Working with Installment Bills

This chapter provides an overview of the Installment Bills process (BIINSTAL) and discusses how to:

See Also

Structuring Bills

Entering Bills Online

Calculating VAT in PeopleSoft Billing

Generating Invoices

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Installment Bills Process

You can use installment billing to invoice your customers in segments, with the total amount due divided equally, by percentage, or according to the configured definition. Each installment invoice includes the installment number, the total number of installments, the installment amount due, and the total invoice amount. You can also include a flat rate or percentage service charge. Taxes are applied to each installment amount at the time of billing.

Create a template for installment bills using a new bill or an existing bill. You control the schedule that controls when the system generates installment invoices. The system copies all non-amount information, such as customer, distribution of revenue, accounts receivable, and discounts and surcharges, from the template invoice to the installment billing invoices.

When you select an invoice format, you control whether or not the system displays a breakdown of the installment billing invoice amounts on the invoice. Online inquiry enables you to inquire about current and previous installment billing invoices.

PeopleSoft Billing supports three ways to define the default installment billing plan: at the business unit, bill type, or bill source level. You can create plans based on equal installments, percentage installments, or custom installments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccounting, Taxes, and VAT for Installment Bills

Each installment billing invoice carries its own information for accounting, deferred revenue, discounts and surcharges, and tax records. The system copies the default information, except for tax amounts, from the template for installment billing invoices to the individual installment invoices. An installment invoice functions much like a regular invoice.

When you generate an installment invoice, you charge value-added tax (VAT) for the amounts that are due on that invoice at the rate that is applicable for the tax point and date for the goods or services that are included on the invoice. However, no matter which format you use, the same basic rule is always applied: Calculate VAT on the amounts that appear on the invoice.

VAT Example

If you issue multiple invoices, one for each installment, the system calculates VAT on the installment amount because this is also the invoice amount.

  1. Invoice 1: Due 30 March 2000.

    Line Number



    VAT Rate

    VAT Amount
















    Net Amount = 4,250.00

    VAT Amount = 656.25

    Total Amount = 4906.25

  2. Invoice 2: Due 30 April 2000.

    Line Number



    VAT Rate

    VAT Amount
















    Net Amount = 2125.00

    VAT Amount = 328.13

    Total Amount = 2453.13

  3. Invoice 3: Due 30 May 2000.

    Line Number



    VAT Rate

    VAT Amount
















    Net Amount = 2125.00

    VAT Amount = 328.13

    Total Amount = 2453.13

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Installment Bills

To set up installment bills, use the Installment Billing, Bill Cycle, Bill Source, and Billing Options components.

This section discusses how to:

  1. Establish installment billing plans.

  2. Define parameters for installment billing plans.

  3. Set defaults for installment billing plans.

    Note. The system applies the default installment billing plan according to the normal default hierarchy for billing: bill source, bill type, and business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Installment Bills

Page Name

Definition Name



Installment Plan


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Installment Billing, Installment Plan

Establish and define installment billing plan types.

Bill Cycle


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Bill Cycle

Set up invoice date defaults, schedules, and bill generation parameters for each installment billing plan that you establish. Set up a new bill cycle or define installment billing parameters for a bill cycle that you have previously set up.

Bill Source


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Bill Source

Specify default installment billing plans for bill sources.

Bill Type 1


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Bill Type, Bill Type 1

Specify default installment billing plans for bill types.

Billing Options - Billing Business Unit Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Billing, Billing Options, Billing Business Unit Options

Define default installment billing plans for business units.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Installment Billing Plans

Access the Installment Plan page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Installment Billing, Installment Plan).

Installment Plan Type

Select a plan type that determines how the system calculates the invoice amounts for each installment billing invoice. Values are:

Equal Installments: Enter the total number of installments in the Installment field. The system evenly divides the total pretax amount from the template for the installment billing invoice by the total number of installments. The Installment field is available for entry only when you select an equal installment plan.

Percentage Installments: When you select this plan type, the Percentage scroll area appears. Enter the percentage of the total that you want to bill at each installment. The Installments number displays the number of the installment for each percentage that you specify. Click the Add Rows button to add additional installment rows. The system increments the number by one whenever you add a new row. The percentages that you enter must total 100 percent.

Custom Installments: Enter the number of installments, the amount due for each, and schedule information for each installment on the Installment Bill Schedule page. Select for at least one active billing plan if you intend to use this installment type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Parameters for Installment Billing Plans

Define the parameters for the installment billing plans on the Bill Cycle page.

See Also

Defining Bill Cycles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Defaults for Installment Billing Plans

You can set defaults at the bill source, bill type, and business unit level. Select the installment plan ID that you want as the default for each level on any or all of these pages:

See Also

Defining Bill Types

Defining Bill Sources

Establishing PeopleSoft Billing Business Unit Options

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Installment Bills

This section discusses how to:

  1. Create templates for installment bill invoices.

  2. Define terms for installment billing plans.

  3. Create installment bill schedules.

  4. Run the Generating Installment Bills process (BIINSTAL).

    Note. The template for the installment billing invoices must be in RDY (ready) status before you can generate installment invoices.

  5. Change installment invoice template status.

  6. Finalize and print installment bills.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Installment Bills

Page Name

Definition Name



Standard Billing - Header - Info 1


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Header - Info 1

Create templates for installment bill invoices.

Installment Bill Terms


Billing, Maintain Bills, Installment Bill Schedules, Installment Bill Terms

Select installment billing plans and choose service charges.

Installment Bill Schedule


Billing, Maintain Bills, Installment Bill Schedules, Installment Bill Schedule

Create schedules based on the installment billing plan and bill cycle parameters.

