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Oracle Communications Converged Application Server Java API Reference

Interface ConferenceParticipantExtension

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public interface ConferenceParticipantExtension
extends ParticipantExtension

Represents an extension applicable for Participant that joined in Conference or MSRPConference.

Application can get the ConferenceParticipantExtension as following:

 UserParticipant up = ...
 ConferenceParticipantExtension extension = up.getExtension(ConversationParticipantExtension.class);

Method Summary
 ResourceLists getReciptHistList()
          As specified in RFC 5366, the conference server is able to receive incoming INVITE request that contains a URI-list body or reference (as specified in [RFC5363]) with the actual list of recipients.
 User getUserInfo()
          Returns the user information.
 void setReciptHistList(ResourceLists list)
          As specified in RFC 5366, the conference server is able to receive incoming INVITE request that contains a URI-list body or reference (as specified in [RFC5363]) with the actual list of recipients.


Method Detail


void setReciptHistList(ResourceLists list)
As specified in RFC 5366, the conference server is able to receive incoming INVITE request that contains a URI-list body or reference (as specified in [RFC5363]) with the actual list of recipients. If this URI list includes resources tagged with the 'copyControl' attribute set to a value of "to" or "cc", the conference server SHOULD include a URI list in each of the outgoing INVITE requests. This list SHOULD be formatted according to the XML format for representing resource lists (specified in [RFC4826]) and the copyControl extension specified in [RFC5364]. This method is used to set the URI list included in the outgoing INVITE requests that the conference server sent to the participant.
list - The ResourceLists that contains 'recipient-list-history' element.


ResourceLists getReciptHistList()
As specified in RFC 5366, the conference server is able to receive incoming INVITE request that contains a URI-list body or reference (as specified in [RFC5363]) with the actual list of recipients. If this URI list includes resources tagged with the 'copyControl' attribute set to a value of "to" or "cc", the conference server SHOULD include a URI list in each of the outgoing INVITE requests. This list SHOULD be formatted according to the XML format for representing resource lists (specified in [RFC4826]) and the copyControl extension specified in [RFC5364]. This method returns the URI list to the participant.
Return the URI list that formatted according to the XML format for representing resource lists (specified in [RFC4826]) and the copyControl extension specified in [RFC5364].


User getUserInfo()
Returns the user information. Application usually set this information if the UserParticipant joins Conference, the user information will be used by SFT Container to construct conference-info document and send to subscribers who interested in the conference state, The conference-info is defined in [RFC4575]
As instance of User

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Oracle Communications Converged Application Server Java API Reference


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