Setting Up and Maintaining a Cash Drawer

This chapter provides an overview of cash drawer receipting and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Cash Drawer Receipting

Instances may occur in which your business needs to recognize the receipt of cash from a customer and to record the receipt of the payment into a cash drawer. Business needs may also require that you provide a written or printed acknowledgement of the payment received and that this receipt be immediately available to give to customers for each transaction.

The cash drawer component enables you to track money received from a customer and record it in a cash drawer. A cash drawer receipt can be created to record the money received. The receipt that is recorded can be made up of multiple payment methods. For example, if a customer wants to pay 100 USD to his or her account, the customer can choose to give you 70 USD with a check and 30 USD in cash. You can create one receipt for the 100 USD payment, and the receipt will detail each of the payment methods.

At the end of the day (or whatever time period you choose), you can reconcile the receipts that have been recorded into a cash drawer. This reconciliation process consists of manually counting all cash and checks that have been collected during the time period and comparing the actual counts with the system-recorded receipts. After the cash drawer has been reconciled, you can send the payments recorded in the cash drawer to the PeopleSoft Receivables payment staging tables to have payments created in the Receivables product. From Receivables, you can apply the payments as any other payment recorded in Receivables by using the Payment Worksheet or Payment Predictor process (ARPREDCT). Also, after a cash drawer has been reconciled, you can generate a deposit slip to assist with the nightly bank deposit.

See Also

Entering Counter Sales

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Cash Drawer

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up a Cash Drawer

Page Name

Definition Name



Cash Drawer


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Cash Processing, Cash Drawer

Define the properties of a single physical cash drawer.

Bank Information


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Cash Processing, Cash Drawer, Bank Information

Specify the bank information. Define the bank account per payment method. This will account for the case in which cash is associated with one bank account, but credit cards are associated with another.

Cash Drawer by User


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitionαas, Cash Processing, Cash Drawer by User

Establish the set of cash drawers that a user can use.

Currency Denominations


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Currency, Currency Denominations

Define the denominations for each currency.

Credit Card Interface Installation


Enterprise Components, Component Configurations, Credit Card Interface, Setup

Set up card processing.

See Processing Credit Cards.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Cash Drawer

Access the Cash Drawer page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Cash Processing, Cash Drawer).

Bus Unit Type (business unit type)

View the type of business unit that you defined for the cash drawer. You can define cash drawers for PeopleSoft Order Management business units and PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable business units.

Business Unit

View the business unit that you defined for the cash drawer.

Each business unit can define its own set of cash drawers.

Cash Drawer ID

View the user-defined value that you entered on the Add / Search page. This value uniquely identifies the cash drawer.

Location Code

Specify the location code for the cash drawer that represents a physical street address. This code is used in printing the company address on the cash drawer receipt.

Bank Code

Specify the bank code that is referenced when payments are sent to PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable after cash drawer reconciliation is completed.

Bank Account

Specify the code that represents the bank account number. Payments sent to PeopleSoft Accounts Receivables reference this bank account. This code is also used by PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable when assigning the asset chart of accounts.

Drawer Currency

Define the currency that the cash drawer can accept.

Note. You can define a cash drawer to handle only one currency. If a physical drawer must deal with multiple currencies, then you can insert a record for each drawer and currency combination. For example, if Cash Drawer C1 can accept USD as well as CAD, then define two IDs for this cash drawer: one called C1-USD and another called C1-CAD. Define C1-USD for USD, and define C1-CAD for CAD.

Beginning Cash Amount

Enter the initial balance of the cash drawer. This amount is also called the float amount and is used in reconciliation.

Max Refund Amount

Enter the amount of cash that the cashier is allowed to refund out of the cash drawer per transaction. Any refund over this amount must have a check issued from PeopleSoft Accounts Payable or have a supervisor override.

Tolerance Amount

Define the acceptable amount of overage or shortage that is calculated during the cash drawer reconciliation process. If the amount that the cash drawer is over or under is within the defined Tolerance Amount, then the cashier can continue to complete the reconciliation process without management intervention.

Last Reconciled

View the timestamp of each cash drawer reconciliation process. This field is for informational purposes only.

See Also

Establishing Feature Function Security

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the Bank Information

Access the Bank Information page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Cash Processing, Cash Drawer, Bank Information).

Note. This page is optional; use it only if you use different banks for different payment methods.

