Appendix: PeopleSoft Cost Management Reports

This appendix provides an overview of PeopleSoft Cost Management reports and enables you to:

Note. For samples of these reports, see the PDF files that are published with your online documentation.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Cost Management Reports: A to Z

This table lists the PeopleSoft Cost Management reports sorted alphanumerically by report ID. If you need more information about a report, refer to the report details at the end of this appendix:

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Update Production Costs

Lists all updates to the frozen standard costs that are used in production and associated with a specified cost type and version. Sort by standard cost group and item ID, descending variance, or item ID. When applied, these costs update the production standard cost record and revalue inventory by using the standard cost method in all storage areas including stores, inspection, finished goods, and work in process (WIP), as well as in process inventory. Options include printing the report without revaluing inventory, revaluing inventory and printing the report, or revaluing inventory without printing a report. The Report Only option previews the financial impact of the standard cost changes without affecting the current standard costs.

Cost Accounting, Item Costs, Update Costs, Cost Update/Revalue, Update Production

Select the Report Only-No Updates option or the Revalue Inventory and Report option.



Compare Cost Versions

Use to compare the item costs that are derived from a regular cost version to those of an engineering or simulation cost version, to analyze the impact of engineering changes to an item's cost, or to view the cost impact of changing the bill of materials (BOM) or process.

If you want to analyze the impact of BOM, routing, labor, machine, or overhead rate changes on item costs, you can roll up costs for a separate cost type and version. To see the impact of the changes, you can compare two different cost types for an item or two versions of a single cost type.

Cost Accounting, Item Costs, Reports, Compare Cost Versions, Compare Cost Version



Average Cost Adjustments

Reports adjustments and updates to perpetual average costs and retroactive perpetual average costs. The report includes adjustments entered directly on the Adjust Average Cost page (CM_COST_ADJ) and the Adjust Retro Costs page (CM_COST_ADJ_RETRO) as well as the purchase price variance (PPV) and exchange rate variance (ERV) updates that occur automatically when the Transaction Costing process runs.

Cost Accounting, Item Costs, Reports, Average Cost Adjustments, Average Cost Adjustment/PPV



Item Cost Profiles

Lists cost profiles for items that are in a selected business unit.

Cost Accounting, Inventory and Mfg Accounting, Reports, Item Cost Profiles



Overridden Cost Profiles

Lists business unit items where the cost profile is different from what is specified in the cost profile group.

Cost Accounting, Inventory and Mfg Accounting, Reports, Override Cost Profiles



Item without Profiles

Lists business unit items that are not associated with a cost profile.

Cost Accounting, Inventory and Mfg Accounting, Reports, Items without Cost Profiles



On Hand Value Report

Lists on-hand quantity and value at the summary or detail level. Can be used for items with any cost method. The report can calculate WIP as of any point in time and is accurate to the extent that the Transaction Costing, Accounting Line Creation, and Journal Generator processes have been run. The report can also store snapshots of previously generated report data for historical reporting. Select the items that are to appear on the report by business unit, cost book, cost profile, item information, or accounting period. In addition, you can use it to compare the on-hand value by using floor and ceiling costs or last price used.

Cost Accounting, Inventory and Mfg Accounting, Reports, Inventory Value History





Movement by Receipt

Summarizes depletions, and shows on-hand quantity and value by receipt line. The unit costs that are used to calculate receipt and depletion costs reflect costs at transaction time.

Cost Accounting, Inventory and Mfg Accounting, Reports, Movement by Receipt



Movement by Depletion

For each depletion line, this report prints the receipt that the system uses to deplete that transaction, by business unit, book, and item. The depletion cost is calculated based on the cost at processing time. The report does not display on-hand quantity or value.

Cost Accounting, Inventory and Mfg Accounting, Reports, Movement by Depletion



WIP Value History Report

Lists the inventory value of all actual WIP costs at a summary or detail level. The report can calculate WIP as of any point in time and is accurate to the extent that the Transaction Costing, Accounting Line Creation, and Journal Generator processes have been run. The report can also store snapshots of previously generated report data for historical reporting. Select the items that are to appear on the report by business unit, cost book, cost profile, item information, or accounting period.

Note. The WIP Value History report is only for production with items using a cost method of actual or perpetual average. For production using a cost method of standard, the WIP Value Inventory Report (SFS1000) can be used to review WIP Value for standard-costed assemblies.

Cost Accounting, Inventory and Mfg Accounting, Reports, WIP Value History





Estimated vs. Actual Landed Costs

Lists the purchase price variances (PPV) for landed cost components.

Purchasing, Receipts, Reports, Estimate/Actual Landed Cost



Total Purchase Variance

Lists the purchase price variances (PPV) and exchange rate variances (ERV) for landed cost components.

Purchasing, Receipts, Reports, Total Purchase Variance



Standard Purchase Variance

For frozen standard items only, lists the purchase price variances (PPV) that are recognized at receipt of the item.

