Setting Up Collaborative Workspace Options and Templates

This chapter provides an overview of workspace setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Workspace Setup

To use collaborative workspaces in Oracle’s PeopleSoft Applications Portal, you must complete these setup steps:

  1. Set up system options.

  2. Create a workspace category hierarchy.

  3. Set up instant messaging for workspaces.

  4. Create workspace templates.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up System Options for Workspaces

This section discusses how to set system options for workspaces.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up System Options for Workspaces

Page Name

Definition Name



Installation Options


Portal Administration, System Data, Installation Options

Define portal installation options, including options that are specific to the collaborative workspace feature.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting System Options for Workspaces

Access the Installation Options page (Portal Administration, System Data, Installation Options).

This section discusses the options in the Resource Finder and Collaborative Workspaces group boxes that are used to define installation options for workspaces.

Other options on the Installation Options page are covered in the PeopleSoft Applications Portal 9.1 PeopleBook: Portal and Site Administration

See Defining Installation Options.

Resource Finder

Enable Resource Finder

Select this check box to use the Resource Finder feature.

Use Resource Finder for Profile Pages

Select to use Resource Finder participant profiles as the source for workspace member profiles accessible from the Members module. When a user clicks a member name link in the Members module, the member profile that appears will be based on the member's Resource Finder participant profile.

For this option to work as designed, you must have the following setup in place:

  • Resource Finder must be set up and loaded with data. This setup includes the generation of associated Resource Finder search collections.

  • Resource Finder participants must be loaded with their associated user IDs where applicable.

    See Loading Participant User IDs.

If you do not select this option, when a user clicks a member name link in the Members module, the member profile that appears is based on information from thePSOPRDEFN, PSUSEREMAIL, EPPCW_MEMBERS, and PS_EPPRC_IM_USERVW tables.

See Using the Members Module.

Collaborative Workspaces

Maximum Email Notifications

Enter the maximum number of email messages you want to be able to send in the member invitation notification process for a workspace.

If the number of email messages sent in the notification process exceeds this number, the system displays an error message and does not send any email messages.

Default Module Image

Select the name of the image you want to appear by default in the workspace menu to the left of a module name. If an image is defined for a module, then the system overrides this default image.

Default Presence Indicators in Members Module

Select to display instant messaging presence indicators in the Members module. If you decide to display presence indicators, keep in mind that one server trip is executed per indicator per member.

See Setting Up Instant Messaging in PeopleSoft Applications Portal.

Enable External Users

Select to enable the option to create external user accounts for workspaces.

See Administering Workspace Members.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Workspace Category Hierarchy

This section provides an overview of the workspace category hierarchy and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Workspace Category Hierarchy

Use the workspace category hierarchy to organize workspaces. When you create workspace templates and workspaces, you can assign them a category you have defined using the Manage Categories component.

When you use the Manage Workspaces and Manage Templates components, you can choose to search for, browse, and sort existing workspace templates and workspaces by category.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the Workspace Category Hierarchy

Page Name

Definition Name



Collaborative Workspace Category Hierarchy


Portal Administration, Workspaces, Manage Categories

Manage the hierarchy of categories used to organize workspace templates and workspaces.

Add Category


Click the Add Category button on the Collaborative Workspace Category Hierarchy page.

Add a category to the workspace category hierarchy.

Edit Category


Click the Edit Category button on the Collaborative Workspace Category Hierarchy page.

Edit a category in the workspace category hierarchy.

Select Category


Click the Move Category button on the Edit Category page.

Use the Select Category page to move the current category in the category hierarchy.

Delete Confirmation


Click the Delete Category button on the Collaborative Workspace Category Hierarchy page.

Confirm or cancel the deletion of a category in the workspace category hierarchy.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging the Workspace Category Hierarchy

Access the Collaborative Workspace Category Hierarchy page (Portal Administration, Workspaces, Manage Categories).

Top Category

Use the Top Category group box to enter information about the top category, which is the root of the workspace category hierarchy. This single top category will house all categories for your workspace implementation.

Category Name

Enter the name you want to use to identify the top category of your workspace category hierarchy. The category you define here is the top folder in the graphical representation of the category hierarchy that appears in the lower portion of the page.


Enter a description of the top category. This field is for internal reference.


