Defining and Using ChartFields

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft ChartFields, lists prerequisites and common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft ChartFields

In Oracle's PeopleSoft applications, the fields that store your charts of accounts and provide your system with the basic structure to segregate and categorize transactional and budget data are called ChartFields. Each ChartField has its own attributes for maximum efficiency and flexibility in recording, reporting and analyzing its intended category of data. While a particular ChartField always represents only one category of data, it stores many values that you use to further categorize that same data.

In addition to this basic categorization of a transaction amount using the account ChartField, you can simultaneously record the same transaction by product, project, investment portfolio, policy, endowment, fund, service, or any number of categories by using other ChartFields with appropriate values. This creates additional subsets of that same transactional data.

PeopleSoft delivers a set of ChartFields and associated functionality that fully covers most accounting and reporting requirements. ChartFields are designed to be configured by you to meet your specific requirements.

This section discusses:

See Also

Configuring ChartFields

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered ChartFields

PeopleSoft delivers the following ChartFields:

Label Long Name

Label Short Name

ChartField Name (Field Length)

Component Name and Component Interface





Component: GL_ACCOUNT

Component Interface: ACCOUNT_CF

Classifies the nature of a transaction. This field is required. Use it for corporate accounts.

Alternate Account

Alt Acct


Component: ALTACCT

Component Interface: ALTACCT_CF

Classifies the nature of a transaction for regulatory authorities. Use it for statutory accounting.

Operating Unit

Oper Unit



Component Interface: OPER_UNIT_CF

Can be used to indicate a location, such as a distribution warehouse or a sales center.

Fund Code




Component Interface: FUND_CF

The primary structural units of Education and Government accounting.





Component Interface: DEPT_CF

Tracks information according to a divisional breakdown of your organization. Can be used to indicate who is responsible for or affected by a transaction.

Program Code




Component Interface: PROGRAM_CF

Tracks revenue and expenditures for programs within or across your organizations. Can be used to identify groups of related activities, cost centers, revenue centers, responsibility centers and academic programs.

Class Field



Component: CLASS_PNL

Component Interface: CLASS_CF

Can be used to identify specific appropriations.

Budget Reference

Bud Ref


Component: BUDREF_PNL

Component Interface: BUDGET_REF_CF

Use to identify unique budgets, when individual budgets share budget keys and overlapping budget periods.




Component: PRODUCT

Component Interface: PRODUCT_CF

Captures additional information useful for profitability and cash flow analysis by product sold or manufactured.

PC Business Unit (project costing business unit)

PC Bus Unit


Component: PC_BU_DEFN

Component: PC_BUS_UNIT_OPT

Component Interface: PROJECT_BU_OPTIONS

Use as an operational subset of an organization to organize project activity independently of the constraints of the standard accounting procedures for the financial posting and reporting of the organization. You create PC Business Units on the Project Costing Definition page.

Project ID/Grant



Component: PROJECT

Component Interface: PROJECT_CF

Captures additional information useful for grant and project accounting.

The Project ChartField does not have effective dating.





Component Interface: PC_STD_ACT_INTFC

Activities are the specific tasks that make up a project. You create activities on the Project Activities page or the Activity Details page.

Source Type

Source Type


Component: PROJ_RES_TYPE

Component Interface: PC_RES_TYPE_INTFC

Source types identify the purpose or origin of a transaction. For example, you might create a source type of Labor to track total labor costs in a project.





Component Interface: PC_CATG_DEFN_INTFC

Use categories to further define source types.

Although defining categories and subcategories is optional, using them provides greater flexibility and granularity for tracking and analyzing costs.





Component Interface: PC_SUBCAT_DEFN_INTFC

Use subcategories to further define categories.

ChartField 1



Component: CHARTFIELD1

Component Interface: CHARTFIELD1

Generic expansion ChartField is delivered Inactive. It can be configured for use, hidden, or deleted

ChartField 2



Component: CHARTFIELD2

Component Interface: CHARTFIELD2

Generic expansion ChartField is delivered Inactive. It can be configured for use, hidden or deleted

ChartField 3



Component: CHARTFIELD3

Component Interface: CHARTFIELD3

Generic expansion ChartField is delivered Inactive. It can be configured for use, hidden or deleted





Used to map transactions between Business units when using a single interunit account.

Fund Affiliate

Fund Affil



Use to correlate transactions between Funds when using a single intraunit account.

Operating Unit Affiliate

Oper Unit Affil



Use to correlate transactions between Operating Units when using a single intraunit account.




Component: BD_SCENARIO

Component Interface: BUDGET_SCENARIO

Identifies different budget iterations that use different assumptions.

Book Code

Book Code



Identifies subsets of ledger rows to segregate and maintain in the same ledger various accounting, recording and reporting requirements for transactions in different accounting environments.

Adjustment Type




Use to define Adjustment Types associated with varying accounting treatments of prior period adjustments.

Statistics Code

Stat. Cd.



Component Interface: STATISTICS_CODE

Use to define statistical data such as number of units.

PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartFields are further described in the PeopleSoft Project Costing 9.1 PeopleBook.

Business unit is not considered a ChartField.

Warning! If you have not licensed PeopleSoft Project Costing, Expenses, Resource Management, or Services Procurement and you see the following ChartFields: PC Business Unit, Activity, Source Type, Category, or Subcategory on pages, deselect the check boxes for these products on the Installation Options - Products page and run ChartField configuration to inactivate the ChartFields because they are specific to these products.

If you have not licensed Project Costing but have licensed Expenses, Resource Management, or Services Procurement and you still see Source Type, Category, or Subcategory on pages, deselect the check boxes for the unlicensed products on the Installation Options - Products page and run ChartField configuration to inactivate these ChartFields because they are specific to Project Costing. ChartFields that are not necessary can cause performance and other processing problems when they are allowed to remain active.

See Configuring ChartFields.

See Defining Financials and Supply Chain Management Common Definitions.

See Setting Up PeopleSoft Project Costing Control Data.

See Also

Using Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance

Processing Multiple Currencies

Using Statistics

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProject ChartFields

The project ChartFields consist of:

Add the Project ChartField on one of two different pages, depending on whether Project Costing is installed or is not installed. Use the Project page (PROJECT_GL) to enter project ChartField values when PeopleSoft Project Costing is not installed. Otherwise, add the Project Chartfield when adding projects within Project Costing (PROJECT_GEN_01A).

The values and control data for the other five Project Costing ChartFields are not entered using a separate page within common definitions. They are entered using the pages and components mentioned in the preceding list of ChartFields and are fully described in the PeopleSoft Project Costing documentation.

The Project Costing ChartFields are available on various page displays and entry grids for use within Project Costing, Expenses, Resource Management or General Ledger. Some examples include the Journal Entry - Lines page and SpeedTypes.

Note. Resource Analysis Type is not considered a ChartField and, for that reason, is not included in the list of Project Costing ChartFields; nor is it included on either the Standard or Advanced Configuration pages. However, it is available for entry on the General Ledger Journal Entry - Lines page, located between the Activity and Source Type ChartFields. If the Project Costing ChartField display order is reordered during ChartField configuration, the Resource Analysis Type retains its relative position and is reordered accordingly.

See Setting Up PeopleSoft Project Costing Control Data.

See Configuring ChartFields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBalancing ChartFields

Business unit or a ChartField is said to be balancing when you require debit amounts to equal credit amounts to maintain a balanced set of accounts for the particular business unit or ChartField.

Defining balancing ChartFields is done on the Ledger Group definition using the Ledger Groups - Balancing page. A balanced detail ledger requires that the debit amounts equal the credit amounts for business unit, base currency code, book code and adjustment type.

