Receiving Payments Electronically

This chapter provides an overview of electronic payment processing and discusses how to:

See Also

Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Electronic Payment Processing

The Payment Loader Application Engine process (AR_PAYLOAD) processes all payments that are received through an electronic payment process. Payment Loader processes the following types of electronic payments:

Payment Loader also processes payments entered using the Cash Drawer Receipts feature.

The following diagram illustrates how the Payment Loader Application process loads payments. The Load Cash Drawer Receipts (CDR_LOADPMT), Lockbox (AR25001), and Bank Statement Processing (AR_BNKSTMT) processes load data into staging tables. The unmatched remittances and payments not matched with bank accounts remain in the staging tables, while the Payment Loader process loads the matched data from the staging tables to the payment application tables. EDI transactions consisting of cash and remittance advice or just the remittance advice are transmitted to PeopleSoft software based on a third-party translator, which translates the file into a PeopleSoft business document format. The data is then published in the Application Messaging queue and uploaded to the staging tables. When the data is loaded into the staging tables, the Payment Loader process moves the data from the staging tables to the payment application tables.

Entering payments electronically using Payment Loader

The Payment Loader process performs the following tasks:

The process processes all payments that are received through an electronic data interface. It moves the payment data from the staging tables to these payment application tables:

You can load EDI transactions or run the Lockbox SQR (Structured Query Report) process (AR25001) many times a day to load multiple transmissions into the staging tables. Then at the end of the day, run the Payment Loader process once to load the data into the application tables and process all the received payments.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you perform electronic payment processing:

See Also

Defining Business Unit Defaults for Individual Business Units

Setting Up Group Types and Group Origins

Defining Additional Processing Options

Defining External Account Information

Click to jump to parent topicReceiving Lockbox Deposits

This section provides overviews of lockbox processing and the lockbox deposit process flow and discusses how to:

  1. Run the Lockbox SQR process (AR25001).

  2. Run the Payment Loader Application Engine process.

  3. Review lockbox deposit control information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Lockbox Processing

Lockbox deposits automatically update deposit and payment information from a bank or payment collection system. The automatic update process includes these conditions, that:

The Lockbox process accepts deposits with these payment methods: CHK (check), EFT (electronic file transfer), and GE (giro - EFT). If an invalid value is found in the lockbox file, the process assign a default payment method. The process will use:

  1. The payment method assigned to the deposit type that shares the same setID as the deposit business unit.

  2. The payment method specified on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page for the deposit business unit.

  3. A check as the payment method for the deposit.

Oracle provides you with a record layout for lockbox transmissions that mirrors the online deposit entry pages and is ANSI X12-compatible. Oracle designed the interface guidelines for recording deposit and payment information to provide you with all of the information that you currently receive from your lockbox.

Important! You must specify the path on the application server where the lockbox input file resides to run the Lockbox process (AR25001). This enables the Lockbox process to read and process the lockbox file from any location on the application server.

See Also

Receiving Information from a Lockbox

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Lockbox Deposit Process Flow

Perform these steps to receive electronic payments:

  1. Run the Lockbox process to load data from the flat file into the staging tables.

  2. Run the Payment Loader process to move the data from the staging tables into the payment application tables.

    Note. You can combine the Lockbox and Payment Loader processes in a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler job and run them together.

  3. View the Application Engine error messages in the Process Monitor.

    The Payment Loader process compares the control totals and counts with the calculated totals at all levels (deposit, lockbox, and file). If they do not match, the process issues an error message. Batch level errors have an Out of Balance status.

  4. Review the received control totals on the Lockbox Run Information page.

  5. Check for errors at the deposit level on the All Deposits or Incomplete Deposits pages.

  6. Correct errors on the deposit and payment entry pages and on the Payment Interface Duplicates page.

  7. If you use cash control accounting and a duplicate or out-of-balance deposit exists, run the Cash Control Application Engine process (AR_CASHCNTL) to create the cash control accounting entries after correcting the errors.

See Also

Creating Cash Control Accounting Entries

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Receive Lockbox Deposits

Page Name

Definition Name





Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Retrieve Lockbox Files. Lockbox

Run the Lockbox SQR process that imports lockbox files to the staging tables.

Payment Interface


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment Interface, Payment Interface

Run the Payment Loader process for lockbox deposits.

Lockbox Run Information


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Review Deposit Information, Lockbox Run Information

View the control totals for the lockbox deposit. This page compares the payment count and amount with the lockbox totals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Lockbox SQR Process

Access the Lockbox page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Retrieve Lockbox Files. Lockbox).

Name of Lockbox File

Enter the name of the file that contains deposits from one or more lockboxes. This value can be up to 80 characters long. If you leave the lockbox file name blank on the Run Control page, you will receive an error indicating that you must enter a value in this field before you can continue with the processing.

File Directory

Enter the path on the application server where the lockbox input file resides.

Note. If you do not specify the path on the Lockbox run control page, the error message 6890 appears stating: "You have left file directory empty and a value is required." If the path that you specified on the Lockbox run control page has spaces, the program eliminates the spaces before processing the lockbox file.

Process Frequency

Select a process frequency value of Always, Don't, or Once.

Last Date Run

Displays the last date that the Lockbox process was run.

Last Run Time

Displays the time that the last Lockbox process was run.


Click to schedule the Lockbox process to run. You can review its progress based on the generated process instance number that appears on the Lockbox run control page.

Process Instance

Displays the process instance that was generated the last time the Lockbox process was run.

Note. If the file is on the client, you must run the process on the client. If the file is on the server, you must run it on the server.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Payment Loader Application Engine Process

Access the Payment Interface page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment Interface, Payment Interface).

