Turn On Auditing For a Table

In order to tell the system which fields to audit, you must know the name of the table on which the field is located. You must specify the audit table and the audit trail insert program for a table in the table's meta-data.

Note: Most of the system's table names are fairly intuitive. For example, the user table is called SC_USER, the navigation option table is called CI_NAV_OPT, etc. If you cannot find the table using the search facility on the Table Maintenance page, try using the Data Dictionary. If you still cannot find the name of the table, please contact customer support.

To enable auditing for a table:

Note: Specifying the Audit Table. You can use the audit table that comes supplied with the base package ( CI_AUDIT) to audit multiple tables and fields. All the audit logs are combined in a single table ( CI_AUDIT). However, you can also have a separate audit table for each audited table. Refer to The Audit Trail File for more information.
By default, none of a table's fields are marked for audit. Even though you have enabled auditing for a table, you must still specify the fields and actions on those fields to be audited (see below).