is 0.


Optional. Indicates whether to export content directory files for portal resources. Valid values are 1 and 0.

  • 1 Exports the entire content directory associated with portal resources

  • 0 Excludes all portal resource content directories. If excluded, you can manually migrate files for portal resources used by the selected spaces.

The default is 0.

Note: The Spaces application stores portal resource content under a single 'shared' content directory (oracle\webcenter\siteresources\scopedMD\shared).The entire directory is exported; you cannot import content specific to selected spaces.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Spaces application is deployed.


The following example exports two spaces (mySpace1 and mySpace2) from Spaces application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> exportGroupSpaces(appName='webcenter', 
fileName='myExport.ear', names='mySpace1, mySpace2')

The following example takes mySpace1 and mySpace2 offline and then exports both spaces, together with content associated with their portal resources to and archive named myExport.ear:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> exportGroupSpaces(appName='webcenter', 
fileName='myExport.ear', names='mySpace1, mySpace2', forceOffline=1, exportContentDirectory=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


(Spaces application only) Exports one or more space templates to an export archive (.EAR), using the filename specified.


exportGroupSpaceTemplates(appName, fileName, names, [exportContentDirectory,  server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application in which to perform this operation—always webcenter.


Name of the local file to which the export will be written.


Names of the space templates that you want to export. Separate multiple template names with a comma.


Optional. Indicates whether to export content directory files for portal resources. Valid values are 1 and 0.

  • 1 Exports the entire content directory associated with portal resources

  • 0 Excludes all portal resource content directories. If excluded, you can manually migrate files for portal resources used by the selected space templates.

The default is 0.

Note: The Spaces application stores portal resource content under a single 'shared' content directory (oracle\webcenter\siteresources\scopedMD\shared).The entire directory is exported; you cannot import content specific to selected space templates.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Spaces application is deployed.


The following example exports two space templates (mySpaceTemplate1 and mySpaceTemplate2), together with content associated with their portal resources, to an archive named myExport.ear:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> exportGroupSpaceTemplates(appName='webcenter', 
fileName='myExport.ear', names='mySpaceTemplate1, mySpaceTemplate2', exportContentDorectory=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


(Spaces application only) Imports one or more spaces or space templates from an export archive.

Note: You must take existing spaces offline, even if only temporarily, to prevent data conflicts during the import process.


importGroupSpaces(appName, fileName, [importCustomizations,importSecurity, importData, parentSpace, forceOffline, overwriteContentDirectory, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application in which to perform this operation—always webcenter.


Name of the archive file that you want to import.


Optional. Indicates whether to import space customizations from the export archive. Valid values are 1 and 0.

When set to 0:

  • New spaces are imported without customizations (that is, default task flows are imported without any customizations and the default space settings are used).

  • If you are importing a space that already exists on the target, existing customizations on the target are preserved.

This argument defaults to 1.

Note: Portlet and page customizations are always imported.

For information about which customizations are optional on import, read "Understanding Spaces Export and Import" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Optional. Indicates whether to import space member details from the export archive. Valid values are 1 and 0.

When set to 1, roles and permissions for the space, as well as member details and their role assignments are imported.

When set to 0, only the roles and permissions are imported. This option is useful when migrating between stage and production environments and where member details, added during the testing phase, are no longer required. This argument defaults to 1.


Optional. Indicates whether to import data from the export archive. Valid values are 1 and 0.

When set to 1, space-related data stored in the Spaces database for various WebCenter Portal services (Activity Streams, Events, Feedback, Lists, Links, Message Boards, People Connections, Profiles, and Tags) is imported.

When set to 0, this data is not imported. This option is useful when migrating between stage and production environments and where test data is no longer required. This argument defaults to 1.


Optional. Takes the space(s) offline before import. Valid values are 1 and 0.

When set to 1, all space(s) are taken offline.

This argument defaults to 0.


Optional. Name of the parent space under which to place spaces in the archive. If specified, imported spaces become children of the parent space.

This argument defaults to null. When no parent is specified, archived spaces are imported as root spaces.Note: If the archive contains space templates, this argument is ignored.


Optional. Indicates whether to overwrite existing content directory files (used by portal resources) in the target with the files in the archive. Valid values are 1 and 0.

  • 1 Overwrites the content directory files in the target with the files in the archive

  • 0 Only imports new files, that is, files that do not exist in the target content directory.

The default is 0.