Payment Method

Select the payment method that you are defining: Cash, Check, Credit Card, Debit Card, or Procurement Card.

Note. Procurement cards are valid only when you are recording a receipt from a sales order.

Bank Code

Enter the code that you want referenced on payments sent to PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable after cash drawer reconciliation is completed. The value that you define here overrides the value defined in the Bank Account field on the main Cash Drawer page for the payment method.

Bank Account

Enter a code that represents the bank account number you want referenced on payments sent to PeopleSoft Accounts Receivables. PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable also uses this code when assigning the asset chart of accounts. The value that you define here overrides the value defined in the Bank Account field on the main Cash Drawer page for the payment method.

Add a new row for each payment method if the bank information for the payment method differs from the bank defined on the main cash drawer page.

See Also

Entering Counter Sales

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining User-Specific Cash Drawer Privileges

Access the Cash Drawer by User page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Cash Processing, Cash Drawer by User).

Bus Unit Type (business unit type)

Designate the type of business unit for the cash drawer. You can define cash drawers for PeopleSoft Order Management business units and PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable business units.

Cash Drawer ID

Select the cash drawer ID from the list of available cash drawers.

Maximum Refund Amount

Enter the amount of cash that the cashier is allowed to refund out of the cash drawer per transaction. Any refund over this amount must have a check issued from PeopleSoft Accounts Payable or have a supervisor override. If you do not define an amount for a given user, the system uses the maximum refund amount defined for the cash drawer.

Reconciliation Tolerance Amount

Define the acceptable amount of overage or shortage that is calculated during the cash drawer reconciliation process. If the amount that the cash drawer is over or under is within this defined tolerance amount, then the cashier can continue to complete the reconciliation process without management intervention. If you have not defined a tolerance amount for a given user, the system uses the tolerance amount defined for the cash drawer.

Access All Drawers

Enable this option if you want the user to have access to all cash drawers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Currency Denominations

Access the Currency Denomination page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Currency, Currency Denominations).

Set up the denominations for each currency, bills, and coins. This information appears in an online worksheet during the cash drawer reconciliation process, where the cashier can enter cash totals by denomination.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Cash Drawer Receipts

You can print cash drawer receipts immediately and hand them to customers. You generate receipts using the Printable Document Framework. You can customize the format of the receipt with logos and unique layouts. Cash drawer receipt printing uses the CDR style sheet report type.

See Also

Working with the Printable Documents Framework

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Feature Security

Certain cash drawer functions may exist that must have security controls in place on who can access them. For example, you may need to control who can cancel receipts or who can reconcile a cash drawer when a discrepancy is there over the defined tolerance. These cash drawer features can have security rules defined for them by using Feature Security:

See Also

Establishing Feature Function Security

Click to jump to parent topicUsing a Cash Drawer

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work with a Cash Drawer

Page Name

Definition Name



Cash Drawer Receipt


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Cash Drawer Receipt

Create a receipt for payment from a customer.

Additional Information - Check


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Cash Drawer Receipt, Additional Information

Record payment details for checks, such as the check number, name, address, drivers licence number, expiration date, secondary ID, and authorization number, and check amount.

Note. When the value in the Payment Method field is Check, the Additional Information link takes you to the Additional Information - Check page.

Additional Information - Card


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Cash Drawer Receipt, Additional Information

Record payment details for cards, such as card type, card number, name, address, and authorization details.

Note. When you select Credit Card or Debit Card in the Payment Method field, clicking the Additional Information link takes you to the Additional Information - Card page.

Credit Card Selection


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Cash Drawer Receipt, Additional Information, Select Card

Select from a list of credit cards stored for the contact of the customer identified on the Cash Drawer Receipt page.

Reference Information


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Cash Drawer Receipt, References

Associate a payment with a particular invoice, sales order, and other such details.

Correct Cash Drawer Receipts


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Correct Cash Drawer Receipts

Correct certain fields of a cash drawer receipt. You can edit only receipts that are in a Printed status using this component. Once a receipt is printed, you can edit only these fields: payment method, cash drawer, check number, and comments.

Cash Worksheet


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Reconcile Cash Drawer, Cash Worksheet

Enter the actual cash counted from the drawer. This page is optional; you can bypass it to enter the actual cash count on the Reconcile tab.

