Performing Cash Sweep to Manage Liquidity

This chapter presents an overview of the cash sweep functionality and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Cash Sweep Functionality

Cash Sweep enables you to perform a sweep across multiple external bank accounts to manage the liquidity in your organization. Cash Sweep leverages the functionality of these PeopleSoft Treasury features:

The Cash Sweep process flow includes these steps:

  1. Set up the cash sweep structure.

    You set up the cash sweep structure across multiple external bank accounts. The cash sweep structure consists of a master account, overall processing attributes, sub-accounts and sub-account processing attributes.

  2. Approve the cash sweep structure.

    You must approve any new or modified cash sweep structure before you can run the Cash Sweep process (TR_CSH_SWEEP).

  3. Generate the Cash Position worksheet.

  4. Run the Cash Sweep process.

  5. Review and update the cash sweep results.

  6. Generate transfers using bank transfer or EFT request.

  7. Generate cash sweep reports.

Cash Sweep Process Flow

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Complete these prerequisites prior to setting up a cash sweep structure:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining and Approving a Cash Sweep Structure

This section presents an overview of a cash sweep structure and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverview of a Cash Sweep Structure

To perform a cash sweep, you must set up an active physical cash sweep structure as of a specified effective date. You can update this structure and change the effective date to keep track of any changes you make.

You set up a physical cash sweep structure across multiple external bank accounts. You identify an external bank account as the master bank account for this cash sweep structure and identify one or more sub-accounts. You can only select one master bank account for each physical cash sweep structure. However, you can select the same external bank account as the master bank account across multiple physical cash sweep structures. When you select a master bank and bank account for a cash sweep structure, the sweep currency and business unit used to set up the bank account display as default values for the cash sweep structure. You cannot change these values unless you select a different bank account.

The activity type that you select for a physical cash sweep structure determines how the funds will be moved. Activity types are:

You identify either your organization or the bank as the initiator of the cash sweep. When an organization initiates the cash sweep the Auto Generate Transfers check box is enabled. You select this check box to enable the system to automatically generate the EFT requests and bank transfers when the Cash Sweep (TR_CSH_SWEEP) process is run. If you select an organization and do not select this check box, then you must access the Request Cash Sweep component and perform the transfers manually. However, frequently an organization does not want to initially generate the EFT requests and bank transfers automatically (deselect the check box) so that it can review the recommended transfer amount for each cash sweep structure and make any necessary changes. Once the organization is satisfied with the recommended transfer amount, it can select the Auto Generate Transfers check box and the system will automatically generate the EFT requests and bank transfers when the Cash Sweep process is run. The Auto Generate Transfers check box is not selected if a bank initiates the cash sweep.

When the bank is the initiator of the cash sweep, the bank moves the funds, but the system only stores the recommended transfer amounts without creating the actual EFT requests or bank transfers.

You select a market index and rate type to assist in identifying the exchange rate to apply to the cash sweep when cash sweep currency is different from cash position currency.

Important! Make sure that the Exchange Rate tables are updated with the appropriate exchange rates.

You can select cash sweep rounding options or choose not to round the physical cash sweep amounts. Rounding will never break below the target balance defined on external bank account definition.

You can select one of the following rounding options:

If you select Nearest, Round Down, or Round Up as a rounding option, you must select one of these rounding factors:

You select an active cash position tree name and tree node for each cash sweep structure. The tree nodes can be recursive or nonrecursive.

You can identify one or more external bank accounts as sub bank accounts on a physical cash sweep structure. The system issues a warning message to alert the user that setting an external bank account as sub bank account on multiple physical cash sweep structures could result in a sub bank account that is overdrawn. Duplicate sub bank accounts in the same cash sweep structure are not permitted. You also cannot identify the same external bank account as a master bank account and a sub bank account in the same physical cash sweep structure. However, you can identify an external bank account as a sub bank account in one physical cash sweep structure, and as a master bank account in another physical cash sweep structure. You can pool multiple subaccounts for a cash sweep.

