Scheduling and Managing Resources

This chapter provides an overview of resource tools and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resource Tools

Successful delivery of a project depends in large part on the ability to plan and apply the right level of resources. PeopleSoft Program Management provides a number of resource tools to support the planning and management of projects and programs. In addition, integration with PeopleSoft Resource Management enables project managers to search for qualified resources, check their schedules, and assign them to projects. This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To capture resource target qualifications for generic resources on the Resources page, you must:

To create work orders for resources, you must have PeopleSoft Maintenance Management installed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImportant Concepts

When using resource pages in PeopleSoft Program Management, you need to understand these concepts:

Part-Time Assignment

An assignment in which a resource's schedule allocation for a project is less than 100 percent of the time that is scheduled for the project. For example, a project manager assigns a resource to a project that is two weeks long (80 hours total). The project manager can assign the resource for 50 percent of the time, which indicates that the resource will work for only 40 hours on that project.

Resource Class

Categorizes resources. Each resource class possesses unique attributes and requires different calculations for cost purposes. The system recognizes four types of resources: labor, material, assets, and other.


Measures the amount of effort, in hours or days, that an activity requires. Applies only to labor resources.

Actual Work

Tracks the amount of time that a resource has currently expended working on an activity. The system updates this value based on time that is entered and approved in PeopleSoft Expenses.

Remaining Work

The amount of time that is left to complete an activity. Remaining work equals (Work)(Actual Work).

Schedule Method

Determines what element of a schedule remains constant when one of the three scheduling variables (work, duration, or units) changes. The schedule method determines which variable of the equation (Duration) = (Work) ÷ (Units) is held constant when a schedule is recalculated.


Indicates the percentage of the resource's time that is assigned to an activity. The higher the number of units for a resource on an activity, the less available the resource is in a given day to work on other activities. This percentage applies only to labor resources. For asset, material, and other resources the unit is defined by the unit of measure (UOM).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResource Component Pages

The Project Resource Plan component (PGM_RESOURCE_LIST) contains three main pages for staffing a project and managing its resources. Each page enables you to control different dates for each resource on the project. These pages are:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResource Status

The Resource Status field on the Resources page enables you to track the life cycle of a resource on a project. This table lists the resource statuses, along with their usages, that can appear on the Resources page:

Resource Status



Add a named or generic resource to the Resources page, and that resource has one or more assignment schedules. A PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment or allocation has not been initiated for the resource.


Manually change the status of a named or generic resource to this status. For PeopleSoft Resource Management-managed resources, this triggers the process of creating PeopleSoft Resource Management assignments for named resources or allocations for generic resources. For generic resources, the system sends a generic resource request to the Pool Manager Workbench. For non-PeopleSoft Resource Management-managed resources, the system changes the status to Committed after you save, but does not create a PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment.

The PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment and allocation processes are based on the workflow settings in PeopleSoft Resource Management. If project manager approval is required, the project must have a project manager in Committed status and the resource remains in a requested status until approval is received. For generic resources, if the Pool Manager Approval required option on the Resource Management Options page is selected, the resource status remains as Requested until the pool manager approves the request.

If approval is not required, after you change the resource status to Requested, and save the page, the system automatically creates a PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment or allocation and changes the resource status to Committed for named resources and Allocated for generic resources.


This status applies only to generic resources. If you enable generic resource approvals, the resource status changes to Allocated when the pool manager approves the request from the project manager for a generic request. If you do not require generic resource approvals, the system automatically changes the status from Requested to Allocated when you save the page.


This status applies only to named resources.

If approval is not required, when a named resource status is changed to Requested, for PeopleSoft Resource Management-managed resources, the system automatically creates a PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment and changes the resource status to Committed.

If approval is required, the system automatically changes the resource status to Committed when the named resource on the Resources page is approved and a PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment is created.

If a named resource is added to the Resources page using the integration with Microsoft Project and approval workflow is disabled, the system automatically assigns a resource status of Committed.

A generic resource's status cannot be Committed. A generic resource must be replaced by a named resource before the system can create a PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment and change the resource status to Committed, based on approval workflow.


You must manually change the status to Cancelled unless you cancel all of the resource's assignment schedules. If you cancel all of the resource's assignment schedules, the system automatically updates the resource status to Cancelled. This list describes the action that the system performs if you cancel an assignment on the Resources page:

  • If the assignment schedule is in the past, the system performs no further action.

  • If the assignment has an ongoing assignment schedule, the PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment status changes to Cancelled as of the date of cancellation.

    Note. The system does not remove the assignment schedule dates from the Resources page, because they can provide the project manager with historical information about the project assignment for that resource.

  • If the assignment has a future assignment schedule, the PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment is cancelled.


The system automatically changes the resource status to Rejected when an:

  1. Assignment is rejected for a named resource.

  2. Allocation is rejected for a generic resource.


This status applies only to named resources who are in a Committed status. You can manually change the resource status from Committed to Completed.

You can complete assignments with assignment schedules that are in the past, ongoing, or in the future.

The system automatically changes the resource status on the Resources page to Completed if the resource status on all of the resource's assignment schedules for this project is Completed.

This diagram illustrates the permitted resource status values that you can update on the Resources and Resource Detail pages. In this diagram, Manual indicates that you select the new status in the Resource Status field on the Resources page and Automatic indicates that system processing automatically updates the status. The permitted status changes apply to both named and generic resources unless otherwise noted.

Resource status values

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResource Scheduling Options

To staff a project with resources in PeopleSoft Program Management, you can use any combination of these options:

If you use the first or second option, or some combination of the two, PeopleSoft Program Management automatically updates several dates and triggers conflict warnings. If you use the third option, all of the dates load automatically into the fields of the Resources, Resource Detail, and Resources by Activity pages.

When you add a project resource, the system automatically creates a row of data in the assignment schedule grid of the Resource Detail page, with the default start and end dates for the resource set to the project start and end dates.

To help you understand the behavior of the Resources component, this table describes how a change to one field value in the component affects others:



You add or change a row of data for a resource in the Assignment Schedule grid of the Resource Detail page.

The conflict warning indicator appears if the assignment schedule date range is reduced in such a way that a resource is working on an activity that has dates that are outside the bounds of the assignment schedule dates for the resource.

You add or change a resource on the Resources by Activity page for an activity.

If the resource is not yet established on the Resources page, the system adds the resource and sets the planned start and end dates to be equal to the activity start and end dates, respectively, for the first activity to which the resource is added.

If the resource is already established on the Resources page and the change on the Resources by Activity page extends a date so that it is outside the range of the resource's date on the Resources page, the system issues a warning. This warning indicates that the resource's activity dates fall outside the dates that are shown for the resource on the Resources page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResource Assignments

If you use PeopleSoft Resource Management, you should use PeopleSoft Program Management as the primary tool to manage assignments and resources. PeopleSoft Program Management uses a project calendar that accounts for holidays when calculating duration and work effort. Because of this, the resource assignment schedule should accurately reflect the project calendar.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNamed Resources and Generic Resources

Named resources are resources that have an employee ID associated with them. Generic resources are resources that do not have an employee ID associated with them. Generic resources serve as role-oriented placeholder descriptions for resources during the project planning phase. Typically, in the planning stage, project managers use generic resources instead of named resources. After the project is approved, project managers create resource requests and replace generic resources with the specific available resources.

Use the Resources page or Resource Detail page to add one or more generic resources to a project. You can update generic resource qualifications for specific generic resources on the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page for use as search criteria to fulfill generic resource requests.

To replace a generic resource with a named resource, perform one of the following actions:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGeneric Resource Qualifications

When you add generic labor resources to a project, you can capture specific attributes about that resource so that when it is time to find a named resource to fill that role, the appropriate resource is matched to fill the need. The system uses predefined qualifications that are set up in a qualification profile that is associated with the project role by default. You can use the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page to edit the qualifications to match the role that you need to fill. The system then uses the specific generic resource qualifications to populate the Express Search page, generic resource requests, or service order resource requests (if accessed from the Manage Generic Resources page). This is an example process flow showing how you can capture generic resource qualifications and use them to search for named resources:

  1. During the process of planning the project, enter the generic labor resource requirements on the Resources page for the project.

  2. Click the Generic Resource Qualifications icon in the Associated Resources grid for the generic resource to access the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page.

    The Generic Resource Qualifications icon appears only for rows that contain generic labor resources.

  3. On the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page, view and edit the resource qualifications that are needed to fulfill the primary project role for each generic resource.

    The default qualifications are based on the qualification profile of the resource's primary project role.

    Any user with security to access the Resources page can access and edit the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page.

    The Update Generic Resource Qualifications page acts in the same manner as the resource request section of the service order. You can add or modify qualifications, and add keywords or notes.

  4. Save the Resources page to commit the changes to the database.

    The system stores a list of qualifications with the generic resource.

  5. Change the status of the generic resources to Requested to request that these generic resources be filled with named resources that match the specified qualifications.

    Changing the generic resource to a Requested status in PeopleSoft Program Management triggers the system to send a generic resource request to the Pool Manager Workbench in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

  6. The system sends a generic resource request to the Pool Manager Workbench with a status of Pending or Allocated based on the PeopleSoft Resource Management business unit options.

  7. The pool manager can either fulfill the generic resource request with a named resource or allocate capacity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResource Conflicts

The system indicates that resource conflicts exist by displaying a conflict warning indicator next to a resource's name on the Resources page when any of these conditions occur:

You can view the specific activities that are causing the conflict on the Resource Detail page in the Activity List grid. A conflict warning indicator appears next to the activities that are causing the conflict.

You can move your mouse cursor over the conflict warning indicator to display text that indicates the nature of the conflict. To resolve scheduling conflicts, perform one of the following actions:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPart-Time Assignments

Part-time assignments are determined by the Units field on the Resource Detail page. You can enter the time percentage, based on the project calendar, that the resource is allocated to the schedule. If the value is less than 100 percent, the assignment is a part-time assignment.

The default Units value on the Resources by Activity page is:

The default units percent value on the Assignment Schedule grid in the Resource Detail page is 100 percent.

The units percent value on the Manage Generic Resources page is:

The Units field is not editable on the Manage Generic Resources page.

