Resolving Reconciliation Exceptions

This chapter provides overviews of reconciliation exceptions and reconciliation exceptions workflow and discusses how to process reconciliation errors and exceptions.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Reconciliation Exceptions

When you automatically reconcile bank statements, some bank transactions may not perfectly match system transactions. In these cases, you must analyze the transactions that do not match and determine the source of the errors. Typically, mismatches are due to bank errors in reference IDs (for example, check numbers, amount mismatches, transaction type mismatches, duplicates, items not found, and transactions for which the currency has not been defined at the bank account level).

When you use tolerances to reconcile transactions, the process inserts the differences that are associated with the transaction into the BNK_RCN_TRAN table. You view these differences on the External Transactions page. The system assigns the new lines a unique reference number that begins with BSP (bank statement processing) or whatever has been assigned in the auto numbering, plus a sequential number.

The Cash Management Bank Statement Accounting functionality works similarly to the reconciliation exceptions functionality. When an NTF (No Transactions Found) or MSC (Miscellaneous) exception is matched to a BSA (Bank Statement Accounting) rule (with an accounting template), the system reconciles the exception and enters an external transaction with a unique reference number into the BNK_RCN_TRAN table.

After you determine the source of the errors, you have several options, depending on the type of mismatched information:

See Also

Setting Up Reconciliation Tolerances

Defining Statement Activities

Reconciling Externally Generated Transactions

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Reconciliation Exceptions Workflow

If you have implemented the Exceptions workflow when you run the Reconciliations Exceptions process (TR_RECON_EXC), the system automatically routes any exceptions to a defined user (or user's) worklist.

See Also

Routing Exceptions to a User's Worklist

Delivered Workflows for Banks Setup and Processing

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Reconciliation Errors and Exceptions

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

If you plan to route exceptions for automatic reconciliation to a user's worklist, you must first selectEnable Workflow for the bank account on the Account Reconciliation page.

See Also

Selecting a Reconciliation Method

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Reconciliation Errors and Exceptions

Page Name

Definition Name



Route Reconciliation Exception


Banking, Analyze Exceptions, Route Reconciliation Exception

Route exceptions to a user's worklist. Define the run parameters for the Reconciliation Exceptions process.

Automatic Reconciliation


Banking, Reconcile Statements, Automatic Reconciliation

Determine whether a bank statement has reconciliation errors.

Run the Auto Recon Errors report (FIN3002 [Crystal] or FSX3002 [BI Publisher]). Use this report to view a list of all reconciliation errors for a bank statement.

Run the Auto Recon Exceptions report (FIN3001 [Crystal] or FSX3001 [BI Publisher]). Use this report to view a list of all transactions with exceptions for a bank statement.

Automatic Reconciliation Exceptions


  • Banking, Analyze Exceptions, Auto Reconciliation Exceptions

  • Click Exceptions on the Automatic Reconciliation page.

Click to force an automatic-reconciliation exceptions to reconcile. You can also create external transactions for bank-side transactions with no corresponding system-side transactions.

Semi Manual Reconciliation


Banking, Reconcile Statements, Semi-Manual Reconciliation

Resolve exceptions using semimanual reconciliation. Select a transaction on the bank side to match a transaction on the system side.

See Reconciling Transactions Semi-manually.

BSP Accounting Events (bank statement processing accounting events)


Cash Management, Treasury Accounting, Accounting Events, BSP Accounting Events

View the accounting events that are scheduled for force-reconciled transactions.

Transactions by Account


Banking, Analyze Exceptions, Transactions by Account

Search and review transaction reconciliation information by a defined bank account. You can also run the Account Register report (FIN4004 [Crystal] or FSX4004 [BI Publisher]).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRouting Exceptions to a User's Worklist

Access the Route Reconciliation Exception page (Banking, Analyze Exceptions, Route Reconciliation Exception).

Select a bind variable name of either BNK_ID_NBR or BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM and enter a value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning Error and Exception Reports

Access the Automatic Reconciliation page (Banking, Reconcile Statements, Automatic Reconciliation).

Select either Errors or Exceptions in the Reports field, and then click Run Report.

See Also

Reconciling Transactions Automatically

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForcing Exceptions to Reconcile

Access the Automatic Reconciliation Exceptions page (Banking, Analyze Exceptions, Auto Reconciliation Exceptions).