Checks Worksheet


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Reconcile Cash Drawer, Check Worksheet

Enter the actual check numbers and amounts from the physical checks in the drawer. This page is optional; you can bypass it to enter the actual check count on the Reconcile tab.



Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Reconcile Cash Drawer

Select the Reconcile tab.

Complete the cash and check worksheets, as well as the reconcile page, to reconcile the cash drawer.

Total Payments


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Reconcile Cash Drawer.

Select the Reconcile tab, and then click the Total Payments link. (The link is not active unless the reconciliation is in a Pending status.)

View the payment method totals. This is a drill-down page that enables you to view additional detail about the payments made for this cash drawer.

Process Cash Drawer Receipts


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Process Cash Drawer Receipts

Use this batch process to send cash receipt payments to the Accounts Receivable staging table. These payments will be processed by the Payment Loader process (AR_PAYLOAD).

Reconciliations to be Processed


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Process Cash Drawer Receipts, Reconciliations to be Processed

View a list of Reconciliation IDs that are selected for processing.

Receipt Inquiry


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Cash Drawer Receipt Inquiry

View receipts in read-only mode. You can view receipts of any status from this page; however, all fields are read-only. For security reasons, only the last four digits of the credit card number appear.

Print Bank Deposit Slip


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Print Bank Deposit Slip

Print a bank deposit slip from the reconciliation. This slip lists cash to be deposited, as well as a list of the checks (check number and amount) to be deposited.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Cash Drawer Receipt

Access the Cash Drawer Receipt page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Cash Drawer Receipt).

Note. You can view only those receipts that are in a status of New, Hold, or Canceled.

Deposit Unit

View the Accounts Receivable business unit that was entered by the cashier on the Add page.

Receipt No (receipt number)

View a unique value that is automatically generated at save time. This number is unique within business units.

Receipt Status

Select from these options:

New: The default status of a receipt once it is created. When the receipt is in a New status, all fields on the receipt are editable. The cashier can update this status to Hold.

Printed: The status of a printed receipt. You can edit these fields on a receipt when it is in Printed status: Payment Method, Comments, Cash Drawer, and Check Number.

Reconciled: Once the cash drawer that is associated with the receipt has been reconciled, the status is automatically updated from Printed to Reconciled. At this time, you cannot update the receipt information.

Canceled: If a receipt was entered by mistake, you can mark it as Cancelled. Canceled receipts are not included in the Cash Drawer reconciliation process. A cashier can update a receipt in Canceled status to a status of New or Hold. The ability to cancel a receipt is controlled by feature function security.

See Establishing Feature Function Security.

Hold: If you must temporarily exclude a receipt from the cash drawer reconciliation process, then save the receipt with a Hold status. You can then print the receipt if necessary. However, after printing, the status will remain in a Hold status instead of automatically getting set to Printed.

The Hold status enables the cashier to handle the payment method "unknown" scenario for cash on delivery (COD) scenarios in which a receipt must be provided to the customer on delivery of goods. Cashiers can update a Hold status to a status of New, Printed, or Canceled.

Cash Drawer BU (cash drawer business unit)

View the business unit of the cash drawer. This value appears automatically from Order Management user preferences.

Drawer BU Type (drawer business unit type)

View the business unit type of the cash drawer: OM (Order Management) or AR (Accounts Receivable).

Cash Drawer ID

View the value selected by the cashier. The list of valid drawers is determined by the Cash Drawer by User setup and displayed from the defaults specified on the PeopleSoft Order Management User Preferences page.

Bill To Customer

View the ID of the customer who made the payment.


View the currency defined by default for the cash drawer definition. This is a read-only field.

Payment Amount

View the total amount that is received from the customer. This amount is entered by the cashier. It might be the total amount of a sale, including taxes.

Payment Purpose

Describe the purpose of the receipt or reason for collecting the payment. For example, you might describe an item or service sold as Payment in advance of an invoice.

Payment Method

View the method entered by the cashier: Cash, Check, Credit Card, or Debit Card.

Amount Tendered

View the amount of money received by the customer for each payment method, as entered by the cashier.

Non-cash Received

View the sum of the Amount Tendered column for all noncash payments. This is a system-generated amount.

Cash Received

View the amount of cash received. If a row is in the grid for cash, then the value in this field is equal to the amount tendered of the row. This is a system-generated amount.

Total Tendered

View the sum of the noncash received + cash received (or a sum of amount tendered of all rows in the grid). This is a system-generated amount.