If the resource's schedule is managed in PeopleSoft Resource Management, a resource assignment for the specified number of hours and date range is created in PeopleSoft Resource Management. If you modify the Units field on the Resource Detail page, the system triggers approval workflow if assignment schedule date change workflow is activated for the business unit in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

A conflict visual indicator appears when activity assignment units on the Resources by Activity page are greater than the assignment schedule units on the Resource Detail page. You can move your mouse cursor over the indicator where the nature of the conflict appears.

You can create direct, part-time assignments using PeopleSoft Program Management or PeopleSoft Resource Management. If you create part-time assignments using PeopleSoft Program Management, the start time for the resource assignment is based on the Resource Management Installation record (INSTALLATION_RS). Other schedule details on the assignment in PeopleSoft Resource Management, such as hours per day and scheduled work days per week, are based on the project calendar in PeopleSoft Program Management.

The system modifies the Assign Resource page (RS_ASSIGN_MAIN) in PeopleSoft Resource Management if PeopleSoft Program Management is installed. You can select the Project or Resource assignment calendar. The Schedule Details group box on the Assign Resource page is based on the calendar selection in the following ways:

If you create part-time assignments using PeopleSoft Resource Management, the units percent value on the project in PeopleSoft Program Management is based on the project calendar, even if the assignment in PeopleSoft Resource Management uses the resource calendar. For example, if the assignment is for four hours a day, and the Program Management Defaults page specifies ten hours a day for the project, the units value is calculated as 4 ÷ 10 = 40%.

Express searching for resources does evaluate part-time resource requirements. Express search results are based on the number of hours per day that are specified on the Express Search page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivity Resource Workflow

If you select the Enable Activity Resource Workflow option on the Installation Options - Program Management page, project managers can click the Notify Activity Resources button on the Resources page to trigger the workflow. The workflow sends email notifications and worklist items to resources with a resource class of Labor on the project team who are assigned to activities. Resources with multiple activity assignments receive one email containing a list of their assignments.

The Notified column in the Resources grid on the Resources by Activity page and in the Activity List on the Resource Detail page indicates whether the resource has been notified of an activity assignment. If project managers change assignments, they can select to either notify all resources of all assignments or notify only the resources that have new activity assignments.

See Defining Program Management Installation Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMicrosoft Project Resources

These options on the Microsoft Project Integration Options page control how resources are added to the project team during the integration with Microsoft Project:

The system does not re-create PeopleSoft Resource Management assignments or allocations that are already requested if you subsequently import the same project from Microsoft Project. However, in subsequent imports, if schedule changes occur for any resources that have existing assignments or allocations, the system will make the appropriate changes.

When data transfers from a PeopleSoft system to Microsoft Project, the Units field value from the assignment schedule on the Program Management Resource Detail page appears in Microsoft Projects in the Resource Availability grid on the Microsoft Project Resource Information page.

When data transfers from Microsoft Project to the PeopleSoft system, appropriate values from the Units field in the Resource Availability grid on the Microsoft Project Resource Information page appear in the assignment schedule on the Resource Detail page.

Resources or assignments that you delete from Microsoft Project are not automatically deleted in the PeopleSoft system during the next import process. Assignments must be manually deleted from the PeopleSoft system. Additionally, resources or assignments that you delete from the PeopleSoft system are not automatically deleted in Microsoft Project during the next export process.

If you import a generic resource from Microsoft Project, and reimport that generic resource with a different project role from what is established in the PeopleSoft system, the system writes a warning to the Microsoft Project integration log stating that the project role for the generic resource has changed and the associated qualifications for that resource have been updated with the qualifications that are associated with the new primary project role.

See Also

Understanding Integration of PeopleSoft Project Costing with Microsoft Project

Click to jump to parent topicAdding and Modifying Project Resources

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Add and Modify Project Resources

Page Name

Definition Name





Program Management, Project Definitions, Resources, Resources

Define project resources and related cost data to build project estimates and project teams.

Express Search


Click the button next to generic resources in the Search column on the Resources page.

Identify qualified candidates as project resources. The Express Search page is a part of PeopleSoft Resource Management.

See Express Searching.

Resource Detail


Click a resource name in the Associated Resources grid on the Resources page.

View and update the description and assignment schedule for a labor resource. View requested schedule changes for a resource and the activities upon which a resource is working.

Assign Resources from Project


Program Management, Activity Definitions, Resources, Resources by Activity

Click the Add Resource from Project button.

Copy resources from the project to an activity.

Update Generic Resource Qualifications


Program Management, Project Definitions, Resources

Click the Generic Resource Qualification icon.

View and edit default qualifications from qualification profiles for use as search criteria to fulfill generic resource requests.

Resource Qualifications - Select Qualification Profile


Click the Profile button on the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page.

Select qualification profiles to add predefined qualifications to generic resources.

See Express Searching.

Resource Qualifications - Search for Qualifications


Click the List button on the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page.

Search for and add qualifications to the generic resource qualifications.

See Express Searching.

Resource Qualifications - Select Competencies


Click the Competency Tree button on the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page.

Search for and add competencies to the generic resource qualifications.

See Express Searching.

Qualification Detail: <Qualification>


Click the Details link in the Qualifications grid on the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page.

Specify additional details about requested license, language, or single-value flexible attributes.

See Express Searching.

Manage Generic Resources


  • Program Management, Project Definitions, Manage Generic Resources

  • Program Management, Project Definitions, Resources

    Click the Manage Generic Resources link.

View all generic resources that are associated with a project and generate service orders to find named resources to replace the generic resources with named resources.

Schedule Chart


Click the Resource Chart link on the Resources page. The Schedule Chart appears as an additional tab in the Resources component.

View a Gantt chart that displays the schedule of project labor members. This page is a part of PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Monthly Schedule


Click the View Resource Calendar link on the Resource Detail page.

Use this page to view a labor resource's schedule one calendar month at a time. The Monthly Schedule page is a part of PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Assign Resource


Click a link in the Assignment id column on the Resource Detail page.

Use this page to view and edit details of the resource's assignment. The Assign Resource page is a part of PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Activity Team Assignment


Click the Add Resource to Activity button on the Resource Detail page.

Add a resource to one or more activities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Project Resources

Access the Resources page (Program Management, Project Definitions, Resources, Resources).

You can add new resources to the Resources page in three ways:

All fields in the Associated Resources grid are display-only, except for Resource Status. You can delete rows from this grid, but you cannot directly add rows to the grid.

Add Resource

Click to navigate to the Resource Detail page, where you can select a resource to add to this project.

Import from Template

Click to navigate to the Import from Template page, where you can select a project template to copy the resources from the template to this project.

Quick Add Resource

Click to go to the Quick Add Resource group box.

View Class(es)

Select the resource classes to view in this list. Options are All, Asset Resource, Labor Resource, Material Resource, or Other Resource.

Associated Resources - Overview Tab

Indicates that a scheduling conflict exists. This conflict warning indicator appears next to each resource that the system determines has a schedule conflict. Move your mouse cursor over the indicator to view a message that indicates the nature of the conflict.

Indicates that a resource is assigned to an activity on this project. The Activity Indicator icon appears next to each resource that is assigned to an activity on this project.

Resource Class

This field indicates that the resource belongs to one of these categories:

Labor: A human resource, with or without an employee ID, that can be associated with activities. The system calculates work and remaining work, and allows the entry of actual work and rates for labor resources.

Material: A consumable resource. For example, lumber is a material resource. Material resources do not have planned start and end dates or roles on the project, the system does not generate assignments for them in PeopleSoft Resource Management, and they do not have assignment schedules on the Resource Detail page of the Resources component.

Asset: A nonhuman resource. For example, a computer is an asset resource. Asset resources do not have planned start and end dates or roles on the project, the system does not generate assignments for them in PeopleSoft Resource Management, and they do not have assignment schedules on the Resource Detail page of the Resources component.

Other: Any other type of resource that a project manager might want to track on the project that is not a labor, material, or asset resource.

Resource Name

Displays the name of the resource as a link to the Resource Detail page on which you can view scheduling and assignment data for the resource.

Indicates that the resource is the project manager. This icon appears only if the project manager assignment is current as of today's date or the project manager assignment starts on the same date as a future dated project.

ID Number

Displays a unique identifier for the resource based on the resource class:

  • Labor resource class displays the employee ID.

  • Asset resource class displays the asset ID.

  • Material resource class displays the item ID.

  • Other resource class displays nothing.

Generic appears in this field for all generic labor, asset, and material resources.

Click to access the Express Search page in PeopleSoft Resource Management, where you can identify qualified candidates for the project. This icon appears only for generic labor resources. However, the icon does not appear if:

A service order already exists for the generic resource.

The generic resource's resource status is Allocated.

See Express Searching for Resources.


Displays the number of items that are needed for this project. This field appears only for material resource items that are added to one or more activities with a units value greater than zero.

Primary Project Role

Displays the associated job function for the resource. This field appears only for labor resources.

Planned Start Date

Displays the date on which the resource is expected to begin working on the project. This field applies only to labor resources. This is a display-only field, and the system determines this date by using the earliest start date of all assignments that are defined for the resource.

Planned End Date

Displays the date on which the resource is expected to finish working on the project. This field applies only to labor resources. This is a display-only field, and the system determines this date by using the latest end date of all assignments that are defined for the resource.

Indicates that a resource has multiple assignments for the project. Click the Resource Name link to view scheduling and assignment elements for the resource.

Resource Pool

Displays the resource pool to which the resource belongs. This fields appears only if you use PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Personnel Status

Displays the personnel status for labor resources. This field appears only if you use PeopleSoft Resource Management and a named resource appears in the grid.

Indicates that a resource is in an inactive resource pool. This icon appears next to each generic resource that belongs to an inactive resource pool. This icon appears only if you use PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Resource Status

Select the resource status. This field appears only if you use PeopleSoft Resource Management and the resource is a labor resource.

If a resource request or service order exists for a given resource, the system sets this field to Requested and the field becomes display-only.

See Understanding Resource Tools.

Click to access the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page, where you can view and edit default qualifications from qualification profiles for use as search criteria to fulfill generic resource requests.

Associated Resources - Cost Tab

Unit of Measure

Displays the unit of measure by which the resource's cost and bill rates are quoted. For labor resources, hours or days are the only valid units of measure. Assets and material resources typically use Each as the unit of measure.


