Defining the Operational Structure in PeopleSoft Promotions Management

This chapter provides an overview of Promotions Management business units and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Promotions Management Business Units

Before you implement Promotions Management for the organization, examine how you currently manage promotional activities. To make the most of our flexible design, decide how to map the operational business structures into Promotions Management.

PeopleSoft defines a business unit as an operational subset of an organization; defining the business units enables you to plan operations around the way that you work.

In Promotions Management, establish business units to:

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing PeopleSoft Promotions Management Business Units

To define Promotions Management Business Units, use the Promotions Definition component (BUS_UNIT_TBL_TD). This section discusses how to establish Promotions Management business units.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Promotions Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Promotions Management, Promotions Definition

Establish Promotions Management business units and their relationships to the Billing and Payables business units.

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Access the Promotions Definition page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Promotions Management, Promotions Definition).

Business Unit

Select the Promotions Management business unit. The Default SetID field and the Create BU (create business unit) button appear when the Promotions Management business unit does not already exist for another PeopleSoft application.

Note. The Promotions Management application was designed to have a one-to-one relationship between a Promotions Management business unit and a General Ledger business unit. You cannot have multiple promotions management business units point to the same general ledger unit.

The relationship between the Promotions Management business unit with the General Ledger business unit is an integral part of the closed-loop trade promotions environment. Accrual transactions that are generated from Promotions Management for incurred liability are passed to General Ledger to be posted to the general ledger. The posted accrual transactions can then be viewed in Promotions Management using the GL Accruals inquiry page or in General Ledger.


Enter a description for the Promotions Management business unit.

Default SetID

Select the default setID from the available options to create a business unit and associate it with an existing setID, or enter the default setID that is equal to the Promotions Management business unit name that you entered.

The default setID that you select determines the preliminary TableSet sharing setup by determining the setIDs that are assigned to each record group for the new business unit. The setID that is assigned to a record group determines which TableSet is used as valid values for that specific business unit.

Create BU

Click this button to establish the setID controls for the Promotions Management business unit.

The Billing Unit and Payables Unit fields become enabled.

Promotions Unit

System defaults the promotions unit based on the Promotions Management business unit that you select for tracking promotional activities.

Short Description

Enter a brief description to identify the promotions definition.

Billing Unit

Select the Billing business unit to associate with the Promotions Management business unit.

The Billing business unit determines where the system sends for payment all promotion claims that have a payment method of credit, deduction, or chargeback.

After you select the Billing business unit, the system displays the General Ledger business unit associated with the Billing business unit that you selected.

Note. If Billing is not installed, you cannot enter a Billing business unit.

Note. The Billing business unit and Payables business unit must be associated with the same General Ledger unit. You receive an error message if the General Ledger business unit is not the same for both of these business units.

Payables Unit

Select the Payables business unit to associate with the Promotions Management business unit.

The Payables business unit determines where the system sends for payment all promotion claims that have a payment method of check or field draft.

Note. If Payables is not installed, you cannot enter a Payables business unit.

General Ledger Unit

Review the General Ledger business unit to associate with funds and promotions. This is where Promotions Management posts its accrual transactions and expenses.

The general ledger unit will default based on the billing unit that you select.

See Also

Understanding the Payment Process for Promotional Activity

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Promotions Management Options

To define promotions management options, use the Promotions Options component (TD_SETID_PREF).

This section provides an overview of promotion options, lists prerequisites and common elements, and discusses how to:

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The system uses the options that you define in this component as default values when creating or processing a promotion or promotion payment. You can change some of the defaults when creating a new promotion or promotion payment.

Among the options you define using this component are general, payment, pricing, and tree options. Using general options, you setup basic information for defining and executing the promotional activity. In addition, using general options, you:

Using payment options, you:

Using pricing options, you:

Using tree options, you:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To ensure that the promotional discounts are applied to sales orders correctly, you must set up some specific pricing key combinations on the arbitration plan. The combinations include:

Include each price type (extended price or quantity) that you use in the environment on the arbitration plan.

See Using the Arbitration Plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Section


Refers to both national allowances and customer promotions, unless indicated otherwise.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Promotions Management Options

Page Name

Definition Name



General Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Promotions Management, Promotions Options, General Options

Define general options that include basic setup and default options for Promotions Management.

