Maintaining Additional Customer Information

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Customer-Related General Options

To define class of trade codes, customer group tables, division area codes, note types, salutation tables, and standard notes, use the Class of Trade Code, Customer Group, Division Area Code, Note Types, Salutation Table, and Standard Notes components.

Note. Use the CUSTOMER_GROUP and STANDARD_NOTE component interfaces to load data into the tables for these components.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used To Establish Customer-Related General Options

Page Name

Definition Name



Class of Trade Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Shipping and Receiving, Class of Trade Code

Segment customers into class of trades or channels. For example, you can set up class of trade codes for retail, wholesale, or internet channels.

Customer Group Table


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Customers, Customer Group Table

Group customers who share the same functionality.

Division Area Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Location, Division Area Code

Set up a geographical customer hierarchy.

Note Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Notes, Note Types

Define note types.

Salutation Table


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Customers, Salutation Table

Set up salutations for correspondence with customers.

Standard Notes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Notes, Standard Notes

Establish standard notes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Customer Group Tables

Access the Customer Group Table page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Customers, Customer Group Table).

Use customer group tables to group customers who share the same functionality in order to define processing criteria for the entire group instead of for individual customers. The system comes with predefined functional customer group types. After setting up customer groups, use the General Information - Customer Group Info page to assign individual customers to the customer group.

Note. You can associate customers with multiple groups for Accounting, Allocation, Alternate Sources of Supply, Buying Agreements, Back Orders/Reservations, Claimback Contracts, Collections, Direct Debit, Draft Management, Freight, Pay/Bill Management, Pricing, Reporting, value added tax (VAT), Tax, and Transportation, but you can associate each as a member of only one group type, either Forecasting or Pricing Arbitration Plan.

Catalog Number

The catalog lists all of the products that a particular customer group is either authorized to purchase or, in the case of an exclusive catalog, not allowed to purchase. This listing provides an easy way to associate groups of customers with a specific product catalog. You do not have to go to each sold-to customer and attach a product catalog to each customer ID.

Include/Exclude Type

Displays based on the catalog number selection.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Standard Notes

Access the Standard Notes page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Notes, Standard Notes).

You can set up standard notes to reuse. For example, you might have a standard note to announce a seasonal promotion or a note to thank customers for a particularly large order.

In PeopleSoft Order Management, you can view notes that are associated with customers or products on order and quotation headers, lines, and schedules. In PeopleSoft Billing, you can view notes that are associated with customers.

This PeopleSoft application is delivered with many enterprise integration points (EIPs) to send and receive standard note data with a third-party system or another PeopleSoft application, such as CRM. These EIPs are service operations within PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

The PeopleSoft application delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM. This table describes the service operations:

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With


























See Setting Up Service Operations.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Note Type

Enter a note type.


Enter up to 254 characters.

Search Criteria Key Words

Use to create a report that lists associated notes that contain certain key words.

Print On Document

Select print locations.

Note. Notes can print on these documents without additional configuration: Invoice, Bill of Lading, Order Acknowledgement, Picking Plan, and Quotation.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Customer Support Personnel

To define support team members, member types, and members, use the Support Team Members, Member Type, and Member components.

Use the MEMBER_PERSON1_CI, MEMBER_TYPE_TBL_CI, and TEAM_MEMBER_TABLE_CI component interface to load data into the tables for the components.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Structuring Commissions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Customer Support Personnel

Page Name

Definition Name



Team Member Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Team Members, Team Member Types

Define team member types, such as account managers, customer support, and sales managers. Commission information is assigned to the individual team members within the type by default.

Team Member Personal Data - Member Data


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Team Members, Team Member Personal Data, Member Data

Identify a team member's personal data and other information.

Team Member Personal Data - Member Commissions


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Team Members, Team Member Personal Data, Member Commission

Define individual team member criteria. On the individual team member level, specify commission distribution criteria and, if necessary, override commission information that is established at the team member type level.

Team Member Personal Data - Member Address


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Team Members, Team Member Personal Data, Member Address

Enter team member address information.

Support Team Members


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Team Members, Support Team Members

Establish teams after defining individual team members. Associate with ship to customers, quotes, and sales orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Team Member Types

Access the Team Member Types page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Team Members, Team Member Types).


Select to make the Default Commissions Data fields available.

Is this a Sales Person?

Select if the team member type is a salesperson.

Commission Schedule

Select if the commission is based on a schedule. Use the Basis field to indicate whether the amount shipped (Shipment) or the amount booked (Bookings) is used to identify the appropriate commission rate on the Member's Commission Schedule page.

Commissioned Member

Select if the commission is based on a straight percentage. Use the commission percentage to enter the percentage. Commissions based on percentage are reported against the amount booked.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Team Member Commissions

Access the Team Member Personal Data - Member Commission page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Team Members, Team Member Personal Data, Member Commission).

The personnel who are involved in customer support are called team members, and each member may be in a commissionable or noncommissionable role. You assemble members into teams that can be associated with ship to customers, quotes, and sales orders.

Team Member Type Code

When you select an option, the Commissionable option appears by default from that team member type, as does the Default Commission Pct Source (default commission percent source) and either the Basis or the Commission % field, depending on which commission percentage source you select on the Team Member Types page. You cannot change the Commissionable option here, but you can change any of the other default information.

Important! If you change the team member type code for a team member to a type code with a different commission status, the status changes on all of their existing sales orders. If you want the team member's existing orders to keep the original type code, you must enter the team member with a new team member ID that references the new type code.

Distribution Percent

For commissionable members, indicate when their sales commissions are payable. You can enter any fraction of 100 percent for each milestone, but the total of the values entered cannot exceed 100. These fields are informational only.

Note. Because the algorithms that are used to calculate commissions vary greatly, this PeopleSoft application enables you to define commission percentages and track their application. The actual computation of commission amounts is up to you.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Support Team Members

Access the Support Team Members page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Team Members, Support Team Members).

Team Member

Select from the list that is established on the Team Member Personal Data page.

Short Description

View the member type that is associated with each team member on the Team Member Personal Data - Member Commissions page.


Select only one for the team.


View which account member is the primary person for the account. The team member with the highest priority is referenced in reports and inquiries.

Note. Multiple team members who are also categorized as salespersons can be added to the team. However, you can have only one team member who is a salesperson selected as the highest priority member of the team. Be sure that the person who is selected as the 001 priority member is actually a member who was identified as a salesperson on the Team Member Types page. If not, you may have the wrong salesperson referenced on PeopleSoft Billing and Receivables documents.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Quick Customer Create Functionality

This section provides an overview of quick customer create functionality and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Quick Customer Create Functionality

Quick Customer Create enables the customer service representative (CSR) to determine if a customer exists in the system and to enter the minimum number of fields for an order if the customer is new.

Search Logic for Quick Customer Create

The search functionality does not use a wildcard percentage from the beginning of the search. The search logic is not case sensitive and uses and in the search logic (instead of or) when you enter multiple search criteria. The search functionality also uses a like operator for all nonprompt search fields and a = operator for all prompt fields. For example, if you enter USA as the country and Broadway as the Address1, then all addresses with a country of USA and an address line one of Broadway appear in the search results.

To improve search results:

Entering New Customers and Contacts

The CSR can enter a new customer and contact from the Customer Search page or from the Customer Summary page if the search returned no results or if the customer is new. The new customer can have only one contact, customer, and address and must have the same sold to, bill to, and ship to information. When entering the new customer, select a setID and a template customer, which, selected from all customers in the setID, populates the additional fields in the customer tables that are not entered on the Create New Customer/Contact page.

This table list the fields that the template customer updates when using Quick Customer Create. You can set up additional fields from the Maintaining Customer and Maintaining Contact menus.

What Is Created

What Is Updated

Contact only


  • CONTACT_PHN (only if phone information is provided).

  • PSOPRDEFN (only if user is created).

  • PSOPRALIAS (only if user is created).

  • PSOPRCLS (only if user is created).

  • PSROLEUSER (only if user is created).

  • ROLEXLATOPR (only if user is created).

Customer only














Contact and Customer


  • CONTACT_PHN (only if phone information is provided).


  • CONTACT_CARD (only if credit card information is provided).



  • CUST_CNTCT_PHN (only if phone information is provided).

  • CUST_CNTCT_CARD (only if credit card information is provided).

  • PSOPRDEFN (only if user is created).

