Conducting Capacity Planning

This chapter provides an overview of capacity planning, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Capacity Planning

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCapacity Planning in PeopleSoft Resource Management

Capacity Planning enables the Executive and IT management teams to commit to the highest priority projects and other demands with confidence, knowing that sufficient resource capacity exists within the organization. Capacity planning provides management with the:

Capacity Planning is an integral piece of functionality for the Project Portfolio Management and Information Technology (IT) governance markets. It is the merger and balance of human resources (supply) and work to be done (demand) to achieve and sustain peak operational efficiency.

PeopleSoft Resource Management provides IT and development organizations with capacity planning functionality to empower managers who make important demand commitment decisions based upon limited resources or capacity information. Capacity planning is primarily concerned with long-term projections and decisions about your organization's resource demand and supply.

After IT and development organizations have made important demand commitment decisions based upon their strategic capacity planning, pool managers, resource managers, and program managers need to execute upon those commitments. At an operational or day-to-day level, difficult resource decisions must be made over the course of a project to be successful. Some operational challenges—such as high resource turnover rates, extended vacations or illness on the part of key resources—cannot be forecast with Capacity Planning.

By logically grouping resources together, resource pools enable efficient resource management, while supply categories allow for classification of resources more interchangeably. Generic resource allocation enables managers to reserve pool capacity, and supply category analytics improve visibility of resource capacity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTerminology

This table describes terms that are relevant to capacity planning:



Supply Forecast

A supply forecast is an aggregated projection of all labor resource capacity based on resource pool headcount forecasts and capacity.

Demand Forecast

A demand forecast is an aggregated projection of all labor resource demand from projects and external data sources.

Commitment Line

A commitment line is the point at which a prioritized list of demand is separated into committed versus deferred.

Capacity Planning Consolidated Scenario

A complete capacity planning scenario consists of a version of the supply forecast, a version of the demand forecast, a commitment line and list of assumptions.

Supply Categories

Supply categories are specific resource attributes that are commonly used for capacity planning, availability and reporting purposes. The supply categories are project role, region, resource pool, and personnel status.

Resource Pools

Resource pool setup is an integral part of capacity planning, and is based on how your company wants to organize your resources based on such factors as location, job function, team, application, and so on. A resource pool is a collection of resources that are distinctly different from a project team or human resources (HR) department that is used for management and planning purposes. An administrator or pool manager defines the resource pools in the system, and assigns a manager for each pool. A pool manager can then add, update, or remove resources from pools.

Project Manager

A project manager is responsible for the planning, estimating, resourcing, and execution of a project.

HR Manager

An HR manager is responsible for the budgeting, supervision, and performance review of a group of resources that is typically assigned to a department or cost center.

Resource Pool Manager

A resource pool manager is responsible for the management and capacity planning of a group of resources.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCapacity Planning High-Level Process Steps

The capacity planning process can be described with these steps:

  1. Executives organize resources into meaningful resource pools and set resource utilization percentages at the regional level.

  2. Pool managers forecast capacity percentages for each resource role in their pool and account for future capacity.

  3. The program manager creates the initial supply forecast model showing total capacity for each resource pool by using the capacity percentages combined with the preset region-based utilization percentages.

  4. Once a supply forecast is created, executives can adjust capacity and regional utilization percentages to create different supply forecasts from the original model to analyze alternate scenarios.

  5. The program manager creates the initial demand forecast, which is combined with supply forecasts to create consolidated scenarios for what-if analysis.

    The flexibility of this conditional analysis helps management determine the optimal balance of available resources and pending work for the projected time period.

The project manager can add generic resources with supply categories to the project resource list and requests assignments. The project manager creates a generic resource request, and has the option to automatically request generic and named resources during Microsoft Project (MSP) integration. The pool managers can view supply category capacity, allocation and availability by week, at the pool and role level. The project manager can view individual resource availability based on project assignments and activity assignments. After pool managers have viewed the supply category analytic information, they can transfer resources from one pool to another pool, or do a mass transfer of assignments from one resource to another resource. The pool managers can then update generic allocations to named resource assignments.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To implement capacity planning, you must

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Capacity Planning

This section provides an overview of resource utilization percentages and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resource Utilization Percentages

Before you can create a supply forecast you must set up resource utilization percentages. The system enables you to view the historical utilization percentage of the resources and to set a new percentage to create a supply forecast model.

Setting up utilization percentages consists of defining regions, associating time reporting business units and time reporting codes to regions, and setting a utilization percentage default per region.

Note. Region is a supply category.

The Link Regions to Business Units component (RS_REGION_BUEX)includes the mapping of PeopleSoft Expenses business units and setIDs to the region code. The Define Utilization Percentages component (RS_REGION_UTIL) includes a breakdown of historical and default utilization percentages based on the setID's time reporting codes (TRCs) for that region. The component searches the preceding year's reported timesheets to gather the historical information.

Note. The historical utilization percentage is an approximation and is mainly used to create the supply forecast.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Capacity Planning

Page Name

Definition Name



Region Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Location, Region Codes, Region Codes

Set up region codes for the Resource Management region category ID.

Note. If you do not want to use regions, set up an Unassigned region for each setID and use that value when defining the Region supply category for a resource.

See Establishing Regions and Region Codes.

Region Type Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Location, Region Type Codes, Region Type Codes

Set up region types.

See Establishing Regions and Region Codes.

Link Regions to Business Units


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Resource Management, Utilization Percentage, Link Regions to Business Units, Link Regions to Business Units

Select the PeopleSoft Expenses business units to map to each region. The system calculates the historical utilization percentage of resources per region. A PeopleSoft Expenses business unit can belong to only one region. All PeopleSoft Expenses business units within a region must have the same setID.

Define Utilization Percentages


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Resource Management, Utilization Percentage, Define Utilization Percentages, Define Utilization Percentages

Define utilization percentages for each region's policy time reporting codes. The system initially calculates the utilization percentage based on the time logged by resources in that region to the policy time codes over the course of the previous year and display it on this page. You can use that calculated utilization percentage as a reference point in setting the actual region utilization percentage that will be used in capacity planning.

Installation Options - Resource Management


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Resource Management

Select the default unit of measure display and conversion for resource work in the Capacity Planning Setup group box. Specify the default capacity planning region. The system uses this region as the default value when you add effort to a demand forecast or combined scenario analysis.

See Defining Resource Management Installation Options.

Common Installation Options page - Resource Setup


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Resource Setup, Common Installation Options

Verify that the scheduling options are set up appropriately for the default work days and standard hours per day.

See Setting Up Resources.

Strategic Capacity Planning Home


  • Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Strategic Capacity Home, Strategic Capacity Planning Home

  • Click a Capacity Planning Home link from any page in the component.