Displays the resource's region. This field appears only if you use PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Job Code

Displays the resource's job code. This field appears only for named labor resources.

Rate Type

Displays the method of determining the resource's cost per unit.


Displays the cost rate per unit that is applied to determine the total cost of the resource.


Displays the currency in which the resource's cost rate is quoted.

Cost Budget Item

Displays the cost budget item for the resource.

Associated Resources - Bill Tab

Revenue Budget Item

Displays the revenue budget item that the system supplies by default from the Program Management Options page.

Associated Resources - Assets Tab

Asset Type

Displays the asset type for the asset resources. This field is blank for all labor, material, and other resource classes.

Asset Subtype

Displays the asset subtype for the asset resources. This field is blank for all labor, material, and other resource classes.

Manufacturer ID

Displays the manufacturer ID for the asset resources. This field is blank for all labor, material, and other resource classes.


Displays the model for the asset resources. This field is blank for all labor, material, and other resource classes.

Quick Add Resources

Resource Class

Select the resource class from these options:

  • Asset

  • Labor

  • Material

  • Other

Resource Name

Enter the resource name. For named labor resources, assets, and materials, the system populates this field automatically after you enter the ID number. For generic resources, enter a description of the resource in this field and leave the ID Number field blank.

ID Number

Enter the ID number. You do not need to enter an ID number for the Other resource class or generic resources.


Enter the number of resources to add to the Associated Resources grid. This field is available only for generic labor and asset resources.

If the value of the Quantity field is greater than 1, the system appends a sequential number to the resource name. For example, if you enter Engineer for the resource name and 3for the quantity, the system adds three rows with the resource names Engineer1, Engineer2, and Engineer3. If resources with the name Engineer already exist on the project team, the system increments numbers starting with the highest number. If you add 2 more Engineer resources, the system names the resources Engineer4 and Engineer5.

If the resource name ends in a numeric value, the system removes the number before it applies the algorithm to assign a sequential suffix to the resource name. For example, you enter a resource name of Engineer1 and a quantity of 2. The system creates resources with Engineer1 and Engineer2 resource names. If you want to maintain the number at the end of the resource name, you can insert another character after the number, such as a hyphen. For example, you enter a resource name of Engineer1- with a quantity of 2. The system then creates resources with Engineer1–1 and Engineer1–2 as the resource names.

Asset Type

Enter the asset type from these options:

  • Hardware

  • Software

  • Equipment

  • Property

  • Fleet

  • Machinery

  • Furniture

  • Facility

  • Intangible

  • Other

For named assets, the system populates this field with the associated asset type. This field appears only for asset resource classes.

Asset Subtype

Enter the asset subtype. The system prompts from the PeopleSoft Asset Management Subtype table (AM_SUBTYPE) based on the value in the Asset Type field. You must select an asset type before selecting an asset subtype. For named assets, the system populates this field with the associated asset subtype. This field appears only for asset resource classes.

Manufacturer ID

Enter the manufacturer ID. The systems prompts from the Purchasing Manufacturing table (MANUFACTURING). For named assets, the system populates this field with the associated manufacturer ID. This field appears only for asset resource classes.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the start date and end date. The system populates the start and end dates with the project start and end date by default. The dates must meet these conditions:

  • The dates must be equal to or later than the project start date.

  • The dates must be equal to or earlier than the project end date.

  • The end date must occur on or after the start date.

Note. You can enter only one assignment schedule using this group box. Use the Resource Detail page to add more assignment schedules.


Enter the model. The system prompts from the Maintenance Management Model table (MFG_MODEL). You must select a manufacturer ID before you can select a model. For named assets, the system populates this field with the associated model. This field appears for only asset resource classes.

Project Role

Enter the project role for labor resources.

Resource Pool

Enter the resource pool for labor resources. You can edit this field for generic resources only. For named PeopleSoft Resource Management-managed resources, the system populates this field with the resource pool to which the resource is assigned. If you do not specify a resource pool for a generic resource, the system sets the value to Unassigned Pool.

Region Code

Enter the region code for generic labor resources. For named PeopleSoft Resource Management-managed labor resources, the system populates this field with the region to which the resource is assigned.

Resource Status

Select Considered or Requested. This field applies only to the labor resource class. The default value is Considered.


Click to add the resource to the Associated Resources grid. The system resets the field in the group box. If you add multiple generic labor or asset resources, when you click the Add button, the system adds the number of rows from the quantity field to the Associated Resources grid. For example, if the value in the Quantity field is 5, the system adds 5 new rows.

Resources - Buttons

Check for Conflicts

Click to determine whether any resource on the project is over-scheduled or has conflicts between these dates: assignment schedule dates, project planned start and end dates, and activity dates. If conflicts exist, the system displays a conflict warning indicator next to the resource name.

Note. When working with the Resources component or the Project Activities component to adjust resource dates and units and activity dates and durations, respectively, the system automatically checks for conflicts so that when you return to the Resources page, you can immediately see that a conflict exists. However, if you are synchronizing your project resources and activities between Microsoft Project and PeopleSoft Program Management, a conflict that you create in Microsoft Project will not automatically trigger the conflict warning indicator to appear on the Resources page when you access it. Therefore, if you are manipulating your project resources and activities in Microsoft Project and integrating the data with PeopleSoft Program Management, you should always click the Check for Conflicts button on the Resources page after you upload data from these other products.

Notify Activity Resources

Click to notify resources of activity assignments. The system sends an email notification to all labor employee resources with activity assignments that list the assignments. This button appears only if activity resource workflow is activated at the installation level.

Note. If you create more assignments or make changes to existing assignments, you can click the Notify Activity Resources button again and the system enables you to notify all resources again or notify just the resources with new assignments.

Save as Template

Click to access the Save as Template page, where you can specify a template name and create a project template that will save, as part of the template, the project team that includes assets, labor, material, and other resource classes.

Resources - Links

Manage Generic Resources

Click to access the Manage Generic Resources page, where you can:

  • Create and cancel resource requests in the PeopleSoft Resource Management application for the project's generic resources.

  • Review what progress is made toward filling the resource requests for generic resource placeholders on a project with a PeopleSoft Resource Management-managed labor resource.

Master Resource Schedule

Click to access the Master Resource Schedule page, where you can view work and activity details for named and generic resources that are on this project.

See Viewing Master Resource Schedules.

Supply Category Analytic

Click to access the Supply Category Analytic Select Resource Pools page, where you can select resource pools for the Display Supply Category Analytic Data page.

See Defining Supply Category Analytics.

Resource Chart

Click to access the Schedule Chart page, which displays a Gantt chart that depicts scheduled resource usage. The Schedule Chart page appears as a new tab in the Resource component.

Project Estimate Summary

Click to access the Project Estimate Summary page, where you can view a summary of activities and their associated work and cost estimates.

See Viewing Project Estimates.

Project Resource Pools

Click to access the Project Resource Pools page, where you can view a list of the resource pools that are associated with this project or add resource pools to this project to enforce resource pool security.

See Understanding Resource Pool Security.

See Pricing Project Costs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Resources from Projects

Access the Assign Resources from Project page (click the Add Resource from Project button on the Resources by Activity page).

Filter Options

When you first access this page, all eligible resources appear in the Select Team Members to Copy grid. Use the Filter Options collapsible group box to filter on various resource attributes so that you can more easily select project resources to add to an activity.

Resource Class, Resource Name, ID Number, Project Role, Start Date, and End Date

Enter criteria to narrow the list of team members that appear in the Select Team Members to Copy grid.

Show Resources

Click to generate a new list of resources based on the filter criteria. The system generates the list based on all of the criteria that you enter. That is, the system uses and between each of the filter options fields rather than or.

Select Team Members to Copy

Select individual project team members that you want to copy to the activity resources, or click Select All for the system to select all project team members to copy. Click Copy to add the project team members that you selected to the Resources grid on the Resources by Activity page. Save the Resources by Activity page to complete the copy process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with Resource Details

Access the Resource Detail page (click a resource name in the Associated Resources grid on the Resources page).

Resource Detail

View Resource Calendar

Click to access the Monthly Schedule page in PeopleSoft Resource Management, where you can view the named resource's assignments and appointments for the month. This is available only for PeopleSoft Resource Management-managed resources.

See Viewing or Modifying Resource Schedules.

ID Number

Enter the unique identifier for a known resource.

The system automatically populates the this field with Generic. Do not change this value if the resource that you are adding is not recognized as a resource with a known ID. If you know the resource that you are adding, select the ID for that resource. The resources that are available to you through the prompt are based on the resource class. You can select from a list of employee IDs for labor resources, item IDs for material resources, and asset IDs for asset resources.

These are the differences between generic resources and named resources:

  • Generic resources can serve as placeholders that can be used to request named resources in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

  • On the Resources page, generic resources have the Express Search button available. When you click the Express Search button, the system invokes the PeopleSoft Resource Management Express Search feature, which enables you to search for qualified employee ID-based resources to fill the generic resource slot.

  • Generic resources cannot have assignments in PeopleSoft Resource Management, because assignments require an employee ID.

Resource Name

Enter the name of the resource.

The system automatically populates this field for resources for which you select an ID Number.

For generic resources, enter a generic resource name, such as Technician 1, Database Administrator, or Computer.

Resource Pool

Select the resource pool to which the resource belongs. You can edit this field for generic resources, and it is read-only for named resources. If you do not select a resource pool, the system assigns the generic resource to the unassigned pool by default. This field appears only if you use PeopleSoft Resource Management and is valid only for PeopleSoft Resource Management labor resources.


Select the resource's region. You can edit this field for generic resources, and it is display-only for named resources. This field appears only if you use PeopleSoft Resource Management and is valid only for PeopleSoft Resource Management labor resources.

Personnel Status

Select Employee or Non-Employee to indicate this resource's personnel status. This is applicable only for the labor resource class and only if PeopleSoft Resource Management is installed. You can edit this field for generic resources, but it is read-only for named resources.

Resource Class

Select Labor Resource, Asset Resource, Material Resource, or Other Resource. The value that you select for this field controls the values that you can enter in the resource information fields. This field is read-only for resources that already exist on the Resources page.

Resource Status

Select Considered or Requested.This field appears only for labor resources. If you use PeopleSoft Resource Management for generic labor resources and if you set the quantity to a value greater than 1 and set the resource status to Requested, when you click Save or Save and Add Another, the system creates a separate generic resource request for each value in the quantity field. For example, if the quantity is 5, then the system generates five generic resource requests.

