User - Favorite Scripts

This page is used to define a user's favorite scripts. Each script is displayed in the Favorite Scripts zone on the Dashboard portal where it can be used to initiate a script.

Note: Ctrl + Shift + a number can be used to execute a favorite script. Rather than selecting a script from the business process assistant, you can invoke your first nine favorite scripts by pressing Ctrl + Shift + a number (where the number corresponds with the relative position of the script in your list of favorites). In Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, for example, if you press Ctrl+Shift+2 and you've setup your "favorite scripts" to be Start autopay and Stop receiving marketing information; the Stop receiving marketing information script is executed. Note that the numeric keypad on your keyboard cannot be used to implement this function.

The following methods can be used to open this page:

Description of Page

Note: You may not be able to change your favorite scripts. If a Note is displayed on top of the grid, your user id has been setup to reference a specific Favorites Profile User ID as defined on the Main tab. If a system administrator has setup your user ID in this way, your preferences may not be changed. System administrators may apply this feature in order to enforce a common look-and-feel throughout the user community.

Each row in the grid contains one of your favorite Scripts.

Use the Sort Sequence to control the order in which the scripts appear in the business process assistant menu.

Security Access indicates whether you have access to the script's application service. Refer to The Big Picture Of Application Security for more information.