To Do Type - Main

The Main notebook page is used to define basic information about a To Do type.

Fastpath: Refer to The Big Picture Of To Do Lists for more information about To Do types and To Do lists in general.

To maintain this information, select Admin Menu, To Do Type and navigate to the Main page.

Important! If you introduce a To Do type, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.

Description of Page

Enter a unique To Do Type and Description for the To Do type.

Owner indicates if this entry is owned by the base package or by your implementation ( Customer Modification).

Use the Detailed Description to provide further details related to the To Do Type.

Enter the default Priority of To Do entries of this type in respect of other To Do types. Refer to The Priority Of A To Do Entry for more information.

For To Do Type Usage, select Automatic if To Dos of this type are created by the system (i.e., a background process or algorithm). Select Manual if a user can create a To Do of this type online.

Define the Navigation Option for the page into which the user is transferred when drilling down on a To Do entry of this type.

Use Creation Process to define the background process, if any, that is used to manage (i.e., create and perhaps complete) entries of this type. A Creation Process need only be specified for those To Do types whose entries are created by a background process. Refer to To Do Entries Created By Background Processes for more information.

Use Routing Process to define the background process that is used to download entries of a given type to an external system, if any. A Routing Process need only be specified for those To Do types whose entries are routed to an external system (e.g., an Email system or an auto-dialer). Refer to To Do Entries May Be Routed Out Of The System for more information.

Use Message Category and Message Number to define the message associated with this To Do type's entries. Note: this message will only be used if the process that creates the To Do entry does not supply a specific message number. For example, the process that creates To Do entries that highlight bill segments that are in error would not use this message; rather, the entries are marked with the message associated with the bill segment's error.

Use the characteristics collection to define a Characteristic Type and Characteristic Value common to all To Do entries of this type. You may enter more than one characteristic row for the same characteristic type, each associated with a unique Sequence number. If not specified, the system defaults it to the next sequence number for the characteristic type.

Where Used

Follow this link to view the tables that reference CI_TD_TYPE in the data dictionary schema viewer.