When you select additional ChartFields for balancing, all unique occurrences of the combination of values must be in balance. You can choose to have the system automatically generate intraunit balancing entries for transactions that involve multiple values of a balanced ChartField. If you do not have this option active, or if the journal is not in balance for other reasons, journal edit uses the rules set up for balancing journals (such as, suspend or recycle) on the Journal Edit Options page.

For example, if you define department as an additional balancing ChartField, any journal created requires that business unit FR001 and department A have debits that equal credits. If they do not, the journal entry is out of balance. This also means that business unit USA01 and department B must balance.

You then see why account and alternate account cannot be balancing ChartFields. If for example, account could be made a balancing ChartField, business unit A and account 101200 would have to have debits equal credits that would always result in a zero balance for account 101200.

See Also

Setting Up Ledgers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAlternate Accounts and Statutory Accounting

The PeopleSoft alternate account feature enables you to enter a statutory chart of accounts as well as analytic or primary accounts at the detail transaction level. The alternate account produces journal line or transaction level balances for statutory reporting requirements. The primary account ChartField contains the corporate accounts, and alternate account ChartField contains the statutory accounts. This is useful for organizations that have two different reporting requirements—one for internal management or a corporate parent, and another for a local jurisdiction or national government.

In PeopleSoft applications, the analytic or primary account ChartField is ACCOUNT.

Local regulatory authorities often require statutory accounts. In PeopleSoft applications, this is termed the alternate account ChartField (ALTACCT).

You link alternate account ChartField values with account ChartField values. When you enter values for the account ChartField, the system enters the associated alternate account value. When you enter values for the alternate account ChartField, the system enters the associated account value. You can override the default values by selecting another value from the prompt list. The system displays only account values that you have mapped to the account or alternate account ChartField.

To create different alternate accounts for different statutory reporting, use the PeopleSoft setID functionality when you set up your ChartFields.

See Also

Using Alternate Account

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChartField Values

If you use the ChartFields as delivered by PeopleSoft, sample ChartField values are already set up and in many cases are populated with sample amounts. All PeopleSoft sample or model values are entered with the 01/01/1900 effective date. To distinguish your data avoid using this date and instead use another early date, such as 01/01/1901.

You can enter an unlimited number of values for each ChartField. You can enter values using the online ChartField Values page, but because of the volume of entries needed to populate some ChartFields, you might use a batch import process or the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for the PeopleSoft Component Interface process to initially load values to ChartField tables.

The project ChartFields component interfaces mentioned in the previous ChartField listing are more fully described in the Project Costing documentation.

See Loading ChartField Values Using the Excel Spreadsheet to Component Interface Process.

Note. PeopleSoft recommends that you not use special characters and embedded blanks in ChartField values. Use the generally accepted alphanumeric characters and the underscore. In general avoid special characters such as apostrophes and do not include embedded blanks when defining ChartField values. Special characters and embedded blanks can be problematic and in particular can cause problems in some batch processes, such as those in allocations, combination editing and open item accounting. (This caveat also applies to such things as business units, ledgers and journal IDs.)

After you initially populate the ChartField tables, you can maintain them from the ChartField Values page. You can also use the PeopleTools Tree Manager to add or update ChartField values as your business needs change or your organization grows.

Because changes to the definition of most ChartField value are effective-dated, you can establish when you want to activate a department, introduce a product line, or close an account. Use effective dating with activation and inactivation functionality to maintain a full history of all changes or additions, to provide a complete audit trail and to make possible historical comparisons with past, present, or future conditions. When you no longer use a certain ChartField value, add a row to create an effective-dated inactive entry, instead of inactivating the original row. If you simply make the existing row inactive, you will have no history of its time as an active ChartField value.

Project ChartField values can be made active or inactive, but the values cannot be effective-dated for status.

However, the project status of a project can be effective dated for these statuses: budgeted, closed, hold, open, and proposed if Project Costing is not installed. These statuses are memo data only and do not provide control functionality.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChartField Combination Editing

Optionally, combinations of ChartField values can be edited to determine such things as which accounts are valid with which departments, funds or operating units. Use ChartField combination editing to maintain discipline over accounting entries and eliminate as much as possible additional account analysis and reconciliation. ChartField combination editing is in addition to ChartField validation editing.

ChartField combination editing is also available for commitment control budget entries.

See Also

Editing ChartField Combinations

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

The following steps are required before you can define ChartFields:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Effective Date

When you add a new ChartField value, the system uses the current date as the default date. However, you can enter a date when you want the new value to be active. By using a future date, you can set up a ChartField value without inadvertently using it for processing before your scheduled effective date. Enter the status intended for the ChartField value: active or inactive as of the effective date. (The Project ID ChartField does not have effective-dating but it does include an effective status as of the effective date.)


Identifies the ChartField value on reports, pages, prompt lists, or online inquiries. Enter a short description to appear on pages and drop-down list boxes where display space is limited.

Long Description

Enter long descriptions and provide more extensive information about ChartField values. This is particularly helpful for the public sector when there is a need to input fund names as specified by donors and other sources where particular names and descriptions are required that can be quite detailed and lengthy.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining and Using Account Types and Attributes

To define and use account types and attributes, use the following components:

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Account Types and Attributes

Page Name

Definition Name



Account Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, Account Types, Account Types

Define account types to which each general ledger account is assigned. Typically used to designate balance sheet or income statement accounts.

ChartField Attribute


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Configure, Attributes, ChartField Attribute

Create ChartField attributes for use in such things as intraunit consolidation eliminations, government reporting and payment processing.

ChartField Attribute Values


Click the Attributes link from the applicable ChartField Values page.

Select user-defined values to support intraunit consolidations and Federal requirements for reporting and payment processing.

Installation Options - Overall


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Installation Options. Click the Overall link on the Installation Options page.

Activate or inactivate the Book Code and Balance Sheet Indicator attributes.

Account Balancing Group


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Configure, Account Balancing Group, Account Balancing Group

Define the combination of active account attribute values using book code values and the balance sheet indicator attributes.

Balance Suspense ChartFields


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Journals, Source, Journal Options. Click the Balance Suspense ChartFields link

Used to select balancing suspense ChartFields for journal processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Account Types

Access the Account Types page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, Account Types, Account Types).

Account Type or Monetary Account Type

The Account Type is a classification that is assigned to accounts that determines its treatment for such processes as year end closing and reporting. The Account Types follow the normal balance sheet and income statement classifications of asset, liability, equity, revenue and expense.

Use the delivered Account Types when you add accounts using the Account page.

PeopleSoft delivers the following account types:

Balance Forward

Select one of these values:

  • Carry Forward — Rolls the account type's balance forward to the new period.

  • Not Carry Forward – Does not roll forward the account type's balance to the next period.

  • Other – Ignores this account type during year-end closing.

The Balance Forward check box is normally checked for asset, liability, and equity accounts, but not for revenue or expense accounts.

The year-end close process sums the balances of your non-balance forward accounts to calculate the amount that it posts to retained earnings.

After you set up accounts, you can generate the Account Types report (FIN0004), which includes a description and a listing of the accounts that you have defined for your balance sheet and income statement.

You can add account types for special circumstances but these require additional changes in your system and are not recommended unless you are prepared to make extensive modifications.

For example, if you add account types, you might also need to modify the Closing Trial Balance Report, GLS1003.SQR.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Generic ChartField Attributes

Access the ChartField Attribute page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Configure, Attributes, ChartField Attribute).

Generic ChartField attributes are optional features that support such things as intraunit consolidation eliminations and United States federal government requirements for reporting and payment processing.

