To Do Entry - Main

You use this page to perform various actions or modify details about a To Do entry. Use To Do > To Do Entry to open this page.

Note: Restricted by role. You may only change To Do entries that are assigned to you or ones that are Open and assigned to a role to which you belong. Refer to To Do Entries Reference A Role for more information about roles.

Description of Page

To Do contains a concatenation of important information about the To Do entry. To Do ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the entry. These values only appear after the case is added to the database.

Note: Formatting may be performed by a plug-in. Refer to To Do Info May Be Formatted By An Algorithm for more information.

To Do Type displays the entry's To Do Type and its description. Refer to To Do Entries Reference A To Do Type for more information about To Do types.

Role displays the role of the users who may be assigned to the entry along with a description of the role. Refer to To Do Entries Reference A Role for more information about roles.

Message is a display-only field that describes why the entry exists. If the To Do entry is in the status of Open or Being Worked On, the message description allows youto drill into the page on which the entry's respective object is displayed. If the To Do type has been configured to associate a script with this To Do entry's message number, then instead of being taken to the respective page, the associated script is launched. Refer to Working On A To Do Entry for more information.

Status indicates if the entry is Open, Being Worked On, or Complete. Refer to The Lifecycle Of A To Do Entry for more information status.

Use Priority to manually override the To Do entry's current priority. Any manual change to the priority is recorded on the To Do entry log.

Assigned To displays the user who is working the entry.

Sent By displays the user who assigned this To Do to the current user.

Created By only appears if a background process that uses To Do entries to report object-specific errors created the To Do entry. The field displays the background process description and batch run number in which the entry was created. Refer to To Dos Created for Object-Specific Error Conditions for more information.

Extract Info only appears if the To Do is being sent out of the system. Extract Info describes the status of the extract (for example whether it has been processed or not) . Refer to To Do Entries May Be Routed Out Of The System for more information.

Use Comments to describe anything interesting or unusual about the To Do entry. The Comments field is disabled if the To Do entry is complete.

If the To Do entry has non-complete related entries a summary description appears below the comments line. The description states the total number of related entries, how many are still Open, how many are assigned to you and how many assigned to others. Use this hyperlink to navigate to the To Do Search query to list these entries.

The Actions buttons allow you to Complete the To Do, Forward the To Do to another user or Role, or Send Back a To Do that has been forwarded to you by another user. All buttons are disabled once a To Do is complete. Refer to To Do Entry Actions and the How To section for more information on using these actions.

The Characteristics collection is visible for manual To Do entries or for automatic To Do entries that have characteristics. The characteristics are protected for automatic To Do entries. Characteristic Type indicates the type of characteristic. Specify a valid Characteristic Value for the characteristic type.

Note: Only characteristic types defined as permissible on a To Do entry may be linked to a To Do. Refer to Setting Up Characteristic Types & Their Values for more information about characteristic types. In addition, for manual To Do types, the characteristic type must also be defined as valid for the To Do entry's To Do type.

The Log grid displays log entries (in reverse chronological order) that audit the progress of a To Do entry. You cannot modify or delete log entries that have been created by the system. You can manually add a log entry of type User Details and you may remove a log entry before it is saved. Once a User Details log entry is saved, you cannot modify or delete it.

The Log grid displays the following information:

Log Date/Time displays the date and time when the log entry was created.

Log Type indicates the To Do entry event for which the log entry was created. For example, when the To Do entry is created, the Log Type indicates Created. For more information refer to the Log Entry Events table below.

The Details column contains user-specified or system-generated information about the log entry. This field is blank for some types of log entries.

Log User displays the user who caused the log entry to be created.

Assigned To displays the user to whom the To Do entry was assigned (if any).