Remaining Balance

View how much more is due by the customer if multiple payment methods are entered into the grid. Once you enter all payment methods and amounts, the value in the Remaining Balance field is 0. This is a system-generated amount.

Change Due

View the amount of change due, which is calculated by subtracting the payment amount from the total tendered. This is a system-generated amount.


View the comments that the cashier entered. This is a free-form 256-character field.

Cashier ID

View the user ID of the cashier.


View the current date and time.

Recording Check Information

Payment Method

Select Check.

Additional Information

Click the Additional Information link to access the Additional Information - Check page.

When recording check payments, enter the appropriate check-specific information, such as check number, name, address, driver's licence number, expiration date, secondary ID and authorization number, and check amount.

Note. Entering a check number is important for check matching if you choose to reconcile checks during cash drawer reconciliation.

Recording Card Information

Payment Method

Select Debit Card or Credit Card.

Additional Information

Click the Additional Information link to access the Additional Information - Card page.

Enter credit card information, such as credit card number, expiration date, and contact information.

Process Card

Click the Process Card button to initiate the call to the third-party credit card processor, where the card will be authorized and billed.

  • If the credit card was processed successfully, then the Authorization Code and Authorization Date fields are automatically populated on the page.

  • If the credit card processing was declined, then the reason for decline appears in the Message 1, 2, and 3 fields. If the process failed, the cashier must take some action: either try another card or select a different payment method.

    Note. Each time that a credit card transmission is processed by the third-party processor (successful or not), a row is tracked in a history table (CRCARD_HST_TBL). You can use this row for audit purposes.

Process Card Manually

Enable this option on the receipt if the card is processed from a separate card swiping machine. This option is used when no automated third-party integration is available. When you select this option, the Authorization Date and Authorization Code fields are available for entry, and the Authorization Status is set to Manually Approved/Settled.

Recording Reference Information

From the Cash Drawer Receipt page, click the References link.

The reference information is passed to PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable with the payment to facilitate payment matching. Downstream processing in PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable takes care of either manual or automatic application to open invoices once they are raised.

Note. If the payment is being made to pay for future invoices, then omit the reference information. The payment will then be referenced by the bill to customer ID.

Qual Code (qualifier code)

Identifies the type of reference in the reference fields: Item (Invoice), Sales Order, or Purchase Order.


This reference is used downstream by PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable for payment matching. The prompt on this field is a No-Edit smart prompt. For example, if you selected Sales Order in the Qual Code field, then the prompt here lists valid sales orders, but you can override the default with a free-form value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Cash Drawer Receipts

Once you create a receipt, you can print it so that you can immediately hand it to the customer. The printable receipt information appears in a separate browser window when you click the Print Receipt link. The Print Receipt link does not appear until after you save the receipt. Once the printable receipt appears, you can use the browser print function to generate a hard copy of the receipt. After you print the receipt, you can close the browser window containing the printable receipt.

You generate the receipt using the Printable Document Framework. You can customize the format of the receipt. Cash Drawer receipt printing uses the CDR style sheet report type.

See Also

Working with the Printable Documents Framework

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReconciling the Cash Drawer

Access the Cash Worksheet page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Reconcile Cash Drawer, Cash Worksheet).

You should reconcile cash drawers periodically to compare the system-entered receipts against the physical money in a cash drawer. The reconciliation process compares actual cash and checks for a given drawer. It does not include any card transaction for comparison to actual totals. You should reconcile card transactions as a separate business process.

Initiate a cash drawer reconciliation by creating an entry in the Reconcile Cash Drawer component. The system sets the reconciliation date and time to the current date and time. However, you can edit this default date and time. The reconciliation date and time controls which receipts are included for reconciliation. Any receipts with a timestamp after this date and time are not included in the reconciliation process. Receipts dated before are included for reconciliation. A reconciliation can have a Pending, Reconciled, or Canceled status. When a reconciliation is first created, it will have a Pending status, which indicates that the reconciliation is considered a work in progress. You can save it while the drawer is in the process of getting reconciled or while discrepancies are researched. Only one pending reconciliation can exist for a given drawer at any time. After reconciliation, the status of the drawer is set to Reconciled.

Note. The Cash Worksheet page is built dynamically based on the currency defined for the drawer and based on the denominations defined for the currency. The Reconciliation Date/Time field controls which receipts are reconciled.