After you attach an attribute value to a ChartField value, it cannot be deleted using the ChartField Attribute page. However, using the ChartField value attribute secondary page, you can delete any attribute and attribute value.

Attributes share the effective dating of the ChartField values to which they are attached. The Project ChartField does not have effective dating. Project ChartField attributes are automatically assigned a default effective date of 01/01/1900.

Note. Create or delete attributes as required for the applicable ChartFields. However, once you attach an attribute to a ChartField value, it cannot be deleted.

Field Name

Enter any or all of the following applicable ChartFields for which attributes functionality is available:














The system uses the FS_CF_TEMPLATE to determine which ChartFields are active. Applicable active ChartFields appear in the drop-down list box for this field.


A user-defined field in which you name the attribute.

Allow Multiple Values per Attr (Allow Multiple Values per Attribute)

Select this check box to allow multiple values of the same attribute to be attached to a ChartField value. If you do not select this check box, only one attribute value can be attached to a ChartField value.

Note. Multiple combinations are usually associated with accounts but this option is available to all applicable ChartFields.

ChartField Attribute Value

This is user defined. For example, you can distinguish between single and multiple-year reporting for a fund by creating these two values for an attribute—either of which you can then attach to a fund value to make this distinction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAttaching Generic ChartField Attributes

Access the ChartField Attribute Values page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values and click the Attributes link from the applicable ChartField Values page).

Use this page to select one or more of the ChartField attribute and attribute value combinations you have created for a particular applicable ChartField to be applied to the selected ChartField value.

See Also

Understanding Federal Government and Statutory Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Balance Sheet Indicator and Book Code

Segregating accounts as balance sheet or off balance sheet is a common accounting practice used by the financial services industry. Use this segregation of accounts to simultaneously record and generate balanced off balance sheet and balance sheet journal entries. It is not important in processes that automatically generate additional balancing lines for journal entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting the Balance Sheet Indicator Attribute

Access the Account page for the account (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Installation Options. Click the Overall link on the Installation Options page).

PeopleSoft delivers standard balancing attributes for account ChartField values to segregate and maintain separate transactions within a Business Unit and ledger:

The process is flexible and supports balancing on additional account attributes without modification to your system.

If you define an account value as balance sheet or off balance sheet, you must also assign various General Ledger processes, such as journal edit, revaluation, closing, position accounting, and so on, with the appropriate balance sheet or off balance sheet account to perform the necessary balancing.

If you use the book code feature to further segregate transactions into balancing subsets within the same ledger, it is particularly important that the book code ChartField values and the balance sheet indicator values be properly grouped and matched with your account ChartField to ensure proper balancing. You define a combination of a book code and a balance sheet indicator value as an account balancing group. Associate the two with an account as an attribute.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Installation Options for Account Balancing Groups

Access the Installation Options - Overall page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Overall).

Account Balancing Attributes

The following fields apply to the account balancing attributes.


Select to include attribute names for your system.

Default Value

Populated by the system from the default account balancing group value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Account Balancing Groups

Access the Account Balancing Group page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Configure, Account Balancing Group, Account Balancing Group).


Use the Account Balancing Group page to select various combination or subsets of the attribute values and give them a unique group name and description.


Select or deselect to make the Account Balance Group active or inactive.

The system is delivered with a default account balancing group that contains no account balancing attributes. If you activate any account balancing attribute on the Installation Options - Overall page, you must make the default account balancing group inactive. Then, you add a new account balancing group that contains the active account balancing attributes.


Select to display the attribute values as defaults on the Installation Options - Overall page.

Attribute Name

Balance Sheet Indicator values are delivered by PeopleSoft; however, you can define Book Code values by using the Book Code page.

For the group, select the field value for the attributes on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating a Balance Suspense ChartField With an Account Balancing Group

Access the Balance Suspense ChartFields page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Journals, Source, Journal Options and click the Balance Suspense ChartFields link).


Select one or more account balancing groups and balance suspense ChartFields and ChartField values to be used in the journal balance suspense process.

If you do not have an account balancing attribute active, you will have one account balancing group only. This is the default group that is delivered with the system. You only need to define one balance suspense ChartField for the default group.

However, if you have one or more account balancing attributes active, you inactivate the default group and add your own account balancing groups on the Account Balancing Groups page, which contain various combinations of active account balancing attribute values. Then, you must define one balance suspense ChartField for each group. The account value of the balance suspense ChartFields must have the same account balancing attribute values as the account balancing group.

For example, assume you activate the balance sheet indicator. You then inactivate the default group and add two new account balancing groups. One for balance sheet group and the other for off balance sheet group. You must then define two balance suspense ChartFields, one for each group. The account value for balance sheet group must have a balance sheet indicator value equal to balance sheet. Similarly, the account value for the off balance sheet group must have a balance sheet indicator value equal to off balance sheet.

Account balancing groups identify balancing subsets within the same ledger that involve simultaneous use of the book code and balance sheet indicator. You must define for each group, or subset, its own balancing or suspense accounts to be used by various processes to maintain the balance within the group.

For example, each of the following requires a suspense or balancing ChartField for each applicable account balancing group:

Click to jump to parent topicEntering and Maintaining ChartField Values

To enter and maintain ChartField values, use the following components:

To load data into the respective component tables, use the following component interfaces:

This section discusses how to:

Use effective date in conjunction with status to add new ChartField values for current or future access and to inactivate or modify ChartField values while maintaining a complete audit trail.

Note. Some ChartFields are delivered inactive. A ChartField must be activated to be available in your menu. Activation can be performed on the Standard Configuration page.

ChartFields are search keys for all financial transactional data. To maintain the integrity of data relationships, PeopleSoft does not allow you to delete all values in a ChartField and then save the page. However, you can delete all but the last row for each ChartField value in the ChartField table.

Note. PeopleSoft recommends that you not use special characters and embedded blanks in ChartField values. Use the generally accepted alphanumeric characters and the underscore. In general avoid special characters such as apostrophes and do not include embedded blanks when defining ChartField values. Special characters and embedded blanks can be problematic and in particular can cause problems in some batch processes, such as those in allocations, combination editing and open item accounting. (This caveat also applies to such thing as business units, ledgers and journal IDs.)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define ChartFields

Page Name

Definition Name



Long Description


Set Up Financials/SCM, Common Definitions, Design Chartfield, Define Values, Chartfield values and click the Long Description link.

Enter long descriptions and more extensive information about ChartField values. This is particularly helpful for the public sector when there is a need to input fund names as specified by donors and other sources where particular names and descriptions are required that can be detailed and lengthy.

Book Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Book Code

Identify subsets of ledger rows to segregate and maintain in the same ledger various accounting, recording and reporting requirements for transactions in different accounting environments.

Adjustment Type


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Adjustment Type

Define adjustment types associated with varying accounting treatments of prior period adjustments.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Account

Set up new account ChartField values.

Map to Alternate Account


Click the Map to Alternate Account tab.

Map a corporate chart of accounts to one or many statutory charts of accounts. For example, you could have one chart of accounts for each country or local office that requires statutory accounting and reporting.

Alternate Account


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Alternate Account

Add alternate account values.

Map to Account


Click the Map to Account tab.

Maps an alternate account to one or more accounts.

Operating Unit


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Operating Unit

Create values that identify a plant, office, physical location, branch, building, store, hospital, outpatient surgery center, clinic, or geographic location. It is usually related to responsibility reporting

Fund Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Fund Code

Define values for all types of funds.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Department

Add a department representing an operational unit. It is often associated with responsibility accounting.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Product

Add product codes and track product performance and financial information.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Project, Project

Add project values and set ChartField status to active or inactive. If you have not installed Project Costing you can also add memo project start and end date, project manager information, and project status.