Primary Project Role

Select the resource's primary project role. This field appears only for labor resources.

If you change the primary project role for a generic resource, the system deletes the resource's qualifications on the Update Generic Resources Qualifications page and replaces them with the default qualifications from the qualification profile for the new primary project role.

Asset Type

Enter the asset type. For named assets, the system populates this field with the associated asset type. This field appears for only asset resource classes.

Asset Subtype

Enter the asset subtype. The system prompts from the PeopleSoft Asset Management Subtype table (AM_SUBTYPE) based on the value in the Asset Type field. You must select an asset type before selecting an asset subtype. For named assets, the system populates this field with the associated asset subtype. This field appears only for asset resource classes.

If PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is installed and both the cost and bill rates have zero or no value, the system fetches the cost and bill rates for that asset resource from PeopleSoft Asset Management based on the asset type and subtype. These rates are associated with the Custom rate type, and you can modify the values on this page. If PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is not installed, the system uses the default rate value. If a nonzero value exists for cost rate or bill rate and you modify the subtype, the system asks you whether you want the system to update the cost and bill rates based on the asset type and subtype.

Manufacturer ID

Enter the manufacturer ID. The systems prompts from the Purchasing Manufacturing table (MANUFACTURING). For named assets, the system populates this field with the associated manufacturer ID. This field appears only for asset resource classes.


Enter the model. The system prompts from the Maintenance Management Model table (MFG_MODEL). You must select a manufacturer ID before you can select a model. For named assets, the system populates this field with the associated model. This field appears only for asset resource classes.


Enter any category that is specified for assignments on the Task Categories page in PeopleSoft Resource Management. The task category default value is based on the Default Task Category for Assignments field on the Installation Options - Resource Management page. This field appears only if the resource is managed in PeopleSoft Resource Management or is a generic labor resource.

If you change the category value on this page after the resource assignment is created, the system updates the Category field on the existing assignment if the assignment is in a status other than Cancel or Complete.

See Defining Task Categories and Mapping to TRCs.


For material resources, the system displays the number of items that are needed for this project. This field appears for material resources when the material resource is assigned to one or more activities with a units value that is greater than zero.

For generic labor and asset resources, enter the number of resources to add to the Associated Resources grid on the Resources page. If the value of the Quantity field is greater than 1, the system appends a sequential number to the resource name. For example, if you enter Engineer for the resource name and 3for the quantity, the system adds three rows with the resource names Engineer1, Engineer2, and Engineer3. If resources with the name Engineer already exist on the project team, the system increments numbers starting with the highest number. If the user adds two more Engineer resources, the system names the resources Engineer4 and Engineer5.

Note. After you enter the resource attributes and a quantity, you can click either Save or Save and Add Another to add the resources to the Associated Resources grid on the Resources page and save. Because the system adds the new rows and saves at the same time, if you inadvertently add more resources than you intended, you must delete those resources from the Resources page one at a time.

Email Notify for Status Change

If you are integrating with Microsoft Project, select this option to enable Microsoft Project to send email notifications about task status changes to the individual that is specified in the Email ID field. This field is not used by PeopleSoft Program Management to send email notifications of activity status changes.

Email ID

Enter the email address of the individual to notify when the Email Notify for Status Change option is selected.


Rate Type

Select the method of determining the resource's cost per unit.

For generic asset and material resources, the only valid value is Custom, and you must specify the cost per unit in the Rate field.

For named asset resources, you can select Custom and specify the cost per unit in the Rate field, or you can leave the field blank. If you leave the field blank, the system uses the rate, UOM, and currency from PeopleSoft Asset Management.

For named material resources, you can have inventoried and noninventoried materials. For inventoried materials, the rate type appears as blank and the system obtains the rate from PeopleSoft Order Management. For noninventoried materials, the only available option is Custom and you must specify a value in the Rate field.

For labor resources, the system populates this field with the default that is specified on the Program Management Options page. You can select Custom to specify the rate, UOM, and currency or you can select Proj Role (project role), Jobcode, or Employee to obtain the standard rate that the organization establishes for each of these options. If you select any option other than Custom, the Rate field becomes view-only and displays the appropriate standard rate. The available rate types are based on the settings in the Rates group box on the Program Management Options page.

See Defining Business Unit Options.

For other resources, the only valid value is Custom, and you must specify the rate in the Rate field.

UOM (Unit of Measure)

Select the unit of measure by which the resource's cost rate is quoted. For labor resources using employee, project role, or job code rate types, hours is the only valid unit of measure. For labor resources using custom rate type, hours or days are the only valid units of measure. You can select any unit of measure for asset, material, and other resource classes.

The UOM must be the same for the bill and cost rates. If the UOM is changed for one rate, the system automatically changes the UOM for the other rate to be the same and will clear out the rate value.

You can edit this field only if both the cost and bill rate types are set to custom. If the rate types are not both custom, the noncustom rate type controls the UOM for both bill and cost.


Enter the cost rate per unit that is applied to determine the total cost of the resource.

For asset, material, and other resources, this is the monetary cost per unit. For labor resources, it is the cost per hour or day. For employee, project role, or job code rate types, if the resources standard rate is not defined as an amount per hour, the system converts it to a per-hour rate for the Resources page.

Cost Budget Item

Enter a cost budget item for the resource.

Copy Rates to Activities

Select to copy the currency, rate, and rate type changes from this page to the Resources by Activities page for each of this resource's activities. The system copies the data when you save.

Note. When you use this page to add resources to a project, the system automatically moves most of the resource data by default onto the Resources by Activity page. Therefore, if you enter values for the project role, unit of measure, rate type, rate, currency, and budget items by using this page, the system automatically supplies the data for those values when you assign a resource to an activity by using the Resources by Activity page, which enables you to streamline resource deployments.


Revenue Budget Item

Displays the budget classification for the resource. This field is display-only and the system populates it with the value that is specified on the Project Costing Options page.

See Creating Project Business Units.

Assignment Schedule

This grid displays the resource's scheduled commitments to the project. Project managers can add and delete scheduling rows to extend or shorten a resource's scheduled time on the project.

If the resource is managed in PeopleSoft Resource Management, click an Assignment ID to access the Assign Resource page in PeopleSoft Resource Management, where project managers can view and edit the details of the resource's assignment. The system generates only one assignment ID for a named resource for a project, regardless of the number of assignment schedules. If a resource has a cancelled or completed assignment and another assignment is requested, the new assignment has a new assignment ID and not the one of the cancelled or completed assignment.

If the project business unit requires management approval for new assignments or assignment date changes, then adding or modifying an assignment row triggers a PeopleSoft Workflow worklist approval item to the resource manager who is asking for approval of the assignment. Assignments that require approval appear in the Schedule Changes Pending Approval grid.

Resource Status

Displays the value of the resource status, which is based on the resource status on the Resources page for every resource. If the resource status on the Resource page is either Requested or Committed, the resource status of a newly added assignment schedule is Requested. Otherwise, the status is Considered.

Project Manager

Select to indicate that this resource is the project manager for the time period that covers the start and end dates.


Enter the time percentage, based on the project calendar, that the resource is allocated to the schedule. The default value is 100.

Note. If the resource's schedule is managed in PeopleSoft Resource Management, a resource assignment for the specified number of hours and date range is created in PeopleSoft Resource Management. Modifications to the Units field on this page trigger approval workflow if assignment schedule change workflow is activated for the business unit options in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

See Creating Assignments.

Schedule Changes Pending Approval

This grid appears only if the project business unit that is associated with the project activates the assignment approval required feature or date change approval required feature in PeopleSoft Resource Management. The grid lists any schedule modifications that are made in the Assignment Schedule grid for assignments with an assigned status that are awaiting resource manager authorization. Until the resource manager approves the assignment, the new or modified schedule rows have a pending approval status on the assignment and are not editable on the Resource Detail page. The pending dates appear on the Resources page and on the assignment and resource's schedule in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

The same assignment ID might appear more than once. This can occur when more than one Assignment Schedule Detail row exist for the same assignment. None of the date ranges for the assignment schedule can overlap.

If a new assignment is rejected, a warning indicator appears on the named resource row on the Resources page. If an assignment schedule change is rejected, the dates that are on the assignment, resource schedule, and project team revert to the original dates before the change.

Note. You can make assignment schedule changes directly in PeopleSoft Resource Management or by using the Resource Detail page that is in PeopleSoft Program Management. However, the only scheduling changes that appear in the Schedule Changes Pending Approval grid are those that you make by using the Resource Detail page. For a complete list of assignments that are pending approval, please refer to the Assign Resources component (RS_ASSIGNMENT) in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

To avoid data conflicts, you should use either PeopleSoft Resource Management or PeopleSoft Program Management to modify assignments, but not both.

See Assigning Resources.

Activity List

This grid lists the project activities to which the resource is assigned.


Indicates whether the resource has been notified of an assignment. The check box displays a check mark if notification has been sent. This occurs when you click the Notify Activity Resources button on the Resources page.

Adding Resources to Activities

Add Resource to Activity

Click to access the Activity Team Assignment page, where you can add the resource to one or more activities. This button does not appear if a change request is required for adding resources to activities, the resource is a labor resource, and you are not the current project manager.

Save Options

Save and add Another

Click for the system to:

  1. Validate the data on the page.

  2. Add the resource to the Resources page and save the resource schedules.

  3. Reset the contents on the page.


Click for the system to:

  1. Validate the data on the page.

  2. Add the resource to the Resources page and save the resource schedules.

  3. Retain the values on the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Generic Resource Qualifications

Access the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page (click the Generic Resource Qualification icon on the Resources page).

The system supplies the page header fields from the Resources page based on the generic resource that you clicked to access this page. Click Profile, List, and Competency Tree to access the pages on which you can select qualifications for the generic resource. The system uses the qualifications to feed the Express Search and as search criteria to fulfill generic resource requests, unless one of these conditions applies:



Select the importance of having the resource possess the specified qualification.

Desired: The Verity search engine gives preference to resources who possess the qualification but does not exclude resources who do not possess the qualification. This is the default value.

Required: Resources who do not possess this qualification are not returned in the search results.

