Reviewing Supplier Account Activity

This chapter provides an overview of supplier account activity, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Supplier Account Activity

Review activity transactions permit your accounts payable employees to spend their time more efficiently by enabling your suppliers to answer their own questions about existing invoices, purchase orders (POs), receipts, payments, and account balances.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Chapter

Item ID

Displays the vendor item identifier, if defined for the selected vendor-item combination on the Purchasing Attributes - Item Vendor page. If no vendor-item information exists, then your item ID appears.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Supply Side Print Capability

To configure the setup and defaults of external access for suppliers, use the Configure External Access component (PO_SUPP_SETUP).

For users created prior to release 8.8, you may need to set up security so that suppliers can use the print functionality with PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection. You need to:

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Supply Side Print Capability

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Permission Lists - Process


PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Permission Lists. Select the Process tab.

Set the attributes and system defaults.

Permission Lists - Permission


PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Permission Lists

Click the Process Group Permissions link on the Permission List - Process page.

Specify to what capacity a user, or Role, can modify certain Process Scheduler settings.

User Profile


PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, User Profiles

Set general user profile attributes.

Configure External Access


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Suppliers, Configure External Access

Make the View PDF/Print option available to suppliers and indicate the default server.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Security

Access the Permission List - Process page (PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Permission Lists, Process).

This step enables the supply side permission list to allow for printing POs. If you are using the delivered permission list EPSS8000, then this step will already be done for you.

  1. Enter permission list that is equivalent to the EPSS8000-All user access, permission list that you are using for suppliers and select the Process page.

  2. Click the Process Group Permissions link on the Process page. Access the Permission List - Permission page.

  3. Add POALL to the grid, and click OK. The POALL Process group is required on this page so that the supplier user has security to run the PO Print report.

    Note. This does not allow suppliers to run other internal buyer side PO processes.

  4. Access the User Profile page in PeopleTools for any existing supplier users added in prior releases for which you want to enable print capability, and if the Process Profile field is blank, enter the permission list you modified, EPSS8000, in the Process Profile and Primary Permission Lists fields.

    Note. For any external users already created in the system, you must edit the user profile if you want them to have print capability. This will be done automatically for any new external user as long as they are created using the Distributed Vendor User pages. If you aren't already using the delivered permission lists, you only need to make sure there is a permission list called EPSS8000 defined in the system. It can be an empty permission list, but it does need to exist so that the Distributed Vendor User page can automatically enable printing for new users.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring External Access

Access the Configure External Access page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Suppliers, Configure External Access).

Allow Supplier access to launch/print PO report

Select to allow suppliers to view and print POs.

Print Options

Options include creating the report via REN Server or via Report Repository.

If you are using REN server capability, the system displays a separate window to monitor the report status when the supplier clicks the button to print the PO, enabling your supplier to go on to other transactions. When the report is ready, the system displays it in a separate window.

If you are using the Report Repository, the system initiates the print process immediately when the supplier clicks the button to print the PO. If the print process takes more than several seconds, the system generates a message that they can continue within the same transaction and return to the button later when the report is completed.

Note. If you are using REN server capability, you must set up a REN server that users outside your firewall can access. The Report Repository requires less setup. We recommend trying the Report Repository method first and migrating to REN server technology if needed.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing POs

This section discusses how suppliers can:

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Purchase Orders - Select Vendor


Manage Orders, Purchase Orders

Suppliers select a vendor to navigate to its PO inquiry pages. This page is available only if more than one vendor is associated with the user.

Purchase Orders - Filter Options


Manage Orders, Purchase Orders

Optionally select a vendor on the Review Purchase Orders - Select Vendor page.

Search for POs.

Purchase Orders - Purchase Order List


Enter selection criteria and click the Search button on the Review Purchase Orders - Filter Options page.

View general PO information and select from the list of available POs for greater detail.

Purchase Orders - Download Purchase Orders


Click the View Selected POs in Downloadable Format button on the Purchase Order List page.

Use to determine which columns you want to include when downloading purchase order information to an excel spreadsheet.

Purchase Orders - Purchase Order Details


  • Click a PO number link on the Purchase Order List page.

  • Click a PO ID link on the Recent Purchase Orders pagelet.

Review line item details and access invoices that are related to a selected PO.

Purchase Orders - Purchase Order History


Click the View PO Change History link on the Purchase Order Details page.

View the revision history for the purchase order. This will take you to another page that displays a listing of all the Purchase Order change history and will enable you to drill into previous purchase orders to see past changes.