If you have installed Project Costing and any of the other applications requiring the full complement of project ChartFields, use the components mentioned in the preceding ChartField list to create the ChartField values and their control data. These components and pages are fully described in the Project Costing documentation.

Statistics Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Statistics Code

Add or modify statistics codes to track nonmonetary information.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Scenario

Define different budget iterations.

Program Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Program Code

Track amounts to which you want to apply budgetary controls.

Class Field


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Class Field

Further classify activities concurrently recorded in funds, departments and programs into detail categories in which you normally track class amounts such as salaries or materials

Budget Reference


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Budget Reference

Identify unique budgets where individual budgets share budget keys and overlapping periods.

ChartField 1


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, ChartField 1

Add a ChartField value and enter a long and short description for the ChartField value. ChartField 1 must be activated using standard ChartField configuration to be available in the menu.

ChartField 2


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, ChartField 2

Add a ChartField value and enter a long and short description for the ChartField value. ChartField 2 must be activated using standard ChartField configuration to be available in the menu.

ChartField 3


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, ChartField 3

Add a ChartField value and to enter a long and short description for the ChartField value. ChartField 3 must be activated using standard ChartField configuration to be available in the menu.

Standard ChartField Configuration


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Configure, Standard Configuration

You must have been granted user security to use this page. Unless a ChartField is active it will not be displayed in the navigational menus. Related ChartFields determine the values for affiliate ChartFields. Business unit is required for the interunit affiliate ChartField. Assign a unique intraunit related ChartField of the same ChartField length that is specified for each intraunit affiliate ChartField that is active.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Long Descriptions For ChartField Values

Access the Long Descriptions page (Set Up Financials/SCM, Common Definitions, Design Chartfield, Define Values, Chartfield values and click the Long Description link on any ChartField page).

Click the Long Description link on a ChartField page when entering a new ChartField value to access the Long Description page and you can enter an extensive description or additional information about that particular ChartField value. You can enter multiple effective dated long descriptions for the same ChartField value. Long Descriptions are informational only.

The Long Description link is available on each of the ChartField entry pages. However, if PeopleSoft Project Costing is an installed product, the Long Description link does not display on the Project page within the Design ChartFields menu. Rather, the long descriptions for the project-related ChartFields are entered on the General Information pages of the related ChartFields within PeopleSoft Project Costing.

If you are using the Project ChartField without PeopleSoft Project Costing, you can add a long description using the link on the Project page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Book Code Values

Access the Book Code page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Book Code).

Book Code is an account attribute and a balancing ChartField. You can activate book code on the Installation Options - Overall page. If you activate the book code, you must specify a book code for each account value. The Allow Book Code Override option that is set on the Account page determines whether this book code can be overridden on the transaction line.

Generally accepted accounting principles often vary from country to country and by jurisdiction. Organizations must record and report their operations according to local accounting requirements as well as by corporate rules, which are often dictated by another national jurisdiction and might require that other accounting principles be applied. For example, local rules might require that you keep your local books open for a longer period than do the corporate rules and perhaps prior period adjustments are handled differently.

In conjunction with ledger code and the adjustment type ChartField, book codes address transactions in common book codes between GAAPs requiring different open close periods. Book code is also used with the balance sheet indicator attribute to ensure that proper balancing is maintained for on and off balance sheet entries.

PeopleSoft also provides the ability to maintain separate ledgers for separate accounting rules, to record transactions under varying statutory rules using alternate account and to use MultiBook with its automatic synchronization capabilities. However, by using book codes you can simultaneously generate sets of entries to record related transactions according to multiple generally accepted accounting principals (GAAPs) for the same business unit in the same ledger. For example, where local and corporate accounting principles are not compatible you define a local (L) and a corporate (C) book code. For those situations where requirements are alike, you define a code for both (B). Using these book codes as attributes, attach them to accounts. This results in groups of accounts in which you can simultaneously record related transactions under local, corporate, or both rules.

You can choose to associate a single book code with one account value. Using this method a unique account value must be created for the number of unique book code instances. For example, book code C would be associated with account 500001, book code L with account 500002, and book code B with account 500003 to record related amounts in the same ledger but effectively in different books. When you choose this method, book code appears as a read-only field on the journal entry page when you enter the account and the book code cannot be modified at time of journal entry.

PeopleSoft provides the Allow Book Code Override option that enables you to choose different book code and account combinations at the time of journal entry. You can then associate any of your book codes with the account value to record related amounts in the same ledger. For example, book codes C, L or B can be associated with account 500001. The chief advantage of this method is that fewer account values are required. The book codes you can associate with an account are available from a drop down list at the time of journal entry

Book Code

Add or select a value. The Effective Date and Status fields must match the settings for the account values to which the book code is attached as an attribute using the Account page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Adjustment Type Values

Access the Adjustment Type page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Adjustment Type).

Adjustment type is delivered as a balancing ChartField. It is used in conjunction with ledger code and book code to facilitate recording of transactions for organizations having multiple accounting rule environments. If you choose to update open periods by ledger code, you must specify an adjustment type value for the ledger code having its period closed earlier than other ledger codes. By doing this, when the system encounter transactions in a book code common to multiple GAAPs, yet belonging to a ledger code that is already closed; it can generate adjustments specifically to the adjustment type associated with the ledger code and effectively move the transaction to the open period.

Adjustment Type

Create a type for each combination of ledger code and book code that share accounts in other ledger code and book code combinations involving different accounting rules (multiple GAAPs) that specify different rules regarding closing dates and prior period adjustments.

See Also

Managing Multiple GAAPs and Prior Period Adjustments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Account Values

Access the Account page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Account).

Account values are used in combination with other ChartFields values to create journal entries.

Statistical Account

Select to track statistical data such as square footage or head count. Statistical accounts are used to capture statistical amounts only, not monetary amounts. If you select the check box, you must specify a UOM (unit of measure).

The system automatically makes available (and selects by default) the Balance Forward check box. You can override this default by deselecting the check box for accounts that you do not want to carry forward, such as statistical accounts associated with revenue and expenses.

Monetary Account Type

Select from the values defined on the Account Types page

VAT Account Flag

Select one of the following values to indicate the relationship to value added tax (VAT) processing for this account value:

Non-VAT Related: Not used for VAT processing.

VAT Account: The account to which calculated VAT is applied. VAT account journal entries are calculated and automatically generated based on the VAT applicable account entries in the journal entry and on the values that you set up for your VAT environment and options. You can also enter VAT account lines directly into a journal entry.

VAT Applicable Account: The monetary account against which you add journal entries.

Physical Nature

For VAT-related accounts, indicates whether an object is a Good or a Service. For many countries there is a requirement to report the sale and/or purchase of goods separately from services.

The physical nature setting defaults not only from your setting here for the account value but also from the journal source or the business unit settings according to the VAT default hierarchy. The default can be overridden on the journal line.

VAT Default

For VAT related accounts, click this link to access VAT Defaults Setup component on which you can define or override VAT settings for this account. VAT processing is available for non-receivable and non-payable items directly entered into the general ledger. The VAT Defaults Setup component

See Establishing VAT Defaults.

OpenItem Account

Select to activate OpenItem processing for tracking and matching debits and credits that post to this account. When you select this option, there are six related fields to complete. If you do not select this check box, any information you enter in these related fields is not retained and is deselected from the fields when you save the page.

Note. An OpenItem account cannot be a VAT-related account.

