Table - Main

Select Admin Menu > Table to view information about a table, define the fields whose changes should be audited, and to override a field's label on a specific table.

Description of Page

Note: Many fields cannot be changed. You cannot change most attributes on tables that are owned by the base-package (i.e., those whose Owner is not Customer Modification).

Description contains a brief description of the table.

System Table defines if the table holds rows that are owned by the base-package.

Enable Referential Integrity defines if the system performs referential integrity validation when rows in this table are deleted.

Data Group ID is used for internal purposes.

Table Usage defines how the table is used in the application. In the current release, only tables that are part of Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence make use of this field.

Table Type defines if the table is a View or a physical Table.

Date / Time Data Type defines if the system shows times on this table in Local Legal Time or in Standard Time (Local Legal Time is the time as adjusted for daylight savings).

Audit Table is the name of the table on which this table's audit logs are stored. Refer to The Audit Trail File for more information.

Use Audit Program Type to define if the audit program is written in Java or COBOL.

Note: COBOL Programs. COBOL is not supported for all products.

Audit Program is the name of the program that is executed to store an audit log. Refer to Turn On Auditing For a Table for more information.

Note: View the source. If the program is shipped with the base package, you can use the adjacent button to display the source code of this program in the source viewer or Java docs viewer.

Upgrade controls what happens to the rows in this table when the system is upgraded to a new release:

Data Conversion Role controls if / how the table is used by the conversion tool:

A Language Table is specified when fields containing descriptions are kept in a child table. The child table keeps a separate record for each language for which a description is translated.

Enable Data Dictionary defines if the table is to be included in the Data Dictionary application viewer.

A Key Table is specified when the prime-key is assigned by the system. This table holds the identity of the prime keys allocated to both live and archived rows.

Type of Key specifies how prime key values are generated when records are added to the table:

Inherited Key Prefix Length defines the number of most significant digits used from a parent record's primary key value to be used as the prefix for a child record's key value. This is only specified when the Type of Key is System-generated and the high-order values of the table's key is inherited from the parent table.

Caching Regime determines if the table’s values should be cached when they are accessed by a batch process. The default value is Not Cached. You should select Cached for Batch if you know the values in the table will not change during the course of a batch job. For example, currency codes will not change during a batch process. Caching a table's values will reduce unnecessary SQL calls and improve performance.

Key Validation determines if and when keys are checked for uniqueness. The default value is Always Check Uniqueness. Select Check Uniqueness Online Only when the database constructs the keys in the table, such as in log tables. Select Never Perform Uniqueness Checking when you know that the database constructs the keys in the table and that users cannot add rows directly to the table, such as in log parameter tables. This will reduce unnecessary SQL calls and improve performance.

Help URL is the link to the user documentation that describes this table.

Help Text contains additional information about the table.

The grid contains an entry for every field on the table. Drilling down on the field takes you to the Table Field tab where you may modify certain attributes. The following fields may also be modified from the grid: Description, Override Label, Audit Delete, Audit Insert and Audit Update. Refer to the Table Field tab for descriptions of these fields.