Years of Work Experience

Select the number of years of experience that the resource should possess for this competency. You can select from 1 Year to 9+ Years.

If you select an importance of Desired for this competency, the Verity search engine gives preference to resources who possess the specified years of experience but does not exclude resources who do not meet the specified years.

If you select an importance of Required for this competency, resources who do not meet the specified years of experience are not returned in the search results. This field appears only on rows that contain a qualification type of Competency.


Select the appropriate level of competency proficiency that the resource should possess for this project.

If you select an importance of Desired for this competency, the Verity search engine gives preference to resources with the proficiency level but does not exclude resources who do not meet the specified proficiency.

If you select an importance of Required for this competency, resources who do not meet the specified proficiency are not returned in the search results.

The default value is the highest level of competency available. This field appears only on rows that contain a qualification type of Competency.


Click to access the Qualification Detail: <Qualification> page and enter additional information about the qualification. The Details link appears only on rows for licences, languages, and single-value flexible attributes because additional details can be entered about these qualifications.


Click to access the Resource Qualifications - Select Qualification Profile page, where you can select qualification profiles to add to the Qualifications grid.


Click to access the Resource Qualifications - Search for Qualifications page, where you can search for and add qualifications to the Qualifications grid.

Competency Tree

Click to access the Resource Qualifications - Select Competencies page, where you can search for and add qualifications to the Qualifications grid.


Use the Keywords tab to enter a word, phrase, or string of words in uppercase or lowercase. Use a comma to separate keywords. You can use logical connectors AND or OR to separate keywords. A comma acts the same as the OR connector. If you use AND or OR connectors, you can use parentheses to define precedence. When you run the Express Search, the system searches the resource's work experience and resume document attachments for matches.

Note. The keywords and connectors that you enter are not case-sensitive.


Use the Notes tab to enter any additional comments or notes for this request.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Generic Resources

Access the Manage Generic Resources page (Program Management, Project Definitions, Manage Generic Resources).

Click to expand all generic resources and their associated assignment data.

Click to collapse all generic resources and their associated assignment data.

Select the check box that is next to each generic resource for which you want to generate or cancel a service order resource request. The system creates or cancels resource requests for only the selected generic resources. The check box is available only if a service order resource request has not been submitted for the corresponding generic resource.

Expand the Assignments section to view all assignments that are found for the generic resource on the project resource list that are not yet assigned or reserved.

Create Resource Request

Click to create new resource requests for the selected generic resource. Service orders that you originate from the Manage Generic Resources page are created in a Draft status. To change the status to New and send the service order to the Staffing Workbench - Fulfill Orders page, open the service order and click Save and Submit on the Order Summary page.


Cancel Resource Request

Click to cancel any open resource requests that are for the selected generic resource.

Note. When a resource request is created for a generic resource, the generic resource data that is on the Resources page changes to display-only, and the Express Search button is no longer available.

For any individual project, you should not use both the Resources page and the Manage Generic Resources page to generate resource requests. These two processes for generating generic resource requests support two different business processes. The Resources page supports generating generic resource requests for internal information technology departments and the Manage Generic Resources page supports generating generic resource requests for service-order oriented processes that are used by professional services organizations.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding and Modifying Activity Resources

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Add and Modify Activity Resources

Page Name

Definition Name



Resources by Activity


Program Management, Activity Definitions, Resources, Resources by Activity

View and edit resources that are assigned to an activity.

Project Estimate Summary


Program Management, Project Definitions, Resources, Resources

Select Project Estimate Summary from the More drop down box on the Resources page.

View a summary of activities with associated work and cost estimates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Activity Resources

Access the Resources by Activity page (Program Management, Activity Definitions, Resources, Resources by Activity).


Select the activity for which to view, define, or modify resources.



Specify the basis on which the activity's schedule is calculated. Options are:

  • Duration: Select to have the system calculate duration by using the start and end date.

    You should not select this option if you select Fixed Duration in the Schedule Method field.

  • End Date: Select to have the system calculate the end date by using the start date and duration.

  • Start Date: Select to have the system calculate the start date by using the duration and end date.

The option that you select for each activity depends on what information you already know about that activity. For example, you might know that based on a service-level agreement, an activity must start on a specific date. You might also know from experience that a resource can perform the activity in 35 days. Given that you know the start date and duration, you set the Calculate field to End Date, so that you do not have to manually count days on a calendar to derive the end date of the activity.

This field does not appear if the Activity Date Cascade Calculations option on the Project General - Program Management page is set to Manual.

Schedule Method

Designates the method for calculating the variables that are involved in scheduling labor resources to an activity. Variables are work, duration, and units. The scheduling method determines which element of a schedule remains constant when any one of the scheduling variables (work, duration, or units) changes.

Select one of these options:

  • Fixed Duration: When a schedule is calculated or recalculated, the variable that remains constant is the total amount of time, measured in days, in which assigned resources must complete the activity.

    You should not select this option if you select Duration in the Calculate field.

  • Fixed Units: When a schedule is calculated or recalculated, the variable that remains constant is the number of resource units that are assigned to the activity.

  • Fixed Work: When a schedule is calculated or recalculated, the variable that remains constant is the total amount of work, measured in hours, that assigned resources require to complete the activity.

Duration in Days

Enter the number of days in which assigned resources must complete the activity

Labor Adjustment % (labor adjustment percentage)

Displays the labor adjustment percentage that the Pricing process uses to calculate new rows for projects that are created from proposals in PeopleSoft Proposal Management if the rate option is AMN (Mark Up/Mark Down Labor). This field appears only if the project request originated from PeopleSoft Proposal Management.

Non-Labor Adjustment % (nonlabor adjustment percentage)

Displays the nonlabor adjustment percentage that the Pricing process uses to calculate new rows for projects that are created from proposals in PeopleSoft Proposal Management if the rate option is AML (Mark Up/Mark Down Nonlabor). This field appears only if the project request originated from PeopleSoft Proposal Management.

View Class(es)

Select which resource class to view in the list of activities. Options are All, Asset Resource, Labor Resource, or Material Resource.

Recalculate Schedule

Click after editing schedule-related fields in the component so that the system can use the new data to modify the activity schedule.


This group box summarizes the data from the Resources grid.

Unit of Measure

Select the unit of measure in which to view the activity's work and cost information. Options are Work Hour or Person Day.


Displays the sum of the work from the Resources grid in the units selected in the Unit of Measure field.

Actual Work

Displays the sum of the actual work values from the Resources grid in the units selected in the Unit of Measure field.

Remaining Work

Displays the sum of the remaining work values from the Resources grid in the units selected in the Unit of Measure field.

Total Cost

Displays the sum of the cost values from the Resources grid in the units selected in the Unit of Measure field.

Total Billable

Displays the sum of the bill amount values from the Resources grid in the units selected in the Unit of Measure field.

Bill Adjustment

Displays the amount that the total billable amount is adjusted by based on the percentages in the Labor Adjustment % and Non-Labor Adjustment % fields. This value is calculated as ((Total Billable (for labor resources) × Labor Adjustment %) + (Total Billable (for non-labor resources) × Non-Labor Adjustment %)). This field appears only if the project request originated from PeopleSoft Proposal Management.

Total Bill Adjusted

Displays the adjusted billing amount, which is the sum of the values in the Total Billable and Bill Adjustment fields. This field appears only if the project request originated from PeopleSoft Proposal Management.

When the activity schedule is recalculated, the system updates the Work, Actual Work, Remaining Work, and Total Cost fields.

Resources - Resource Tab


Indicates whether the resource has been notified of an assignment. The check box displays a check mark if notification has been sent. This occurs when you click the Notify Activity Resources button on the Resources page.

Resource Class

This field indicates that the resource belongs to one of these categories:

  • Labor: Human resource.

  • Material: Consumable resource (for example, lumber is a material resource).

  • Asset: Nonhuman resource (for example, a computer is an asset resource).

  • Other: Any other type of resource (for example, travel).

Resource Name

For asset or material resources, enter the description of an asset or material. For labor resources that are employees, enter the name or employee ID of the resource. To assign a generic, unnamed labor resource, enter the description of the generic resource, such as Technician 1 or Project Manager.

ID Number

Select a unique identifier for the resource. This field is applicable only for labor, asset, and material resources. The system automatically populates this field with the employee's ID when it is entered in the Resource Name field.

Project Role

Select the job function that the resource is going to perform for the activity. This field applies only to labor resources.

Resources - Work Tab

Unit of Measure

Select the unit of measure by which the resource's cost rate is quoted. For labor resources using employee, project role, or job code rate types, MHR is the only valid unit of measure. For labor resources using custom rate type, MHR and MDY are the only valid units of measure. Asset and material resources typically use Each as the unit of measure, but they can use any available unit of measure that has been defined in the system.

The UOM must be the same for the bill and cost rates. If the UOM is changed for one rate, the system automatically changes the UOM for the other rate to be the same and clears out the rate value.

You can edit this field only if both the cost and bill rate types are set to custom. If the rate types are not both custom, the noncustom rate type controls the UOM for both bill and cost.


For labor resources, enter the time percentage, based on the project calendar, that the resource is allocated to the schedule.

The default value is:

  • The units percent value for that schedule in the Assignment Schedule grid on the Resource Detail page if the resource only has one assignment schedule.

  • The lowest units percent value of the assignment schedules if the resource has more than one assignment schedule.

For asset and material resources, units indicate a count of the item in terms of the unit of measure. For example, if you have a material named Bolts, and you enter bushels in the Unit of Measure field and 5 in the Units field, you are indicating that the activity requires five bushels of bolts.


Enter the total number of hours or days that a resource is expected to participate in the selected activity. This field is available for labor resources only. When you first add a labor resource to an activity, the system determines the value for this field by:

  1. Determining the duration of the activity based on the UOM.

    When the UOM is MHR, the system converts the duration of the activity in days to business hours according to the standard work-hours-per-day setting of the project.

    For custom rate types with an MDY UOM, the duration is in days.

  2. Obtaining the resource's units, which are 100 percent by default, and converting that to a decimal value.

  3. Multiplying the value of duration times the value of units to obtain the value of work in hours if the UOM is MHR or days if the UOM is MDY.

As each new labor resource is added, the system sums the value of remaining work from the other resources, distributes the summed value proportionally between the original resources and the new resource, and sets the new resource's work value equal to its remaining work value.