You select a cash position tree node for each subaccount. The master bank account and any sub bank accounts identified for each cash sweep structure must share the same cash position tree.

Important! It is critical that you correctly map the cash position tree nodes to the master bank accounts and subaccounts on the cash sweep structure.

You can select EFT Transfer or Bank Transfer as the Transfer Class for each subaccount. Selecting either transfer class moves funds across bank accounts. However, if you select Organization as the Initiator on the Cash Sweep Structure page, you must select one of these values for each subaccount that you establish.

You can select a Funding or Concentration template to apply to each subaccount. These templates enable you to set up transactions in advance with parties with which you conduct regular, specific transactions. You select a Funding Template for each subaccount if you selected Funding or Bi-Directional as the activity type on the Cash Sweep Structure page. You select the Concentration Template if you selected Concentration or Bi-Directional as the activity type.

Important! It is critical that you define and map the appropriate template with each subaccount. Mapping these templates incorrectly can result in transfer errors when the Cash Sweep process is run.

You specify the minimum amount and a maximum amount to transfer during the Cash Sweep process between a master bank account. A zero amount indicates that there is no minimum amount limit. Specific rules dictate how the minimum and maximum transfer amounts either do or do not affect the calculated amount that the cash sweep process generates:

You can select an Exclude check box on the Cash Sweep Structure page to temporarily prevent a subaccount row from being included in the Cash Sweep Process. Once you remove the check mark, the row will be included the next time the Cash Sweep Process is run.

Once you have set up and saved a cash sweep structure, a designated approver must approve the cash sweep structure using the Cash Sweep Structure Approval component before running the Cash Sweep process. The status of a cash sweep structure can be pending, approved, or denied. If the approver either approves or denies approval of the cash sweep structure, you can modify the cash sweep structure without having to leave the Approve Cash Sweep Structure page . When you modify an approved or denied cash sweep structure and save it, the status of the cash sweep structure changes to pending until the designated approver approves or denies it again. If the structure is approved, it is ready for the Cash Sweep Calculations process to be run. When a designated approver approves or denies a cash sweep structure, the user ID of the approver and the date that the structure was approved or denied appears on the Approve Cash Sweep Structure page. An assigned user other than the user who entered the Cash Sweep Structure must approve all changes before you can run the Cash Sweep Calculations process.

Important! The user who is assigned to approve a cash sweep structure must be someone other than the user who enters or modifies the cash sweep structure.

See Setting Up Trees and Positions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define and Approve a Cash Sweep Structure

Page Name

Definition Name



Cash Sweep Structure


Cash Management, Cash Sweep, Define Cash Sweep Structure, Cash Sweep Structure

Define the master bank account, currency, and cash position tree and node for a physical cash sweep. Set up cash sweep subaccounts.

Approve Cash Sweep Structure


Cash Management, Cash Sweep, Approve Cash Sweep Structure

Approve or deny selected cash sweep structures.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Cash Sweep Structure

Access the Cash Sweep Structure page (Cash Management, Cash Sweep, Define Cash Sweep Structure, Cash Sweep Structure).

Sweep ID

Select the appropriate setID and enter a value to identify the cash sweep structure that you are creating on the Cash Sweep Structure – Add a New Value page.

Sweep Type

Accept the system-defined default value, Physical on the Cash Sweep Structure – Add a New Value page. A physical cash sweep indicates movement between external bank accounts selected for this cash sweep structure.

Master Bank Code

Select the bank that has the master bank account that you want to assign to this cash sweep structure. The Bank ID field is updated based on the code you select.

Master Bank Account

Select the bank account that you want to use to transfer funds to subaccounts or to concentrate funds from subaccounts. The Bank Account # (number), Sweep Currency, and Business Unit values associated with the selected bank account appear as defaults on the page and are derived from the account selected as the master bank account. This business unit is used as the anchor business unit when the cash sweep transfers are performed.