The page displays a combination of all potential matches based on date, amount, and reference ID number. Use your own judgement when you force items to reconcile. In some cases, transactions appear multiple times after being forced to reconcile, so you must be careful that you select the correct reconciled combination.

Note. Some automatic reconciliation exceptions may be the result of unbalanced payments in PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable. To remedy this, you should balance the payment on the Regular Deposit pages in Accounts Receivable.

Search Criteria

If you access this page by clicking the Exceptions link on the Automatic Reconciliation page, the exceptions for the selected bank's statements automatically appear in the grid. Otherwise, you must enter your search criteria and click Search.

Search By

Select how you want to search for transactions: by reference number or by date. The fields in the Search Criteria group box vary based on your selection.

Auto Reconciliation Exceptions

For the system to force a transaction to reconcile, the transaction must match the following criteria. If the transaction does not match these criteria, the Force Reconciliation option is unavailable.

Note. These criteria are applicable only if you are using a Treasury application. If you are using the PeopleSoft force-reconciliation functionality with PeopleSoft Payables or PeopleSoft Receivables, the Force Reconciliation check box is always enabled.

In addition, when forcing transaction pairs of unlike amounts to reconcile, the system automatically generates a balancing transaction. For example, if the bank statement amount is 100 USD and the system transaction amount is 99.99 USD, then the system creates a balancing transaction, which results in a credit in the amount of 0.01 USD. This credit is recorded in the table that is specified in the associated Statement Activity Type definition (either BNK_RCN_TRAN or CASH_FLOW_TR). If the system transaction is of a greater amount than the bank statement amount, then the system creates a debit and records it to the appropriate table. Using the preceding example, if the bank statement amount is 100 USD and the system transaction amount is 100.01 USD, then the balancing transaction is a debit of 0.01 USD.

In the Description field for each exception, details from the bank transaction file appear along with the reason that the transaction did not reconcile. Possible values are:

Alignment Check

Payables check that is used to align the printer.

Amounts Not Equal

Bank amount does not match system amount.

Ambiguous Match

An unreconciled, bank-statement transaction could match more than one unreconciled system transaction. This occurs most frequently when large tolerances are defined for the amount or date.

An ambiguous match could also occur even with zero tolerances defined, however, if the reference IDs do not match.


The transaction currency was not defined (Accounts Receivable only).

Currency Not Defined

The transaction currency was not defined at the bank account level.

Duplicate Input Transaction

Duplicate bank transaction. A transaction appears more than once on a given statement with the same date, amount, and reference ID. (AR deposits are an exception to this.) Duplicate transactions are transactions that appear more than once on a given statement with the same date and amount (AR Deposits do not use ID's for matching).

Duplicate Transaction

Duplicate system transaction.

Miscellaneous Transaction

Miscellaneous transaction, such as bank fees or interest.

Payee Names Not Equal

Payee names don't match.

Not Found In System

Transaction is not found in the system.

Null Transaction ID Ref

Blank transaction ID.


Overflow Payables check.

Pending Reconciliation



Already reconciled.

Reprinted Check

Reprinted payables check.

Stop Check

Check was issued a stop payment to the bank.

Wrong Transaction Type

Wrong transaction type for source.

Tran Date Different <> Bank Clear

System transaction date is different from the bank clear date.


Not processed by the Bank Reconciliation process.

Voided Check

Payables void.

To force a transaction to reconcile, select the transaction and click Reconcile.

See Also

Understanding Reconciliation Exceptions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResolving Exceptions Using Semimanual Reconciliation

Access the Semi Manual Reconciliation page (Banking, Reconcile Statements, Semi-Manual Reconciliation).

If the Bank Reconciliation process could not reconcile a transaction, you can try to manually match transactions from the bank side to transactions on the system side, as long as the amounts match.

You can reconcile transactions only by matching one bank transaction to one system transaction (one to one) or one bank transaction to many system transactions (one to many). Select the transactions on each side that you want to reconcile, and click Reconcile.

See Also

Reconciling Transactions Semi-manually

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Accounting for Forced Reconciliations

Access the Bank Statement Processing Accounting (BSP) page (Cash Management, Treasury Accounting, Accounting Events).

To view all journal entries for transactions that were forced to reconcile, run the Automated Accounting (TR_ACCTG) process prior to accessing this page.

See Also

Reviewing Accounting Information