Reconciling Statements

This chapter provides an overview of bank statement reconciliations and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Bank Reconciliation Processing

PeopleSoft enables you to reconcile transactions using a variety of reconciliation processes. After you have reconciled bank statement transactions, you then use the various inquiry pages to view reconciled and unreconciled transactions and resolve reconciliation exceptions.

If you receive the bank statement file electronically, you can process reconciliation with the Automatic Reconciliation process. If not, you can process reconciliation only by using manual reconciliation or by entering the bank statement information online on the Bank Balance Entry page and then using automated or semi-manual reconciliation.

If you need to reconcile external transactions, you can use the External Transaction pages to enter the transactions online. You can also load them electronically. Then, you can add this transaction source as a reconciliation record and perform manual, semi-manual, or automated reconciliation.

When you finish reconciling a bank statement automatically, you might have exceptions, which are transactions that did not match. These transactions are generally coded NTF, for transaction not found. You need to resolve the exceptions so that the transactions have a reconciliation cycle status of Complete.

Depending on the reconciliation method you use, you can resolve exceptions in a number of ways:

See Also

Setting Up the Bank Statement Import Process

Resolving Reconciliation Exceptions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMulticurrency Situations

To work with reconciliation situations in which you handle more than one currency, you can define tolerance amounts to reconcile transactions within the set tolerance. The automatic Bank Reconciliation process (FSPRECON) converts system-side transactions to the bank account currency as defined on the external accounts page.

The system uses the decimal positions definition for the currency code to determine how to round amounts. Tolerance exceptions show in semi-manual reconciliation (reconciled system side) in addition to the reconciled transactions. The delivered reference ID for tolerance exceptions is bank statement processing (BSP) plus a sequential number (this is in the auto numbering definition). Under semi-manual reconciliation, if amounts are not the same, you cannot reconcile them. If reference IDs do not match, they appear as exceptions. To reconcile transactions with an AMT (amount exception) status, you must either enter an adjustment entry to match the amount in question or increase the amount tolerance for the next automated reconciliation run.

See Also

Setting Up Reconciliation Tolerances

Maintaining Currency Tables

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you reconcile bank statements, you must perform the following tasks:

See Also

Setting Up Reconciliation

Setting Up the Bank Statement Import Process

Receiving and Updating Bank Statements

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements in This Chapter

Load Date and Time

Displays the date and time that the bank file was loaded.

Recon Status (reconciliation status)

Identifies the status of a transaction in the reconciliation process. The status can be either Reconciled, Unreconciled, or a number of other statuses that indicate why a transaction did not reconcile successfully.

Trans Code (transaction code) or Transaction Type

Identifies the type of transaction in a bank statement:

ACH: Automatic Clearing House

B: Direct Debit

BOE: Bill of Exchange - Disburse

BOO: Bill of Order - Disburse

CHK: Check

DD: Direct Debit - Disburse

D: Deposits

EFT: Electronic Funds Transfer

F:Fee Expense

G: General Transaction

I: Interest Expense

M: Miscellaneous Transaction

MAN: Manual Check

P: Payment

R: Drafts

S: Stop Payment

U: Funding Receipt

V: Voided Payment

WIR: Wire - Disbursement

Transaction Date

Displays the date on which the transaction was "cleared" by the bank. This is the date used for the date matching part of reconciliation.

Value Date

Displays the date on which the bank recorded the transaction.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Reconciliations

This section discusses how to select and run the reconciliation processes.

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Process Reconciliation


Banking, Reconcile Statements, Process Reconciliation

Create a reconciliation run control for a specified bank and account. This run control contains the following three reconciliation methods:

  • Bank Reconciliation (FSPRECON) Application Engine process.

  • Recon and Statement Accounting (reconciliation and statement accounting) (RCN_BSAC) PSJob.

  • Recon and Bank Statement Process (reconciliation and bank statement process) (RCNBSP) PSJob.