  • PSOPRALIAS (only if user is created).

  • PSOPRCLS (only if user is created).

  • PSROLEUSER (only if user is created).

  • ROLEXLATOPR (only if user is created).














The template customer never updates these tables:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Quick Customer Create Functionality

Page Name

Definition Name



Customer Search


Customers, Customer Information, Quick Customer Create, Customer Search

Search for customers or enter new customers. Determine factors such as contacts' correct customers or which customer addresses to use. Quick Customer Create updates the Contact/Customer tables.

Customer Summary


Click the Search button on the Customer Search page.

View customer and contact search results, and select the correct matches.

Customer Summary Detail


Click the View details for selected customer(s) link on the Customer Summary page.

View additional customer information, navigate to transactions, and update contact and customer information. The system applies customer and contact information to the transactions automatically.

Contact User Profile Display


Click the View User link on the Customer Summary - Detail page.

View contacts' user profile information. This page is read-only.

Create New Customer/Contact


Click the Create New Customer/Contact link on the Customer Search page, Customer Summary page, or Customer Summary - Detail page.

Enter new customers' information.

Contact User Profile


Click Add User on the Customer Create page.

Enter contacts' user information to enable them to access self-service transactions.

Contact Credit Card Info


Click Add Credit Card Information on the Customer Create page.

Enter contacts' credit card information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Customers

Access the Customer Search page (Customers, Customer Information, Quick Customer Create, Customer Search).


Enter the setID and at least one additional field to search for a contact, customer, or contact and customer combination. This field is required. The Country field is required only if you enter information in the address fields.

Contact Name

View the contact name that you enter on the Contact page.

User ID

View the contact user ID that you define on the Customer User Profile page.

Email ID

View the contact email address that you entered on the Contact page.

Contact Phone

View the contact phone number that you entered on the Contact Phone and Type page.

Credit Card Number

View the contact credit card number that you entered on the Contact Credit Card Info page.

These user-defined fields are associated with the customer. The address fields are dependent on the country selection.

Customer Name and Customer ID

View data that you enter on the General Info page. You can do a partial search on the Customer ID field.

Customer Phone

View the business phone number that you enter on the Phone Information page.

Country, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Postal

View data that you enter on the General Information page.

Note. You can search by Address 1 and Address 2 fields, but not by the Address 3 field. Unless you are searching for a specific address, the Address 1 field is the only address field that appears on the Customer Summary page and the Customer Detail page. If, for example, you are searching for an address entered in the Address 2 field, that field appears on the Customer Summary page and the Customer Detail page.

Cust Char 10 A

Entered on the General Information - User Defined page.

Cust N 12.3 A

Entered on the General Information - User Defined page.

Create New Customer/Contact

Click to create a new customer or contact.


Click to view the search results on the Customer Summary page. If you are searching for a contact name and the contact is associated with multiple customers, the search returns of all the customers who are associated with the contact. Similarly, if you search for a customer who is associated with multiple contacts, the search returns all the contacts who are associated with the customer.

Note. Use the % wildcard to search for partial strings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Customer and Contact Search Results

Access the Summary page (click the Search button on the Customer Search page).

Return to Search

Click to return to the Customer Search page.

Click to access the Create New Customer/Contact page and create a new customer or contact.

Contact Phone

View the business phone number if there are multiple phone numbers for the contact and if the search criteria did not include contact phone. If no business phone exists, the first number in the list appears.

Credit Card

View the first credit card in the list if this contact has multiple credit cards and if the search criteria did not include a credit card.


View the minimum sequenced customer address if the search criteria did not include an address.

Click to select all of the customers when there are multiple search results.

Deselect All

Click to deselect all of the customers.

Click the View details for selected customer(s) button to access the Customer Summary Detail page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Contact and Customer Information

Access the Customer Summary Detail page (click the View details for selected customer(s) link on the Customer Summary page).

Return to Search

Click to return to the Customer Search page.

Click the Return to Results button to return to the Customer Summary page.

Click to access the Create New Customer/Contact page and create a new customer or contact.

Contact Information

Contact ID, Contact Name, Email ID, and Contact Flag

Set up these fields on the Contact page.

Contact Phone and Contact Type

Set up these fields on the Contact Phone and Type page. The first item in the list appears if multiple contact types exist.

View User

Click to access the Contact User Profile page and view user information that is required for contacts who access self-service transactions. The fields on this page are the same as those that appear on the Contact User Profile page.

Customer Information

Customer ID and Customer Name

Set up these fields on the General Info page.


Set up this information on the General Information page.

Credit Card Type and Credit Card Number

Set up these fields on the Contact Credit Card Info page.

Contact Information Update

Click to access the Contact page and view contact information.

Create Sales Order

Click to access the Order Entry Form and enter a new sales order for the customer.

Billing Information Inquiry

Click to access Bill Header Data and view customer billing information.

Order Tracking Inquiry

Click to access the Order Tracking page and view customer order status or the Order Tracking - Search page if no orders are available.

Customer Payment Inquiry

Click to access customer balances and view customer payment information.

Customer Information Update

Click to access the General Info page and view or update customer information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering New Customer Information

Access the Create New Customer/Contact page (click the Create New Customer/Contact link on the Customer Search page, Customer Summary page, or Customer Summary - Detail page).

Note. A new customer can have only one contact and address, and they must have the same sold to, ship to, and bill to address.

SetID, Name, and Address Description

These fields are required.

Template Customer

Populates additional fields in the customer tables that are not entered on this page.

See Using Quick Customer Create Functionality.

Enter Contact Information

Create Contact

Select to create a contact after saving the page.

Add User

Click the Add User link to access the Contact User Profile page and enter information if the contact will be accessing self-service transactions. This link is available only if you set up the roles that the user can grant on the Role Grant page.

Add Credit Card Information

Click the Add Credit Card Information link to enter a credit card for the contact.

Enter Customer Information

Create Customer

Select to create a customer after saving the page.

Customer ID

Enter an ID or leave blank to have the system assign a value.

Cust Char10 A and Cust N12.3 A

Enter user-defined information about the customer in these fields.


Address fields are dependent on this field value. Enter the address information for the new contact customer. You should add the address information at this time.

Save New Customer/Contact

Click to save the new customer. The new contact ID and the new customer ID are based on settings from the Automatic Numbering page.


If you are using a third-party tax provider, you must click the Geocode Lookup link to retrieve the geocode.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling Contacts to Access Self-Service Transactions

Access the Contact User Profile page (click Add User on the Customer Create page).

Logon Information

User ID, Password, and Confirm Password

Enter data for external contacts who need to access self-service transactions.

Note. We recommend that contacts change their passwords after logging in to self-service transactions.

Account Locked Out?

Select to disable the contact's system access. For example, you may want to disable system access while the individual is out on disability but to leave the contact as a User Profile so that the person can access the system upon returning to work.

Permission Lists

Process Profile

Enter values to enable customers to run PeopleSoft batch processes. This field is required.

Primary Permission List

View the permission list that is associated with the new user role that you select. Primary permissions control everything except page-based permissions (business interlinks, messaging, and so forth).

Contact Roles

Role Name

An intermediate object between users and permission lists. You assign multiple permission lists to a role and multiple roles to a user. A role manages the contact's access to applications as well as the type of work that should be routed to the contact. Establish roles on the Roles page. As part of the role definition, CSRs can select only roles to which they can grant access and can delete only roles that they can grant (establish these roles on the Role Grant page).

Note. CSRs should be authorized to run the Component Interfaces (USER_MAINT and CUSTOMER_CONTACT) so that the appropriate tables are updated when the contact and user are created using Quick Customer Create. The ID Type CNT must be marked as Enabled on the User Profile Types page so that the customer information can be saved.

Note. Contacts established to access express order entry must also have user preferences established for sales orders under Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, User Preferences, Define User Preferences, Orders - Sales.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Short-Term Customers

To set up short-term customers, use the Template Role (TEMPLATE_ROLE) component.

This section provides an overview of short-term customers, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Short-Term Customers

Short-term customers are temporary customers that are not already in the system. You can add them quickly to a sales order or quote in the counter sales environment without entering the customer through Quick Customer Create or the Customer component. To use the short-term customer feature a template must be created in the Customer General component. One default template must be added to the PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit for quotes, orders, and returns. In the case of returns, you may need to process a return for a customer that is no longer in the system.

