Managing Work Orders

This chapter provides an overview of services work orders and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Services Work Orders

This section provides prerequisites and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicServices Work Orders

In PeopleSoft Services Procurement, you can create work orders for resource, deliverable, or multi-resource services that specify the basic terms and conditions of an assignment. Resource-based work orders reflect work that is conducted by a single service provider. Work orders of this nature are logged against the total hours worked. Deliverable-based work orders or request for proposal (RFP) work orders are work orders that reflect work generally conducted by an entire work team. Progress on deliverable-based work orders is logged against an entire project, not just the hours worked by a single service provider.

Because there is not a specific service provider as part of deliverable-based work orders, a statement of work defines the requirements. The rate and the unit of measure (UOM) are not applicable for deliverable-based work orders, so the user enters a work order amount instead of rate information. Multi-resource work orders reflect work performed by multiple individual providers as part of an overall project. These work orders consist of a higher-level parent work order with associated lower-level individual services, and child work orders associated to those individual services.

After a service requisition is created, sourced, and filled, use work orders to document explicit terms agreed upon by you and the service supplier. The service provider or service provider contact logs time or progress, respectively, against the work order.

Work order functionality in PeopleSoft Services Procurement includes the following capabilities:

Note. If you have already selected a service provider, you can create a work order without creating a requisition.

See Also

PeopleSoft Services Procurement Preface

Managing Time in PeopleSoft Services Procurement

Maintaining Logistical Tasks

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWork Order Status

Throughout the work order process, it passes through various work order management phases. The following are valid work order statuses:

Time, progress, and expenses cannot be logged past the projected end date of a released work order or the actual end date of a closed, cancelled, or terminated work order. After a work order is finalized, a service provider or service coordinator can no longer log time, progress, or expenses against it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccess to Work Orders

Throughout the work order process, specific role types have access to work order functionality. This table lists the various role types that have access to work orders:

Role Type



Based on permissions, the requester may have complete access to work order functions.

Service Coordinator

Based on the set up on the Service Coordinator defaults page, this person can enter a work order, extend a work order, or delegate requisition sourcing.

Logistical Task Assigned To

This user can only view assigned logistical tasks associated with the work order.

Work Order Approver (dynamically assigned based on workflow rules)

This user has access to change the work order approval details only.

Service Provider Contact

The service provider contact has view access for the work order and authorization for assigning service providers for deliverable work orders with tracking enabled.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVAT and SUT on Services

VAT is a governmental consumer sales tax, a straight percentage that is added to the cost of a good or service. At each step in the supply chain, VAT is calculated by multiplying the cost of the good or service by the tax rate, charged by the seller to the buyer. While at each step in the supply chain except the last, the buyer can normally recover the VAT incurred. Thus, the liability for VAT is essentially the value added at each step in the supply chain.

SUT is a governmental retail sales tax, a straight percentage that is added to the cost of a good or service. Normally, everyone but the final consumer is exempt from this tax. Sales tax is charged, collected, and remitted to the government by the retailer, while use tax is not handled by the retailer, but still due to the government, and must therefore be self-assessed and remitted by the purchaser.

The major difference between VAT and SUT is that almost everyone pays VAT and recovers the VAT they paid except the end consumer, whereas only the end consumer pays SUT. Everyone in the middle of the supply chain is exempt from SUT.

The PeopleSoft tax tables require you to define:

The system calculates VAT and SUT when you create a work order. This enables you to estimate VAT and SUT charges at an earlier stage in the supply chain, so that you have a more accurate understanding of the final amount. The system triggers SUT and VAT defaulting and calculations when you save the work order. If PeopleSoft Services Procurement is integrated with PeopleSoft Purchasing, the system copies VAT and SUT codes and percentages as a default from PeopleSoft Purchasing purchase order to the PeopleSoft Services Procurement work order upon work order release.

See Also

Integrating with Sales and Use Tax Applications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMulti-Resource Work Orders

You use multi-resource work orders to manage multiple individual services that are related to a common assignment and share a common overall approved amount. You can link the parent multi-resource service to a requisition and fill it through the requisition sourcing process or create it manually. These individual services can be passed from a related requisition or added and maintained directly on the work order.

You can source these individual services through the work order sourcing process or generate a related-child work order manually. The system records time and expenses against child work orders, but tracks all consumption at both the child work-order level and the parent work-order level. The system places a maximum amount (cap) on the time and materials amount for an overall project that consists of multiple individual services.

PeopleSoft Services Procurement sourcing is accomplished using two steps. The first step of the two-step process sources the parent service from the requisition line with the necessary details about the services and identifies the supplier who will perform the service. The second step is to source the related individual services from the work order to the supplier who is selected in the first step. You cannot change the supplier after the parent requisition line is filled.

The next diagram illustrates how a multi-resource requisition flows through sourcing or can be associated with a work order for sourcing:

Sourcing multi-resource requisitions

A multi-resource requisition flows through sourcing and can be associated with a work order for sourcing. During requisition sourcing, the system fills the parent requisition line before the services are sourced to the vendor. Similar to a deliverables-based requisition, additional details about the services are under the parent line. The service coordinator has to source the parent line to suppliers first. Vendors are setup based on the parent service type. Vendor selection rules are the same for the requisition as a deliverables-based requisition.

After the parent requisition is filled or closed, the service coordinator can then source the requisition service lines one at time or in combination. Sourcing parameters such as, notification and submittal limits, are brought in as default values from the parent line. Service coordinators can access individual services to modify the parameters for a service line.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can create a work order, the following conditions must be met:

To create the logistical tasks associated with the work order, you should:

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Managing Work Orders

This section provides an overview of the work order process flow and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work Order Process Flow

Here is an overview of the steps in the work order process flow:

  1. Access the Manage Services Work Order page to manually create a service work order.

    Note. You can click the generate work order button from the Bid Response page, the Assess and Award Bids page, or the Requisition Line Position Details page for a filled requisition line to automatically generate a service work order.

  2. For manually created work orders, enter the business unit, work order ID, and service type in the Add New Work Order group box on the Manage Services Work Order page.

    Note. The Service Type field determines whether the work order is resource-based or deliverables-based.

  3. For manually created work orders, click the Add button to access the Maintain Service Work Order page.

  4. Enter the required information on the Maintain Services Work Order page.

    If you create a work order that is tied to a requisition, many fields (such as Start Date and End Date, Project, Service Provider, and so forth) appear by default from the original requisition. In addition, you must enter data in the Invoice Approver and Time Approver or Progress Log Approver and Expense Approver and Progress Log Template fields.

  5. Save the page.

    If your system is set up to share tasks with Microsoft Outlook, when you create a work order and save it, the associated tasks are queued up in the Desktop Integration queueing tables and sent to Outlook. When a task is in Outlook, the Outlook user can carry out the task and change the status of the task or delete it. Changes made in Outlook are synchronized in PeopleSoft Services Procurement and you can view the status on the View Task Checklist and View Task Detail pages. Likewise, the Services Procurement user can carry out the task and change the status. Changes that are made in Services Procurement are synchronized in Outlook.

    When a task is deleted in Outlook, the Deleted in Outlook check box on the View Task Checklist page in Services Procurement is selected, indicating that it has been deleted. A task that is deleted in Outlook is not sent back to Outlook, but the user in Services Procurement can still carry out the task.

    A task can be assigned to another user only in Services Procurement. You do this using the Assign To check box on the View Task Detail page. When this happens, the task is deleted in Outlook and a new task is created in Services Procurement and sent to Outlook with the new user assigned.

  6. Click the View Task List link on the Maintain Services Work Order page to ensure that all mandatory preapproval logistical tasks are complete.

  7. After all mandatory preapproval logistical task are complete, click the Submit button on the Maintain Services Work Order page.

    Upon submittal, the work order submittal page displays approval information and the work order status changes to Submitted or Approved, if the work order creator has sufficient authority to approve work orders or the work order approval process is not used for the business unit.

  8. After a work order is submitted for approval, it is routed to the work order approver as defined by the workflow rules.

    There can be more than one approver for each work order, depending on the number of approvers set up in the workflow rules. A new task item appears on the approver's worklist indicating that the work order needs approval. An email notification is sent to the approver's in box. Once approved, the work order status changes from Submitted to Approved.

    See Setting Up PeopleSoft Services Procurement Workflow.

  9. Access the Services Work Order Roster page, and locate the approved work order.

    Click the Edit Work Order button on the Work Order Roster page to update the approved work order.

  10. (Optional) Click the View Task List link on the Work Order - Details page to verify that all postapproval logistical tasks are complete.

    You must complete all post approval tasks before releasing the work order.

  11. If purchase orders are integrated with work orders, click the Process Purchase Order button on the Maintain Services Work Order page to complete purchase order distribution and accounting information, and then click the Quick Source link on the Cost tab to build the purchase order automatically.

    Note. The Quick Source link appears for manually created work orders, as well as work orders that are associated with requisitions.

  12. Click the button next to the created purchase order ID to verify that the purchase order has been approved, budget checked, checked for doc tolerance, and dispatched.

