Setting Up Approvals and Audit Rules

This chapter provides an overview of setting up approvals and audit rules and discusses how to:

Note. PeopleSoft Expenses delivers an approval and workflow configuration as part of system data. You can activate or inactivate transactions and approver types to match your business requirements. Oracle's PeopleSoft recommends that you manage your approval rules only through the PeopleSoft Expenses configuration pages; otherwise, modifications to the Approval Framework configuration data could disrupt approval routing. PeopleSoft Expenses only supports user lists based on Application Class. Using other user list sources may require customizing your system.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Setting Up Approvals and Audit Rules

PeopleSoft Expenses provides flexibility in managing approvals and audits by allowing users to configure workflow rules that are specific for their organization. PeopleSoft Expenses delivers preconfigured approval and audit rules that you can inactivate or modify. All you have to do is identify your internal process for managing the approval and audit functions and disable those roles, rules, and routings that do not apply to your organization. Approvals can be performed online or using any device capable of receiving or sending emails, including mobile devices.

You can configure policies for business units to approve expense transactions, such as; travel authorizations, cash advances, expense reports, time reports, and time adjustments. You can also set up rules to audit expense transactions before or after payment has been made to employees.

Configuring PeopleSoft Expenses approval and audit rules is broken down into these major areas:

Approval Installation Options

On the Installation Options - Expenses page, you determine how PeopleSoft Expenses handles and routes expense documents for approvals. Enable workflow at the installation option level to automate your expense-related business processes for expense reports, approvals, cash advances, and so forth. Select approver settings to indicate how PeopleSoft Expenses routes expense transactions for approval.

If you use PeopleSoft Project Costing, you can select the project approver setting, which enables project managers to approve expense documents before final processing.

You can determine if the approver receives an email that includes the transaction details and an approval option by selecting the Enable Email Approvals check box on the Installation Options - Expenses page. If you do not select the Enable Email Approvals check box on the Installation Options - Expenses page, then the approver receives an email notification through workflow. The email notification informs the approver that there is a report that needs to be reviewed, and provides a link to the database to sign into the Expenses system and approve the report. Risk templates override the Enable Email Approvals option on the Installation Options - Expenses page when a risk template is associated with the approver profile and the risk criteria is met.

You can determine the urgency level of expense report, time report, time adjustment, travel authorization, and cash advance approvals. This enables approvers to sort transactions based on the urgency of the transaction.

See Defining Expenses Installation Options.

Approver Types

Approver types map to the appropriate transaction registry entry and process definition for the approval framework.

Transaction Definitions

Transaction definitions activate specific PeopleSoft Expenses transactions for the approval process. The definition is where you determine the types of approvers authorized for the transaction, the nature of their approval, and the actions an approver can take on the transaction type. PeopleSoft Expenses supports these transactions for approvals and workflow:

Refinement Templates

Approval refinements are filters for expense transactions that are subject to approval.

Risk Templates

Risk templates enable you to configure risk levels by set ID and transaction type, and are associated with an approver profile. You can define up to five levels of risk for each transaction type as well as the criteria that determines the type of risk. For example, if the amount of an expense report exceeds the amount on the travel authorization, the system indicates a level of risk to the approver.

When risk templates are associated with an approver profile, the system assigns risk:

When expense transactions that contain risk are routed for approval, you determine if the transactions are routed through an email or an email notification. For example, low risk reports can be routed to an approver with an email and the approver can approve, deny, or send the report back for revision by responding to the email. High risk reports can be routed to the approver with an email notification (by not selecting the Enable Email Approval option on the Risk Template page), which requires the approver to log on to the Expenses system to review the report's line items before making a decision to approve, deny, or send the report back.

Approvers can use the summary approval pages to approve transactions, or you can require approvers to use the detail pages to approve transactions that have risk.

The system displays risk using a visual indicator on the summary approval and the detail approval pages. An approver can click on the visual indicator to access the Risk/Exception Comments page to view risk details. Viewing the risk details enables approvers to make informed decisions before approving, denying, or sending a transaction back to the originator.


Privileges enable or deny the authority for approvers to modify areas of transactions. These areas include the general ledger ChartFields, project ChartFields, expense line information, distributions, and accounting defaults.

Approver Profiles

An approver profile is associated with a set of attributes that govern what transaction types are assigned to the role or profile. You can define profiles and assign them to any number of the approver population in your organization. The properties of the profile:

Approver Lists

Approver lists enable you to route expense transactions based on the routing ChartFields and monetary amounts.

Approver Assignments

When using approver list routing, approvers must be assigned to profiles by business unit and range of routing ChartField values that they are authorized for.

Auto Approval Thresholds

Use the Expenses Definition – Business Unit 2 page to establish thresholds and variance percentages for PeopleSoft Expenses to automatically approve expense transactions. This page also enables you to indicate if the system automatically approves expense transactions that have no risk, if you are using risk templates.

See Defining Specifications for a Business Unit.

Approval Preferences

Use the Expenses Options page to select a preference for how you want PeopleSoft Expenses to behave when approving expense transactions.

See Defining Payment Defaults for a SetID.

Summary Approval Options

Summary approval options enable you to configure approval workflow in your system using the Summary Approval Options page. Use this page to enable or disable Summary Approvals, define approver actions, set exception alerts in the summary page, and define conditions when reports can not be approved using the Summary Page.

See Configuring Summary Approval Options.

Email Approvals

Expense transactions that require approval can be routed to any system that displays HTML emails, including mobile handheld devices. This streamlines the approval process and allows busy professionals to approve reports using handheld devices without having to be connected to the company's intranet.

PeopleSoft Expenses uses Email Collaboration within the approval framework, which allows applications to send, receive, and process emails with interactive content.

There is a hierarchy to the email approval option:

This table describes the email approval flow, depending on how your system is defined:

Is the Enable Email Approvals option selected on the Installation Options - Expenses page?

Is a risk template associated with an approver profile?

Is the Enable Email Approvals option available on the Approver Profile page?




No, it's disabled

All transaction types for all approvers are routed for email approvals.

The only exceptions are expense reports that are associated to the risk template in the approver profile. Expense reports are routed for email approvals only if the Enable Email Approvals options is selected for the risk level on the risk template and the risk criteria is met. All other risk levels for expense reports are routed using email notifications.




All transaction types in the approver profile for the approver type is routed for email approvals. The option on the Installation Options - Expenses page overrides the option on the Approver Profile page.



No, it's disabled

Only reports that are associated with a risk template, that meet the risk criteria, and where the Enable Email Approvals check box is selected, generate email approvals. All other transactions generate email notifications.




All reports for all approvers and all approver types receive email notifications.




All reports that are associated with the transaction type on the Approver Profile page, for an approver type, are routed for email approvals.

