Analyzing Procurement History

This chapter provides an overview of procurement history analysis and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Procurement History Analysis

Analyzing procurement data provides you with information about procurement trends and can assist you in managing vendor relationships. PeopleSoft Purchasing enables you to accumulate and analyze summaries of purchasing, invoicing, and receiving transactions.

PeopleSoft Purchasing provides you with an Application Engine process for generating procurement history data based on a reporting entity. The reporting entity controls how procurement history information is accumulated into monthly or periodic buckets and for which business units to collect procurement information. You configure a procurement analysis inquiry profile for a user ID based on reporting entity, candidate view, and how the user wants the procurement data to appear on the inquiry page.

PeopleSoft delivers seven procurement views: Requisition List (PRCR_LST_ARQ_VW), PO Schedule List (PRCR_LST_APO_VW), Procurement History (PRCR_HST_AAA_VW), Receiving List (PRCR_LST_ARC_VW), Receiving History (PRCR_HST_SVN_VW), Voucher List (PRCR_LST_AAP_VW) and Voucher History (PRCR_HST_VND_VW). Each view is mapped to one of the five inquiry types: History, PO List, Receiver List, Requisition List and Voucher List. In addition to the system delivered views, you can create your own view for your own aggregating and viewing purposes as long as the view created is a subset of the ones delivered by PeopleSoft.

Understanding the Procurement Analysis View Creation Process

To create a view that is eligible for use in procurement analysis:

  1. Define the new Structured Query Language view by using PeopleTools Application Designer.

    The fields in this view should be based on fields in a view that is available in the View ID field on the View Candidate Setup page.

  2. Modify the view text of the procurement analysis valid candidate view (PRCR_VALID_VIEW) to include the new view by using PeopleTools Application Designer.

  3. Create the new view as well as the valid candidate view (PRCR_VALID_VIEW) by using PeopleTools Application Designer.

    This step creates the view in the database by using the PeopleTools definition.

  4. Access the View Candidate Setup page to set up the new view, associate it with an inquiry type, and make the view eligible for selection in the inquiry profile setup.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's Guide

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring Procurement Analysis Inquiries

To define procurement controls, use the Define Procurement Controls component (PRCR_ENTITY_CNTL). To define field candidates, use the Field Candidates component (PRCR_FLDCAN_TBL). To define profile inquiries, use the Profile Inquiries component (PRCR_PRF_OPR). To define views, use the View component (PRCR_VIEW_CAN).

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Define Procurement Controls


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Setup Profiles, Define Procurement Controls

Set up reporting entities, which function as high-level groupings for your inquires and pagelets.

Field Candidate Setup


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Setup Profiles, Field Candidates, Field Candidate Setup

Select fields that you want to be eligible for selection for an inquiry type.

View Candidate Setup


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Setup Profiles, Views, View Candidate Setup

Create views of procurement data to use in inquiry functions.

Inquiry Profile Setup


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Setup Profiles, Profile Inquiries, Inquiry Profile Setup

Define up to seven inquiry profiles per user ID to be used as filters for viewing either history files or current data in procurement tables (called lists).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Reporting Entities

Access the Define Procurement Controls page (Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Setup Profiles, Define Procurement Controls).

Note. This page displays different fields depending on whether you are defining a procurement history reporting entity type or a spend analysis reporting entity type.

Procurement History Reporting Entity Type

Chunk Size

Enter the number of rows to display at one time. To help improve performance, PeopleSoft recommends that you indicate a specific number of rows of data to retrieve (for example, 10 rows).

Calendar ID

Select the ID for a predefined calendar, which you set up on the Business Calendar page. Procurement analysis uses it to determine which data to retrieve and process based on dates.

Data Selection Criteria

Use the Data Selection Criteria group box to define high-level reporting entity data selection criteria.

Include PO Data

Select if you want the inquiries for the reporting entity to include purchase order data.

Include all PO units

Select if you want to include all purchasing business units in this reporting entity.

Include AP Data (include accounts payable data)

Select if you want the inquiries for the reporting entity to include voucher data.

Include all AP units (include all accounts payable units)

Select if you want to include all accounts payable business units in this reporting entity.

Include Receiver Data

Select if you want the inquiries for the reporting entity to include receipt data.