Payment Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Promotions Management, Promotions Options, Payment Options

Define payment-related options for Promotions Management.

Pricing Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Promotions Management, Promotions Options, Pricing Options

Define pricing options for Promotions Management.

Tree Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Promotions Management, Promotions Options, Tree Options

Define tree options for Promotions Management.

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Access the General Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Promotions Management, Promotions Options).


Select the location for the manufacturer. The location is used to determine what address to print on the Promotion Contract report.

Default Sales Calendar

(Optional) Select the sales calendar to use when defining promotions. This sales calendar appears by default when defining promotions.

Default GL Unit (default general ledger unit)

Select the General Ledger business unit to associate with funds and promotions. The General Ledger business units that appear for selection are the ones that you define by using the Promotions Definition page.

Note. If General Ledger is installed, then the Default GL Unit is a required field.

Default Inventory BU

Select the default inventory business unit to retrieve the price for a product on a promotion.

This field will also default to the Planned vs. Actual page and will be used to retrieve the product cost information for a customer promotion.

Note. The default inventory business unit will only default to the Planned vs. Actuals page if the View Product Cost option is checked for the user on the Promotions Management User Preferences page.

Per Unit UOM (per unit of measure)

Select the unit of measure (required). The system converts and displays the quantities of all products on a promotion to a single item-level unit of measure. This enables you to compare quantities and amounts between promotions.

Equivalent UOM (equivalent unit of measure)

Select the unit of measure (required). The promotions that you create in Promotions Management can have a different unit of measure than this equivalent unit of measure. All promotion quantities are converted to this unit of measure, and that information is displayed on the customer promotion to enable you to compare multiple promotions.

Rate Type

Select the type (required) to use for this setID. The system uses this rate type when performing currency conversion.

Base Currency

Select the currency (required). When defining promotions, you can use any currency. Promotions Management converts the promotion currency to this base currency, and that information is stored in the database.

Span Sales Periods

Select to have a promotion span multiple sales periods. If you do not select this check box, the promotion must begin and end within a specific sales period as defined in the sales calendar.

Allow Overlapping Promotions

Select to have customer promotions and national allowances that overlap in the environment. Overlapping promotions enable you to have multiple promotions that are related to the same customer, and the same product, at the same time. If you do not allow overlapping promotions, the system prevents you from entering multiple promotions that are related to the same customer and product at the same time and you receive an error message.

Consumption Data Source

Select the source to use as the default value on the Planned vs. Actuals page. Values are: ACNielsen, Demand PL, IRI, Other, or User Input.

This field also determines the data source to retrieve data from to populate the Actual Consumed column on the Planned vs. Actuals page.

Level to Fund Promotions and Level to Promote Products

Select where the funds or products are assigned to the promotion. Options are:

  • Both: Assign funds or products at both the merchandising level and at the promotion level. The funds or products that you enter at the promotion level will appear by default at the merchandising level, and can be maintained at the merchandising level.

  • Merch: Assign funds or products at the merchandising level only.

  • Promo: Assign funds or products at the promotion level only.

Backout Returns?

Select this check box to indicate that the system should back out returns from promotional activity.

Backing out returns provides you with a method to more accurately account for promotional items that were returned. Using promotion analytics enables you to plan future promotions based on past performance. Incorporating returns into analytics provides you with more accurate calculations and assists you in planning for future promotions.

Days to Accept Returns

Enter the number of days after the order date that you want to back out returns from promotional activity. After this number of days has passed, the system will not permit you to enter promotional details on a Returned Material Authorization (RMA). If the return is based on sales order shipment history, the system uses the order date as the start of the time period. If the return is not based on sales order shipment history, the system uses the last order date on the promotion to determine if the return is eligible.

Because returns cannot be backed out of promotional activity after a certain number of days, you can better control promotional analytics data. This field remains disabled until you select the Backout Returns? check box.

Include Returns Within Fund Accruals?