Reconcile on Base Amount

Select this check box to ensure that the Open Item reconciliation process closes Open Items that have both a zero Base Amount balance and a zero Transaction (Foreign) Amount balance. When this check box is not selected, the process only looks at the Transaction (Foreign) Amount balance and closes the Open Items whose Transaction (Foreign) Amount balance is zero.

Edit Record

Select the name of the table against which you want to validate the OpenItem search key. For example, if the OpenItem key is an employee ID, enter a table that contains a list of valid employee IDs, such as the EMPLOYEE_TBL.

Edit Field

Enter the name of the field from the edit record to match against your OpenItem key.

Prompt Table

Enter the name of the prompt table that is to return the current actual OpenItem rows for the account.

Description of OpenItem

Enter a description to appear in prompt lists, reports, and online inquiries. It typically is used to identify the OpenItem key that must be specified in the Ref (reference) field on the Journal Entry pages.

Reconcile Tolerance and Reconcile Currency

Enter a tolerance, and select the reconcile currency to use. You can close OpenItem rows if the balance is equal to or less than the tolerance. For background reconciliation, there is no tolerance. The balance must be zero.

General Ledger Account, Performance Measurement, and ABM Account

Select the General Ledger Account, Performance Measurement Acct (account), and ABM Account (Activity-Based Management account) check boxes only if you use PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management (EPM).

See Structuring Your Cost Management System.


Click the link to access the ChartField Attributes page described earlier in this chapter.

Long Description

Click this link to access the Long Description page described earlier in this chapter.

Control Account

Select to indicate that this is a control account and that it can be updated only by using the Journal Generator or a load process from a third party system. The purpose of this designation is to prevent manual or online entries in general ledger to the account.

You can map account ChartFields only to alternate account ChartFields having the same control account designation.

A control account represents a summarization of detail from a feeder application such as Payables that is posted by the system to the general ledger. For example, a control account for Accounts Payable provides a summary of accounts payable detail activity in the general ledger equal to the sum of the individual amounts by vendor in the Accounts Payable system. Only Journal Generator can update a control account.

Budgetary Only

Select if the account value is to be used for budgetary purposes only. The account will not be available for recording actual transactional entries. Budgetary only functionality is available for all fully configurable ChartFields.

Commitment Control Override

Select if you are using Commitment Control and you want to designate this account with an automatic override. This is only applicable for overrideable errors, such as Exceeds Budget. It does not override errors that cannot be overriden, such as No Budget Exists. This override is similar to the transaction override and requires at least a zero amount budget row to pass edit.

Book Code

If book code is enabled on the Installation Options - Overall page, you must enter a default book code that is appropriate for this account value for most instances of its use.

Allow Book Code Override

This check box is selected by default to enable override of the default book code for this account on the transaction line. Deselect the check box if you choose to always associate the default book code with the account value and not allow changes at the transaction line.

Balance Sheet Indicator

If enabled on the Installation Options - Overall page, the account can be designated as either off balance sheet or on balance sheet.

See Also

Creating Generic ChartField Attributes

Using Open Item Accounting

Using the Balance Sheet Indicator and Book Code

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Account Values to Alternate Account Values

Access the Map to Alternate Account page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Account and click the Map to Alternate Account tab).

AltAcct SetID (alternate account setID)

Enter the setID for the alternate account to which you want to link the account.

Add AltAcct (add alternate account)

Click to access the Alternate Account page on which you can add a new alternate account. This page is described below.

Mapping Mode

This is a system default and you cannot change the value:

One Acct to One or Many AltAccts (one account to one or many alternate accounts) indicates that the mapping is one account value to one or more alternate account values. You can map the one account value to one or more alternate accounts.

One AltAcct to One or Many Accts (one alternate account to one or many accounts) indicates that the mapping is one Alternate Account value to one or more account values. You can map the account value to only one alternate account.

Note. The system does not update the mapping mode setting until you have linked the account with one or more alternate accounts. If you have previously linked the account to an alternate account on the Map to Account page, the mapping mode might already be selected. When you add one or more alternate accounts and select default for one of the alternate accounts, the system selects One Acct to One/Many AltAccts. Also, you must specify a default account or alternate account for each setID that you map to either account or alternate account.

Mapped Alternate Accounts

Use the scroll arrows to select the alternate accounts that you want to link to the account. When you enter an account value on a transaction page, you can use only the alternate account values that you select in the scroll.

Default AltAcct (default alternate account)

Select the check box if you want the system to use the alternate account as the default on a transaction entry page.

Alternate Account

Select the alternate account that you want to link with the account. The system automatically enters the description of the alternate account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Alternate Account Values

Access the Alternate Account page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Alternate Account).

Long Description

Optionally, you can enter the purpose or use of the alternate account, and an explanation of the type of transactions that are to be posted to it.

Note. You can map alternate account ChartFields only to account ChartFields with the same attributes unless they have a different setID.

Monetary Account Type

Select from the types previously defined on the Account Types page.

Statistical Account

Used for statistical amounts, not monetary amounts. If you select the check box, you must specify a unit of measure.


Select the link to access the ChartField Attributes page.

Control Flag

Select to indicate that you can update this alternate account only by using the Journal Generator. A control account represents a summarization of detail from an application. For example, a control account for Accounts Payable would provide a summary of accounts payable activity equal to the sum of the individual amounts by vendor in the Accounts Payable system.

See Also

Using Alternate Account

Using Statistics

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Alternate Account Values to Account Values

Access the Map to Account page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Alternate Account and click the Map to Account tab).

Account SetID

Enter the setID for the account to which you want to link the alternate account.

Add Account

Click the link to access the Account page on which you can add a new account ChartField value.

Mapping Mode

This is a system default. You cannot change the value:

  • One Acct to One or Many AltAccts (one account to one or many alternate accounts) indicates that the mapping is one account value to one or more alternate account values. You can map the one alternate account value to only one account.

  • One AltAcct to One or Many Accts (one alternate account to one or many accounts) indicates that the mapping is one alternate account value to one or more account values. You can map the alternate account value to one or more accounts.

Note. The system does not update the mapping mode until you link the alternate account with one or more accounts. If you previously linked the alternate account to an account on the Map to Alternate Account page, the mapping mode might already be selected. When you add one or more accounts and select default account for one of the accounts, the system selects One AltAcct to One or Many Accts.

Mapped Accounts

Use the scroll arrows to select the accounts that you want to link to the alternate account. When you enter an alternate account value on a transaction page, you can use only the account values that you select in the scroll.

Default Account

Select if you want the system to use the account as the default account on transaction entry pages.


Enter each account that you want to link with the alternate account. The system automatically enters the description of the account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Operating Unit Values

Access the Operating Unit page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Alternate Account).

Use this ChartField to identify such things as a plant, office, physical location, branch, building, store, hospital, outpatient surgery center, clinic, or geographic location. This ChartField is usually related to responsibility reporting. It can also be used to assist in reporting for tax purposes or it can be used at the city, county, and state levels for both profit and loss (P&L) and balance sheet purposes.

Budgetary Only

Select if the value is to be used for budgetary purposes only. The operating unit will not be available for recording actual transactional entries for most products. However, General Ledger allows either budgetary only or non budgetary values to be selected for journal entry but validates against the ledger type at journal edit. Budgetary only functionality is available for all fully configurable ChartFields.


Select this link to access the ChartField Attributes page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Fund Code Values

Access the Fund Code page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Fund Code).

Funds are primary structural units for education and governmental accounting. Funds are maintained as a balanced set of accounts and are used to present financial statements.

Fund code is a balancing ChartField, and you establish all types of funds by using the Fund Code page.