Include all Receiving units

Select if you want to include all receiving business units in this reporting entity.

Include Lines With no Item ID

Select if you want to include lines with no item ID specified.

Business Unit

Select all the PeopleSoft Purchasing, Receiving or Payables business units for which this reporting entity is responsible. When updating the procurement history tables, the process selects all purchase orders assigned to the PeopleSoft Purchasing business units specified here.

Spend Analysis Reporting Entity Type

Reporting Entity ID

Enter a unique identifier for spend history.

Reporting Entity Type

Select Spend Analysis.


Enter a short description for the reporting entity.

Calendar SetID

Select the setID for the calendar you wish to use to bucket expenditures.

Calendar ID

Select a predefined calendar in which to bucket purchase order expenditures. This calendar will determine how purchase order commitments will be displayed by period.

For example, if you selected a calendar where Period 1 was defined from 01/02/2005 to 01/29/2005 and Period 2 was from 01/30/2005 to 02/26/2005 and you created the following purchase orders:

  1. You have 2 purchase order schedules, one for 100.00 due 01/15/2005 and another for 200.00 due 1/30/2005.

  2. When the graph for the Buyer Spend Total is generated, you would see 100.00 in Period 1 and 200.00 in Period 2.

See Entering Detail Calendar Periods.

Currency Code

Select a currency to which all purchase order spend information will be converted. This will be the currency that all buyers or managers assigned this reporting entity will view their total spend information.

Rate Type

Select the rate type used to convert the currency for purchase orders.

Unit Type

Displays the business unit type. PO appears by default. This value cannot be changed.

Business Unit

Select all the PeopleSoft Purchasing business units for which this reporting entity is responsible. When updating the spend history tables, the process selects all purchase orders assigned to the PeopleSoft Purchasing business units specified here.

You should set up a reporting entity for all possible combinations of business units for which buyers are responsible. For example, if Buyer A and Buyer B both can purchase only for Purchasing Business Unit 1, you would need only one reporting entity. However, if Buyer A can purchase for Purchasing Business Unit 1 and 2 and Buyer B can purchase for Purchasing Business Unit 2 and 3, you would need two separate reporting entities.

When defining a manager as a buyer, you should ensure the reporting entity specified on the manager's dashboard preferences is either the same as the buyers for which he or she is responsible or encompasses all the business units for the buyers. For example, if both Buyer A and Buyer B purchased for Purchasing Business Unit 1 and reported to Manager XYZ, you could use the same reporting entity when setting up Buyer A, Buyer B and Manager XYZ However, if Buyer A purchases for Business Unit 1 and 2 and Buyer B purchases for Business Unit 2 and 3, you would need to set up a third reporting entity that included Business Units 1, 2 and 3 and assign that reporting entity to Manager XYZ. That way, Manager XYZ would be able to view all the business units for all the buyers for which he or she was responsible.

See Also

Using the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Dashboard

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Candidate Fields

Access the Field Candidate Setup page (Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Setup Profiles, Field Candidates, Field Candidate Setup).

Inquiry Type

Displays the inquiry type that maps to the applicable view name below. Values include:

  • PO Schedule List (PRCR_LST_APO_VW).

  • Procurement History List (PRCR_HST_AAA_VW).

  • Receiver Schedule List (PRCR_LST_ARC_VW).

  • Requisition List (PRCR_LST_ARQ_VW).

  • Voucher List (PRCR_LST_AAP_VW).

Field Heading

Enter a user-defined field heading name that you use to identify the candidate field that you select in the Field Name field. When you define inquiry profile IDs, you define the field data that you want to retrieve by selecting from these field headings.

Field Name

Select the candidate field that you want to retrieve. The field must exist in the selected inquiry type view to be available for selection.

Field Type

Displays the field data type, such as numeric or character.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Candidate Views

Access the View Candidate Setup page (Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Setup Profiles, Views, View Candidate Setup).

View By

Displays the user-defined name of the view.

View ID

Select the view used to create the View By.

Inquiry Type

Select the inquiry type for which the view by value can be used. Types are:

  • History

  • PO List

  • Recv List (receiver list)

  • Req List (requisition list)

  • Vchr List (voucher list)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Inquiry Profiles

Access the Inquiry Profile Setup page (Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Setup Profiles, Profile Inquiries, Inquiry Profile Setup).