Select the Lockbox check box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Lockbox Deposit Control Information

Access the Lockbox Run Information page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Review Deposit Information, Lockbox run Information).

Lockbox ID

Displays the ID that was processed.

Transmission Date/Time

Indicates the time that the file was transmitted.

Processed Date/Time

Indicates the time that the Payment Loader process processed the lockbox.

Control Information

Displays the control information from the lockbox, the calculated results and the difference for the deposit count, payment count, and payment amount. The difference should be zero. If not, errors exist in the lockbox.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Electronic Banking to Process Payments

This section provides an overview of electronic banking, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Electronic Banking

The following diagram illustrates how the Electronic Banking process works in PeopleSoft Receivables. The Bank Statement Application Engine process (BSP_IMPORT) imports the electronic statement and loads the bank statement data from the staging tables to the Bank Statement tables. The Automated Reconciliation Application Engine process (FSPRECON) runs and reconciles the bank statement at the payment level. Unreconciled payments are loaded into the payment application tables. The Bank Reconciliation Cash Control process must be run twice to generate cash control entries.

Electronic banking process flow

Process Flow for Electronic Banking

To process bank statement payments:

  1. Run the Import Bank Statement Application Engine process (BSP_IMPORT) to import the electronic statements into the staging tables and to load the bank statement data from the staging tables into the Bank Statement tables.

  2. Run the Bank Reconciliation Application Engine process (FSPRECON) on the AutoRecon Manager page.

    You must reconcile the bank statement at the payment level and not at the deposit level by assigning the BNK_RCN_PAYMENT reconciliation rule to the bank account.

    You can also manually reconcile bank statements.

    The process verifies whether the receipts on the bank statement with a TRANSACTION_CODE of C exist as payments in the PS_PAYMENT table. The process marks receipts that are found on the PS_PAYMENT table as reconciled. The process marks those not found as unreconciled and gives the receipts an NTF (not found in system) status.

    Note. Documentation about receiving bank statements, the Transaction Loader process, and the Automatic Reconciliation process is in the PeopleSoft Banks Setup and Processing PeopleBook.

  3. Load any unreconciled payments that have the NTF status into the payment tables and create cash control accounting entries for the payments if you selected the appropriate settings for the bank account and business unit options.

    Use one of these options to load the data:

  4. If you use cash control accounting and errors occur, fix the problem and then run the Cash Control process to create the cash control accounting entries.

  5. View the Application Engine error messages in the Process Monitor for the Payment Loader process.

See Also

Creating Cash Control Accounting Entries

Receiving and Updating Bank Statements

Reconciling Statements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you use electronic banking to process payments, you must set up the statement codes to determine the payment method for each bank transaction line. If a statement code is not matched to a payment method, the system assigns CHK (check) as the payment method.

See Also

Setting Up the Bank Statement Import Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Payments Using Electronic Banking

Page Name

Definition Name



Bank Statement Interface


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Load Bank Statements, Bank Statement Interface

Load unreconciled payments for specific statements into PeopleSoft Receivables by running the Bank Statement Processing process.

Payment Interface


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment Interface, Payment Interface

Load unreconciled payments for all statements into PeopleSoft Receivables by running the Payment Loader process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Unreconciled Payments for Individual Statements

Access the Bank Statement Interface page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Load Bank Statements, Bank Statement Interface).

Bank ID and Bank Account Number

Enter the bank ID and account number into which the deposits were made.

Statement ID

Specify the bank's statement identification number to identify which statement to process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Unreconciled Payments for All Statements

Access the Payment Interface page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment Interface, Payment Interface).

Select the Bank Statement check box.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing EDI and Split Stream Processing

This section provides overviews of EDI processing, split stream processing, the EDI payment process flow, and business unit determination, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

  1. Load business documents into staging tables.

  2. Confirm that data loaded successfully.

  3. Run the Payment Loader process.

  4. Delete unmatched customer or item remittances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding EDI Processing

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to receive a payment (cash and remittance advice combined) or just the remittance (remittance information without cash) in an EDI transmission.

When you receive the remittance advice and the cash information at different times and through different channels, you can use a variety of methods to match them. This helps you identify and apply the payments.

PeopleSoft Receivables supports both European and U.S. EDI formats. The European EDI standard is EDIFACT, and the supported format is CREEXT. The U.S. standard is ANSI-X12; its supported format is 820. In both formats:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Split Stream Processing

Split stream processing matches and unites the two parts of a payment, the cash information and the remittance advice, when they are received at different times and possibly from different data sources. EDI, lockbox, and bank statement processing support the transmission of cash by itself. Only EDI processing and the Excel Payment Upload process support the transmission of a remittance advice by itself or cash and remittance.

Note. The Payment Loader process matches remittance information in the staging tables with cash information that is in either the staging tables or the application tables. You can use the Remittance Delete pages to find and delete unmatched remittances in the staging tables.

Split Stream Examples

Typically both the cash information and the remittance advice are received through EDI, as shown in the following example in which the customer sends the EDI remittance directly to the vendor or the customer sends the cash to their bank, their bank sends cash to the vendor's bank, and the vendor's bank sends EDI cash to the vendor.

Example of a complete EDI payment either directly from the customer to the vendor or through the customer's and vendor's banks

In this example, the customer sends you two EDI transmissions. The remittance advice is sent directly to you. The cash information is sent to the customer's bank, then to your bank, and then to you. As a result, you receive two separate EDI transmissions, one with cash and one with remittance information. You use split stream processing to match them and form the complete payment (linked cash and remittance information).

