Database Process Instruction - Main

Select Admin Menu > DB Instruction to define DB process instructions for a given DB process.

Description of Page

DB Process Instruction contains a concatenation of basic information about the DB Process instruction. This information only appears after the DB process instruction has been added to the database. The adjacent up and down arrows cause the DB process instruction immediately before or after this DB process instruction to be displayed.

DB Process specifies the name of the database process to which this DB process instruction belongs.

Click View SQL to display the resulting select statement used as the basis for building root objects or archive root objects when the DB process is executed.

Process Sequence is a unique identifier for the DB process instruction under the DB process.

Enter a Description of the DB process instruction.

Note: Skipping an Instruction. If you would like a DB process to skip a DB process instruction during a given batch run, you can temporarily add two forward slashes ("//") to the description of the DB process instruction. For example, imagine you have defined a Copy Account DB Process that includes instructions to copy credit and collection information. Perhaps you would like to copy a set of accounts, but you do not need the C&C information. Rather than creating another DB process that does not include these instructions, you could add "//" to the instructions you want to skip during this batch run.

Maintenance Object specifies the maintenance object associated with the DB process instruction.

Instruction Role identifies the DB process instruction as Primary or Child. If Child is specified, specify parent process sequence and a linkage constraint referring to a table defined on the parent instruction's maintenance object.

Parent Seq is the process sequence of the parent DB process instruction on which the DB process instruction is dependent.

Linkage Constraint ID specifies how maintenance objects of the DB process instruction and its parent are linked. This is a constraint on a table defined under the DB process instruction's maintenance object. This constraint references a table defined under the maintenance object that belongs to the DB process instruction specified by parent process sequence. The Constraint Owner indicates whether the constraint is Base Product or a Customer Modification.

The Instruction Algorithms grid shows the algorithms associated with the DB process instruction. These algorithms are used as criteria for root object exclusion when a DB process is executed, or they may execute special processing required to maintain normal system operation after the DB process has been executed.

The following table describes each System Event.

System Event Description
Apply Changes Processing Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.
Archive Copy Data

For information about this system event refer to Archiving Data to Flat Files.

Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Archive Criteria

For information about this system event refer to Criteria Algorithms Exclude Records.

Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Archive Processing

For information about this system event refer to Processing Algorithms Perform Extra Processing.

Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Compare Criteria

For information about this system event refer to Criteria Algorithms Also Define Which Objects To Compare.

Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Purge Criteria

For information about this system event refer to Criteria Algorithms Exclude Records.

Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Purge Processing

For information about this system event refer to Processing Algorithms Perform Extra Processing.

Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Sync Criteria

For information about this system event refer to Criteria Algorithms Also Define Which Objects To Compare.

Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

Sync Processing Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

The Table Rules grid shows the table rules associated with the DB process instruction. Similar to criteria algorithms specified above, table rules can exclude a subset of records from being processed when the DB process is executed.

Specify the table within the maintenance object hierarchy. Generally, this is the Primary table of the maintenance object associated with a Primary DB process instruction. When selecting records from tables during a DB process, it is assumed that all child records within the hierarchy are selected. Specifying a table rule for a child table is unusual.
Override Condition

The condition specified is incorporated into the WHERE clause of the dynamic SQL used to create root objects.

Note: Override Condition Syntax. When specifying an override condition, you must prefix all table names with a pound (#) sign. For example, if a DB process' purpose was to archive bills, and you wanted to exclude the bills for account 3728474536 from being archived, you would specify CI_BILL as the table in the table rule, and the override condition would be #CI_BILL.ACCT_ID <> '3728474536'. Note that you do not include the word "WHERE" in the override condition text. Note also that SQL syntax for Oracle and DB2 may differ, and that DB2 is stricter with regard to data type comparisons than Oracle. You may alias table names in table rules that make use of sub-queries, but avoid prefixing aliases with "CHD" or "PRT" as they may conflict with internal aliases.
Use table rules sparingly. Since table rules are incorporated into the WHERE clause when selecting records during DB process execution, override conditions that are not based on indexes can cause inefficient data access.