    Use the purchase order page to perform these actions.

  13. After the purchase order has been dispatched, you can release the work order by clicking the Release button.

Note. If password security is not enabled, a user profile will be created automatically upon release of the work order if one does not already exist.

See Also

Setting Up Integration for Work Order Logistical Tasks with Microsoft Outlook

Viewing Task Checklists

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Manage Work Orders

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Services Work Orders


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders

Manage services work orders.

Work Order - Details


Services Procurement, Manage Service Work Orders

Click the Add button on the Manage Services Work Order page.

Click a Work Order ID link on the Manage Services Work Order page.

Define and view work order details.

Work Order - Cost


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Service

Select the Cost tab.

Maintain work order cost information.

Work Order Cost Consumption


Services Procurement, Manager Services Work Orders, Work Order - Service

Select the Consumption tab on the Work Order page.

Maintain work order consumption information.

Note. This only appears once the work order is released.

Work Order - Approvals and Alerts


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Service

Select the Approvals and Alerts tab.

Manage work order approvals and alerts.

Work Order - Comments


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Service

Select the Comments tab.

Adding comments and attachments to work orders.

Work Order - Surveys


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Service

Select the Surveys tab.

Enter work order survey information.

Note. The Survey tab is available only if the Using Surveys option is enabled for the business unit and the work order is saved.

Work Order - Service Summary


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Service

Click the Service Summary tab.

Use work order services.

View Shifts for Service


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Service

Click the View Shifts for Service link at the bottom of the work order.

View any shifts associated with this service.

View Assignments for Service


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Service

Click the View Assignments for Service link at the bottom of the work order.

View any assignments associated with this service.

Track Resources


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Service

Click the Track Resources link at the bottom of the work order.

Add and track new services providers for deliverable services.

Progress Log Activity


Click the Activities link on the Work Order - Cost page.

View activities associated with a progress log for deliverable services.

Work Order Rates


Click the Enter Effective Dated Rate button on the Work Order - Cost page.

(Optional) Update the work order rate by effective date.

Service Work Order History


Click the Work Order History button on the Manage Services Work Order page.

Click the Work Order History link at the bottom of the Work Order - Service page.

View status and approval changes, including the service coordinator or team that was assigned to the work order at the time history was recorded.

Services Work Order Template History


Click the Time Template History link on the Work Order - Cost page.

View templates that were linked to the work order.

Document Attachment


Click the Statement of Work link at the bottom of the Work Order - Service page.

Upload file attachments for a work order.

Quick Source


Click the Quick Source link on the Work Order - Cost page.

Run the process that creates purchase orders related to work orders.

Note. This process is only accessible if purchase orders are integrated with work orders.

Maintain Purchase Orders


Click the Purchase Order button on the Maintain Services Work Order - Cost page.

Access the purchase order where you can run commitment control, check doc tolerance, and dispatch purchase orders.

Note. This process is only accessible if purchase orders are integrated with work orders.

Work Order Approval Status


Click the Work Order Approval Status button on the Manage Services Work Order page.

View work order approval information.

Note. The work order approval button is only accessible if the Enable Approval Process option is enabled for the business unit on the work order tab.

Work Order Activity


Click an Activity link on the Work Order - Cost page.

Identifies the activities associated with a resource-based work order.

Bid Factors by Work Order


Click the Scoring Criteria link on the Manage Services Work Orders - Details page.

Displays bid factors associated with a resource-based work order, including bid factor code, weighting, and activity.

Timesheets by Work Orders View


Click an Activity link on the Work Order - Cost page.

Displays the timesheets related to a specific work order.

Identify Work Order Services


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders

After completing the work order search, click the Work Order ID link, select the Service Summary tab, and click the Add New Service button.

Define individual service details for work orders.

Note. The Services tab applies only to multi-resource work orders, and is not available for resource or deliverable work orders.

Select Services for Extension


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders

After completing the work order search, click the Extend Work Order link.

Extend individual services on multi-resource work orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Services Work Orders

Access the Manage Services Work Order page (Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders).

Use the Manage Work Order page as the central location to create, maintain, and extend work orders, including multi-resource service work orders. Use the Add New Work Order group box to create a new work order. Select a business unit and use the Work Order ID field to define a work order ID. The system assigns an ID if you do not enter one.

Note. A service coordinator cannot be the same as the service provider, and a service coordinator cannot access work orders for which he is the service provider or service provider/coordinator.

The content and use of the work order depends on the value you select in the Service Type field. You can select a service type that is based on a deliverable-, multi-resource-, or resource-based service method. Each of these methods has a different function for a work order.

After you enter the work order information, click the Add button to enter details about the work order. If you are creating a multi-resource work order, use the Services Summary tab to define default services or add a new service.

Note. The monetary amount appears only if you are a requester and have View or Define and View requester rate access for the business unit or if you are a service coordinator.

Search Services Work Orders

Use the Search Services Work Orders group box to streamline the search results for the work order. After you enter the search criteria, go to the roster area where you can edit, establish workflow, and cancel work orders. You can search for work orders based on a business unit, requester, work order ID, and work order name.

Note. Search results display only the top-line information for multi-resource transactions. When you expand the top-line work order ID, the system displays the corresponding services line details.

Note. If row-level security has been implemented for the business unit and permission list, you must enter a business unit before you can search for a requester using the Look up Requester button.

Work Order Type

Select a type of work order on which to base the search. Work order types determine the logistical task group and logistical tasks that are associated with the work order. Values include: Original, Extension, Replaced, and Reassigned.

Work Order Status

Select a work order status on which to base the search. The status is the work order's life-cycle stage. For example, Open, Submitted, and Closed are stages.

Service Method

Select the service method on which to base the search. Values include: Deliverable, Multi Resource, and Resource.

Linked Work Order

Select to base the search on a linked work order. This is a work order to which another work order has been linked by either extending, reassigning, or replacing the existing work order.

Note. Linked work orders that are associated to multi-resource services do not display in the search results. Use the multi-resource search criteria instead.

Date From and Through Date

Select a range of creation dates on which to base the work order search.

Requisition ID

Enter a requisition ID on which to base the search.

Line Number

Select a requisition line number on which to base the search.

Search Criteria Applies to Both Parent and Child Work Orders

Select to indicate that the search should include all lower-level individual service work orders related to a multi resource work order along with the top-line parent work order. This button applies only to multi-resource work orders. When you select this option, the system retrieves only child work orders if the child work order itself meets the search criteria that you select.

Search Criteria Applies to Parent Work Orders Only

Select to indicate that the search should include only the top-level parent work orders for multi resource services. This button applies only to multi-resource work orders. If you select this button, the system makes the Show Individual Child Services available. The system uses the criteria that you select to retrieve applicable parent work orders.

Show Individual Child Services

Select to display lower-level individual service work orders related to selected multi resource work orders in the search results. This check box applies only to multi resource work orders and is available when you select to search parent work orders only. It determines whether the system retrieves related-child work orders for those parent work orders that were selected. In this case, it doesn't matter whether the child work orders also meet the specified search criteria. If the parent work order meets the criteria and it is selected to show children, the system retrieves the children regardless.

Show Advanced Criteria

Click to view more search fields, including Survey ID, Vendor ID, Coordinator,Service Provider, Service Team, and Provider Contact.

Services Work Orders: Summary Tab

Use this tab to review basic information for work orders that the system retrieves based on your search criteria.

Click to access the Services Work Order History page, where you can view a summary and history of the work order.

Click to access the Service Work Order - View Task Checklist page, where you can view the logistical tasks for the work order.

Click to access the Work Order Approval Status page, where you can review the work order approval information.

Click the Extend Work Order button to extend the duration of the work order. This button appears only for resource- and multi-resource-based work orders. When you click the system displays the Service page, where you can enter a new end date for the work order. Logistical tasks that are associated with the work order type are used are associated with the new extended work order.

A new purchase order amount associates with the extended work order, which requires additional approval.

For multi-resource services, the system extends the top-line work order, along with all open individual child service work orders. Any individual service filled from the original parent work order after the extension has been created can be extended by using the Select Services for Extension page to create new work orders to extend the individual service work orders

Click the Assign New Resources button to assign a new service provider to the work order either by manually replacing the service provider or going through the fulfillment process.

Note. Click this button to access the Maintain Services Work Order page, where you can enter a new start date and select a new service provider for the work order.

You can assign new resources to resource-based work orders only.

Summary II

Use this tab to view and access additional information about the work that includes the projected start and end dates. Other fields on this tab are the same as the field on the Summary tab.

Service Details

Use this tab to view and access additional information about the work order. This information includes the service method, such as multi resource, service type, service and job title. Other fields on this tab are the same as for the Summary tab.

Cost Details

Use this tab to view and access additional information about the work order. Information on this tab includes the loaded rate, work order amount, and purchase order status.

Additional Information

Use this tab to view and access more details about the work order. that includes the projected start and end dates. You can view the requester, service coordinator, team, and survey ID. The tab provides the work order creation date and who created it. Also available is the parent work order ID and the sub line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining and Viewing Work Order Details

Access the Work Order - Details (Services Procurement, Manage Service Work Orders, click the Work Order ID link).