Indicates a category that contains other categories. Click to display or hide child categories.

Indicates a category that does not contain any other categories.

Click the linked category name text to access any of the following editing options applicable to the selected category:

Add Category

Click to access the Add Category page, where you can add a category to the selected category.

Edit Category

Click to access the Edit Category page, where you can edit the selected category.

Delete Category

Click to access the Delete Confirmation page, where you can confirm or cancel the deletion of a selected category.

Note. You cannot delete the top category, but you can rename it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding and Editing Workspace Categories

Access the Add Category page (select a category and click the Add Category link on the Collaborative Workspace Category Hierarchy page).

Access the Edit Category page (select a category and click the Edit Category link on the Collaborative Workspace Category Hierarchy page).

Use the Add Category page to add a new category to the workspace category hierarchy.

Use the Edit Category page (shown) to edit or move a category.


Enter the name of the category.


Enter a description for the category.


Click to save your changes.


Click to cancel any changes.

Move Category

Click to access the Select Category page to move this category to a new location in the hierarchy.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMoving Categories

Access the Select Category page (click the Move Category button on the Edit Category page).

To use the Select Category page to move a category:

  1. Browse the category hierarchy to view the available categories:

  2. Click a link for a category to select that category as the new parent category.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Workspace Instant Messaging

Instant messaging functionality is available in workspaces by way of member profiles accessible from the Members module. To display instant messaging presence indicators in the Members module, select the Default Presence Indicators in Members Module option on the Installation Options page.

See Setting System Options for Workspaces.

See Also

Setting Up Instant Messaging in PeopleSoft Applications Portal

Viewing Member Profiles

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Workspace Templates

This section provides an overview of workspace templates and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Workspace Templates

When creating a workspace, you must select a workspace template on which to base the workspace. A workspace template is a model that provides common characteristics for the workspaces built from it. For example, a workspace template can define default workspace modules, the default layout of the workspace homepage, default workspace members and privileges, and the contextual relationships, if applicable.

Three workspace templates are delivered with PeopleSoft Applications Portal:

A workspace template is a portal registry derived from the delivered workspace base portal template. Using the template administration pages documented in this section, you can define various aspects of this template registry, including security, contextual data, associated workspace modules, and related pagelets.

You can create additional workspace templates to suit your organization's needs. You can create highly or minimally configured templates, depending on their usage. For example, you can create separate templates to meet the needs of project groups, departments, business units, or transaction-based collaborators.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Workspace Templates

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Templates


Portal Administration, Workspaces, Manage Templates

Browse and manage a list of workspace templates.

Create Workspace Template


Portal Administration, Workspaces, Create Template

Create a workspace template definition.

Template Created page


Click the Save button on the Create Workspace Template page.

Access a new template by clicking the template name link.

Administration - Properties


  • In a workspace template, click the Administration link.

  • Click the template name link on the Template Created page.

    Click the Administration link in the workspace menu.

  • Portal Administration, Workspaces, Manage Templates

    Click the template you want to administer.

    Click the Administration link in the workspace menu.

Set workspace template properties such as name, category, and branding theme.

Select Branding Theme and Overrides


Click the Select Overridable Elements link on the Administration - Properties page.

Determine which branding elements can be overridden by workspace administrators.

Administration - Members


In a workspace template, click the Administration link.

Select the Members tab.

Manage the membership settings of a workspace template.

Administration - Modules


In a workspace template, click the Administration link.

Select the Modules tab.

Select the modules and pagelets that you want to include in a workspace template.

Documents Module Properties


In a workspace template, click the Administration link.

Select the Modules tab.

Click the Properties link for the Documents module on the Administration - Modules page.

Define options available in the Documents module of workspaces created using the template.

Add Pagelet


Click the Add Related Pagelet button on the Administration - Modules page.

Select a pagelet definition from a source portal and add it to a template.

Edit Pagelet


Click the Edit Pagelet button for a related pagelet on the Administration - Modules page.

Edit the definition for a related pagelet.

Key Name Mapping


Click the Map link for a related pagelet on the Administration - Modules page.

Select and optionally rename the keys passed to the pagelet.

Administration - Contextual Data


In a workspace template, click the Administration link.

Select the Contextual Data tab.