When you create the template customer, you select a Customer Status of Template and specify when the customer expires. Only "Template" customer statuses can be added on the business unit.

The expiration date is used for the new customer. If you enter an order or quote for a customer and the expiration date has expired, you will get a warning message during the transaction. In the case of orders, you will be able to save the order, but you will need to update the date for the customer.

All users are associated with a role. All roles will have access to the customer template defined on the PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit. If you want a role to be able to access other template customers than the one specified on the business unit, select the All Templates option on the Template Role page.

You may want to create different template customers to use on the order, quote, and RMA. The information in the table is updated when the short-term customer is saved on the transaction.

The name, address, and phone are required for a short-term customer.

Adding a Short-Term Customer on a Sales Orders

When you create a sales order using a short-term customer:

  1. Select the Short-Term Customer check box in add mode.

  2. Enter the customer name, address, and optional information, such as phone number and tax codes.

    Note. The customer name and address are the required fields for adding a customer using a short-term customer template.

  3. Finish entering the sales order and save the order.

The customer will be generated after you save the order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites for Short-Term Customers

Before entering short-term customers on sales orders, quotes, or RMAs:

See Also

Using Short-Term Customers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Add Short-Term Customers

Page Name

Definition Name



Template Role


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management, Order Management Foundation, Template Role

Enable certain roles to choose additional template customers for the transaction.

Short-Term Customer Setup


  • In add mode, select the Short-Term Customer option from the sales order, quote, or RMA.

  • Click the Short-Term Customer Setup link on the GoTo Header Menu on the Order Entry Form or Quote Entry Form page.

  • Click the Short-Term Customer link on the Transfer To section of the RMA Form page.

Add details about the short-term customer.

Note. In add mode, select the Short-Term Customer flag to access the setup page.

Customer Summary


Click the Search for Existing Customer button on the Short-Term Customer Setup page.

Search the existing customer data for matching short-term customers using the information you entered on the short-term customer page. Matching results appear in a grid. You can select an existing customer from the matching results and proceed with the transaction.

Credit Card Data


Click the Input Card Data button on the Short-Term Customer Setup page.

Enter credit card information for the new customer.

Note. The payment method must be credit card for the order group assigned to the user.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling Role Security for Short-Term Customers

Access the Template Role page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Template Role).

In add mode, select the roles that you want to be able to select in any of the short-term customer templates while creating a transaction.

All Templates

Select if you want the role to be able to use all of the templates. Otherwise, the role will only be able to use the template from the PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit defined for the transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Short-Term Customers

Access the Short-Term Customer Setup page (in add mode, select the Short-Term Customer option from the sales order, quote, or RMA).

Create Short-Term Customer

Select the option if you want the system to create a customer when you save the order.

Template ID

The system displays the PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit default template that is associated with the order, quote, or RMA. To access alternative templates, the user must be assigned a role for which the All Templates option is selected on the Template Role page.

Customer Name

Enter the name for the new customer. The Customer ID will be created after you save the transaction. This field is required for a new customer.

Search for Existing Customer

Searches the existing customer data for matching short-term customers using the information you entered on the short-term customer page. Matching results appear in a grid.

Remove Short-Term Customer

Click the Remove Short-Term Customer button if you want to clear the information for the new customer.


This field is required for a new customer.

Telephone and Tax Information

These fields are optional for a new customer.

Tax Exemption Certificates

If you want the certificate to be saved for the new customer when it is created, enter this information.

Arbitration Plan and Customer Group

Enter either value to apply the pricing arbitration plan or pricing customer group to the customer.

Note. If the template has more then one associated pricing customer group, a default customer group will not populate the Customer Group field. The pricing customer group you entered on the short-term customer page will be used in addition to those set up for the template customer when pricing the order or quote. Only one additional pricing customer group can be attached to this page. If you want additional pricing customer groups, use the Customer General Info component to set them up.


Takes you to the main transaction page. The short-term customer will be created when you click Save on the transaction page.


Takes to you to the main transaction page without passing any customer data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Credit Card Information

Access the Credit Card Information page (click the Input Credit Card Data button on the Short-Term Customer Setup page).

See Also

Processing Credit Cards for Authorization Only

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Existing Customers

Access the Customer Summary page (click the Search for Existing Customer button on the Short-Term Customer Setup page).

Select Customer

After selecting a customer, click the Select Customer button to add the customer to the transaction instead of creating a new customer.

Click to jump to parent topicObtaining D&B Credit Reports

To enter D&B report information, use the D&B component (CUSTOMER_DB).

This section provides an overview of D&B report processing, lists prerequisites, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding D&B Report Processing

The Dun & Bradstreet interface enables you to automatically update Dun & Bradstreet information online and link it to a customer. Use the XML Data Integration Toolkit that Dun & Bradstreet provides and PeopleSoft Integration Broker to enable the interface.

When you use the interface to request a report, the system publishes the DNB_REQUEST_MESSAGE message to Dun & Bradstreet. When Dun & Bradstreet returns the report information, they publish the DNB_REPLY_MESSAGE message. The system populates the Customer Dun & Bradstreet (PS_CUST_DB) and Dun & Bradstreet Reports (PS_DB_REPORTS) tables with the report information.

Dun & Bradstreet sends a bill for each Dun & Bradstreet report that you order. Users should know which reports the organization uses because some reports cost more than others. The PeopleSoft interface enables users to download these report types:

When you purchase a report for a specific DUNS number, you see the last time that you purchased a report for that DUNS number and which report you purchased.

Review each report for a specific DUNS number using the Dun & Bradstreet component (CUSTOMER_DB). Only the key fields appear in the reports on the Operations, Credit and Risk, and Financials pages. If you want to view the entire report in text format, use the Full Text Report page. Also, some reports might not populate all of the fields. Associate the report with a customer on the Dun and Bradstreet - Operations page.

Note. If you do not use the Dun & Bradstreet interface, you can manually enter information for a Dun & Bradstreet report in the Dun & Bradstreet component.

To review a Dun & Bradstreet report that is associated with a customer, access the report from the Credit Profile - General page or the Account Overview - Profile page.

If needed, create a unique logon to the Dun & Bradstreet database for each setID so you can have separate billing accounts for different areas of the organization.

Note. When you implement the PeopleSoft Receivables system, you may have existing Dun & Bradstreet information that you want to convert to the Receivables system. Use the Dun & Bradstreet component interface (CUSTOMER_DB_CI) and the PeopleSoft Excel to Component Interface utility to populate data in the Dun & Bradstreet tables.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Perform these tasks before using the Dun & Bradstreet interface:

  1. Establish a Dun & Bradstreet account to obtain a Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) user ID and password, and arrange to access D&B data using the D&B Data Integration Toolkit.

  2. Enable the Dun & Bradstreet interface on the Installation Options - Overall page.

  3. Set up a unique logon to the Dun & Bradstreet database by setID for each Dun & Bradstreet account on the D&B Account page.

  4. Activate the DNB_REQUEST_MESSAGE and DNB_RESPONSE_MESSAGE messages in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

You must also use Integration Broker to set up the integration point. The PeopleTools documentation provides information about setting up integration points. This section discusses the specific information that you must enter to enable the integration:

  1. Create a gateway definition using the Gateways component (IB_GATEWAY) in PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

  2. Create a remote node for the Dun & Bradstreet connection using the Nodes component (IB_NODE).

  3. Set these parameters on the On the Node Definitions - Connectors page:

    1. Enter HTTPTARGET in the Connector ID field.

    2. If you need to set a location, enter Location in the Property Name field and enter request in the associated Value field.

      Add another row, and enter URL in the Property Name field and enter in the associated Value field.

      Note. Verify with Dun & Bradstreet that this URL is correct.

  4. Create an outbound synchronous transaction for the node on the Node Definitions - Transactions page.

    1. Enter DNB_REQUEST_MESSAGE, in the Request Message field on the Transactions page.

    2. Enter DNB_RESPONSE_MESSAGE for the response message in the Message Name field on the Messages page.

  5. Create a relationship between the local node and the remote node that you have just created using the Relationships component (IB_RELATIONSHIP).

    1. Enter DNB_CONVERT in the Relationship ID field when you add the relationship on the Relationship Transactions page.

    2. Enter DNB_TRANSFM in the Request field in the Transformations group box on the Transaction Modifiers page.

See Also

Setting Up Cross-Application Installation Options

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Select the Dun & Bradstreet report type. Values are:

Business Verification: Verifies that the business is a valid entity.