Use to indicate the name of the fund and any pertinent details.

Budgetary Only

Select if the fund value is to be used for budgetary purposes only. The fund will not be available for recording actual transactional entries. Budgetary only functionality is available for all fully configurable ChartFields.


Select this link to access the ChartField Attributes page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Department Values

Access the Department page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Department).

Departments typically represent a divisional classification of a larger entity in your organization (such as a profit center, an operating unit, a school within a university or a bureau of a government). Its emphasis is usually on budget and responsibility accounting.


Select the current status of the department: Active or Inactive.

Description and Short Description

Enter a description and short description. These fields appear on pages and in reports.


Select this link to access the ChartField Attributes page.

Budgetary Only

Select this check box if the department value is to be used for budgetary purposes only. The department will not be available for recording actual transactional entries. Budgetary only functionality is available for all fully configurable ChartFields.

Manager ID

Select from a list of IDs that you entered on the Personal Data page. The system automatically populates the name in the Manager Name field and you cannot change it. Alternatively, enter a manager name only. The system does not edit a name that you manually enter against any table.


Indicate the payroll company to which this department belongs and into which the department reports. The system uses the payroll company to calculate worker compensation. The system also uses the department on the order in conjunction with the state to look up the appropriate worker compensation rate.

Note. If yours is a multi-company environment and you want more than one company to share the department, leave this field blank. The field displays only if you have PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office installed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Product Values

Access the Product page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Product).

Budgetary Only

Select if the value is to be used for budgetary purposes only. The product will not be available for recording actual transactional entries for most products. However, General Ledger allows either budgetary only or non budgetary values to be selected for journal entry but validates against the ledger type at journal edit. Budgetary only functionality is available for all fully configurable ChartFields.


Select this link to access the ChartField Attributes page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Project Values and Grant Values

Access the Project page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Project, Project).

The preceding page is available when Project Costing is not selected on the Installation Options - Products page.

The preceding page is available when Project Costing is installed on you system and is selected on the Installation Options - Products page.

Of the six project ChartFields, Project values is available for selection for setup using the ChartField Values page. The other five ChartFields are defined and their controls established using the Project Costing application. To define the other five project ChartFields, use the pages discussed in the Project Costing documentation.

See PeopleSoft Project Costing Implementation.

You can use the project ID ChartField with or without the Project Costing application. The setup for the page varies depending on this option.

Note. If you are using Project Costing, the Description tab and the fields associated with project manager and project status are not available through the Project page because applicable controls are entered or maintained through the Project Costing application pages. Also, when you use project IDs in General Ledger or other applications in your integrated database, the system validates them for standard Chartfield edits without regard to where the values were created. These and other important considerations are more fully explained in the Project Costing documentation dealing with setting up and integrating Project Costing, General Ledger and the feeder systems.


Use to select an integration template for the project and project level.


ChartField edit uses this value to determine if the project ID value is active or inactive.

Start Date and End Date

If you have not installed PeopleSoft Project Costing, these fields are used for memo entries only and there is no general ledger process that uses them.

Note. No edits are subject to these dates nor does the Commitment Control Budget Processor use these dates during budget checking.

Project Manager

If you have not installed Project Costing, these fields enable you to specify the project manager ID, display the manager name, and effective date of the entry. The fields are not available on this page if you are using Project Costing.

Project Status

If you have not installed Project Costing, you can enter the effective date and select a project status to indicate the various stages of the life cycle for the project, such as Proposed, Budgeted, Hold, Open, or Closed. The fields are not available on this page if you are using Project Costing.

Note. These fields are memo entries only and are not used by any general ledger process. Do not confuse them with ChartField editing that uses the ChartField status (active or inactive) that is also set on this page nor with budget checking in Commitment Control that uses budget start and end dates.


Select to access the ChartField Attributes page.

Note. Attributes normally share the effective dating of the ChartField values to which they are attached, however, the Project ChartField does not have effective dating. Project ChartField attributes are automatically assigned a default effective date of 01/01/1900.

Summary Project

If you select this option, the project ID value is used at a budget summary level for budgets but not at a detail transaction level within Commitment Control. If the Project Costing product is installed, it serves a similar function to indicate the project ID value is a rollup or summary level project and is not used for detail activity.


You can also set up and maintain Project values to track grants.

See PeopleSoft Grants PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Statistics Code Values

Access the Statistics Code page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Statistics Code).

You can track a variety of nonmonetary amounts with statistics. Statistics codes are used to maintain statistical amounts to facilitate financial analysis and reporting. If you plan to use statistics codes, you must also establish units of measure.

Unit of Measure

Select a default unit of measure in which the system is to store statistical amounts that you enter. If you enter an amount on a journal line in a unit of measure that differs from this default, the system automatically converts it to the one that you specify here if you have defined a conversion factor on the Units of Measure page.

See Also

Entering Units of Measure

Using Statistics

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Scenario Values

Access the Scenario page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Scenario).

You can easily keep track of different budget versions using scenarios. A scenario is a ChartField value that you can use to identify various budget iterations that use different assumptions.

See Also

Maintaining Standard Budgets in General Ledger

Getting Started With PeopleSoft Commitment Control

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Program Code Values

Access the Program Code page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Program Code).

These values lend themselves to identifying and tracking revenues and costs to which you want to apply budgetary controls, for example, a toxic waste removal program or research being conducted by a university.

Manager Name

Programs typically involve responsibility accounting.

Budgetary Only

Select if the value is to be used for budgetary purposes only. This program code will not be available for recording actual transactional entries for most products. However, General Ledger allows either budgetary only or non budgetary values to be selected for journal entry but validates against the ledger type at journal edit. Budgetary only functionality is available for all fully configurable ChartFields.


Select to access the ChartField Attributes page. Attributes share the effective dating of the ChartField values to which they are attached.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Class Field Values

Access the Class Field page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Class Field).

Class values enable you to further classify activities concurrently recorded in funds, departments and programs into detail categories in which you normally track class amounts such as salaries or materials.

Budgetary Only

Select if the value is to be used for budgetary purposes only. This class field will not be available for recording actual transactional entries for most products. However, General Ledger allows either budgetary only or non budgetary values to be selected for journal entry but validates against the ledger type at journal edit. Budgetary only functionality is available for all fully configurable ChartFields.


Select to access the ChartField Attributes page. Attributes share the effective dating of the ChartField values to which they are attached.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Budget Reference Values

Access the Budget Reference page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Budget Reference).

Use to identify unique budgets, which is necessary when individual budgets share budget keys and overlapping budget periods. Budget reference values can be used as a balancing ChartField to maintain a balanced set of books by budget.

Budgetary Only

Select if the value is to be used for budgetary purposes only. This value will not be available for recording actual transactional entries for most products. However, General Ledger allows either budgetary only or non budgetary values to be selected for journal entry but validates against the ledger type at journal edit. Budgetary only functionality is available for all fully configurable ChartFields.


Select to access the ChartField Attributes page. Attributes share the effective dating of the ChartField values to which they are attached.

See Also

Setting Up Basic Commitment Control Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Values for Expansion ChartFields 1, 2, and 3

Access one of the ChartField 1, 2, or 3 pages (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, ChartField 1, 2 or 3).

PeopleSoft delivers three ready-to-configure expansion ChartFields. When additional ChartFields are required, these expansion ChartFields can be activated rather than adding new ChartFields. ChartField 1, 2, and 3 must be activated on the Standard ChartField Configuration page.

Note. Additional ChartFields can be added using advanced ChartField configuration if the three expansion ChartFields do not meet your needs.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft ChartField Configuration

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChoosing Affiliate ChartField Values

Access the Standard ChartField Configuration page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Configure, Standard Configuration).