Activity Type

Select one of these activity types to move funds for this cash sweep structure. This field is required for both organization and bank initiated cash sweeps.

  • Bi-Directional

    Moves funds into and out of the master bank account depending on the of the calculated transfer amount. If the cash position of the subaccount is negative, Cash Sweep assumes that here is a shortage of funds in the subaccount and moves funds from the master bank account to the subaccount. If the cash position of the subaccount is positive, Cash Sweep assumes that there is a surplus of funds and moves funds from the subaccount to the master bank account. Negative balances in subaccounts are Funded and positive balances in subaccounts are Concentrated.

  • Concentration

    Moves funds out of sub bank accounts to the master bank account.

  • Funding

    Moves funds out of the master bank account to the sub bank accounts.

Initiated By

Select one of these values as the initiator of the cash sweep.

  • Organization

    Indicates that your organization will create the bank transfers and EFT requests.

  • Bank

    Indicates that the bank will make the fund movement. The accounting will come from the bank statement. The system will only store the recommended transfer amounts, and will not create the actual EFT requests or bank transfers.

Auto-Generate Transfers

Select this check box to enable the system to automatically generate EFT (electronic file transfer) requests and bank transfers for the recommended transfer amount when you run the Cash Sweep process.

If you leave this check box blank, then you must access the Cash Sweep Results page to initiate the creation of EFT requests and bank transfers.


The default value is derived from the selected master bank account . Selecting a market rate from the market rate index assists in identifying the exchange rate to apply to the cash sweep when the cash sweep currency is different from the cash position currency.

Rate Type

The default value is derived from the selected master bank account. Selecting a rate type assists in identifying the exchange rate to apply to the cash sweep when cash sweep currency is different from the cash position currency.

Round Option

Select one of these options to determine how you want to round the transfer amount:

  • Nearest

    Rounds either up or down to the nearest round factor.

  • None

  • Round Down

  • Round Up

Round Factor

Select one of these options to determine how the amount will be rounded.

  • 1

  • 1,000,000

  • 10,000

  • 10

  • 10,000

  • 10,000,000

  • 100

  • 100,000

Note. The Round Factor is required unless the value selected for the Round Option is None.

Tree Name

You must select a Cash Position Tree to apply to this cash sweep.

Tree Node

You must select a Cash Position Tree Node to apply to this cash sweep. The master bank account and each of the sub bank accounts identified in each physical cash sweep structure should share the same cash position tree.

Important! When selecting a cash position tree node, take note of the associated position sources and the resulting position calculation amount.

Audit Information

The system tracks and displays this information about a selected cash structure:

Cash Sweep Details – Subaccounts Information

Select the Cash Sweep Details – Sub Accounts tab.

Bank SetID, Bank Code and Bank Account

Select a bank setID, bank code, and bank account for each subaccount that you set up for this physical cash sweep structure.

Tree Node

Select a cash position tree node for each subaccount that you set up.

The cash position tree node that you select for each subaccount must share the same cash position tree as the master account selected for this physical cash sweep structure.

Transfer Class

Select one of these values to transfer the physical cash sweep amount.

  • EFT Transfer

  • Bank Transfer

Note. You must select one of these values if you selected Organization as the Initiator of the physical cash sweep on the Cash Sweep Definition page.

Funding Template

Select a funding template if you selected either Funding or Bi-Directional as the Activity Type on the Cash Sweep Definition page. If you selected Bank Transfer as the Transfer Class, the system only displays a list of external bank account funding transfer templates.

Concentration Template

Select a concentration template if you selected either Concentration or Bi-Directional as the Activity Type on the Cash Sweep Definition page. If you selected Bank Transfer as the Transfer Class, the system only displays a list of external bank account transfer templates.

Important! You must select the funding and concentration templates that are set up for the purpose of performing a cash sweep and are appropriate for the cash sweep structure that is being defined, otherwise the system may generate incorrect transfers.