The common denominator for all methods of receiving split stream data is that the remittance information is received by EDI; only the source of the cash information varies. The method that customers use to send the cash to their bank or to your bank is irrelevant to split stream processing. Your only concern is how your bank transmits the cash information to you: as an EDI transmission, in a lockbox file or, as in the following example, as a receipt on a bank statement:

The bank sends a bank statement that details cash information

The following example shows transmission of cash information by way of a lockbox, where the customer sends an EDI remittance directly to the vendor or the customer mails a check to the vendor's bank, which sends a lockbox file, which includes the check, to the vendor.

The bank sends a lockbox file that provides the cash information

U.S. and European business practices differ. In the United States, you usually receive payment in a lockbox file, but you are unlikely to receive payments from bank statements. In Europe, you probably do not use a lockbox, but you probably receive payments from bank statements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the EDI Payment Process Flow

To receive payments and remittance information in an EDI file:

  1. Using a third-party translator, translate the file into a PeopleSoft business document format.

    See Receiving Payments in an EDI File.

  2. Publish the data in the business document in the Application Messaging queue.

    The subscriber program loads the data into data tables.

  3. Confirm that the data loaded.

  4. Run the Payment Loader process to move the data from the staging tables into the payment application tables.

  5. View PeopleSoft Application Engine messages.

  6. Check for errors at the deposit level on the All Deposits or Incomplete Deposits page.

  7. Correct errors in the deposit and payment entry pages and the Payment Interface Duplicates component (ERROR_CORRECTION).

  8. If you use cash control accounting and you have a duplicate out-of-balance deposit, run the Cash Control process to create the cash control accounting entries.

    See Creating Cash Control Accounting Entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Business Unit Determination

If you receive a business unit for a deposit in the EDI file, the system assigns that business unit to the deposit. Otherwise, it uses the business unit that you assigned to the bank account on the External Accounts - Account Information page. If both business units are missing, the system uses the business unit that is assigned to the operator that runs the Payment Loader process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Use the PeopleSoft Integration Broker to set up the EDI interface.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker Testing Utilities and Tools

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for EDI and Split Stream Processing

Page Name

Definition Name



File Inbound


Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Inbound File Rule, File Inbound

Load business documents into staging tables.

Inbound File


Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Initiate Processes, Inbound File Publish, Inbound File

Load banking data from a flat file into the staging tables using the EOP_PUBLISHF Application Engine process. You can also use an external system to publish data directly in the Application Messaging queue.

EC Business Doc Links

(enterprise component business doc links)


PeopleTools, EDI Manager, View EDI Audit Trail, Business Document Summary, EC Business Doc Links

Verify that data was loaded into the EC tables at the subscribing bank.



PeopleTools, EDI Manager, View EDI Audit Trail, Business Document Summary, Summary

Confirm that the banking data loaded successfully.

Payment Interface


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment Interface, Payment Interface

Define the run parameters for the Payment Loader process and run the process.

Delete Remittance - Customer


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Delete Remittance, Customer

Delete unmatched customer remittances in the staging tables.

Delete Remittance - Item


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Delete Remittance, Item

Delete unmatched item remittances in the staging tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Business Documents into Staging Tables

Access the File Inbound page (Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Inbound File Rule, File Inbound).

To set up and use the EDI process:

  1. Set up the file identifier to point to a file.

    File Identifier

    Displays an identifier pointing to the file.

    Inbound File

    Enter the path and file name that you want for the inbound flat file when you import into the PeopleSoft Receivables system.

    Index Flag

    Select only if the inbound file is an index file.

    File Layout ID

    Enter an ID that identifies the file layout.

    LUW Size, Program Name, and Section

    Leave blank.

    Create Message Header and Create Message Trailer

    Deselect these check boxes.

    Definition Name

    Change the value to PAYMENT_LOAD.

    Message Name

    Change the value to PAYMENT_LOAD.

  2. Enter run parameters on the Inbound File page (Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Initiate Processes, Inbound File Publish).

    File Identifier

    Enter the file identifier that you defined on the File Inbound page.

    Index Flag

    Select only if the inbound file is an index file.

  3. Click Run to run the EOP_PUBLISHF process, which loads data from the file and publishes the data as application messages.

    Select the following process name on the Process Scheduler Request page: EOP_PUBLISHF.

  4. Use the Process Monitor to verify that the process finished successfully.

  5. Verify that the subscriber processed the message and loaded the data into EC tables (enterprise components) on the EC Business Doc Links page (PeopleTools, EDI Manager, View EDI Audit Trail, Business Document Summary, EC Business Doc Links).

    The value for the EC Completion Status field should be Done.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming That Data Loaded Successfully

Access the Summary page (PeopleTools, EDI Manager, View EDI Audit Trail, Business Document Summary, Summary).


Verify that the status is Loaded.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Supported Integration Technologies

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Payment Loader Application Engine Process

Access the Payment Interface page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment Interface, Payment Interface).

EDI 820

Select if loading EDI data from the United States.


Select if loading EDI data from a European country.

Upload from Excel

Select if loading payments from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Match Split Stream Data

Select to include split stream matching as part of the payment data load process.

Match Payments Already Loaded

Select to match remittance information with cash information that you already loaded into the payment application tables.

EDI Trace Number (electronic data interchange trace number)

Select if you receive both the cash and remittance by EDI. The transmissions have matching trace numbers. The trace numbers are unique, so the two pieces can be matched by using these criteria.

Payment Amount and Payment ID

Select if you require customers to include the payment ID (this could be the check number) and payment amount in the remittance advice. The cash and remittance are matched if they have the same payment amount and payment ID.

Date, Amount and Payment ID

Select if the customer includes the payment date on the remittance. European companies use Value Date as an additional matching field. (Estimated and actual value dates determine the float.) In the United States, use the accounting date of the payment. The cash and remittance are matched if they have the same date, amount, and payment ID.

