PeopleSoft Commitment Control PeopleBook Preface

This preface discusses Oracle's:

Note. This PeopleBook documents only page elements that require additional explanation. If a page element is not documented with the process or task in which it is used, then it either requires no additional explanation or is documented with the common elements for the section, chapter, or PeopleBook.

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Products

This PeopleBook refers to these products:

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Application Fundamentals

ThePeopleSoft Commitment Control PeopleBook provides you with setup and processing information to use Commitment Control effectively and to implement Commitment Control according to your organizational or departmental needs. However, additional essential information describing the setup and design of your system resides in other documentation. The other documentation consists of important topics that apply to many or all PeopleSoft applications across the Financial Management Solutions (FMS), Enterprise Service Automation (ESA), and Supply Chain Management (SCM) product lines. You should be familiar with the contents of these PeopleBooks.

The following PeopleBooks apply specifically to PeopleSoft Commitment Control.

In addition, the PeopleBooks for the PeopleSoft applications that feed source transactions to Commitment Control provide important information about how Commitment Control works with those applications.

Click to jump to parent topicPages With Deferred Processing

Several pages in PeopleSoft Commitment Control operate in deferred processing mode. Most fields on these pages are not updated or validated until you save the page or refresh it by clicking a button, link, or tab. This delayed processing has various implications for the field values on the page. For example, if a field contains a default value, any value you enter before the system updates the page overrides the default. Another implication is that the system updates quantity balances or totals only when you save or otherwise refresh the page.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library

A companion PeopleBook called PeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library contains general information, including:

You can find PeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library in the online PeopleBooks Library for your PeopleTools release.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This PeopleBook


Classifies the nature of a transaction for corporate accounting and reporting.

Accounting Period

The accounting period in which the transaction takes place.


ChartField used to map transactions between business units when using a single inter unit account.

Alt Acct (alternate account)

ChartField that identifies the nature of a transaction for statutory accounting and reporting. This field appears only if you enable the Alternate Account option for your organization and for the general ledger business unit.

Activity ID

Activity ID is assigned to the individual tasks or events you want to update in a project.

Amount Type

See Commitment Control Amount Type.

Amounts in Base Currency

See Base Currency.

As of Date

The date that is valid for the data upon which you are searching or performing a function. For example, if you are defining a budget closing set, entering an as-of-date of 12/31/2012 instructs the Budget Close process to perform balance roll forward calculations based on the ledger amounts that are valid on that date.

Associated Revenue

The total amount of the revenue in the revenue budget associated with the budget. This displays either the collected or recognized revenue based on your selection on the Budget Definitions component.

Available Budget

For expenditure budgets, the amount available in the budget after deducting commitments and expenses from the budgeted amount.

For revenue budgets, it is the revenue estimate amount less the recognized revenue amount.

Base Currency

Also Amounts in Base Currency. The currency of the primary general ledger detail ledger.

Begin Date and End Date

On pages that show options at the control ChartField and budget attributes level, these dates restrict budget journal entries to budget periods that are at least partially within these dates. This also restricts source transactions to those whose transaction (accounting) dates fall within these dates.


Commitment Control ledger type (amount type) that records the total budgeted amount for a control budget. Budget amounts are entered in the Enter Budget Journals component.

Budget Checking Header Status

Also referred to as Budget Checking Status, Budget Header Status, and Budget Status.

Records budget-checking results. Can be one of the following:

  • E (Error): The transaction failed budget checking.

  • N (Not Checked): The Budget Processor has not processed the transaction or you have changed the source transaction and you must run the Budget Processor again.

  • P (Valid Preliminary Budget Check): The transaction passed budget checking without committing changes to the control budget ledger (LEDGER_KK).

  • V (Valid): The transaction passed budget checking and the Budget Processor has updated the control budget ledger (LEDGER_KK).

Note. This field is sometimes labeled Budget Header Status, but it is not the same as the Budget Header Status field when budgets are posted and although this field is sometimes labeled Budget Status, it is not the same as the Budget Status field that indicates whether a budget is open, closed, or on hold.

See Understanding Exception Handling and Notification.

See Understanding Entering and Posting Commitment Control Budget Journals.