To set up your system to send emails to approve expense transactions you must:

Use these values to set up email collaboration:

Expense Transaction

Service Operation

Process ID

Expense Report



Travel Authorization



Cash Advance



Time Report



Time Adjustment



See PeopleSoft FSCM  PeopleBook: Approval Framework, "Using Email Collaboration"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdditional Setup for Approvals

Additionally, there are areas of the approval framework configuration that contain PeopleSoft Expenses-related information, and are defined in detail in the PeopleSoft Approval Framework PeopleBook. For each action listed below, PeopleSoft Expenses delivers preconfigured data, and in most cases additional configuration is not required:

See PeopleSoft FSCM  PeopleBook: Approval Framework, "Defining the Approval Transaction Registry", "Defining Dynamic Approvals", and "Defining Notification Templates and Users for Approval Framework"

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Approver Types for PeopleSoft Expenses

Valid approver types must be defined and mapped to the appropriate approval framework transaction registry entry and process definition. PeopleSoft Expenses delivers approver types data as part of system data, which can be used as is.

This section discusses how to define approver types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Approver Types

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Approver Types


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Approver Types

  • Travel and Expenses, T and E Administration Center, Manage Approvals, Approver Types

Define new and modify existing approver types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Approver Types

Access the Define Approver Types page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Approver Types).

Approver Type

An approver type represents an approval role. You can change the descriptions of the approver types to match titles or roles in your organization. PeopleSoft Expenses delivers these approver types:

  • EXAPPROVER: A department or expenses manager who may be required for supplemental approvals that you define through rules.

  • POSTPAYAUD: Post payment auditors can take action on expense transactions that have completed the processing cycle. Certain combinations of transactions and approval actions are not allowed for this role.

    Note. Email approvals is not supported for this approver type.

  • PREPAYAUD: This approver type supports an auditor process prior to payment processing for review and approval. You can configure this role to allow changes to approved transactions.

  • PROJAPPRVR: The person designated for project time and expense approvals can be the project manager as defined in PeopleSoft Project Costing, or the HR Supervisor as an option in PeopleSoft Expenses.

  • PROJSUPP: This approver type is a supplemental or conditional approver for expense transactions relating to projects. The system currently only routes by project ChartField.

  • REVIEWER: Department reviewer can screen expense transactions for policy compliance prior to the approval process. When you use this approver type, PeopleSoft Expenses does not process approvals until a reviewer has reviewed the transactions.

  • SUPERVISOR: This role is the supervisor to whom the employee, contractor, or consultant directly reports to, as defined in your HR system. It is the type associated with the HR Supervisor setting on the Installation Options – Expenses page.


Approver Category

The approver category identifies the type of approver or role in the approval process. Options are:

  • Expense Approve: Select for an expense manager specifically assigned through a list to approve expense transactions.

  • Post Pay Audit (post payment audit): Select for a post payment auditor approver or role.

  • Pre Pay Audit (prepayment audit): Select for a prepayment auditor approver or role.

  • Project Supplemental: Select for a project supplemental approver.

  • Project Manager: Select for a project manager approver.

  • Reviewer: Select for a reviewer role.

  • HR Supervisor: Select for the employee's supervisor, as assigned in the HR system.

Routing ChartField

Select the expense transaction distribution ChartField that PeopleSoft Expenses will use to route approvals for this approval type. If you only use HR Supervisor approvals or Project Manger approvals, it is not necessary to select a routing ChartField because the approver is determined through the employee profile. You can still select a ChartField for these types, but the system will ignore them.

Note. The ChartField that you select as your routing ChartField must be populated on the expense transaction distributions; otherwise, PeopleSoft Expenses cannot properly route transactions to the appropriate approver.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring Transaction Types for PeopleSoft Expenses

To configure transaction types, use the Transaction Definition (EX_TRANS_DEFN.GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of transaction definitions and discusses how to configure transaction definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Transaction Definitions

PeopleSoft Expenses uses transaction definitions to activate or inactivate transactions that are subject to approvals and the types of approvals that are required for each transaction type. In each transaction definition, you can activate or inactivate approver types and configure the approval actions required for each approver in the transaction. Transaction types can be associated with one or more transaction definitions. If a transaction definition is set to an inactive status for a specific transaction type, the workflow engine bypasses any inactive transaction definitions and uses the first active transaction definition associated with the transaction type for approval workflow processing. If all transaction definitions associated with a specific transaction type are set to an inactive status, then all transactions associated with that transaction type are not subject to approval workflow, and are automatically approved during processing.

PeopleSoft Expenses delivers system data for the five transaction types (cash advance, expense report, travel authorization, time report, and time report adjustment) that maps valid approver types to the appropriate stage in approval framework for expense transaction routing and notifications.

There are some constraints enforced by PeopleSoft Expenses to avoid data or accounting integrity problems. PeopleSoft Expenses does not deliver a mapping configuration for project managers to approve cash advances. PeopleSoft Expenses also does not deliver mapping configuration for post payment auditors to approve travel authorizations, time reports, or time adjustments.

For Post payment auditors, you cannot select the Hold, Deny, or Send Back check boxes for cash advances; you cannot select the Hold or Send Back check boxes for expense reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Configure Transactions for Approval

Page Name

Definition Name



Transaction Definition


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Transaction Definition

  • Travel and Expenses, T and E Administration Center, Manage Approvals, Transaction Definition

Map approver types to the stage in approval framework for expense transaction approval routing and notifications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring Transaction Definitions

Access the Transaction Definition page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Transaction Definition).

Effective Date

Enter an effective date for the transaction type definition. The system compares the last submitted date of the transactions to the effective-dated transaction definitions to select the appropriate configuration for approval processing.


Select Active or Inactive to turn approvals on or off for all approvers of this transaction type. When all effective dated rows for the transaction definition component for a specific transaction type is set to a status of Inactive, all transactions associated with that transaction type are automatically approved, and the approval routing for the transaction type is bypassed.

Object Owner ID

Select the product that is associated with this transaction.

Approval System Administrator

Select a person to receive notifications for transactions that fail the normal approval routing process.

Routing failure occurs if an approver is not properly defined and there is no other business defaulting rule in place. The Approval System Administrator can use the reassign functionality to route these transactions to the appropriate approvers.

Transaction Unit of Measure

Select whether the transaction type is a monetary amount based transaction, such as travel authorizations, cash advances, and expense reports or is a hours based transaction, such as time reports and time report adjustments.

Mapping Tab

Page elements on the Mapping tab enable you to map defined approver types to preconfigured approval stages and process definitions in approval framework.

Approval Process ID

Indicates the approval engine stage that is mapped.


Select to enable the transaction type for approval by the approver type. If not selected, the approver type is not authorized to review or approve that transaction type.

Stage Identifier

Indicates the approval framework approval engine stage key identifier.

Approver Type

Indicates the approver type, such as a reviewer, supervisor, and prepayment auditor.