Work Order ID

Displays the unique work order ID that is assigned when you create a new work order.

Work Order Status

Displays the status of the work order. Values are:

  • Open

  • Submitted

  • Approved

  • Released

  • Canceled

  • Closed

  • Denied

  • Terminated

  • Finalized

Work Order Name

Enter a descriptive name for the work order. The requisition name (if one is associated with the work order) or to the work order ID is the default value.

Work Order Details

Service Method

Displays the service method of Deliverable Based, Multi Resource, or Resource Based.

Note. The service method is determined by the service type selected in the Add New Work Order group box.

Work Order Type

Displays the work order type. Work order values are Original, Extension, Replaced, or Reassigned.

Note. Work order types determine the logistical task group and logistical tasks that are associated with the work order. Preapproval and postapproval logistical tasks are determined by the work order type values.

Linked Work Order

Displays a linked work order. A new work order is linked to an existing work order by either extending, reassigning, or replacing the existing work order. When you extend, reassign, or replace an existing work order, information from the original work order appears by default on the new work order.

Requisition Information

Requisition ID

(Optional) Enter the requisition ID associated with the service work order. The requisition line must have a status of Approved or Sourced.

The system displays links to original sourcing requisitions. Click a Requisition ID link to access the Requisition Line Job Summary page for that requisition.

Note. You can generate a work order from filled requisitions by clicking the Work Order button on the Requisition Details page or Assess and Award Bids page.

Line Number

Enter the requisition line number. When you link a requisition line, information from that line appears by default on the work order. Some of that information is not editable on the work order.

Service Information

Service Type

Displays the service type selected in the Add New Work Order group box.

Note. This can only be changed to a service type with the same service method.


Select the specific service to be performed, for example, Program Manager or Java Developer. The services are linked to the service type on the Services by Service Type page.

Track Resource

Select this check box if this is a deliverable service method work order and you want the service provider resources to be included on the work order.

Requesting Dept (requesting department)

Select the requesting department which must be a valid HCM department (if HCM is enabled on the Services Procurement installation); otherwise select a valid department for PeopleSoft Financials/Supply Chain Management.


Enter the ship to location for the work order. The ship to location appears by default from the requester defaults.

Job Title

Enter the job title for the work order.

Note. This value defaults from the service attributes.

Scope of Work

Enter free-form comments to describe the type of work that the candidate needs to perform on the work order.

Candidate Requirements

This group box contains various candidate requirements. The default values come from the requisition if there are skills associated with the requisition; otherwise the values come from the competencies associated with the work order.


This display-only field is used to screen candidates that do not have the competencies required for the work order.


This display-only field indicates the minimal level that the candidate should possess in order to be qualified for the position.

Note. Proficiency is for informational purposes only


This display-only column indicates the minimum years of experience the candidate should possess, and is for informational purposes only.


Select Block, No Action, or Warn depending on the action you want to occur if the service provider entered on the work order does not have the required competencies.

Other Skills

Enter any free-form text in this field to indicate additional skills that may be required for the position.


Settlement Options

View the settlement method for a work order, which is based on the service selected. Progress will be recorded based on the method defined. Values include:

  • Fixed Amount: Progress payments are made against milestone activities where the supplier enters the amount to be paid on the progress logs.

    You can record progress multiple times against the same milestone for work order to allow payment upon partial completion of a activity.

  • Milestone: Payments are made when agreed upon milestones are met.

    For example, you could agree to pay the construction company 25 percent of the total fee when the foundation is complete. The supplier can only select each milestone activity once for completion.

  • Percentage: Payments are made based on the percentage of completion for the total work order amount entered on the progress log.

  • Rate Based: Payments are based on an agreed upon rate for service activities.

    For example, you could agree to pay a contractor pouring concrete a specific rate per cubic foot. For this example, the actual cubic feet poured is entered in the progress log and the payment is based on that agreed rate.

    Note. This field applies to deliverable-based work orders only.

Duration Information


Enter a projected start and end date for the work order. The start date reflects the date when the work is projected to begin. The end date reflects the date when the work is anticipated to end.


Enter the actual dates when the work begins and ends. You must enter the actual start date before releasing the work order. Enter actual end date after the work order is canceled, terminated, or closed.

Calendar Duration

Displays the number of calendar days from work order start date to the end date.

Note. This option appears for resource-based work orders only.

Estimated Service Days

Displays the total number of service days estimated for the work order. The value can be overwritten and the work order total is recalculated.

Note. This option appears for resource-based work orders only.

Utilization % (utilization percentage)

Enter the percentage of time that the candidate spends in a work week. For example, if the candidate typically works a half day, the utilization would reflect 50 percent. If the candidate will work three days per week, the utilization will reflect 60 percent. The default value is 100 percent.

Note. This option appears for resource-based work orders only.

Overtime Permitted

Select the check box if overtime is allowed for the work order.

Note. This option appears for resource-based work orders only.

Vendor Information

Vendor ID

Enter the vendor ID.

Vendor Loc (vendor location)

Enter the vendor location. If only one location exists for the vendor, it automatically appears on the work order.

Track Resource(s)

Select to track the service provider resources for deliverable-based engagements.

Review Service Provider Eligibility

Click to access the Service Provider Eligibility Review page. You use the page to view service providers that are marked as not eligible and are potential matches to the service provider on the current work order. The system does not allow actual matches for selection. Any potential matches of identifier ID against the selected service provider produces a system warning and provides service coordinators an opportunity to notify administrators if they feel the potential match is a true match.

Service Coordinator Information

VMS Supplier (vendor managed service supplier)

View the name of the supplier who manages third-party vendors performing the services.

Note. This field appears only for work orders that are VMS managed, which is based on the settings for the business unit or service type.

VMS Location (vendor managed service location)

View the supplier location that manages third-party vendor performing the service.

Note. This field appears only for work orders that are VMS managed, which is based on the settings for the business unit or service type.

Service Coordinator Type

Determines whether an individual service coordinator or a team is responsible for the work order. If the work order is VMS managed, this field is view only.

Service Coordinator

Select the specific individual service coordinator or team assigned to the work order. If the work order is VMS managed, this field is view only.

Links and Other Status Buttons

Links change based on the status of a work order.

Manage Service Work Orders

Click to access the Manage Services Work Orders page.

Work Order History

Click to view the history for a work order. The history includes summary information, approval updates and date changes for the work order.

Statement of Work

Click to access the Document Attachment page, where you can attach files associated with previously created work orders.

Task Check List

Click to view logistical tasks that are associated with the work order.

Task Check List

Click to view logistical tasks that are associated with the work order.

Bid Attachments

Click to access the Bid Attachments page, where you upload attachments to bids.

Process Purchase Order

Click to submit the approved work order details to the PeopleSoft Purchasing application. This field is available after the work order has been approved and when PeopleSoft Purchasing integration is selected. Use the Integration Option group box on the eProcurement Business Unit Options page to define this setting.

View Shifts for Service

Click this link to access the View Shifts for Service inquiry page. This link is available only if the business unit is enabled to use shifts and if there are any valid shifts by service combinations associated with this work order.

See Viewing Shifts Associated with Services.

View Assignments for Service

Click to access the View Assignments for Service inquiry page. This link is available only if the business unit is enabled to use assignments and if there are any valid assignments by service combinations associated with this work order.

See Viewing Assignments Associated with Services.

Scoring Criteria

Click to enter bid factors for the service provider contact to respond to and by which the bid score is calculated. This enables the service coordinator to make an informed decision. You can define bid factors at the work order and work order service level.

Cancel Work Order

Click to cancel the work order.

Note. If you cancel the work order, and if the work order is tied to a requisition line, the status of the requisition line is changed to Sourced. After the status of the requisition line is changed to Sourced, the requisition line is available for resourcing to suppliers. An exception to this is the individual child services for a multi-resource parent service. When these child work orders are canceled, the status of the individual service on the parent work order is not reset.

Close Work Orders

Click to close the work order after the service has been completed. The actual end date is specified when the work order is closed and no time or progress may be entered past this date.


Click to submit the work order for approval.

Note. If the preapproval logistical tasks aren't complete, an error message appears and the status does not change to Submitted.


Click to terminate the candidate. The work order is terminated prior to the expected date.


Click to release the work order. After the work order is released, the supplier is notified that he can begin to log time or progress logs.

Note. If the postapproval logistical tasks aren't complete, an error message appears and the status does not change to Released.


Click to indicate that all time or progress is recorded and invoiced. Any associated purchase order is reconciled with the work order.

Extended Work Order

Click to extend the duration of the work order and track related rate, approval, and logistical task changes. This button appears for resource and multi-resource work orders only.

Assign New Resources

Click to assign a different service provider for this work order. This button appears for resource-based work orders only. Depending on the business unit setup, clicking the Assign New Resource button may enable users to choose the option to manually reassign the service provider or go through the fulfillment process.