Selecting Bank Reconciliation runs the FSPRECON Application Engine process. Selecting Recon and Statement Accounting (PSJob) runs the FSPRECON and TR_STMTACCTG Application Engine processes serially. Selecting Recon and Bank Statement Process (PSJob) runs FSPRECON and AR_BNKSTMT serially. It is recommended that you select only one method to run at a time instead of selecting multiple methods to run concurrently.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Reconciliations

Access the Process Reconciliation page (Banking, Reconcile Statements, Process Reconciliation).

Enter your process frequency and request parameters.

The Process Scheduler Request page displays three reconciliation process methods. Select any combination of these reconciliation methods to process the defined transactions, and click OK.

The reconciliation methods are:

Statement ID

You can enter a specific statement ID or you can leave Statement ID blank and the system will run the selected process for all statements that are not marked "C" (complete).

Note. For optimal processing performance, it is recommended that you select only one reconciliation method to run at a time. Selecting multiple reconciliation methods to run concurrently might degrade system performance.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Bank Statement Accounting

If you use Cash Management and have implemented banks statement accounting functionality, you must run the bank statement accounting functionality after running reconciliation from the Process Reconciliation page.

Bank Statement Accounting Exceptions

The Bank Statement Accounting process only reconciles transactions that match the defined rule ID (or rule IDs). If the system matches a transaction only to the defined activity default template, then the system does not reconcile the transaction. Instead, the transaction is assigned a exception status of RR (Requires Review - BSAC). In addition, the system creates an associated external transaction with a reconciliation status of UNR. You can then review this external transaction and make the necessary changes to facilitate correct reconciliation (for example, by assigning the appropriate accounting template). After correcting the external transaction, you must reconcile the transaction using one of two methods. Either force reconcile the transaction using the Automatic Reconciliation page, or reconcile it using the Semi Manual reconciliation page.

See Also

Reconciling Transactions Automatically

Reconciling Transactions Semi-manually

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Bank Statement Accounting


Banking, Reconcile Statements, Process Statement Accounting

Enter processing parameters to run the Bank Statement Accounting (TR_STMTACCTG) Application Engine process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Bank Statement Accounting

Access the Bank Statement Accounting page (Banking, Reconcile Statements, Process Statement Accounting).

For a run control ID, specify the bank ID, bank account # (number), and statement ID for processing. Click Run to activate the Bank Statement Accounting (TR_STMTACCTG) Application Engine process on the defined bank account statement.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Reconciliation Methods and Statements

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecommended Reconciliation Process

This diagram illustrates the best-practice process for reconciling system transactions with bank statement transactions from running the automatic reconciliation process, to processing the automatic reconciliation exceptions, to reconciling the remaining transactions from the Semi Manual reconciliation page:

Recommended reconciliation process

These are the recommended steps for reconciling bank statements:

  1. Run the automatic reconciliation from the Automatic Reconciliation page.

    This will reconcile transactions that fit the specified options and are the within the defined tolerances. Any transaction that is not reconciled will be assigned an exception code that may help in the Automatic Reconciliation Exceptions page.

  2. Process the automatic reconciliation exceptions from the Automatic Reconciliation Exceptions page.

    Use this step to reconcile one system transaction to one bank-statement transaction (one-to-one). This step requires caution as system transactions are displayed with similar bank transactions in pairs. A system transaction may be paired more than once with different bank transactions. Also, when reconciling a pair of transactions with different amounts—common when dealing with foreign exchange rates—the system will create an additional transaction to account for the monetary difference.

  3. Use the forced reconciliation method for unpaired bank transactions such as fees and interest. This is also performed from the Automatic Reconciliation Exceptions page and creates system transactions matching the unpaired bank transactions.

  4. Reconcile the remaining transactions from the Semi Manual Reconciliation page. This method allows you to reconcile one bank-statement transaction to more than one system transaction (one-to-many), more than one bank-statement transactions to one system transaction (many-to-one), and more than one system transaction to more than one bank-statement transaction (many-to-many).