Manage contextual data associated with a template. For example, you can enter data that ties the template to one or more transactions and to one or more transaction key fields.

Select Transaction


Click the Select Transaction button on the Administration - Contextual Data page.

Select a transaction that you want to include as contextual data for a template.

Administration - Copy Changes


In a workspace template, click the Administration link.

Select the Copy Changes tab.

Copy selected items updated in the template to specified target workspaces, templates, or both.

Module Details,

Related Pagelets,

Link Details


On the Administration - Copy Changes page, click a Details link.

Select which modules, pagelets, or links will be copied to the target workspaces.

Administration - Security


In a workspace template, click the Administration link.

Select the Security tab.

Manage security options for a template.

Administration - Advanced


In a workspace template, click the Administration link.

Select the Advanced tab.

Access tools and utilities that enable you to implement advanced configurations for a workspace template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Workspace Templates

Access the Manage Templates page (Portal Administration, Workspaces, Manage Templates).

Filter Templates


Select the category in which you want to search for the template that you want to manage.


Select the owner of the template that you want to manage.


Select the Active check box or the Inactive check box to indicate the status of the workspace or template that you want to manage.


Enter any keywords that you want to use to narrow your search results. The keywords you enter will be matched against any text that appears in the title (label) or description of a template.


Click to perform your requested search.


Click to clear all keywords that you entered.



Select a check box to indicate that you want to perform a managerial action on the workspace.


Displays the name of the workspace template. Click the link to access the template.


The system displays the category to which the template is assigned.


The system displays the name of the template owner.


The system displays the status of the template, active or inactive.


Click to reactivate the selected template.


Click to deactivate the selected template The template is no longer accessible or usable by members, but its data continues to be stored in your database.


Click to delete the selected template. You are prompted to confirm your deletion.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Workspace Templates

Access the Create Workspace Template page (Portal Administration, Workspaces, Create Template).


Enter a name for the template. This name becomes an available value in the Template field on the Select a Workspace Template page.


Enter a description of the template. The system displays this description when the template is selected on the Select a Workspace Template page.


Click to create and save the template definition. After the save is complete, the system takes you to the Template Created page.

Accessing the Newly Created Template

After you save a new template, the system takes you to the Template Created page, where you click the template name link to display the administration pages for the new template.

Working With Templates and the Action Item Lists Module

When you create templates in the Action Item Lists module, the system does not create a default list. However, when you create Workspaces the system does create a default list. If the template has any manually created lists, the Workspace created from that template will contain a default list (with the same name as the Workspace) plus any manually created lists in the template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Workspace Template Properties

Access the Administration - Properties page (in a workspace template, click the Administration link).


The template name you entered on the Create Workspace Template page appears, but you can override it. This name becomes an available value in the Template field on the Select a Workspace Template page.


Enter a description of the template. This description appears when the template is selected on the Select a Workspace Template page.

Default Category

Select a category for the workspace template. This category appears by default on the Name and Describe Workspace page for a workspace created using this template.

Allow category override

Select to override the selected category on individual workspaces created using this template. You perform this override on the Name and Describe Workspace page.

Branding Theme

Displays the branding theme that will be used to display workspaces created using this template. This field is editable for template owners and administrators.

Branding themes available for selection are derived from the assembled themes as defined in the PeopleSoft Applications Portal branding feature.

Select Overridable Elements

Select this link to display the Select Branding Theme and Overrides page, where you can select branding elements that you want to change.

Selecting Branding Overrides

Access the Select Branding Theme and Overrides page (click the Select Overridable Elements link on the Administration - Properties page).

Determine which branding elements can be overridden by workspace administrators.

Effective Date

Specify the date that the header or footer should take effect.


Click this button to add another effective-dated version of the theme.


Click this button to delete the current effective-dated version of the theme.

Theme ID

Displays the object name of the branding theme.


Click this link to display the Assemble Branding Theme page, where you can define a branding theme.

See Assembling Branding Themes.

Override Section

Indicates if the override value applies to the homepage header, homepage footer, or target page header.


Select the check boxes for the elements you want to override.

Element ID

Displays a unique numeric identifier for the element. These elements are hard-coded and serve as the foundation for PeopleSoft Applications Portal Branding.