Note. If you want to reassign resources without using sourcing to a specific service provider, the work order has a type of Reassign. If you want to reassign resources using the bid process, it will populate the same work order associated with the requisition and will enable you to source it. Source it to different vendor from the original requisition, then submit the bid, accept and fill, and a new work order type of Replace will be created.

See Also

Managing Progress Logs

Setting Up Application Specific Options for PeopleSoft Services Procurement

Managing Settlements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Work Order Cost Information

Access the Work Order - Cost page (select the Cost tab on the Work Order - Service page).

Note. When you are creating a new work order and ChartField security has been established for work order prompts and fields, the system applies values according to the ChartField security rules and prevents you from entering prompt values that are not valid. Also when you are updating the Cost page, and do not have ChartField security, the system issues a message and does not display protected field values.

If you select the Use Pay Types check box on the Services Procurement Business Unit Options page and if the service method is Resource, then, the system displays the Rate Breakdown group box. Rate breakdowns are not used for work orders when the service method is Deliverable.

If you create a manual work order and rate sheet information is defined, rate breakdown and expense information defaults from the associated rate sheet.

Note. User role actions determine which users can view rate breakdown information.

Manual work orders created by a requester are routed to the service coordinator for rate definition prior to approval if the rate definition for the business unit is set to not allow rate definition for the requester.

Cost Details

Currency Code

Displays the currency code associated with the work order.

Exchange Rate Detail

Click the Exchange Rate Detail link for currency and exchange rate information.

Allow Expenses

Select to report expenses for work orders. When you select to allow expenses, you must enter an expense rate and amount. The system provides a warning message that indicates the Allow Expenses check box is selected, but an expense-related rate and amount have not been entered.

Note. This check box is only available if the SP Expenses Enabled check box is selected on the Services Procurement Installation Options page.

Although this setting defaults from the Services Procurement Business Unit page, you can override it here.

Display in Work Order Currency and Display in Base Currency

Toggle between Work Order and base currency.

Select Display in Work Order Currency to view the currency code and rate in the work order currency.

Select Display in Base Currency to view the currency code and rate in base currency.

Rate Details

Pay Rate

Enter or view the amount that is paid to the service provider. The rate detail fields do not apply when the service method is deliverable or multi-resource.

Note. This option appears when the pay types option is enabled on the Services Procurement Installation Options page.

Fixed Cost

Enter or view additional amounts that are used to cover fixed costs of the supplier related to providing the service.

Note. This option appears when the pay types option is enabled on the Services Procurement Installation Options page.

Vendor Markup

Enter or view markups charged by the supplier for providing the resources to perform the service.

Note. This option appears when the pay types option is enabled on the Services Procurement Installation Options page.

Third Party Markup

Enter or view additional markups that are charged when the supplier secures resources from a subcontractor.

Note. This option appears when the pay types option is enabled on the Services Procurement Installation Options page.

Total Markup Rate

Displays the total markup rate. The system adds the Pay Rate, Fixed Cost, Vendor Markup, and Third Party Markup fields to determine this value.

Note. This option appears when the pay types option is enabled on the Services Procurement Installation Options page.


Enter the rate of pay associated with the work order when pay types are not enabled. You can view the rate of pay when pay types are enabled. Modifications to the rate amount are validated against rate sheets defined for the project role and region. If you enter a rate amount that is out of tolerance withe rate sheet, you receive either an error or a warning message.

Click to enter effective-dated rate. When time is logged against the work order, the rate effective for the time period is used to calculate the timesheet amount.

Note. When a requisition is filled and a work order is created, there may be two entries in the effective-dated rate. The first entry is for the requisition rate and the second rate is the filled rate. This provides visibility of the rate history and enables comparison.

If the rate is increased, the work order amount may be consumed at a quicker rate. An extension may need to be created if the amount is consumed before completion of the work order.

UOM (unit of measure)

Enter the unit of measure associated to the defined rate, or select a unit of measure from the list of available values.

Expense Rate

Enter the rate allowed for expenses.

Amount Details

Labor Amount

Displays the total amount calculated for labor. It does not include any tax values and is updated when a new time report is entered.

VMS Fee (vendor managed service fee)

Displays the total amount calculated for the vendor managed services fees.

Note. This value only appears for work orders that are VMS managed.

Loaded Amount

Displays the sum of the labor amount and the VMS fee.

Expense Amount

Displays the total amount of expense calculated for the work order. The system calculates the expense amount as the work order rate multiplied by the work order duration.

WO Amount (work order amount)

Displays the total amount for the work order, including labor, expense, and any applicable VMS markup.

Note. You can edit the Expense Rate, UOM, and Amount fields only if the requisition is not associated with a work order. If the work order is associated with a requisition, the values appear by default from the requisition and can only be viewed.

The work order total calculation does not include any amounts for shift or assignment pay.

SUT Information and VAT Information

Tax Applicability

Displays SUT applicability for this work order.

Sales/Use Tax % (sale and use tax percent)

Displays the total SUT percentage.

Sales Tax Amount

Displays the total taxable amount.

VAT Percent

Displays the total percentage for all VAT authorities included for the VAT code.

VAT Entity

Displays the entity in the organization that reports VAT.

The VAT entity is determined from the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit associated with the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit.

If an entry exists for the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit, then VAT calculations are performed on the work order. If not, VAT fields are hidden on the work order.

VAT Amount

Displays the VAT amount charged in the transaction line currency.

Time Reporting Information

Time Reporting Option

The time reporting option indicates whether actual allocation or percentage allocation is used for recording time against the work order. If actual allocation is selected, the service provider must specify which ChartField distribution line the time is associated with. If percentage allocation is selected, time is prorated automatically across all ChartField distribution lines based on the percentage of the work order labor total for each line.

Time Template History

Click to access the Services Work Order Template History page, where you can view the history of the time template.


Click to access the Activities page, where you can view activities associated with the work order.

See Managing Time in PeopleSoft Services Procurement.

Accounting Distribution Information

Use this section to enter and review distribution information.


Enter the amount that is to be charged to a particular ChartField combination.

Note. Changes to the labor percentage or total percentage triggers an automatic recalculation of the distribution line amount.

Labor Only Percent

Enter the labor percent allocation for the requisition line that is charged to a ChartField combination.

Note. Changes to the total percentage or amount triggers an automatic recalculation of the labor percentage for the distribution line.

Total Percent

Enter the percent allocation of the total amount for the requisition line that is charged to a ChartField combination.

For example, if you have one distribution and you enter 100 for that distribution line, the system charges 100 percent of the requisition request to the same department or project. However, if you have two distribution lines, and you enter 50 percent for the first distribution line and 50 percent for the second distribution line, the system evenly distributes the requisition line amount among both distributions.

Note. Changes to the labor percentage or amount triggers an automatic recalculation of the total percentage for the distribution line.


Enter the account that is to be charged to a particular ChartField combination.

Budget Status

Displays whether the distribution has been budget checked, when commitment control is on. Values for the field include Not Chekd and Valid.

Budget Date

Displays the date used by commitment control to determine the budget period to which this item cost belongs.

Pre-Encumbrance Balance

Displays the pre-encumbrance balance. Pre-encumbrance is created in your budget records by the budget-checking process when you generate a requisition.

Note. If the work order is linked to a requisition, all distribution information defaults from the requisition. You can override the distribution information here.

In the case of multi-position requisitions, work order distribution amounts are recalculated to prorate the amounts for a single position, which is based on the percentage defined on each distribution line on the requisition.

For individual service work orders related to a multi-resource work order, the distribution information for the parent work order is also displayed as available distribution lines for selection . You can select the distribution line that you want to add to the lower-level individual service work order. After you select a distribution from the available distribution lines, that line no longer appears in the list of values available for selection in future searches.

Purchase Order Information

Click to access the purchase order generated for the work order.

The purchase order must be approved, budget checked (if commitment control is enabled), have valid doc tolerance, and must be dispatched before releasing the work order.

Note. If the preapproval logistical tasks aren't complete, an error message appears and the status does not change to Submitted.

Process PO (process purchase order)

Click to populate the purchase order staging tables.

Note. This button appears only if purchase orders are integrated with work orders.

Quick Source

Click to access the Requisition Sourcer run control page, where you can automatically build a purchase order.

Note. This option does not appear before a work order is approved or after the work order is released.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Work Order Consumption Information

Access the Work Order - Consumption page (select the Consumption tab on the Work Order - Details page).

Note. This page appears only when the work order is released.

Billable Amount

Displays the total billable amount service providers reported against a particular work order. It does not include any tax values and is updated when a new time report is entered.

This amount reflects any shift or assignment pay.

View Consumption Details

Click to access the timesheets, expenses, and invoices that are related to this work order.

Note. These fields appear after the work order is released and time and expense sheets have been logged. Multi-resource parent work orders display the cumulative consumption for all related individual service work orders. Individual service work orders display both the overall consumption for the related parent multi resource work order and the consumption for the specific individual service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Work Order Approvals and Alerts

Access the Work Order - Approvals and Alerts page (select the Approvals and Alerts tab on the Work Orders - Details page.