Use affiliate ChartField values when interunit or intraunit transactions are maintained using the same account ChartField value among several related entities (such as business units, funds, or operating units). For example, each entity might use account 140000 as both an interunit receivables and payables account. Each entity could also have a different account value. However, in each instance an affiliate ChartField value must be assigned to the accounting line or journal line to identify the entity with which the receivable or payable is shared.

PeopleSoft delivers the following affiliate ChartFields:

Affiliate ChartFields cannot be used as standard standalone ChartFields. They must be used in association with another related ChartField. This is because the affiliate ChartField values are the values of the related ChartField. In other words, there is no separate affiliate ChartField page where you enter affiliate values as with the stand alone ChartFields, such as account or department.

Business unit is required as the interunit-related ChartField for affiliate. It provides the values available in the drop down list box for the Affiliate field on the Journal Entry page.

A unique intraunit-related ChartField must be specified for each intraunit affiliate ChartField that is active. Intraunit-related ChartFields must be used with intraunit affiliate ChartFields; they cannot be used for interunit purposes. The intraunit-related ChartField length must not be greater than the intraunit affiliate ChartField length to which it is mapped.

Related ChartFields provide the prompt values for affiliate ChartFields.

See Also

Configuring ChartFields

Using Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding PeopleSoft Project Accounting Product ChartField Values

ChartFields specific to the Project Costing application are described in the PeopleSoft Project Costing 9.1 PeopleBook.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading ChartField Values Using the Excel Spreadsheet to Component Interface Process

PeopleSoft delivers a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet to PeopleSoft Components Interface to enter ChartField data into PeopleSoft databases. Component Interfaces are listed with the topics on the applicable ChartFields and associated functionality.

For more information on Component Interfaces, refer to your PeopleTools documentation.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Trees to Summarize ChartFields

Using the PeopleTools Tree Manager, you can set up ChartField summarization rules, reporting hierarchies, and rollup structures. The Tree Manager adds a convenient graphic layer that displays the relationships between ChartField values. You see where individual ChartField values fit in the overall scheme; and you can maintain the ChartFields directly from the Tree Manager.

The Tree Manager simplifies chart of account design. It enables you to position individual ChartField values on an intuitive tree diagram, so that your summary levels or hierarchies are established exactly as they are displayed on the screen. You maintain ChartField values and include them in the appropriate rollup structures at the same time.

See Also

Summarizing ChartFields Using Trees

Click to jump to parent topicDefining and Using SpeedTypes

To define and use speed types, use the SpeedTypes component (SPEEDTYPE).

You often have common transactions in which you must enter the same combination of ChartField values repeatedly. By creating shortcut keys called SpeedTypes for these frequently used combinations of ChartFields, you can greatly increase journal entry efficiency and reduce errors.

Assume that you regularly post sales of a certain product to a specific revenue account. Each time that you create a journal entry that describes this transaction, you enter the same product code, department ID, and account number. Using a SpeedType that you define, you can type in the SpeedType code or one or more leading characters of the SpeedType code, click the drop down menu and quickly select the code form a list that appears to automatically enter all three ChartField values. For example, if SREV is the Speed Type you created for the entry described above, you can type in SREV or just enter S or SR to narrow the number of SpeedTypes that are available on the SpeedType List page that appears when you click the drop down menu for the Speed Type field. .

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define and Manage SpeedTypes

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, SpeedTypes, SpeedType

Define the ChartField value combination that you want the system to enter into the journal automatically when you select the Speed Type key.

SpeedType Delete


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, Mass Delete SpeedTypes

Select to delete one or more existing SpeedTypes at once.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining SpeedTypes

Access the SpeedType page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, SpeedTypes, SpeedType).

The SpeedType page lists all the ChartFields defined for your system. You can specify any combination of the ChartField values to fully define your SpeedType.

Note. The detail Project Costing ChartFields are available if you have Project Costing installed. If not, only the Project ChartField is available.

Warning! If you have not licensed PeopleSoft Project Costing, Expenses, Resource Management, or Services Procurement and you see the following ChartFields: PC Business Unit, Activity, Source Type, Category, or Subcategory on pages, deselect the check boxes for these products on the Installation Options - Products page and run ChartField configuration to inactivate the ChartFields because they are specific to these products.

If you have not licensed Project Costing but have licensed Expenses, Resource Management, or Services Procurement and you still see Source Type, Category, or Subcategory on pages, deselect the check boxes for the unlicensed products on the Installation Options - Products page and run ChartField configuration to inactivate these ChartFields because they are specific to Project Costing. ChartFields that are not necessary can cause performance and other processing problems when they are allowed to remain active.

SpeedType Key

Enter a description that identifies your SpeedType key.

Type of SpeedType

Select to restrict the key to a particular user or permission list. Values are:

  • Universal (All Users): All users are authorized to use this combination. To create a Universal SpeedType when adding a new value, do not enter a User ID or a Primary Permission List value.

  • One User: The user that you specify in the User ID field is authorized to use this combination.

  • One Permission: Permission that you specify in the Primary Permission List field is authorized to use this combination.

Currency Code

It is not necessary to select a value because the value defaults to the currency of the ledger. If you do specify a currency and you use the SpeedType in a journal for a ledger that has a different currency, the system does not use the Speed Type currency for the foreign currency in the journal line.

Note. The Publish Data check box is used if you want to send the ChartField values of the new or updated SpeedType to PeopleSoft HCM, which uses the values to update the Account Code (ACCT_CD_TBL) table. The check box is only available if the SpeedType is a One User Speed Type; and the HCM installation option is selected.

If the Publish Data check box is visible but unavailable on the SpeedType page, it indicates that the message object, HR_CHARTFIELD_COMBO_SYNC, is not activated. When the Publish Data check box is available, its default is not selected. The option is not part of the SpeedType data and is not saved with your SpeedType definition.

Note. The published data content includes detail project ChartField values, as the data source is the SpeedType record (SPEEDTYP_TBL).

See Also

Entering Journal Header Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting SpeedTypes in Mass

Access the SpeedType Delete page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, Mass Delete SpeedTypes).

Select and delete one or more existing SpeedTypes in one action using the SpeedType Delete page. Situations that may warrant multiple SpeedTypes be deleted at once are account inactivation, user inactivation, or ChartField relationships that are no longer valid within the organization.

Search for the SpeedTypes that you want to delete. You must enter a setID. If you want a complete listing of the SpeedTypes within a setID, leave the Type of SpeedType, Field Name, Selection Criteria and Value fields blank. Otherwise, enter values in these fields to narrow your search and click the Search button to retrieve the SpeedTypes. From the result set, select those SpeedTypes that you want to delete, or click the Mark All button if you want to delete them all and click the Delete link.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining and Using ChartField Value Sets

To define and use ChartField value sets, use the ChartField Value Sets component (CF_VALUE_SET).

ChartField value sets enable you to define combinations of ChartField values to be used for source data during the general ledger closing process and the Commitment Control ledger closing process. They can also be used to define the source data for consolidations, equitization, and various other process.

For example, you can create one ChartField value set for the income statement accounts used in interim closing and a different set to be used in year-end closing. When you define closing rules for the interim close or the year-end close, you select which ChartField value sets to use.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define ChartField Value Sets

Page Name

Definition Name



ChartField Value Set


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, ChartField Value Sets, Set Up ChartField Value Sets, ChartField Value Set

Define sets of ChartField values to be used for such things as closing, commitment control budget close, equitization, and consolidation processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining ChartField Value Sets

Access the ChartField Value Set page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, ChartField Value Sets, Setup ChartField Value Sets, ChartField Value Set).

