Initiating Scripts

Your implementation team can set up business process assistant (BPA) scripts to walk you through business processes. Once scripts have been set up, you can initiate a script using any of the following methods:

Figure 1. Scripts Search Menu

The menu allows you to search for a script using any word in its description. Note, if you've turned on Search only Eligible Scripts, your search is limited to eligible scripts. Note, the system displays an indication if each script in the grid is Eligible or Ineligible in this section.

You can initiate a script from this area by clicking on it.

When a script is initiated, this menu closes and the object display area shifts down to make room for the script area.

Note: Securing scripts. Only scripts the user is allowed to execute are displayed. Refer to Securing Script Execution for more information.
Note: Customize the script area. Using the Height step type, an individual script may be configured to use more or less of the script area than the standard script area. It is also possible to configure a script to hide the script area altogether.

The information in the script area takes you through the steps in the selected business process (note, your implementation team controls the information that appears in the script area).

The following points highlight useful information common to all scripts:

Fastpath: Refer to The Big Picture Of Scripts for more information about scripts.
Note: You can abort a script at any time by clicking the red X button in the upper right corner of the script area (or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+X).