Amount Based

Select to enable the approval process to use amount-based routing rules. Amount-based routing rules does not apply for hours-based transactions such as time reports and time adjustments. It also does not apply to the Supervisor or Project Manager approver types, and PeopleSoft Expenses ignores the check boxes if you select them. If you select for other approver types, an approver list must exist that contains the amount rules by routing ChartField.

Auto Approve

Select to enable automatic approvals for travel authorizations, cash advances, and expense reports. To automatically approve transactions, you define a monetary amount threshold and a percent variance from travel authorizations in the Auto Approve Threshold group box on the Expenses Definition – Business Unit 2 page.

Note. If you use PeopleSoft Commitment Control and you enable the option to require budget checking of transactions prior to approval, PeopleSoft Expenses will not automatically approve expense transactions that do not have a valid budget checking status.

Properties Tab

Page elements on the Properties tab enable you to select specific attributes of an approver type for the transaction type. Only the rows that you selected in the Active column on the Mapping tab are available. This section also contains the approval actions—such as Approve, Deny, Send Back, Hold, and Review — that you can enable for an approver for the transaction. These settings control which buttons appear on the transaction approval pages.

Routing Chartfield

Displays the ChartField used for routing approvals for each approver type. PeopleSoft Expenses does not display a routing ChartField for the Supervisor or Project Manager approver types.

Approve Payment

This option is only available for expense report transactions and must be selected to authorize an approver type to approve a transaction for payment or reimbursement. At least one approver type must be authorized to approve for payment.

Note. For every active approver type for expense reports, you must select either Approve Payment, Approve Billing, or both. If you do not select Approve Payment, then you must select Approve Billing.

Approve Billing

This option is only available for expense report transactions and must be selected to authorize an approver type to approve a transaction to be staged to PeopleSoft Project Costing for billing.

Note. For every active approver type for expense reports, you must select either Approve Payment, Approve Billing, or both. If you do not select Approve Billing, then you must select Approve Payment.


Select to authorize an approver type to approve a transaction. If you select Approve, then you cannot select the Review check box.


Select to authorize an approver type to deny a transaction, which permanently terminates it. If you deny a transaction, it cannot be returned to the employee or made available for another approver.

If you are only authorized to approve or deny one or more lines, but not the entire transaction, clicking the Deny button will be treated as denial of your authorized lines but not a full deny of the transaction itself.

Send Back

Select to authorize an approver type to send the transaction back to the originator, typically for correction or revision.


Select to authorize an approver type to hold a transaction from further approval processing until the approver releases it by taking a different action, such as Send Back or Approve.


Select to authorize an approver type to acknowledge that a transaction is ready for approval. This approver type is typically a reviewer or screener who reviews expenses reports to ensure that receipts are included or that expenses are in compliance with organizational policies. If you select Review, then you cannot select the Approve check box.

Rerouting Rules Tab

Page elements on the Rerouting Rules tab enables you to reroute transactions after a specified number of days or hours. The system determines the age of the approvals in an approver's queue. If the duration meets the criteria that you establish in the rerouting rules, PeopleSoft Expenses reroutes transactions to the HR supervisor or another approver that you specify. Establish rerouting rules for each transaction type and approver type.

Duration Days and Duration Hours

Enter a number of days or hours after which PeopleSoft Expenses reroutes the transaction. You can enter either days, hours, or both. For example, you may use a duration of one day, or four hours, or one day and four hours. If you do not enter a duration for days or hours, PeopleSoft Expenses will not reroute transactions.

Route to Supervisor

Select to reroute transactions to the HR supervisor. If you do not select the Route to Supervisor check box and you do not enter a user ID in the Route to Other Approver field, PeopleSoft Expenses will not reroute transactions.

Route to Other Approver

Select a user ID using the look up field to whom to reroute transactions. If you do not select a user ID from the look up field, and you do not select the Route to Supervisor check box, PeopleSoft Expenses will not reroute transactions.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Approval Privilege Templates for PeopleSoft Expenses

To set up approval privilege templates, use the Privilege Template (EX_PRIV_TMPL.GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of approval privilege templates and discusses how to set up approval privilege templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Approval Privilege Templates

Approval privilege templates consist of a collection of attribute privileges that define the type of access to fields and records that approvers can access in their approval queue. You can create your own templates; however, PeopleSoft Expenses delivers approval privilege templates, which you can modify for your organizational needs and requirements. Every approver must have an approval privilege template associated with them to access the transaction approval pages and perform reviews or approvals.

The approval privileges range from viewing accounting dates to adding expense lines. You configure the privilege attributes for a specific type of access, depending on the nature of the attribute. Privileges enable approvers to view and modify areas of a transaction and, in some cases, to add or delete other areas of a transaction. Some privileges may supersede others. For example, if an approver has the authority to add or delete an expense line, they automatically have the authority to add or delete distributions, change amounts, and change ChartFields. PeopleSoft Expenses disables privileges that are not applicable to the transaction type. For example, Receipt Required is not relevant to a time report transaction type.

Approval privilege templates are effective-dated to enable you to create future-dated changes to approver privileges. You can create templates only for active transaction types; however, you can create multiple templates for the same transaction type. When you create a template, PeopleSoft Expenses sets all the attributes to View and you can reset each attribute to an appropriate access type for your organization.

The approval privilege types are:

Each approval privilege attribute can be set to an appropriate access type. Field attributes, such as Receipt Verified and Accounting Date, can only be viewed or modified. Record row type attributes, such as Transaction Lines and Distributions, can be viewed, modified, added, or deleted. Some attributes supersede others. For example, if you select full access for Transaction Lines and Distributions,PeopleSoft Expenses also grants full access for GL ChartFields and PC ChartFields.

PeopleSoft Expenses disables privilege attributes for some transaction types to prevent system administrators from selecting attributes that do not apply. For example, travel authorizations and time reports do not need privilege attributes that pertain to cash advances, so PeopleSoft Expenses disables those attributes. The following table shows the attributes that PeopleSoft Expenses enables for expense reports (ER), travel authorizations (TA), cash advances (CA), time reports (TR), and time adjustments (TJ) and the privilege type that you can grant:







Privilege Type

Default Accounting




Hide, View, Modify

User Defaults






Hide, View





Full, View, Modify, Hide

Transaction Lines






View, Modify, Full, Add, Delete

Accounting Date





Hide, View, Modify

GL ChartFields






Hide, View, Modify

Receipt Required



Hide, View

Cash Advance Applied



Hide, View, Modify

PC ChartFields






Hide, View, Modify

Receipt Verified



Hide, View, Modify

Cash Advance Tax




Hide, View, Modify

VAT Information



Hide, View, Modify

Cash Advance Adjustment



Hide, View, Modify

Document Sequence Type




Hide, View, Modify

Note. Selecting the Change All check box on the Approver Profile page enables an approver type to modify all details of a transaction type and overrides the privilege attributes that you set up on the Approval Privilege Template page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set up Approval Privilege Templates

Page Name

Definition Name



Approval Privilege Template


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Privilege Template

  • Travel and Expenses, T and E Administration Center, Manage Approvals, Privilege Template

Configure approval privilege templates to control the areas of transactions that approvers have access to.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Approval Privilege Templates

Access the Approval Privilege Template page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Privilege Template).