Provides a centralized location for strategic capacity planning activities, and lists the last five supply, demand, and consolidated scenario analysis forecasts that the user accessed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Business Units with Regions

Access the Link Regions to Business Units page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Resource Management, Utilization Percentage, Link Regions to Business Units).

Business Unit

Select from a list of PeopleSoft Expenses business units that are not yet associated with a region.

Note. Business units that are already associated to a region do not appear in the list.

Note. Region is a required supply category for all PeopleSoft Resource Management resources.

See Also

Establishing and Maintaining Employees and Non-Employees as Resources

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Resource Utilization Percentages by Region

Access the Define Utilization Percentages page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Resource Management, Utilization Percentage, Define Utilization Percentages).

Time Reporting Code

Displays the time reporting codes (TRCs) for each region. The system obtains the policy time codes using the business units that are linked to that region on the Region Codes page.


Utilization % (utilization percentage)

The utilization percentage that appears as the default value is the historical utilization percentage. You can override the default value.

Note. If you change the Utilization % after a forecast is saved, the forecast will not be affected.

Historical Utilization % (historical utilization percentage)

Displays the percentage of total time reported by the resources in the region for each TRC for the previous year in PeopleSoft Expenses.

Total Utilization % (total utilization percentage)

Displays the final utilization that is used within strategic capacity planning models, which is calculated by subtracting all Utilization % rows from 100 percent.

Total Historical Utilization % (total historical utilization percentage)

Displays the final historical utilization, which is calculated by subtracting all Historical Utilization % rows from 100 percent. Historical utilization assists management with determining the proper utilization value to set.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Capacity Planning Options

Access the Installation Options - Resource Management page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Resource Management).

See Defining Resource Management Installation Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Strategic Capacity Planning

Access the Strategic Capacity Planning Home page (Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Strategic Capacity Home, Strategic Capacity Planning Home).

Consolidated Scenario Analysis

Click a link in the Scenario Name column to view details of that scenario.

Create New Scenario

Click this link to create a new consolidated scenario.

Find Existing Scenario

Click this link to view a particular consolidated scenario.

Supply Forecast

Click a link in the Supply Name column to view details of that supply forecast.

Create New Forecast

Click this link to create a new supply forecast.

Find Existing Forecast

Click this link to view a particular supply forecast.

Copy Forecast

Click this link to copy a particular supply forecast.

Demand Forecast

Click a link in the Demand Name column to view details of that demand forecast.

Create New Forecast

Click this link to create a new demand forecast.

Find Existing Forecast

Click this link to view a particular demand forecast.

Copy Forecast

Click this link to copy a particular demand forecast.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Supply Forecast Models

This section provides overviews of the supply forecast model and resources and capacity calculations, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Supply Forecast Model

Supply consists of human resources that are available to do work. A supply forecast is an aggregated projection of all labor resource capacity based on resource pool headcount forecasts and utilization. A supply forecast model provides an organization with a way to gain an accurate, concise picture of its forecasted resource capacity over a period of time.

After resources are grouped in resource pools, pool managers can define a capacity percent for each resource (named or generic) in their pool and account for future capacity in those resource pools. This information is combined with the preset, region-based utilization percentage to create a supply forecast that calculates the total capacity for each resource pool. Three other supply categories (role, region, and personnel status) further segregate the data.

The system also calculates the capacity of each resource (named and generic) within each of the selected pools for the selected date range. The data is presented in a summarized format and initially displayed by pool and role (within each pool). You have the option to view the data by other supply categories as well as in graphical format. In addition, you can view the resource information using PeopleSoft Analytic Calculation Engine interactive analysis.

The maximum range for supply forecasting is 24 months.

Note. All data in supply forecasts, demand forecasts, and consolidated scenarios are point-in-time. This means that if additional resource pools or demand data change or become available on the transactional side, it does not affect any existing forecasts or scenarios—unless you specifically choose to add them afterwards. In other words, forecasts are created based on the picture of the supply and demand as of the date the forecast was created. If pools and capacity are added a week later, for example, that information does not appear in the supply forecast. You can manually add the supply or new resource pools to the forecast or create a new forecast to capture the latest supply data.

This flowchart shows the supply forecast model process:

Supply Forecast Model process flow

You use the Supply Forecast component (RS_FR_SUPPLY) to create, view, and modify supply forecasts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resources and Capacity Calculations

This section discusses:

Resources Without Roles

Because role is not a required supply category for a resource, it is possible that the forecast will encounter resources that do not have a role specified. If the forecast encounters any resources with a blank Role field, the system displays the capacity for these resources with a label of Undefined Role. For example, this table lists the resources within Pool A:




Michael Fontes


100 days

Serena Clemens


120 days

Kelly Orihood


100 days

Justine Yee


50 days

Christopher Brown


75 days

The capacity breakdown is:

Resource Capacity Calculations

The system calculates capacity in either hours or days. Organizations decide at the installation level if they will display and calculate capacity in hours or days. Capacity is calculated by selecting each resource that is part of the selected pools for the time period that the forecast is being created. The system looks up the capacity percentage that was set in that pool for each resource. The capacity is multiplied by the number of days or hours in the forecast period. Finally, a utilization percentage (based on the resource's region) is applied. Therefore:

capacity = (resource pool capacity percentage) × (number of days or hours in period) × (utilization percentage)

The following scenarios explain how capacity is calculated. This table presents the information that is used in the subsequent scenarios:



Supply forecast period

June, 2004 - May, 2005 (12 months)

Display capacity in

Days (installation setting)

Number of hours in a day

8 (installation setting)

Number of days in a month

20 (installation setting)

One full-time resource

20 (Days per month = one full-time resource)

Utilization percentage for USA

85 percent

Scenario 1: Resource is in one pool with the same pool capacity percentage for the entire period.



Resource name




Pool capacity percentage




(Pool capacity percentage) × (number of days or hours in period) × (utilization percentage).

1. 0 × (20 days × 12 months) × 0.85 = 204 days of capacity for the period.

Scenario 2: Resource is in one pool with one pool capacity percentage for one full month, and another pool capacity percentage for the rest of the period.



Resource name

Alysha Kibble


QA Lead

Pool capacity percentage

50 (6/1/04 - 6/30/04)

100 (7/1/04 - no end date)



(Pool capacity percentage) × (number of days or hours in period) × (utilization percentage).

06/01/04 – 06/30/04: 0.5 × (20 days x 1 month) × 0.85 = 8.5 days of capacity.

07/01/04 – 05/31/05: 1.0 × (20 days x 11 months) × 0.85 = 187 days of capacity.

Total capacity for the forecast period is 195.5 days.

Scenario 3: Resource is in one pool with one pool capacity percentage for a partial month, and another pool capacity percentage spanning multiple months.