Budget Checking Process Status

Records the results of a batch Budget Processor run. Can be one of the following:

  • Document in Process: The process is in progress.

  • Errors Exist: The process completed successfully, but the transactions have budget checking errors and warnings.

  • Process Unsuccessful: The process ended abnormally.

  • No Errors or Warnings: The process completed successfully and the transactions had no errors or warnings. The process updates the control budget.

  • Only Warnings Exist: The process completed successfully, but the transactions have warning exceptions. The process updates the control budget.

  • Unrecorded Errors Exist: The process completed successfully, but the transactions have budget checking errors—too many to record them all. You must correct existing errors in the control budget and the source transaction and run the process again.

Budget Close Status

Also Budget Closed.

Indicates whether the budget has been closed by the Budget Close COBOL process (FSPYCLOS). Status can be:

  • Closed (C): Budget is validated for the run control and successfully closed.

  • Invalid (I): Closing Run Control Validation report has been run with errors.

  • No Status (N): Budget Close process has not been run on this budget.

  • Partial (P): The Commitment Control ledger group is partially closed; that is, not all budget rows were covered by the Budget Close process.

  • Unclosed (U): Budget has been closed and reopened.

  • Validated (V): Closing Run Control Validation report has been run with no errors but Budget Close process has not been run.

To change the status of a budget that has been closed by the Budget Close process, you must unclose the budget using that same process (FSPYCLOS).

See Budget Close Status.

Budget Header Status

See Budget Checking Header Status.

Budget Period

ChartField that represents a time segment that the system uses to divide budgets.

Budget Ref (budget reference)

ChartField that identifies unique budgets when individual budgets share budget keys and overlapping budget periods.

Budget Status

Also referred to as Status

Indicates whether the budget is Open, Closed, or on Hold.

  • Open: The budget can still accept transactions.

  • Closed: The budget is closed to transactions. You cannot enter budget journals, and the Budget Processor fails all transactions that would impact the budget.

  • Default: The budget status is set to default from a higher level—either the budget attributes, control ChartField, or control budget definition level.

  • Hold: The budget is on hold. The Budget Processor fails transactions that would reduce the available balance, but you can enter and post budget journals.

Note. Budget status is applied manually. The Budget Close Status, on the other hand, is updated by Budget Close COBOL process (FSPYCLOS).

See also Budget Checking Header Status.

Budget Type

Can be either Revenue or Expenditure.

On some pages, it is synonymous with Commitment Control ledger group.

Budgetary Only

When you define a ChartField value and select this option, the ChartField value can be used for budget purposes only and is not available for recording actual transactional entries. This option is available for all fully configurable ChartFields, including DEPTID. You usually establish budget control using summary Budgetary Only ChartField values instead of establishing a budget for each detail transactional ChartField value. You then set up ChartField translation trees to roll up the detail transactional level ChartField values to the summary budgetary level values.

Business Unit

An identification code that represents a high-level organization of business information. You can use a business unit to define regional or departmental units within a larger organization.

Calendar ID

Budget period calendar ID.

ChartField 1, ChartField 2, and ChartField 3

ChartFields that you configure to meet your accounting requirements.


Can be used to identify specific appropriations.

Collected Revenue

Commitment Control ledger type (amount type) for revenue that has been collected.

Commitment Control Amount Type

Determines which Commitment Control ledger is updated by the source transaction. Can be one of the following:

  • Actuals and Recognized: Actual amount of the expenditure or the recognized revenue. Transactions update the expense or recognized ledger, depending on the ledger group.

  • Actuals, Recognize and Collect: Amount of revenue booked and collected.

  • Collected Revenue: Amount of revenue collected.

  • Dynamic: You specify the amount type when you enter the transaction. Applies to General Ledger journals and Project Costing journals.

  • Encumbrance: Amount of the funds that you are legally obligated to spend when you create a transaction such as a contract or a purchase order. Not an actual transaction.

  • Planned: Amount that you plan to spend. This amount is only an estimate and not an actual transaction. Also see Planning.

  • Pre-encumbrance: Amount that records the funds that you intend to spend but are not legally obligated to expend. This occurs, for example, when you create a requisition. Not an actual transaction.