Default Accounting

Select a privilege type for approvers to modify the default accounting for travel authorizations and expense reports, and reset accounting lines based on the modified defaults. Privilege types for this attribute are Hide, Modify, and View.

Transaction Lines

Select a privilege type for approvers to access the transaction lines. The lines represent expense lines for expense reports and travel authorizations, time lines for time reports and time adjustments, and advance source lines for cash advances. This privilege also allows access to the general ledger and PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartFields that are associated with distributions for the lines in expense reports and travel authorizations.

If you enable an approver to add lines or have full privileges for transactions, PeopleSoft Expenses stamps the newly added lines with the approver's user ID and date. The approval framework routes the transaction lines to any subsequent approvers based on the ChartField values entered for the new transaction line by the approver, to complete the approval process. Each approver can review and take action on the transaction lines based on their own approval privileges. The operator ID and data entry details for the newly added transaction line displays on the Detail Lines page for an expense report or travel authorization, and on the Approval pages for cash advances and time reports.

Privilege types for this attribute are Add, Delete, Full, Modify, and View.

Receipt Required

Select a privilege type for approvers to access the receipt required flag on expense reports. Privilege types for this attribute are Hide and View.

Receipt Verified

Select a privilege type for approvers to access the receipt verified flag or check box on expense reports. Privilege types for this attribute are Hide, Modify, and View.

User Defaults

Select a privilege type for approvers to access the employee's user defaults. Privilege types for this attribute are Hide and View.

Accounting Date

Select a privilege type for approvers to access the accounting date on transactions. Privilege types for this attribute are Hide, Modify, and View.

Cash Advance Applied

Select a privilege type for approvers to access the cash advance amount that is applied to an expense report. Privilege types for this attribute are Hide, Modify, and View.

Cash Advance Tax

Select a privilege type for approvers to access cash advances. The privilege extends to applying tax. Privilege types for this attribute are Hide, Modify, and View.

Cash Advance Adjustment

Select a privilege type for approvers to create cash advance adjustments. A cash advance adjustment is needed only if an employee owes money to the organization or a post payment auditor denied one or more lines on an expense report that was reimbursed to an employee. Privilege types for this attribute are Hide, Modify, and View.


Select a privilege type for approvers to access the distribution lines for an expense. Privilege types for this attribute are Full, Hide, Modify, and View.

If you select Full or Modify, approvers can add or delete distribution lines and edit amounts, and it enables them to access the general ledger and PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartFields.

GL ChartFields

Select a privilege type for approvers to access the general ledger ChartFields in travel authorizations, expense reports, time reports, or time adjustments. Privilege types for this attribute are Hide, Modify, and View.

PC ChartFields

Select a privilege type for approvers to access the PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartFields in travel authorizations, expense reports, time reports or time adjustments. Privilege types for this attribute are Hide, Modify, and View.

VAT Information

Select a privilege type for approvers to access the calculated VAT information on expense transactions. Privilege types for this attribute are Hide, Modify, and View.

Document Sequence Type

Select a privilege type for approvers to access the document sequence type that the system assigns to expense transactions. Privilege types for this attribute are Hide, Modify, and View.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Approval Refinement Templates in PeopleSoft Expenses

To set up approval refinement templates, use the Refinement Template (EX_REFINE_TMPL.GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of approval refinement templates and discusses setting up approval refinement templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Approval Refinement Templates

Approval refinements are filters for expense transactions that are subject to approval. Filters are used most often for special approvers or auditors who may not review every transaction but only those meeting specific criteria such as expense reports containing charges to projects. You can create your own templates; however, PeopleSoft Expenses delivers refinement templates, which you can modify for your organization's needs and requirements.

Approval refinement templates are effective-dated and you can refine the filters based on values in transaction fields or other criteria. You create refinement templates for active transaction types and approver types.

PeopleSoft Expenses enables or disables fields on the Approval Refinement Template page based on the transaction type that the refinement is associated with. For example, if the transaction type is Expense Report, PeopleSoft Expenses disables the check boxes that relate to time reports, such as the Billable Hours and Non-Billable Hours check boxes.

When you enable multiple refinements, PeopleSoft Expenses evaluates the criteria as an OR condition. For example, if you select Credit Card Feed and Non-Preferred Merchant on the approval refinement template for expense reports to be approved by an expense manager, expense reports with transactions from a credit card feed or transactions where the employee did not use a preferred merchant, PeopleSoft Expenses forwards those expense reports to the expense manager for approval.

In addition to selecting refinements, you can also select to review expense transactions based on business units, departments, employee IDs, expense codes, and time codes. PeopleSoft Expenses evaluates the criteria for these lists as an OR condition. If you select business units or departments, the system routes transactions based on the employee's home business unit and department, not the business unit and department listed in the transaction distributions.

Note. When using Business Unit or Department criteria in the refinement template, routing will be based on the employee's home business unit and department, not the business unit and department contained in the distributions.

Note. If you create a refinement template, PeopleSoft Expenses requires that you select at least one refinement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Approval Refinement Templates

Page Name

Definition Name



Approval Refinement Template


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Refinement Template

  • Travel and Expenses, T and E Administration Center, Manage Approvals, Refinement Template

Add or modify refinement templates that define, for a transaction type, the approval refinements used to filter transactions for approval.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Approval Refinement Templates

Access the Approval Refinement Template page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Refinement Template).

Amount Exceeded

Select to review expense transactions containing an expense item that is more than the defined expense location amount or the per diem amount.

Items with Tax Implications

Select to review an expense report that include reimbursements for which an employee can be taxed.

VAT Items

Select to review expense reports containing expenses that have value added tax.

No VAT Receipt

Select to review expense reports for employees who have not provided a receipt for VAT expenses that normally require one.

Duplicates Exist

Select to review expense reports where an expense item appears more than once in the same expense report or the item appears in another expense report for the same employee ID.

When employees submit expense reports, the system automatically detects duplicates by checking each line. A program extracts the expense type, transaction date, amount, and currency code fields, then looks for an expense line within the same expense report that has identical values as the extracted line. If the system finds an identical expense line, it flags the line. The program also searches for the same line in all expense reports for the employee and adds a comment to indicate that a duplicate exists.

Some duplicates are legitimate; for example, if your organization pays moving expenses for an employee and a spouse, there may be two airline tickets to the same destination on the same day for the same amount. You can still submit an expense report when it has acceptable duplicates.