PO Changes - Details


Click the View Changes link on the Purchase Order History page or the View PO Changes link for the changed order lines on the Purchase Order Details page.

View the line and schedule changes for a purchase order change order.

Purchase Orders - Line Comments


Click the Comments button on the Purchase Order Details page.

Review line comments or attachments for a selected purchase order line.

Purchase Orders - Purchase Order Schedule


Click a line number link on the Review Purchase Orders - Purchase Order Details page.

Review PO schedule details and drill into receipt line information. This page is a duplicate of the Review Invoices - Purchase Order Schedule page.

Purchase Orders - Receipt Lines


Click the due date link on the Purchase Order Schedule page.

View lines received against the purchase order schedule.

Purchase Orders - Ship to Comments


Click the Comments button for a selected purchase order schedule on the Purchase Order Schedule page.

Review Ship To comments or attachments for a selected purchase order schedule.

Purchase Orders - Invoice Details


Click an invoice number link on the Review Purchase Orders - Purchase Order Details page.

This page is a duplicate of the Review Invoices - Invoice Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Purchase Order List

Access the Review Purchase Orders - Purchase Order List page (Manage Orders, Purchase Orders, and enter selection criteria and click the Search button on the Review Purchase Orders - Filter Options page).

Use this page to move between various supplier activities related to purchase orders including inquiry, printing, downloading, acknowledgements, and entering advanced shipment notifications.

Default View for Change Orders

If your purchase order list includes a PO with a change order, you can view All lines or Latest changes only when you view PO details for a PO. When viewing or printing a purchase order in PDF format, All lines prints all lines on the PO, and Latest changes only prints only the changes on the report.

Orders Per Page

Select the number of lines that you want to display on this page as needed to enhance performance. The default value for the field is set using PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection installation options. You can change the value to 12,25, 50, 100, or All. The First and Last buttons enable you to scroll through purchase orders and view scrolling and total values.


Equals the total number of lines on each PO. Supplier users can use this information to help evaluate and prioritize which POs need to have action taken first.

Total Amount

Equals the merchandise amount plus the adjusted amount for each PO.

Acknowledge Status

The text of this link indicates the current POA status. Click the linked status to create or access the purchase order acknowledgement for the selected purchase order. Each time a PO or change order for a PO is dispatched, the system changes its default status to New.

Create ASN

Click to access the Advanced Shipment Notification - Purchase Order Schedule Selection page to choose lines to create an advanced shipping notification. The system transfers the PO ID you selected to the ASN.

View ASN

Click to display any ASNs that are tied to the purchase order. This button only appears if ASNs exist for the purchase order.

View PDF

Click to initiate the PO report process, which runs in the background. You can then print the purchase order from the PDF. You must select the printing option on the Configure External Access page for suppliers to view and print PDFs.

Note. When REN Server method is not used for viewing the PDF and ten seconds has passed but the PDF has not opened, the system displays a message explaining that the process is taking longer, wait a few seconds and then click the button again. The system then checks to see if the report is finished and when it is, pulls the PDF up immediately.

You must stay within the transaction or else clicking the button again will regenerate the report. You can navigate to other pages and look at other POs, and so forth, but leaving the transaction loses the link to the report.

When the REN Server method is used for viewing the PDF, a new window will open when the report has finished.

View Selected PDFs in Downloadable Format

For every row selected, the system displays the PO information in a grid that you can then use to download to an excel spreadsheet.

See Also

Configuring External Access

Defining Purchasing Item Attributes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing PO Details

Access the Review Purchase Orders - Purchase Order Details page (click a PO number link on the Purchase Order List page).

The system displays PO line item details.

View PO Change History

This link shows the history of initial dispatch any subsequent change order dispatch information for the purchase order


If your purchase order list includes a PO with a change order, you can view All lines or Latest changes only when you view PO details for a PO. The system provides the value selected on the Purchase Order List page as a default.

Purchase Order Total

Includes the merchandise amount totalled for each line added to any freight, tax, and any miscellaneous charges. This excludes any canceled lines.

Purchase Order Lines


Click a line link to access the Purchase Order Schedule page, which displays schedule details for the line item.


Values are Active, Closed, Hold, and Canceled. (Approved POs do not appear.)

Click to access the Line Comments/Attachments page.

Express Forms

If the Purchase Order line was sourced from a PeopleSoft eProcurement Requisition Express Form item, the system displays a button to display the Express Form information pertaining to the line.

See Using Special Requests and Express Forms to Create Requisitions.

Change Orders

Change Order

When change orders are present for the line item click here to access the PO Changes - Details to see the change order information pertaining to the line.