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Automatic Reconciliation


Banking, Reconcile Statements, Automatic Reconciliation

Automatically match your source transactions with those received in a bank file. The system searches for a one-to-one match. You can also run various processes and reports from this page

Semi Manual Reconciliation


Banking, Reconcile Statements, Semi-Manual Reconciliation

Reconcile statements semi-manually when there is not a one-to-one match between your bank and system transactions and you have reconciliation exceptions. Or, you can reconcile bank statements after entering a hardcopy bank statement online.

Manual Reconciliation


Banking, Reconcile Statements, Manual Reconciliation

Reconcile statements for banks that do not provide an electronic file of their transaction data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReconciling Transactions Automatically

Access the Automatic Reconciliation page (Banking, Reconcile Statements, Automatic Reconciliation).

Specify the search criteria by which to select bank statements for processing. Use wildcard characters to retrieve multiple banks or accounts.


Options are:

  • Statement as of Date: Date the bank statement was generated. Transactions are "cleared" on that day.

  • Date Statement Loaded: Date the bank statement was loaded into the system.

Click Search to display the results in the Bank Statements grid.

Bank Statements

The Bank Statements grid displays the bank statements that match your search criteria.

Trans (transactions loaded)

The number of detail transactions that are contained in the bank file.


The number of detail transactions from the bank statement that have been reconciled with transactions in the system. This number is 0 (zero) until the Bank Reconciliation process is complete.

After the Bank Reconciliation process is complete, if this number is less than the number of transactions loaded, it indicates that there are transactions in the bank file that did not match those in the system. These transactions are referred to as reconciliation exceptions. You need to resolve the exceptions.


The reconciliation cycle processing status:

Load Failed: Indicates the bank files could not load.

Fatal Error: Indicates a fatal error occurred during automatic reconciliation processing.

Loading: Indicates the bank files are being loaded.

Reconciling: Indicates the files are being reconciled.

Ready: Indicates you have loaded the bank statement file and run automatic reconciliation, but some transactions could not be matched. These transactions are exceptions that you must resolve.

Complete: Indicates reconciliation processing is complete and all transactions were successfully matched.


Click to view exceptions on the Automatic Reconciliation Exceptions page. This link is available only if there are exceptions when the reconciliation process is complete.

Before you use the options below, select the statements for which you want to run a process or generate reports.

Select All

Click to select the Select option for all bank statements.

Clear All

Click to deselect the Select option for all selected bank statements.

Run Recon (run reconciliation)

Runs the Bank Reconciliation process for the selected bank statements.


Click to refresh the Bank Statements grid with new information after running reconciliation.


Select the report to run and click Run Report.

Register: Generates a report of the bank statement.

Errors: Generates a report listing instances where a bank reference number does not match any reference number in the PeopleSoft Financials system.

Exceptions: Generates a report of automatically reconciled exceptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReconciling Transactions Semi-manually

Access the Semi Manual Reconciliation page (Banking, Reconcile Statements, Semi-Manual Reconciliation).

When the system reconciles transactions with currencies that are different from that of the bank statement, the amounts that appear on the system side are already converted to the default currency for the bank account.

Search Criteria

Enter your search criteria for the transactions that you want to reconcile and click Search.

Reconciliation Status

Select a status for the transactions:

Unreconciled: Select if you want to reconcile transactions.

Reconciled: Select if you want to undo the reconciliation for a transaction.

If the reconciliation status selected is Reconciled, this page displays both bank transactions and system transactions that are reconciled by semimanual or automatic reconciliation. Transactions reconciled from the Manual Reconciliation page are also displayed here, but can only be unreconciled from the Manual Reconciliation page.

Note. You should not unreconcile a transaction that has already be sent to the general ledger.

Advanced Search

Click to display additional search fields on the page to sort the transactions and restrict the transactions that appear in the list.

Bank Transactions and System Transactions

The search returns data based on your specified criteria and displays the results for both bank transactions and system transactions.