Resource name

Corinne Brown


Project Manager

Pool capacity percentage

50 (6/1/04 - 7/21/04)

100 (7/22/04 - no end date)



This scenario is one of the more complicated situations that may be present. The dates are broken down monthly (or by fractions of months when the capacity changes mid-month):

(Pool capacity percentage) × (number of days or hours in period) × (utilization percentage).

06/01/04 – 06/30/04: 0.5 × (20 days x 1 month) × 0.85 = 8.5 days of capacity.

07/01/04 – 07/21/04: 1.0 × (20 days x 0.68 month) × 0.85 = 5.8 days of capacity.

07/22/04 – 07/31/04: 1.0 × (20 days x 0.32 month) × 0.85 = 5.4 days of capacity.

08/01/04 – 05/31/05: 1.0 × (20 days x 10 months) × 0.85 = 170 days of capacity.

Total capacity for the forecast period is 189.7 days.

Supply full-time resource takes into account all the regions found in the supply forecast. For example, if the number of days is 6000, the region utilization percent is 80 (since each region can have a different percent each one would have to be included in the calculations), the days per month for a full-time resource is 20, and the number of months in the scenario date range is 12, the calculation is:

6000 days ÷ 0.80 ÷ 20 days ÷ 12 = 31.25 full-time resources.

Note. Full-time resources are calculated differently between the Supply Summary page and the Supply Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Modify Supply Forecasts

Page Name

Definition Name



Supply Forecast - Select Pools


Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Supply Forecast

Click the Continue Selecting Pools link in an existing supply forecast.

Add a new supply forecast and select the pools to add to the supply forecast.

Search for Pools


Click the Search for Pools link on the Supply Forecast - Select Pools page.

Search for pools by pool name, pool manager, or pool ID to be added to the supply forecast.

Supply Forecast


  • Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Supply Forecast, Supply Forecast

  • Click the View Supply Forecast link on the Supply Forecast - Select pools page.

View the summarized information for a supply forecast. The page contains links to all the other supply forecast functions.

After you select the pools that you want to include in the supply forecast, you can view the calculated capacity for all the resources (generic and named resources) that are in the selected resource pools. The data is summarized first by pool and then by role.

Supply Forecast Detail


  • Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Supply Forecast, Supply Forecast Detail

  • Click the View Supply Forecast link on the Supply Forecast - Select Pools page.

    Click the Total link on the Supply Forecast page.

  • Click a pool name in the Supply Summary grid on the Supply Forecast page.

View the supply details for all of the pools or one particular pool in the supply forecast.

Modify Supply in Forecast


Click a link in the Role column on the Supply Forecast Detail page.

Add or subtract the actual supply in the forecast to, for example, model different scenarios for a given calculated resource pool role row.

Add New Supply To Forecast


Click the Add New Supply button on the Supply Forecast page.

Add additional supply to a forecast.

Note. The system validates the dates you enter to ensure that the start date is not greater than the end date and that the date range does not exceed 24 months. When adding a new value, you can manually enter the supply forecast ID or the system can generate it.

Modify Region Utilization


Click the Modify Region Utilization button on the Supply Forecast page.

Change the utilization percentage for a forecast.

Supply Forecast Modification History


Click the Forecast Modification History link on the Supply Forecast page.

View details of modifications made to supply forecasts.

Supply Analysis


Click the Supply Analysis link on the Supply Forecast page or Supply Forecast Detail page.

Analyze supply forecast data by supply categories and months.

View Supply Forecast Charts


Click the Supply Summary Charts link on the Supply Forecast page or Supply Forecast Detail page.

View graphical summarized capacity information by supply category.

Copy Forecast


Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Strategic Capacity Home, Strategic Capacity Planning Home

Click the Copy Forecast link in the Supply Forecast group box or the Demand Forecast group box.

Create copies of existing forecasts with same date range as the original forecast. Use this page to copy supply or demand.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Forecasts and Selecting Pools

Access the Supply Forecast - Select Pools page (Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Supply Forecast, click the Continue Selecting Pools link in an existing supply forecast).


Select this check box to designate that a pool is selected for the forecast. When you select a pool that has child pools, all the child pools should be selected as well. You can clear a parent pool without clearing the associated child pools.

Pool Name

Displays the description of the available pools from which to select.

Manager Name

Displays the name of the pool manager.

Add To Supply Forecast

Click this button to add the selected pools to the supply forecast.

Remove From Supply Forecast

Click this button to remove the selected pools from the supply forecast.

Search for Pools

Click this link to access the Search for Pools page where you can provide pool name, pool manager name, and pool ID criteria to limit the search and selection of specific pools.

View Supply Forecast

Click this link to view the summarized information for a supply forecast.

The Selected Pool icon appears after you select a resource pool and click the Add To Supply Forecast button to add the pool to the supply forecast.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Pools to Forecasts

Access the Search for Pools page (click the Search for Pools link on the Supply Forecast - Select Pools page).


After you enter search criteria in the Search for Pools group box and view results in the Search Results group box, select the pools that you want to add to the forecast.

Add To Supply Forecast

Click this button to add the selected pools to the forecast. When you click this button, the Selected Pool icon appears next to the pool name. Click the Return to Select Pools link to return to the Supply Forecast - Select Pools page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Supply Forecasts

Access the Supply Forecast page (Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Supply Forecast, Supply Forecast).


Enter a description for this supply forecast.


Displays the pool name and associated roles for the pool. Click a pool link in this column to view all the calculated capacity in detail for that role within the specific pool. You can remove an entire pool from the supply forecast by selecting the adjacent check box and clicking the Remove From Forecast button.

Total Capacity(Hours) or Total Capacity(Days)

Based on your installation choice, this column displays the total calculated resource capacity in the pool for the date range specified for the supply forecast displays in hours or days. The data is summarized first by pool and then by role.

Full Time Resources

Displays the total number of full-time resources in the pool for the date range specified for the forecast. The common denominator for the calculation is the number of months included in the forecast.


Displays the total capacity and full-time resources. Click this link to view supply details for all the pools in the supply forecast.

Add New Supply

Click to access the Add New Supply To Forecast page and select a date range within the forecast periods, pool, role, personnel status, region, and amount of capacity that you want to add to the supply forecast capacity.

Modify Region Utilization

Click to access the Modify Region Utilization page and adjust the region utilization percentage for the current supply forecast.

Remove From Forecast

Click to remove selected pool data from the forecast.

Continue Selecting Pools

Click to access the Supply Forecast - Select Pools page and refine the pool selection for this forecast.

Supply Analysis

Click to access the Supply Analysis page to view and analyze supply forecast data by the four supply categories with monthly views.

Supply Summary Charts

Click to access the View Supply Forecast Charts page and view charts based on the supply categories.