Cash Worksheet

The cashier can complete the Cash Worksheet to help calculate currency totals by denomination and actual cash count. Alternatively, the cashier can skip the Cash Worksheet page and enter the actual cash count on the Reconcile page.


Enter a count for each of the paper bills and coins identified in the grid.

Actual Cash Count

Click the Calculate button to view the summed amount of the monies identified in the grid. The actual cash count computed on the Cash Worksheet is automatically carried over to the Actual Cash Count field on the Reconcile page.

Checks Worksheet

Access the Checks Worksheet page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Reconcile Cash Drawer, Check Worksheet).

The Checks Worksheet page is also optional. On this page, you can enter the physical checks in the drawer and total them for comparison against the system receipts. If a discrepancy exists in the check amount, check receipts and Check Worksheet entries are matched by check number and amount. If the system cannot find a match for each check receipt and each Check Worksheet entry, the cashier is prompted to identify which check receipt matches with a particular check worksheet entry. You cannot save the reconciliation as reconciled until all worksheet entries and all check receipts are matched.

Alternatively, the cashier can skip the Checks Worksheet and enter the actual check count on the Reconcile page. When doing this though, if the actual check count does not match the system-generated check expected amount, then the cashier must list the actual checks on the Worksheet page so that the check discrepancy can be processed.

Check Number

Enter the check number specified on the physical check.


Enter the check amount specified on the physical check.

Actual Check Count

Click the Calculate button to view the summed amount of the checks identified in the grid.


A summarization of the cash drawer activity to assist in reconciling the actual cash and checks in the drawer appears under the Reconcile tab. The opening balance (float) of the cash drawer, plus the total receipts for the day, minus any noncash or check receipts, plus any noncash paid out will generate the cash/check expected amount. The cashier can compare the cash/check expected amount with the actual physical cash/check count.

Beginning Cash Amount

Enter a beginning cash amount. This amount becomes the float amount defined for the cash drawer. Users who have appropriate security can change the float amount. If you change the amount, use the Comment field to explain why.

See Establishing Feature Function Security.

Total Payments

View the sum of all positive amount receipts for the cash drawer. All payment methods are included in this total.

Total Paid Out

View the sum of all negative amounts receipts for the cash drawer. All payment methods are included in this total.

Total Receipts

View the amount arrived at by the system when subtracting the total paid out amount from total payments.

Non-cash/check Payments

View the sum of all positive amount payments received into the cash drawer that were not cash or check for the given day. This total is subtracted from the total receipts to help arrive at the cash/check expected amount.

Non-cash Paid Out

View the amount of all negative receipts that were not cash for the given day. This total is added to the total receipts to help arrive at the cash/check expected amount.

Cash/Check Expected

View the amount of the cash and checks that should be in the cash drawer (cash/check expected = opening balance + total receipts – non-cash/check payments + noncash paid out). This amount is compared to the actual totals to determine whether the cash drawer is balanced.

Note. Negative checks are not included in this total because no physical negative check is expected in the drawer.

Cash Expected

View the amount of the total cash that is expected to be in the cash drawer.

Check Expected

View the total check amount that is expected to be in the cash drawer.

Note. Negative checks are not included in this total because no physical negative checks are expected in the drawer.

Actual Cash Count

View the amount of physical cash counted from the cash drawer. This value is carried forward from the Cash Worksheet page or entered by the cashier if the Worksheet page is bypassed.

Actual Check Count

View the physical check amounts totalled from the cash drawer. This value is carried forward from the Checks Worksheet page or entered by the cashier if the Worksheet page is bypassed.

Actual Total

View the total value of the actual cash count plus the actual check count from the cash drawer.


View the amount of cash drawer shortage or overage of both cash and checks combined. The calculation is Shortage/Overage = Actual Count – Expected.

Cash Shortage/Overage

View the amount that the cash drawer is over or short in cash.

Check Shortage/Overage

View the amount that the cash drawer is over or short in checks.

Save as Reconciled

Once a cash drawer is reconciled:

  • The statuses of all receipts associated with this reconciliation change from Printed to Reconciled. You can no longer modify these receipts and they will not get picked up in the next reconciliation. Also, each receipt is updated with the reconciliation ID.

  • The Date/Time Last Reconciled field value is recorded back to the cash drawer.

    Note. Any discrepancies found in the reconciliation are written to the CDR_DISCREP_STG staging table.

