Defining Display Profiles

When you set up your users, you reference a display profile. A user's display profile controls how dates, times, and numbers displayed. Choose Admin Menu > Display Profile to maintain display profiles.

Description of Page

Enter a unique Display Profile ID and Description to identify the profile.

Enter a Date Format. This affects how users view dates and how entered dates are parsed. This is a "free format" field with some rules.

Note: For centuries, the default pivot for 2-digit years is 80. Entry of a 2-digit year greater than or equal to 80 results in the year being interpreted as 19xx. Entry of a 2-digit year less than 80 results in the year being interpreted as 20xx.

Here are some examples of date formats.

Format Displayed / entered as
MM-dd-yyyy 04-09-2001
d/M/yyyy 9/4/2001
yy.MM.dd 01.04.09
MM-dd-y 04-09-01 - in this case you could also enter the date as 04-09-2001

Enter a Time Format. This is a "free format" display with some rules.

Here are some examples of time formats.

Format Displayed / entered as
hh:mma 09:34PM (can be entered as 09:34p)
hh:mm:ss 21:34:00
h:m:s 9:34:0

There are several options for displaying Numbers. Select the character you use as the Decimal Symbol (" ." or " ,"), the symbol that separates the integer and decimal parts of a number. Select the character you use as the Group Symbol (" ,", " .", None or Space), i.e., the symbol used to separate 1000s. Select an option for the Negative Format, which dictates how negative values are displayed: ‑9.9, (9.9), or 9.9-.

Currency values can have a different Negative Format from other numbers: -s9.9, (s9.9), or s9.9-, where the "s" represents the currency symbol.

Where Used

Follow this link to open the data dictionary where you can view the tables that reference CI_DISP_PROF.