Credit Score (USA): Checks the score that corresponds to a delinquency performance.

Decision Support: Checks for summary updates, but no credit investigation is available.

Delinquency Score: Contains values that cannot be calculated.

Enterprise Management: Checks who owns and manages the business, such as a social, state owned, free trade zone, or collectivity owned.

Financial Standing: Checks business financial strength.

Quick Check: Checks customer credit ratings.

Purchase Dun and Bradstreet Information

Click to access the DB Lookup and Order page and purchase a Dun & Bradstreet report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Obtain and View D&B Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Dun & Bradstreet Lookup/Order


  • Customers, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet Lookup/Order, Dun & Bradstreet Lookup/Order

  • Click the Purchase Dun and Bradstreet Information link on the Dun and Bradstreet - Operations page or the other pages in the Dun and Bradstreet component.

    This link is available only if you enable the Dun & Bradstreet interface on the Installation Options - Overall page.

  • Click the Search or Purchase D & B Info link on the Additional General Info page or the Credit Profile page for a customer.

Retrieve online information from the Dun & Bradstreet database, order Dun & Bradstreet reports, and update the PeopleSoft database.



  • Customers, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Operations

  • Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Operations

  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Customers, Dun and Bradstreet, Operations

Enter or review operational information such as demographics, business associations, or relationships. View a list of customers who are associated with a DUNS number.

Credit Profile


Click the Go to Credit Profile Page link on the Dun and Bradstreet - Operations page.

Review credit profile information for the customer.

Additional General Info


Click the Additional General Info link on the Credit Profile page.

Link new DUNS numbers to customers.

Credit And Risk


  • Customers, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Credit And Risk

  • Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Credit And Risk

  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Customers, Dun and Bradstreet, Credit and Risk

Enter or review credit and risk information.



  • Customers, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Financials

  • Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Financials

  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Customers, Dun and Bradstreet, Financials

Enter or review financial statement information for the current and previous periods.

Full Text Report


  • Customers, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Full Text Report

  • Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Full Text Report

  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Customers, Dun and Bradstreet, Full Text Report

View entire Dun & Bradstreet reports in text format.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOrdering D&B Reports

Access the Dun & Bradstreet Lookup/Order page (Customers, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet Lookup/Order).

Searching the Dun and Bradstreet Database

Enter search criteria for DUNS numbers. You must enter at least the DUNS number or address information.


Enter the legal name for the business.

DUNS Number

Enter the identification number assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify a business.

Business Number

Enter the business identification number assigned to the business by a government agency.

Non Post City

Enter the name of the town in which the business is located if it differs from the town that the postal service lists. This field does not apply to all countries.

(DEU) Reason

Enter the reason the report is being purchased:

Commercial Credit: Select to check a commercial customer's credit.

Credit Check - Ongoing Business: Select to check an existing commercial customer's credit.

Credit Decision: Select to view a summary of decisions that were made on credit history.

Debt Collection: Select to check credit because of past or current debt collection.

Insurance Contract: Select to check credit because of a signed insurance contract.

Leasing Agreement: Select to check credit because of a signed lease agreement.

Rental Agreement: Select to check credit because of a signed rental agreement.

Note. This field is required only for Germany.


Click to obtain a list of DUNS numbers from the Dun & Bradstreet database that match the search criteria.

Purchasing Dun & Bradstreet Reports

To purchase a report:

  1. In the Search Results grid, select the DUNS numbers for which you want to purchase a report.

    The system automatically moves the DUNS number to the Products to be Purchased grid.

  2. In the Product field, select the report type that you want to purchase.

    Only report types that are available for the DUNS number appear. Select Trade Up to purchase the report for the ultimate parent company.

    Note. If you have previously purchased a report for the DUNS number, the last report type purchased and the date appear.

  3. Click the Purchase DB Information button.

    A confirmation message appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Operational Information and Linking Reports to Customers

Access the Operations page (Customers, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Operations).

The Dun & Bradstreet interface populates the values on this page. If you do not use the interface, you can enter information manually.


Select the value that indicates whether the organization is a parent or a subsidiary location. Values are: Headquartr (headquarters), Branch, or Single Loc (single location).

Primary SIC Code (primary standard industrial classification code)

Enter a SIC code, which is an index that describes the function (manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, or service) and the line of business in which the company is engaged.

Started Year

Enter the year in which the entity commenced present operations. If the entity was formed to acquire or continue a preexisting entity's operations, then the start date may reflect this original start date.


Select a value that indicates whether the premises at the physical address are owned or rented. Values are Co-Owns, Leases, Other, Owns, Rents, Shares, or Utilizes.

Incorporation Year

Enter the year in which the business incorporated. The incorporation year may not be the same as the year in which the business started.

Total Employee

Enter the total number of employees, including staff at branches, divisions, and subsidiaries located elsewhere.

Company Moved

Select if the business has moved.

Out of Business

Select if the business is no longer active at this location.

Employee Here

Enter the total number of employees at the headquarters location.

Enquiry DUNS

Enter the number assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify a business.

Parent DUNS

Enter the number assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify the parent company.

Parent Name

Enter the name of the company that has a majority interest in the business. The subject business is known as a subsidiary.

Customer List

A list of customers who are associated with the DUNS number appears in the Customer List grid.

Go To Credit Page

Click to access the Credit Profile - General page and view credit information for a customer who is linked to the DUNS number, or link another customer to a DUNS number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Credit and Risk Information

Access the Credit And Risk page (Customers, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Credit And Risk).

The Dun & Bradstreet interface populates the values on this page. If you do not use the interface, you can enter information manually.


Select if the organization is in bankruptcy.


Select if the organization has lawsuits in the Dun & Bradstreet database.

Liens Present

Select if the organization has open liens in the Dun & Bradstreet database.

Judgement Indicator

Select if the organization has open suits, judgments, petitions, or payment remarks in the Dun & Bradstreet database.

3 mons Paydex (three months Paydex)

Enter the Dun & Bradstreet payment score (Paydex) from three months ago.


Enter additional text about the three-month Paydex score.

Paydex Norm

Enter the industry median or average Dun & Bradstreet Paydex score.

Prior Year Paydex Rating

Enter a dollar-weighted score that indicates how the organization has paid its bills over the last 12 months. The prior year Paydex rating represents how the organization paid its bills in the previous year or previous 12 to 24 months.

Credit Risk Score

Enter the credit risk numeric score that is a translation of the risk of delinquent payment over the next 12 months.

Credit Score Percent

Enter the percentile rank that indicates where the organization falls among organizations in the Dun & Bradstreet U.S. database. The percent is based on a 1 to 100 scale, where 1 represents organizations with the highest probability of delinquency and 100 represents organizations with the lowest probability of delinquency.


Enter the literal explanation of the credit risk numeric score, which explains the risk of delinquent payment over the next 12 months.


Enter the code that Dun & Bradstreet assigns to a company that consists of a composite capital and credit rating.

Score Date

Enter the date on which the credit risk score was calculated.

Score Class

View the risk of delinquent payments over the next 12 months, as indicated by a number from 0 to 5.

Commercial Score

Enter the numeric score that corresponds to the delinquency performance.

High Score

Enter the high range of the commercial credit score for which an incidence of delinquency percentage could be linked. If the range is 240 to 280, the high range score is 280.

Highest Credit

Enter the highest account balance during the past 12 months.

Low Score

Enter the low range of the commercial credit score for which an incidence of delinquency percentage could be linked. If the range is 240 to 280, the low range score is 240.

Average High Credit

Enter the median of the highest credit extended over the past 12 months. To calculate this value, divide the sum of all of the high credit dollar amounts by the total number of account experiences.

All Firms PCTG (all firms percentage)

Enter the delinquency percentage for the company as it relates to all firms in the Dun & Bradstreet U.S. database.

Range PCTG (range percentage)

Enter a delinquency percentage as it relates to a specific commercial credit score range.


Enter an explanation about the conditions affecting the score.

Total Payment Experience

Enter the total number of payment experiences in the Dun & Bradstreet database for the organization.

Past Due Amount and Past Due Payments

Enter the sum of past due dollar amounts.

Negative Comments

Enter the total number of payment experiences with negative comments in the payment notes.