Customer ID and Payment ID

Select if the cash has a magnetic ink character recognition ID (MICR ID) with it and the remittance has a customer ID. The cash and remittance are matched if they have the same payment ID and the cash MICR ID points to the remit from customer ID that is on the remittance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Unmatched Customer or Item Remittances

Access the Delete Remittance- Customer page or the Delete Remittance - Item page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Delete Remittance, Customer).

Remittance Status

Select the remittance status to search for and display in the list. Values are:

Unmatched: Displays unmatched remittances in the file. This value is available only if unmatched remittances exist in the file.

Not Processed: Displays unprocessed remittances. This value is available only if remittances in the file were not processed.


To remove the unmatched remittances from the staging tables, select the Delete check box next to each remittance that you want to delete and click the Delete button.

If the cash information precedes the remittance information and you have already run the Payment Loader process for the cash information, the cash information is already loaded into the payment application table. Thus, the applicable remittance information does not match the cash information. Instead, the applicable remittance information remains in the staging tables as unmatched unless you run the option that matches the payment that you already loaded into the payment application table. You can manually correct this by deleting the unmatched remittance information on the Regular Deposits - Totals page. Then enter the remittance information with its associated payment in the reference information fields on the Regular Deposits - Payments page.

See Also

Entering Regular Deposit Totals

Entering Regular Deposit Payment Information

Click to jump to parent topicReceiving Cash Drawer Payments

This section provides an overview of cash drawer receipt processing and discusses how to update payment application tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Cash Drawer Receipt Processing

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to enter an order and the payment for the order at the same time for counter sales using the Cash Drawer Receipts feature. To load the cash drawer payments into PeopleSoft Receivables, run the Load Cash Drawer Receipts process to update the payment staging tables, and run the Payment Loader process to load the data in the payment staging tables into the payment application tables.

Customers can pay for an order with multiple payment methods, for example cash, check, and credit card—each as a separate payment. Each payment that the Load Cash Drawer Receipts process updates in PeopleSoft Receivables should have the order number and possibly other reference information to enable you to apply the payment to the item associated with the order.

The cash drawer accepts these payment methods: gift vouchers, cash, and checks and credit, debit, or procurement card authorizations. However, the Load Cash Drawer Receipts process does not update gift voucher information in PeopleSoft Receivables. When the Load Cash Drawer Receipts process sends information for payments made by credit, debit, or procurement card authorizations, the payment method is EFT. Also, the payment method for the items paid for with these authorizations is EFT. The reason that these items have an EFT payment method is to differentiate these items from items with a credit card payment where you run the Receivables Credit Card process (AR_CRCARD) to create the payments and a payment worksheet in PeopleSoft Receivables. The payments can be either full payments or deposits for an order.

The Load Cash Drawer Receipts process populates the Payment ID field with different values depending on the payment method, as shown in this table:

Payment Method

Payment ID


Cash drawer receipt number

EFT (debit, credit, or procurement card)

Authorization code


Check number

The cash drawer setup defines which bank and bank account to use for payments that you enter in the cash drawer. The setup also defines which receivables business unit is associated with each cash drawer. The system assigns the next available deposit ID to the cash drawer transaction for the deposit business unit. This table shows how the Load Cash Drawer Receipts process maps the fields on the cash drawer transaction to the fields in the payment staging tables:

Cash Drawer Receipt Fields

Payment Staging Table Fields

Deposit Business Unit


Deposit ID


Payment Sequence Number


The system creates a separate deposit for all payments with the same payment method. For example, it creates three deposits if applicable: one for cash payments, one for EFT payments, and one for checks.

Note. The Payment Loader process processes payments with a cash payment method only if they originate in the cash drawer receipts interface.

After you load the cash drawer receipts into the payment application tables, use Payment Predictor to apply the payments to the items associated with the orders. Oracle recommends that you update the items from PeopleSoft Billing to PeopleSoft Receivables and post them before running the Payment Predictor process.

Note. You can access the Cash Drawer page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Cash Drawer Receipt page) from a link on the Pending Items - Group Action page (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items, Group Entry).

See Entering or Updating Pending Items.

See Also

Item-Level Adjustments and Reference Values

Setting Up and Maintaining a Cash Drawer

Using the Cash Drawer

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Receive Cash Drawer Payments

Page Name

Definition Name



Payment Interface


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment Interface, Payment Interface

Define run parameters for the Payment Loader process to load cash drawer payments into the payment application tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Payment Application Tables

Access the Payment Interface page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment Interface, Payment Interface).

Select the Cash Drawer Receipts check box.

Click to jump to parent topicReceiving and Editing Spreadsheet Payments

This section provides an overview of spreadsheet payments, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Spreadsheet Payments

The Spreadsheet Payment workbook enables you to enter payments offline using Microsoft Excel and then import the payments into your PeopleSoft Receivables system. When you import the spreadsheet payments, and they go through the edit process, the Payment Loader Application Engine process loads the payment data into the payment application tables.

Note. The spreadsheet payment upload process supports MicroSoft Excel input formats. If you use a non-Excel spreadsheet, you must convert the data to an Excel format before importing.

The ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls workbook is the Microsoft Excel data input tool. You use it to prepare and enter payments and import them into your PeopleSoft database.

Two worksheets make up the ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls workbook, the Template worksheet and the Data Sheet worksheet. The Template worksheet contains all of the available fields that you can configure for data entry. You enter the transaction data on the Data Sheet worksheet. You can create multiple versions of the Microsoft Excel workbook, each with different templates if required.