Invoice Approver

Enter the name of the person responsible for approving the invoices associated with this work order. The value appears by default from the requester or service coordinator defaults. The lookup contains all users with the role action SP_INVOICE_APPROVER.

Supplier Invoice Approver

This field appears if the selected supplier is set to approve invoices. Enter the name of the supplier user responsible for approving the invoices associated with this work order. This field defaults to the service provider contact for work orders that are not VMS managed, and to the service coordinator or team member with role actionSP_SPLR_INV_APPROVER for work orders that are VMS managed. If the invoice is not VMS managed, the lookup contains all service provider contacts for the supplier with the appropriate role action. If the invoice is VMS managed, the lookup contains all service coordinators for the VMS supplier.

If this option is selected after work orders have already been opened for the supplier, then the supplier invoice approver name on these work orders will be missing. Therefore, the system issues a warning whenever this option is selected to remind the user to review all open work orders for this supplier and to assign a supplier invoice approver.

If the supplier invoice approver is missing on any work orders, invoicing will bypass submitting the invoice to suppliers for approval even though the Include in Invoice Approval option is selected.

Using Work Order Alerts

This default value comes from the Service Requester Defaults, Service Coordinator Defaults, Service Type, or Business Unit– in that order. Select Yes if you want alert notifications to be generated for the triggers entered in the Work Order Alerts grid. Select No if work alerts are not needed.

Alert Notification Method

This default value comes from the Service Requester Defaults,Service Coordinator Defaults,Service Type, or Business Unit– in that order. Select if you want alert notifications to be generated for the triggers entered in the Work Order Alerts grid. Specify if the alerts should be Worklist entries only or both Worklist and Email.

Alert Description

Enter a brief description for the work order alert notification. Alert information defaults from requester or service coordinator default information, service type, or business unit.


Alert Value

Enter a value to determine when the work order event triggers.

Note. This value is represented in days and percent.

For example, if you create a work order alert description of Consumption 80%, the alert value will be 80. When the system reaches an 80 percent consumption rate, the work order event triggers. As well, if you create a work order alert description of Work Order End - 10, the alert value will be 10, to indicate that the work order will trigger 10 days before the work order projected end.


Alert Type

Select the type of alert that the system uses to trigger the work order notification. Values are:

  • Days Before: Indicates the number of days before a specific event.

  • Days After: Indicates the number of days after a specific event.

  • Percent Consumption: Indicates a percent that must be reached in order for a work order event to trigger.

Note. The Alert Type and Alert Value fields work in combination together.


Triggering Event

Select to indicate the trigger for the when the work order notification. For the Days Before alert type, the valid triggering events are Actual End Date, Projected Start Date, and Projected End Date. For the Days After alert type, the valid triggering events are Actual Start Date, Actual End Date, Approval Date, Cancel Date, Closed Date, Entered Date, Projected End Date, Projected Start Date, Released Date, and Terminated Date. For Alert Types or Days Before or Days After, the triggering event is used in conjunction with the alert value to determine when the alert is sent.


Role Distribution List

Select the list of users that will receive the work order notification.

See Defining Role Distribution Lists.

See Also

Defining Work Order Settings

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Comments and Attachments to Work Orders

Access the Work Orders - Comments page (Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Service).

You use this page to add comments about the work order and to upload additional documents as attachments to the work order. To upload attachments, click the Add Attachment link. To view attachments that are associated with the work order, click the View button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Work Order Survey Information

Access the Work Order - Surveys page (select the Surveys tab on the Work Order - Service page).

See Editing and Submitting Work Order Surveys.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Work Order Services

Access the Service Summary page (Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Details, select the Service Summary tab).

When you create a work order for a multi-resource service, you can access the individual child service information by selecting the Service Summary tab. Header information on the Service Summary page provides basic details about the work order. You can click the Status link to access the Service Work Order History page.

Click the Add New Service button to access the Identify Work Order Services page where you can add a lower-level service. You can add a new service until the parent multi-resource work order is cancelled, closed, terminated, or finalized. For individual child services, you can update the total number of positions until the last position is filled.

Add Individual Services

This grid displays the lower-level individual services and enables the sourcing process to fill them and create child work orders.

Seq Num (sequence number)

Displays the service sequence number. This is the unique identifier for the individual child services because it is possible to have more than one occurrence of the same kind of service. You can sort individual services information and the system maintains the sequence number with the work order to which it was assigned.


Displays the service associated with this work order sequence. Click the link to access the Identify Work Order Services page where you can maintain detailed information. Individual services are resource-based services.


Displays the number of positions that have been defined for this service.

Filled Positions

Displays the number of positions that have been filled for this service. The field appears in the grid after you fill a service position and a child work order has been created. Click the value to highlight the corresponding services work order rows on the Related Work Orders grid box.

Click to access the Assign Sourcing page where you can select to manually assign the work order to a service provider without sending it out for bid negotiations. Or, you can select to use the sourcing process to assign work order to a service provider through bid negotiations.

For multi-resource position services, the Select Resource button is available until you fill the last position.

Note. If the business unit is not set to allow manual selection of service provider, you must use the sourcing process to fill the work order service. The Manage Work Order Sourcing page in the Review and Source component is used to manage the sourcing of individual services.

Click to remove this service from the work order.

Click to cancel this service from the work order.

Related Work Orders

This grid box provides information about any work order in which multi-resource service positions were filled. The grid box appears with the highlighted work orders when you click the Filled Positions link in the Add Individual Service grid box.

Click the Work Order ID link to access review and maintain the work order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Shifts Associated with Services

Access the View Shifts for Service page (Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, click the View Shifts for Service link on the Work Order - Details page).

Use this page to view the shifts that are associated with a specific service.

Important! When a work order is associated to a time template that uses a 24-hour clock and the Derive Shifts from Time of Day option is selected, the start and end times that appear on this page are the start and end times from the time template rather than from the Shifts by Service definition because the time template information takes precedence.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Assignments Associated with Services

Access the View Assignments for Service page (click the View Assignments for Service link on the Work Order - Service page).

Use this page to view the assignments that are associated with a specific service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Individual Service Details for Work Orders

Access the Work Order Individual Service Details page (Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, and after completing the work order search, click the Work Order ID link, select the Service Summary tab, and click the Add New Service button.

You use this page to define the service type and service, the number of positions for the additional service for multi-resource work orders. You can source on lower-level individual services before you release the top-line work order.

After completing the service details, click the Go To Main Transaction link to return to the Services Summary page. The new service will appear in the Associated Individual Service grid along with the information you define on this page. Using the Services Summary page, you can then source the individual services. Depending on the business unit setting, you might have the option to manually assign the work order to a service provider without sending it out for bid negotiations. Regardless of the business unit setting, you can always use the sourcing process to assign work order to a service provider through bid negotiations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Resources to Multi-Resource Services

Access the Assign Resource page (Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, and after completing the work order search, click the Work Order ID link, select the Service Summary tab, and click the Select Resource button).

Use the page to select a method for assigning resources to the multi-resource work order that you selected when the business unit is defined to allow manual assignment of service providers. Click the OK button after making your selection and the system accesses the appropriate page for you to assign the resource.

Assign Known Service Provider

Select to use the work order process to assign the work order to a service provider without sending it out for bid negotiations. When you click the OK button, the system displays the Manage Services Work Orders - Service page.

Assign Service Provider through Bid Process

Select to Use the sourcing process to assign work order to a service provider through bid negotiations When you click the OK button, the system displays the Work Order Service Sourcing Select page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExtending Individual Services on Multi-Resource Work Orders

Access the Select Services for Extension page (Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Details, and after completing the work order search, click the Extend Work Order link).

You can extend individual services for multi-resource work orders when the top-line, multi-resource work order is extended. After you select a service, adjust the position value, if needed, and click the OK button, the system displays the Service page with the original work order and service values. After you update the work order, click the Save button and the system creates the extension work orders.

Note. If the work order was created using a manually-entered ID, you'll have to assign an ID for the work order.

Select Service

Select to include the corresponding service in a new work order to extend the service.


Select to include the corresponding service in a new work order to extend the service. You can adjust the number of position to extend. When the system creates the new work order, it will be for the positions that you select. The new position value must be less than or equal to the current value.

Based on the status, there are some restrictions on extending individual services. Individual services that are not yet filled when the multi-resource service is extended will not be extended along with it. If they are subsequently filled, they can be manually extended. You cannot extend individual services that are closed or cancelled.

Note. Individual service work orders can be extended separately within the date range of the parent multi-resource service work order.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Purchase Orders with the Quick Sourcer

If purchase order integration is activated, you must create a purchase order for a work order before releasing it. You must use the link on the work order page to initiate the purchase order creation.

Note. You cannot release a work order without creating and dispatching the purchase order first.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Purchase Orders with the Quick Sourcer

Page Name

Definition Name



Quick Sourcer - Autosource Parameters


Click the Quick Source link on the Work Order - Cost page.

Enter parameters for the AutoSelect Requisitions process.