Slow Payments

Enter the conditional comment that is generated when the Paydex score is used or slow payment experiences are present.

Failure Risk Score

Enter the score that predicts the likelihood of a firm going out of business without paying all creditors in full over the next 12 months.

Failure Risk Score Nat Percent (failure risk score national percent)

Enter a percent that places the organization in a 1 through 100 rank order; 1 is the highest risk and 100 is the lowest risk. The percent means that the organization scores better than a percent of organizations available in the Dun & Bradstreet U.S. database.

(USA) Failure Risk Score Commentary

Enter text that explains the conditions that drive the score that is assigned to the organization. This field is available only in the U.S.

(AUS) Failure Risk Score Ovrd Code (failure risk score override code)

Enter a score for Australian organizations when the delinquency score is a special value (0, 893–895) or cannot be calculated.

Small Business

Select if the Small Business Administration (SBA) classified the organization as a small business.

8(A) Firms

Select if the SBA classified the organization as a socially or economically disadvantaged small business.

Debarments Date and Debarments Count

Enter the number of the U.S. government debarments that are present in the Dun & Bradstreet database and the date of the most current debarments filing.

Minority Owned

Select if the organization is classified as minority owned.

Woman Owned

Select if the majority of the organization is owned by a woman.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Financial Statement Information

Access the Financials page (Customers, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Financials).

The Dun & Bradstreet interface populates the values on this page. If you do not use the interface, you can enter information manually.

Cash and Liquid Assets

Enter the amount of cash on hand and in banks.

Statement Date

Enter the date of the current financial statement.

Accounts Receivables

Enter the total amount of accounts receivable.


Enter the amount of merchandise on hand. The amount may also include work in progress and raw materials minus depreciation.

Total Current Liabilities

Enter the total amount of all current liabilities that are less than one year old.

Total Current Asset

Enter the total amount of all current assets that are less than one year old.

Total Liabilities

Enter the total amount of liabilities.

Total Asset

Enter the total amount of current and long term assets.

Net Worth Amount

Enter the total amount of equity, which can include stock.


Enter the amount of net sales for the period after returns, allowances, and discounts are deducted. In Europe, this amount is the sales for the period less taxes.

Gross Profit

Enter the amount that remains after deducting the cost of goods sold from net sales.

Previous Net Worth

Enter the amount of net worth minus intangibles in the last financial statement. The amount may be negative to reflect a deficit net worth position.

Previous Statement Date

Enter the date of the previous financial statement.

Previous Sales

Enter the amount of net sales for the previous statement.

Previous Working Capital

Enter the amount of current assets minus current liabilities for the previous statement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Full Text Reports

Access the Full Text report page (Customers, Customer Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Full Text Report).

Report Text

View the full text of the Dun & Bradstreet report. This text is not available if you did not obtain the report using the Dun & Bradstreet interface.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Customers to DUNS Numbers

Access the Additional General Info page (select 0020 - Additional General Info in the More field on the General Info page).

Standard ID Qualifier and DUNS Number

Select DUNS Number With Edit to associate the customer with a DUNS number in the system and enter the DUNS number.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining MICR IDs

To define customer MICR IDs, use the Customer MICR Information component (CUSTOMER_MICR).

This section provides an overview of MICR IDs and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding MICR IDs

Every bank account has an associated MICR ID. Because customers may use multiple bank accounts, you can associate a customer with more than one MICR ID. A MICR ID is one way in which Payment Predictor identifies customers and can be used as the basis for building payment and maintenance worksheets.

The MICR pages are optional: use them if the lockbox interface provides a MICR ID for customer identification or if you regularly use MICR IDs for identification. If you perform direct debit or electronic draft processing, you can use these pages to define customer bank account information used for remittance processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define MICR IDs

Page Name

Definition Name



MICR Information - Address


Customers, Customer Information, MICR Information, Address

Enter MICR IDs and associate them with remit from customers.

MICR Information - Customer Bank


Customers, Customer Information, MICR Information, Customer Bank

Enter additional bank information for specific customers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating MICR IDs with Remit from Customers

Access the MICR Information - Address page (Customers, Customer Information, MICR Information, Address).

Effective Date

MICR ID information is keyed by effective date to enable you to keep a history of changes that you make and enter changes that will go into effect on some future date.

Remit From Customer

Select the setID and the customer ID of the remit from customer to enable Payment Predictor to select items from more than one customer based on the MICR ID. Because a remit from customer is the paying entity, you link MICR IDs to remit from groups rather than to individual customers. Every customer is its own remit from customer if it does not belong to a larger remit from group.


If a customer that is enabled for draft processing will use this MICR ID and the bank interface requires the draft bank address, then enter that address in the fields in this group box. Otherwise, this information is optional and not used in any Receivables processing.

Note. During processing, you may discover a payment with a MICR ID that does not match any customer in the system. If you have additional information that is associated with the payment that positively identifies the remit from customer, then link the MICR ID to the customer by clicking the Link MICR link on the Regular Deposit Entry - Payments page or the Worksheet Selection page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Customer-Specific Bank Information

Access the MICR Information - Customer Bank page (Customers, Customer Information, MICR Information, Customer Bank).

Effective Date, Status, and Remit From Customer

View data from the MICR Information - Address page.

Remit From Customer

For each MICR ID that you set up for the customer, enter the bank account information to process direct debits and drafts electronically. This action associates the bank account details with the remit from customer and the MICR ID that you enter on the MICR Information - Address page.


View data from the MICR Information - Address page and define where the bank is located. Depending on the country, you may be required to enter different information to identify the customer's bank account.

Bank Name Alt Characters (bank name alternate characters)

If you have enabled alternate character sets for the user, the Bank Name Alt Characters button appears next to Bank Name. Click to enter each name in alternate characters.

Note. To activate alternate characters, set the User Preferences to use alternate characters on the User Preferences - Overall Preferences page.

Bank ID Qualifier

Defines which fields are required for the customer's bank and the editing rules for each field. For example, you may be required to enter a bank ID with five characters for the French Bank (009). System-defined qualifiers are provided for each country; review them on the Bank ID Qualifiers page.

See PeopleSoft Bank Setup and Processing PeopleBook.

Bank Identifier Code

Enter a bank identifier code (BIC) for this bank branch. This code is based on the ISO standard (9362), which is the universal method used to identify the financial institutions that enable automated processing of payments. A BIC code is used to route cross-border and some domestic payments to a bank branch or payments center.

SEPA requires the use of BIC and IBAN codes to uniquely identify the creditor's and debtor's banks and bank accounts in all Euro cross-border payments. The IBAN and BIC codes must be correct to avoid repair fees that the bank charges due to processing errors and to avoid delays in processing payments and collections due to the correction of these errors.

Once you enter a BIC code, the system validates the length and layout of the characters, and it validates the BIC country code against the country code set up for the bank branch.

Bank ID

Identifies the bank.

Branch ID

Depending on the bank ID qualifier, you may need to enter a check digit for the account number and a corresponding branch ID.

Account Type

Select a value:

  • Bond.

  • Bus Acct (business account).

  • Check Acct (checking account).

  • Dem Dep (demand deposit).

  • Lf Ins-Net (life insurance account - net cash value).

  • Life Ins (life insurance face value).

  • Mutual (mutually defined).

  • Ret Acct (retirement account - vested interest).

  • Ret It-DDA (return items on demand deposit account).

  • Ret It-Sav (return items on savings account).

  • SB Acct (stocks and bonds account).

  • Time Dep (time deposit).

  • Trust fund.

To conduct EFT transfers using this account, you may need to provide the appropriate routing information for the depository financial institution (DFI).

DFI Qualifier

Select to identify the bank using its DFI ID and enter the associated DFI ID. The DFI qualifier specifies the format and how many characters and numerals are used in the bank's DFI ID.

Use Lead Time and Holiday List from Biller's Bank

Select this option to use the lead time days and holiday list based on the Biller's bank account.

The Lead Time and the Holiday List should come from the same source, either both from MICR ID or both from Biller's Bank account because the customer and biller's bank may be in different countries with different holiday schedules. Lead Time and Holiday List entered in MICR ID will be used when Use Lead Time and Holiday List from Biller's Bank is not selected. When Use Lead Time and Holiday List from Biller's Bank is selected, Lead Time and Holiday List fields in MICR ID will be disabled and it will be ignored by the process.