The Spreadsheet Payment workbook supports check, EFT, and EFT Giro payment methods.

Spreadsheet Payment Upload Process Flow

The Spreadsheet Payment Upload Process flow consists of the following steps:

  1. Enter the payment data into the spreadsheet.

    Enter data into all of the required fields for a PeopleSoft Receivables payment.

  2. Generate XML and post the file from the spreadsheet payment options.

    A Visual Basic (VB) macro in the Spreadsheet Payment workbook converts the spreadsheet data into an XML format that the PeopleSoft Integration Broker reads and then posts to a URL available to PeopleSoft systems.

  3. Integration Broker processes the incoming XML data and transfers it to the Excel Payment Upload tables on the application server.

  4. The Excel Payment Upload process (AR_EDIT_UPLOADED_PAY_INFO) validates the data in the Excel Payment Upload tables. Data with errors causes the rejection of the entire payment group. You must correct any errors before the data can be processed successfully. Oracle recommends that you correct the errors online through the Excel Upload Error Correction page. However, you can correct the errors in the Spreadsheet Payment workbook and then regenerate the XML file and post the data again.

  5. The Excel Upload Payment process copies the validated payment data into the payment staging tables.

  6. Run the Payment Loader process to select the payments based on the process run control parameters and build the PeopleSoft Receivables deposit and payment groups.

    All payments in the Excel Payment Upload tables are assigned the value XEL in the DATA_SOURCE field. The Payment Loader process uses the XEL data source value to recognize payments created through the spreadsheet payment upload process.

The following diagram illustrates the flow for processing spreadsheet payments. The data is entered into an Excel spreadsheet and the Excel Visual Basic Macros are run on the data, which is sent to Integration Broker. Integration Broker sends the data to Excel Payment Upload tables. The Excel Upload Payment Process (AR_EDIT_UPLOADED_PAY_INFO) is run and, if errors occur, they can be corrected on an Excel Upload Error Correction page. If no errors occur, the payment data is sent to the Payment Staging Tables. The Payment Loader Process (AR_PAYLOAD) runs and the data is updated in the payment tables.

Excel Payment Upload process flow

Spreadsheet Payment Upload Data Fields

You can configure the ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls workbook for the appropriate data entry required. However, certain fields must contain data order to properly convert the data into an XML file.

The ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls workbook enables you to enter data into fields that are available in the regular deposit entry process. The fields available in the ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls workbook are:

Record Type




Record Type 000

Deposit Information

Process Flag


This field exists on the Data Sheet worksheet.

Valid values are Y and N.

This field is used only by the Visual Basic macros in the Spreadsheet Payment workbook. This row of data is processed only if the Process Flag field value is Y.

After processing, the field value is set to N. To reprocess this row, you must change the value to Y.

Record Type 000

Deposit Information

Remit Only


Valid values are Y and N.

Y indicates that only the remit data will be processed and added to a payment already in the system. The payment is identified in record type 001 of the spreadsheet.

Record Type 000

Deposit Information

Deposit Business Unit


Populating this field on the Data Sheet worksheet indicates a new deposit for system processing.

Note. This field must be populated in the first row of the Data Sheet worksheet. All rows are skipped until the VB macros find a row with this field populated.

Record Type 000

Deposit Information

Deposit ID


The system assigns the deposit ID when you deselect the Add to Data Sheet check box for this field type on the Template worksheet.

The system assigns the deposit ID when this field on the Data Sheet worksheet is blank.

Record Type 000

Deposit Information



Default values are not available for this field

Record Type 000

Deposit Information

Control Count



Record Type 000

Deposit Information

Control Amount



Record Type 000

Deposit Information

Accounting Date



Record Type 000

Deposit Information

Bank Code


If you leave this field blank, the system uses the bank specified on the Receivables Options - General 1 page.

Record Type 000

Deposit Information

Bank Account


If you leave this field blank, the system uses the bank account specified on the Receivables Options - General 1 page.

Record Type 000

Deposit Information

Received Date


If you leave this field blank, the system uses the current date.

Record Type 001

Payment Information

Deposit BU

Deposit ID


Default values for these fields are copied from the deposit record, record type 000.

Record Type 001

Payment Information

Payment Sequence


This field is automatically populated in the background. The number in this field increments by one for each new payment.

Record Type 001

Payment Information

Payment ID


Data in this field on the Data Sheet worksheet indicates that a new payment is within a deposit for system processing.

If this field is left blank, the payment will not be uploaded to the database.

Record Type 001

Payment Information

Payment Amount


The Excel Payment Upload process does not process payments with negative values.

Record Type 001

Payment Information

Payment Currency


If you leave this field blank, the system uses the format currency specified on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page.

Record Type 001

Payment Information

Payment Method


The supported payment methods are:

  • Check

  • EFT

  • EFT Giro

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the payment method specified on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page.

Record Type 002

Customer Remit Information

Deposit BU

Deposit ID

Payment Sequence


Default values for these fields are copied from the payment information, record type 001.

Record Type 002

Customer Remit Information

Identification Sequence


This field is automatically populated in the background. The number in this field increments by one for each new customer.

Record Type 002

Customer Remit Information

Customer ID


Do not enter data in this field if data is entered in the MICR ID field

Record Type 002

Customer Remit Information

Business Unit


This field is required when the Customer ID field is used.

Do not enter data in this field if data is entered in the MICR ID field

Record Type 002

Customer Remit Information



This field is required if the Customer ID field is not used.

Do not enter data in this field if data is entered in the Customer ID field

Record Type 003

Summary and Detail Reference Remit Information

Deposit BU

Deposit ID

Payment Sequence


Default values for these fields are copied from the customer payment information, record type 001.