User ID

Select the user ID that uses the inquiry profile.

Procurement Profile ID

Select a profile ID. Seven profile IDs exist for each user ID:

  • PO History Items

  • PO Schedule List

  • Receiver History Items

  • Receiver Schedule List

  • Requisition List

  • Voucher History Items

  • Voucher List

RPT Entity (reporting entity)

Select the data selection criteria that are defined for the selected reporting entity that apply to the inquiry profile.

Inquiry Type

Displays the inquiry type with which the inquiry profile is associated. The profile can be used only by this corresponding procurement analysis inquiry.

View By

Select a view by which to display the inquiry. System-delivered views include By Vendor, By Ship To, or By Ship to by Vendor, but your organization can configure views and set them up by using the View Candidate Setup page.

Field Sequencing

Use the Field Sequencing group box to specify the inquiry fields and the sequence in which they appear. To change the sequence of the fields, use the arrows that are adjacent to the field heading.

You can override defaults that you configure here on the inquiry display pages.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Procurement History

This section provides an overview of the Procurement History Update Application Engine process (FS_PRCRUPD) and discusses how to run the Procurement History Update process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Procurement History Update Application Engine Process (FS_PRCRUPD)

This process populates the history tables. It selectively accumulates procurement history for the following transactions:

Run this process as often as needed to refresh procurement history periods with current data. That might be once a day or once a week, depending on transaction volume.

The history that this process builds from these data sources can be viewed by using the online procurement history analysis pages. The views appear according to the inquiry profiles that you configure.

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Definition Name



Update Procurement History


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Update Procurement Info, Update Procurement History

Set up run-control information for the Procurement History Update process and run it. This process accumulates procurement history from the transaction tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Procurement History Update Process

Access the Update Procurement History page (Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Update Procurement Info, Update Procurement History).

Reporting Entity ID

Select the reporting entity ID. The reporting entity determines the business units for which procurement history data is generated, as well as the kinds of data that is selected.


Select this option to run this process on a range of periods that are relative to the current period. The Start - Current Period Minus and End - Current Period Minus fields are available for entry when you select this option.

This option is useful if you choose to schedule history updates. After you enter relative period information and save it here, the process runs with these parameters each time that the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler submits the process.

Start - Current Period Minus

Enter the number of periods before the start of the current period at which you want to begin procurement history accumulation.

End - Current Period Minus

Enter the number of periods before the start of the current period at which you want to end procurement history accumulation.


Select this option to define a specific period range for which you want to generate procurement history data. The Start Period, Start Year, End Period, and End Year fields become available for entry when you select this option.

The number of periods or specific period and year entered here must exist on the calendar tied to the reporting entity specified on the run control. If you enter a period or year not associated with the calendar for the reporting entity, the system will reset the period and year to what is on the calendar associated with the reporting entity.

See Also

Defining Reporting Entities

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Spend History

This section provides an overview of the Spend History Application Engine process (PO_SPND_HIST) and discusses how to run the Spend History process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Spend History Application Engine Process (PO_SPND_HIST)

Use this process to gather and bucket the dispatched purchase order spend information. This process will collect purchase order and contract amounts by month or period, summarized by a buyer within a period. When running the process you will specify a reporting entity ID, that defines a set of business units, calendar ID, currency code, and rate type. Only those purchase orders for the business units specified on the reporting entity will be included. The calendar ID is used to bucket the purchase order spend by period. The currency code and rate type are used to convert the purchase order's monetary amounts into a single currency when viewed by the buyer.

After you run the Spend History process you can view the results using several pagelets in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Dashboard.

See Using the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Dashboard.

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Definition Name



Update Spend History


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Update Spend History

Set up run-control information for the Spend History process and run it. This process generates spend history information for use by several SRM Dashboard pagelets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Spend History Process

Access the Update Spend History page (Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Update Spend History).

Reporting Entity ID

Select the reporting entity ID. This reporting identity determines what currency and rate to convert purchase order amounts to and in which period to group purchase order spend.


Select this option if you want to select a date range relative to the current period. Selecting relative enables you to set up the run control once and when it executes, it will always pick up the defined number of periods relative to the period in which it was run. If you want to include specific periods, clear this option and select the specify option instead.

