Executing A Script When A To Do Entry Is Selected

The system creates To Do entries to highlight tasks that require attention (e.g., records in error). Users can complete many of these tasks without assistance. However, you can set up the system to automatically launch a script when a user selects a To Do entry. For example, consider a To Do entry that highlights a bill that's in error due to an invalid mailing address. You can set up the system to execute a script when this To Do entry is selected by a user. This script might prompt the user to first correct the customer's default mailing address and then re-complete the bill.

The following points provide background information to help you understand how to implement this functionality:

Note: How do you find the message numbers? We do not supply documentation of every To Do type's message numbers (this list would be impossible to maintain and therefore untrustworthy). The best way to determine which message numbers warrant a script is during pre-production when you're testing the system. During this period, To Do entries will be generated. For those entries that warrant a script, simply display the entry on To Do maintenance. On this page, you will find the entry's message number adjacent to the description.