Select this check box to exclude the subaccount row for which it is selected from being included in the cash sweep process.

Cash Sweep Details – Amount Information

Select the Cash Sweep Details – Amount tab.

Minimum Transfer Amount

Enter the minimum amount to be transferred during a cash sweep process between the master bank account and a subaccount.

A zero minimum amount indicates that there is no limit to the minimum transfer amount regardless of the activity type selected on the Cash Sweep Definition page.

However if the calculated transfer amount is less than the minimum transfer amount, these rules apply:

  • When the activity type is Funding and the calculated transfer amount is less than the minimum transfer amount, the Cash Sweep process sets the calculated transfer amount to the minimum transfer amount.

  • When the activity type is Concentration and the calculated transfer amount is less than the minimum transfer amount, the Cash Sweep process sets the calculated transfer amount to zero. There are not enough funds in the sub-account to meet the minimum transfer amount and still maintain its target balance, so no amount is set to transfer.

Maximum Transfer Amount

Enter the maximum amount to be transferred during a cash sweep process between the master bank account and the subaccount.

A zero amount indicates that there is no maximum amount limit.

The maximum transfer amount rule is when you select either Funding or Concentration as the activity type on the Cash Sweep Definition page. When you run the Cash Sweep process, if the calculated transfer amount is greater than the maximum transfer amount, then the calculated transfer amount is set to the maximum transfer amount for both activity types.

Sweep Currency

The default currency that appears in this field is derived from the Master Bank Account.

Cash Sweep Details – Account Information

Select the Cash Sweep Details – Account Information tab.

This grid defines the bank account details for each subaccount including the Bank ID, the Bank Account # (bank account number) as well as the bank account's currency, associated business unit, and description.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving a Cash Sweep Structure

Access the Approve Cash Sweep Structure page. (Cash Management, Cash Sweep, Approve Cash Sweep Structure, Approve Cash Sweep Structure)

Search Criteria

Select values for the search criteria fields as needed. If you only select a setID and leave all other fields blank, the system will list all of the Cash Sweep Structures that have a status of Pending, Approved, and Denied when you click the Search button. You can also select an approval status of Pending, Approved, or Denied and only cash sweep structures with the selected approval status appear on the list when you click the Search button.

Cash Sweep Structure

A list of cash sweep structures appears in the Cash Sweep Structure group box based on you selected search criteria. You can select all of the structures in the list or select individual structure check boxes and click the Approve or Deny button to approve or deny the selected cash sweep structures.

Cash Sweep ID

Click the link of an individual cash sweep structure and access the actual cash sweep structure.

Approval Status

These values can appear in this field:

  • Pending

    This value appears for a cash sweep structure that has never been approved or has been modified after approval or denial.

  • Approved

    This value appears when an authorized approver clicks the Approved button on this page.

  • Denied

    This value appears when an authorized approver clicks the Denied button on this page.

Approved By and Date Approved

Displays the User ID of the individual who approved or denied the cash sweep structure along with the date that the structure was approved or denied.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Cash Sweep and Reviewing the Results

This section presents and overview of cash sweep processing and review and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverview of the Cash Sweep Processing and Results

The Cash Sweep process (TR_CSH_SWEEP) drives the data extraction, funds transfer calculation and funds transfer execution for a cash sweep structure. This process performs these functions for each sub-account:

You can process cash sweep for each cash sweep structure and for a specific date. You can run the Cash Sweep process multiple times during a specified date. You can also select or not select sub-accounts for cash sweep processing.

Important! You can run Cash Sweep process for a cash sweep structure multiple times during the day. You should exercise caution and ensure that the system is set up to handle such a scenario. Make sure that the Cash Position Sources include the cash sweep amount and that a cash position has been recalculated after generating cash sweep transfers. If system is setup incorrectly it could result in inappropriate transfers.