Purchasing, Receipts, Reports, Standard Purchase Variance



On Hand Balance Validation

Verifies that the quantities tracked by PeopleSoft Cost Management are the same as the quantities tracked by PeopleSoft Inventory. This report serves as an audit tool to help verify that every change to PeopleSoft Inventory quantity balances has been accounted for in the PeopleSoft Cost Management system.

Cost Accounting, Inventory and Mfg Accounting, Reports, On Hand Balance Validation



Costed Routing Report or Costed Eng Routing Report

Displays costs by item routing, including conversion and overheard conversion costs that are attached to the item routing by task or work center. Material costs can also be displayed if a BOM code is entered. Enter unit, item ID, cost type, cost version, routing code, and BOM code. All routing codes and BOM codes are available; the Cost Rollup process does not have to be run to retrieve the costs.

  • Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Routings, Costed Routing Report

  • Engineering, Routings, Costed Eng Routing Report



Inventory Value

Provides realtime, on-hand quantities and values for items using standard costing or perpetual weighted average costing. This report is not intended for actual cost items.

Cost Accounting, Inventory and Mfg Accounting, Reports, Current Inventory Value



Accounting Register

Lists accounting transactions with item information, transaction dates, and the posted ChartFields.

Cost Accounting, Inventory and Mfg Accounting, Reports, Accounting Register



Transaction Register

Lists all transactions by item ID.

Cost Accounting, Inventory and Mfg Accounting, Reports, Transaction Register



WIP Inventory Value

(standard cost items only) Lists the value of all WIP items by production type sorted by account, item ID, or production area. Lists the value of all items that are in various stages of assembly, including material that is consumed from the WIP locations or issued as part of a production kit. This report also lists labor, machine, overhead, and outside processing costs that are incurred up to the point that the WIP inventory value report is run. This report does not include the costs of any scrapped components or assemblies, or assemblies that are completed to stock. You can select owned items and consigned items. Includes a line for waste costs.

Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, WIP Inventory Value Rpt



Close Production

Closes production schedules or production IDs, and calculates the variances that are incurred. Use the Report Only mode to view the production that can and cannot be closed as well as the variances that can be generated as a result of an accounting close. Combining numerous sort options assists in narrowing down the production close information that is reported.

Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Close Production




Reopen Production

Enables production to be reopened to record additional completions, material consumption, or actual hours. Use the Report Only mode to provide a preview of the financial impact of reopening production without creating reversing entries. Combining numerous sort options assists in narrowing down the production reopen information that is reported.

Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Reopen Production



Production Variance Report

Lists variances for production IDs or production schedules for a specified production due date and shift and above a minimum monetary amount. Variances include configuration, usage, component yield, lot size, routing process, rework, teardown, production mix variance, and outside processing.

Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Production Variance Report



Potential Production Variance Report

Lists potential production variances that exist in production above a monetary amount before closing for accounting production IDs and schedules. The report can be generated when in a production status of in process, pending complete, complete, and closed for labor. Variances include configuration, usage, component yield, lot size, routing process, rework, teardown, production mix variance, and outside processing.

Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Potential Prdn Variance Rpts



Efficiency and Utilization Report

Details efficiency variances and utilization by work center. Within work centers, the production ID or schedule that utilizes the work center is specified.

Efficiency variance is the difference between the actual hours that are expended for an operation and the earned hours for the operation. Utilization compares the available hours for a work center to the actual hours that are recorded for a work center.

Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Efficiency and Utilization Rpt


See Also

PeopleSoft Cost Management Selected Reports

PeopleSoft Financials Global Reports

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Cost Management Selected Reports

This section provides detailed information about individual reports, including important fields. The reports are listed alphabetically by report ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Section

As of Date

Determines which items to include in the report. Items open on the as of date are included.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCMS1000 - Average Cost Adjustment/PPV Report

The process page that you use to generate this report includes these fields:

Date From/Date To

Specify a range of dates for all transactions that are to be included in the report. If you fail to enter a date from, the report includes all transactions that are on file from the start of history. If you fail to enter a date to, the report includes all transactions up to the end of the existing history.

Cost Adjustments

Select to include the cost adjustments that are made through the Adjust Average Cost page.

PPV Updates

Select to include the adjustments that are made to the perpetual weighted average cost because of purchase price variances and exchange rate variances. These adjustments are made when you run the Transaction Costing process (within the Cost Accounting Creation process) after you select the Apply Perpetual Average Adjs check box.

See Also

Managing Actual and Average Costing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCMS2000 - Item Cost Profiles Report

Select a Cost Profile Group option:


Items that are associated or not associated with a cost profile group.


Items that are not associated with any cost profile group.


Items that are associated with a specific cost group profile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCMS2018 – WIP Value History Report

The process page that you use to generate this report includes these fields:

Print, Don't Store Snapshot

Print the report that is to be generated, but do not store a snapshot of the report data for subsequent reprinting.

