Field - Main

Open this page using Admin Menu > Field .

If you change a field's label, the new label appears on ALL transactions on which the field exists.
A field's label can be overridden for a specific table. If this is the case and you change the field's name on this transaction, the change will have no effect when the field is displayed for that specific table. If you find this to be true, change the field's label on the respective table on which it was overridden. You do this using the Table Maintenance transaction.

Description of Page

Many fields on this page are protected as only the product development group may change them. The following describes fields you may change for records that are part of the base product. Fields containing information that may be of interest are also described.

Field Name uniquely identifies this field.

As described in System Data Naming Convention for most system data tables, the base product follows a specific naming convention. However, this is not true for the Field table. If you introduce new fields, you must prefix the field with CM. If you do not do this, there is a possibility that a future release of the application could introduce a new field with the name you allocated.

Owner indicates if this field is owned by the base package or by your implementation (Customer Modification). The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add a field.

This information is display-only.

Base Field

Data Type indicates if the field will hold Character, Date, DateTime, Number, Time, or Varchar2 data.

Ext Data Type

Precision defines the length of the field. In the case of variable length fields, it is the maximum length possible.



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Description contains the label of the field. This is the label of the field that appears on the various pages on which the field is displayed. Note, the field's label can be overridden for a specific table (by specifying an Override Label on the table / field information).

Java Field Name

Override Label

Check Work Field if the field does not represent a database table column.

Help Text is used to provide field level embedded help to this field. If the field is displayed on a user interface that supports display of embedded help, this text may be displayed.

Use Override Help Text to override the existing embedded help text for this field.

Special Notes contains any notes or special information about the field.