Direct Debit Lead Time Days

Enter the number of lead time days. Default value for Lead Time Days is zero.

Holiday List ID

Enter the Holiday List ID for the customer's bank account.

Each DFI ID type has a specific number of digits that you can enter, as listed in this table:

DFI Qualifier


Transit Number

Exactly nine numerals, plus check digit calculation.

Swift ID

Eight or 11 characters; positions five and six must comprise a valid two-character country code.


Three or four numerals.

Canadian Bank Branch/Institute

No validation.

Mutually Defined

No validation.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tree-Based Corporate Customers

To define corporate customer trees, use the Corporate Customer Tree component (AR_CORP_TREE_NODE).

This section discusses how to:

Note. This section assumes that you are familiar with the Tree Manager. The tree that is delivered as part of the demonstration database illustrates one possible structure of nodes and detail values. Customers must be part of the corporate tree to be included in the PeopleSoft Corporate Tree nVision report and the customer profile by corporate tree.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Tree-Based Corporate Customers

Page Name

Definition Name



Tree Manager


Tree Manager, Tree Manager

View corporate tree structures.

Corporate Customer Tree


Customers, Customer Information, Corporate Customer Tree

Define or review corporate tree node characteristics. The Corporate Customer Tree page from the Maintain Customers menu, where you can enter or change information for corporate customers, appears.

Corporate Tree Messages


  • Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Corporate Tree Messages

  • Customers, Customer Information, Corporate Tree Messages

View and update messages for customers who are associated with a particular corporate umbrella.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Corporate Tree Structures

Access the Tree Manager page (Tree Manager, Tree Manager).

For each corporate tree in the Tree Manager, various levels of the corporate structure exist under which nodes and detail values are grouped. Detail values are actual customers, identified in the Tree Manager by their customer IDs (such as 1001). Nodes are generally used to organize detail values into corporate groups, and they appear with their node name and a description (such as ALLIANCE_GROUP - Alliance Group). Nodes may be customers as well as organizational tools. Detail values always exist under nodes and cannot have children.

Define detail values on the Maintain Customers pages; define nodes on the Tree Node page in Tree Manager.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Tree Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Customer Information

Access the Tree Manager page (Tree Manager, Tree Manager).

Edit Data

Click the Edit Data button to access the Tree Node page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Corporate Tree Nodes

Access the Corporate Customer Tree page (Customers, Customer Information, Corporate Customer Tree).

Note. The credit information on this page is similar to information that you enter for an individual customer on the General Information - Credit Profile page. However, PeopleSoft Order Management does not use the information on this page for credit checking. You can use this information in reports and in a Workflow to determine which customers have exceeded their credit limit.

SetID and Corporate Customer

For an existing node, the tree populates these fields. If you are creating a new node, the corporate customer name comes from the tree node that you supply in the Tree Node dialog box when you insert the node.

Effective Date

This credit information is keyed by effective date to let you keep a history of the changes and to enter changes that will go into effect on a future date.

% Over Limit (percentage over limit)

Enter a credit limit tolerance, a percentage by which you allow customers to exceed their credit limit. You can use this field with Workflow to retrieve customers who exceed their tolerance amount. If a customer has a 2 percent over limit, for example, an extra two percent of their credit limit is added to their available credit amount. Depending on the percentage that you enter here, you may see credit limits that are higher than those you originally established for the customer.

Range %

Enter a credit limit comfort level. Use this field with Workflow to retrieve customers who exceed their range percent. You can flag certain customers when they get within 80 percent of their credit limit, and allow others to reach 110 percent of their credit limit.

Credit Limit Date

The current date appears by default; you can override this value. This date is kept separate from the effective date, so changes to the credit limit or other credit information are independent of each other.

Credit Limit Review Date

Enter a date on which you want to reevaluate the corporate credit limit.

Risk Code

An indicator of customer credit history. Credit class is another way of grouping customers by defining additional credit categories.

Note. The values for the Risk Code and Credit Class fields are translate values that can be adapted to the business needs.

Collection and Dispute

Select customer credit status based on the circumstance. Additional fields appear next to the Collection or Dispute fields.

When you turn a customer over for collection, select a collection code from those that are defined on the Collection Status page. Codes vary according to business practices. For example, they may represent different collection agencies that you use. The date on which the account was assigned for collection is the current date by default.

When you place a customer in dispute, select a dispute code from those that are defined on the Dispute Status page. Dispute codes vary by business. These codes usually indicate the cause for dispute, such as a pricing error or an incorrect shipment. The date on which the account was placed in dispute is the current date by default. The dispute amount that you enter can be a negative or positive value.

Note. Altering the account status has no effect on item or payment processing. These are informational fields only.

Apply To Individual Customers

Click to assign the same status to all customers in the node when you place a corporate account in or out of collection or dispute. This saves the page and updates the individual customer's credit record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Corporate Customer Tree Messages

Access the Corporate Tree Messages page (Customers, Customer Information, Corporate Tree Messages).

Corporate Customer

If one (or more) of the customers who belong to the corporate customer is assigned a message using the General Information - Messages page, the customer ID and name appear.


Click to enter or update a corporate tree message (in read-only mode). The system transfers you to the Messages page, where you can assign or modify messages for customers who are associated with the corporate customer.

Hold Code

Appears if the customer has an action of Hold.

Note. The Messages button appears on the Corporate Customer page whenever any customer who belongs to the corporate customer has a message.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Vendor Information

To view vendor information, use the vendor Information component (VENDOR_AR).

This section discusses how to view vendor names and IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Vendor Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Vendor Information


Customers, Customer Information, Vendor Information

View name and ID information for specific vendors.

Vendor Info (vendor information)


Click the Vendor Info link on the Miscellaneous General Info page.

View name and ID information for specific vendors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Vendor Names and IDs

Access the Vendor Information page (click the Vendor Information link on the Miscellaneous General Info page).

If you have PeopleSoft Payables installed, use this page to link vendors and their associated customer records. When PeopleSoft Receivables requests a customer refund, the Payables system can determine which vendor to use on the voucher.

Note. You cannot add or change any information on this page if you have PeopleSoft Payables installed. If you do not have Payables installed, then you may want to use this page to maintain vendor information for another purpose, such as refunds within the system.

Click to jump to parent topicAssociating EFT Payment File Names With Customer IDs

This section lists the page used to associate EFT payment file names with customer IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Associate EFT Payment File Names With Customer IDs

Page Name

Definition Name



Customer EFT Name


Customers, Customer Information, Electronic File Transfer Name, Customer EFT Name

Create cross-references between customer names on the EFT payment file and customer IDs. The system uses the EFT payment file information in the Name field and the customer ID in the Customer field when loading EFT payment data into PeopleSoft Receivables.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Customer Reimbursable Agreements

To define reimbursable agreements, use the Customer Agreements component (CUST_AGREEMENT).

This section lists the pages used to create customer reimbursable agreements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Customer Reimbursable Agreements

Page Name

Definition Name



Reimbursable Agreements - Funds


Customers, Customer Information, Reimbursable Agreements, Funds

Establish the reimbursable agreement number, the amount of the agreement, and the customer reimbursable fund information.

Reimbursable Agreements - Documents


Customers, Customer Information, Reimbursable Agreements, Documents

Associate documents with the customer reimbursable agreement.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Federal Registry Data

This section provides an overview of processing federal registry data and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Processing Federal Registry Data

Federal registry data is loaded from a registry file that has been downloaded from the FedReg site. The FedReg file will include updates to all staged data including federal entities that have been created as customers. The following actions will occur:

Note. Fedreg customers that were manually inactivated by the user will not be affected by any further fedreg processing until the user manually activates the customer.

During the FedReg Load process, messages for the following conditions will be written to the file load message log for fedreg customers previously created:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Federal Registry data

Page Name

Definition Name



Load Federal Registry File


Customer, Customer Information, Federal Registry, Import Federal Registry File

Load data from the FedReg file into the CCR/FedReg Stage records and update any Customers that have been created from FedReg data and have changes since the last update.

Inquire Federal File Information


Customer, Customer Information, Federal Registry, Federal Registry Load Inquiry

View summary and detailed messages written from the load program.

Maintain Federal Entities


Customer, Customer Information, Federal Registry, Maintain Federal Entities

View customer information.

Federal Entity Create


Click the Create Customer button on the Maintain Federal Entities page.