Note. When the expense type has an edit type of per diem, only the expense type and the transaction date is considered when checking for duplicates.

Credit Card Feed

Select to review expense reports containing an expense item that originated from a credit card transaction.

Non-Preferred Merchant

Select to review expenses reports that contain an expense item that was purchased from a merchant who is not defined as a preferred merchant for that expense type.

Total Amount Limits

Click the link to access the Expenses Definition – Business Unit 1 page and view the pre-payment and post-payment total amount limits that you defined for your business unit. If the total expense amount during Pre-Payment auditing exceeds the limit amount defined on the Expenses Definition – Business Unit 1 page, then the transaction is flagged and approval is required.

No Receipt

Select to review expense reports where the employee has not provided a receipt for an expense that normally requires one.

Approve Every [number] Report

Select this option and enter a number to specify how often to select an expense report or cash advance for approval or audit. PeopleSoft Expenses calculates whether a particular report is subject to the approval or audit process by dividing the number you enter in this field into the report ID or cash advance ID number. If there is a remainder, no action is required. If there is no remainder, the system selects the expense report or cash advance to undergo an approval or an audit.

Project Expenses

Select to review expense reports or travel authorizations containing expense transaction lines that are charged to projects.

Total Hours > and Total Hours <

Enter total hours greater than or total hours less than to indicate when you want PeopleSoft Expenses to direct time reports or time adjustments to the approver.

Project Hours > and Project Hours <

Enter the total project hours greater than or total project hours less than to indicate when you want PeopleSoft Expenses to direct time reports or time adjustments to the approver.

Billable Hours

Select to review time reports or time adjustments that contain billable hours.

Non-Billable Hours

Select to review time reports or time adjustments that contain non-billable hours.

Business Unit

Select an active business unit or a list of active business units.

The system routes expense transactions based on the employee's home business unit, not the business unit listed in the transaction distributions.


Select an active department or a list of active departments. The system routes expense transactions based on the employee's home department, not the department listed in the transaction distributions.


Select an active employee or a list of employees.

Expense Types

Select an active expense type or a list of active expense types.

Time Report Codes

Select an active time report code or a list of active time report codes.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Risk Templates for PeopleSoft Expenses

To set up risk templates use the Risk Template (EX_RISK_TMPL.GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of risk templates and discusses how to set up risk templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Risk Templates

Travel and entertainment expenses represent a major source of discretionary spending for organizations. Risk templates are used to control spending and enforce corporate policy for expenditures. Risk templates define risk levels that are associated with an expense transaction. This provides approvers the information they need to make an informed decision during the approval process.

You can define up to five levels of risk for each risk template ID and transaction type. You then select risk criteria for each level of risk. Risk criteria is assigned:

When defining risk templates you select the set ID and transaction type, assign a template ID, and then select criteria that tells the system when to display a risk indicator on approval pages.

You also determine how an expense transaction that has risk, is routed to an approver. An expense transaction can be routed to an approver using one of these methods:

To set up and use the risk templates:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Risk Templates

Page Name

Definition Name



Approval Risk Template


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Risk Template

  • Travel and Expenses, T and E Administration Center, Manage Approvals, Risk Template

Set up risk templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Risk Templates

Access the Approval Risk Template page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Risk Template)

Use this page to define up to five levels of risk for the transaction type. Risk criteria represent exceptions to company policy that can be assigned to expense transactions. When risk criteria is defined and met for more than two levels, the highest level is shown to the approver. At least one risk criteria must be defined for each risk level.You can also enable email approvals for expense transactions that contain risk.

The transaction type determines the fields that are available on the page.

Risk Criteria

Risk Level

Select the level of risk for the template. Options include Level 1 through Level 5, which indicate the severity of the risk. Level 1 indicates low risk and level 5 indicates high risk.

Enable Email approvals

Select to indicate that expense approvals are routed to the approver through an email, if the risk criteria is met. The email includes the transaction details and approval options. Deselect to indicate that expense approvals are routed to the approver through an email notification. The email notification informs the approver that there is a transaction that needs to be reviewed, and provides a link to the Expenses system to approve the transaction.

Note. If this option is selected and the risk criteria is not met, then an email notification is sent, regardless of this option.

VAT Items

Select to indicate risk when expense reports contain expenses that have value added tax.

No VAT Receipt

Select to indicate risk when the employee has not provided a receipt for VAT expenses that requires one.

No Receipt

Select to indicate risk when the employee has not provided a receipt for an expense that normally requires one.

Credit Card Feed

Select to indicate risk when expense reports contain an expense item that originated from a credit card transaction.

Multip Per Diem Exist Per Day (multiple per diem exists per day

Select to indicate risk when expense transactions contain more than one per diem expense type for one day.

Non-Preferred Merchant

Select to indicate risk when expenses reports contain an expense item that was purchased from a merchant who is not defined as a preferred merchant for that expense type.

Project Expenses

Select to indicate risk when expense reports or travel authorizations contain expense transaction lines that are charged to a project.

Authorized Amount Exceeded

Select to indicate risk when expense transactions contain an expense item that is more than the authorized expense amount or the per diem amount.

Duplicates Exist

Select to indicate risk when an expense item appears more than once in the same expense report, or where the item appears in another expense report for the same employee ID.

When employees submit expense reports, the system automatically detects duplicates by checking each line. A program extracts the expense type, transaction date, amount, and currency code fields, then looks for an expense line within the same expense report that has identical values as the extracted line. If the system finds an identical expense line, it flags the line. The program also searches for the same line in all expense reports for the employee and adds a comment to indicate that a duplicate exists.

Some duplicates are legitimate; for example, if your organization pays moving expenses for an employee and a spouse, there may be two airline tickets to the same destination on the same day for the same amount. You can still submit an expense report when it has acceptable duplicates.

Note. When the expense type has an edit type of per diem, only the expense type and the transaction date is considered when checking for duplicates.

Items with Tax Implications

Select to indicate risk when an expense report includes reimbursements for which an employee can be taxed.

Negative Expense Report

Select to indicate risk when expense reports have a negative amount.

Cash Advance Applied

Select to indicate risk when expense reports have a cash advance that has been applied.

Billable Hours

Select to indicate risk when time reports or time adjustments contain billable hours.

Billable Hours < Non-Billable Hours (billable hours are less than non-billable hours)

Select to indicate risk when billable hours are less than non-billable hours for time reports or time adjustments .

Total Hours > and Total Hours <

Enter total hours greater than, or total hours less than, to indicate when time reports or time adjustments have risk to the approver.

Project Hours > and Project Hours <

Enter the total project hours greater than, or total project hours less than, to indicate when time reports or time adjustments have risk to the approver.

Billable Hours < (billable hours less than)

Enter the total billable hours less than to indicate when time reports or time adjustments have risk to the approver.