Start - Cur Period Minus (start - current period minus)

Eight (8) appears by default. Enter the number of periods prior to the current period you want to generate spend history for.

End - Current Period Plus

Three (3) appears by default. Enter the number of periods ahead of the current period you want to generate spend history for.


Select this option if you want to specify a start and end period. When this option is selected for the run control, you must change the periods specified each time the process is run in subsequent periods.

Start Period and Start Year

Enter the start period and year you want to generate spend history for.

The number of periods or specific period and year entered here must exist on the calendar tied to the reporting entity specified on the run control. If you enter a period or year not associated with the calendar for the reporting entity, the system will reset the period and year to what is on the calendar associated with the reporting entity.

End Period and End Year

Enter the end period and year you want to generate spend history for.

The number of periods or specific period and year entered here must exist on the calendar tied to the reporting entity specified on the run control. If you enter a period or year not associated with the calendar for the reporting entity, the system will reset the period and year to what is on the calendar associated with the reporting entity.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Procurement Statistics

PeopleSoft Purchasing also provides you with the ability to view requisition, purchase order, and receipt statistics using the Procurement Statistics inquiry page. You will need to run the Procurement Statistics Application Engine process (PRCR_TXN_HIST) before you can view the purchasing statistics and transaction summaries.

This section provides an overview of the Procurement Statistics process and discusses how to run the Procurement Statistics process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Procurement Statistics Process

Use this process to generate requisition, purchase order, and receipt statistics. This process will collect various counts of all requisitions and purchase orders, as well as receipt transactions that fall within the date range you specify on the run control request.

For requisitions, the requisition date (REQ_HDR.ENTERED_DT) is used to determine the documents that are included when calculating the statistics. Those requisitions whose entered date fall within the date range specified on the run control are included. Once the requisitions have been gathered, they are sorted by the period in which they fall. Once sorted, the number of requisitions, lines, and high and low amounts per period can be determined.

For purchase orders, the same process is used as that for requisitions except the purchase order date (PO_HDR.PO_DT) is used.

For receipts, the same process is used at that for requisitions except the receipt date (RECEIPT_DT) is used. The RECEIPT_DT on the RECV_HDR is used to group the receivers into periods based on the calendar associated with the reporting entity specified on the run control request.

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Update Procurement Statistics


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Update Procurement Statistics

Set up run-control information for the Procurement Statistics process and run it. This process generates statistics for requisitions, purchase orders, and receipts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Procurement Statistics Process

Access the Update Procurement Statistics page (Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Update Procurement Statistics).

Reporting Entity ID

Select the reporting entity ID. This reporting identity determines:

  • The business units, purchase orders, requisitions, and receipt records to include in the statistical calculations.

  • The currency to convert monetary amounts to.

  • The periods to group purchase orders, requisitions, and receipt information.


Select this option if you want to select a date range relative to the current period. Selecting relative allows you to set up the run control once and when it executes, it will always pick up the defined number of periods relative to the period in which it was run. If you want to include specific periods, clear this option and select the specify option.

Start - Cur Period Minus (start - current period minus)

Eight (8) appears by default. Enter the number of periods prior to the current period you want to summarize transactions for.

End - Current Period Plus

Three (3) appears by default. Enter the number of periods ahead of the current period you want to summarize transactions for.


Select this option if you want to specify a start and end period. When this option is selected for the run control, you must change the periods specified each time the process is run in subsequent periods

Start Period and Start Year

Enter the start period and year you want to summarize transactions for.

The number of periods or specific period and year entered here must exist on the calendar tied to the reporting entity specified on the run control. If you enter a period or year not associated with the calendar for the reporting entity, the system will reset the period and year to what is on the calendar associated with the reporting entity.

End Period and End Year

Enter the end period and year you want to summarize transactions for.

The number of periods or specific period and year entered here must exist on the calendar tied to the reporting entity specified on the run control. If you enter a period or year not associated with the calendar for the reporting entity, the system will reset the period and year to what is on the calendar associated with the reporting entity.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Supplier Performance

This section discusses how to review supplier performance.