Select this check box to back out returns within fund accruals. Here's an example of using this option. Suppose you have a fixed accrual fund and you use an accrual period of last month, and last month you shipped 10,000 units, but 8,000 were returned. By selecting this check box, the new fund would use only 2,000 as accrued units. By not selecting this check box, the new fund would use all 10,000 units. This field is not available for use until you select the Backout Returns? check box.

When you select this check box, the system selects the Include Returns Within Fund Accruals? check box on the Maintain Funds page, but you can override the value for each fund you define.

For Customer Promotions, For Claims, and For Payments

(Optional) Select one or more of the workflow processes to activate for routing transaction approvals for customer promotions, customer claims, and payment authorizations. The value in the Active Approval Tree field will determine the workflow approval route that you will use to review and authorize promotion transactions.

Promotions Management workflow is not required and will be deactivated by default in the system. In order to activate the workflow processes, the options need to be enabled on the Promotions Options component.

Security Type

Select a value to use when defining users who can update active Fixed Accrual and Top Down fund types. Select User ID to define approved users based on their user IDs. Select Role to define users based on the role they are assigned to in the organization. Based on your selection for the security type, use the Look Up button to either select a user, or a role ID.

Note. After you start defining promotions, you cannot change the values that are associated with the Equivalent UOM, Per unit UOM, Base Currency, or Rate Type fields.

See Also

Establishing PeopleSoft Promotions Management Business Units

Establishing Customer Trees

Establishing Product Trees

Defining Sales Calendars

Defining Funds

Defining and Using Promotions Management Approval Workflow

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Payment Options

Access the Payment Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Promotions Management, Promotions Options, Payment Options).

Payment Authorization Required

Customer Promotions and National Allowances

Select if you require manual authorization before a claim is made for activity against a customer promotion or a national allowance. Otherwise, the Accrual and Financial Update process (TD_FINUP) automatically authorizes for payment what has been incurred to date against the promotional activity.

Billing Options

Credit Bill Type

Select the credit bill type to send to Billing when you create a claim against a promotion by using a credit payment method.

Credit Invoice Form

(Optional) Select the form to send to Billing when you create a claim against a promotion by using a credit payment method.

Bill Source

Select the bill source to send to Billing during the Payments Load process (TD_PAYMENTS) when you create a claim against a promotion by using either a credit, deduction, or chargeback payment method.

Deduction Bill Type

Select the deduction bill type to send to Billing when you create a claim against a promotion by using a deduction payment method.

Deduction Invoice Form

(Optional) Select the form to send to Billing when you create a claim against a promotion by using a deduction payment method.

Chargeback Bill Type

Select the chargeback bill type to send to Billing when you create a claim against a promotion by using a chargeback payment method.

Charge backs are processed similar to credits and deductions, but you use this field and the Chargeback Invoice Type field when you create a claim against a promotion by using a chargeback payment method. The system makes this payment method available in the Customer Claims and the Payment Authorization components.

Chargeback Invoice Type

(Optional) Select the form to send to Billing when you create a claim against a promotion by using a chargeback payment method.

Note. The Credit and Deduction claim payment methods create a credit invoice in the PeopleSoft Billing application. The Chargeback claim payment method creates an invoice in the PeopleSoft Billing application that can be used to invoice a customer for any promotional activity that has already been paid to the customer. For instance, if a claim was paid for a bill back promotion, but the customer returns some of the product, then you may want to invoice them for the some of the promotional money they already received.

Note. If Billing is installed in the environment, then Credit Bill Type, Deduction Bill Type, Chargeback Bill Type and Bill Source are required fields.

Payables Options

Voucher Prefix

Select the prefix that the system uses in the Promotions Management integration process to Payables. The Payments Load process (TD_PAYMENTS) uses this voucher prefix when it creates vouchers for payments against promotions using either a check or field draft payment method. Defining a unique prefix for use by Promotions Management gives you a way to determine which vouchers were created from Promotions Management.


Select the origin that the system uses in the Promotions Management integration process to Payables. The Payments Load process (TD_PAYMENTS) uses this origin when it creates vouchers for payments against promotions using either a check or field draft payment method.

Note. If Payables is installed in your environment, then Voucher Prefix and Origin are required fields.