Actual Work

Displays the number of hours that a resource actually works. This is a display-only field, and is relevant only to labor resources. The values that are in this field reflect any actual hours from approved PeopleSoft Expenses time reports.

Note. If you are using the PeopleSoft Program Management integration with Microsoft Project, the actual work figure, which can be entered in Microsoft Project, cannot be uploaded to the PeopleSoft system.

Note. To verify that the Actual Work values are current, you should run the Expenses to Project Costing Application Engine process (PC_EX_TO_PC) as often as you require time reports to be submitted. For example, if you require time reports to be submitted each week, you should run the Expenses to Project Costing Application Engine process each week.

See Stage Time and Expense Reports.

Remaining Work

This is a display-only field, and is relevant only to labor resources. The system determines its value for a given labor resource by subtracting the value of actual work from the value of work.

As each new labor resource is added, the system sums the value of remaining work from the other resources, distributes the summed value proportionally between the original resources and the new resource, and sets the new resource's work value to be equal to its remaining work value.

Baseline Work

Enter the number of hours or days that you expect the activity to require. As the project progresses, you can compare this to the actual work to determine the accuracy of the original baseline estimate.

Resources - Cost Tab

Rate Type

Select the method of determining the resource's cost per unit.

For generic asset and material resources, the only valid value is Custom, and you must specify the cost per unit in the Rate field.

For named asset and material resources, you can select Custom and specify the cost per unit in the Rate field, or you can leave the field blank. If you the leave the field blank, the system uses the rate, UOM, and currency from PeopleSoft Asset Management for asset resources or from PeopleSoft Order Management for material resources.

For labor resources, you can select Custom to specify the rate, or you can select either Proj Role (project role), Jobcode, or Employee to obtain the standard rate that the organization establishes for each of these options. If you select any option other than Custom, the Rate field becomes view-only and displays the appropriate standard rate. The available rate types are based on the settings in the Rates group box on the Program Management Options page.

See Defining Business Unit Options.


The cost rate per unit that is applied to determine the total cost of the resource.

For asset and material resources, this is the monetary cost per unit. For labor resources, it is the cost per hour or day.


Select the currency in which you are quoting the resource's rate.

Budget Item

Select a budget classification for the resource. This classification determines the general ledger account to which expenses that are related to this resource are charged.

Note. Although you are not required to enter the budget item for each resource that you assign to an activity, it is strongly recommended. Having a budget item that is associated with each resource enables you to automatically load the cost of project resources to an appropriate account in the PeopleSoft Project Costing project budgeting system, and the project request Costs page of both PeopleSoft Program Management and PeopleSoft Project Portfolio Management. (During setup of the system, you establish budget items, which includes assigning a general ledger account to each.) If a project manager builds a project estimate with the Resources by Activity page and does not enter budget items for the resources, costs load to project budgets and project requests with all costs summed into one number, which limits visibility into cost detail for users of the project budgets and project requests.


Displays the cost of the resource based upon other data that is entered. For assets and materials, the cost is determined by multiplying the rate by the units. For labor resources, the system generates cost by multiplying the rate times the hours or days that are specified in the Work field.

Resources - Bill Tab

Rate Type

Select the method of determining the resource's bill amount per unit.

For generic asset and material resources, the only valid value is Custom, and you must specify the bill amount per unit in the Rate field.

For named asset and material resources, you can select Custom and specify the bill amount per unit in the Rate field, or you can leave the field blank. If you the leave the field blank, the system uses the rate, UOM, and currency from PeopleSoft Asset Management for asset resources or from PeopleSoft Order Management for material resources.

For labor resources, you can select Custom to specify the rate, or you can select either Proj Role (project role), Jobcode, or Employee to obtain the standard rate that the organization establishes for each of these options. If you select any option other than Custom, the Rate field becomes view-only and displays the appropriate standard rate. The available rate types are based on the settings in the Rates group box on the Program Management Options page.

See Defining Business Unit Options.


The bill rate per unit that is applied to determine the total billable amount of the resource.

For asset and material resources, this is the monetary bill amount per unit. For labor resources, it is the bill amount per hour or day.


Select the currency in which you are quoting the resource's rate.

Bill Amount

Displays the bill amount of the resource based upon other data that is entered. For assets and materials, the bill amount is determined by multiplying the rate by the units. For labor resources, the system generates bill amounts by multiplying the rate times the hours or days that are specified in the Work field.

Resources - Assets Tab

This tab appears only if PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is installed.

Asset Type

Displays the asset type for the asset resources. This field is blank for all labor, material, and other resource classes.

Asset Subtype

Displays the asset subtype for the asset resources. This field is blank for all labor, material, and other resource classes.

Manufacturer ID

Displays the manufacturer ID for the asset resources. This field is blank for all labor, material, and other resource classes.


Displays the model for the asset resources. This field is blank for all labor, material, and other resource classes.

Additional Page Elements

Add Resource from Project

Click to access the Assign Resources from Project page, which lists the available project resources that can be assigned to the activity. The page is displayed as a new tab in the Resource component.

If a change request is required to add a resource to an activity and you are not the current project manager, you can select from only nonlabor resources on the Assign Resources from Project page. Otherwise, you can select from all resources on the Assign Resources from Project page.

Create Work Order

Click to create a work order in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. The Create Work Order button appears only if you have PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

See Understanding Integration with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

View Work Order

Click to access the Work Orders page (PC_LINK_WO), where you can view the work orders that have been opened for this activity. This link appears only if:

  • PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is installed.

  • The project status is Active.

  • The project is not a Work Order Managed project.

    For non-Work Order Managed projects, the Work Order Managed option is deselected on the Project Definitions - General Information page.

Project Activity Resource Pool

Click to access the Activity Resource Pool page, where you can search and select resource pools to add to the resource pools list to enforce resource pool security.

See Understanding Resource Pool Security.

See Also

Understanding Resource Tools

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Project Estimates

Access the Project Estimate Summary page (select Project Estimate Summary from the More drop down box on the Resources page).

This grid lists the activities that make up the project and displays the associated work and cost estimates for each activity. This page enables you to review at a glance all of the activities for a project and the resources that are assigned to each activity.


Displays the Work, Actual Work, Remaining Work, and Total Cost, which are summarized at the project level.

Click the Expand Long icon to view details of the resources that are assigned to the activity.

Click to jump to parent topicTransferring Resource Assignments

This section provides an overview of resource assignment transfers and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resource Assignment Transfers

Use the Transfer Assignments feature to transfer future project and activity assignments from named resources to other named or generic resources. Any user who has access to the Transfer Resource Assignments page can perform a transfer. However, this is typically done by project managers, pool managers, resource managers, or pool administrators.

All future-dated project and activity assignments are available to transfer if:

Note. The system treats a future-dated activity that has transactions in the Project Transactions table (PROJ_RESOURCE) as an ongoing activity.

During the transfer process:

When you transfer resource assignments using the Transfer Assignments page, you can:

If the Transfer From resource is managed in PeopleSoft Resource Management, and the project assignment is in a status other than Consider, the assignment is canceled as of the date specified on the page.

If the Transfer From resource's project assignment is Consider, the system adds the Transfer To resource to the project in a Consider status.

If the Transfer From resource's project assignment is in a Requested or Committed status, the Transfer To resource is added to the project in a Requested status. If PeopleSoft Resource Management Assignment Approval workflow is enabled and the user that initiates the transfer is the only designated approver, such as the project manager or Transfer To resource's manager, the system initiates a process to update the status to Committed and create assignments for a PeopleSoft Resource Management-managed resource. However, if the user who makes the transfer is not the manager of the Transfer To resource nor the project manager, and PeopleSoft Resource Management Assignment Approval workflow is enabled, the system sets the status to Pending Approval and triggers PeopleSoft Resource Management Assignment Approval workflow. The transfer process is the same for transferring a named resource to a named resource or a generic resource, except that the system does not create PeopleSoft Resource Management assignments for a generic resource.

For future project and activity assignments, the system processes the transfers based on whether the Transfer To resource is on the selected project or activity and which projects or activities you select to transfer.

When the Transfer To resource is not on the selected project or activity:

When the Transfer To resource is on the selected project but is not on the activity:

When the Transfer To resource is on the selected project and activities:

For ongoing projects with future activity assignments, the system processes the transfers based on whether the Transfer To resource is on the selected project or activity.

When the Transfer To resource is not on the selected project or activity and you select to transfer activities, the system:

When the Transfer To resource is on the selected project but is not on the activity and you select to transfer activities, the system adds the resource to the selected activities with the same Units value as the Transfer From resource.

When the Transfer To resource is on the selected project and activities and you select to transfer activities, the system does not change the Transfer To resource's activity schedule.

Important! Take special care when you transfer assignments to resources that are already assigned on the same project. A number of complex scenarios exist that require manual intervention that the system cannot resolve. You have to manually resolve many issues such as project role, bill and cost rates, and units percentage.

See Also

Specifying PeopleSoft Resource Management Business Unit Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Transfer Resource Assignments

Page Name

Definition Name



Transfer Assignments


Program Management, Project Definitions, Transfer Assignments, Transfer Assignments

Transfer assignments from one resource to another.

Transfer Assignments Confirmation


Click the Transfer Assignment button on the Transfer Assignments page.

Review the changes that the system will make as a result of the assignment transfer and confirm that you want to make the assignment transfer from one resource to another.

Update Confirmation


Click the OK button on the Transfer Assignments Confirmation page.

View the assignment transfer confirmation and any errors that occurred during the transfer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTransferring Assignments from One Resource to Another

Access the Transfer Assignments page (Program Management, Project Definitions, Transfer Assignments, Transfer Assignments).

Resource Name

Enter the name of the resource from which you want to transfer an assignment. You must enter a resource name to search for assignments. The resource must be a named resource on a project.

PC Business Unit (project costing business unit)

Optionally, enter a business unit to filter the project assignments to that business unit for the resource. This field appears only if the resource that you enter in the Resource Name field has assignments in more than one business unit.


Optionally, enter the project to view project assignments for the resource.


Click to display the assignments in the Future Project/Activity Assignments grid that have been assigned to the resource that you entered in the Resource Name field.

Select the resource's project and activity assignments that you want to transfer. Selecting a project automatically selects the project's future-dated activity assignments. You cannot select ongoing projects (the check box is not available for selection) but you can select future activity assignments on ongoing projects.