Commitment Control Transaction Date

Activity Log date for the Commitment Control transaction.

Also refer to the Commitment Control Transaction ID for additional related information.

Commitment Control Transaction ID

Activity Log transaction number for the Commitment Control transaction.

When you budget-check a source transaction, the system creates activity lines, each of which can affect multiple budget definitions (ledger groups). The activity log creates a Commitment Control transaction ID and Commitment Control transaction date for each source transaction. The Commitment Control transaction ID and Commitment Control transaction date thus have a one-to-one correspondence with a source transaction, such as a single general ledger journal or a single voucher.

Commitment Control Transaction Line

The Commitment Control transaction line number has a one-to-one correspondence to a single source transaction line, such as a single general ledger journal line or single voucher line.

See the Commitment Control Transaction ID for additional related information.

Commitment Control Ledger Group

A group of ledgers that comprise the structure of a control budget definition. Often used synonymously with budget definition.

Commitment Control Options

See Control Options.

Control ChartField

The key ChartField that the Budget Processor uses to determine whether or not to enforce budget-checking.

For example, if you select DeptID as the control ChartField for the budget definition, you can then identify specific departments over which the Budget Processor enforces budgetary control using this budget definition and other departments which are exempt from budgetary control.

Control Options

Describes the degree of budgetary control:

  • Default from Higher Level: Commitment Control is set to default from a higher level—either the budget attributes, control ChartField, or control budget definition level.

  • Control: Transactions that cause budget exceptions generate errors or warnings.

  • Tracking w/ Budget (tracking with budget): Track transaction amounts against a budget but do not issue error exceptions unless there is no corresponding budget row. Pass if budget row exists, even for a zero amount, but issue warnings for exceptions. Also sometimes referred to as Track BD.

  • Track w/o Budget (tracking without budget ): Track transactions even if there is no budget set up. If a budget row exists and there are exceptions, issue warnings. Also sometimes referred to as Track.

  • Control Initial Document: Control expenditures against the initial document only. Transactions are stopped and error messages issued only if budget constraints would be exceeded when the initial document is processed. Transactions that pass budget checking on the initial document, such as a purchase requisition, are automatically passed on all subsequent documents, such as a purchase order or payment voucher, even if budget constraints are exceeded at the time they are processed. However, if the ChartFields are changed in subsequent documents from those values in the initial document, the transaction can fail if the ChartField combination does not exist as a budget. Also Ctrl Init.

    Note. Negative budgets cannot be set to Control. They can be set to Tracking w/ Budget or Track w/o Budget.


Code that identifies the type of currency for an amount, such as USD or GBP.

Dept (department)

ChartField that indicates who is responsible for or affected by the transaction.


Freeflow text up to 256 characters.

Effective Date

Date on which a table row becomes effective; the date that an action begins. For example, if you want to close out a ledger on June 30, the effective date for the ledger closing would be July 1. This date also determines when you can view and change information. Pages and batch processes that use the information use the current row.


Commitment Control ledger type (amount type) for amounts that you are legally obliged to spend. Contracts and purchase orders are typical encumbrance transactions.


Commitment Control ledger (amount type) for actual expenditure amounts.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year (twelve month period) in which the transaction takes place.

Foreign Amount

The amount in the entry currency.


ChartField that represents structural units for education and government accounting.

Fund Affiliate

ChartField used to correlate transactions between funds when using a singe intraunit account.

Funding Source

Amount to be spent that is allocated from expenditure and revenue budgets to a lower level distribution, such as to a project or program.


The language in which you want the field labels and report headings of your reports to print. The field values appear as you enter them.

Ledger Group

On most PeopleSoft Commitment Control pages, this refers to the Commitment Control Ledger Group.

Maximum Rows

The maximum number of data rows you want to view in a scroll area. Often also applies to the scroll area of secondary pages you access from an initial page.

Monetary Amount

The amount in the base currency of the primary ledger.

Oper Unit (operating unit)

ChartField used to identify a location, such as a distribution warehouse or sales center.

Operating Unit Affiliate

ChartField used to correlate transactions between operating units when using a singe intraunit account.