General Ledger Options

Journal Template

Select the journal template that the Journal Generator process (FSPGJGEN) uses to post the Promotions Management general ledger accrual transactions to General Ledger.

TD_ACCRUE journal template is defined to use for posting Promotions Management general ledger accrual transactions to General Ledger.

Accrual Account

GL Unit (general ledger unit)

Select the general ledger unit to which the accrual entries post. The value for this field appears by default from the default general ledger unit that is defined on the Promotions Options - General Options page.


Select the GL Unit, Account, Operating Unit, Fund Code, Department, Program Code, Class Field, Budget Reference, Product, Project, Affiliate, Fund Affiliate, and Operating Unit Affiliate ChartField values to use when creating accrual accounting entries for Promotions Management.

If the General Ledger business unit is using balanced ChartFields, Promotions Management supports the Always Inherit ChartField inheritance option when generating accounting transactions. It uses these ChartFields to generate the transactions.

Note. If General Ledger is installed in your environment, then the Journal Template and accrual account fields are required.

See Also

Setting Up Automatic Numbering

Using Journal Generator

Defining and Using ChartFields

Using Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance

Structuring Bills

Specifying Voucher Build Criteria

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Pricing Options

Access the Pricing Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Promotions Management, Promotions Options).

Product Group Prefix

Select the prefix. The Pricing Load process (TD_LOADPRC) uses the value in this field to automatically create a product group if a customer promotion or national allowance has more than 15 products defined for a promotion group.

Customer Group Prefix

Select the prefix. The Pricing Load process (TD_LOADPRC) uses the value in this field to automatically create a customer group if a national allowance has more than 15 customers defined for it.

Price Rule Prefix

Select the prefix. The Pricing Load process (TD_LOADPRC) uses the value in this field to automatically create price rules for each merchandising activity that is defined on a customer promotion or for each adjustment type that is defined on a national allowance.

Price List Prefix

Select the prefix. The Pricing Load process (TD_LOADPRC) uses the value in this field to automatically create price lists for each customer promotion that uses the Send Prices option.

First Price Date

(Required) Select the date that you use to apply price adjustments in Order Management. Values are:

  • Order Date: Date that the order header is created.

  • Requested Arrival Date: Date that the customer wants the order to arrive at his or her site.

  • Schedule Ship Date: Date that the order line is scheduled to ship.

Second Price Date

(Optional) Select a second date. The date options are the same as the options for the first price date. If you select a second price date, this date is passed to all price rules that are created through the Pricing Load process (TD_LOADPRC), and the first price date and second price date are checked before applying the promotional discount to the sales order.

Third Price Date

(Optional) Select the third date. The date options are the same as the options for the first price date. If you select a third price date, this date is passed to all price rules that are created through the Pricing Load process (TD_LOADPRC), and the first price date, second price date, and third price date are checked before applying the promotional discount to the sales order.

Note. Enter at least a first price date. If you enter a second price date, it must be different from the first price date. If you enter a third price date, it must be different from the first price date and second price dates. You cannot enter a third price date if a second price date is not entered. If all three dates are entered here, they are passed to Enterprise Pricer and a promotional discount is applied only if the corresponding dates on the sales order fall within the dates specified on the promotion.

Price Type

Select a type. Values are: Extended Price or Quantity. The price type determines how the price rules are created when you execute the Pricing Load process (TD_LOADPRC). The system uses the price type that you select on this page as the default value when creating promotions, but you can override it.

Price Action Type

Select an action type. Values are: Product Add or Discount. The price action type determines the type of discount that you offer for the promotion. The system uses the price action type that you select on this page as the default value when creating promotions, but you can override it.


Select a value. Values are: Cascading or Summed. The cascading/summed value determines how discounts are applied if multiple discounts are applied to a sales order. The system uses the value that you select on this page as the default value when creating promotions. You can override this value when creating promotions.

For example, suppose that you have two discounts that are eligible for the promotion, a 10 and 20 percent discount. If the Cascading/Summed field is defined as Summed, and the original line amount was 100.00 USD, the system applies discounts in this manner: the 10 percent and 20 percent discounts are combined, for 30 percent of 100.00 USD. The unit price for the order line is 70.00 USD.