Displays the project or activity description. The project and activity descriptions appear as links. Click a <project description> to access the Resources page for that project in a new browser window on which you can view and update details for the project team. Click an <activity description> to access the Resources By Activity page for that activity in a new browser window on which you can view and update details for the activity schedule.


Displays status values from the Resources page only on project assignment rows.

Start Date and End Date

Displays the earliest start date and latest end date of project assignments on project rows. The start date and end date of activities appear on activity rows.

Duration in Days

Displays the activity duration.

Work Hrs (work hours)

Displays the value from the Work column on the Resources by Activity page.

Remaining Work Hrs (remaining work hours)

Displays the value from the Remaining Work column on the Resources by Activity page.

Select All and Clear All

Click to select or deselect all of the available rows in the Future Project/Activity Assignments grid.

Transfer to Resource

Enter a generic or named resource to which you want to transfer the assignments. For named resources, the system prompts for employee IDs from the Personal Data (PERSONAL_DATA) table.

View Resource Schedule

Click to transfer to the Monthly Schedule page for the resource in the Transfer to Resource field. This link is visible only if the resource is a PeopleSoft Resource Management-managed resource.

Transfer Assignments

Click to transfer the assignments from the Transfer From resource to the Transfer To resource. When you click this button, the system transfers you to the Transfer Assignments Confirmation page.

Ongoing Project/Activity Assignments

The Ongoing Project/Activity Assignments grid displays all of the ongoing project and activity assignments for the selected resource. The columns in this grid are the same as the columns in the Future Project/Activity Assignments grid, with the addition of the Percent Complete column, which displays the percent complete of the project activity. This grid is display-only and these assignments are not available for transfer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming Assignment Transfers

Access the Transfer Assignments Confirmation page (click the Transfer Assignment button on the Transfer Assignments page).

Review and verify the list of assignments that the system will transfer when you click OK. If you do not want to transfer all of the assignments that are in the grid, click Cancel.

Start Date and End Date

Displays the assignment schedule start and end dates from the Resource detail page.


Displays the units percentage from the Assignment Schedule grid on the Resource detail page.

Project Role

Displays the project role from the Assignment Schedule grid on the Resource detail page.


Displays the value from the Resource Status column on the Resources page. However, if the Transfer From resource's status is Committed, PeopleSoft Resource Management Assignment Approval workflow is initiated, the Transfer To resource is a PeopleSoft Resource Management-managed resource, and the user is not the manager of the Transfer To resource, the system sets the status to Pending Approval and initiates the PeopleSoft Resource Management Assignment Approval workflow. If the user is the manager of the Transfer To resource, then the value is Committed.

Cost Rate Type and Bill Rate Type

Displays the cost and bill rate types from the Resources page. If the Transfer To resource is not already on the project, the system sets the cost and bill rate types for the Transfer To resource the same as that of the Transfer From resource.

Situations exist in which this is not possible, for example:

  • The Transfer From resource rate type is Employee and this rate type is not defined for the Transfer To resource.

  • The Transfer To resource is a generic resource and the Transfer From resource's rate type is not valid for generic resources.

In these situations, the system sets the rate type to the default rate type for the Transferred To resource type (named resource or generic resource) that is defined on the Program Management Options page.

See Establishing PeopleSoft Program Management Business Unit Options.

Cost Rate and Billing Rate

Displays the cost and bill rates from the Resources page. If the Transfer To resource is not already on the project, the system sets the cost rate and bill rate based on the Transfer From resource's cost rate type and bill rate type. If the cost or bill rate type is Custom, then the system sets the cost and bill rates of the Transfer To resource to the same value as the Transfer From resource.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Master Resource Schedules

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work with Master Resource Schedules

Page Name

Definition Name



Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters)


Program Management, Program Tools, Master Resource Schedule, Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters)

Specify the resources and projects to appear on the Master Resource Schedule page.

Multiple Project Selection


Click the Search Projects button on the Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters) page.

Select the projects to view on the Master Resource Schedule page.

Multiple Resource Selection


Click the Select Resources button on the Master Resource (selection parameters) page.

Select the resources to view on the Master Resource Schedule page.

Master Resource Schedule


  • Click the View Master Resource Schedule button on the Master Resource (selection parameters) page.

  • Program Management, Project Definition, Resources, Resources.

    Click the Master Resource Schedule link. The system generates the grid for only the named resource with a workload scope of a single project.

View the daily workload of all resources in a workload scope. View the activity detail and work that is associated with each resource, project, and activity.

Resource Workload Statistics


Click the Resource Workload Statistics link on the Master Resource Schedule page.

View summary statistics for the resources from the Master Resource Schedule page.

View Resource Graph


Click a resource name on the Master Resource Schedule page.

View a vertical bar chart of a resource's workload by day.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Master Resource Schedules

Access the Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters) page (Program Management, Program Tools, Master Resource Schedule, Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters)).

View Schedule From

Enter the date from which you want to generate the master resource schedule. The current date appears by default.

Display Project ID

Select to display the project ID on the Master Resource Schedule page.

Display Activity ID

Select to display the activity ID on the Master Resource Schedule page.

Group By

Select an option by which to group the results on the Master Resource Schedule page. Options are:

  • Daily: Displays the resource workload by day.

  • Weekly: Displays the resource workload by week.

  • Monthly: Displays the resource workload by month.

View Master Resource Schedule

Click to generate the master resource schedule after you select scope options and resource options on this page. The system transfers you to the Master Resource Schedule page where you can view the workload for the resources based on the scope and resource options that you select. The system saves the search criteria that you have entered when you click this button, so you can reaccess the master resource schedule without reentering the search criteria.

Scope Options

Use the Scope Options group box to select the scope for the master resource schedule. If you select a scope option other than Single Project and the system encounters generic resources with the same name, the system does not group the generics resources on the Master Resource Schedule.

Single Project

Select to view the master resource schedule for a single project. You must enter a project ID in the Project field if you select this option.


Enter the project ID for which to display the master resource schedule. This field appears only when you select the Single Project option.

Single Program

Select to view the master resource schedule for an entire program. You must enter a program ID in the Program ID field when you select this option. You can select the program from the Enterprise Program tree by clicking the Select from Enterprise Program Tree link.

Program ID

Enter the program ID for which to display the master resource schedule. This field appears only when you select the Program ID option.

Multiple Projects

Select to view the master resource schedule for multiple projects. Click the Search Project button that appears when you select this option to select the projects that you want to view on the master resource schedule.

Search Project

Click to access the Multiple Project Selection page, where you select the projects to view on the master resource schedule. The system lists the projects that you select in the Currently Selected Projects grid.

See Selecting Multiple Projects.

Currently Selected Projects

Displays the search results from the Multiple Project Selection page in a grid format.

Enterprise Wide

Select to view the master resource schedule for all of the active and pending projects in the business unit that you specify. You can exclude all active projects or all pending projects from the view by selecting Active or Pending from the Exclude Projects With Status drop-down list box.

Exclude Projects With Status

Select Active or Pending from the drop-down list box to exclude all active projects or all pending projects, respectively. To show projects in both statuses, leave this field blank.

Resource Options

Use the Resource Options group box to select which resources appear on the master resource schedule. Generic resources do not appear for options other than Project Resources.

Project Resources

Select to display all of the resources on all of the projects that you selected in the Scope Options group box on the master resource schedule.

Selected Resources

Select to view the master resource schedule for specific resources. Click the Select Resources button that appears when you select this option to select the resources that you want to view on the master resource schedule.

Select Resources

Click to access the Multiple Resource Selection page on which you select the resources to view on the master resource schedule. The system lists the resources that you select in the Currently Selected Projects grid.

See Selecting Multiple Resources.

Currently Selected Resources

Displays the search results from the Multiple Resource Selection page in a grid format.

Department Resources

Select to view the master resource schedule for a single department. You must enter a department ID in the Department field when you select this option. All of the resources that this department contains will appear on the master resource schedule, even if they are not assigned to any of the projects that you selected in the scope options.


Enter the department ID that contains the resources to display in the master resource schedule. This field appears only when you select the Department Resources option.

Resource Group (radio button)

Select to view the master resource schedule for a resource group. All of the resources in the resource group will appear on the master resource schedule, even if they are not assigned to any of the projects that you selected in the scope options. You must enter a resource group ID in the Resource Group field when you select this option.

Resource Group

Enter the resource group ID that you want to display in the master resource schedule. This field appears only when you select the Resource Group option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Multiple Projects

Access the Multiple Project Selection page (click the Search Projects button on the Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters) page).

Search By

Select a value by which to search for projects. Options are:

  • Description: Enter a description in the Description field and click Search to search for projects by description.

  • Project ID: Enter a project ID in the Project ID field and click Search to search for projects by project ID.

  • Status: Select Active or Pending to search for projects by processing status.

Select to include this project in the list of projects to include in the master resource schedule.

Search Results

Select the project in the Search Results grid to move to the Selected Projects grid. The selected projects will be included in the master resource schedule.

You can iteratively change the search criteria and select additional projects to move to the Selected Projects grid.

Selected Projects

This grid lists the projects that will appear in the Currently Selected Projects grid on the Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters) page after you click OK.

All of the selected projects remain in the grid until you manually remove them or generate the master resource schedule based on a different scope option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Multiple Resources

Access the Multiple Resource Selection page (click the Select Resources button on the Master Resource (selection parameters) page).

Search By

Select a value by which to search for resources. Options are:

  • Employee ID: Enter an employee ID in the Employee ID field and click Search to search for resources by employee ID.

  • First Name: Enter a full or partial first name in the First Name field and click Search to search for resources by first name.

  • Last Name: Enter a full or partial last name in the Last Name field and click Search to search for resources by last name.

Search Results

Select the resource in the Search Results grid to move to the Selected Resources grid. The selected resources will be included in the master resource schedule.

You can iteratively change the search criteria and select additional resources to move to the Selected Resources grid.

Selected Resources

Lists the resources that will appear in the Currently Selected Resources grid on the Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters) page after you click OK.

All of the selected resources remain in the grid until you manually remove them or generate the master resource schedule based on a different resource option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Master Resource Schedules

Access the Master Resource Schedule page (click the View Master Resource Schedule button on the Master Resource (selection parameters) page).

