How To Set Up Input Data Steps

Input data steps cause the user to be prompted to populate an input field in the script area. The input value can be saved in a field on a page or in temporary storage. A Continue button always appears adjacent to the input field. You may configure steps of this type to display one or more buttons in addition to the Continue button. For example, you may want to provide the ability for the user to return to a previous step to fix incorrect information. The user may click on any of these buttons when ready for the script to continue.

The following additional fields are required for Input Data steps:

Destination Field Type and Destination Field Name define where the input field will be saved. The Field Type defines where the field is located. The Field Name defines the name of the field. The following points describe each field type:

The Prompt Values grid may be used to define additional buttons. A separate button is displayed in the script area for each entry in this grid.

Note: Conditional step type. This step type is only applicable to BPA scripts.