Reevaluating Deals

This chapter provides an overview of reevaluating deals, provides the prerequisite tasks, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Reevaluating Deals

Market factors create exposures for your PeopleSoft deal transactions. To evaluate the risks associated with these exposures requires the use of complex analytical models to value these deals and obtain analytic sensitivities used to analyze the deals. Risk Management enables you to revalue positions periodically; ensuring you base the portfolio's value on current market rates or the price of the underlying.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

You must define analytic structures and analytic parameters, set up your third party vendor information, define function parameters, and specify file export parameters before you can start revaluing your positions.

Before you reevaluate deals, perform the following tasks:

  1. Create deals.

  2. Analyze and calculate risk.

  3. Group deals and hedges into portfolios.

See Also

Capturing Deals and Trade Tickets

Analyzing Risk

Creating and Maintaining Hedges

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements in This Chapter

Function Usage

Select from the following:

Delta: Describes an option premium's sensitivity to changes in the price of the underlying. It is the amount of the underlying necessary to hedge small changes in the option price for small movements in the underlying.

MTM (mark-to-market): Calculates the value of the financial instrument based on the current market price of the underlying.

MTM-A (mark-to-market accounting): Calculates the clean value of the financial instrument based on the current market price of the underlying for accounting purposes. This value does not contain any accrued interest.

Analytics Mode

Limit the analysis by specifying an analytics mode from the available values. Available values are limited by your implementation configuration.


Select the portfolio to process.

Click to jump to parent topicReevaluating Deals Analytics

This section describes how to define the parameters for deal analysis.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Deal Analytics

Page Name

Definition Name



Deal Analytics


Risk Management, Reevaluate Deals, Deal Analytics, Deal Analytics

Override the analysis results by manually entering values. View a history of values that were created during the lifetime of the deal.

See Defining Deal Analytic Functions.

Deal Risk Measures


Click the Risk Measures link on the Deal Analytics page.

View the various types risk metrics for the deal.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Portfolio Revaluation

Run the Mark-to-Market Batch Application Engine process (TR_PORT_MTM) on your portfolios to revalue and automatically update their current market value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Portfolio Revaluation

Page Name

Definition Name



Portfolio Revaluation


Risk Management, Reevaluate Deals, Portfolio Revaluation, Portfolio Revaluation

Run the Portfolio Revaluation batch process to run analytic calculations on your portfolios and revalue their current market value.