The business unit, projects, and resources that were used for generating the master resource schedule appear in the header. This page displays the workload for all of the resources based on the selection parameters that you entered on the Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters) page, even if they are not assigned to a project. The initial display of the master resource schedule is based on the latest of these dates:

If PeopleSoft Resource Management is installed, the system uses rows from the Resources page in the statuses of Considered, Committed, and Requested for named resources and Allocated, Considered, and Requested for generic resources to generate the master resource schedule. If PeopleSoft Resource Management is not installed, the system uses all of the rows from the Resources page to generate the master resource schedule.

Click the blue First, Previous, Next, and Last navigation arrows to scroll horizontally through the period rows or vertically through the resource rows. A plus or minus symbol appears next to the resource name if that resource is assigned to a project, and the symbols appear next to the project description if the resource is assigned to an activity on that project. Click the plus and minus symbols to expand or collapse the projects under a resource or the activities under a project.

Resource Workload Statistics

Click to access the Resource Workload Statistics page, where you can view summary statistics for the resources.

View Week Of and View

Enter a specific date in the View Week Of field for the week that you want to view and click the View button to change the view of the master resource schedule. You can view the Master Resource Schedule only for dates in between the start and end dates of the selected projects

Resource Name

Displays the selected resources and the projects and activities to which the resource is assigned. The values are:

<Employee name (employee ID)>: Click to transfer to the View Resource Graph page, where you can view a graph of the resource's workload by day. The link works only if the resource is a PeopleSoft Resource Management-managed resource or a generic resource. If the resource is a generic resource, Generic appears in the parentheses in place of the employee ID.

<Project description (project ID)>: Click to transfer to the Resource Detail page, where you can view and update the assignment schedule for the resource. The project ID appears after the project description only if you select the Display Project ID option on the Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters) page. The project row appears only if the resource is assigned to a project.

<Activity description (activity ID)>: Click to transfer to the Resources by Activity page, where you can view and update the activity details and schedule. The activity ID appears after the activity description only if you select the Display Activity ID option on the Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters) page. The activity row appears only if the resource is assigned to an activity.

Primary Project Role

Displays the primary project role from the Resources page for the project that is shown for both named and generic labor resources.

Indicates that the resource is overloaded. Move your mouse cursor over the indicator to see the date range for which the resource is overloaded.

The overloaded indicator is calculated based on the latest of these dates:

  • The resource's earliest assignment date on the projects in the workload scope.

  • The date that you entered in the View Schedule From field on the Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters) page.

For named resources, the system uses these rules to determine whether a resource is overloaded:

  • If the resource is assigned to a project on a day that is not a standard working day for that resource, the resource is overloaded.

  • If the workload scope is a single project, the system calculates the overload for all resources based on the hours per day that are defined for the project.

    If a resource is assigned to activities that add up to more hours per day than the project, the resource is overloaded.

  • If the workload scope contains multiple projects, the system checks to see whether a resource is overloaded only for PeopleSoft Resource Management-managed resources.

    The system calculates the overload based on the standard work hours per day from PeopleSoft Resource Management. If a resource is assigned to activities that total more than the resource's standard work hours per day, then they are overloaded.

    For generic resources, the system displays the overload indicator based on the single project to which the generic resource is assigned regardless of the scope that is selected. The system calculates the overload for generic resources based on the hours per day that are defined for the project. If the number of hours that a generic resource is assigned to activities adds up to more hours per day than the project hours per day, the generic resource is overloaded.

Work (Hrs) Work (Hours)

Displays the total workload, in hours, for the scope that you defined on the Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters) page for each of these rows:

  • Resource row work hours are calculated based on the sum of the hours for all of the project activities in the workload scope to which the resource is assigned.

  • Project row work hours are calculated based on the project assignment schedule from the Resource Detail page. The daily workload is calculated based on the Hours Per Day value that is defined on the Program Management tab in the Project General component, multiplied by the Units value on the Resource Detail page.

  • Activity row work hours are calculated based on the hours for the activity to which the resource is assigned.

Period (Hrs) (Hours)

Displays the amount of workload hours for the particular period. The system displays the period columns divided into days, weeks, or months depending on the group by option that you selected on the Master Resource Schedule (selection parameters) page.

The system uses the project calendar that is specified on the Project General - Program Management page for the project to determine which days to display workload hours for. The system displays the workload hours for the days that the resource is assigned on the project based on the normal business days that are defined on the project calendar. For example, if the project has a calendar with normal business days of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the workload hours appear only for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for each resource that is assigned to an activity on this project.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Resource Graphs

Access the View Resource Graph page (click a resource name on the Master Resource Schedule page).

The resource graph is a vertical bar chart that shows the resource's workload by day. For named resources, the bar for each day represents the total units from the Resources by Activity page for each project activity that is included in the scope. For generic resources, the bar for each day represents the sum of hours that the resource is assigned to activities based on only a single project. The system appends the project name to the generic resource name in the Resource Name field. The system renders the graph based on the page from which you accessed it and the scope. This table lists the different pages from which you can access the View Resource Graph page and how the segments are calculated based on the scope:

Page from which you accessed the View Resource Graph


Segment Calculation

Master Resource Schedule

Single project.

The segments are calculated based on the hours per day that are defined for the project.

Master Resource Schedule

Multiple projects.

The segments are calculated based on the standard work hours per day, which are calculated from PeopleSoft Resource Management.


Single Project (the project that you used to access the Resources page).

The segments are calculated based on the hours per day that are defined for the project.

If the workload is greater than 100 percent, the resource is overloaded, which appears as a red segment in the graph.

Click the blue Scroll Left and Scroll Right navigation arrows to scroll horizontally through the days.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Resource Workload Statistics

Access the Resource Workload Statistics page (click the Resource Workload Statistics link on the Master Resource Schedule page).

The business unit, workload, resources, and currency appear in the header. The workload and resource scope is the same as what you defined for the master resource schedule. The system uses the default currency of the business unit.

Team Member

Displays the employee ID of named resources. Generic appears for generic resources.

Resource Name

Displays the resource name for named resources. For generic resources, the name of the generic resource and the project ID appear.

% Project Workload (project workload percentage)

Displays the percent of the total project workload to which each resource is assigned, which is calculated as ((Resource workload) ÷ (Project workload)) × 100. For example, if a resource is assigned a total workload of 40 hours and the total project workload is 160 hours, the project workload percentage for that resource is 25 percent.

% Utilization (Utilization percentage)

Displays the utilization percentage of a resource within the workload scope, calculated as (Resource's total workload) ÷ (Resource's total capacity) × 100.

Resource Cost

Displays the project total cost for the resource, calculated by summing the values in the Cost column on the Resource by Activity page.

% Project Cost (project cost percentage)

Displays the projected percent of the total project cost, which is calculated as ((Resource's cost) ÷ (Total project cost)) × 100.

Click to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Resource Lists

This section discusses how to analyze a resource list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Analyze Resource Lists

Page Name

Definition Name



Resource List Analysis


Program Management, Interactive Reports, Resource List

Use search criteria to display resource statistics about the projects that meet the criteria.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAnalyzing a Resource List

Access the Resource List Analysis page (Program Management, Interactive Reports, Resource List).

Enter the necessary search criteria to filter projects. Click the Search button for the system to retrieve and display a list of projects and their resource statistics. Click the Reset button to reinstate the default values for the page.


Click a link in this column to access the Resources page for the project to view and edit resource details.

Total Number of Resources

Displays the total number of labor resources that are on the project's team, including assigned, unassigned, past, and present team members.

Number of Named Resources

Displays the number of resources who are identified by employee ID. Generic resources are not included in this total.

Number of Extensions

Displays the number of times that resources are extended beyond their original end dates in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Number of Early Removals

Displays the number of times that resources are removed earlier than their original end dates in PeopleSoft Resource Management. If the same employee is removed early more than once, each removal is counted.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing the Resource Workbench

This section provides an overview of the Resource Workbench and discusses how to view the Resource Workbench.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Resource Workbench

This page displays lists of this data:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View the Resource Workbench

Page Name

Definition Name



Resource Workbench


Program Management, Project Management, Resource Workbench

View a summary of an individual resource's involvement with one or more projects.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Resource Workbench

Access the Resource Workbench page (Program Management, Project Management, Resource Workbench).

From Date and To Date

Enter dates to restrict the project activities that appear in the Assignments grid. The system uses the current date as the default for the From Date field.

Show Status

Select to filter the project activities that appear in the Assignments grid to a specific status. This status is the resource status from the project resource level. Values are:

All: This is the default value.






Click to refresh the project activities that appear in the Assignments grid after entering a value into the From Date field or the To Date field or selecting a status from the Show Status drop-down list box.

View Chart

Click to access the Resource Workbench - Gantt Chart page, where you can view your project schedule.

Go To

Select from these options:

Create Expense Report: Transfers you to the Create Expense Report component in PeopleSoft Expenses, where you can view pending expense reports or create a new expense report.

Create Time Report: Transfers you to the Create Time Report component in PeopleSoft Expenses, where you can view pending time reports or create a new time report.

This field appears only if you have PeopleSoft Expenses installed.

Assignments - Details

When you access this page, all of the resource's current project activities appear in the Assignments grid. You can filter the results using the From Date, To Date, and Show Status fields.


Displays the activity ID as a link to the Activity - General Information page, where you can view or update activity details.

%Complete (percent complete)

Displays the percentage of the activity that is complete. This field is display-only.

Assignments - Work


Displays the percentage of the resource's time that is assigned to this activity.

Assigned Work

Displays the number of hours that this resource is scheduled to work on this assignment.

Actual Work

Displays the number of approved hours from PeopleSoft Expenses for which this resource has entered time.

Remaining Work

Displays the amount of time that is left to complete this activity.

Status Reports, Issues, and Deliverables

The system displays any status reports, issues, or deliverables that are assigned to the resource. Click a link in the appropriate column to display the details of a status report, issue, or deliverable. No search record prompt is available to access the page, because it shows only data about the user who signs in and navigates to the page.

Last 5 Time Reports

The system displays the five most current time reports. Click a <Time Report ID> link to access the View Time Report page, where you can view details of the time report.

Last 5 Expense Reports

The system displays the five most current expense reports . Click a <Report ID> link to access the View Expense Report page, where you can view details of the expense report.