Non-Billable Hours > (billable hours greater than)

Enter the total billable hours greater than to indicate time reports or time adjustments have risk to the approver.

Travel Authorization Estimates vs. Expense Report Actuals

Travel Authorization Days < Expense Report Actual Days

Select to indicate risk on expense reports where the travel authorization days is less than the actual days on the expense report.


Select to indicate a tolerance for expense reports where the travel authorization days is less than the actual days on the expense report. Indicate the tolerance number of days in the Days field.

Travel Authorization Totals < Expense Report Totals

Select to indicate risk on expense reports where the travel authorization total is less than the total on the expense report.


Select to indicate a tolerance for expense reports where the travel authorization total is less than the total on the expense report. Indicate the tolerance percent of total in the % field.

Business Purpose Criteria

Business Purpose

Select the to indicate that expense reports with this business purpose are to be considered for risk.

Expense Type Authorized Amounts

Expense Type Authorized Amounts details has an Authorized Amount check box that when selected, determines if the system checks for risk against an expense type that has a value over the amount defined in the expense location amount table. The expense location amount table is defined on the Expense Location Amount page. If the Authorized Amount check box is not selected, then the system indicates that the expense type has risk if the expense type appears in the report. There is also a % Variance option that allows a variance before the system indicates risk.

Expense Type

Select an active expense type to indicate the level of risk.

Authorized Amount

Select to indicate that the system checks for risk for the expense type if the value is over the amount defined in the expense location amount table.

% Variance

Enter a percent of variance that the system allows over the authorized amount. If the amount exceeds this variance, the system considers the report to have risk.

Business Unit

Business Unit

Select an active business unit to indicate risk.



Select an active department to indicate risk.


Employee ID

Select an active employee to indicate risk.

Time Codes

Time Reporting Code

Select an active time reporting code to indicate risk.

Total Transaction Amount Limits

GL Business Unit

Select an active general ledger business unit to indicate risk.

Pre-Payment Amount

Enter an amount that indicates a prepayment amount, which indicates a risk for the general ledger business unit.

Post Payment Amount

Enter an amount that indicates a post payment, which indicates a risk for the general ledger business unit.

Note. Post payment amounts do not apply to travel authorizations. Therefore, if Travel Authorization is selected in the Transaction Type field, an amount is entered into the Post Payment Amount field, and the risk template is associated with an approver profile for a post payment auditor, then you are notified that the total transaction amount limits will be ignored.

Expense Type Amount Limits

Expense Type

Select an expense type to indicate risk.

GL Business Unit

Select the general ledger business unit in which the expense type indicates risk.


Enter an amount that indicates the value of the expense type that indicates risk for the general ledger business unit.

Header Approvals

If approving at the header level, which is determined on the Setup Process Definitions page (Enterprise Components, Approvals, Approvals, Approval Process Setup), any risk criteria that depends on line level details does not return any risk. This table illustrates the line level risk criteria for the corresponding transaction type that is not recognized for header approvals:

Transaction Type

Risk Criteria

Expense Report

Project Expense, VAT Items, Expense Type Authorized Amounts, Expense Type Amount Limits

Travel Authorization

Project Expense, Expense Type Authorized Amounts, Expense Type Amount Limits

Time Report and Time Adjustment

Billable Hours

Cash Advance


Click to jump to parent topicDefining Approver Profiles for PeopleSoft Expenses

To define approver profiles, use the Approver Profile (EX_APPRVR_PROFILE.GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of approval profiles and discusses how to define approver profiles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Approval Profiles

Use the Approver Profile pages to associate transaction types, privileges, refinements, and risk to an approver, and configure approval roles or specific approvers. PeopleSoft Expenses delivers preconfigured profiles that match the supported approval roles. You can modify these profiles according to your organization's approval policies or you can create your own profiles using titles or role names that are meaningful to your organization.

Every approver must have an associated profile in the system. When using the approver list routing, each approver must be assigned to a profile for the business unit. When HR Supervisor is used, it is not necessary to assign every supervisor to a profile as long as one profile is marked as the default the HR Supervisor approver type for each transaction that they are authorized to approve. The same rule applies to project managers when Project Manager is selected for project approvals. A profile marked as the default must exist for the project manager approver type for each transaction they are authorized to approve.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Approver Profiles

Page Name

Definition Name



Approver Profile


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Approver Profile

  • Travel and Expenses, T and E Administration Center, Manage Approvals, Approver Profile

Define approver profiles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Approver Profiles

Access the Approver Profile page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Approver Profile).

Use this page to add or modify mappings of approver types and transactions to a refinement template, a privilege template, and a risk template. The mapping also sets the change all and override privileges.

Approver Type

Select an approver type for the profile.

Default Profile

Select to make this profile the default for the approver type. You can only have one default per approver type.

Approver Attributes

Transaction Type

Select an active transaction type.

Refinement Template

(Optional) Select a refinement template that has filters configured for the transaction type. If you do not select a refinement template, PeopleSoft Expenses assumes that there are no refinements.

Click the Show Refinements button to access the Approval Refinement Template page and view or modify the refinements for the approver type. If you do not select a refinement template, PeopleSoft Expenses does not display this button.

Change All

Select to enable an approver type full access (view, modify, add, and delete) to all details of a transaction type. Selecting Change All for the transaction type overrides the privilege attributes that you set up on the Approval Privilege Template page.

Note. You cannot select the Change All privilege for a post payment auditor for any transaction type.

Privilege Template

Select an approval privilege template to use for the transaction type. If you select a privilege template, PeopleSoft Expenses displays the Show Privileges button.

Note. If you selected Change All, PeopleSoft Expenses does not enable you to select an approval privilege template because the change all functionality enables full access to the approver for the transaction type. If you selected Change All and a privilege template is already assign, PeopleSoft Expenses ignore the request.

Click the Show Privileges button to access the Approval Privilege Template page to view or modify the privileges for the approver type. If you do not select a privilege template, PeopleSoft Expenses does not display this button.

Risk Template

Select a risk template to use for the transaction type. If you select a risk template, the Show Risks button appears in the Risks column.

Enable Email Approvals

Select to indicate that the approver can approve the transaction through email.

Deselect to indicate that the approver receives email notifications, and must sign into the Expenses system to approve the transaction.

This check box is not available when a risk template is selected. When a risk template is selected, the system uses the Enable Email Approvals check box on the Risk Template page.