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Definition Name



View Vendor Shipment Performance


Purchasing, Analyzing Procurement, Review Supplier Performance

Review on-time performance, purchase order receipt quantity performance, quality performance, and quantity performance for a supplier.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Supplier Performance

Access the View Vendor Shipment Performance page (Purchasing, Analyzing Procurement, Review Supplier Performance).

This page displays different information depending on the metric that you select in the Metric field.


Select the type of metric you want to review for the supplier. Metrics are:

  • On-Time Performance

  • PO/Receipt Qty Performance (purchase order/receipt quantity performance)

  • Quality Performance

  • Quantity Performance

On-Time Performance

Displays the percentage and actual number of shipments that are on time, early, and late for all items within the period. The page features a graph that displays the percentage on time metric, vendor name, and target percentages by period.

Click the Period/Year link in the Performance Summary group box to view the details used to derive this graph. When you click this link the Detail Information for Period group box appears at the bottom of the page.

PO/Receipt Quantity Performance

Displays the percentage and actual number of purchase order receipts within the period. The page features a purchase order-versus-receipt quantity performance graph that displays the percentage open receipt quantity metric, vendor name, and target percentage by period.

Click the Period/Year link in the Performance Summary group box to view the details used to derive this graph. When you click this link the Detail Information for Period group box appears at the bottom of the page.

Quality Performance

Displays the percentage and actual number of vendor shipment quantities inspected, accepted, rejected, and returned by period. The page features a quality performance graph that displays the percentage net received metric, vendor name, and target percentage.

Click the Period/Year link in the Performance Summary group box to view the details used to derive this graph. When you click this link the Detail Information for Period group box appears at the bottom of the page.

Quantity Performance

Displays the percentage and actual number of vendor shipments with correct quantities, over-shipment quantities, and under-shipment quantities by period. The page features a graph that displays the vendor name, percentage correct, percentage under, percentage over, and target percentage.

Click the Period/Year link in the Performance Summary group box to view the details used to derive this graph. When you click this link the Detail Information for Period group box appears at the bottom of the page.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Procurement Analysis Data

This section provides an overview of the procurement history inquiries and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Procurement History Inquiries

Use the procurement history inquiry pages to view accumulated and summarized procurement history data. There are seven inquires available. They are:

The data that appears in these inquiries varies depending on the user ID and the configuration of the associated inquiry profile IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

%CAN (percent canceled)

Percentage of the order that is canceled.

%RCV (percent received)

Percentage of the order that is received.

%REJ (percent rejected)

Percentage of the order that is rejected.

%RTN (percent returned)

Percentage of the order that is returned.

Amt Ordered (amount ordered)

Amount that is listed on the purchase order.

Bank Code

Code that is assigned to the bank from which the item invoice is to be paid.


Purchase order transaction currency.

Days Vary

Number of days by which the item may arrive early or late without being rejected and returned.

Early Ship

Number of days by which an item may arrive early without being rejected.

Gross Paid

Gross amount that is paid, not taking into account any discounts or adjustments.

Inquiry Results

Displays field values according to criteria that is defined for the user ID and associated inquiry profile IDs. These values are chosen to produce procurement analysis inquiries that are relevant to the user ID.

Inquiries initially retrieve only fields that are predefined. However, you can use the selection criteria page for each inquiry to alter the current view by selecting new search parameters to retrieve exactly the amount and type of information for which you are looking.

LT MAD (lead time mean absolute deviation)

Lead-time mean absolute deviation.

Late Ship

Number of days by which an item may arrive late without being rejected.

Num Receipts (number of receipts)

Number of receipts that are generated for the item.

Over Ship (over shipped)

Number of items by which the order may be overshipped without being rejected.

PO Count

Number of purchase orders that are associated with the receipt line.

Paid Amount

Amount that is paid on the purchase order, less any discounts or adjustments.

Pay Currency (payment currency)

Payment currency.

Receipt WT (receipt weight)

Weight of items that are received.


Receipt ID.

Unit PO (Purchasing unit)

Purchasing business unit.

Under Ships

Number of items by which the order may be undershipped without being rejected.

UOM WT (unit of measure weight)

Unit of measure for the weight of the item.

Vendor Cat ID (vendor catalog ID)

Vendor catalog ID.

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Purchase Order List


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Purchase Order Lists, Purchase Order List

View data in the current purchase order tables.