  • Any cash over or shortage is sent to PeopleSoft Receivables as an adjustment payment with a blank customer (cash control customer). For example, if the cash drawer is short by 2 USD, then a –2 USD cash payment is created and sent along with the cash payment deposit control entry.

    If a discrepancy exists in a check, then the actual check amount is sent to Receivables. For example, if a check receipt was recorded as 20.01 USD, but the actual check was written for 20.00 USD, then the payment information will get created in Receivables as the actual 20.00 USD amount.

Note. If the cash drawer does not reconcile, you can research the discrepancy using the drill-down capabilities. Alternatively, if the discrepancy amount is within the defined tolerance, you can choose to flag the drawer as Reconciled by clicking the Save as Reconciled button. Any discrepancy amount is logged to the discrepancy staging table (CDR_DISCREP_STG). If the discrepancy is outside of the defined tolerance amount, then a user with security can choose to override and mark the drawer as reconciled. The Comment field is available for the user to enter a justification for the discrepancy.

Drill-down capabilities are built into the Reconcile page to assist you in the reconciliation process. For example, when you click the Total Receipts Amount link, a secondary page appears with a breakdown of the amounts by payment method.

Note. You cannot edit the Receipt Amount field during reconciliation, but you can update payment methods of receipts. After correcting a receipt using the drill-down features, click the Calculate button on the Reconcile tab to refresh the latest receipt changes.

Feature Security controls reconciliation.

Reconciled Date/Time

Edit this field for pending reconciliation processes. This enables you to include any receipts added to the drawer after the reconciliation process was last saved. To include these receipts in the totals, you must save the updated reconciled date/time. After you edit the Reconciled Date/Time field, click the Calculate button. When asked if you want to save the data, select yes and the totals on the page are refreshed. Select no, and nothing occurs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Cash Drawer Receipts

Access the Process Cash Drawer Receipts page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Process Cash Drawer Receipts).

After you have reconciled a cash drawer, you can pass the payments associated with the reconciliation over to the PeopleSoft Receivables payment staging tables. Processing the cash drawer receipts using CDR_LOADPMT populates the staging tables with the details of each payment transaction, such as reference information, bill to customer, payment method, and payment amount. Once the staging tables have been populated, you can run the Payment Loader process (AR_PAYLOAD) to create payments from the cash drawer receipts.

CDR_LOADPMT is an Application Engine process. All receipts that meet the run control parameters and have a status of Reconciled are selected for processing. Receipt payments are grouped into Receivable Deposit Control entries in the following way:

After the receipt payments are successfully processed, the Receivables Deposit control ID and payment sequence numbers that were assigned are saved back to the receipt payment. You can view them from the Receipt Inquiry component. A single deposit batch ID is assigned to each of the reconciliations that were picked up to be processed, as well. You can view the deposit batch ID that was assigned from the Reconciliation component. This deposit batch ID is needed for printing the associated deposit slip.

Note. Gift voucher payment types are passed to PeopleSoft Billing and processed as a line on the invoice as opposed to being sent to Receivables as a payment.

See Receiving Cash Drawer Payments.

Accounting Date

Enter the accounting date to associate with the payments. If you leave this field blank, the current date appears by default.

Cash Drawer Business Unit

Specify the business unit to which the cash drawer belongs.

Cash Drawer BU Type (cash drawer business unit type)

Specify the cash drawer business unit type. The available options are OM and AR.

Range Selection

Select the processing option that applies:

Cash Drawer: Select to identify a range of cash drawers that need to be processed.

Recon Date (reconciliation date): Select to identify a range of reconciliation dates and a range of cash drawers.

Recon ID (reconciliation ID): Select to identify a range of reconciliation IDs for a given cash drawer ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting a Bank Deposit Slip

After the CDR_LOADPMT process has processed cash drawer receipts, you can generate and print a bank deposit slip. This slip lists the cash, as well as the checks (check number and amount) to be deposited to the bank. A batch deposit ID is assigned to the reconciliations that are picked up for processing by the CDR_LOADPMT process. You can specify this batch deposit ID on the run control page of the bank deposit slip, and the system will print on the deposit slip all cash and check receipt payments that were included in that batch. You can think of the batch deposit ID as a rubber band around all of the cash drawer reconciliations that were processed and passed to Receivables. The batch deposit ID that was assigned to the reconciliation is viewable from the Reconciliation component.