Note: The Spaces application stores portal resource content under a single 'shared' content directory (oracle\webcenter\siteresources\scopedMD\shared).The entire directory is exported; you cannot import content specific to selected space templates.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Spaces application is deployed.


The following example imports spaces or space templates from an archive named myExport.ear to a Spaces application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> importGroupSpaces(appName='webcenter', 

The following example takes all existing spaces in the target in myExport.ear offline and then imports all the spaces in myExport.ear under the "Sales" space. Space customizations, together with content associated with portal resources are imported to the target. Test data and security details are not required:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> importGroupSpaces(appName='webcenter',
fileName='myExport.ear', importCustomizations=1, importSecurity=0, importData=0, parentSpace="Sales", forceOffline=1, overwriteContentDirectory=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Exports a single portal resource to an export archive (.EAR), using the filename specified.


exportWebCenterResource(appName, fileName, resourceType, resourceGUID, 
[spaceName, exportContentDirectory, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the local file to which the export will be written.


Type of resource to export. Valid values include: pageTemplate, contentPresenter, pageStyle, navigation, resourceCatalog, skin, taskFlow, mashupStyle.


Unique ID (GUID) of the resource to export.


Optional. (Spaces application only) Name of the space containing the resource to export.Use this argument to export resources that are owned by a particular Space. Omit this argument if you want to export application-level resources for the Spaces application or to export resources for a WebCenter Portal application.

This argument defaults to null (application-level resources exported).


Optional. Indicates whether to export content directories associated with this portal resource. Valid values are 1 and 0.

  • 1 Exports content referenced by the portal resource. Entire directories are exported rather than individual files. If the portal resource uses content from multiple directory locations, all directories are exported.

    For example, if a skin references two files (...\shared\skins\logos\mylogo.gif and ...\shared\skins\icons\myicon.gif), the entire content of \logos and \icons are exported.

  • 0 Excludes content referenced by the resource. If excluded, you can manually migrate the content directory/individual files that this resource uses.

The default is 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example exports a page template from MySpace to a local file named myPageTemplateExport.ear:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> exportWebCenterResource(appName='webcenter',
fileName='myPageTemplateExport.ear', resourceType='pageTemplate',
resourceGUID='gsr47d9a5ac_7398_439a_97d2_8b54ce905f7e, spaceName='MySpace')

The following example exports a skin from a WebCenter Portal application named myPortalApp to a local file named mySkinExport.ear. Content directories referenced by the skin are exported too:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> exportWebCenterResource(appName='myPortalApp',
fileName='mySkinExport.ear', resourceType='skin',
resourceGUID='gsr47d9a5ac_7398_439a_97d2_8b54ce905f7e, exportContentDirectory=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Imports a single portal resource from an export archive (.EAR), using the filename specified.


importWebCenterResource(appName, fileName, resourceType, [spaceName, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the archive file that you want to import.


Type of resource to import. Valid values include: pageTemplate, contentPresenter, pageStyle, navigation, resourceCatalog, skin, taskFlow, mashupStyle.


Optional. (Spaces application only) Name of the space into which the resource is to be imported.

Omit this argument if you want to import application-level resources for the Spaces application or to import resources for a WebCenter Portal application. This argument defaults to null (application-level resources imported).


Optional. Indicates whether to overwrite existing content directories (used by the portal resource) in the target with the files in the archive. Valid values are 1 and 0.

  • 1 Overwrites resource content directory files in the target with the files in the archive

  • 0 Only imports new files, that is, files that do not exist in the target content directory.

The default is 0.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example imports a page template from an archive named myPageTemplateExport.ear to MySpace in the Spaces application:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> importWebCenterResource(appName='webcenter',fileName='myPageTemplateExport.ear', spaceName='MySpace', resourceType='pageTemplate')

The following example imports a skin from an archive named mySkinExport.ear to a WebCenter Portal application named myPortalApp. On import, content directories referenced by the skin are overwritten:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> importWebCenterResource(appName='myPortalApp',fileName='mySkinExport.ear', resourceType='skin', overwriteContentDirectory=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Exports portlet client metadata and producer customizations and personalizations, for a Framework application. This command exports metadata for all the application's producers to a named export archive (.EAR file). You cannot opt to export metadata for specific producers.

Only use this command to migrate producer data associated with WebCenter Portal applications developed using WebCenter Portal: Framework inJDeveloper. Do not use this command for the Spaces application.


exportPortletClientMetadata(appName, fileName, [exportPersonalizations, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Framework application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the export archive (.EAR) to which you want the export to be written.