Displays a description of the element type, including its bind variable. This value becomes the default description of the elements listed in the HTML Layouts and Element Selection page.

See Also

Setting Up PeopleSoft Applications Portal Branding

Setting Up the Workspace Category Hierarchy

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Template Members

Access the Administration - Members page (in a workspace template, click the Administration link and then select the Members tab).

See Configuring Advanced Options for Templates.


Use the Members group box to manage the membership settings of the workspace template. The system provides these settings by default to the workspaces that are created using this template.

You can also use the Add Members page and the Administration - Members page to manage the membership of a workspace built using this template.

See Step 5: Adding Workspace Members.


Select the type of member you want to add to the workspace template. Users and roles that are available for selection are those who have access to the PAPP5300 permission list. Available values include:

Role: Select to enable selecting a role or a group of users in the Member Name field. Available roles are defined in the Roles component.

See PeopleTools 8.52: Security Administration PeopleBook, “Setting Up Roles.”

User: Select to enable selecting a user in the Member Name field. You must select this value to be able to select a Privilege Set field value of Owner or Administrator. Available users are defined in the User Profiles component.

See PeopleTools 8.52: Security Administration PeopleBook, “Administering User Profiles.”

Privilege Set

Select the privilege set you want to assign by default to the member in workspaces created using this template. You must select a Type field value of User to be able to select the Owner or Administrator value. Available values are:







See Understanding Workspace Privilege Sets.

Click to view information about the privilege set.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Template Modules

Access the Administration - Modules page (in a workspace template, click the Administration link and select the Modules tab).

Select the modules that you want to include in the workspace template.

The system provides these settings by default to the workspaces that are created using this template. The Welcome, Members, and Administration module names are selected and unavailable for editing because they are required in a workspace.

The Properties link associated with a module enables you to further define the properties and options available in a module.

Mapping Keys for Context-Sensitive Pagelets

Access the Key Name Mapping page (click the Map link for a context-sensitive pagelet on the Administration - Modules page).

When you add a related pagelet to a workspace and designate it as being context-sensitive, the pagelet is passed the same key names and values that are associated with the workspace. These keys are passed to the pagelet as query string parameters. You can override the key names for a related pagelet by adding the EPPCW_KEYMAPPING attribute to the content reference representing the pagelet.

You access the content reference of the pagelet by clicking the Structure and Content link on the Administration - Advanced page. The syntax for the attribute value is:


See Also

Using PeopleSoft Applications Portal Content Reference Attributes

Configuring Advanced Options for Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Document Module Options for a Template

Access the Documents Module Properties page (click the Properties link for the Documents module on the Administration - Modules page).

Enable Content Versions

Select to enable different versions of content.

Enable Content Checkout

Select to enable the check in and check out of documents posted to the Documents module in workspaces created using this template. If you select this option, fields and options enabling the check in and check out of documents appear appropriately on the pages used to post documents to the Documents module.

Enable Content Approval

Select to enable the approval of documents posted to the Documents module in workspaces created using this template. If you select this option, fields and options enabling the approval of documents appear appropriately on the pages used to post documents to the Documents module.

Cascade to All Child Folders

Select to set the default approvals for all new content in child folders. The approval settings are transferred to all child folders when the page is saved. This setting does not affect existing child content approval settings.

Enable Content Types to Add

File Attachment

Select to enable the posting of file attachments to the Documents module in workspaces created using this template. If you select this option, the File Attachment option appears on the Documents - Add Documents page in the Documents module.

Note. If file attachments are added to the template itself, these attachments will not appear in workspaces created from the template.


Text or HTML

Select to enable the posting of text and HTML documents to the Documents module in workspaces created using this template. If you select this option, the Text or HTML option appears on the Documents - Add Documents page in the Documents module.


Managed Content

Select to enable the posting of managed content to the Documents module in workspaces created using this template. If you select this option, the Managed Content option appears on the Documents - Add Documents page in the Documents module.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Editing Related Pagelets in a Template

Access the Add Pagelet page (click the Add Related Pagelet button on the Administration - Modules page).

Access the Edit Pagelet page (click the Edit Pagelet button for an existing pagelet on the Administration - Modules page).

Use the Add Pagelet page to add an already defined pagelet to be available on the workspace homepage (Welcome tab) or the workspace Related Data tab.