Click the Show Risk button to access the Risk Template page to view or modify the risk criteria for the approver profile. If you do not select a risk template, this button is not displayed.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Approver Assignments in PeopleSoft Expenses

To set up approver assignments, use the Approver Assignment (EX_APPRV_ASGN.GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of approver assignments and discusses how to assign approvers to approver profiles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Approver Assignments

If you use HR supervisor routing for approvals, you do not need to assign your supervisors to approver profiles because the system routes transactions for approvals to supervisors identified in the employee profiles. If you use Project Manager routing for project approvals, you do not need to assign the project managers to approver profiles because the system routes transactions to project managers based on the project team definition in PeopleSoft Project Costing. If you elect to use an approver list as the option or for supplemental approvals, you must assign the approvers to a profile and a range of routing ChartField values. You can assign one or many approvers to profiles using their user IDs, based on the range of values for the routing ChartField selected for the approver type. You can also assign approvers to more than one profile if they support multiple approval roles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Approver Assignments

Page Name

Definition Name



Approver Assignments


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Approver Assignment

  • Travel and Expenses, T and E Administration Center, Manage Approvals, Approver Assignment

Assign authorized approvers in PeopleSoft Expenses to an approver profile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Approvers to Approver Profiles

Access the Approver Assignments page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Approver Assignment).

User Id

Select an active user ID to associate them with the approver profile.

[ChartField] From and [ChartField] To

Enter an active routing ChartField range for the approver. These page elements change according to the routing ChartField that you associate with the approver type. On the Approver Assignments page example above, PeopleSoft Expenses displays Department From and Department To because department is the routing ChartField for the approver type. If you configure the project manager approver type to use the Project ChartField as the routing ChartField, PeopleSoft Expenses displays Project From and Project To.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Approver Routing Lists in PeopleSoft Expenses

To set up approver routing lists, use the Approver List (EX_APPRVR_LIST.GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of how to set up the approver routing list and discusses setting up approver routing lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Set Up Approver Routing List

PeopleSoft Expenses approval functionality includes approver lists that enable you to route expense transactions based on the routing ChartField, monetary amounts, and hours. You can set up the approver routing list as the preferred option for approvals or select to use supplemental approvals when transactions meet specific criteria.

You can use the approver routing list to set up routing rules based on monetary amounts. For example, you can use HR supervisor approvals for all expense reports, but use a supplemental approver for all expense reports over 500.00 USD. You can also use a supplemental approval for project approvals in the same way. You can also define different amount-based routing rules for different ChartField values. Some organizations have amount-based rules that differ between operating units or departments.

Set up approver routing lists by business unit, transaction type, and approver type. The system associates the routing ChartField with the approver type that you set up on the Define Approver Types page. When employees in the business unit submit expense transactions, the system automatically applies the approval rules and routes travel authorizations, cash advances, expense reports, time reports, and time adjustments to the appropriate approver.

When defining approver routing lists:

Note. If you do not enable HR Supervisor approvals on the Installation Options – Expenses page but enable Approver List, then you must create expense approver routing lists for each transaction type.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Approver Routing List


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Approver List

  • Travel and Expenses, T and E Administration Center, Manage Approvals, Approver List

Route expense transactions based on the routing ChartField ranges, monetary amounts, and hours.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Approver Routing Lists

Access the Approver Routing List page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Approver List).

Submission Notifications

Select how you want the system to send out approver notifications. Options are:

  • Notify First Approver: Select to notify the first approver in the list when an employee submits a transaction.

    As each approver makes an approval action, the system sends a notification and routes the transaction to the next approver on the list. The sequence of approvers is top down, meaning that the system notifies the first approver on the list, then the second approver, and so on until all approvers process the transaction.

  • Notify All Approvers: Select to notify and route transactions to all approvers in the list when an employee submits a transaction. This option allows any approver to access and approve the transaction at any time.

Approver Profile

Select an approver profile. PeopleSoft Expenses determines the approval order based on the order that you enter the approver profile lines. The approval process starts with the first row, regardless of the values in the From and To columns. If you insert a new row between two existing rows, PeopleSoft Expenses updates the order of the approvals.

For example, if an approval sequence starts with Department Manager on the first row, then Director on the second row, when you insert a row for Vice President between the two, the Vice President in the new row now becomes the second approver.

Note. Only users who are assigned to profiles supporting the same routing ChartFields may be selected.

All Values

Select to use the full range of ChartField values for the assigned routing ChartField. If you select the All Values check box, PeopleSoft Expenses disables the [ChartField] From and [ChartField] To fields.

[ChartField] From and [ChartField] To

Enter a range that corresponds with the routing ChartField that you selected on the Define Approver Types page for the approver type. For example, if you selected Department as your routing ChartField, PeopleSoft Expenses displays Department From and Department To headings.

If you use amount-based rules for the transaction and want to apply different rules for different departments or any other ChartField that you selected for routing on the Define Approver Types page, you can enter a range that corresponds with the routing ChartField, then enter the from and to amounts for the rule. This is the only time that you can enter routing ChartField values.

These fields are not available if you selected the All Values check box.

All Amounts

Select to use the full range of monetary amounts or hours, depending on the transaction type. If you select the All Amounts check box, PeopleSoft Expenses disables the Amount From and Amount To fields.

Amount From and Amount To

If you selected Monetary Amount Based as the unit of measure for the transaction type on the Transaction Definition page, PeopleSoft Expenses displays the Amount From and Amount To headings where you can enter a monetary range.

Click to jump to parent topicCopying Approval Setup to Another SetID

To copy an approval setup to another setID, use the Approval Setup Copy Utility (EX_APPRV_COPY.GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of how to copy approval setup to another setID and discusses how to use the Approval Setup Copy Utility.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How To Copy Approval Setup to Another SetID

PeopleSoft Expenses delivers approval configuration data as system data under the SHARE SetID. You can adjust your table set control to point to this setID for record group EX_04, which is the record group for the approvals configuration. However, you can use the Approval Setup Copy Utility to create a copy of the delivered configuration for the setID of your choice. If you use your own setID, Oracle's PeopleSoft recommends that you not modify the system data under setID SHARE. First, copy the configuration data set to your new setID, then make the configuration changes for that setID. This procedure keeps the system data in its initial state should you want to go back to the delivered configuration.

The Approval Setup Copy Utility enables you to:

You cannot copy to the same setID. For example, you cannot copy from US001 to US001. Also, you can only perform a copy once to a setID. If, for example, you copy US001 to US002 but you forgot to select the Copy only referenced Privilege Templates check box to copy only the privilege templates that are currently assigned to your approver profiles, you cannot copy from US001 to US002 again because the system does not allow you to select US002. To remedy this situation, you can make manual corrections to the approval configuration for US002.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Approval Configuration Copy Utility


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Approval Setup Copy Utility

Use the approval setup copy utility. Use this page to copy approval setup, profiles, and templates from one setID to another.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Approval Setup Copy Utility

Access the Approval Configuration Copy Utility page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Approval Setup Copy Utility).

The approval framework uses a Definition ID as a key field when defining the Approver Process Definition criteria for expenses workflow processing. To accommodate this change, PeopleSoft Expenses uses Definition ID synonymously with SetID for approval framework setup purposes and copy functionality. All PeopleSoft Expense processing continues to use SetID for PeopleSoft Expenses setup and processing. When using this page, enter your SetID.