PC Business Unit

Business unit assigned to a project in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Percent Available

The percentage of the budget that is available after you deduct expenses and commitments.


Accounting period.


Commitment Control ledger type (amount type) to record estimated amounts that you plan to spend. Can also be used to record third-party source transactions that precede pre-encumbrance documents. The latter usage requires defining a new source transaction type.

See Planned and compare with Pre-encumbrance.


Commitment Control ledger type (amount type) for amounts that you expect to expend, but which you have no legal obligation to expend. A requisition is a typical pre-encumbrance transaction.

Process Frequency

Designates the appropriate frequency in the Process Frequency group box:

  • Once: Executes the request the next time the batch process runs. After the batch process runs, the process frequency is automatically set to Don't Run.

  • Always: Executes the request every time the batch process runs.

  • Don't Run: Ignores the request when the batch process runs.

Process Monitor

This link takes you to the Process List page, where you can view the status of submitted process requests.

Process Status (for a Budget Processor instance)

The status of a Budget Processor run can be one of the following:

  • Errors Exist: The transaction failed budget checking.

  • Process Unsuccessful: The budget checking process failed.

  • No Errors or Warnings: The budget check was successful and there were no warning messages.

  • Only Warnings Exist: The Budget Processor issued a warning, but it updated the control budget.

  • Unrecorded Errors Exist: The transaction has more errors than the Budget Processor recorded. You cannot override budget checking.


ChartField that identifies groups of related activities, cost centers, revenue centers, responsibility centers, and academic programs. Tracks revenue and expenditures for programs.


ChartField that captures information for project/grants accounting.


The statistical amount for the transaction. Appears only for budgets that track statistical amounts.


See remaining spending authority.

Recognized Revenue

Commitment Control ledger type (amount type) for revenue that has been booked but not yet collected.

Remaining Spending Authority

For expenditure budgets, RSA is typically calculated by subtracting the sum total of pre-encumbrances, encumbrances and expenditures from the posted budget amount.

If you have included a expenditure budget tolerances or your expenditure budget is associated with a revenue budget, the system includes with the posted budget amount, the revenue and finally any expenditure budget tolerance when calculating RSA.

For revenue budgets, RSA is calculated by subtracting the sum total of recognized revenue from the posted budget amount.

Request Number

System-generated number to order a series of requests within a run control.

Report ID

The report identifier.

Report Manager

This link takes you to the Report List page, where you can view report content, check the status of a report, and see content detail messages (which show you a description of the report and the distribution list).

Resource Type

ChartField that identifies a type of resource, such as labor or materials, the use of which is associated with a cost. Used in conjunction with resource categories, subcategories, and groups.

Revenue Estimate

Commitment Control ledger type (amount type) for revenue estimate budget amounts. It records the total revenue you expect to generate in a budget period.


A RuleSet defines a group of Chartfield values that share common budgetary attributes such as keys, calendars, and translation trees. RuleSets are used to allow different kinds of budgetary structures to be housed in the same Commitment Control Ledger Group. A Commitment Control budget definition must have at least one default RuleSet but may have many RuleSets defined based on the requirements for budget accounts.


A code that represents a set of control table information or TableSets. A TableSet is a group of tables (records) necessary to define your organizations accounting structure and processing options.

Short Description

Freeflow text up to 15 characters.

Statistics Code

ChartField that identifies nonmonetary statistical amounts.


Indicates whether a row in a table is Active or Inactive. You cannot display inactive rows on transaction pages or use them for running batch processes. Inactivate rather than delete data you no longer use in order to maintain an audit trail.

Contrast with Budget Status.


Also Budget Tolerance, Tolerance %.

The percentage variance over budget that you allow a transaction and still allow it to pass budget checking.


Business unit.

User ID

The system identifier for the individual who generates a transaction.


A calendar or fiscal year.

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See Also

Budget Close Status

Budget Period Calendars and Cumulative Budgeting

Underlying Data Structure of PeopleSoft Commitment Control


PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Applications User's Guide

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

PeopleTools PeopleBook, "PeopleSoft Applications User's Guide," Working with Pages, Using Effective Dates