Record Type 003

Summary and Detail Reference Remit Information

Identification Sequence


This field is automatically populated in the background. The number in this field increments by one for each new payment.

Record Type 003

Summary and Detail Reference Remit Information

Reference Qualifier Code


This field requires data in the Reference Value field.

If you enter data in this field, do not enter data in the Item, Item Line, Business Unit, Customer ID, Payment Amount, or Discount Taken field.

Record Type 003

Summary and Detail Reference Remit Information

Reference Value


This field requires data in the Reference Qualifier Code field.

Record Type 003

Summary and Detail Reference Remit Information

Entry Event



Record Type 003

Summary and Detail Reference Remit Information



If you enter data in this field, do not enter data in the Reference Qualifier Code or Reference Value field.

The following fields require that you enter data:

  • Item Line

  • Business Unit

  • Customer ID

  • Payment Amount

  • Discount Taken

Record Type 003

Summary and Detail Reference Remit Information

Item Line


If you enter data in this field, do not enter data in the Reference Qualifier Code or Reference Value field.

Enter data in the following fields:

  • Item

  • Business Unit

  • Customer ID

  • Payment Amount

  • Discount Taken

Record Type 003

Summary and Detail Reference Remit Information

Business Unit


If you enter data in this field, do not enter data in the Reference Qualifier Code or Reference Value field. Enter data in the following fields:

  • Item

  • Item Line

  • Customer ID

  • Payment Amount

  • Discount Taken

Record Type 003

Summary and Detail Reference Remit Information

Customer ID


If you enter data in this field, do not enter data in the Reference Qualifier Code or Reference Value field.

Enter data in the following fields:

  • Item

  • Item Line

  • Business Unit

  • Payment Amount

  • Discount Taken

Record Type 003

Summary and Detail Reference Remit Information

Payment Amount


If you enter data in this field, do not enter data in the Reference Qualifier Code or Reference Value field.

This amount must be greater than zero.

Enter data in the following fields:

  • Item

  • Item Line

  • Business Unit

  • Customer ID

  • Discount Taken

Record Type 003

Summary and Detail Reference Remit Information

Discount Taken


If you enter data in this field, do not enter data in the Reference Qualifier Code or Reference Value field.

This amount must be greater than or equal to zero.

Requires data in the following fields:

  • Item

  • Item Line

  • Business Unit

  • Customer ID

  • Payment Amount

See Also

Entering Regular Deposits

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can enter and import spreadsheet payments, you must:

See Also

Entering Payments

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Receive and Edit Spreadsheet Payments

Page Name

Definition Name



Excel Payment Upload Process


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Excel Edit Request

Use to retrieve and validate payment data that is created from an uploaded XML file.

Payment Interface


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment Interface, Payment Interface

Run the Payment Loader process for spreadsheet payments.

Excel Upload Deposit Errors


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Excel Error Correction

Select deposit records created from the Excel Payment Upload process.

Excel Upload Error Correction


Click the link for the deposit ID on the Excel Upload Deposit Errors page.

Edit payments created from the Excel Payment Upload process that have been marked as containing errors



Click the References link on the Excel Upload Error Correction page

Edit the reference information for a payment received from the Excel Payment Upload process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Spreadsheet Payments

Access the Spreadsheet Payment - Template worksheet by clicking the ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls file delivered with your PeopleSoft products. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Excel Edit Request). You set the defaults and set up your payment spreadsheets for importing into PeopleSoft Receivables on the Template worksheet.

The Template worksheet in the Spreadsheet Payment workbook contains all of the available fields that you can use on the Data Sheet worksheet to enter payment data.

Machine Name, Integration Gateway, From Node, and To Node

Enter machine name, integration gateway, from node, and to node. The data entered in these fields creates a URL string.

Note. Oracle delivers the From Node as PSFT_AR_DEP_EXCEL_XML The Integration Broker subscribes only to a single default local node. The To Node is the URL for the database that you want to receive the payments.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Generated URL

Displays the URL generated from the host name, integration gateway, and node entered. The XML file created is posted to the defined URL.


Displays the Excel Payment Upload table name associated with the field.

Record Type

Displays the record type associated with the field. Values are:

  • 000: Deposit information. The deposit information fields are highlighted in blue.

  • 001: Payment information. The payment information fields are highlighted in yellow.

  • 002: Customer remit information. The customer remit information fields are highlighted in light blue.

  • 003: Summary and detail reference remit information. The reference remit summary information and the reference remit detail fields are highlighted in yellow.

The deposit, payment, customer remit, summary, and detail reference remit information fields are color-coded to differentiate the various sets of data.


Displays the name of the field.


Displays the label of the field.

Field Type

Displays the type of the field. Types include Character, Date, and Number.

Field Length

Displays the length of the field.


Displays a value of Yes or No depending on whether the field is required during data entry.

Default Value

Enter the default value for the field. The value entered in the Template worksheet will be the field value displayed on the Data Sheet worksheet. You can override the default value on the Data Sheet worksheet.

Note. You can enter default values for fields not included in the Data Sheet worksheet. The default values will become part of the transaction data, but will not be visible on the Data Sheet worksheet.

Add to Data Sheet

Select to include the field on the Data page.

Update Data Sheet

Click to update the Data Sheet worksheet with the selected fields.

Set Password

Click to enter or change a password associated with this spreadsheet file.

Hide Template

Click to hide the Template worksheet for this spreadsheet file. You will be prompted to enter a password if one has not been defined. You can navigate back to the Template worksheet by selecting from your Excel Tools menu, Macro, Macros. A window pops up listing all the macros. Select the ShowAdminSheet macro and click Run. The system prompts you for a password before displaying the Template worksheet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Spreadsheet Payments

Access the Spreadsheet Payment - Data Sheet worksheet by clicking the ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls file delivered with your PeopleSoft products. You use the Data Sheet worksheet to create and import payment data.