Source Application

Select the portal registry that is the source of the pagelet definition.

To select the portal registry from the node of a content provider system, that node must already be defined as a source application.

See Defining a Content Provider as a Source Application.

Pagelet Folder

Select the portal folder that is the source of the pagelet definition.

Pagelet Name

Select the pagelet definition.

Pagelet Name

Displays the ID of the pagelet.

Pagelet Title

Displays the title of the pagelet, which you can modify.


(Optional) Enter a description for the pagelet.

Pagelet Folder

Select the folder in which the pagelet definition will be stored. PeopleSoft Applications is the default folder for workspace pagelets.

Pagelet Security

Select a pagelet security option:

  • Publish as Public — Select to designate that all users can access the pagelet.

  • Publish with Security Roles — Select to use the already assigned role- or permission list-based security for the pagelet.

Author Access

Select to provide the pagelet author with access to the pagelet regardless of any security restrictions assigned to the pagelet. This access is granted based on the author’s user ID.


Select one or more workspace tabs for this pagelet:

  • Related Data — The Related Data module.

  • Welcome — The workspace homepage tab.

Pagelet Behavior

Select the default behavior for the pagelet:

  • Optional — The pagelet will not appear on the workspace tab. Do not select this option.

  • Optional-Default — The pagelet will appear on the workspace tab for all members. Only the administrator can modify the pagelet position. A member can remove the pagelet from his or her workspace homepage.

  • Required — The pagelet will appear on the workspace tab for all members. The pagelet position can be modified by the administrator only.

  • Required-Fixed — The pagelet will appear on the workspace tab for all members. The pagelet column can be modified by the administrator only; however, the pagelet will always appear at the top of the column.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Contextual Data for Templates

Access the Administration - Contextual Data page (in a workspace template, click the Administration link and select the Contextual Data tab).

Use the Related Transactions group box to associate workspaces you built using this template with specific transactions.


Select the type of transaction you want to associate with the template.

Not Registered: Select to associate the template with a transaction that is not registered in the PeopleSoft database environment. When you select this value, the Node Name, URL, and Label fields appear.

Registered: Select to associate the template with a transaction that is registered in the PeopleSoft database environment. When you select this value, the Portal / Subsite and Transaction Name fields appear.

Portal / Subsite

Select the portal or subsite in which the internal transaction to which you want to tie this template resides. This field appears when the Type field is set to Registered.

Transaction Name

Enter one or more internal transactions to which you want to associate this template. This field appears when the Type field is set to Registered.

Click the Select Transaction button to access the Select Transaction page, where you can select a transaction from a graphical representation of the portal registry.

Component Interface

Select a component interface to update the template with the key values of the transaction you are working with in Step 2 of the wizard. Any component interface that has the GET tied to the component will update the template and, when you create the workspace using that template, the prompt will show the key values for you to select.

This field appears when the Type field is set to Registered.

Node Name

Select the node through which the external transaction to which you want to associate this template should be accessed. These nodes are defined content providers from which content can be retrieved and rendered. This field appears when the Type field is set to Not Registered.


Enter the URL to the external transaction to which you want to associate this template. This field appears when the Type field is set to Not Registered.


Enter the label that you want to appear for an unregistered transaction. This field appears when the Type field is set to Not Registered.

Label text that you enter here appears in the Relate Workspace to a Transaction page when the keys edit boxes are presented and in the workspace menu, below module choices to the left.

Only for selected transactions

Select if you want this template to be available for selection only when a user chooses to create workspaces from the related transactions you define on this page. When a user creates a workspace based on any other transaction, this template will not be available for selection.

Use the Related Keys group box to specify key fields that you want to associate with this template. When you build a workspace using this template and associate it with a transaction that contains these key fields, the workspace is able to display pagelets and links related to the key field values from the transaction.

Note. Modifying existing field values or options set in this group box initiates a function that updates all workspace pagelet content reference URLs that contain an attribute of EPPCW_PAGELET with a value of KEYS. This change affects all workspace pagelets as well as any related pagelets associated with the workspace in which the key was modified.


Select if you want the key field and its transactional value to appear in a workspace created from this template using a transaction that contains the key field. Deselect this option to hide certain keys and their values from workspace users.