Forecast Modification History

Click to access the Supply Forecast Modification History page and view each modification to the actual supply in the forecast.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Supply Forecast Details

Access the Supply Forecast Detail page (Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Supply Forecast, Supply Forecast Detail).


Enter a description for this supply forecast.

Indicates that the row was added to the forecast by using the Add New Supply page.


Click this icon to enter comments about the supply row. If the icon contains lines, comments already exist for the row. If the icon does not contain lines, no comments exist for the row.

Supply Details

Role, Pool, Region, and Personnel Status

These are the supply categories for the resource capacity that appears on the row. Click the role to modify the capacity that appears in the row.

Total Capacity (Hours) or Total Capacity (Days)

Displays the resource capacity for the row. The value is based on the unit of measure—either days or hours—selected during installation.

Full Time Resources

Displays the calculation of full-time resources for each row. The system calculates full-time resources based on the start and end dates on each row in the Supply Details grid. You can add a new row of supply that is within the forecast date range but that does not cover the entire range. It's important to note that the calculation is based on the date range specified in that row.

Start Date and End Date

Displays the start and end date for the supply forecast. The system uses these dates to calculate capacity and full-time resources. All rows that are calculated from the resource pools must be the same date range as the forecast period. You can add new supply and specify date ranges within the forecast period. The capacity and full-time resources that the system calculates for the added rows are only based on the dates you entered on the Add New Supply page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying Supply Forecasts

Access the Modify Supply in Forecast page (click a link in the Role column on the Supply Forecast Detail page).

The page displays supply categories for the selected row—role, region, pool, and personnel status. You cannot change the supply categories of an existing row that was calculated from a resource pool.


Select capacity Days or Hours, based on the unit of measure installation setting for capacity planning), or Resources. The capacity values appear that exist for the row. The values can be positive or negative numbers. Enter a value in one of the boxes. The system calculates the corresponding value (capacity in days or hours, or full-time resources) in the Supply Details grid after you click OK. The new calculation does not appear on the Modify Supply in Forecast page until you reenter that page from the Supply Forecast Detail page.

Note. Changes made to either the Days or Resources fields are not saved unless the respective option is selected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding New Supply

Access the Add New Supply To Forecast page (Click the Add New Supply button on the Supply Forecast page).

Note. You can enter the same supply categories as an existing row, including the same date ranges.

Role SetID and Role

Enter a setID and any valid role. You can enter roles that are not yet in the forecast.


Enter a pool ID. If you later remove a pool from the forecast, any new supply rows that you added for that pool are removed from the forecast as well.

Region Code

Enter any valid region. You can enter regions that are not yet in the forecast.

Personnel Status

Select Employee or Non-Employee.


Select Hours or Days, based on the installation settings, and enter the number of hours or days to add to the supply forecast. Alternatively, select Resources and enter the number of full-time resources to add to the supply forecast.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the date range over which you want to add this supply in the model. The dates must be within or equal to the supply forecast date ranges. The forecast start and end dates appear by default.


Click this link to add comments about this new supply.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying Region Utilization

Access the Modify Region Utilization page (Click the Modify Region Utilization button on the Supply Forecast page).

Note. The utilization values only apply to the particular forecast and do not override the system region utilization percent.


Enter a description of the modifications.

Region and Utilization % (utilization percent)

Displays all the regions that are set up in the system and the utilization percent for the forecast.

Utilization % for this forecast

Enter a different utilization percent. The default value is equal to the Utilization % value. The system uses the value you enter to recalculate the supply in the current supply forecast.

The value that you enter here remains with this forecast whenever you access it. All supply will be based on the value that you specify in this field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Forecast History

Access the Supply Forecast Modification History page (click the Forecast Modification History link on the Supply Forecast page).


Possible actions are:

Add: Indicates that you added a supply using the Add New Supply To Forecast page.

Update: Indicates that you added or removed an existing supply row that originally came from resource pools.

Delete: Indicates that you selected a row clicked the Remove from Forecast button.

Capacity (Hours) or Capacity (Days) and Full Time Resource

Displays the difference between the original supply details value and what you changed in the Add New Supply To Forecast or Supply Forecast Modification pages.

For example, you update an existing row that was calculated based on the resource pools, and not by adding new supply row. You change the total capacity from 500 days to 250 days, and consequently the full-time resources change from 3 to 1.5. The action is Update, the capacity (hours) value in the Supply Forecast Modification History is −250, and the full-time resource value is −1.5.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Supply

Access the Supply Analysis page (click the Supply Analysis link on the Supply Forecast page or Supply Forecast Detail page).

Manipulate the data based on dimensions, including Project Role, Pool, Region Code, and Personnel Status. For example, drag and drop the ALL_ROLES project role dimension to change the supply analysis view.

You can also see all months, rolled up together or individually, that are part of the forecast.

You can apportion by supply categories to change the total capacity and full-time resource dimensions.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Analytic Calculation Engine, "Understanding PeopleSoft Analytic Calculation Engine."

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Supply Forecast Charts

Access the View Supply Forecast Charts page (click the Supply Summary Charts link on the Supply Forecast page or Supply Forecast Detail page).

Total Capacity and Full Time Resources

View the supply information by selecting Total Capacity (in the capacity planning installation level unit of measure of hours or days), or Full Time Resources.

Chart Type

Select to view a bar or pie chart.


Click to update the charts after you select different chart options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Supply Forecasts

Access the Copy Forecast page (Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Strategic Capacity Home, Strategic Capacity Planning Home, click the Copy Forecast link in the Supply Forecast group box or the Demand Forecast group box).

Forecast Type

Displays the forecast type that you select from the Strategic Capacity Planning Home page. If you select Copy Supply Forecast from the home page, the value is Supply. If you select Copy Demand Forecast from the home page, the value is Demand.

Note. You can create copies of existing supply forecasts. The newly created copy has the same date range as the original. The main purpose is to enable you to create multiple supply forecasts quickly for the same period to model multiple supply scenarios. For example, one forecast might be for increasing contractor supply, another for moving some supply offshore, and another for modeling zero supply change.

New Forecast ID

Enter the ID for the new supply or demand forecast. The forecast ID can be autonumbered or assigned manually. If you assign the forecast ID manually, enter up to 15 characters. Autonumbered forecast IDs are 10 characters long.

New Forecast Name

Enter the name of the new forecast.

Copy from Forecast

Select the forecast that you want to copy.


Click to access the Supply Forecast page or Demand Forecast Summary page. The system populates the new forecast ID and forecast name on the page.

You do not need to click the Save Forecast button, as the forecast is already saved as a result of the Copy Forecast Application Engine process (RS_COPY_FRST).