Quick Sourcer - Purchase Order Values


Click the Purchase Order Values link on the Quick Sourcer - Autosource Parameters page.

Enter parameters for the PO Calculations process and the Create Purchase Order process.

See Also

Using Purchase Order Sourcing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Parameters for the AutoSelect Requisitions Process

Access the Quick Sourcer - Autosource Parameters page (Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Service, select the Cost tab, and click the Quick Source link on the Work Order - Cost page).

The values for the parameters are filled in automatically if you run the process from the link on the work order page.

Request Type

Displays Purch Ord as the requisition type by default.

Item ID Required

Displays a check box that is deselected, because work orders do not have an item ID.

From Business Unit and To Business Unit

Displays the work order business unit by default.

Work Order ID

Displays the work order ID by default.


Displays the work order vendor by default.

From Requisition ID and To Requisition ID

Displays the work order requisition ID by default, if the work order is linked to a requisition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Parameters for the PO Calculations and Create Purchase Order Processes

Access the Quick Sourcer - Purchase Order Values page (click the Purchase Order Values link on the Quick Sourcer - Autosource Parameters page).


Displays the buyer defined on the procurement user defaults.

Consolidation Method

Determines whether purchase orders are consolidated by business unit, vendor, and buyer (select B) or by business unit and vendor only (select V) The consolidation method applies only to staged rows that are identified for consolidation.

Pre-Approve Vendor

Select to approve the vendor that the PO_POCALC process selects automatically. You can run the PO Calculations process and the Create PO process as a unit, without having to approve the vendors. Appears selected by default. For services the vendor is the supplier from the work order.

Build PO's as Approved

Select to create POs with an Approved status when you run the Create PO process. If you select this option, the process examines auto approval criteria set at the business unit level. Appears selected by default.

Expedite Staged POs

Select to source all requisitions that are located in the staging table. Appears selected by default.

Hold from Further Processing

Select to place the resultant purchase orders on hold and prevent further processing.

Calculate PO Line Numbers

Select to ignore staged entry line numbers when the Create PO process creates new purchase orders and assigns sequential line numbers, beginning with 1. If you do not select this option, the performance is faster, but you might have purchase orders with nonsequential line numbers that do not begin with 1. Appears selected by default.

Allow Dispatch When Approved

Select to make the resultant purchase orders eligible for dispatch. Appears selected by default.

See Also

Using Purchase Order Sourcing

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Purchase Orders

Access the Manage Purchase Orders page.

Use this page to run budget checking (if commitment control is enabled for PeopleSoft Purchasing), check doc tolerance, and dispatch purchase orders.

Note. You can edit the SUT information only if purchase orders are not integrated with work orders

Budget Check

Click the Budget Check button to run budget checking for this purchase order. This button is available if commitment control is enabled for PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Note. When commitment control is enabled, the services coordinator cannot offer the position or manually release the work order until the requisition has been budget checked

Doc Tol Status (document tolerance status)

If document tolerance checking is enabled, the system displays the document tolerance status. The system runs the Document Tolerance process (before budget checking) when you click the Budget Check button, or you can run the process separately. Document tolerance checks the change in percentage or a fixed dollar amount between the purchase order and requisition at the ChartField distribution level. Values are:

  • V (valid): The purchase order has passed document tolerance checking.

  • N (not checked): The purchase order requires document tolerance checking.

    If any amounts, quantities, or ChartFields are modified after the document tolerance is checked, the system resets the document tolerance status to Not Checked.

  • E (error): Exceptions were generated for the purchase order during document tolerance checking.

    You can override document tolerance exceptions on the Document Tolerance Exception page.


Click the Dispatch button to dispatch the purchase order.

Note. The purchase order must be dispatched before the work order can be released.

Click to jump to parent topicClosing Services Purchase Orders

This section discusses how to close services purchase orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Close Services Purchase Orders

Page Name

Definition Name



Close PO


Services Procurement, Reconciliations, Close Purchase Orders

Close all qualified services purchase orders by running the Close Purchase Order (PO_POREP) process, and generate the Purchase Order Reconciliation report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClosing Services Purchase Orders

Access the Close PO page (Services Procurement, Reconciliations, Close Purchase Orders).

Use the Close PO page to close qualified purchase orders and to generate the Close Purchase Order Report.

See Using the Buyer's Workbench.

See Also

PeopleSoft Services Procurement Reports

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Service Provider Assignments

This section discusses how to view service provider assignments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Service Provider Assignments

Page Name

Definition Name



Service Provider List


Services Procurement, Service Provider Assignments

View a list of service providers assignments.

Service Provider - Details


Click the Work Order ID link on the Service Provider List page.

View the work order details for a particular service provider.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Service Provider List

Access the Service Provider List page (Services Procurement, Service Provider Assignments).

Use this page to search the service provider list based on work order ID, service provider, and start date.

Work Order ID

Click to access the Service Provider - Details page, where you can view work order details for a specific service provider.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Logistical Tasks

This section provides an overview of the logistical task flow and discusses how to view task checklists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLogistical Task Flow

Logistical tasks are administrative tasks that need to be executed and approved before a work order is released. Logistical tasks include both preapproval and postapproval executions. Preapproval tasks must be completed before the work order is approved. For example, a preapproval logistical task might include assigning a new badge or ordering a new laptop. Postapproval tasks, on the other hand, must be completed before a work order is released to a service provider. For example, postapproval logistical tasks might include scheduling orientation or setting up the service provider email account.

Here is the basic flow of logistical tasks:

  1. Create a service work order.

  2. View the logistical task checklist.

    After preapproval tasks are complete, select the Execution Complete check box.

  3. Submit the work order for approval.

    After an open work order is submitted for approval, the system automatically checks for all preapproval logistical tasks that are assigned to that work order. You must complete all preapproval tasks before submitting the work order for approval.

  4. Release the work order to the service provider.

    After the work order is released to the service provider, the system automatically checks for all postapproval logistical tasks that are assigned to that work order. You must complete all mandatory postapproval tasks before releasing the work order. Automatic postapproval tasks will be marked as completed.

    After the work order is released to the service provider, the service provider can use it to log time and expense.

    Note. If you have implemented eligible service provider functionality, the system monitors for eligible service providers and provides warnings about providers who are not eligible to fill a work order before the work order is released.

  5. (Optional) Terminate the work order.

    After the termination process is initiated, notification is sent for any termination logistical tasks associated with the work order. The termination can not be completed until the termination tasks are marked completed.

See Also

Maintaining Logistical Tasks

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Logistical Tasks

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Services Work Orders


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders

Add and maintain work orders.

View Task Checklist


Click the View Logistical Task List button on the Manage Services Work Order page.

View logistical tasks.

View Task Detail


Click the Task Description link under the Task Details group box.

View details of your logistical task.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Task Checklists

Access the View Task Checklist page (Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders and click the View Logistical Task List button on the Manage Services Work Order page).

Task Description

Click to access the View Task Details page, where you can view the task details associated with the work order.

Group Name

The system displays the task group to which the task has been assigned.


Displays the requester or approver to whom the task has been assigned.

Approval Type

Displays at what point in the work order approval process that a task is performed. Values include Pre-Approval, Post-Approval, Off-board, and Terminate.

Task Status

Displays the status of the task. If your system is enabled to send work order tasks to Microsoft Outlook, then the statuses for this field are the same as those in Microsoft Outlook. When the status of a task is changed in Outlook, the status in this field is updated to match. You can also change the status manually in this field and the status is synchronized in Outlook. This field appears on the page regardless of whether your system is enabled to send tasks to Outlook. Field values include:

  • Completed: Indicates that the task is complete. When you select this value and save the page, the system selects the Execution Complete check box to indicate the completion of the task. The system also updates this field to Completed and selects the Execution Complete check box when the status is updated to Completed in Outlook.

  • Deferred: Indicates that the task is deferred. The value can be changed on this page or in Microsoft Outlook.

  • In Progress: Indicates that the task is in progress. The value can be changed on this page or in Microsoft Outlook.

  • Not Started: Indicates that the task has not been started. This is the default value.

  • Waiting on someone else: Indicates that the task is waiting for another user for input. The value can be changed on this page or in Microsoft Outlook.

Expected Task Completion Date

Displays when the task is expected to be completed.


Select to send an email message to the person to whom the task is assigned.

Notify Date

The system displays the date that the notification email was sent to the person to whom the task is assigned.

Deleted in Outlook

Indicates whether a task has been deleted in Microsoft Outlook. If the check box is selected, the task has been deleted. This is a display-only check box. As a Services Procurement user, you cannot delete a task, whereas a task can be deleted in Microsoft Outlook. If a task is deleted in Outlook, it is not sent back to Outlook. However, you can still carry out the task in Services Procurement. This field is hidden if your system is not enabled to share tasks with Outlook.

Execution Complete

Select when the logistical task is complete. If the task is completed in Microsoft Outlook, this check box is automatically selected.

Task Completion Date

The system displays the date that the logistical task was performed.