Generate Installments


Billing, Maintain Bills, Create Installment Bills, Generate Installments

Create installment invoices from the template for the installment billing invoice.

Bill Schedule Inq - Installment Bill Terms (inquiry)


Billing, Review Billing Information, Installment Bill Schedule, Installment Bill Terms

Review information about installment bill terms.

Bill Schedule Inq - Installment Bill Schedule (inquiry)


Billing, Review Billing Information, Installment Bill Schedule

Review information about installment billing schedules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Templates for Installment Bill Invoices

To create a template for installment bill invoices:

  1. Enter a new bill or select an existing bill to use as the basis for the installment bills.

  2. Select a frequency of Installmnt (installment) on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 page.

    When you assign the installment frequency to an invoice, it becomes a template for installment bill invoices, and the Installment Bill Schedule link becomes available.

  3. Click the Installment Bill Schedule link to access the Installment Billing Schedule component.

  4. Select a bill cycle ID with installment billing parameters if you are not creating a custom installment billing plan.

See Also

Entering Bills Online

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Terms for Installment Billing Plans

Access the Installment Bill Terms page (Billing, Maintain Bills, Installment Bill Schedules, Installment Bill Terms).

Installment Plan

Select a plan from the available values. Define installment plans on the Installment Plan page.


Select a value to apply service charges to the installment invoices.


Service charge identifier. Set up service charges on the Standard Billing - Discount/Surcharge page.

See Also

Entering Bill Line Discount and Surcharge Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Installment Bill Schedules

Access the Installment Bill Schedule page (Billing, Maintain Bills, Installment Bill Schedules, Installment Bill Schedule).

Note. Multiple views of this page are available by clicking the tabs in the scroll area. PeopleSoft documents fields that are common to all views first.

Installment Plan

Displays the short and long names of the plan that you select on the Installment Bill Terms.

Pre-Assign Invoice Numbers

Select to have the system assign all of the invoice numbers to the installment bills when you save the page. Deselect this check box to have the system assign invoice numbers when you generate installment bills.


Click to return to the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 page for the installment billing invoice template.

For percentage installments or equal installments plans, click the Generate button to generate the installment bill schedule based upon the invoice template, installment plan, and installment bill terms that you define.

If you change any of the schedule information on this page, the Generate button name changes to Regenerate. Regenerating the installment bill schedule deletes and replaces any lines for which installment bills have not already been generated. For example, suppose that you set up a schedule to generate starting on April 1, 2000, and you save the schedule. If you decide to change the generate date to May 1, 2000, click Regenerate and Save to create the new schedule.

To create a custom installments bill plan, enter the information for this installment bill schedule in the grid on the lower half of the page, and save the page.

Installment Billing Schedule

Select the Installment Billing Schedule tab.

Installment Number

Enter an installment number for the bill.

Generate Date

Enter the date on which you want the system to generate the invoices. The system generates only installment bills with a generate date that is equal to or earlier than the current date.


Enter an invoice number to assign manual invoice numbers to the installment invoices. If you select Pre-Assign Invoice Numbers, the system assigns invoice numbers when you save the page. If you do not select Pre-Assign Invoice Numbers, the system assigns invoice numbers when you generate the installment billing invoice.

Installment Amount

If you specify an installment plan based on percentage installments or equal installments, the system calculates the installment amount. If you are creating a custom installments plan, enter the installment amount for each invoice.

Service Charge Amount

If you define a service charge on the Installment Bill Terms page, this value appears according to how you elected to apply service charges on the Installment Bill Terms page. If you are creating a custom installments plan, enter a service charge for any installment.

Note. For all rows in the installment schedule, the system uses only the bill type that is effective when you initially create the installment bill schedule.

Installment Billing Schedule 2

Select the Installment Billing Schedule 2 tab.

From Date and To Date

Indicates the beginning and end dates of billing activity.

Installment Billing Schedule 3

Select the Installment Billing Schedule 3 tab.

Click the Go To Bill Header - Gen. Info button to access the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 page.

See Also

Entering Bill Header Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Generating Installment Bills Process

Access the Generate Installments page (Billing, Maintain Bills, Create Installment Bills, Generate Installments).

Note. To generate installment bills, set the template invoice bill status to RDY.

After you select the Generate Installment Bills process (BIINSTAL) on the Process Scheduler Request page, you can return to the Installment Bill Schedule page to view the results of the process. The Generated check box is now set to Y (yes) for generated invoices, and the system logs a generate date. If you change the status of a template invoice to Cancel, the system does not generate any more installment bills.

Note. The system does not generate any invoices with a generate date that is later than the current date. For invoices with a generate date that is later than the current date, the Generated option on the Installment Bill Schedule page is set to N (no generated invoices). The system generates only installment bills with a generate date that is equal to or earlier than the current date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Installment Invoice Template Status

Generated installment bills have a bill status of NEW. Change the bill status to RDY before generating an invoice. Once the system generates the installment invoices, they function just as regular invoices for the Finalization, Currency Conversion, Budget Check, Load AR (load accounts receivable), and Load GL (load general ledger) processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFinalizing and Printing Installment Bills

Installment billing information prints on installment billing invoices. The installment number, installment amount due, total number of installments, and total invoice amount are included on each SQR invoices.

You can control whether a breakdown of the installment billing invoice amounts appears on the invoice by selecting options on the Invoice Formatting Options - General page. Also on this page you can select whether to include an Installment Bill Summary invoice.

See Also

Establishing Invoice Formatting, Sorting, and Printing Options