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Demand Forecast Models

This section provides an overview of the demand forecast model and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Demand Forecast Models

In an IT organization, frequent projections of upcoming work are often required in an effort to improve a company's overall operational efficiency. IT executives need foreknowledge of the potential projects that are coming, to be able to compare the demand on their resources with projections of how much work they can manage given their existing resource constraints.

Whether the demand is as minor as a project to relocate a server (tactical project) or as significant as a system implementation spanning several years (strategic program), the supply of resources must remain adequate to meet the demand for work to be completed. Capacity planning enables management to build supply forecasts based on existing headcount, along with engaging in what-if scenarios so they can determine the effect of adding or cutting resources, obtaining contractor services, and so on. Similarly, the process of collating demand into a demand forecast is also needed.

IT organizations receive demand on their time through multiple methods, ranging from projects to external demand data sourced out of third-party systems. Before creating the demand forecast, the setup of import data and clean up of that data must take place so that it can be used in the demand forecast.

The demand for resources is brought into the demand forecast from the following sources:

After the preliminary demand forecast is populated with the raw data, you have the ability to add or delete demand from the list, categorize the entries in the list, and prioritize and rank the individual demand's importance for the organization. When you have verified and cleaned up the demand forecast, you can combine it with a similarly verified and clean supply forecast into a consolidated supply-demand scenario, where you can perform further what-if scenarios to determine the optimal balance of available resources and pending work for the upcoming projected time period.

Note. The maximum range for demand forecasting is 24 months. Although demand itself can span longer (for example, a five-year implementation project), the forecast only concerns itself with a maximum of two years, and will only pull effort data within that two-year span.

You can upload data with the Excel to Component Interface utility. The component interface used in this process is RS_LOAD_EXT_DMD. This component interface contains all the fields that are required to load demand data into the system.

You first load demand-related data into the Excel spreadsheet. After you run the Excel to Component Interface utility to load the data, you use the Load External Demand page to clean up the data and add any additional information that was not specified in the Excel to Component Interface process.

Demands loaded using the utility display in the Load External Demand page. The External Demand Interface staging table (RS_INTFC_DMD) contains all the rows that you entered in the spreadsheet. All rows are validated against the prompts in the External Search table (RS_DMD_SRCH_EXT), which is driven by business unit. Relevant rows that pass all validation tests are moved to the External Search table for more cleanup. You can add any demand, delete any demand, or update existing demands.

You use the Demand Forecast component (RS_FR_DEMAND) to create, view, and modify demand forecasts.

Note. All data in supply forecasts, demand forecasts, and consolidated scenarios is "point-in-time." This means that if additional resource pools or demand data changes or becomes available on the transactional side, it will not affect any existing forecasts or scenarios—unless you specifically choose to add them afterwards. In other words, forecasts are created based on supply and demand as of the date the forecast was created. If pools and capacity are added a week later, for example, that information does not appear in the supply forecast. You can manually add the supply but it does not automatically appear in the forecast.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Demand Forecast Models

Page Name

Definition Name



Load External Demand


Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Maintain External Demand Data

Import and clean up external demand data for use in demand forecasts.

Demand Forecast - Browse For Demand


  • Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Demand Forecast, Add a New Value, Demand Forecast - Browse for Demand

  • Click the Continue Selecting Demand link in an existing demand forecast.

Browse for demand from a predefined, filtered list to include in the demand forecast.

Demand Forecast - Search


Click the Search for Demand link on the Demand Forecast - Browse for Demand page.

Search for demand by using a set of multiple search criteria to include in the demand forecast.

Demand Forecast Summary


  • Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Demand Forecast, Demand Forecast Summary

  • Click the View Demand Forecast link on the Demand Forecast - Browse for Demand page.

View total time needed (in hours or days) and full-time resource count by application area.

This page displays the total time required (in hours or days, with conversion to full-time resource count) by application area only for the selected forecast ID.

Demand Forecast Details


Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Demand Forecast, Demand Forecast Details

Build and modify demand forecasts.

Demand Summary Charts


Click the Demand Summary Charts link on the Demand Forecast Summary page.

View graphical summarized capacity information by demand category.

Demand Analysis


Click the Demand Analysis link on the Demand Forecast Summary page.

Analyze demand forecast data by supply categories by month.

Demand Forecast - Demand Details


  • Click a link in the Demand column on the Demand Forecast Details page.

  • Click the Add New Demand button on the Demand Forecast Details page.

View details by role and other demand data, and add new demand to the forecast.

Demand Forecast - Add New Role


Click the Add New Role button on the Demand Forecast - Demand Details page.

For the demand, add, modify, or delete roles, and change the level of effort needed for each role.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting External Demand Data

Access the Load External Demand page (Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Maintain External Demand Data).

Note. You can load third-party data into a staging table by using the Excel to Component Interface spreadsheet, viewed through the RS_EXT_DMD_SRCH component, and validated so that it contains the proper information for enhanced analysis through the scenario component.

Sequence Number

Enter a unique number in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Each batch sequence number is uniquely identified by a load description for every upload process.

Load Description

Enter a unique batch load description. You can vary the name of each run to distinguish the data during the upload process.

Business Unit

Enter a business unit to map external data to either through manual entry in the spreadsheet or at a later point in the during data scrubbing to drive setID prompting.

Demand ID

Enter an ID, which the system stores in the External Demand Interface staging table. The system assigns items demand IDs during the load process.

Demand Description

Enter any text to identify the demand data row.

Role SetID

Enter the setID for the resource role requested by the demand.

Project Role

Enter the role requested by the demand.


Enter a higher level categorization of Projects (this is an existing PeopleSoft Program management field). This field is optional.


Enter the estimated length of time needed for this demand row for this role.

UOM (unit of measure)

Specify corresponding effort capacity in Days or Hours.

Application Area

Enter the group to which the demand belongs, such as IT, Marketing, and so on. We strongly recommend that you populate this field in order to view the data in summarized format in the demand forecast.


Enter an application to describe the system or application to which the demand applies, such as Program Management, Project Costing, and so on.


Assign a release to demand lines to account for periodic releases.


Enter a category to categorize the demand, such as Operational or Strategic.


Enter the original requester of the project request.

Request Date

Enter the date that the project request was first submitted.


Indicates whether a project is already active and in operation, as opposed to being in the proposal state. This helps you to determine whether projects that are currently running need to be canceled.

Values are:

  • In Progress: Projects in active processing status.

  • Pending: Projects in pending processing status.


Describes the data row's status after the load process.

Add Demand

Click to add a row in the Demand Data Cleanup grid.

You can enter any demand. The Demand ID is generated when a new row is added to the grid.

Validate Demand

Click to validate the demand data for business unit, required key fields, and translate values.

Load Demand

Click to retrieve all the rows from the External Demand Interface staging table. The process populates the Demand Cache table (RS_DMD_CACH) with all the demand data in monthly buckets and deletes the loaded rows from the interface grid in the page.