Create a new customer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Federal Registry Data

Access the Load Federal Registry File page (Customer, Customer Information, Federal Registry, Import Federal Registry File).

File Path

Enter the directory where the federal registry file is located.

File Name

Enter the name of the federal registry file.

FedReg Extract file names have the following format:

An example of a FedReg Extract file name is FDRGR0012005. "FDRG" indicates a FedReg file and R is the file type. Date is January 1, 2005.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInquiring on the Federal Registry Load process

Access the Inquire Federal File Information page (Customer, Customer Information, Federal Registry, Federal Registry Load Inquiry).

This page allows you to view detailed changes to Customer information based on the file data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Federal Entities

Access the Maintain Federal Entities page (Customer, Customer Information, Federal Registry, Maintain Federal Entities).

Create Customer

Click this button to access the Federal Entity Create page and to use this page to create a new customer. If the user clicks this button when the fedreg entity is a seller only, the user will get an error message. Only buyer or a seller and buyer can be used to create customers. An error message will also be displayed if fedreg staged data has expired. Check Federal Processing installation options to ensure Customers have been enabled for FedReg.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Customers from Federal Registry Data

Access the Federal Entity Create page (click the Create Customer button on the Maintain Federal Entities page).

Support Team Code

Enter the code of the team that supports the ship to customer. Set up support team codes on the Support Team Members page.

Credit Analyst

Enter a credit analyst for the customer.


Enter a collector for this customer.

Trading Partner Code

Enter a two-digit code for federal customers.


Click this button to create a customer. When the customer is created successfully the user will get a message that the customer has been created successfully.


Click this button to clear the values on this page and return to the Federal Agency Inquiry page.

Return to Federal Agency Inquiry

Click this link to return to the Federal Agency Inquiry page. The system does not clear the populated values and if you transfer back to the create page, these values will remain populated for the current session.

Customer Auto Numbering and Contact Auto Numbering

Customer Auto Numbering and Contact Auto Numbering links can be used to override the autonumbering option that defaulted from the Service Defaults page.

Click to jump to parent topicValidating Financial Sanctions

This section provides overviews for financial sanctions screening (FSS) with customer information and FSS setup, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding FSS with Customer Information

FSS in the Order to Cash business process is used with PeopleSoft Order Management, Inventory, and Billing. FSS validates customer names and addresses with a variety of national and international security lists. These security lists may include: Specially Designated Nationals, OFAC Sanctioned Countries, FBI Top Ten Most Wanted, European Union Terrorism List, United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List, and more.

For U.S. based companies and their foreign subsidiaries, a federal regulation from the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) requires that customers be validated against a Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list. OFAC acts under Presidential wartime and national emergency powers, as well as authority granted by specific legislation, to impose controls on transactions and freeze foreign assets under U.S. jurisdiction. Many of the sanctions are based on United Nations and other international mandates, are multilateral in scope, and involve close cooperation with allied governments.

PeopleSoft provides you the ability to download the list of SDNs from the OFAC, the European Union, as well as enterprise sources. Once installed, you can manually search the list to validate customers. In addition to manual searches, you can enable validation to be performed automatically when processing transactions or adding customers.

PeopleSoft provides validation of your customers against any financial sanctions list at the customer name and address level. The system validates these customer fields:

Financial sanctions screening is performed within the Order to Cash business process during creation and maintenance of these transactions:

The Screen for Denied Parties process (SCM_FSS) can be run to screen customers, orders, MSRs, and invoices. You can run it from these menus:

Use the Search inquiry to review the financial sanctions screening results. A match will prevent the system from shipping an order and from finalizing an invoice. Hold processing can be set up for sales orders to place orders on hold if a match is encountered during order entry.

Customer and Transaction Financial Sanction Screening

When a customer is saved, the name and address are matched against the list that is being used to perform the screening. If the name or address is a match against the list, the customer is returned with a Unconfirmed status. Customer screening is only performed when a customer is added, the name is changed, a location is added or an address is changed.

When a match is made, it is your responsibility to call the agency and discuss your customer with them. If you determine that your customer should not be on the list, you can change the status to Confirmed, enter a reason code, and specify the number of days that you do not want the customer screened again.

If you find that the customer is a valid match with the list, you would leave the status as Unconfirmed. A sales order could be entered for the customer. The order would be held up depending on how you have set up the screening for sales orders.

When a match is found, sales orders go on hold at the header level. For MSRs, each line of the MSR goes hold. For invoices, the bill status is set to either Hold (HLD) or New (NEW) and the bill FSS status becomes unconfirmed

For all of the transactions, you can remove the hold by confirming the customer and rerun the Screen for Denied Parties process. You can also manually remove the hold. The sections on the sales order, MSR, and invoice discuss the process to manually remove the hold.

See Adding Customer Names and Levels and Assigning Roles.

Sales Order Financial Sanction Screening

If you intend to have sales order automatically trigger financial sanctions screening, hold processing for financial sanctions screening must be selected on the Hold Processing page. Hold codes can also be set up for the order and customer.

The Customer related hold refers to the Bill-To and Sold-To customers listed on the order header and the Ship-To customers list on the order's schedules. If any of these customers is Unconfirmed, a Customer Hold will be placed on the order. The second type of hold is an Order Hold, which means that an address override or payment address matches a security list entry.

When an order is entered, you will receive a message when you enter an order for a customer that is a match with the financial sanctions screening list. The message is established on the Messages page. You can save the order but it will go on hold at the header level when the order is saved. The actual screening takes place when order header, lines, and schedules are added or when the address of the customer changes on the order. When an address override takes place, the order will be reevaluated to see if the address change triggers a match.

If a customer status is changed to unconfirmed during customer maintenance, the sales order will not be rescreened unless the Denied for Screened Parties process is run. The Do Not Screen for X Number of Days field from the customer does not affect whether the sales order will go on hold or be taken off hold.

A number of ways are present for removing a financial sanctions hold for the sales order.

  1. Inactivate or delete the hold and select a reason code for the change.

  2. Delete the sales order line if the Ship-to customer or address override associated to the line caused the match.

  3. Run the OM Background Hold Check process (OM_HOLD) to reevaluate all holds including FSS holds, assuming the FSS condition no longer applied.

  4. Run the Screen for Denied Parties process (SCM_FSS) and select the rescreen option if the condition is no longer valid.

If an FSS hold is inactivated on the sales order, it will not be reapplied to the order. If the hold is deleted, the hold may be reapplied the next time hold processing occurs.

In the counter sale environment, the system will perform a FSS check when a payment is added and the address is entered on the Additional Information page for a check, credit card, debit card, or a procurement card.

Material Stock Request Financial Sanction Screening

Only external material stock requests (MSR) or VMI intercompany transfers are screened during inventory fulfillment. The hold code that is used for FSS processing in inventory is established on the Inventory Business Unit Options page.

These types of orders are not screened during order entry. They can only be screened through the Screen for Denied Parties process. Material Stock Requests should be run through this process before shipping. Orders that are on hold will not be shipped.

The Inventory FSS hold can be removed using the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests component. Similar to sales orders, if the customer FSS status changes to Unconfirmed, the Screen for Denied Parties process will remove the hold.

Invoice Financial Sanction Screening

When FSS is active for the order to cash business process, the system performs FSS on invoices. An invoice can contain several different types of customers such as Bill-To, Ship-To, and Service-To. Each type of customer name and address is compared to the security lists that are loaded in the system.

When FSS processing finds a potential match between a customer name and address and the security list, it marks the invoice with an error code, sets the bill status to either Hold (HLD) or New (NEW), changes the bill FSS status to unconfirmed (the Confirmed option is not selected), and stores the results in the system.

A user or the system can change the bill FSS status from unconfirmed to Confirmed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding FSS Setup

Financial Sanctions Screening for in the Order to Cash business process is configured at the installation level. Three options are available to choose from.

If FSS is controlled at the business unit level, the Order Management business unit governs sales orders, the Billing business unit governs invoices and the Inventory business unit governs external stock requests and VMI interunit orders.

You also determine if you will load the financial sanctions list into the FSCM database or use a third party web service at the installation level. The access to the lists, whether they are downloaded into the FSCM database or through a third party web service, are done using a common application package FSS_SDN_SEARCH.