Copy Profiles and Templates

Select to copy all of the profiles and templates that PeopleSoft Expenses delivers as system data. This check box must be selected to select any of the referenced templates check boxes.

Copy only referenced Privilege Templates

Select to copy only the active privilege templates assigned in approver profiles.

Copy only referenced Refinement Templates

Select to copy only the active Refinement templates assigned in approver profiles.

Copy only referenced Risk Templates

Select to copy only the active Risk templates assigned in approver profiles.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring Summary Approval Options

To configure summary approval options, use the Summary Approval Options (EX_SUM_APPR_OPT.GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of summary approval options and discusses how to set up summary approval options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Summary Approval Options

Summary approvals is a feature in PeopleSoft Expenses that enables approvers to select multiple transactions to approve with one action. The Summary Approval pages consist of an overview page, which supports all transaction types, and individual transaction pages that display transactions according to transaction type. The Overview page is the initial page that an approver accesses to begin the approval process.

PeopleSoft Expenses supports options to enable or disable the ability to perform approvals at a summary level. You can set the summary approval option preferences according to your organization's policies.

Configure summary approval options to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Summary Approval Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Summary Approval Options

Set up summary approval options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting up Summary Approval Options

Access the Summary Approval Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Approval Setup, Summary Approval Options).

Enable Summary Approvals

Transaction Pages

Select to enable approvers to perform approval actions on the individual transaction pages for expense reports, time reports, time adjustments, travel authorizations, and cash advances. If not selected, these pages become work lists and PeopleSoft Expenses does not display the approval action buttons or the Select, Select All, and Clear All check boxes, and approvers must drill down to the transaction detail pages to perform approval actions.

Overview and Error Pages

Select to enable approvers to perform approval actions on the Overview and Errors pages for all transaction types. If not selected, these pages become work lists and PeopleSoft Expenses does not display the approval action buttons or the Select, Select All, and Clear All check boxes, and approvers must drill down to the transaction detail pages to perform approval actions.

Select Approval Actions

Select approval action buttons that you want PeopleSoft Expenses to display on the summary approval pages. If you do not select an approval action, PeopleSoft Expenses does not display that button on the summary approval pages and approvers must drill down to the transaction detail pages to take the appropriate action. If you select approval actions but deselected the Transaction Pages or Overview and Error Pages check boxes in the Enable Summary Approvals group box, PeopleSoft Expenses does not display the approval action buttons for those pages.

When you select approval action buttons, approvers can press the button on the summary approval pages; however, PeopleSoft Expenses checks the approver's configuration after they press the action button. If the approver is not authorized for the action, the transaction remains in the queue and the system flags it as an error. PeopleSoft Expenses displays an error message on the Errors page.

Note. The Deny functionality is not available for summary approvals.

The Budget Check check box is available only if you enabled Commitment Control for PeopleSoft Expenses on the Installation Options - Products page.

Alert Approvers

Select the check box next to the exception condition to highlight transactions as exceptions on the approval pages. PeopleSoft Expenses displays an icon on the approval pages as a visual indicator for transactions with exceptions.

Disallow Summary Approvals

Select the check box next to the exception condition to not allow approval on the summary approval pages for transactions with this exception. PeopleSoft Expenses disables these check boxes on the summary approval pages. The approver must drill down to the detail level to approve the transaction. Select Same as Alerts to duplicate the selection from the Alert Approvers section. Select the Risk check box to disable summary approvals for transactions that have risk associated with them.

Click to jump to parent topicReassigning Work for Expense Transactions

This section provides an overview of how to reassign work in PeopleSoft Expenses and discusses how to reassign work for expense transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Reassign Work in PeopleSoft Expenses

Workflow and approval in PeopleSoft Expenses enables business processes to move expense transactions through the system. The PeopleSoft Expenses approval process integrates with the PeopleTools process to provide worklist and email capability. Depending on your user settings in PeopleSoft security, you can receive worklist entries and email notifications from your system. Although standard workflow functionality supports delegated approvals for mangers, PeopleSoft Expenses supports delegation when routing the transactions to the next approver. There can be circumstances in your organization where the transactions in an approver's queue must be reassigned to a different approver.

Note. The Define Security - Reassign Work functionality moves only PeopleSoft Expenses-related work from one approver to another approver.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Reassign Work


Travel and Expenses, Manage Expenses Security, Reassign Approval Work

Reassign work from one approver to another.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReassigning Work

Access the Reassign Work page (Travel and Expenses, Manage Expenses Security, Reassign Approval Work).

Select the transactions and the user ID that you want to reassign work to. PeopleSoft Expenses generates an error and terminates the reassign operation if you enter the same approver in the Reassign Work To field. For example, MGR1 cannot reassign work to MGR1.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Receipt Verification Rules and Lists

To set up receipt verification rules, use the Receipt Verification Rule (EX_RCPT_VER_RULES.GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of receipt verification rules and lists and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Receipt Verification Rules and Lists

If you require employees to substantiate their expenses with receipts, you can create a receipt verification rule and set up your system to track receipts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Receipt Verification Rules and Lists

Page Name

Definition Name



Receipt Verification Rules


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Payment Information, Receipt Verification Rule

Create criteria to track receipts.

Verify Receipts for Specific Employees


Click the Employee List link on the Receipt Verification Rules page.

Select employees who are required to provide receipts with their expense reports.

Verify Receipts for Specific Business Units


Click the Business Unit link on the Receipt Verification Rules page.

Select business units that are required to verify receipts.

Verify Receipts for Specific Departments


Click the Department List link on the Receipt Verification Rules page.

Select departments that are required to verify receipts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Receipt Verification Rules

Access the Receipt Verification Rules page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Payment Information, Receipt Verification Rule).

Receipts Received Flag

Activates a check box on the expense report when the report is audited. Auditors select this option to indicate that all receipts for the expense report are submitted.

Verify Receipts

Requires that receipts are validated on all expense reports by having employees or someone in your travel and expense department check off transactions as they are matched with employee receipts.

Refine Receipt Verification

Select to require receipt verification for specific circumstances.

When you select this option, the system activates other options in this section. You may require receipt verification to occur when only one or both of the following conditions exist:

Expense Report Amount Flag: The expense report exceeds a specified total. Enter the maximum amount in the space provided and select the appropriate currency. Any expense report that exceeds the specified maximum will require verification of receipts.

Verify Every Report: Enter a number to specify how often to select an expense report to verify receipts.

Employee List, Business Unit, and Department List

Select to build the appropriate receipt verification lists.

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Access one of the following pages:

These pages enable you to create lists of individuals or internal organizations required to verify receipts.

Depending on the page you accessed, select an employee ID, business unit, or department to audit.

Note. Receipt verification lists operate independently of the rules that you define for the entire business unit. However, the effective date for the rule also applies to verification lists.