Execution Type

The system displays Mandatory, Automatic, or Optional.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing VAT and SUT Information

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View VAT and SUT Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Work Order VAT


Click the VAT/Intrastat button on the Work Order - Cost page.

View VAT locations and defaults.

Note. VAT defaults can be edited if purchase orders are not integrated with work orders.

Work Order Sales/Use Tax Information


Click the Sales/Use Tax button on the Work Order - Cost page.

View SUT information.

Note. SUT information can be edited if purchase orders are not integrated with work orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Work Order VAT

Access the Work Order VAT page (click the VAT/Intrastat button on the Work Order - Cost page).

Use this page to review the VAT that appears by default for the work order. If the VAT information needs to be updated, update it on the generated purchase order before releasing the work order. Upon releasing the work order, the purchase order VAT information is copied on the work order where it is view only.

Note. You can edit the VAT defaults only if purchase orders are not integrated with work orders.

Because complex algorithms are used to obtain the VAT defaults, avoid manually changing these values as far as possible.

Return to Services Work Order

Click to return to the Services Work Order page.

Expand All Sections

Click the expand button to scroll to and access every section on the page. You can also expand one or more sections by clicking the arrow next to the section's name.

Collapse All Sections

Click to collapse all sections that display only the header information. If you expand one or more sections, you can click the arrow next to the section's name to collapse the section.


Physical Nature

Indicates whether an object is a good or a service. Many countries are required to report the sale and purchase of goods separately from services.

Note. Because these are service work orders, physical nature should always be Services, and you won't need to change it.

VAT Locations

Location Country

Displays the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit bill to location country.

Location State

Displays the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit bill to location state.

Vendor Location Country

Displays the vendor's order from location country.

Vendor Location State

Displays the vendor's order from location state.

Service Performed Country

Depending on the services performed option setting in the PeopleSoft Purchasing defaulting hierarchy (for example, on the vendor or business unit), here are some ways in which the system can set the value for this field:

  • If the option specifies the ship from location, this field is set to the vendor's ship from location country

  • If the option specifies the ship to location, this field is set to the ship to location country.

  • If the option specifies the buyer's location, this field is set to the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit bill to location country.

  • If the option specifies the suppliers location, this field is set to the vendor's order from location country.

Service Performed State

This value appears only if the service performed country requires that VAT be tracked by state or province. Depending on the services performed setting in the PeopleSoft Purchasing default hierarchy (for example, on the vendor or business unit), the system sets the following values for this field:

  • If services performed specifies the ship from location, this field is set to the vendor's ship from location state.

  • If services performed specifies the ship to location, this field is set to the ship to location state.

  • If services performed specifies the buyer's location, this field is set to the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit bill to location state.

  • If services performed specifies the suppliers location, this field is set to the vendor's order from location state.

Ship From Country

Displays the vendor's ship from location country. In the case of transactions involving goods or freight service transactions, this is used to determine the VAT treatment.

Ship From State

If the ship to country is defined as tracking VAT by state and province, it displays the vendor's ship from location state. In the case of transactions involving goods or freight service transactions, this is used to determine the VAT treatment.

Ship To Country

Displays the ship to location country. In the case of transactions involving goods or freight service transactions, this is used to determine the VAT treatment.

Ship To State

If the ship to country is defined as tracking VAT by state and province, the system displays the ship to location state. In the case of transactions involving goods or freight service transactions, this is used to determine the VAT treatment.

Reviewing VAT Defaults

Use this group box to view VAT defaults. You can only update VAT defaults if purchase orders are not integrated with work orders.

Service Type

The system displays the VAT service type of Freight or Other. The value in this field determines whether or not the special rules for freight transport within the European Union (EU) apply.

Place of Supply Driver

Displays the usual place of supply (the place where VAT is usually liable) for the service. This value is used to help determine the place of supply country and the VAT treatment. Values are Buyer's Countries, Supplier's Countries or Where Physically Performed.

Reporting Country

Displays the country for which this VAT is to be reported. This is the VAT entity and VAT registration country that determines many of the VAT defaults.

Defaulting State

If the reporting country requires that VAT be tracked by state or province, this field displays the state within the reporting country that is used to retrieve values from the VAT Defaults table.

Vendor Registration Country and Vendor Registration ID

Displays the registration country and ID of the vendor.

Exception Type

Displays the exception granted to the VAT entity. Values are None, Exonerated, or Suspended. This value is specified on the VAT entity registration.

Certificate ID

If applicable, displays the ID of the VAT exception certificate that may have been issued to the VAT entity.

Calculate at Gross or Net

Indicates how VAT is calculated. The default value comes from the VAT entity driver. Values are:

  • Gross: The system calculates VAT before it applies any early payment discounts.

  • Net: The system calculates VAT after it deducts early payment discounts. If there are two percentage discounts, the system uses the larger of the two when it calculates VAT. The system does not use discount amounts, only discount percentages.

Recalculate at Payment

Select this check box to enable the recalculation of VAT at payment time to allow for any early payment discounts, if you are calculating VAT at gross. This causes the system to adjust the VAT amount at the time of payment if the discount has been taken. This is set on the VAT entity driver.

Declaration Point

For a good or a service, displays when you want VAT transaction information to be recognized for reporting purposes. Values are:

  • Invoice: VAT is recognized at time of invoice.

  • Payment: VAT is recognized at time of payment.

  • Delivery: VAT is recognized on delivery.

This value may be set at four levels in the VAT hierarchy: VAT entity registration, purchase order options, vendor, and vendor location.

VAT Rounding Rule

Displays the VAT rounding rule. The default value comes from the VAT country, VAT entity registration, vendor, or vendor location driver. Values are:

  • Natural Round: Amounts are rounded normally (up or down) to the precision specified for the currency code. For example, for a currency defined with two decimal places, 157.4659 would round up to 157.47, but 157.4649 would round down to 157.46.

  • Round Down: Amounts are rounded down. For example, for a currency defined with two decimal places, 157.4699 would round down to 157.46.

  • Round Up: Amounts are rounded up with a rounding precision to one additional decimal place. For example, for a currency defined with 2 decimal places, 157.4659 would round up to 157.47, but 157.4609 would round down to 157.46.

Use Type

Determines the split between recoverable (taxable) and nonrecoverable (nontaxable) VAT.

For the Canadian public sector, the use type also determines the rebate of the nonrecoverable VAT. VAT rebates are calculated based on statutory rebate rates that are established for each public service body.

The value comes from the VAT defaulting hierarchy, from the item, item business unit, item category, vendor location, vendor, or purchasing options.

Include Freight

If selected, the system includes any freight amounts in the VAT basis by calculating VAT on the merchandise amount, plus any freight amount. This option is only available for exclusive VAT calculation. The value comes from the VAT entity registration driver.

Include Miscellaneous

If selected, the system includes any miscellaneous charge amounts in the VAT basis by calculating VAT on the merchandise amount, plus any miscellaneous charge amount. This option is available only for exclusive VAT calculation. The value comes from the VAT entity registration driver.

Place of Supply Country

For services, displays the country in which the VAT is liable. The default value comes from a complex algorithm.


Displays the VAT treatment, based on a complex algorithm. Values are:

  • Domestic Goods Purchase: If the ship from and ship to countries are the same, and the vendor is registered for VAT, the transaction is treated as domestic.

  • Domestic Services Purchase: If the buyer and seller are both located in the country where the VAT is liable, the transaction is treated as domestic.

  • EU Goods Purchase: If the ship from and ship to countries are different, the system determines whether both countries are located within the EU.

    If so, the system looks at the VAT registration for each trading partner to determine whether the transaction should be treated as an intra-EU purchase, domestic, or outside the scope of VAT.

  • EU Services Purchase: If each trading partner is located and registered in different EU countries, and the VAT on a service is liable in the buyer's country, the transaction is treated as a self-assessed EU services purchase.

  • Self-Assess Goods Import: If the ship from country is different from the ship to country and either or both of the countries are located outside of the EU, and the vendor is not registered in the ship to country, the transaction would be treated as an import.

    If the option on the entry in the VAT Country table for the VAT reporting country indicates that VAT on imports should be self-assessed, the transaction is treated as a self-assess goods import, and both input and output VAT are recorded.

  • Self-Assess Services Import: If each trading partner is located and registered in different countries, and the VAT on a service is liable in the buyer's country, the transaction is treated as a self-assessed services import.

  • Zero-rated Goods Import: If the ship from country is different from the ship to country and either or both of the countries are located outside of the EU, and the vendor is not registered in the ship to country, the transaction would be treated as an import.

    If the option on the entry in the VAT Country table for the VAT reporting country indicates that only input VAT should be recorded on imports, the transaction is treated as a zero-rated goods import.

  • Outside of Scope: If the supplier is not registered for VAT, or if the VAT is liable in a country other than the VAT reporting country, the transaction is treated as outside the scope of VAT.

  • No VAT Processing: For transactions where the physical nature is goods, if the ship to country has not been defined as a VAT country and the VAT reporting country on the transaction is blank, no VAT information is recorded.