PO Inquiry selection criteria


Click the Select button on the Purchase Order List inquiry page.

Retrieve data to the inquiry page. The data that is retrieved is based on the selection criteria that you define in the inquiry profile for the user ID. Any defaults that you establish there appear on the inquiry page. You can override these defaults and define additional selection criteria on this page.

Receipt List


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Receiver Lists, Receipt List

View data in the current receipt tables.

Receipt Inquiry selection criteria


Click the Select button on the Receipt List inquiry page.

Retrieve data to the inquiry page. The data that is retrieved is based on the selection criteria that you define in the inquiry profile for the user ID. Any defaults that you establish there appear on the inquiry page. You can override these defaults and define additional selection criteria on this page.

Voucher List


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Voucher Lists, Voucher List

View data in the current voucher tables.

Voucher Inquiry selection criteria


Click the Select button on the Voucher List inquiry page.

Retrieve data to the inquiry page. The data that is retrieved is based on the selection criteria that you define in the inquiry profile for the user ID. Any defaults that you establish there appear on the inquiry page. You can override these defaults and define additional selection criteria on this page.

Requisition List


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Requisition Lists, Requisition List

View data in the current requisition tables.

Requisition Inquiry selection criteria


Click the Select button on the Requisition List inquiry page.

Retrieve data to the inquiry page. The data that is retrieved is based on the selection criteria that you define in the inquiry profile for the user ID. Any defaults that you establish there appear on the inquiry page. You can override these defaults and define additional selection criteria on this page.

PO History Inquiry


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Purchase Order History, PO History Inquiry

View purchase order data in the procurement history table.

History selection criteria


Click the Select button on the PO History, Receipt History inquiry, or Voucher History inquiry pages.

Retrieve data to the inquiry page. The data retrieved is based on the selection criteria that you define in the inquiry profile for the user ID. Any defaults that you establish there appear on the inquiry page. You can override these defaults and define additional selection criteria on this page.

Receipt History Inquiry


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Receipt History, Receipt History Inquiry

View receipt data in the procurement history table.

Voucher History Inquiry


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Voucher History, Voucher History Inquiry

View voucher data in the procurement history table.

Vendor Information - Identifying Information


Click the Vendor link on these pages:

PO History Inquiry

Receipt History Inquiry

Voucher History Inquiry

Purchase Order List inquiry

Receipt List inquiry

Voucher List inquiry

Requisition List inquiry

Enter vendor identifying information.



Click the Vendor Conversations link on these pages:

PO History Inquiry

Receipt History Inquiry

Voucher History Inquiry

Purchase Order List inquiry

Receipt List inquiry

Voucher List inquiry

Track ongoing discussions and conversations with vendor contacts.

You must enter the vendor and contact before you record conversations.

Purchasing Attributes


Click the Item link on these pages:

PO History Inquiry

Receipt History Inquiry

Voucher History Inquiry

Purchase Order List inquiry

Receipt List inquiry

Voucher List inquiry

Enter basic purchasing information for an item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Purchase Order Data

Access the Purchase Order List inquiry page (Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Purchase Order Lists, Purchase Order List).


Total line cost.

PO Date

Purchase order creation date.


Purchase order item unit cost.


Purchase order status.

VND Item (vendor item)

Vendor item code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Receipt Data

Access the Receipt List inquiry page (Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Receiver Lists, Receipt List).


Source of the receipt.

PO Price

Purchase order item unit price.

PO Ship Amt (purchase order shipped amount)

Cost of the purchase order items that are shipped.

PO Ship Qty (purchase order shipped quantity)

Number of purchase order items shipped.


Purchase order status.


Receiving business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Voucher Data

Access the Voucher List inquiry page (Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Voucher Lists, Voucher List).


Total line cost.

Inv Date (invoice date)

Invoice issue date.

Recv Ship (receiving ship to)

Ship to location where the items are received.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Requisition Data

Access the Requisition List inquiry page (Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Requisition Lists, Requisition List).

Business Unit

Business unit that generates the requisition.

Merchandise Amt (merchandise amount)

Cost of the total number of the items requested.

Name 1

Item vendor full business name.

Order Line

Order Management order line number for direct shipments.

Order Management BU (order management business unit)

Order Management business unit for direct shipment orders.