Optional. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false). When set to 1, personalizations for all producers are exported. When set to 0, personalizations are not exported. This argument defaults to 1.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Framework application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Framework application is deployed.


The following example exports portlet client metadata and producer customizations to an export archive named myExport.ear. Personalizations are not exported.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> exportPortletClientMetadata(appName='myApp', 
fileName='myExport.ear', exportPersonalizations=0)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Imports portlet client metadata and producer customizations and personalizations from a named export archive.

Producer personalizations are optional on export. Producer personalizations are imported if the export archive specified includes personalizations.

Only use this command to migrate producer data for a WebCenter Portal application developed using WebCenter Portal: Framework in JDeveloper. Do not use this command for the Spaces application.


importPortletClientMetadata(appName, fileName, [server, applicationVersion]) 
Argument Definition

Name of the Framework application in which to perform this operation.


Name of the export archive that you want to import.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Framework application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Framework application is deployed.


The following example imports portlet client metadata and producer customizations and personalizations from a WebCenter export archive named myExport.ear.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> importPortletClientMetadata(appName='app1', 


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Spaces application only. Imports translated content (XLF files) to MDS and the WebCenter repository for use in the Spaces application.


importWebCenterTranslations(appName, server, mdsRootDir, [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the Spaces application application in which to perform this operation—always webcenter.


Name of the target managed server on which the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.


MDS root directory on the file system that contains translated XLF files.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter application is deployed.


The following example imports translated content in the directory /scratch/shared/newmd to MDS and the WebCenter Portal repository:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> importWebCenterTranslations(appName='webcenter', 
server='WC_Spaces', mdsRootDir='/scratch/shared/newmd')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


(Spaces application only) Takes a space offline or brings a space online.


setSpaceState(appName, spaceName, offline, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Name of the space you want to take offline or bring online.


Specifies whether to take the space offline or bring it back online. Valid values are 1 and 0:

  • 1 takes the space offline

  • 0 brings the space online


Optional. Name of the managed server where the Spaces application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the Spaces application is deployed.


The following example takes MySpace offline:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setSpaceState(appName='webcenter', spaceName='MySpace', offline=1)


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Lists outstanding producer imports for a named WebCenter Portal application.Producer import fails if a producer used by the application is not available when the application first starts after deployment.


showProducerImportFailures(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Name of the managed server on which the application is deployed.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example shows import failures for an application named webcenter:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> showProducerImportFailures(appName='webcenter')


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Imports outstanding producer metadata.Producer import can fail if a producer used by the application is not available when the application first starts after deployment. Use this command to import metadata for any producers for which metadata import previously failed.


retryAllFailedProducerImports(appName, [server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Name of the managed server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example imports missing producer metadata for an application named webcenter:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> retryAllFailedProducerImports(appName='webcenter')

WebCenter Portal Upgrade

Use the commands listed in Table 10-30 when upgrading from a previous WebCenter Portal release.

See also, Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF.

Table 10-30 WebCenter Portal Upgrade WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Upgrade a WebCenter Portal domain.



Upgrade WebCenter Portal permissions.



Upgrade a WebCenter Portal application.



Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Offline


Upgrades a WebCenter Portal Domain from or to


upgradeWebCenterDomain(domainDirName, [oracleHome], [upgradeCustomSpaces])
Argument Definition

Full path to the domain's home directory.

For example, /home/Oracle/Domains/wc_domain.


Optional. Path to WebCenter Portal's Oracle home directory.

For example, /home/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_WC.


Optional. Determines whether to upgrade the custom.webcenter.spaces shared library. Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false).

Set to 1 if you customized the Spaces application and you want your customizations to be included when you upgrade.

The default value is 0.


The following example upgrades a WebCenter Portal domain named base_domain:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> upgradeWebCenterDomain(domainDirName='/mw_home/user_project/domains/base_domain');


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Upgrades permissions for the Spaces application.

This command creates additional application roles and grants some additional permissions that are requirement for Spaces




The following example upgrades permissions for the Spaces application:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> upgradeWebCenterPermissions();


Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online


Upgrades a Spaces application from or to


upgradeWebCenterApplication(appName, [server], [applicationVersion])
Argument Definition

Name of the WebCenter Portal application in which to perform this operation. For the Spaces application, the name is always webcenter.


Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.


Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter Portal application is deployed.


The following example upgrades the Spaces application:

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> upgradeWebCenterApplication(appName='webcenter');