Note. When entering data in the Load External Demand Data component interface (RS_LOAD_EXT_DMD), it is important to ensure that the LINE_NBR field is not selected for input because it is an autogenerated field; do not enter any value in it.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces, "Using the Excel to Component Interface Utility"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Demand Forecasts

Access the Demand Forecast - Browse for Demand page (Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Demand Forecast, Add a New Value, Demand Forecast - Browse for Demand).


View Demand By

Filter your demand by selecting one of these options:

  • Application Area: Groups the demand by application area. This is a field on the Project Definitions - General Information page.

  • Program: Groups the demand by program.

  • Release: Groups the demand by release.

After you select a filter to view the demand, click the View button to display the demand. When you are satisfied with the demand, click the Add to Demand Forecast button for the system to add the demand.

Select the demand row that you want to add to the forecast.

You can click a link to an individual demand and select projects to add to the forecast.

Note. The demand forecast categorizes demand by application area, release, and program, although none of those fields are required for projects. Therefore, if you do not specify values in these fields, you cannot comprehensively use the Demand Forecast - Browse for Demand page because projects without those fields specified will not be visible. The only way you would be able to select projects to add to a demand forecast is to access the Demand Forecast - Search page where all projects within the demand forecast date range are accessible—whether or not application area, release, or program are specified.

Click this icon to drill further down to the individual demand level and select projects individually to add to the forecast. For example, click the icon to drill down from application area to application, and then to individual demand.

Add to Demand Forecast

Click to add the selected demand to the demand forecast.

Search for Demand

Click this link if the Demand group box does not provide the appropriate information and you need to perform a more detailed search.

Demand Forecast

This group box displays the forecast ID, name, and date range in MM/YYYY format.

View Demand Forecast

Click to access the Demand Forecast Summary page and view total time needed and full-time resource count by application area.

Search for Demand

Click to access the Demand Forecast - Search page and search for demand by using multiple search criteria.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Demand Data

Access the Demand Forecast - Search page (Click the Search for Demand link on the Demand Forecast - Browse for Demand page).

This page contains the results of the initial basic search. You can further modify the search parameters, and can search as many times as necessary to find the appropriate demand data.

The fields in the Demand grid on this page are the same as the fields on the Demand Forecast Details page, which is discussed in this chapter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Summary Demand Data

Access the Demand Forecast Summary page (Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Demand Forecast, Demand Forecast Summary).

Continue Selecting Demand

Click to access the Demand Forecast - Browse for Demand page and add demand data to the forecast.

Demand Analysis

Click to access the Demand Analysis page to perform further analysis. Perform these actions for all months (month by month), and one month at a time for each month in the forecast.

Demand Summary Charts

Click to access the Demand Summary Charts page and view graphical representations of the selected demand data.

Demand Summary

View the total effort required (in hours or days) with by application area. The system calculates the number of full-time resources needed.

Total effort is based on the project calendar set for the demand (or for the external demand, using the default project calendar for that business unit), and is calculated using the number of days specified for each role on the project in the Assignment Schedule group box on the Resource Details page in PeopleSoft Program Management, less weekends and holidays. The system calculates full-time resources by dividing the effort by the number of days per month for a full-time resource (as defined during the capacity planning setup in PeopleSoft Resource Management).

Note. The demand forecast first categorizes demand by the Application Area field. On this page, all demand is summarized at the application area. Any demand that does not have application area specified, will not be part of the demand summary; it will not display nor be part of the total full-time resource and capacity.

Demand that does not have application area specified is accessible on the Demand Forecast Details page.

Click Save Forecast to save the forecast, and to populate the lower half of the page with values in these fields:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying the Demand Forecast

Access the Demand Forecast Details page (Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Demand Forecast, Demand Forecast Details).

Note. Many of the fields on this page behave the same as fields on the Load External Demand page.


This is a sequencing field in which you can enter a number to rank demand in order of importance. Two demand rows in the same demand forecast can not have the same ranking. You do not have to rank all demand rows. You can leave gaps between ranking numbers; for example, you can assign a rank of 1, 2, and 4, but not 3.


Assign a value of Critical, High, Medium, or Low to demand rows for informational purposes only. No processing is done on these fields.


Displays the demand ID that is a concatenation of the project ID or external demand ID, and the demand description.

Click a demand ID link to access the Demand Forecast - Demand Details page to view details of the associated demand row, and modify demand information for the forecast.

Note. Changing the value of any of these demand details fields does not change the values on the actual project in the system. These demand detail values are used only in this forecast.


Displays the demand start and end dates, release, and status. For example:



Release 9.0


Effort and Category

Displays the estimated length of time needed for this demand row for this role.

This is a concatenation of effort, unit of measure, and category. Category is specified on the Project Definitions - General Information page.

Application Area, Application

Displays the application area and application to which the demand applies. Application and application area are specified on the Project Definitions - General Information page.


Displays a concatenation of the demand ID and the demand description.

For example:


Bulk Mailer Upgrade

Business Unit

Displays the demand project business unit.


Displays a PeopleSoft Program Management field that reflects a higher-level categorization of projects and project requests.

Project Type

The project type is specified on the Project Definitions - General Information page.

Demand Source

Displays the source of the demand data.

Requested by

If the project came from a project request, this field displays the requestor of the project request and the original creation date of the request. If the project was not created from a project request, this field displays the user ID that created the project.

Add New Demand

Click to access the Demand Forecast - Demand Details page and add demand information for the forecast.

Remove From Forecast

Click to delete the selected demand from the Demand Detail table and Demand Forecast Cache table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Demand Forecast Charts

Access the Demand Summary Charts page (Click the Demand Summary Charts link on the Demand Forecast Summary page).

Four charts appear on the page:

Adjacent to each pie chart section is the total effort (in hours or days), full-time resources conversion, and a percent of total field. An example of a pie section label is:

950/45 27%

This example indicates that the effort is 950 days, 45 full-time resources are required, and this effort is 27 percent of the total pie. This label does not appear on the bar chart view.

See Also

Viewing Supply Forecast Charts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Demand

Access the Demand Analysis page (Click the Demand Analysis link on the Demand Forecast Summary page).

This page behaves similarly to the Supply Analysis page, except that you analyze the data by using these categories:

See Also

Analyzing Supply

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Analytic Calculation Engine, "Creating Analytic Grids"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Demand

Access the Demand Forecast - Demand Details page (click a link in the Demand column on the Demand Forecast Details page).

Enter demand detail information in the Demand General Information group box.

Add New Role

Click to access the Demand Forecast - Add New Role page and enter setID and role information to add to the Demand By Role group box.


Click to return to the Demand Forecast Details page with the updated information in the Demand group box.