Print, Store Snapshot

Print the report that is to be generated, and store a snapshot of the report data for subsequent reprinting.

Don't Print, Store Snapshot

Generate the report and store a snapshot of the data, but do not print a report.

Print Stored Snapshot

Reprint a previously stored snapshot of the report.

Purge Stored Snapshot

Delete a previously stored snapshot of the report.

On the Other Criteria tab, select a report type of Summary, or Detail. The summary report shows totals by business unit, book, and item. The detail report displays costs broken down by business unit, book, item, and cost element.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCMS3000 - Estimated vs. Actual Landed Costs Report

The process page that you use to generate this report includes these fields:

From Transaction Date/To

Specify a range of dates for all transactions that are to be included in the report.


Select to view data on the report by:

Component: The cost component. Also called the miscellaneous charge code.

Group: The landed cost group ID. This option groups one or more miscellaneous charge codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCMS3010 - Total Purchase Variance Report

The process page that is used to generate this report includes these fields:

From Transaction Date/To

Specify a range of dates for all transactions that are to be included in the report.


Select to view data on the report by:

Component: The cost component. Also called the miscellaneous charge code.

Group: The landed cost group ID. This option groups one or more miscellaneous charge codes.

Tolerance %

You can enter tolerance percentage to report only variances exceeding a certain percentage of the standard component cost. The tolerance is defined by cost component (miscellaneous charge code) on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Definition page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCMS3020 - Standard Purchase Variance Report

The process page that you use to generate this report includes these fields:

From Transaction Date/To

Specify a range of dates for all transactions that are to be included in the report.

Tolerance %

You can enter tolerance percentage to report only variances exceeding a certain percentage of the standard component cost. The tolerance is defined by cost component (miscellaneous charge code) on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Definition page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCMS9010 - On Hand Balance Validation Report

The report includes:


This column includes differences between onhand quantities in PeopleSoft Cost Management and PeopleSoft Inventory. Reasons for these differences include:

  • Inventory transactions from the TRANSACTION_INV table which have not yet been captured into PeopleSoft Cost Management. These uncosted transactions occur when inventory movement that has not yet been processed by the Transaction Costing process.

  • Inventory items that have been picked but not shipped. The item's onhand quantity in PeopleSoft Inventory is updated, but a TRANSACTION_INV row has not been created. Instead, the information resided in the IN_DEMAND table and the DEMAND_PHYS_INV table. These picked but not shipped items must be included in the comparison of PeopleSoft Cost Management and PeopleSoft Inventory onhand quantities since they have already changed inventory quantities, but not the Cost Management quantities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicINS7000 - Inventory Value Report

Prior to running the inventory value report:

You do not need to run the Transaction Costing process for this report to be accurate.

Inventory Cost Type

Options are: Perpetual Weight Avg Costed (perpetual weight average costed), All Costed Inventory Items, and Standard Costed.. This report is not intended for actual cost items.

Consigned Items

Select whether to include consigned items (this field is available only if any of the items that are to be reported are consigned). Options are: Consigned Inventory Only, Exclude Consigned Inventory, and Include Consigned Inventory.

Item Options

You can choose to report based on All or on a Single Item ID. If you select All, you can restrict the items that are reported by Item Group or by Family.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicINS7050 - Accounting Register

The Date Optiongroup box offers several choices:


Report transactions for today's date only.

As Of Date

Report transactions as of the date that is specified.

Date Range

Report transactions occurring between the two dates that are specified.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicINS7100 - Transaction Register

The Date Option group box offers several choices:


Report transactions for today's date only.

As Of Date

Report transactions as of the date that is specified.

Date Range

Report transactions occurring between the two dates that are specified.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS1500 - Production Variance Report

The process page that you use to generate this report includes these fields:

Variance Posting Date

The dates that production is closed for accounting.

Prdn Due Date/Shift

Enter a beginning and end production due date and shift. The Shift field value must be between 1 and 3.

Variance Tolerance Amount

Enter the minimum monetary amount on which you want to display report results. By specifying a minimum monetary amount, you can focus in on those production IDs or production areas with significant variances. Enter 0.00 to report all variances for the production that is selected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS1600 - Potential Production Variance Report

The process page that you use to generate this report includes these field:

Report Variance Above Amount

Enter the lower limit for variances that you want to see. If, for example, you enter 1000.00 here, only those production IDs and schedules with a variance over 1000.00 are reported. To see variances on all production, enter 0.00. A favorable or unfavorable variance above the specified amount is reported.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS2005 - Efficiency/Utilization Report

The process page that you use to generate this report includes these fields:

Detail or Summary Report

A detail report displays the earned and actual labor reported by production ID or production schedule for the work center. The summary report displays earned and actual labor by work center without the production ID or production schedule detail.

Entry Date

Specify the date range for which you want to report efficiency variances and utilization. The report includes all earned labor or machine hours or all actual hours that are recorded within the dates that are specified.