The page displays the bank and system transactions online simultaneously, making it easy to scroll through and match corresponding transactions. You can reconcile transactions by matching:

Note. When reconciling more than one bank statement transaction to one or more system transactions—many-to-one and many-to-many—the sum of the bank statement transactions must be equal to the sum of the system transactions. No reconciliation tolerances are allowed under these circumstances.

Select the transactions on each side that you want to reconcile and click Reconcile.

The system issues a warning if:

If you are displaying a list of reconciled transactions, select the transactions to unreconcile, and click Unreconcile.

Note. You should not unreconcile a transaction that has already been sent to the general ledger.

Bank Date

Displays the date on which the bank recorded the transaction.

Tran Date (transaction date)

Displays the date on which the system transaction occurred.


Displays the origin application for the transactions:

AR: Accounts Receivable, includes receivables, direct debits, and drafts.

Note. Unbalanced payments in PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable will not appear in the System Transactions grid for reconciliation. To remedy this, you must balance the payment on the Regular Deposit pages in Accounts Receivable.

XT: Transactions from outside the system.

AP: Payables.

TR: Treasury.


Displays the sum total of the transactions selected on the corresponding side of the page.


The difference between the sum total of the selected bank statement transactions and the selected system transactions.


After selecting transactions, click the Refresh button to generate the Amounts and difference fields.

Select Matches

After selecting bank or system transactions to unreconcile, click the Select Matches button to automatically select the associated transactions to the original reconciliation. For example, if you select a bank statement transaction and click Select Matches, the system will select all system transactions that had been reconciled with the bank statement transaction you selected. You can select transactions on both sides of the page simultaneously when using this function.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReconciling Transactions Manually

Access the Manual Reconciliation page (Banking, Reconcile Statements, Manual Reconciliation).

Important! If you open a bank account in the Manual Reconciliation page that is set for automatic reconciliation, you get a warning message stating "This bank account is set up to use Automatic Reconciliation." To avoid this warning, you should not perform manual reconciliation on bank accounts whose reconciliation method is Automatic.

Some care should be taken, as any system transaction marked as manually reconciled will not be considered a candidate for automatic (or semi-manual) reconciliation. In addition, you need to be careful not to mark the transaction of an automatic bank for manual reconciliation. The system will then not retrieve these marked transactions for automatic or semi-automatic reconciliation.

In manual reconciliation, system transactions in different currencies display in the default currency for the bank account.

Search Criteria

Enter your search criteria and click Search.

Reconciliation Date

From the bank statement, enter the date when the transaction cleared the bank. Date cannot be after today's date nor earlier than date entered in the Enter Reconciliation Date field if Override Reconciliation Date is selected.


Select a status for the transactions:

Unreconciled: Select to reconcile transactions.

Reconciled: Select to view and undo the reconciliation for a transaction. Only transactions that were reconciled manually will appear. Hence, transactions that were reconciled automatically or semimanually can only be unreconciled from the Semi Reconciliation page.

System Transactions

Status (reconciliation status)

Displays the reconciliation status: UNR (unreconciled) or REC (reconciled).

Transaction Date

Displays the date on which the system transaction occurred.


Displays the payment status for Payables transactions.


Displays the transaction type or payment method.


Click to reconcile selected transactions.

Override Reconciliation Date

Select to override the displayed value date when you reconcile selected transactions. Select this option and also enter a new date in the Enter Value Date field.

Account Register Report

Click to generate the Account Register report (FIN4004 [Crystal] or FSX4004 [BI Publisher]), which you can view using the Process Monitor functionality.

Click to jump to parent topicReconciling Externally Generated Transactions

To enter external transactions for reconciliation, use the External Transactions component (GEN_TRAN_UPDT).

Use the TR_EXTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_CI component interface to load data into the External Transactions tables.

