Script - Eligibility

Use this page to define a script's eligibility rules. Open this page using Admin Menu > Script and then navigate to the Eligibility tab.

Note: Conditional tab page. This tab page only appears for BPA scripts.

Description of Page

Use the Eligibility Option to indicate whether the script is Always Eligible, Never Eligible or to Apply Eligibility Criteria. The remaining fields on the page are only visible if the option is Apply Eligibility Criteria.

The following information is not intuitive; we strongly recommend that you follow the guidelines under The Big Picture Of Script Eligibility before attempting to define this information.

The Eligibility Criteria Group scroll contains one entry for each group of eligibility criteria. The following fields may be defined for each group:

The grid that follows contains the script's eligibility criteria. Think of each row as an "if statement" that can result in the related eligibility group being true or false. For example, you might have a row that indicates the script is eligible if the current account in context belongs to the residential customer class. The following bullets provide a brief description of each field on an eligibility criterion. Please refer to Defining Logical Criteria for several examples of how this information can be used.