Within PeopleSoft, detail VAT treatment values on the transaction lines are used for applying the precise defaults applicable to the transaction lines. The treatment is determined based the rules applicable to the transaction.

Note. Treatments values related to goods do not apply for PeopleSoft Services Procurement.


Displays the VAT status, which comes from an algorithm. Values are:

  • Taxable

  • Exempt (not subject to VAT)

  • Outside of Scope of VAT

  • Suspended

  • Exonerated

Record Output VAT

Select this check box to enable entry of vouchers where VAT is not included on the invoice but is payable to the VAT authority rather than the vendor. In this case, you are accounting for both input and output VAT for the purchase. This is the case for an intra-EU acquisition or when you must account for output VAT on a service supplied by a foreign supplier. This is also referred to as self-assessing for VAT. The value comes from an algorithm that uses the treatment and applicability to retrieve the applicable value from the VAT system setup data that PeopleSoft delivers.

VAT Code

Displays the VAT code that defines the rate at which VAT is calculated for this line.

Transaction Type

Displays the code that categorizes and classifies this transaction for VAT reporting and accounting.

Adjust/Reset VAT Defaults

Any changes that you make to fields on this page may affect VAT defaults on this page. For accuracy and consistency, use the following fields to adjust affected VAT defaults or to reset all VAT defaults. Adjusting or resetting VAT defaults only affect fields within the VAT Defaults group box.

Adjust Affected VAT Defaults

Click this button to have the system adjust the VAT defaults that are affected by the changes. All changes that you have made to VAT defaults on this page that affect other VAT defaults on this page are retained.

Click the i button to list the fields to be adjusted.

Note. Always click the Adjust Affected VAT Defaults button after changing any defaults on the VAT page.


Enables you to specify the levels within the requisition transaction hierarchy to reset when you click the Reset All VAT Defaults button. Values are:

  • All lower levels: Resets all VAT defaults at lower levels for this page, namely the requisition distribution level.

  • This and all lower levels: Resets all VAT defaults on this page and at any lower levels of this page.

  • This level only: Resets all VAT defaults on this page.

Reset All VAT Defaults

Click to have the system reset the VAT defaults based on the levels value that you selected. Any changes that you have previously made to VAT defaults will be lost.

Note. Reset completely redetermines the VAT defaults. This does not necessarily mean they are to be reset to their original values. For example, the user may not have changed any VAT default values, but if a VAT driver field has changed, then clicking Reset redetermines all defaults based on the new driver value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Work Order SUT Information

Access the Sales/Use Tax Information for Maintain Services Work Order page (click the Sales/Use Tax button on the Work Order - Cost page).

Use this page to review the SUT information for the work order. If the SUT information must be updated, update it on the generated purchase order before releasing the work order. Upon releasing the work order, the purchase order SUT information is copied onto the work order where it is viewed.

Note. You can edit the SUT information only if purchase orders are not integrated with work orders.

Ultimate Use Code

Enter an ultimate use code to override the default tax rate for a location.

Sales/Use Tax Exception Type and SUT Excptn Cert (SUT exemption certificate)

Defaults from the ship to location for the SUT destination. SUT exception type values include Direct Pay, Exempt/Exonerated, and None.


Calculate SUT (calculate sales and use tax)

Click to calculate the SUT using the changes that you made on the page.

See Calculating Sales and Use Tax in Supply Chain Management.

Calculation Parameters

Include VAT (include value-added tax)

This setting is relevant if each line has separate tax code values for SUT and VAT, in which case it is possible to have both on a given line resulting in a tax-on-tax situation. In these instances, the system calculates VAT, then SUT, either on the net-extended amount for the line or on the sum of the net-extended amount and VAT amount.

If this option is selected, it indicates that the VAT amount needs to be taxed and the system adds the VAT amount to the net-extended amount before calculating SUT.

Note. The Include Vat calculation parameter appears by default from the Ship To Location Sales/Tax setup page.

See Also

Calculating Sales and Use Tax in Supply Chain Management

Click to jump to parent topicSubmitting and Approving Work Orders

This section provides an overview of using work order approval and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Work Order Approval

You use the PeopleSoft Approval Framework to approve work orders. For work order approvals, the system looks at the approval rules to send the approval notifications. By setting up the appropriate criteria in the approval process definition, you can also perform service provider approvals on the lower-level individual services associated to a multi-resource work order.

See Setting Up Work Order Workflow.

See Also

PeopleSoft PeopleTools: Workflow Framework PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Submit and Approve Work Orders

Page Name

Definition Name



Work Order - Approvals and Alerts


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders, Work Order - Service

Select the Approvals and Alerts tab.

Submit work orders for approvals.

Work Order Approval


Home, Worklist

Click the link to the work order ID that needs approval.

Approve or deny a work order during the workflow approval process.

Work Order Details


Click the View Work Order Details Link on the Work Order Approval page.

View additional information about the work order that you are asked to approve.

Deny Work Order


Click the Deny button on the Work Order Approval page.

Confirm the denial to approve a work order and to provide a reason code and comments for the denial.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubmitting Work Orders for Approval

Access the Work Order - Approvals and Alerts page (Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Orders and click a work order link).

You can submit work order approvals using Work Order pages. Click the Submit button on any of the pages to send the work order for approval. The Approvals and Alerts page provides a preview of the workflow and any approvers and reviewers in the workflow. This information is available after you save the work order and is derived from the rules and values defined for approval process definitions.

See Setting Up Work Order Workflow.

The Approver Information section provides a graphical map of approvers and reviewers for the workflow and the status of their review. You can insert additional ad hoc approvers or reviewers or create a new approval path for the work order. If you insert an ad hoc approver or reviewer, you can also remove the approver or reviewer.

The section also displays the invoice approver and the invoice approver for the supplier who has been assigned to this work order.

Note. When you insert an approver or reviewer, the system provides a Save button in the Review/Edit WorkOrder Approver grid. Make sure that you save the user information before saving the entire page. If you don't save the information, the system doesn't retain updated approver information when you save the page.

For more information about using the Approvals and Alerts page, see the Managing Work Order Approvals and Alerts section.

See Managing Work Order Approvals and Alerts.

When you submit the work order, the Work Order Submittal page appears confirming that the work order has been submitted as shown in the next example:

After the work order approval has been submitted, you can return to the work order or navigate to the Manage Services Work Orders page where you can select to view work order history and submittal information about the work order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving and Denying Work Orders

Access the Work Order Approval page (Home, Worklist). Or access the Monitor Approvals page (Services Procurement, Manage Approvals and click the link to the work order ID that needs approval).

Along with providing basic work order information, the Work Order Approval page enables you to approve, deny, or push back a parent or individual services work order during the workflow approval process.

Note. To approve a work order, you must have a workflow role designed for work order approval.

Use the next links and buttons to access additional information about the work order and to manage work order approvals.

WO Status (work order status)

Click to access the Services Work Order History page. The page includes the changes made by approvers and when the approvals occurred. The link displays the current status of the work order.

View Work Order Details

Click to view the detailed summary of the work order.


Click to approve the work order. This forwards the work order and any comments that you inserted to the next approver in the path. The system provides a confirmation message when you click this button. When you confirm that you want to approve the work order, the system updates the approval graphic with the newest routing information.


Click to deny the work order. The system accesses the Deny Work Order page where you can provide a reason code for denying the approval and comments about the denial. If denial reasons are required, you must enter a code.

After you deny a work order, the workflow stops and the system sends a worklist entry to the original requester with any comments that you enter for the denial. The work order's original requester can update the work order to address the issues and resubmit the work order for approval.


Click to return the work order to the previous approval step. Pushing back a work order is a way for the approver to question the prior step's approval and request clarification about the approval.

Review/Edit Approvers

This grid contains a graphical map with information about the approval and its status. The title represents the type of work order that is being processed and includes the overall status of the approval. The graphics provide information about individual approvers and the status of their approvals and vary in color depending on the approval status. The system also indicates whether approvals are required.

During the approval process, approvers can add ad hoc approvers or reviewers to the current or a later stage of the work order approval process. For example, if an approver wants input from an service coordinator, she can add the coordinator as an approver. Ad hoc approval applies only to the approval instance in which the addition occurs and does not affect the underlying process definition used for other requests. You can add or remove an ad hoc approver by clicking the plus or minus button next to a graphic. You can also view user information by selecting the link that contains the user ID.

Request Information

Click to return the approval to another user for more information about the work order. That user might not be an approver, but must respond to the request before the approval can proceed to the next approver or reviewer. The system displays a new graphic that represents information has been requested and who is responsible for the request. You can use the comments section to clarify requested information.

Start New Path

Click to start a new approval path for this work order. The system displays the Start new approval path page so that you can select who you want to approve or review the work order. The system places a new graphical symbol at the bottom of the path order after you select the user.

View/Hide Comments

Click to either view or hide comments that are associated with the work order approval.


Use this section to enter any comments explaining why you are approving this work order. Your comments can be viewed by other approvers and reviewers. Click the View/Hide Comments link to view or hide comments associated with a work order approval. Use the View Expanded button at the right to view additional text.