Enter payment data and import the payment data into PeopleSoft Receivables using the Data Sheet worksheet. The Data Sheet worksheet is designed to display only the fields selected in the Template worksheet.

Note. You must enter data in record type 000, the Deposit Information fields in the first row of the Data Sheet worksheet. The VB macro skips all rows until the macro locates data in the Deposit Unit field in record type 000. You are not required to enter the deposit information for multiple payments if they are part of a single deposit. Also, you are not required to enter the same payment information for multiple lines of customer and item remit information.

Generate XML and Post

Click to create an XML file and post the file to the URL defined in the Template worksheet. The Excel Save As window appears when you click the Generate XML and Post button. Save the XML file to the same folder where the actual spreadsheet resides to instantly post the XML file to the URL.

Note. The URL string must be valid to post the XML data. The Excel Upload Payment Process (AR_EDIT_UPLOADED_PAY_INFO) retrieves the XML data from the URL site when it is posted.

Generate XML

Click to create an XML file. The Excel Save As window appears when you click the Generate XML button. Indicate the file name and where you want to save it.

For example, you can write the data to an FTP site and create another process to post the XML file to the URL. When Integration Broker is active, it posts the XML data to the system making the data available for processing by the online and batch Receivables Excel Payment Upload process.

Record Type (Line 2)

Displays the record type associated with the field. Values are:

  • 000: Deposit information. The deposit information fields are highlighted in blue.

  • 001: Payment information. The payment information fields are highlighted in yellow.

  • 002: Customer remit information. The customer remit information fields are highlighted in light blue.

  • 003: Summary and detail reference remit information. The reference remit summary information and the reference remit detail fields are highlighted in yellow.

Description (Line 3)

Displays the description of the field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing and Processing Spreadsheet Payments

Access the Excel Payment Upload Process page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Excel Edit Request).

Deposit Unit

Enter the business unit for the Excel deposits that you want to edit. Leave this field blank to accept deposits from any business unit.

Deposit ID

Enter the deposit ID for the Excel deposits that you want to edit. Leave this field blank to accept all deposits.

User ID

Enter the user ID for the Excel deposits that you want to edit. Leave this field blank to accept all user IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Payment Loader Process

Access the Payment Interface page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment Interface, Payment Interface).

Select the Upload from Excel check box.

Note. You can use the Excel Payment Upload process to enter remit-only information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Errors in Spreadsheet Payments

Access the Excel Upload Deposit Errors page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Excel Error Correction).

Use this page to review and select deposit records created by the Excel Payment Upload process. You can narrow the selection criteria by specifying a deposit business unit, deposit ID, payment ID, or user ID. You can review all of the Excel deposit records by leaving all four of these fields blank.

Error Deposits Only

Select to display only spreadsheet deposits that contain errors.

All Deposits

Select to display all spreadsheet deposits with or without errors.

Deposits without Errors

Select to display only deposits that do not contain errors.


Click this button after you determine the search criteria to display the relevant deposits in the Deposits region.

The page displays the deposit data and up to five error messages for each deposit.


Click to clear the search criteria.

Load Deposits to Staging Tables

Click to run the Excel Payment Upload process. The process uses the values in the Deposit Unit, Deposit ID, and User ID fields for the run control criteria. You can view the deposits that the system will edit and load to the staging tables by selecting the Deposits Without Errors check box and then clicking the Search button.

Process Monitor

Click to access the Process List page and view the process that you initiated by clicking the Load to Staging Tables link. A link on the Process List page enables you to return to the Excel Upload Deposit Errors page.


Select to mark the deposit for deletion.

Deposit ID

Displays the identifier for a payment within a deposit. Click the link for the payment to open the Excel Upload Error Correction page, where you can edit payments created from the Excel Payment Upload process that have been marked as containing errors.

Deposit Errors

Indicates whether the deposit has errors. Valid values are Y, to indicate errors in a deposit, and N, to indicate that no errors are in a deposit.

Message 1, Message 2, Message 3, Message 4, and Message 5

Displays up to five error messages associated with each deposit.

Delete Selected Deposits

Click to delete any deposits on this page that have the Delete check box selected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Errors in Spreadsheet Payments

Access the Excel Upload Error Correction page (click the link for the deposit ID on the Excel Upload Deposit Errors page).

Use this page to display the deposit data for deposits with errors. This page also displays up to five error messages for a deposit. You can change the deposit information or information for individual payments on this page to correct the errors. The system enables you to add or delete payments for the current deposit. If you add or delete payments, you must also change the values in the Control Total Amount and Control Count fields until the values in the Difference Amount and Difference Count fields equal zero.

After completing the changes, click the Apply button to save your changes, or click the OK button to save the changes and return to the Excel Upload Error Correction page. Click the Cancel button to remove any changes you have made since clicking the Apply button or the OK button.

Note. Clicking the Cancel button after accessing the References page can also remove some changed data if you do not first click the Apply button or the OK button.

Message 1, Message 2, Message 3, Message 4, Message 5

The system displays up to five error messages associated with the deposit. The Payments region displays all error messages associated with the payments in the deposit.

Get Payments with Errors

Click to populate the Payments region with information about any payments in this deposit that contain errors.

Get All Payments

Click to populate the Payments region with information about any payments in this deposit.

Error Correction Complete

Displays a check box that indicates that the error correction for this deposit is complete.