This section discusses how to:

External Transactions Reconciliation Process

The Bank Reconciliation process flags bank transactions (such as overdraft fees, interest, or other miscellaneous fees) as MISC (miscellaneous) exception items because there are no corresponding system transactions. By associating statement activity types with these items, Treasury Management generates accounting entries for them when you force them to reconcile based on the ChartFields that are specified in the accounting template that is assigned to the statement activity type.

In addition to processing these types of transactions, you can also enter transactions online using the External Transactions page or insert them into the Bank Reconciled Transactions (BNK_RCN_TRAN) table, which corresponds to the External Transactions page. After you enter the transactions, you run the Bank Reconciliation process to reconcile them automatically. The process tries to match them to corresponding bank transactions.

See Also

Defining Statement Activities

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External Transactions


Banking, Reconcile Statements, External Transactions

Modify or insert additional external transactions for a bank account. You also use this page to add new external transactions.

Process Reconciliation


Banking, Reconcile Statements, Process Reconciliation

Run the Bank Reconciliation process to reconcile the transactions automatically.

See Reconciling Transactions Automatically.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering External Transactions

Access the External Transactions page (Banking, Reconcile Statements, External Transactions).

Search Criteria

To view a list of external transactions, enter your search criteria and click Search.

External Transactions

The External Transactions grid displays existing transactions that meet your search criteria.

A transaction is unavailable for edit if you have reconciled it.

Transaction Details

Select the Transaction Details tab.

Tran Code (transaction code)

Indicates the type of transaction, such as fee or interest.

Accounting Template ID

Specify the accounting template that the system uses to generate the correct accounting entries.


Click to view information on the Treasury VAT Processing page. This link is available only when the transaction meets the following conditions:

  • The business unit is VAT enabled.

  • A VAT-enabled transaction code is defined for the transaction type (currently limited to fee, F).

  • A VAT-enabled accounting template is defined for the accounting template.

See Also

Editing VAT External Transaction Details

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Federal Schedule ID Reconciliations

This section discusses how to:

Federal Schedule ID Reconciliation

The U.S. Federal Government requires its agencies to group together vouchers with similar characteristics for payment. You assign each group of vouchers a common schedule ID as an identifier and then submit them to the U.S. Treasury for payment. After the Treasury Disbursement Office (TDO) sends notification that the vouchers are paid, the agencies log into the Government Online Accounting Link System - Regional Finance Center Agency Link (GOALS - RFCAL) for the disbursement information, which is used to reconcile the outstanding vouchers.

The federal payment schedules and federal schedule ID reconciliation functionality are an integration of Payables and Treasury applications. You use the Payables Federal Payment Schedules functionality to:

After the Payables information is set up, you use the Treasury applications' federal schedule ID reconciliation function to:

See Also

Understanding Federal Payment Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you reconcile federal payments, you must perform the following tasks:

See Also

Defining Bank Information

Defining Payment Methods

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements in This Section

Schedule ID

A code that identifies vouchers that are grouped together with the similar characteristics such as agency location code, schedule type, and payment method. Vouchers that are grouped and assigned to a schedule ID are submitted to the TDO for payment.

Account Register Report

Click to run a report of reconciled or unreconciled federal schedule ID payments.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Schedule ID Reconciliation


Banking, Reconcile Statements, Schedule ID Reconciliation

Reconcile a series of federal schedule ID payments.

Run the Account Register report (FIN4004 [Crystal] or FSX4004 [BI Publisher]). Use the report to view a list of reconciled or unreconciled Federal Schedule ID payments.

Reverse Schedule Recon (reverse schedule reconciliation)


Banking, Reconcile Statements, Reverse Schedule ID Recon

Reverse reconcile any schedule ID payments reconciled in error.

Run the Account Register report (FIN4004 [Crystal] or FSX4004 [BI Publisher]). Use the report to view a list of reconciled or unreconciled Federal Schedule ID payments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReconciling Federal Schedule ID Payments

Access the Schedule ID Reconciliation page (Banking, Reconcile Statements, Schedule ID Reconciliation).