Invoice List


Click an invoice link to access the Invoice Details page.

See Also

Reviewing Invoices

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Order Summaries

This section discusses how to:

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View Order Summary - Select Vendor


Manage Orders, View Order Summary

Suppliers select a vendor to navigate to its order summary inquiry pages. This page is available only if more than one vendor is associated with the user.

View Order Summary - Filter Options


Manage Orders, View Order Summary

Optionally select a vendor on the View Order Summary - Select Vendor page.

Search for orders based on PO search criteria.

Note. Leaving all criteria fields blank results in no returned orders.

View Order Summary - Order Schedule


Enter selection criteria and click the Search button on the View Order Summary - Filter Options page.

Review existing PO schedules, change orders, and planned POs. To view planned POs, you must have PeopleSoft Supply Planning installed, and you must have run the Receive Planning Messages process.

View Order Summary - Shipping Address


Click a ship to link on the View Order Summary - Order Schedule page.

Review ship to addresses for a PO schedule.

View Order Summary - Change Order Details page


Click a change order link on the View Order Summary - Order Schedule page.

Review any change order details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Schedule Information

Access the View Order Summary - Order Schedule page (enter selection criteria and click the Search button on the View Order Summary - Filter Options page).

The system displays details for the order line's selected schedule. In particular:


PO: Existing PO.

Plan: Planned PO.


Planned PO: Approved or Not Approved.

Existing PO: Initial, Open, Approved, Pending Approval, Canceled, Complete, or Dispatched.

Ship To

Click a value to access the Shipping Address page, which displays shipping address details.

Change Order

Click a value to access the Change Order Details page, which displays details of any applicable change orders. If a change order is suggested by planning, either the PO schedule can be canceled, or its due date can be changed. This link does not appear if there are no change orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Change Order Information

Access the View Order Summary - Change Order Details page (click a change order link on the View Order Summary - Order Schedule page).

The system displays details for the changed order.

Change Type

Values are Change, Hold, Inserted, and Canceled.


The source planning system.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Receipts

This section discusses how to review receipt details.

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Review Receipts - Select Vendor


Manage Orders, View Receipts

Suppliers select a vendor to navigate to its receipt inquiry pages. This page is available only if more than one vendor is associated with the user.

Review Receipts - Filter Options


Manage Orders, View Receipts

Optionally select a vendor on the Review Receipts - Select Vendor page.

Search for vendor receipts.

Review Receipts - Receipt Lines


Enter selection criteria and click the Search button on the Review Receipts - Filter Options page.

Review receipt information and access receipt line details.

Review Receipts - Receipt Details


Click a receiver ID link on the Review Receipts - Receipt Lines page.

Review receipt line details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Receipt Details

Access the Review Receipts - Receipt Details page (Manage Orders, View Receipts, click a receiver ID link on the Review Receipts - Receipt Lines page).

The system displays details for the selected receipt.

Receipt Status

Values are Fully Received, Canceled, Closed Receipt, Hold Receipt, Moved to Destination, Open, PO Not Received (purchase order not received), or PO Partially Received (purchase order partially received).

Net Receipt Quantity

Net shipment quantity that was received (determined by the quantity received minus the quantity rejected minus the quantity returned).

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Invoices

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Invoices

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Review Invoices - Select Vendor


Review Payment Information, Invoices

Suppliers select a vendor to navigate to its invoice inquiry pages. This page is available only if more than one vendor is associated with the user.

Review Invoices - Filter Options


Review Payment Information, Invoices

Optionally select a vendor on the Review Invoices - Select Vendor page.

Search for vendor invoices.

Review Invoices - Invoice List


Enter selection criteria and click the Search button on the Review Invoices - Filter Options page.

Review general invoice information and access details for a specific invoice.

Review Invoices - Invoice Details


Click an invoice number link on the Review Invoices - Invoice List page.

Review invoice details and access other detail pages.

Review Invoices - Payment Details


Click a reference ID link on the Review Invoices - Invoice Details page.

This page is a duplicate of the Review Payments - Payment Details page.

See Establishing Self-Service Security for Vendors.

Review Invoices - Purchase Order Lines


Click a PO number link on the Review Invoices - Invoice Details page.

Review PO line details for the invoice and access other detail pages.

Review Invoices - Purchase Order Schedule


Click a line number link on the Review Invoices - Purchase Order Lines page.

Review schedule details for the selected line.

Review Invoices - Receipt Lines


Click a received date link on the Review Invoices - Invoice Details page.

This page is a duplicate of the Review Purchase Orders - Receipt Lines page.