See Also

Cash Management Reports: A to Z

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the Cash Sweep Process and Review the Results

Page Name

Definition Name



Cash Sweep Request


Cash Management, Cash Sweep, Request Cash Sweep, Cash Sweep Request

Run the Cash Sweep Calculations process.

Cash Sweep Results


Cash Management, Cash Sweep, Cash Sweep Results, Cash Sweep Results

Review and update cash sweep results.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Cash Sweep Process

Access the Cash Sweep Request page (Cash Management, Cash Sweep, Request Cash Sweep, Cash Sweep Request).

Value Date Option

Select one of these options to set the date for the value date. The value date is the date that is used to retrieve the cash position amounts.

  • Current

    Selecting this option assigns the current system date as the value date.

  • Specify

    Select this option to display the Value Date field in which you can assign a specific date as the value date.

Note. If the auto generate check box is checked on the cash sweep structure, then the system retrieves the cash position amounts for each cash sweep structure based on each sequence and creates the EFT requests and bank transfers. If the auto generate check box is not checked, the system retrieves the cash position amounts for each cash sweep structure based on each sequence and stores the details in the Cash Sweep Structure tables.

Transaction Date Option

Select one of these options to set the transaction date for the transfer transactions.

  • Current

    Select this option to apply the current system date to the transfer transactions.

  • Specify

    Select this option to display the Transaction Date field in which you can assign a specific date to the transfer transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Updating the Results of a Cash Sweep

Access the Cash Sweep Results page (Cash Management, Cash Sweep, Cash Sweep Results, Cash Sweep Results).


This check box will only appear if the funds transfer still need to be generated, which means that the Auto Generate Transfers check box was not selected on the Cash Sweep Structure page of the associated cash sweep structure.

Generate Transfers

Click this button to generate either a bank transfer or an EFT request for the selected rows. Generating a bank transfer will update the Transfer ID field on the Transaction Detail tab with the Bank Transfer ID, and generating an EFT request will update the Transfer ID field with the EFT Request ID.

Transaction Detail Tab

Recommended Transfer Amount

After comparing the minimum and maximum transfer limits, the Cash Sweep Calculations process adjust the transfer amount as necessary, sets this final recommended transfer amount and updates this field.

Actual Transfer Amount

The default value is the amount that appears in the Recommended Transfer Amount field. You can override the this default amount and perform the transfer.

Activity Type

Displays either Funding or Concentration at the grid level for a bidirectional cash sweep structure.

Note. A bidirectional cash sweep structure enables you to override the activity type on the subaccount grid. This provides you with the flexibility to change the direction in the movement of funds and override the actual transfer amount.

Other Amounts Tab

Target Balance

The Cash Sweep Calculations process retrieves the target balance and updates this field.

Cash Position

The Cash Sweep Calculations process retrieves the cash position for each subaccount and updates this field.

Account Information tab

This tab displays the sub bank account information that was entered on the Cash Sweep Structure – Accounts page.

Message Log tab

A warning or error icon appears before the Select column on each tab, which indicates there is a message on the Message Log tab.

Message Text

If the system issues a warning or error message and displays an icon, the text describing the warning or error appears in this field.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Cash Sweep Reports

This section presents an overview of the cash sweep reports and describes the page navigation and usage of each report:

You can generate these cash sweep reports:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Cash Sweep Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Cash Sweep Structure


Cash Management, Cash Sweep, Reports, Cash Sweep Structure

Run the Cash Sweep Structure report.

Cash Sweep Bank Accounts


Cash Management, Cash Sweep, Reports, Cash Sweep Bank Accounts

Run the Cash Sweep Bank Accounts report.

Cash Sweep Summary


Cash Management, Cash Sweep, Reports, Cash Sweep Summary

Run the Cash Sweep Summary report.

Denied Cash Sweep Payments


Cash Management, Cash Sweep, Reports, Denied Cash Sweep Payments

Run the Denied Cash Sweep Payments report.