When specifying that you want the financial sanctions list to be downloaded, you will also establish a threshold that is used by Verity to determine if there is a match against the list. It is important that you test the index against the threshold. The higher the threshold, the more accurate the match has to be with the financial sanctions data. The lower the threshold, the more matches you will receive.

Each of the fields that make up the customer name and address are given a weighted score. When they are screened against the list that you are using for FSS, the cumulative score of customer is tabulated by the system. If the score equals or is higher then the threshold set at installation, the customer will be flagged as being a match.

If you are downloading the list into the FSCM database, you will need to build a search index for the financial sanctions data. Each time you download the financial sanctions data, the index must be rebuilt.

See Also

Setting Up Order Management Business Units

Establishing New PeopleSoft Billing Business Units

Setting Up and Using the Financial Sanctions Service

Setting Financial Sanctions Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used for FSS

Customer ID

The customer link will potentially take you to two different pages. If there is no address override, then the FSS hold is directly related to the customer. Therefore, the link will take you to the Customer tab which will provide information about the match. However, if this order was put on hold because of an address override, then there may not be any entry for that customer in the customer grid in the inquiry component. Therefore, the link will take you to the customer General Info page.

Entry ID

Click the link to access the Financial Sanctions Entry page to view details about the match.

Sanctions ID

Displays the ID to identify the list that was used in the validation.

Note. It is possible to have multiple lists or old and new versions of the same list used for FSS screening.

Sanctions List Type

Lists the name of the list that is used for financial sanctions screening.


The fields represents the values that the customer scores when the customer information is screened against the financial sanctions list that you are using. The higher the score, the better the customer is matched against an entry in the list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Perform FSS

Page Name

Definition Name



Screen for Denied Parties


  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Process Orders

  • Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders

  • Billing, Maintain Bills

Use this page to the run the Screen For Denied Parties process (SCM_FSS) and perform FSS for customers, orders, MSRs, and invoices.



  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Financial Sanctions

  • Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Review Fulfillment Information

  • Billing, Maintain Bills, Review Processing Results

Use this page to search for the results of the FSS.



  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Financial Sanctions

  • Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Review Fulfillment Information

  • Billing, Maintain Bills, Review Processing Results

Use this page to view the FSS results for customers.



  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Financial Sanctions

  • Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Review Fulfillment Information

  • Billing, Maintain Bills, Review Processing Results

Use this page to view the FSS results for orders.



  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Financial Sanctions

  • Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Review Fulfillment Information

  • Billing, Maintain Bills, Review Processing Results

Use this page to view the FSS results for invoices.

General Information


  • Customers, Customer Information, General Information

  • General Info Grants, Sponsors, General Information

  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Customer Information

Add or review customers' names and level information, and assign associated roles. You can also enter one or more addresses for customers and assign descriptions to each location. You also use this page to manage FSS.

Order Entry Form


  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Create/Update Order

  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Create/Update Quote

Use this page to enter header and line information for orders and quotes. The component will also validate the customer name and address for FSS processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicScreening for Denied Parties

Access the Screen for Denied Parties page (Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Process Orders, Screen for Denied Parties).

Enter parameters to run the Screen For Denied Parties process (SCM_FSS) to validate customers, orders, MSRs, and invoices.

Note. Sales orders, MSRs, and invoices without address overrides will not be rescreened during the transaction. If there are no overrides, then the status of the customer on the customer table is used regardless of whether a new list has been loaded or not. When a new list is added, we recommend that at a minimum customers be screened using the Screen For Denied Parties process (SCM_FSS) before any orders, invoices, or MSRs are screened against the new list.

Process Options


Use this option to validate all of the customers and transactions against the financial sanctions screening list. Use this option if you have loaded a new list.


Use this option to select a range of customers, orders, MSRs, or invoices.


Typically, an existing customer is only screened once per version of the security list. When a security list is downloaded, customers will be screened and typically not screened again until a new list is downloaded. The Re-screen option will force a customer to be screened again even if a new list has not been downloaded. This option might be used if the user has manually changed a customer's Confirmed status and then wants to have the customer screened again.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for FSS Results

Access the Search page (Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Financial Sanctions).

You can limit your search to customers, invoices, or orders or use All to search for all the transactions that are a match with the FSS. Use additional criteria within each category to limit your search.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing FSS Results for Customers

Access the Customer page (Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Financial Sanctions).

The page lists the results from the Screen For Denied Parties process (SCM_FSS) for customers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing FSS Results for Orders

Access the Orders page (Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Financial Sanctions).

The page lists the results from the Screen For Denied Parties process (SCM_FSS) for orders, MSRs, and VMI interunit orders.


Order No

For orders originating from Order Management, click the link to access the Order Entry Form page. For orders originating from Inventory, click the link to access the Cancel/Hold page. In either case, you can work on the hold for the order.

Order Details

This tab displays additional details about the order. Links are present for the order line, schedule line, and demand line. These links will give you information about any address overrides that may be at these levels. For example, if you have an address override at the schedule level, clicking the link will take you to an inquiry page that would let you see the address information at that level for this line. However, if you had no address override information, then you would see a message stating that, and you would not be transferred to any other page.


This tab displays additional details about the sanctions.

Note. If the Sanctions ID and Sanctions List Type fields are blank, the match was due to the name or address for the customer and not the address override or payment address for the order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing FSS Results for Invoices

Access the Invoice page (Billing, Maintain Bills, Review Processing Results).

The page lists the results from the Screen For Denied Parties process (SCM_FSS) for invoices.

Note. If the Sanctions Header ID and Sanctions List Type fields are blank, the match was due to the name or address for the customer and not the payment address entered for the invoice.

Business Unit

Displays the billing business unit for the invoice.


Click to access the Standard Billing - Header - Misc Info page. This page provides the Financial Sanctions section for the invoice.

Seq (sequence)

Displays a value that indicates the line sequence number of the invoice. The value of zero indicates the bill header level.


Displays the location ID that is stored in the PeopleSoft Customer Address table. If this field does not have a value, then the customer address was overridden.

Address Type

Displays the type of address. Valid values are:

  • Header Bill To Address.

  • Header Ship To Address.

  • Header Sold To Address.

  • Header Service To Address.

  • Header Courtesy Copy Address.

  • Header Credit Card Address.

  • Line Ship To Address.

  • Line Sold To Address.

  • Line Service To Address.

  • Line Tax Ship To Address.

  • Attached Bill Address.

  • Blank.

    A blank value indicates a consolidated header that has an attached bill, and that the attached bill has a potential customer name or address match to the security list.

Click to jump to parent topicMaking Customer Inquiries

This section discusses how to view the customers' credit details and other related information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Make Customer Inquiries

Page Name

Definition Name



Customer Attachments


  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Customer Information, Attachments, Customer Attachments

  • Customers, Review Customer Information, Attachments, Customer Attachments

View attachments, such as multimedia files, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, Microsoft Word documents, ScreenCams, or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, to customer records.

Credit Available


  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Customer Information, Credit Available, Customer Credit

  • Customers, Review Customer Information, Credit Available

Check customers' credit positions.

Customer Messages


  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Customer Information, Messages, Customer Messages

  • Customers, Review Customer Information, Messages, Customer Messages

View messages that are associated with customers.

Customer Notes


  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Customer Information, Notes, Customer Notes

  • Customers, Review Customer Information, Notes, Customer Notes

View notes that are available for customers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChecking Customers' Available Credit

Access the Credit Available page (Customers, Review Customer Information, Credit Available).

Note. In the search page, a Corporate SetID value is required to use the Corporate Cust ID field. When the user selects the Corporate ID search button, the corporate customer name fields will be visible on the search page that appears.

Bill-To Customer

Total Backlog Amount

Represents the total value of the sales order lines that are scheduled to ship within the number of backlog days that you specify on the Credit Check page.

Total Aged AR (total aged accounts receivable)

Number of open receivables that are included in the credit checking algorithm. The open receivables that are included in this number are contained in the aging categories that you select for credit checking on the Aging page.

Credit Available

Determined by this equation:

Credit Limit − (Total Aged AR) − (Total Backlog Amount within × Days) = Credit Available + % over limit

Note. You must run the Receivables Update process in the Maintain Receivables menu to populate the Aging Amount field for the bill to customer and the Total Aged AR field for the corporate customer.

Corporate Customer

SetID and Corporate ID

Displays the SetID and Corporate ID of the customer.

Draft Balances

Displays the Actual Debt Amounts and the Remitted Amounts.