Record Name

Select the record name that you want to use to associate with the workspace template.


Enter the key field name that you want to associate with the workspace template.

These keys and their values can be used to generate context-sensitive Related Pagelets and links that are specific to the workspace created from this template.

Custom Label

Enter an overriding value for the key label. If you choose to display the key, this label will appear alongside the key field value below the menu of a workspace created from this template for a transaction that contains the key.

Allow key overrides

Select if you want an administrator to be able to edit these keys in a workspace created using this template.

Selecting Transactions for a Template

Access the Select Transaction page (add a registered transaction and click the Select Transaction button on the Administration - Contextual Data page).

Note. You access this page by adding a transaction on the Contextual Data page. Set the type to registered, specify a portal name, and then click the prompt button.

Portal / Subsite

Displays the portal or subsite you selected on the Administration - Contextual Data page, but you can override this value. Select the portal in which the transaction you want to associate to the template resides.

Search by




Click to execute the search you entered using the Search by elements.

You can also manually click through the folder tree to locate the transaction. Select the transaction you want to associate with the template and click OK to return to the Administration - Contextual Data page and add the transaction to a template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Changes from Templates

Access the Administration - Copy Changes page (in a workspace template, click the Administration link and select the Copy Changes tab).

Use this page to make changes to all workspaces created from this template.

Note. This page is a portal registry copy only. No data is copied in the Copy Changes process.

Items to Copy

Select the options that you want to copy to the selected workspaces.


You can select to copy all modules or only ones selected on the Modules page by clicking the Details link.

Related Pagelets

You can copy pagelets from the Related Pagelets module. Click the Details link to view the Related Pagelets page.

Branding Theme

Select this check box to copy branding themes and any other allowable overrides.


Select this option to copy internal or external links.

Target Workspaces

This region of the page lists all workspaces that have been generated using this template. Select the ones to which you want to copy the changes.

Note. If you are working with the base template, then this section will show all target templates created using the base template instead of target workspaces.

Copy Notification

Select this option to send an email to workspace owners informing them that changes were copied to their workspaces.

Determining Which Items to Copy

Access the Module Details page (click the Details link for modules on the Administration - Copy Changes page).

Access the Related Pagelets page (click the Details link for related pagelets on the Administration - Copy Changes page).

Use the Module Details page to select which modules to copy to the selected workspaces.

Use the Related Pagelets page to select which modules to copy to the selected workspaces.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Template Security

Access the Administration - Security page (in a workspace template, click the Administration link and select the Security tab).

Security Options

Anyone Can Use This Template

Select if you want this template to be available for selection without any user security restrictions.

Only Selected Users & Roles

Select if you want to this template to be available for selection only by the specific users and roles you specify in the Users/Roles group box. When you select this option, the Users/Roles group box appears.


The Users/Roles group box appears when you select the Only Selected Users & Roles option.


Select the type of member you want to be able to access this workspace template. Available values include:

  • Role: Select to be able to select a role or group of users in the Member Name field. You define available roles in the Roles component.

    See PeopleTools 8.52: Security Administration PeopleBook, “Setting Up Roles.”

  • User: Select to be able to select a user in the Member Name field. You define available users in the User Profiles component.

    See PeopleTools 8.52: Security Administration PeopleBook, “Administering User Profiles.”

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring Advanced Options for Templates

Access the Administration - Advanced page (in a workspace template, click the Administration link and select the Advanced tab).


Access utilities and tools that enable you to implement advanced navigation configurations for the workspace template. Add new modules to the workspace or access Pagelet Wizard to create new pagelets for use with the workspace.

See Using Manage Navigation.

See PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleTools Portal Technologies PeopleBook, “Administering Portals.”


Access utilities and tools that enable you to implement advanced pagelet configurations for the workspace template.

See PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleTools Portal Technologies PeopleBook, “Using Pagelet Wizard to Create and Manage Pagelets”.


Access utilities and tools that enable you to change the appearance of the portal.

See Setting Up PeopleSoft Applications Portal Branding.

Click to jump to parent topicImporting and Exporting Template Data

See the release notes on My Oracle Support for information about importing and exporting workspace data.

See My Oracle Support, Knowledge, Portal Solutions, Applications Portal.