Ledger Template

Identifies which ChartFields appear in the Field Name drop down list box.

Summary Ledger

If the Ledger Template that you selected is for a summary ledger, enter the summary ledger ID. This identifies which ChartField values are available for selection in the Select Values/Nodes group box.


Enter a short description of the ChartField value set to display on pages and in drop-down list boxes where display space is limited.

In the following field, enter a longer description to identify the ChartField value set on reports, pages, prompt lists, or online inquiries. Include any comments or information regarding its use.

In the Values by ChartFields group box, identify the values to be included in this value set.

Field Name

Available ChartFields are based on the ledger template that you entered. Select the ChartField that you want to include in this value set.

How Specified

Values are:

  • Selected Detail Values if you want to select individual ChartField values to include in the set.

  • Detail-Selected Parents if you want to select values based on tree nodes. This option activates a Tree edit box where you can specify a tree from which to select nodes. This option also activates an optional Level edit box (if you select a tree that uses levels) enabling you to limit prompting to selected levels.

  • Range of Values to enter a value from and a value To.

Select Values/Nodes

The system prompts you to enter accounts or tree nodes depending on the How Specified option that you selected. Click the Add button to add each account or node value.

Click the Tree View button to access the tree referenced when using Selected Parents in How Specified.

To the right of the How Specified field, click the Add button to add additional ChartFields to the value set; then complete the fields to select values to include for the ChartField as described.

Click to jump to parent topicProducing ChartField Reports

Use the ChartField Reports (FS_CF_REPORT_HOME) component to access reports pages.

Below are listed standard ChartField reports to monitor your progress in implementing ChartFields and related functionality.

To run a report, select it from its menu and enter the necessary parameters. After you entered the report parameters, you use Process Scheduler to run the report. The Process Scheduler manages the processes, tracks the status, and generates the report.

To modify standard reports, create your own reports, or change the report output format, a variety of reporting options are available in PeopleTools. Refer to your PeopleTools documentation for more information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Produce ChartField Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Account Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, Account Types, Account Types

Specify parameters for running the Account Types report. The Account Types report (FIN0004) displays the account type, the long and short descriptive name and indicates whether the system carries forward the balance for that account type. It is a Crystal report

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0004 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

List of Valid SpeedTypes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, SpeedTypes, Run, Process Scheduler Request, and select List of Valid Speed Types (Crystal report)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, SpeedTypes, Run, Process Scheduler Request, and select BI Publisher: List of Valid Speed Types

Specify parameters for running the SpeedTypes report. The SpeedTypes report (FIN0007) produces a list of valid SpeedTypes. A SpeedType enables you to enter shorthand keys to trigger the population of ChartField pre-specified values for one or more fields for a journal entry. It also shows if the SpeedType is to be used by a single user ID or an entire permission list. FIN0007 is a Crystal report. If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0007 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Crystal reports require manual changes when there are ChartField configurations. FSX0007 is an BI Publisher report and does not require manual changes to support ChartField configuration. It uses the same criteria as the Crystal reports.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Account

Specify parameters for running the List of Valid Accounts report. The List of Valid Accounts Report (FIN0010) is a Crystal report that you specify by setID and as of date and lists all valid account ChartFields.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0010 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Department

Specify parameters for running the Valid Department Codes report. The Valid Department Codes report (FIN0011) lists department information by setID. It is a Crystal report.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0011 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Product

Specify parameters for running the Valid Product Codes report. The Valid Product Codes report (FIN0012) lists valid product codes for the specified setID. It is a Crystal report.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0012 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Project ID


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Project, Project ID

Specify parameters for running the Valid Project Codes report. The Valid Project Codes report (FIN0013) lists valid project codes by setID.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0013 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Ledger Codes Report


General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger Codes Report

Gives description and lists active ledger codes and associated book codes by setID.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the GLX1001 report to avoid manual changes.

Adjustment Type


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Adjustment Type

Specify parameters for running the Adjustment Types report. The Adjustment Types report (GLC4004) lists adjustment types.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the GLX4004 report to avoid manual changes.

Book Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Book Code

Specify parameters for running the Book Code report. The Book Code report (GLC4005) lists valid book codes.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the GLX4005 report to avoid manual changes.

Accounting Balancing Group


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, Account Balancing Group

Specify parameters for running the Account Balancing Group report. The Account Balancing Group report (GLC4006) lists your account balancing groups combinations of book code and balance sheet indicator.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the GLX4006 report to avoid manual changes.

Budget Reference


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Budget Reference

Specify parameters for running the Budget Reference Report. The Budget Reference report (FIN0024) is a Crystal report that lists valid budget reference values for the specified setID and as of date.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0024 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Scenario

Specify parameters for running the Scenario report. The Scenario report (FIN0025) lists valid budget scenarios.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0025 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Statistics Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Statistics Code

Specify parameters for running the Valid Statistics Code report. The Valid Statistics Code report (FIN0015) lists the contents of the statistic codes table.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0015 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Operating Unit


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Operating Unit

Specify parameters for running the Valid Operating Units report. The Valid Operating Units report (FIN0032) list the valid operating units for a selected setID. It is a Crystal report.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0032 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Alternate Account


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Alternate Account

Specify parameters for running the Alternate Account report. The Alternate Account report (FIN0033) lists the alternate accounts for a setID. It is a Crystal report. The account type indicates whether the account is an asset, debit, or other type. A yes or a no under the Open Item heading indicates whether the account has open items. A yes or a no under the Statistics Account heading indicates whether the account is a statistical account. The control flag indicates whether the alternate account with a yes or no is a control account. The effective status indicates the status of the account; the effective date displays when the status became effective.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0033 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

AltAcct Cross Reference


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Alt Account Cross Reference, AltAcct Cross Reference

Specify parameters for running the Alternate Account Cross Reference report. The Alternate Account Cross Reference report (FIN0036) displays accounts and their corresponding cross-referenced alternate accounts. It is an SQR report.

Chartfield 1


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Chartfield 1

Specify parameters for running the List of Valid Chartfield 1 report. The report (FIN0037) is a Crystal report that lists valid values for the specified setID and as of date.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0037 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Chartfield 2


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Chartfield 2

Specify parameters for running the List of Valid Chartfield 2 report. The report (FIN0038) is a Crystal report that lists valid values for the specified setID and as of date.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0038 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Chartfield 3


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Chartfield 3

Specify parameters for running the List of Valid Chartfield 3 report. The report (FIN0039) is a Crystal report that lists valid values for the specified setID and as of date.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0039 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Fund Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Fund Code

Specify parameters for running the List of Valid Funds report. The List of Valid Funds report (FIN0050) is a Crystal report that lists valid values for the specified setID and as of date.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0050 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Program Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Program Code

Specify parameters for running the List of Valid Programs report. The List of Valid Programs report (FIN0052) is a Crystal report that lists valid values for the setID and as of date you specify.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0052 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Class Field


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Class Field

Specify parameters for running the List of Valid Sub Classes report. The List of Valid Sub Classes report (FIN0053) is a Crystal report that list valid values for the setID and as of date you specify.

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the FSX0053 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

ChartField Attributes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Attributes, ChartField Attributes

Specify parameters for running the ChartField Attributes report. The ChartField Attributes Report (FIN0061) is an SQR that you run by setID for a selected ChartField. It lists the ChartField attributes settings.

ChartField Report Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Report Options, ChartField Report Options

Select the ChartFields and define the sequence in which they appear in specific SQR reports for Billing.