Pay Confirm # From and Thru

Enter a range of payment confirmation numbers that are obtained from GOALS - RFCAL.

Click the Assign Confirmation Number button to assign a range of schedule ID treasury payment numbers to display unreconciled data.

Sent Date

Enter the date on which you sent the payment to the TDO.

Disbursed Date

Enter the date on which the TDO disbursed the schedule ID payments.

Reconciled Amount

Enter the sum of the payments' amounts that you have assigned in the Pay Confirm # From and Thru fields.


Click to reconcile the unreconciled data with the information you enter. This function also performs various audits and displays error messages as appropriate. If the reconciled amount differs from the sum of the payments' amounts (payments assigned a confirmation number), an error message displays.

When you click reconcile, the system:

  • Updates the Payables Bank Schedule ID table (AP_BANK_SCHED) with three dates: the payment date, the disbursement date, and the date on which the schedule was sent from Payables to PeopleSoft banks.

  • Updates the appropriate Federal payments in Payables with a U.S. Treasury Payment confirmation number.

  • Updates the IPAC Document Reference Number on an IPAC payment with the U.S. Treasury Payment confirmation number, if a bank account is configured for IPAC and uses a payment method of EFT.

Account Register Report

Run the Account Register report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReverse Reconciling Federal Schedule ID Payments

Access the Reverse Schedule Recon page (Banking, Reconcile Statements, Reverse Schedule ID Recon).

This page displays reconciled items that match your search criteria.

Select the items that were reconciled in error and click Unreconcile to reverse reconciliation. The item's status changes from REC (reconciled) to UNR (unreconciled). In addition, the system clears the Disbursed Date and Sent Date field values, and the Payment Confirmation Number and IPAC Document Reference Number.

Note. You cannot reverse reconcile payments after running the Cash Clearing process (APCSHCLR).

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Bank Reconciliation Information

PeopleSoft provides several options to review bank account reconciliation information.

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Reconciliation Manager


Banking, Reconcile Statements, Reconciliation Manager

Perform automatic, semi-manual, or manual reconciliation for statements for a single bank.

Transactions By Account (reconciliation transactions by account)


Banking, Analyze Exceptions, Transactions by Account

Inquire on transactions for a specific account and run the Account Register report (FIN4004 [Crystal] or FSX4004 [BI Publisher]). Use the report to view a list of reconciled or unreconciled transactions.

Review Bank Statements


  • Banking, Bank Statements, Review Bank Statements

  • Click Review Bank Statements from the drop-down menu of the Go To field on the Bank Statement Manager page.

Inquire on statement information for a bank account and run the Account Register report (FIN3000 [Crystal] or FSX3000 [BI Publisher]). Use the report to review all transactions in an electronic bank statement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Reconciliation Manager

Access the Reconciliation Manager page (Banking, Reconcile Statements, Reconciliation Manager).

Show Statements for

Select Current Month, Last Month, or Today. The page refreshes with the specified information.

Add/Update Accounts

Click to add more accounts or update current bank account information.

Add a Bank Account to My List

Click to add more accounts for the selected bank to your My Accounts page.

On the right side of the grid, you can verify whether reconciliation has been set up for a particular account on the External Account - Account Reconciliation page and see what type of reconciliation is in place:

Click the reconciliation type link to perform reconciliation for the specific bank account.

See Also

Setting Up Reconciliation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Reconciliation Transactions by Account

Access the Transactions By Account page (Banking, Analyze Exceptions, Transactions by Account).

Search By

Specify whether you want to search for transactions by reference number or by date. The fields in the Search Criteria group box change based on your selection.


Identifies the type of transaction.

Register Report

Click to run the Account Register report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Bank Statement Information

Access the Review Bank Statements page (Banking, Bank Statements, Review Bank Statements).

Enter your search criteria for retrieving bank statement data.


Displays the transaction reconciliation status.

Run Account Register Report

Click to run the Account Register report (FIN3000 [Crystal] or FSX3000 [BI Publisher]).