Order No (order number)

Order Management order number.

Requisition Date

Requisition creation date.

Requisition Price

Unit price of the requisition item.

Ship Via Code

Code for the shipping method designated for the item.

ShipTo SetID

SetID to which the item is to be shipped.


Requisition status.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Procurement Statistics

This section discusses how to view procurement statistics.

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Definition Name



Procurement Statistics inquiry


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Procurement Statistics

View requisition, purchase order, and receipt statistical information.

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Access the Procurement Statistics page (Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Review Procurement Information, Procurement Statistics).

Note. You must run the Procurement Statistics process (PRCR_TXN_HIST) before data will appear on this inquiry page.

See Generating Procurement Statistics.

Search Criteria

Document Type

Select the type of information you want to view. Document types are:

  • Purchase Order

  • Receipt

  • Requisition

Depending on the document type you select, the grid in the lower portion of the page will display differently.

Reporting Entity ID

Select the reporting entity. Only reporting entities IDs that are associated with a Spend Analysis reporting entity type will appear for selection. The reporting entity ID specified here should correspond to the one entered on the run control request. The reporting entity determines which business units purchase orders are included in the statistical calculations.

Business Unit From and Business Unit To

Select the range of business units whose information you wish to view. If no business unit is specified here, the information for all business units will be displayed.

From/Period Year and To/Period Year

Select the date range you want to view the transactions summary for. The period range specified on the Update Procurement Statistics run control determines the periods and years available for selection.

Purchase Order Transactions

Average # of PO Lines (average number of purchase order lines)

Displays the average number of purchase order lines for the period. For each business unit, all the purchase order lines associated with the purchase orders in the period are counted. That number is then divided by the total number of purchase orders in the period to give you the average number of purchase order lines.

Max # of PO Lines (maximum number of purchase order lines)

Displays the maximum number of purchase order lines for the period. For the time period, this is the most number of purchase order lines contained on one purchase order.

High Monetary Amount

Displays the highest monetary amount of one purchase order for the period. Each purchase order is converted into the currency specified on the reporting entity ID, using the rate indicated. The highest amount associated with one purchase order displays.

Low Monetary Amount

Displays the lowest monetary amount of one purchase order for the period. Each purchase order is converted into the currency specified on the reporting entity ID, using the rate indicated. The lowest amount associated with one purchase order displays.

Receipt Transactions

Average # of Receipt Lines (average number of receipt lines)

Displays the average number of receipt lines for the period. For each business unit, all the receipts lines for a receipt in the period are counted. That number is then divided by the total number of receipts in the period to give you the average number of receipt lines.

Max # of Receipt Lines (maximum number of receipt lines)

Displays the maximum number of receipt lines for the period. For the time period, this is the most number of receipt lines contained on one receipt.

# of Receipts from Receive Loader (number of receipts from receive loader)

Displays the number of receipts processed through the Receive Load process for the period.

Requisition Transactions

Average # of Req Lines (average number of requisition lines)

Displays the average number of requisition lines for the period. For each business unit, all the requisition lines associated with the requisitions in the period are counted. That number is then divided by the total number of requisitions in the period to give you the average number of requisition lines.

Max # of Req Lines (maximum number or requisition lines)

Displays the maximum number of requisition lines for the period. For the time period, this is the most number of requisition lines contained on one requisition.

High Monetary Amount

Displays the highest monetary amount of one requisition for the period. Each requisition is converted into the currency specified on the reporting entity ID, using the rate indicated. The highest amount associated with one requisition displays.

Low Monetary Amount

Displays the lowest monetary amount of one requisition for the period. Each requisition is converted into the currency specified on the reporting entity ID, using the rate indicated. The lowest amount associated with one requisition displays.

# of Reqs From Req Loader (number of requisitions from requisition loader)

Displays the number of requisitions processed through the Purchasing Requisition Loader process for the period. Any requisition that contains a system source of BCP (configurator product batch), BIN (inventory batch), BOM (order management batch), BPO (purchase order batch), POU (point of use), PPC (project costing or line entry page), and WM (Maintenance Management) is counted and considered processed through the requisition loader.

See Also

Using the Requisition Loader

Creating Requisitions Online

Creating Purchase Orders Online

Receiving Shipments