Click to access the References page. You can modify values and add or delete reference records on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Errors in Spreadsheet Payment References

Access the References page (click the References link on the Excel Upload Error Correction page).

Use this page to add, delete, or modify any customer, summary, and detail references associated with a payment.

Click the Apply button to save your changes or click the OK button to save your changes and return to the Excel Upload Error Correction page. Clicking the Cancel button cancels any changes you have made.

Click to jump to parent topic(JPN) Receiving EFT Payments

This section provides an overview of the EFT payment process flow, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

  1. Load EFT payment files.

  2. Run the Payment Loader process.

See Also

EFT Draft Process Flow

Selecting EFT Layouts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the EFT Payment Process Flow

To process EFT payments:

  1. Run the AR_DRAFT_EFT Application Engine process to load the EFT files into the Payment staging table (AR_PAYMENT_EC).

    The process extracts regular payments from the file if the creation date equals the accounting date (due date). If the customer name can be resolved to a customer ID, the system also creates a customer staging record (AR_IDCUST_EC). The process uses the Kijitsu file layout.

  2. Run the Payment Loader process to move the data from the staging tables into the payment application tables.

  3. View Application Engine messages.

  4. Check for errors at the deposit level on the All Deposits or Incomplete Deposits page.

  5. Correct errors in the deposit and payment entry pages and the Payment Interface Duplicates component.

  6. If you use cash control accounting and you have a duplicate out-of-balance deposit, run the Cash Control process to create the cash control accounting entries.

    See Creating Cash Control Accounting Entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

You must associate the customer IDs with the customer names in the EFT files on the Customer EFT Name page.

See Also

Associating EFT Payment File Names With Customer IDs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Receive EFT Payments

Page Name

Definition Name



Load EFT Payments

(electronic file transfer payments)


Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Create Drafts, Receive Draft Payments, Load EFT Payments

Use to load regular payments from an EFT file.

Payment Interface


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment Interface, Payment Interface

Define run parameters for the Payment Loader process to load EFT payments into the payment application tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading EFT Payment Files

Access the Load EFT Payments page (Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Create Drafts, Receive Draft Payments, Load EFT Payments).


Select Payments or Both to process the regular payments in the EFT file.

Note. If you select Both, the process loads draft and regular payments.


This field is used only for draft processing.

File Name

Enter a name for the EFT file. The name of the EFT file must be unique. The file must be loaded into the directory on the application server defined by %PS_SERVDIR%\FILES, where %PS_SERVDIR% is the directory where the application server domain is defined. If you process the EFT file using Process Scheduler, then you need to load the file into %PS_CFG_HOME%\appserv\prcs\ <database name>\files.

After the system processes the file, it updates a table (DR_FILE_NAME) on the database with the name of the flat file that has been loaded. Using a unique file name prevents drafts or payments from being entered into the system twice. Only the file name is stored, not the path.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Payment Loader Application Engine Process

Access the Payment Interface page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment Interface, Payment Interface).

Select the EDI 820 check box.

Click to jump to parent topicChecking Electronic Payment Errors

This section provides an overview of electronic payment errors and list pages used to check electronic payment errors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Electronic Payment Errors

The Payment Loader process checks for formatting errors and duplicates. These errors are corrected in the following way:

The system groups duplicate payments into deposits and marks them as duplicates.

Online error correction is available for any payments that do not transfer smoothly. If a deposit is out of balance and contains errors, you can access it on the All Deposits or Incomplete Deposits pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Check Electronic Payment Errors

Page Name

Definition Name



All Deposits


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Review Payments, All Deposits, All Deposits

Check a specific deposit ID number or scan any or all of your deposits at one time. This page displays control totals and status information for a single deposit at a time.

Incomplete Deposits


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Review Payments, Incomplete Deposits, Incomplete Deposits

Track down deposits that are not completely processed. View the payment amount in the deposit that is still in process, summarize out-of-balance deposits, or view the list of incomplete deposits by operator. The deposits contain a mix of posted and unposted payments.

Click to jump to parent topicCorrecting Errors

This section provides an overview of error correction and discusses how to correct duplicate deposits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Error Correction

Error correction involves comparing and matching your recorded business transactions with the bank transactions. If the totals or control amounts are out of balance on the Regular Deposit - Totals page, then the deposit is unbalanced. You must correct the errors.

Use these indications to determine whether the deposit is balanced:

You can delete a deposit that has unmatched remittance information or you can balance unmatched deposits using the Regular Deposit Balancing component (BALANCING).

Note. The Regular Deposit Balancing component is available only if the deposit is out of balance.

See Also

Correcting Balancing Errors

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Correct Errors

Page Name

Definition Name





  • Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Regular Deposit, Totals

  • Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Regular Deposit Balancing, Totals

  • Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Correct Duplicate Payments, Totals

Review deposit totals and delete duplicate deposits created by the payment interface.



  • Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Regular Deposit, Payments

  • Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Regular Deposit Balancing, Payments

  • Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Correct Duplicate Payments, Payments

Provide detailed information for each payment in a regular deposit.



  • Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Regular Deposit Balancing, Action

  • Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Correct Duplicate Payments, Action

Select an action to save the deposit or delete the deposit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Duplicate Deposits

Access the Correct Duplicate Payments - Totals page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Regular Deposit, Totals).

Hold Duplicate

If this is not a duplicate deposit, deselect the Hold Duplicate check box and make the deposit available for payment processing. If this is a duplicate deposit, click the Delete Deposit button to delete the deposit.

This field is visible only if the Payment Loader process marked a lockbox deposit as a duplicate or if an EDI deposit contains duplicate payments.

Note. If no lockbox or EDI deposit errors occurred, the Correct Duplicate Payments component is unavailable.