This action inserts a row into the Demand Detail table for the specified demand. Demand you enter here is automatically split evenly into the months in the start and end date range that you specified in the demand details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding New Roles

Access the Demand Forecast - Add New Role page (Click the Add New Role button on the Demand Forecast - Demand Details page).

Enter setID, role, and effort for the demand.

Note. The unit of measure for Effort is either in days or hours based on the installation options.

Click to jump to parent topicConducting Consolidated Scenario Analysis

This section provides an overview of consolidated scenario analysis and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Consolidated Scenario Analysis

The consolidated scenario analysis is the final of three primary components in the Capacity Planning process flow. When you begin the capacity planning process, you can choose to build the supply or demand forecasts in any order. Supply and demand forecasts are typically built by different users. Both forecasts must be completed and available prior to performing the consolidated scenario analysis.

The currency code determines how the consolidated scenario displays estimated cost information. For example, if you select USD and the role rates by region are in another currency, the system converts the currency to USD during the calculation of the blended rate, so that estimated costs for supply and demand can be shown in USD.

Note. If the same forecast is included in more than one scenario prior to either forecast being approved, as soon as one of the scenarios is approved, both forecasts are locked. The unapproved forecast can no longer be approved and will have a status of Obsolete.

By using a consolidated scenario analysis, you can:

Use the Combined Scenario component (RS_SCENARIO) to conduct a consolidated scenario analysis.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Conduct Consolidated Scenario Analysis

Page Name

Definition Name



Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Scenario Summary (approve)


Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Consolidated Scenario Analysis, Scenario Summary

View supply summaries and supply and demand metrics with graphical comparison.

Note. This page is for users that have security permission to create, save, and approve consolidated scenarios. Permission list EPRS9400 grants users the authority to approve consolidated scenarios, but not to unapprove them.

Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Scenario Summary (approve and unapprove)


Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Consolidated Scenario Analysis, Scenario Summary

Users with the appropriate security permission can use this page to unapprove a scenario.

Note. This page is for users with security permission to create, save, approve, and unapprove consolidated scenarios. Permission list EPRS9500 grants users the authority to approve and unapprove consolidated scenarios.

Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Commitment Line


Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Consolidated Scenario Analysis, Commitment Line

Commit or defer the demand for a particular scenario.

Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Demand Details


Click the demand name link on the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Commitment Line page.

Adjust forecasted and allocated demand and modify project header information.

Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Assumptions


Click Approve on either the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Commitment Line page or Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Scenario Summary page.

After you approve the scenario, enter assumptions that assisted in approving the scenario.

Note. The Approve button is available only if the scenario is in a pending status.

Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Add New Role


Click the Add New Role button on the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Demand Details page.

Enter the role setID, role, forecasted demand, and allocated demand information to create a new role for the demand.

Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Supply Details


Click Modify Supply on the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Scenario Summary page.

Modified the supply forecast and view overallocated roles.

Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Edit Supply By Region


Click a role link on the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Supply Details page.

Modify a role's forecasted supply by region.

Consolidated Scenario Analysis


Click Scenario Analysis on the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Scenario Summary page.

Analyze consolidated scenario data by supply categories by month.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Reviewing Consolidated Scenarios

Access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Scenario Summary page (Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Consolidated Scenario Analysis, Scenario Summary).

Scenario ID

Displays the scenario that was either autogenerated or manually assigned when the scenario was created.

Scenario Status

Displays the scenario status which can be Pending, Approved, or Obsolete. A scenario starts in a pending status until it is approved. A scenario can become obsolete if another scenario using either the same supply or demand forecast has already been approved.

Start Date and End Date

Displays the start and end dates from the supply and demand forecasts you selected for this scenario.

Supply Forecast and Demand Forecast

Displays the supply forecast and demand forecast for the consolidated scenario analysis. The date ranges for the supply and demand forecasts must be an exact match to be eligible for analysis. The initial supply and demand forecast prompts return only the supply or demand forecasts that are not approved on another scenario, because approving a scenario locks the scenario and the forecasts.

Supply and Demand Comparison

The supply and demand metrics compare total forecasted supply against total forecasted demand for the selected forecasts.

Estimated Cost

For Forecasted Supply, the system calculates the cost of each resource by using the rate by role by region, including currency conversion.

For Forecasted Demand, it is possible to have demand that calls for specific roles but does not specify region. To calculate estimated costs, the system initially uses the blended rate. The system calculates the blended rate by multiplying the role rate by region by the capacity for each supply forecast row, adding the results for each row, and dividing by the total capacity. The system multiplies the blended rate by the total demand hours to determine the forecast demand estimated cost.

You can override the blended rate for a scenario.

Days or Hours

Displays the total number of days (or hours depending on setup) available in the selected supply and demand forecasts (includes all roles in the forecast).

Full Time Resources

Displays the number of full-time resources by category that are needed for the forecasted supply and forecasted demand.

Note. To convert to full-time resources, the system uses the installation settings for the number of days per month and the total number of days in one month. The system calculates full-time resources for demand by using the region utilization percentage that is based on the default capacity planning region code that is specified on the Installation Options - Resource Management page. Full-time resources for supply are based on the full-time resources that are calculated in the supply forecast.

See Defining Resource Management Installation Options.

Supply Summary

Supply Status

There are five possible statuses, indicated visually by the colored bar with the black triangular pointer:

  • Extreme Supply Capacity Shortage (pointer at far left of the spectrum): Indicates that forecasted supply is less than allocated demand and the difference between the two is ≤ −25%.

  • Slight Supply Capacity Shortage (middle left of the spectrum): Indicates that forecasted supply is less than allocated demand and the difference is: −10% ≥ difference > −25%.

  • Reasonable Supply and Demand Match (middle of the spectrum): Indicates that forecasted supply is either less than or greater than allocated demand and the difference is: −10% < Difference < +10%.

  • Slight Supply Capacity Surplus (middle right): Indicates that forecasted supply is greater than allocated demand and the difference is: +10% ≤difference < +25%.

  • Extreme Supply Capacity Surplus (far right): Indicates that forecasted supply is greater than allocated demand and the difference is: > +25%.

Forecasted Supply

Displays the total capacity of the selected supply forecast for all roles.

Allocated Demand

Displays the total committed effort from the Demand - Summary grid on the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Commitment Line page.

Note. When you enter a new scenario, the system sets all demand lines to Commit by default. You can change the Commit to Defer on each demand line as needed, thus reducing the total demand.

Overallocated Roles

Displays the number of roles that dropped below available supply. This is a sum of individuals based on the available roles in the supply forecast.

Modify Supply

Click to access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Supply Details page to modify the forecasted supply by role, and add new roles.

Rate Options

Expand this group box to view the blended cost rate that the system calculates for the supply and demand comparison. You can use the calculated rate or override the rate. Any rate changes that you make are valid only for this scenario.