If the Cascading/Summed field is defined as cascading, the system applies the discounts in this manner: 10 percent off of 100.00 USD and 20 percent off of 90.00 USD. The unit price for the order line is 72.00 USD.


Pricing Default Type

Select a pricing default type. Values are: Full Pricing Simulation, Inventory Business Unit, or Lowest Price List Price.The pricing default type value provides a method to determine how the system will retrieve the product price to default to the customer promotion.

Note. The Default Inventory BU field on the General Options page is the business unit used by the system to determine the default price for the full price simulation and inventory business unit selection in the Pricing Default Type field.

Applicable to List Price

Select applicable to list price if you want the promotional discount to be applicable to a list price. The system uses the value that you select on this page as the default value when creating promotions. You can override this value when creating promotions.

Applicable to Cost Base

Select applicable to cost base if you want the promotional discount to be applicable to the unit cost. The system uses the value that you select on this page as the default value when creating promotions. You can override this value when creating promotions.

Applicable to Alter Cost Base (applicable to alternate cost base)

Select applicable to alternate cost base if you want the promotional discount to be applicable to the alternate unit cost. The system uses the value that you select on this page as the default value when creating promotions. You can override this value when creating promotions.

Applicable to Buying Agreement

Select applicable to buying agreement if you want the promotional discount to be applicable to a buying agreement price. The system uses the value that you select on this page as the default value when creating promotions. You can override this value when creating promotions.

Product Add and Product Add Type

Select a product add and product add type default. For Product Add, values are Any Product or On Product Tree. For Product Add Type, values are List Price or Product Cost.

The Product Add value will determine the prompt used on the product add Product field to determine which products are valid for the promotion.

The Product Add Type value will be used as the default value when creating promotions, but you can override this value.

See Also

Creating Price Lists

Creating Price Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Tree Options

Access the Tree Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Promotions Management, Promotions Options).

Active Customer Tree

Select the active customer tree to use when defining promotional data. This customer tree appears when you define promotions and funds, and when you review checkbook data. You can override the default value when you create a new fund or checkbook definition.

Active Product Tree

Select the active product tree to use when defining promotional data. This product tree appears when you define promotions and funds, and when you review checkbook data. You can override the default value when you create a new fund or checkbook definition.

Active Approval Tree

(Optional) Select the active approval tree to use when the selection is made to activate the PeopleSoft Approval Framework for customer promotions, for claims, or for payments. The active approval tree is used to determine which group of reviewers are required to review and approve promotion transactions.

Note. When the approval framework is not activated for customer promotions, claims or payments, the system uses the Active Customer Tree to determine who is authorized to approve customer promotions, claims and payments. The system always uses the Active Customer Tree to determine who is authorized to approve national allowances and funds.

Display in Customer Tree

Select the format in which you want customer information to appear on active trees. You can select to display descriptive names, system ID numbers, or a combination of both name and system ID number for each customer on the tree. Format values include:

  • Customer ID

  • Customer ID (Customer Name)

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Name (Customer ID)

Display in Product Tree

Select the format in which you want product information to appear on active trees. You can select to display descriptive names, system ID numbers, or a combination of both name and system ID number for each product on the tree. Format values include:

  • Prod./Product Group ID

  • Prod./Product Group ID (Name)

  • Prod./Product Group Name

  • Prod./Product Group Name (ID)

Expanded Number of Tree Levels

Select the number of tree levels that you want to display when you initially access a page with the tree display enabled. You can display from zero to five levels in the tree by default, but you can expand or collapse the tree as needed once you access the component.


Select the check box for the Promotions Management functional area on which you want to place tree security. If you do not select a functional area to secure, then users will have full access to all nodes on the tree, regardless of the user or role security defined on the active tree. You might find the Secure options beneficial for tree performance when only a few people perform maintenance in a particular area, and you manage security through standard PeopleSoft page or component security.

Display Tree

Use the check boxes in the Display Tree section to select which trees you want to appear automatically when creating a fund using the Maintain Funds component, a national allowance using the Create National Allowance component, or a promotion using the Create Customer-Specific Promo or Create Multiple Customer Promo components. If you do not select to automatically display the product tree in these components, you can manually select to display the tree after you access the component.