Review Invoices - Receipt Details


Click a receiver ID link on the Review Invoices - Receipt Lines page.

This page is a duplicate of the Review Receipts - Receipt Details page.

See Reviewing Receipt Details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Invoice Details

Access the Review Invoices - Invoice Details page (Review Payment Information, Invoices, and click an invoice number link on the Review Invoices - Invoice List page).

The system displays details for the selected invoice.

Invoice Header Details

Payment Status

Values are To be Paid, Paid in Full, or Approved for Payment.

Invoice Line Details

Static Amount

Converted cost using a standard unit of measure (for example, rental cost per square foot) that is associated with a statistic code.

Payment Schedule


Payment selection status. Values are Selected, Unselected, Paid, Canceled, Prepaid, Convert Error, Closed, Negative Voucher Sum, or In Process.

Payments Made


Click a value to access the Payment Details page, which displays additional payment information.

Purchase Orders

Purchase Order

Click a value to access the Purchase Order Lines page, which displays item details.


Values are Initial, Open, Complete, Canceled, Dispatched, Approved, or Pending Approval.


Received Date

Click a value to access the Receipt Lines page, which displays additional receipt details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Receipt Line Information

Access the Review Invoices - Receipt Lines page (click a received date link on the Review Invoices - Invoice Details page).

The system displays details for the selected receipt line.


Values are Fully Received, Canceled, Closed Receipt, Hold Receipt, Moved to Destination, Open, PO Not Received, and PO Partially Received.

Rej Reason (reject reason)

DAM (damaged goods), FAL (failed inspection), INC (incomplete shipment), LAT (late shipment), RLY (early shipment), or WRG (wrong goods or services).

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Payments

This section discusses how to view payment details.

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Review Payments - Select Vendor


Review Payment Information, Payments

Suppliers select a vendor to navigate to its payment inquiry pages. This page is available only if more than one vendor is associated with the user.

Review Payments - Filter Options


Review Payment Information, Payments

Optionally select a vendor on the Review Payments - Select Vendor page.

Search for vendor payments.

Review Payments - Payments Made


Enter selection criteria and click the Search button on the Review Payments - Filter Options page.

View a list of payment information that meets the search criteria and access details for a specific payment.

Review Payments - Payment Details


Click a reference link on the Review Payments - Payments Made page.

Review payment details. This page is a duplicate of the Review Invoices - Payment Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Payment Details

Access the Review Payments - Payment Details page (Review Payment Information, Payments, and click a reference link on the Review Payments - Payments Made page).

The system displays details for the selected payment.


Payment methods include:

  • ACH: Automated clearinghouse.

  • Direct DB: Direct debit.

  • Check System: Check.

  • Draft: Promissory payment issued by a supplier or customer.

  • EFT: Electronic funds transfer.

  • Manual: Manual check.

  • Wire: Wire report.

Pay Status

Values are To be Paid, Paid in Full, or Approve for Payment.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Account Balances

This section discusses how to:

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Account Balances - Select Vendor


Review Payment Information, Account Balances

Suppliers select a vendor to navigate to its account balance inquiry pages. This page is available only if more than one vendor is associated with the user.

Account Balances - Balances by Currency


This page appears only if the supplier has outstanding vouchers in different currencies. Otherwise, the Account Balances - Invoice List page appears.

View account balances, including the currency in which each balance is shown.

Account Balances - Invoice List


Select a vendor on the Account Balances - Select Vendor page.

Click a gross amount link on the Account Balances - Balances by Currency page.

Review general invoice account balance information and access details for a specific invoice.

Account Balances - Invoice Details


  • Click an invoice number link on the Account Balances - Invoice List page.

  • Click an invoice number link on the Purchase Order Details page.

Review account balance details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Account Balances by Currency

Access the Account Balances - Balances by Currency page (Review Payment Information, Account Balances). This page appears only if the supplier has outstanding vouchers in different currencies.

Gross Amount

For all outstanding vouchers for the selected vendor. Click a gross amount link to access the Account Balances - Invoice List page, which displays the invoices that are included in the gross amount for this vendor and currency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Invoice Account Balance Details

Access the Account Balances - Invoice Details page (click an invoice number link on the Account Balances - Invoice List page).

The vendor name and gross amount appear if you selected them on the Account Balances - Balance by Currency page. Otherwise, the vendor from the Account Balances - Select Vendor page appears.

The system displays detailed information for each invoice in the list.

Payment Schedule


Payment selection status. Values are Selected, Unselected, Paid, Canceled, Prepaid, Convert Error, Closed, Negative Voucher Sum, and In Process.