Note. The blended rate is for the supply and demand comparison for all roles and all regions. There is no blended rate by role.


Click to calculate estimated costs based on the selected rate.

Demand for all Projects

This bar graph shows these three dimensions by month:

This data is an aggregate total for the entire supply and demand forecast. The y-axis represents the effort level in days or hours, and the x-axis represents monthly periods.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Consolidated Scenarios

Access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Commitment Line page (Resource Management, Strategic Capacity Planning, Consolidated Scenario Analysis, Commitment Line).

Indicates that allocated demand is less than forecasted demand for the corresponding row. The variance appears as a negative value.

Commitment Line

Select an action to commit or defer the demand.

Note. When you create a scenario, the system automatically commits all demand entries in the forecast and modifies allocated demand to match forecasted demand. However, if the value in this column is Defer and you change it to Commit, the system does not override the Allocated Demand field with the Forecasted Demand field value. The system does not assume that you are committing to all the forecasted demand—only what you manually enter for allocated demand.


Displays the sequential ranking that you assigned to the demand.


Displays the demand priority of Critical, High, Medium, or Low.

Demand Name

Displays the project or external demand description. Click a demand name to access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Demand Details page to modify the allocated and forecasted demand by role and month.

Forecasted Demand

Displays the total effort for the project in the demand forecast. This total is for the date range specified in the scenario forecasts only.

Allocated Demand

Displays the total demand effort that is set aside for this project. Initially, when the system commits to all demand by default, this field is automatically set to match the forecasted demand values for the corresponding row. Click a demand name to access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Demand Details page to modify the allocated demand.


Displays the difference of the allocated demand value minus the forecasted demand value for the corresponding row. The initial value is 0 since the system automatically commits to all demand. The system recalculates the value as you adjust forecasted or allocated demand.

When the variance is a negative value, an ALERT icon appears at the beginning of the row. This indicates that allocated demand is less than forecasted demand for the corresponding row.

Commit All and Defer All

Click to change the value in the Commitment Line column to Commit or Defer for all rows.


Click to save the scenario data and update the original supply and demand forecasts with the applicable changes.


Click to access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Assumptions page to log assumptions and approve the scenario. This action locks the consolidated scenario and the associated supply and demand forecasts.

Scenario Analysis

Click to access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis page and analyze consolidated scenario data by supply categories by month.

Scenario Assumptions

Click to access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Assumptions page and enter additional information about the scenario.

Capacity Planning Home

Click to access the Strategic Capacity Planning Home page to view and copy the five most recently accessed scenarios, supply forecasts, and demand forecasts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Forecasted or Allocated Demand

Access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Demand Details page (Click the demand name link on the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Commitment Line page).

Demand General Information

In this group box, you can view information about the forecasted or allocated demand, and modify some of the demand attributes.

Note. Modifying information on this page does not modify the corresponding project.

Demand By Role

The columns that appear in this group box vary based on the View By selection. You can view the demand by <Month/Year>, All Months, or Summarized Demand.

Forecasted Demand and Allocated Demand

Enter new values as required. Since these rows display the effort by role and month, any modification changes the demand forecast data at the lowest level of the forecast. If you view the rows by Summarized Demand, changes that you make are spread across all months of the demand.

Changes to the allocated demand on this page are reflected in the scenario on the Commitment Line page. The values for allocated demand are part of the scenario only and are not sourced from the initial demand forecast.


Displays allocated demand minus forecasted demand.

View project details

Click to access the Project Definitions - General Information page in a new browser window if the demand is associated with a project. If it is from an external demand, the View project details link is not available.

Add New Role

Click to access the Add New Role. New roles that are added at the summarized level are split evenly across the months in the scenario, for the Unassigned resource pool, with a blank personnel status. You view the role by month to enter the data more precisely.

To delete a role, enter 0.00 in the fields for the row.

Note. Because region is setID-specific, if you add a role in either demand or supply in a consolidated scenario, the system uses the default region that is specified on the Installation Options - Resource Management page. It is recommended that you create regions under one setID unless your resources are spread across multiple setIDs.

Click OK to return to the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Commitment Line page. The updated demand summary data is reflected on the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Forecasted Supply

Access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Supply Details page (Click Modify Supply on the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Scenario Summary page).

Note. You can modify the overall forecasted supply level for the role without drilling down to the region level to adjust supply. Any change to the supply is automatically allocated to the region that is defined on the Installation Options - Resource Management page, and to the Unassigned resource pool. You can adjust supply for each role at the region level by clicking the role link.


Click a link in this column to access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Edit Supply By Region page and adjust forecasted supply by region.

View By

When you first access this page, the Supply group box displays the summary of all months in the scenario date range. You can change the view by selecting one of these values and clicking the Go button:

  • <Month/Year>: Shows the data only from that month. The values are dynamically generated based on the start and end dates of the scenario.

  • All Months: Shows data from all months in the scenario with each month shown separately.

  • Summarized Supply: Shows summarized data.


An ALERT icon appears when the variance is negative. The icon is visible regardless of the View By selection; however, if you select a specific individual month, the system verifies whether that particular month has a negative variance.

The ALERT icon does not appear if a role is overallocated overall, but is not overallocated in the specific month being viewed.

Forecasted Supply

Displays the total capacity forecasted for the current month by role for all regions.

Changing data on this page does not specify the region for which capacity is being changed; therefore, the system places any additional capacity into the default region specified on the Installation Options - Resource Management page. The system also places negative changes—changes in which you decrease capacity—into the default region with a negative modifier, such as −100 if you change a value from 500 to 400. Any Summarized Supply data changes at this level are divided among all of the months in the scenario date range in the default region. For data changes made at the <Month/Year> level, the system updates only the specific month in the default region.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving Consolidated Scenarios

Access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Scenario Summary page or the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Commitment Line page.

Click the Approve button to approve the scenario.

The Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Assumptions page appears so that you can enter any assumptions that assisted in approving the scenario.

Note. Owner information that you enter on the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Assumptions page is not used for workflow.

Users with security to unapprove scenarios have access to the Unapprove button on the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Scenario Summary (unapprove) page. Click the Unapprove button to return the consolidated scenario, and the associated supply and demand forecasts, to an editable format.

Note. Approving a consolidated scenario does not trigger workflow, nor does it affect the projects or resources in the system. Approving a consolidated scenario simply locks the scenario and the associated supply and demand forecasts.

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Access the Consolidated Scenario Analysis page (click Scenario Analysis on the Consolidated Scenario Analysis - Scenario Summary page).

This page behaves similarly to the Supply Analysis page and Demand Analysis page, except that you analyze the data by using these categories:

See Also

Analyzing Demand

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Analytic Calculation Engine, "Creating Analytic Grids"